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14.1 What happens uuiing mitosis.

a. The nucleus of the cell uiviues into two new iuentical nuclei.
b. The cytoplasm of the cell uiviues unequally.
c. Chiomosome numbeis aie ieuuceu by half in a piocess known as ieuuction uivision.
u. The cell's BNA is tiipleu.

14.2 What piocess is being shown in the image below.

a. Inuepenuent assoitment uuiing mitosis.
b. Ciossing ovei uuiing mitosis.
c. Inuepenuent assoitment uuiing meiosis 1.
u. Ciossing ovei uuiing meiosis 1.
e. Inuepenuent assoitment uuiing meiosis 11.
f. Ciossing ovei uuiing meiosis 11.

14.S Which of the following is the coiiect oiuei of the events pictuies.

a. 1, 2, S, 4 b. 1, S, 2, 4 c. S, 2, 1, 4 u. S, 4, 2, 1

14.4 (Choose all that apply) Cellulai uivision is necessaiy foi which of the following piocesses.

a. giowth b. asexual iepiouuction c. communication
u. iepaii e. sexual iepiouuction f. homeostasis

14.S Which of the following paiis coiiectly uesciibe the kaiyotype
pictuieu below.

a. female; genetically noimal
b. male; genetically noimal
c. female; genetically abnoimal
u. male; genetically abnoimal

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1S.1 A _________________ is the physical expiession of genes.

1S.2 An oiganism that is Tt is ____________________.

1S.S Bonkeys can have eithei long eais oi shoit eais. Cioss a female uonkey that is heteiozygous
foi shoit eais with a male uonkey that has long eais. What is the piobability of this paient
combination having homozygous uominant offspiing.

1S.4 Some snakes have cleai eyelius to piotect theii eyes fiom the haish enviionments in which they
live. The allele foi cleai eyelius is uominant to the allele foi no eyelius. Which of the following
statements aie tiue. (Choose all that apply)

a. Possibly snake phenotypes aie cleai eyelius anu no eyelius.
b. Possible snake genotypes aie cleai eyelius anu no eyelius.
c. Possible snake phenotypes aie EE, Ee, oi ee.
u. Possible snake genotypes aie EE, Ee, oi ee.

1S.S Tiue oi False: It is possible foi two paients who both have PK0 to have a noimal chilu.

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16.1 (Choose all that apply) Which of the following statements aie coiiect.

a. The piocess of copying BNA is calleu tiansciipt.
b. The piocess of tuining mRNA into a piotein is calleu tianslation.
c. The piocess of copying a gene's BNA sequence into a sequence of mRNA is calleu
u. The piocess of copying BNA is calleu ieplication.
e. The piocess of tuining mRNA into a piotein is calleu

16.2 Accoiuing to the genetic coue chait which of the following amino
aciu sequences coiiesponus to this sequence: B==F/F=FBF//

a. Ala - Ile - uin - Ile
b. Aig - Tyi - val - Stop
c. Aig - Stop - val -Stop
u. Ala - Ile - uin - Stop

16.S A scientist inseits a spiuei gene into a cow in oiuei to get the cow to piouuce spiuei piotein in
hei milu. This cow is now classifieu as a ________.

a. tiansgenic oiganism b. iecombinant BNA c. clone u. gene theiapy animal

16.4 BNA fiagments move acioss the gel in electiophoiesis at vaiying uistances. What causes the

a. The attiaction of fiagments to each othei.
b. The level of iauioactivity.
c. The numbei of phosphates piesent.
u. The size of the fiagments.

16.S What ueteimines the sequence of amino acius in a piotein.

a. The sequence of nucleotiues in the tRNA.
b. The sequence of amino acius in the BNA.
c. The sequence of nucleotiues in the mRNA.
u. The sequence of amino acius in anothei piotein.

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17.1 What is the mechanism that Chailes Baiwin saiu causes populations to change ovei time. _____

17.2 Which set of images iepiesents uiveigent evolution.
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17.S Tiue oi False: 0iganisms can choose to auapt to theii enviionments in oiuei to suivive.

17.4 Which oiganisms aie moie closely ielateu to
one anothei.

a. Echinoueims anu choiuates
b. Flatwoims anu mollusks
c. Annelius anu aithiopous
u. Aithiopous anu mollusks
e. Rounuwoims anu mollusks

17.S A physical baiiiei that sepaiates a population causes _____________.

a. emigiation b. immigiation c. behavioial isolation
u. iepiouuctive isolation e. geogiaphic isolation

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18.1. Which kinguom of life uoes the following oiganism belong: It is a eukaiyotic oiganism that
is capable of both autotiophic anu heteiotiophic metabolism. ________________________

18.2 Which kinguom of life uoes the following oiganism belong: It is a piokaiyotic oiganism that
can be pathogenic. ________________

18.S Which kinguom of life uoes the following oiganism belong: It is a non-motile eukaiyote that
is an exteinal uigestei. __________________

18.4 Which two veiy closely ielateu oiganism that aie not membeis of the same species woulu
piobably shaie how many othei taxons in common. __________

18.S Binomial nomenclatuie is composeu of what two taxons. __________________________

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19.1 (Choose all that apply) Which oiganisms woulu inciease in population size if the hawk
population ueclineu.

a. fox b. mouse c. snake u. squiiiel e. beavei

19.2 Stuuy the image below: Which sequence coiiectly places the
images in the oiuei they woulu appeai uuiing succession.

a. A, B, C, B b. A, B, B, B c. C, B, A, B
u. B, B, A, C e. C, A, B, B

19.S Stuuy the image below. Which level contains piimaiy

a. Level 1 b. Level 2 c. Level S

19.4 Stuuy the image below: Which oiganisms aie teitiaiy consumeis. (Choose all that apply)

a. Thiush b. Weasel c. Fox u. Nouse e. Bawk f. Rabbit

19.S The final stable community in an ecological succession is calleu the __________________.

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