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Post-lab Report:


Objective: To measure the input impedance of a DVM.


Figure 1.1: Circuit to measure the DVM input impedance
Source: Lab Manual

Circuit is set up as shown in the diagram. The DC voltage source supplies 2V. Resistance used is
1k, which is in series with a DVM. The voltage reading on the DVM is recorded. The resistor
is replaced with a 1M resistor and the corresponding voltage reading on the DVM is recorded.

Results and Analysis:

For 1k resistance the DVM reading is 2.0028V. For 1M resistance the DVM reading is

This circuit is a simple series circuit, hence acts as a voltage divider. So the resistance for DVM
can be calculated as follows:

RDVM = (-VDVM*Rexpt)/(VDVM-Vsource)

Using the reading for 1 M, we find that RDVM = 10.3 M.

The calculated impedance for our experiment was 3% different from the value stated in the
manual for the DVM, which was 10M. This was likely due to variances in manufacturing and
was described in the manual as a uncertainty in the value given.

Objective: To measure the input impedance of a oscilloscope,


Figure 1.2: Circuit to measure the oscilloscope input impedance
Source: Lab Manual

Circuit is set up as shown in the diagram. The function generator is set to produce a sine wave 1
kHz and 2V Vpp. The resistance used is 1 k. The voltage reading on the oscilloscope is
recorded with the help of the quick measurement function. The resistor is then replaced by a 10
M resistor, and the corresponding voltage is recorded. The experiment is repeated for 10 MHz
frequency on the signal generator.

Results and analysis:

The following table shows the voltage readings on the oscilloscope:

Resistance Frequency Voltage on oscilloscope
1 k 1 kHz 2.09 V
1 M 1 kHz 1.394 V
1 k 1 MHz 2.06 V
1 M 1 MHz 488 mV
Table 1.1: Oscilloscope Data

The following waveform was obtained for all readings:

Figure 1.3: Waveform on Oscilloscope

Inside the oscilloscope a resistor and a capacitor are in parallel. At lower frequencies like 1 kHz,
current does not flow through the capacitor. So we calculate resistance as follows:

Rosc = (Vsource/Vosc)*(Rexpt)/(1-(Vsource/Vosc))

Using values from the second row of the table, we find that Rosc = 2.3 M.

At higher frequencies like 1 M, the capacitor does contribute to the impedance. We calculate
impedance of oscilloscope as follows:

Zosc = (Vsource/Vosc)*(Rexpt)/(1-(Vsource/Vosc))

Using values from the fourth row of the table, we find that Zosc = 44.7 k.

Now the capacitance of oscilloscope can be calculated as follows:

Cosc = (((Rosc/Zosc)^2 - 1)/(*\Rosc)^2)^0.5

Using values from the fourth row of the table, and Zosc, we get, Cosc = 3.56 pF.

The calculated impedance for our experiment differed by a larger factor. This was likely due to
uncertainties in the equipment used stemming from its manufacturing process. With this in
mind, our calculated values are within a reasonable range of the values given in the equipment

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