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Tagon (preliminary empowerment) of the Chakrasamvara empowerment (an outline)

1. Introduction
This Chakrasamvara empowerment comes through the lineage of Drilbupa (Skt. Ghantapa! who was the founder of one of the three
main Chakrasamvara lineages.
". Three#la$ered preparator$ visuali%ation&
'isuali%e $ourself as Chenre%ig! white! four arms! one head. In the heart there is a moon disc. (n the moon disc there is a dark blue!
wrathful deit$ Trog$al )i$ogon (Skt. *achal+,. In the heart of the deit$ there is another moon disc! on which stands red 'a-ravarahi.
She has two arms! with hooked knife in her right hand and khatvanga staff and skullcup on her left. She is folding her right leg.
.. /ntering the five#deit$ mandala of Chakrasamvara
..1 mandala offering pra$er
.." developing a perfect motivation (for the sake of all sentient beings0 developing selflessness
... taking refuge in the buddhas! bodhisattvas! dakas! dakinis! dharmapalas
..1 promising to abide b$ the tantric sama$a precepts
..2 visuali%ation& visuali%e in front of me Chakrasamvara in union with his consort 'a-ravarahi. Chakrasamvara is facing to the
eastern gate of the mandala. I enter into Chakrasamvara through his mouth aperture! descend through his central channel until
I reach the secret passage. I go through the secret passage and enter into the bod$ of 'a-ravarahi. I remain in her womb.
Then! from the heart of the va-ra master! a ra$ of light pro-ects toward Chakrasamvara.The ra$ enters into Chakrasamvara
through his mouth! descends through his central channel! goes through the secret passage! enters into the consort3s bod$ and
reaches me at her womb. 4t that moment! I am conceived as Chakrasamvara! and emerge from the consort3s bod$ via her
mouth and place m$self at the eastern entrance of the mandala. Then the wisdom beings come and are absorbed into me.
5eruka is stabili%ed in one3s bod$6speech6mind and all defilements are dispelled.
1. *reparatoro$ rituals
1.1 for the vase empowerment& drinking some scented water poured on the palm of one3s hand
1." for the secret empowerment& grab a stick with the dharmadhatu mudra! head of stick toward oneself! and sa$! 9() '4:;4
54S4 45<0 put the stick in the middle of a diagram and see where it falls0 if the stick falls in an$ of the four cardinal points it
is supreme siddhi. =urthermore! if it falls on the east (where $ou are standing $our activit$ will be pacif$ing (Skt. shanti. If
it falls on the south ($our left! $our activit$ will be prospering or increasing (Skt.pushti. If it falls on the west (opposite of
$ou! where the va-ra master is standing! $our activit$ will be overpowering or subduing (Skt.vash$a. 4nd if it falls on the
north ($our right! $our activit$ will be wrathful (Skt.marana.
1.. =or wisdom6knowledge empowerment& a multicolored thread is tied around $our left arm! between the biceps and the armpit.
It is kept there at least until the actual empowerment takes place.
1.1 =or word empowerment& with hands crossed at the wrists! so the right arm is below the left arm! the palms are facing up! grab
with $our right hand a kusha grass branch and with $our left a smaller kusha grass branch. *lace the bigger branch under the
mattress on which $ou sleep! in the direction of the bed. *lace the smaller branch under the pillow! in a transversal position
with respect to the bed (along the pillow3s length! so the two brances will form like a letter T! the shorter branch being the
hori%ontal head of the letter and the longer branch being the vertical bod$ of the letter. Then watch $our dreams that night.
2. *u-a for the remaining deities.
Tagon (II) (preliminary empowerment) of the Chakrasamvara empowerment (an outline)
(1 *urification of water
(" Torma offering for the kapala
(. Smoke offering to 'a-radakini
(ne visuali%es the fire pu-a mandala as 'a-radakini3s mouth. In one3s heart chakra there is a s$llable *4)! which s$mboli%es all the
negative karma one has accumulated throughout the eons. =ire rises from the feet and goes up inside one3s bod$. ?hen it reaches
one3s heart! the fire completel$ burns the s$llable *4)! along with our accumulated karma. The fire comes out through our nostrils
and reaches a plate of black sesame seeds in the desk of the va-ra master. The black sesame seeds absorb all our bad karma! which is
now burned and released from our bod$ with the fire. The va-ra master picks up the sesame in little pinches! -ust as done during the
fire pu-a! and throws it on the flame of a butter lamp. This flame is the tongue of 'a-radakini and the opening of the lamp is her
opened mouth. ?e offer our karmas to 'a-radakini! who eats them (burns them happil$! relieving us of our karma.
(1 ?e visuali%e the va-ra master as Chakrasamvara $ab6$um in union. ?e visuali%e ourselves as Chakrasamvara $ab6$um in
union! too. (ur bodhicitta melts and goes down and enters the $um. It raises through the $um3s bod$ and enters us through
the mouth (providing enlightenment,
(2 'ows said twice or thrice.
(@ 'a-ra master touches on heart! throat! and head chakras with consecrated water while sa$ing 5ABG! 45! and ()!
respectivel$. (ne visuali%es that a blue 5ABG appears in the middle of a dark blue (double, va-ra at the heart chakra! a red
45 appears in the middle of a red lotus at the throat chakra! and a white () appears in the middle of a white dharmachakra at
the head chakra.
(C Divination with stick. If it falls toward the va-ra master it is supreme siddhi.
(7 ;ed thread on arm b$ the biceps. ?omen get it on the right arm! men on the left. Something with the dakinis.
(8 Dusha grass! short and long with crossed hands (va-ra master also has crossed hands. Eeft hand picks up short grass and right
picks up the long one. These are to be put under the pillow and mattress! respectivel$ and watch the dreams. Fefore falling
asleep one pra$s to the lineage lamas and falls asleep with the mind tuned into bodhicitta.
This outline is based on notes taken b$ retreatant )anuel during the Chakrasamvara empowerments
given b$ 5.5. the Drikung D$abgon Chetsang ;inpoche at 4lmora! India! in September ">>1 for the
">>1#">>1 4lmora Drikung Dag$u .#$ear retreat participants.
This outline is based on notes taken b$ retreatant )anuel during the Chakrasamvara empowerments
given b$ DrupGn Chamspa ;inpoche at 4lmora! India! in )a$ ">>2 for the ">>1#">>C 4lmora Drikung
Dag$u .#$ear retreat participants.

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