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Calendar Lesson

Kaylee Stevenson
September 18, 2013
Glenwood Elementary 3
CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.D.9 Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the
addition table or multiplication table! and e"plain them using properties of
operations. For example, observe that 4 times a number is always even, and explain
why 4 times a number can be decomposed into two equal addends.
CCSS.Math.Content.3.#$%.A.& 'luently add and subtract (ithin )*** using strategies
and algorithms based on place +alue! properties of operations! and,or the relationship
bet(een addition and subtraction.
Objet!ve "#ar$et%:
I can formally read the date.
I can identify the pattern on the calendar.
I can determine fact families and e"plain ho( they are related.
&nt!!patory Set:
I (ill sho( the students a simple -o(er-oint that (ill state facts about this date in the
About 3. minutes
)nstr(t!onal )np(t:
#as* &nalys!s: %he students (ill ha+e familiarity (ith the calendar process.
). I (ill sho( the students the -o(er-oint/ 0On this day in12
&. %he students (ill mo+e to calendar area.
3. 3ach student (ill ma4e a prediction of the shape that is on the date number to
go on the calendar and share it (ith one other.
5. %he student 0on the spot2 (ill assist me in turning o+er the date.
.. A student (ill formally read the date aloud! follo(ed by each student saying the
formal date to a neighbor.
6. %he students (ill determine (hether the date number is odd or e+en by
displaying it on the board and determining if it has a partner.
7. %he students (ill determine fact families that correspond (ith the date number
and record those on their (hite boards.
8. I (ill as4 a fe( students to (rite those facts on the board.
9. %he student 0on the spot2 (ill (rite the school day number.
)*. %he students (ill add that amount of money to the chart on the board and
determine ho( much money is in the chart (the student 0on the spot2 (ill (rite an
addition problem to help determine that.
)). I (ill remind the students of the graph that (e are creating.
)&. %he students (ill return to their seats.
)3. I (ill randomly call on ). students to dra( from the bag and record their color on
the graph on the board.
)5. I (ill model! but on the pro+ided e"it card! each student (ill e"plain (hether they
(ill 4eep their prediction or change it and the reason behind it! beginning (ith the
formal date (ritten in (ords.
+loom,s #a-onomy:
9emembering: 0;hat day of school is this<2 0;hat is the formal date<2
=nderstanding: 0;ho can e"plain the fact family<2 0;ho can e"plain (hether the day of
school number is odd or e+en and ho( do you 4no(<2
Applying: 0;hat shape is ne"t in the pattern that is on the calendar<2
Analy>ing: 0?o( much money is in the tens chart based on the amount of school days<2
3+aluating: 0;hat is your prediction based on the graph<2
Creating: 0;hat happened on this day in the past<2
I (ill model for my students so they are able to +isually and audibly gather information.
During the -o(er-oint! there are (ords as (ell as pictures to help all students
.ana$!n$ t/e lesson:
)nstr(t!onal .et/od: -o(er-oint! Demonstration! and -articipation.
En$a$ement Strate$!es: ;hite boards! thumbs up! turn and tell.
/ Calendar supplies
o Calendar! red and yello( chips! money! charts! bag (ith green and red
shapes! graph! and dry/erase mar4ers.
/ Slates (dry/erase boards and mar4er
/ 3"it Card copies
A model of calendar has been done multiple times (ith the students. I (ill model the e"it card
for the students.
C/e* 0or 1nderstand!n$:
I (ill chec4 for the student@s understanding (hile they (rite the fact family that corresponds (ith
the date on their slate ((hite board.
0;hat are the fact families for the number<2
0Is this an odd or an e+en number<2
0;hat is the formal date<2
0;hat is the ne"t shape in the pattern<2
0;hat is your prediction for the graph<2
G(!ded 2rat!e:
;ith help from the students! I (ill (rite the first addition fact for their fact family on the board.
%he students (ill (rite the turn around on their (hite board and students (ill come to (rite them
on the board for the class to see.
%he students (ill complete an e"it card e"plaining their prediction and (riting out the correct
formal date.
/ Informal assessment: As I obser+e the fact families that the students (rite on their (hite
boards and hear the student@s e"planations.
/ Informal assessment: As I listen to students e"plaining to their partners! I (ill listen for
the shape and colors they are predicting for the calendar.
/ Informal assessment: %hrough the responses on the e"it cards from the students
;rite out the formal date today.
;hat is your prediction for the graph< ;hy are you changing it or 4eeping it
the same<

;rite out the formal date today.
;hat is your prediction for the graph< ;hy are you changing it or 4eeping it
the same<

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