Of Models, Theories, and Laws

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Activity 1.

Of Models, Theories, and Laws

computer with internet access
1.) Surf the internet for different models, theories and laws. List them below and provide
a brief description of it.
Model Theory Law
Standard Model

The Standard Model of particle physics is a
theory concerning the electromagnetic, weak,
and strong nuclear interactions, which mediate
the dynamics of the known subatomic particles.
Aristotles Theory of
-The natural motion of
object is their movement
when they return of their
natural places.
Newtons Law of Motion
Law of Inertia
-Every object continues to
remain at rest or in uniform
motion unless an unbalanced
forced acts on it.

Law of Interaction
-For every action, there is an
equal and opposite reaction.

Law of Acceleration
-The acceleration of a body is
directly proportional
And is in the same direction as
the net force applied to it and is
inversely proportional to the
mass of the body.

Galileos Theory of
-All objects on earth in
the absence of air or other
resistance would fall with
the same constant
acceleration due to
Law of conservation of
-The total momentum in an
isolated system is constant.

Quantum Theory
-A theory describing the
behavior and interaction
of elementary particle or
energy states based on the
assumptions that energy
subdivided into discrete
amount and that matter
possesses waves

Hookes Law
-States that, within the elastic
limit, the stress applied to an
object is directly proportional to
the strain experienced by it.

The Ising model, named after the physicist
Ernst Ising, is a mathematical model of
ferromagnetism in statistical mechanics. The
model consists of discrete variables that
represent magnetic dipole moments of
atomic spins that can be in one of two states
(+1 or 1). The spins are arranged in a
graph, usually, a lattice, allowing each spin
to interact with its neighbors. The model
allows the identification of phase
transitions, as a simplified model of reality.
Theory of Everything is a
putative theory of theoretica
l physics that fully explains
and links together all known
physical phenomena, and
predicts the outcome
of any experiment that could
be carried out in principle.
Law of Reflection
-It states that waves are reflected
from boundary of the medium at
the same angle at which they

theory of light
Light consists of
oscillations perpendicular
to the direction of travel
of the wave motion.
Coulumbs Law
-Deals with the electric force
that exists between like or unlike
electrostatic charges.

Models of the Universe
According to the widely accepted theory of
the big bang, the universe originated about
14 billion years ago and has been expanding
ever since. Astronomers recognize four
models of possible futures for the universe.
According to the closed model, many
billions of years from now expansion will
slow, stop, and the universe will contract
The theory of
relativity, developed
primarily by German
American physicist
Albert Einstein, is the
basis for later
demonstration by
physicists of the
essential unity of
matter and energy, of
space and time, and of
the forces of gravity
and acceleration,.

Ohms Law
-The current flowing through a
circuit is directly proportional to
the electromotive force and
inversely proportional to the
resistance of the circuit.
back in upon itself. In the flat model, the
universe will not collapse upon itself, but
expansion will slow and the universe will
approach a stable size. According to the
open model, the universe will continue
expanding forever. In the accelerating
expansion model, the universe will expand
faster and faster until even the particles in
normal matter are torn away from each
other. Astronomers currently favor the
accelerating expansion model.

The nuclear shell model is a model
of the atomic nucleus which uses the Pauli
exclusion principle to describe the structure of
the nucleus in terms of energy levels.

Electron Theory of
Electron theory states all
matter is comprised of
molecules, which in turn
are comprised of atoms,
which are again
comprised of protons,
neutrons and electrons. A
molecule is the smallest
part of matter which can
exist by itself and
contains one or more
Newtons law of gravitation
-Any two bodies in the universe
attract each other with a force
that is directly proportional to
the product of the masses of the
two bodies and inversely
proportional to the square of the
distance between them.
Copernican Model
In the 16th century Polish astronomer Nicolaus
Copernicus proposed that the Sun was at the
center of the universe instead of the Earth. This
heliocentric (Sun-centered) model challenged
assumptions held since the 2nd century when
astronomer Ptolemy proposed a geocentric
(Earth-centered) model of the universe that was
used by astronomers and religious thinkers for
many centuries. The Copernican model
gradually gained acceptance because it provided
better explanations for observed astronomical

Theory of electricity
The fluid theory of
electricity is a now
defunct theory that
postulated an electrical
fluid which was
responsible for many
electrical phenomena.
Although he was not the
first proponent, Benjamin
Franklin worked to
develop the theory. The
Leyden jar was seen as a
confirming case for this
theory since it appeared
to be a jar capable of
holding the electric fluid.
Lenzs Law
-An induced emf always gives
rise to a current whose magnetic
field opposes the original change
in flux.

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