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Korrie Harkins & Julia Giordano

Day Six
Spring Into Poetry
Essential Questions
What can you observe about the plant? What can you observe about the caterpillars? How tall is the
plant? What is a haiku?
Count( pronounce( blen)( an) se*+ent syllables in spoken wor)s.
Learning Objectives & Assessments
Learnin* ,b-ectives Assess+ents
Stu)ents will be able to brainstor+ i)eas .or their
Stu)ents will brainstor+ on a worksheet an) recor)
the nu+ber o. syllables in each line.
Stu)ents will be able to write their own haikus. Stu)ents will publish their .inal poe+.
Line) paper
Construction paper
Pre-Lesson Assignments and Prior Knowledge
Stu)ents will have learne) about syllables. Stu)ents will know what a haiku is an) how to .in) syllables in a
wor) an) sentence.
Lesson Beginning
!o be*in the )ay( stu)ents will act as scientists to observe the class plants an) butter.lies. !hey will recor) all
o. their observations( thou*hts( an) /uestions in their science notebooks. Ensure the class that pictures an)
wor)s can both be use) an) both to*ether are encoura*e).
nstructional Plan
0. A.ter the class observes the plants an) butter.lies( call the+ back to their seats. "eview syllables an)
&. !ell stu)ents that to)ay they will be writin* their own haikus about sprin*.
1. Ask stu)ents i. they know what brainstor+in* is. !ell stu)ents that they will brainstor+ their writin*
2. 3ive each stu)ent a piece o. line) paper to brainstor+ haikus an) recor) the nu+ber o. syllables in
each line.
4. Stu)ents will break up into *roups with one teacher to a *roup o. 1 or 2 stu)ents to assist in writin*.
5. ,nce stu)ents have a haiku written( they will be *iven paper to publish their poe+.
Stu)ents will all be workin* with a teacher to assist the+. $or stu)ents who nee) extra help( haikus with
blanks will be +a)e so they can co+e up with the last wor)s in each sentence. !his way( they will have to
co+plete a haiku with the ri*ht nu+ber o. syllables.
Korrie Harkins & Julia Giordano
Day Six
Spring Into Poetry
How tall is our plant? What )o you notice about the caterpillars?
#lassroom Management
When observin* the plants an) caterpillars( stu)ents will be calle) up one table at a ti+e. Stu)ents will raise
their han)s when aske) .or answers.
Stu)ents will be *iven publishin* paper as soon as they are .inishe) pre-writin* an) checke) by a teacher.
!ell stu)ents that to+orrow they will be showin* these poe+s to all the parents at the poetry exhibition.

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