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The following passage contains 10 mistakes, such as grammatical errors.. Correct the
mistakes and rewrite the correct version of this passage.

On cold, wet morning, my class was filled with excitement. Someone
have discover that the next day was our teacher's birthday. Our teacher
was the kindest person that ever exist. Thus it is no surprise she was the
favourite teacher to the pupils. Everyone want to get her a present. I,
very much wanted to shown any appreciation too. That afternoon, I
spends the whole afternoon shop for a present. After a long search, I
finally made on my mind. The next day I gived her a bouquet of
beautiful roses and she exclaimed with pleasure.

1. The fire spread quickly, destroy three houses within minutes.

2. She crossed the road without looking and was knock down by a car.

3. He got out of the car, than he locked it and walked to the office.

4. I hope you will kind consider my application for a job in your company.

5. If I know it was going to rain like this, I would have stayedat home.

6. To my opinion advertisements are more harmful than beneficial.

7. The crowd was little and I had no difficulty in getting a good seat.

8. Mrs Salmah bought a lot of furnitures at the sale for her new house.

9. If you go I'm sure you will find it enjoy.

10. Would you mind go with me to the hospital ?
The following sentences contains a grammatical error each. I dentify the error and write
the correct version on the blank space provided.
NAME: ____________________________________________________
CLASS: ____________________________________________________



1. X : One of us (A) cleaned the room (B) soon.
Y : But it (C) has already been cleaned, (D) hasn't it ?

2. X : (A) Are you waited for me, (B) Cara ?
Y : (C) Yes, I am. (D) Where were you a few minutes ago ?

3. X : (A) Don't worry for such trifling things. They are (B) not important.
Y : It is difficult (C) not to worry. Trifling things may turn out to be important
things (D) some day.

4. X : There may be something wrong with my watch. It stopped working without
my knowledge.
Y : Why not adjust it ? It is exactly 2.30 p.m. on my watch.

5. X : Where is John ? I have been looking for him.
Y : I haven't seen him either. Some say he has been on vacation from last week.

6. X : Which book do you prefer, Maria ? (A) This one or that one ?
Y : (B) I prefer this one than that one. (C) How about you ?
X : (D) I prefer that one.

7. (A) My friend and I (B) decided to go to the concert last night. (C) We got to
there at 8.15 p.m. We were (D) a few minutes late.

8. There were traffic jams (A) on my way to the cinema. (B) Besides, the bus came
late. Fortunately, (C) I arrived the cinema (D) on time.

9. As Sam (A) has forgotten to bring his book (B) with him, he has to share
(C) itwith John, who is sitting (D) besides him.

Circle the error, then write the correction next to it.

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