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UFMG - 21 de maro de 2014.

Professora: Mirian
Aluno: Edmilson Simoes
CQ 4: The Minister's Black Veil

In this commentary, I would like to start talking about a biblical passage that
seems a little similar with The ministers black veil This passage tells about
Moses leading the Israelites, covering his face with a veil preventing the people
to see his face with the glory of God. For a long time Moses beheld the face of
God and his face was reflecting the glory of God at his face, the people could
not even look at his face , as the time passed the face of Moses was no longer
the same as it was at the beginning, even so, Moses still kept the veil on his
face, to keep his position before the people, hiding the real situation about him
that he did not want be discovered that, the brightness no longer existed on his
face and no one could question his authority before God, or as a
representative of God. Then he kept the veil hiding that secret with him. I
mentioned this biblical passage because, it is a bit similar to the Ministry of the
Black Veil, I would say that The veil hides the secrets used by the minister
because, no one really knew why he covered his face, and many were
frightened , spoke bad about him and did not understood what that meant.
Not even, his wife Elizabeth managed to convince him to take the veil off, nor
the children who ran away from him or the people. Hooper was totally
convinced that he could never remove the veil. In this part At Hoopers
deathbed, Reverend Clark prays that Hooper allow the veil to be lifted. But
Hooper resists with surprising strength. I did not understand why people did
not take off his black veil by force, once they are so intrigued. Also what
Hoopers face could looks like without the veil that people would think all his
secrets should be revealed ?Hopper died and was buried with his black veil, his
eyes forever covered as Moses had his face covered by a veil, symbolizing the
glory of God in contrast to the sins of the people of Israel. Minister Hooper had
his face covered by the black veil symbolizing the hypocrisy of the people while
speculating as to what horrific crime the minister must have committed, they
overlook their own crimes, both large and small. The minister becomes
someone who is readily called in times of need, but completely avoided in times
of happiness like people use to do with God. They shun him, only because of a
simple veil and in doing so, demonstrate how shallow and blind their faith truly

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