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Running head: Risk Assessment 1

Risk Assessment
Louis F DeWeaver III
Strayer University

CIS502 Week 10 Technical Paper: Risk Assessment
Instructor: Dr. Alaba Oluyomi
March 12, 2014

The network diagram of Global Finance, Inc. (GFI) depicts the layout of the companys
mission critical systems. The company has two servers (Email and the Oracle database) which
are used more than any of their other systems. GFI heavily depend on their network to be stable
because of their financial systems that are running and any outage would negatively affect their
operations and financial situation. Like all other business, customer satisfaction and the security
of GFIs network is crucial. In order to ensure their network and data is secure, GFI has begun to
re-evaluate their network infrastructure. GFI has had some service interruptions that has cost
them over $100,000 in revenue losses.

Description of GFIs Network, Interconnection and Communication environment
Global Finance Inc. Network
The Internet is made up of two 10GB connections.

Remote Dial up access via PSTN
VPN gateway connected to an Off-Site office

A DMZ network which is made up of 2 Border (Core) routers, which are connected to the 2
10GB internet connections. 2 Distribution Routers. 1 VPN gateway, 1 firewall, 1 RMS server
and a PBX box that is connected to the PSTN remote access dial up network.

There are 6 Departments


Department Workstation Printer
Accounting 63 7
Loan 25 5
Customer Server 12 3
Mgmt. 5 3
Credit Dept. 10 3
Finance Dept. 49 5

Above is a table that list the six departments. There is also a breakdown of the workstations and
26 printers per department.

There are 6 10GB Access Layer VLAN switches and 3 10GB Multi-Layer switches

There is also a Trusted Computing Base Internal Network that is locate inside of Global Finance
Inc. Network that is made up of 1 SUS Server, 1Oracle 9i DB Server, 1 Microsoft 2000
Exchange Email Server, 1 File and Print Server, 1 Intranet Web Server and 7 Workstations.

Assess risk based on the Global Finance, Inc. Network Diagram scenario
The GFI network diagram depicts how fast the company in relation to the amount of
network devices and other equipment. GFI network seems to be built to be resilient as well as
being fault tolerant. However, the company has failed to keep the networks security up to date in
relation to the growth of the network. So the main focus should be on network security.
GFI needs to implement equipment level policies that will strengthen its network
security. These policies should include such things as: updated hardware configurations, well
maintained and updated hardware firmware and OSs, Intrusion detection systems, system
backups, real-time monitoring of the network and hardware configurations, immediate
investigation of any and all security issues that are related to the network infrastructure.
Since GFI has experienced prior interruptions due to network attacks, it makes since to
assume that it is more of a possibility that an interruption could occur. So in order to assess the
risks to GFIs network we can use a simple formula that includes means + motive x opportunity
x business Impact over Controls that would equal the risks.

Below is a diagram of how the risk to the network will be determined.

I can make the following assumptions based on the network diagram and the other
information that was supplied. The network design seems to lack proper firewall coverage.

Describe and defend your assumptions as there is no further information from this
company. The company does not wish to release any security-related information per company

The trusted computing base (TCB) internal network in the Global Finance, Inc. Network
Diagram hosts the companys mission critical systems without which the companys operations
and financial situation would suffer. The Oracle database and email systems are among the most
intensively used application servers in the company. As we know, GFI cannot afford system
outages because its cash flow and financial systems heavily depend on the network stability. GFI
has experienced DOS network attacks twice this year and its Oracle database and email servers
had been down for a week. The recovery process required GFI to use $25,000 to restore its
operations back to normal. GFI estimated the loss from these network attacks at more than
$100,000 including lost customer confidence.

Those who take care of all regular (non-security related) business needs of GIAC
Access to the corporate network
Access to the data network indirectly
No access to the remote network
No access to the service network
The Employees of GIF includes all inside employees EXCEPT a group of employees
designated as the Security Team who will perform the day-to-day tasks of doing business. All
management will be considered to be among this group of employees and they will not be
granted different access to services.
Protocol summary for the Employees:
FTP data (TCP 21)
DNS (UDP 53)

The firewall provides a number of key features:
Security Proxies used to apply rules to the contents of the TCP/IP packets.
Stateful Dynamic Packet Filtering used to build filtering rules based on the state of a
1. Scan Detection default protection from various common network scans.
2. Spoofing Protection detect spoofing attempts and drops the packets
3. Site Blocking prevents defined network from passing the wall
4. Port Blocking prevents defined dangerous ports in TCP and UDP from
5. SYN flood Protection stops SYN flood Denial of Service attacks
6. Dynamic NAT hides internal addresses
7. URL Filtering Uses a Cyber Patrol database to control internet browsing

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