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Dry Air Concentrators

Rare Metals LLC

Because much of the worlds mineral wealth exists in exceptionally small concentrations,
the cost of recovering valuable minerals from natural concentrations, as well as from the tailings
produced by other processes, has historically been unexpectedly high and often left large
amounts of valuable materials to waste in the tailings piles. his is particularly true when the
concentrations run trace levels and up.
he !"#$ and !"#$$ !eries %lectrostatic &ry"Con Recovery !ystems represent a new
technology, recently made available to recover massive volumes of wealth from placer deposits,
long abandoned tailings piles and material dumps. his e'uipment is now allowing the
accumulation and development of
considerable wealth from what was
previously considered (worthless
material). *ll this can now be
accomplished under the harshest of
conditions, in very dry areas, and
without the difficult and sometimes
crippling need for water+
he history of gold mining is
littered with numerous attempts to
develop both wet and dry recovery
methods, particularly in the ,nited
!tates during the -old Rush &ays.
&isappointment was common.
Conditions were harsh. he availability of materials was very limited, and technology often fell
short of theory. * recovery rate of .$/ would have been considered very acceptable.
oday we want 0$/ 1 and try to achieve 02/+
* good dry recovery was particularly difficult to achieve. !ufficient, even air flow was
impossible, and the material available lac3ed the elements necessary for durability and control.
Why Dry ?
4hen considering the economics of dry vs. wet recovery, it is difficult to ma3e an
effective case for wet recovery when dry recovery is possible. &ry recovery generally offers
S-10 in bulk sampling in New Mexico
greater volumes at lower costs, re'uires, minimal labor, and can provide a greater percentage of
recovery. Moreover, dry recovery offers greater flexibility, and completely eliminates the costs of
water treatment and licensing and permits associated with environmental legislation.
he impact of mining and processing ore upon the environment is a ma5or factor in the
industry today. 4e believe dry recovery offers many advantages over other methods. he
elimination of water contamination and treatment is certainly a ma5or advantage. 6ur dry
recovery method greatly lessens the impact on the environment by eliminating the use of water
and chemicals. &ry recovery can eliminate environmental impact problems relative to recovery
and processing, and ma3e it feasible to operate on low grade ores.
7ere, indeed, we have cost effectiveness.
864 we have available sophisticated technology and materials that are changing and
revolutioni9ing the industry.
hese systems produce a bul3 concentrate and are capable of concentrating at a ratio
from #2$:# up to ;$$ :#, depending upon the characteristics of the gold and other elements.
he concentrates are then easily moved by truc3 to a location where water, security, and
power are available for the
final cleanup. Moreover,
systems li3e our !"#$$"C,
which is self"contained,
with a closed circuit system,
fully portable and easily
moved, affords further
advantages such as
maintaining the shortest
possible distance from the
pit or mine to the
processing plant. <ortability
adds unheard"of flexibility
to any mining operation.
4ith this system it is
possible to do bul3 testing
over large areas involving
large runs and at extremely low costs.
S-100-T in Austrailia
Common Cay:
Clay is an excellent placer gold carrier. ,sually the clay is derived from the erosion of
volcanics and roc3 types associated with gold deposition. 7owever, when clay is introduced into
wet placer systems, it creates an emulsionary effect allowing the fine gold to float off or adhere
to the clay ma3ing recovery very difficult. Many times placer gold is coated with clays,
manganese, iron and other elements. hese coatings may affect wet placer systems and reduce
efficiency. 4ith the dry recovery process the coated gold is still effectively recovered in the bul3
4hat happens using the dry recovery systems= Common clays, when 'uite dry, have a
specific gravity from # to >. -old, at #0.; specific gravity, will drop out and:or be attracted by
the electro"static potential on the recovery belt. 4e have found that a small clay ball with a spec3
of gold inside is still retained due to the electro"static effect. 4ith today?s technology and new
materials, we can effectively recover gold and other minerals using this dry system, even from
clay. he dry recovery system eliminates many of the problems associated with water, and
provides additional control factors and elements to the process which enhance recovery. 4ater
itself is a heavy element. he absence of water allows more efficient separation of materials by
specific gravity.
Dry Eectrostatic Reco!ery "ystems:
he %lectrostatic &ry"Con Recovery !ystem uses a sophisticated air"fluid suspension on
a specially designed riffled belt. Model S-100-C
Basically this is how the system wor3s@
Ban3"run gravel, dirt, clay, or combination of materials is first screened to the appropriate
si9e, dependent upon the gradation of the gold or the mineral deposition. his might result in a
head ore feed of #:> inch or ;:. inch Aor even smallerB down to the control gate hopper mounted
over the head end of the recovery dec3. he feed is controlled by the hopper. he %lectro air
recovery belt is moving uphill at an even controlled speed AC inches to #$ inches per minute
travel timeB. * custom manufactured blower of appropriate si9e supplies air to the air chamber
maintaining a high static pressure under the recovery belt. his air flow passes through the filter
blan3et which is an integral part of the recovery belt. he air flow holds the gold bearing
material in a fluid semi"suspension. his allows the ore bearing material to flow li3e running
water down across the recovery dec3 Awhich is moving slowly against the flowB. he air gravity
separation occurs very effectively.
* critical element of this recovery process is the induced static charge. he electro"static
field is induced by the air blower and the recovery belt. hese components create an electrostatic
potential on the recovery belt. 4ith the average conditions, we are building up a retained static
field potential of >;,$$$ to >2,$$$ volts on the recovery belt. his potential attracts the gold to
the belt and retains it there.
-old has a natural high affinity to an electro"static charge, and this is one reason for the
great success we have had in recovering fine gold.
Models Available:
#o$e "%&'%T
Capacity up to #$ yards per hourABan3 RunB
#o$e "%''%C !elf"contained unit.
7andles up to .$ tons per hour. ADeed to the
#o$e "%&''%T
Capacity up to #$$ tons per hour.
ADeed to the BeltB
Placer Testing Pershing County, NV
()* Testin+
he !"#$ was built for bul3 testing 1 the bac3bone of the mining industry. Et is run with
a small electric generator A2,$$$ 4B and can be hand fed by five or six men, a bac3hoe, or a
bobcat loader. !et up time is about >$ minutes. he plant does the same basic recovery as the
large unit and has a variable speed motor, a hopper with a vibrating screen, and a controlled feed
gate. he !"#$ with a steady feed can do 2$ to F$ tons a day.
he Model !"l$$"C is also adaptable to large bul3 testing. railer mounted and
completely self contained, with screening closed circuit conveyors, concentrate conveyor, radialG
tails stac3er conveyor, and centrali9ed control panel. !et up time is around > hours with a
prepared pad and experienced crew. here is no more effective way to do bul3 testing over a
large geographical area.
Other #ineras:
4hat about other minerals and hard roc3 ores= Research involving tungsten, tin, the
platinum group, cinnabar, silver, and lead galena ores has shown excellent results. *lso free gold
such as crushed ores recover with excellent results. %ach individual ore must be first tested to see
if these other minerals can be isolated using the dry concentrator.
he &ry"Con !ystem also has other applications, such as a contaminant separator.
Co$ Cimates:
Dree9ing has little or no effect on the &ry"Con Recovery !ystem. %ven at #$ degrees
above 9ero recovery has been excellent. he operation of a wet placer system in these conditions
would be impossible.
"),er%Con :
4e have employed &ry"Con !ystems to cleanup the concentrates when we were in a
remote field location with no water. 4e call this (super conning). his is simply ta3ing a
possible #$ to >$ tons of concentrates extracted from ;,$$$ yards of head ore and re"running the
concentrates over the %lectro &ry"Con plant. 4e do this by resetting the speed of the belt to
approximately double the speed and slowing the gate control feed. Drom >$ tons average cons,
we end up with # to # H tons of gold and blac3 sand high grade concentrate.
-)t)re an$ ,otentia:
he future of this technology seems unlimited. *s a method of concentration and
separation, the %lectro &ry"Con system provides greater control and much greater volumes. he
flexibility and economy which are ma5or advantages of this system will eventually tend to
displace other more traditional methods of recovery and separation.
Contact RMC if you feel this technology is of interest to you or your pro5ect. RMC is a
small family owned business building #$$/ of our machines here in the ,.!.*. 4e are here to
answer your 'uestions but we don?t have a
sales force sitting around loo3ing for a
commission. 4e build and recondition the
units, but of more importance we use the
product on our own mining operations and
simply would not use anything else for
recovering gold from placer deposits.
Rare Metals LLC
<.6. Box II0
FI#I# Baseline Road
>0 <alms, California ,!*
Tree S-100-T models !nstalled in Series

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