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Block Island, Rhode Island

Block Island, nestled in the Atlantic 12 miles from coastal Rhode Island, offers the vacationer what does not
seem possible anymore - simple relaxation in a startling beatifl place! "he Island is famos for its miles of
free pblic beaches, sparkling clear waters, and dramatic blffs! At least #$% of the Island has preserved
open spaces! "hese open spaces provide ample area for recreational activities, ama&ing scenic views, and
protects rare animals and plants!
Block Island has long been a destination for visitors who have fond here a perfect smmer destination! 'ith
the temperatre ranging from (1 to (( degrees )21-2* degrees +elsis,
and a smooth bree&e from the ocean yo find a little piece of paradise on
Block Island!
If yo wold like to frther explore the possibilities of Block Island
please follow this link for more information,
Recreational Activities
"he Island also boasts a wide range of restarants and fn-filled activities for visitors of all ages! It has a rich Arts / "heater
commnity, inclding one of the oldest existing theatres in Rhode Island, 0mpire "heatre! 'alk arond downtown Block Island and
visit all the art and 1ewelry stores! 2o will not leave withot bying a ni3e and beatifl prodct! "here are also a wide variety of
otdoor activities on Block Island inclde hiking, kayaking, parasailing, horseback riding, and bike and moped rental! 0n1oy fablos
shopping venes and relaxing yoga classes and spas! 4amaste! "hese are 1st a small fraction of the activities on the Island5 6or more
information please take a look at this website, http-..www!blockislandchamber!com.visitor-info.things-to-do.!
"he best airport for international travelers is to fly into
7ohn 6! 8ennedy )768, in 4ew 2ork +ity or 9ogan
International Airport in Boston! :etailed information is
provided in travel sheet!
Health Care
"hroghot the ;<A, emergency services )medical, police, fire, are reached by dialing- =-1-1
A close medical center to visit is, Block Island Medical Center which is available year rond
to residents and visitors and offers both daily care and emergency services! "o contact the
Block Island Medical Center-
Important Numbers: Address:
0mergency- =11 > ?ayne Road
@edical Affice- )#$1, #>>-2=(# ?!A! Box =1=
Administrator- )#$1, #>>-212* Block Island, Rhode Island $2$B(
6ax- )#$1, #>>-*#(>
Island 6ree 9ibrary offers an array of books and videos and is open to the pblic "esday
throgh <atrday! In addition to a large collection of books, the library offers compter
stations, a theater, and most importantly wireless internet5 "he Island 6ree 9ibrary is located
on :odge <treet, behind the 4ational Cotel and across the street from the Ble :ory Inn! 6or
more information see this site, http-..www!blockislandinfo!com.viewpage!aspxD<ectionI:E2(!
"here is only bank on Block Island! It is always safest to open an accont to keep yor money
Washinton !rust Co
12F Acean Ave, Block Island, RI - )#$1, #>>-((1$
"ublic !ransportation
"here is no pblic transportation on the Island, and those withot their own car mst rely on their
feet, bicycles, or taxis! "here is a variety of bicycle and moped shops arond the Island! It is easy to
get arond5

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