This Essay Was One of My First

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1. This essay was one of my first.

I chose this one because during both World Wars, there

were segregation not only between the races, but also, between the sexes. When
discussing segregation with students I will incorporate parts of this essay.

Annette Cox

US History

Mr. Rosilin

April 23, 2011

Segregation of Women during World War II

The rationale for segregating jobs by sex was that women were made differently than
men. Management felt that womanpower was as different from manpower as oil fuel differed
from coal. Women were found to be a whole lot quicker and more accurate in jobs that required
high manipulative skills. The management said they did not want to exclude women from certain
jobs; they did it because they needed to use them as women and not men. Women were subjected
to limitations of strength and physical requirements because they did not have as much muscle as
men. They also would not want women filling dirty jobs that had them getting wet or in a heat
process. Using the excuse of women having physical limitations was their justification to the
sexual division of labor.
Milkman shows evidence that the division of jobs as male or female was often arbitrary
by the fact that some plants would allow women to do a job that another plant would not allow.
For instance, at an airplane plant that a War Department Representative visited, he was told that
the best welder in the plant was a woman, and that she did it better than the men who formerly
worked that job. The representative went to another plant in the same area and was told that
women just could not do welding, and it was the exact same job the woman did so well in the
other plant. This proves that whether women were allowed to work certain jobs was strictly up to
the management.
Women were praised for their hard work and the advancements they brought to
industries. They were said to do some jobs much better than men because of their precision and
accuracy. They brought in new technology under war contracts at the governments expense that
made jobs and machines simplified so a woman could do what was once heavy work. The new
technology made the jobs go faster and have quantity production. The advertisements from
industries were sure to compare a womans work in the plants to something from house work.
They would compare her work to beating an egg, plied embroidery needles, and baking cakes.
They made their jobs out to be filled with attractive women in stylish dress. The mixed messages
they were sending were to make the point that they were expected to do mens work during the
war, but it was only temporary. When the men returned, they were expected to gracefully and
willingly withdraw from the mens jobs and go back to the home where they belonged. Milkman
explains the reversion to old patterns of sexual division of labor by giving two reasons for it. One
was the resurgence of domesticity and holding the traditional values of family commitment, and
the second reason was that male unionists used their superiority to exclude women and favor
returning male veterans.
Black men were able to hold on to their postwar jobs. There was no expectation of black
men to go back home like what was expected of women when the war was over. Black men had
the civil rights movement behind them with the NAACP to help keep them in semi-skilled jobs.
Industries would not want to start hate strikes or provoke riots by letting go of them for no
legitimate reason. Women had no feminist movements going on to work in their favor in the post
war job situation.

2. This essay was from Dr. Namarato's Mississippi History Class. I chose this essay because
it was a current event essay (with a twist) and this came close to my home. Interpretation
of words can vary from person to person. This type of essay can bring out the
imagination of the student.

Annette Cox
MS History
Dr. Namarato
February 12, 2013

Modern Day Witch Hunt

Metaphorically using the word witch-hunt brings several controversies to my mind. The
one I am going to tell you about had a part in mine, my family and my community. I am sure you
have already heard about the crimes of a man named Adam Mayes that occurred last year. He
was a murderer and kidnapper originally from Whiteville, Tennessee.
Mayes was originally born and raised in Alpine, Mississippi, which brings about my
witch-hunt scenario. Alpine is very close to where I reside, being only about twenty minutes in
the Blue Springs- Sherman area. Mayes escaped from Tennessee to hide out in Alpine. Oddly
enough my Uncle had attended the same school as Mayes. My friend was in line in front of
Mayes in the security footage from a gas station that was broadcast on national television for
people to help identify him. The girls he had kidnapped were allegedly right outside in the car.
What makes this even more related to my life is that my uncle, a policeman in Lee County, was
involved in the search for Mayes.
Mayes started off by killing a woman by the name of Jo Ann Bain and her eldest
daughter Adrienne on April 27 of last year in Tennessee. The woman he killed had two other
daughters that Mayes kidnapped and took with him everywhere he went. Mayes, his wife, and
the two girls then drove to Alpine with the dead bodies, and he buried them behind his trailer in
Alpine, MS. Police interviewed Mayes on April 29, but could not find evidence to arrest him.
Then, he went on the run.
The discovery of the two shallow graves with the bodies of the mother and eldest
daughter prompted a man-hunt, and for his name to be added to Americas Most Wanted Top 10
list. The search was ongoing for two weeks before it concluded with the suicide of Mayes, and
the rescue of the two daughters from a densely wooded area in Alpine, MS, where they had been
camping out in the woods for three days without food or water. The girls recovered in a hospital
in Memphis, where they were treated for poison ivy and dehydration.
Mayes wife and mother were charged as accomplices for helping him move the bodies,
lying to police, and helping him hide out. They are currently incarcerated. His wife is being
charged with murder and kidnapping. She may face the death penalty. Family members refused
to have anything to do with the monster that caused so much devastation and fear in our small
communities. His body was left unclaimed, and was eventually donated to the University of
Tennessee body farm.
For those two weeks, everyone was on edge and looking over their shoulders because of
Adam Mayes. People lived in fear, and did not want to go outside because of what was going on
around us. This is what makes this a witch-hunt to me. People lived in fear of someone who did
unthinkable things, and people were tracking him down to bring justice to the Bain family and to
our communities. In this case, this man was an actual witch who did horrible things, unlike some
of the people who were falsely accused and killed for practicing witchcraft in Salem,

3. This was an essay on architecture and its connection to religion. This will be an example
to use when teaching about the various religions in World History.

Annette Cox
European History
Dr. Knupper
November 11, 2013

Connections of Power and Religion Throughout History

The Dome of the Rock and the Ara Pacis Augustae are two architecturally magnificent
buildings that have left the story of their time for us to see through their structures and
techniques used to build them. Two elements that have been consistently seen throughout history
are religion and the need to show power, and that is definitely the case with these two buildings,
as well. Although there are vast differences in the way different cultures and different time
periods worship their religions, there are also many similarities. The need to show who is in
power and has control is also seen through the architecture and artwork from different times.
Whoever is in control will have something made in their honor. By knowing the connection
between religion, power, and politics, it helps us to understand the significance of the
architecture we view today.
Ara Pacis Augustae dates to 13-9 BCE during the early Roman Empire. (Gardner) It is an
outdoor altar made from marble that is ornamented with relief carvings. (Learner) The images on
the reliefs show women and men with many children. Augustus was trying to promote marriage
and increase the birthrate. This was not just done for moral reasons, but this would serve him
politically. (Gardner) He knew that the more followers he had, the more powerful he could be.
The iconography on the outside friezes depict people, plants, and earth all side by side
interacting.(Learner) There are two children sitting in a woman's lap with two women sitting at
each side of her. Animals and plants are at the feet of the women. This interaction could be
showing peace and harmony in Rome at this time. These things were all important in showing
the element of power. The element of religion at this time is the fact that Augustus built an altar
for people to bring their offerings to. The panels have mythological figures on them such as
Venus and her son Aeneas, with Aeneas making a sacrifice. (Gardner) This is to suggest that
Aeneas trusts in Augustus enough to make an offering at his alter and could influence others to
do the same. This shows how there was a connection between religion and politics at this time.
The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem dates to 687-692. (Gardner) Caliph Abd al-Malik
ordered the building of the mosque to symbol the unity of three religions: Jewish, Christian, and
Islamic.(Cyberistan) Muslims had taken the city from the Byzantines in 638, and the building of
this mosque between 687-692 was to show the victory of Islam over them.(Gardner) The Dome
of The Rock's interior is adorned with mosaic ornament. The mosaics are designed to signify
paradise awaiting Muslims. (Gardner) The cupola was built using wood and is covered with
gold. The dome is in the shape of an octagon to represent the earth. (Learner) The colors inside
the dome are important in showing the beauty of the heavens and the earth. There are hues of
purples and gold on the roof mosaics. There are patterns with bright colors wrapping all around
the walls. There are sixteen stain glass windows in the mosque that were to show God's light
shining down on his worshipers. (Learner) At the middle of the dome there is natural rock. It is
left there to show that this was once the Temple of Solomon, Adam was buried here, it is where
Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac, and Muhammad journeyed to Heaven and then came back
at this same place. (Gardner) There are columns with blossoms at the top and arches inside the
mosque that circle around the rocks. The connection between power and religion is evident in
this case because whoever had power determined what religion was acceptable in that area.
The Dome of the Rock and the Ara Pacis Augustae were both significant for their time
periods. The buildings are alike in that they show tolerance and peace. The Dome of the Rock
was the first great Islamic building and was built to celebrate the triumph of Islam on a sacred
Muslim site.(Gardner) The Ara Pacis Augustae was created to celebrate Augustus' establishment
of peace.(Gardner) The buildings both use the medium marble. They were created to give their
people somewhere to go worship and would be considered shrines. One similarity in the
buildings' artwork is that they both show nature. The Dome of the Rock has floral mosaics, and
Ara Pacis Augustae shows plant life in its relief panels. (Sacred-Destinations) Although these
architectures have many similarities, they also have many differences.
The Dome of the Rock and Ara Pacis Augustae were built in very different times and
Ara Pacis Augustae was built in Italy in 13-9 BCE.(Gardner) This was in the early Roman
empire.(Gardner) It is monochromatic, with it all being the color of marble. It has stairs leading
into the entrance and has multiple panels depicting people and animals. Reliefs in great detail are
on the walls. The Dome of the Rock was built in Jerusalem in 687-692 CE.(Gardner) The
building is polychromatic with its use of blue, purple, gold, and more colors. It has multiple
entrances, where Ara Pacis Augustae only had one. There are no images of animals or people in
the Dome of the Rock. This is done to keep from showing the worship of idols. (Gardner)
Mosaics are detailed on the walls. These great pieces of architecture would not be in existence
today if it was not for religion and the need to show power.
The Dome of the Rock and Ara Pacis Augustae are from different time periods and from
different parts of the world. The differences they have in culture and architecture are very
evident through their descriptions. The similarities they have are the result of two elements.
These architectures were built because of the connection between religion and who has power at
that time. Ara Pacis Augustae was created because Augustus wanted to build an altar to signify
the peace time he had given his people. (Gardner) The Dome of the Rock was created as a shrine
to commemorate the Muslims' defeat over the Byzantines. (Gardner) These two magnificent
pieces of architecture would not be here today if it was not for the need of these people to show
their power by the construction of religious buildings.


"Art Through Time: A Global View - Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Augustan Peace)." Web. 11 Jan. 2012.

"The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem." Islamic Civilization. Web. 13 Jan. 2012.

Kleiner, Fred S. Gardner's Art Through the Ages. 13th ed. Vol. 1. Clark Baxter, 2009. Print.

"Photo: Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, Israel." Sacred Sites at Sacred Destinations - Explore
Sacred Sites, Religious Sites, Sacred Places. Web. 11 Jan. 2012. <http://www.sacred->.

4. This essay is about the institution of marriage, careers, family and religion. It is strictly
opinionated essay. This will show students that their opinions matter and there are no
right or wrong answers.

Annette Cox
Mrs. Floyd
March 11, 2011

It was once said that marriage is an institution, but I say who wants to be
institutionalized. That being said marriage is most defiantly a two way street in where each
partner needs to give sixty percent towards each other. At least that is the theory that was told to
me by my mother. If each partner gives sixty percent into the marriage then neither spouse can
say, I give more. Therefore, I am looking for a friend in whom I can trust with everything. A
partner who is an equal and not subservient automaton. A person who is supportive in all my
endeavors and pushes me to be the best I can, and expects the same in return.
Everyone knows that finances are among the top killers of a married couple. Money is a
hard subject to bring up without getting into an argument, so the trick is to tread lightly. Dealing
with money there is one way that gives an advantage to all involved. First all expenditures must
be pooled together for a joint payment for the greater good of the family and their livelihood. A
sure fire trick to keep each spouse is good strides with each other would be to have three bank
accounts. The first and most important would be the account that pools the expenditures monies.
The follow two would be individual accounts so that each would be able to have a sense of
independence with their, own, money, thereby eliminating a situation where any one person in
the marriage is in sole control of the flow of income.
A career is a subject that goes hand in hand with money. Where the big question comes in
this situation is, do both partners have the capability of large earnings, or is it a situation where
only one has that capability? If only one partner has that ability then it is only right that the other
partner should be willing to move to support the career of the greater earner in the relationship.
On the other hand, if both have that ability then there must be a compromise for both to find a
location that gives the chances for each to make their contributions to the collective good.
Children and household duties must be combined into one category. Within a marriage if
one spouse choses or has the ability to be a stay at home parent then the primary caregiver/house
worker should be that person, be it the male or female of the marriage. If a partner is a stay at
home parent then the home/children is their job. This situation is best for the main breadwinner
in the family so that he/she can give more time to bringing home, the bacon. If both are in
stable careers where both incomes is in need for the maintenance of the home/children the all
duties must be split. As for how many children should in the family, well that is completely up to
the married couple. If either spouse or both are already in established careers then bringing
children into the world should be done right away, if not then a career plan/path should be meet
before putting the marriage in the financial bind that is cause by a child.
In-laws now this is a tricky subject to tackle. One or both members of the marriage may
be extremely close to their parents. If this is the case at hand then a couple may end up living on
the same street as the in-laws. As for me in-laws should be close enough to visit from time to
time, but live far enough away so that those visits are not daily or even weekly. With that in-laws
have no right to any kind of input into the relationship or the child rearing of the marriage. That
is the point of marriage. It is time for the spouses to be and act like grownups making their life as
they see fit. If mistakes are made then a learning experience has happened. Other than money, in-
laws are a major cause to the ending of a marriage. Birthdays, holidays, and family functions are
great to have in-laws around but the in between time it is best if the in-laws stay clear of a
married couple.
Friends are great for both. It provides that individual time for each spouse and allows for
that alone time or adult time as I call it. It is great if both the man and womans friends get along,
but let us face a fact that is not always the case. The family is the most important thing for both,
and the couple must be able to have their time together as well as having that friend time. Two or
three times a month is great for each spouse to have alone with his or her friends. This allows
each to get out of the house and away from reality for a short while, and this is even more
important for a stay at home parent.
As far as religion goes, an open-minded person is what I am looking for. I am a firm
believer in the constitutional right that gives us all the freedom to worship. I will not be told by a
church or papal head when and what I can do or how I am to pray. I will not change my religion
nor do I expect my partner change theirs. We will have to find a happy medium, especially if
children are involved. I believe that a child is born pure of heart and that they should be guided
in the word of God. I will introduce my children to Bible and raise them in church. However,
when they become old enough and chose a different path, I will respect (but hate) their decision.

5. This essay is about the conspiracies of the assassination of John F Kennedy. It entails the
cover up of the Warren Commission, the mob, and the Cuban exiles. This would be a
great sounding board when discussing John F. Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Annette Cox
History 317 JFK
Dr. Namorato
May 23, 2013

A. Warren Commission
The Presidents Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy also known
(unofficially) as the Warren Commission named for Earl Warren the Chief Justice, and was
commissioned by Lyndon B. Johnson in November 1963. This would be the official
investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy. There were thirty-five members on the
commission all with variant jobs, from the committee, the general counsel, the assistant counsel,
and staff members. The committee (seven members) was headed by the Chief Justice Earl
Warren and followed by two senators, a democrat from Georgia Richard Russell Jr., a republican
from Kentucky John Sherman Cooper, as well two representatives, Hale Boggs a democrat from
Louisiana, and the republican from Michigan Gerald Ford who will later become the thirty-
eighth President of the US. And the two oddities the former head of the CIA Allen Walsh Dulles,
and the former head of the World Bank John J. McCloy.
This would be by far the largest and most intense investigation that in an 889 page report
presented to President Johnson on September 24
1964 that would by in far show that two men
acted completely alone in their actions. The first man we know as Lee Harvey Oswald, a man
who wanted to be known for his greatness, and would be declared as the lone gunman who took
the life of the US president John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The Second man Jack Ruby who during a
prisoner transport of Oswald shot him in the stomach dealing him a fatal blow that ended his life.
Oswald professed his innocents and never wavered from stating that he was a patsy in the
assassination all the way till his death. Jack Ruby a small time hood and strip club owner (near
death himself) said that he did it for Jacquelyn Kennedy so that she would not have to return to
Texas and relive the ordeal in a court room.
During the investigation there 552 witnesses interviewed, but the commission came under
scrutiny due to a report that most were not heard in person, and others were heard by less than
half of the committee. Out of all the witnesses only and astounding ninety-four testimonies were
heard by the entire committee.
The Warren Commission was a complete waste of time, money, and effort on all persons
involved, for the simple fact that no matter what they found the conclusion would be that
Kennedy was killed by a single man, Lee Harvey Oswald. If they really wished to find the truth
and present it to the public than every photograph, video, and witness statement would have been
published and giving to President Johnson. Like Swiss cheese the report is full of holes that will
not be filled until the year 2017, and this was done to be sure that anyone and everyone involved
during Kennedys administration and assassination would be long dead so that no further
accusations can be broth forth to the public.

B. CIA Theory
This is a fairly simple and direct theory within the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The
short and skinny of it is that the CIA killed Kennedy because of the poor relationship between
the president and leaders of the CIA. April 1961 during the invasion of the Bay of Pigs (to oust
Fidel Castro) the Cuban exiles and US ground forces were outnumbered and beaten back with a
humiliated loss Kennedy blamed the CIA for the faults in Cuba. With the rising tensions between
Kennedy and the CIA the theory explains that Kennedy wanted to disband the CIA permanently
and back away from the cold war and seek peace with the Soviet Union. This was brought forth
by an apparent quote to an official with in Kennedys administration, I want to splinter the CIA
into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.
There are many who would say the yes the CIA did kill Kennedy, and that that had motive,
and the ability to carry out such a deed. Not only do I believe that this is a credible theory I
believe that the CIA was involved, but not alone within the actions carried out on November 22

C. Jim Garrison Theory
Jim Garrison the New Orleans District Attorney acting on a tip from Jack Martin (private
investigator) who named David Ferrie as a person of interest that may have been involved in the
assassination of John F Kennedy. This resulted in the arrest and trial of Clay Shaw a New
Orleans businessman. The trial taking place in 1969 would lead to a unanimous acquittal of Clay
Shaw. Garrison was able to subpoena the Zapruder film for use in court. Garrisons key witness
was Perry Russo and in his testimony he stated that he was at a party at the apartment of David
Ferrie. At the party he was introduced to a man by the name of Leon Oswald later to be
identified as Lee Harvey Oswald, and Clem Bertrand later identified as Clay Shaw. During the
party Russo heard the men discussing the assassination of Kennedy the triangulation killing, as
well as their alibies for their whereabouts.
This by far is one of the most implausible ideas involving the assassination of Kennedy.
These men may have hated Kennedy and may have been anti-government but it was most likely
the outside boasting of a few men who wanted Kennedy dead any ways. As for Jim Garrison I
believe it was more of an opportunity to be heard publicly about his theory on who killed
Kennedy and to get his fifteen minutes of fame.
D. Carlos Marcello Theory
Carlos Marcello was the head of the New Orleans Mafia crime family who was thought to be
involved in the killing of John F. Kennedy. This theory is brought to light buy the pressure both
John and Robert Kennedy was placing on organized crime. Carlos was subjected to multiple
deportation attempts by the US government, and in the final attempt Marcello was kidnaped and
dropped in Guatemala. In 1960 Robert Kennedy announced that he had two priority targets upon
taking office as Attorney General. Jimmy Hoffa and Carlos Marcello were at the top of Roberts
list. After his deportation Marcello flew back into the country and reclaimed his role as boss of
New Orleans. With the death of his brother John, Roberts ability to go after Marcello was lost.
Marcello has been quoted as to killing John Kennedy, and the theory is that in order to get to
Robert one must take out the President his brother John. No longer having presidential backing
Robert lost his chance to go after Carlos. Throughout the years until his death Carlos Marcello
proclaimed his innocents to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
This theory is very credible and in fact I firmly believe that Carlos Marcello initiated the,
Hit on John Kennedy. Carlos had plenty of motive, financial backing, and the ability to help in
carrying out such a killing. As well he had connections all over the world to help him in
whatever he wanted to accomplish. This is a man who ruled his crime family with an iron fist
and did not take to disrespect very well. He was even in such a position of power and respect that
other crime bosses from around the country had to ask for his permission to come into Louisiana.
E. Cuban insurgents and Castro Theory.
With the insurgents being dealt a disastrous blow at the Bay of Pigs and not having any
seeable help from John F. Kennedy tensions rise with them. Losing popularity with the Cuban
exiles and their hostilities were recorded at an anti-Castro meeting, siting that they would not
even call him president and one way or another they would see him on the 22
, (the date of his
death). It is an easy situation to see that they might have had something to do with the
assassination of Kennedy, but I just do not see it that way and do not believe they took it that far.
From the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the multiple attempts on his life Castro
is at the end of his rope. This is the, I am going to get you before you get me situation. Castro
having made several connections with in the world from the Soviets, to the Mafia and yes even
the CIA would come to the conclusion it is him (John F. Kennedy) or me (Castro) the theory
explains that Castro found out that John Kennedy had a final plan to kill him (Castro) and it
would be set up as a public execution that would end to rule of Cubas leader. This as well is a
very plausible theory and Castro clearly had motive and means to carry out the killing of the US
president, and with having the connections of the Mafia, and the CIA t would be easy for Castro
to order the assassination of John Kennedy.

Part III who killed Kennedy (My Opinion)
Lucien Sarti (Mafia hit man) fires off a deadly head shot that clearly blows out the
back/top of Kennedys head. Sauveur Pironti and Roger Bocognani the second and third shooters
both Mafia hit men aid in the four shots fired in Dealey Plaza on November 22
, 1963 ending
the life of John F. Kennedy. Simple, three men, four shots, one dead US president, and now for
the who and why. Having a turbulent time in office from the start, Kennedy walks right into
the Bay of Pigs, shortly following the Cuban Missile Crisis, followed by many attempts at taking
out Fidel Castro. Kennedy not trusting many he turns to his brother Robert Kennedy and they
both plot to take Castro down. Following is a hard belief; Robert is the one who draws up
detailed plans for the assassination of Cubas leader Castro. These plans lay out a public
triangulation (turkey shoot) in almost every detail as to how John Kennedy was killed. Castro
finding out the plan uses his contacts in the CIA and the Mafia to execute the assassination in the
same manor the John and Robert Kennedy had laid out for killing Castro.
With CIA approval Castro orders a hit on John and uses his connections in the Mafia to
complete the task. Contacting Antoine Guerini the leader of the Corsican Mafia to give him the
green light on Kennedy, Castro just sits back and waits. Guerini is the man who passes the
contract to the shooters. Carlos Marcello leader of the New Orleans Mafia initiates the, Hit
giving the shooters the green light on the assassination. Sam Giancana head of the Chicago
Mafia with the aid of Jimmy Hoffa (head of the Teamsters) get the shooters out of the country to
Canada. Carlo Gambino the New York crime Boss gives financial aid to the, cause.
After the death of Kennedy Lyndon Johnson is faced with a major problem; do I let the
truth out or do I cover it up and attempt to make it go away. The Mafia already had their scape
goat and he will be forever remembered as the man who killed Kennedy, and thats Lee Harvey
Oswald. Whit having Oswald in custody and soon to die at the hands of a small time hood and
strip joint owner from New Orleans, (coincident I think not) Jack Ruby who was dying from
cancer did just what Carlos Marcello told him to do; this action would clear all Rubys debts and
clear him of the Mafia. Johnson approached by Robert clearly asking why did you kill my
brother, unknowing (due to being kept out of the loop) Johnson had no clue as to what was going
on until Robert informs him that John was killed just how both Robert and John planed on killing
Castro. Johnson now in a bad position puts together the Warren Commission headed by
spokesman Allen Dulles has an opportunity to choose between the lesser of two evils. If Johnson
lets the truth out is could potentially cause World War III with the United States on one side and
the Soviet Union on the other. Two super powers that faced off in a cold war for nearly forty
years. Taking the lesser of the two Johnson, and the Warren Commission, with the aid of Allen
Dulles former CIA director, John McCone the current CIA director, and John Edgar Hoover the
head of the FBI they, Proved, that the assassination was carried out by a lone gunman who
believed he was destined to be great. Lee Harvey Oswald being a former marine, (a supposed
good shot), a man who was a confirmed Marxist, and defected to the Soviet Union was the
perfect patsy to take the fall for the entire act of killing John Kennedy. Not wanting Oswald to be
able to talk to anyone about anything that transpired that day Jack Ruby, (in order to protect
Jacquelyn Kennedy) kills Oswald by shooting him in the stomach.
The motive for the assassination was preemptive retaliation from a foreign leader. There
was plenty of means and opportunity to carry out their plans. They (the Mafia) had the contract,
and plenty of financial backing to take out the president, and with the aid of the CIA they had an
exact rout that John Kennedy would follow giving them the perfect chance to kill the leader of
the free world.
Part I Case Closed & the JFK Assassination Debates
To get straight to it, with as short as this course was reading all the books in their entirety
was near impossible. In the book Case Closed Gerald Posner really only shows one side to the
story and does not take into account outside sources. In fact he criticizes anyone who does not
agree to the official report. It is nothing more than his personal opinion as to who killed
Kennedy. His miss quotes in his book from names of people who were at Dealey Plaza to events
surrounding Oswald and the day of November 22
1963. It is not a very good book and I for one
lost interest nearly immediately.
Michael Kurtz on the other hand offers factual information and looks at it from an open
mind as to who, what, when, and why. Displaying evidence that the Mafia could be involved,
and he even began to change his mind about the day John F. Kennedy dies as he did his own
research into the assassination. The book flowed and showed truth in its words. Kurtz clearly put
time and effort into his book and gives the reader many different angles to view the
assassination. With his writings Kurtz allows the reader to follow his line of thinking and even
gives one a chance to draw their own conclusions.

6. This is a perceptive essay. It shows my thoughts on a reading assignment. I think that
students that take a history class should have outside reading. It should pertain to history
but with a literature aspect.

Annette Cox
European History
Dr. Kneupper
September 30, 2013

Women in Early Medieval Europe 400-1100
When a person thinks about history, it is a history of mankind, written through the
eyes of men. When women are mentioned, it is mostly those with status (queens or royalty).
Right away, the author, Lisa M. Bitel, states This book is not just a history of women, but a
history of the early European Middle Ages through the eyes of women (Bitel 12). This is telling
the reader that although the majority of our history books tell the story through the mens eyes,
women (not just royalty, but common women) also had their own history.
Bitel sets the stage in the introduction to allow the reader to interpret, in his/her own
mind, why there is little information on the common women in this period of time. As history is
studied, a reader notes that, during this period, the majority of scholars were men. So naturally
and without criticism, history has been forced upon us by the battles which man had to endure.
Every once and a while the name of a woman appears like Joan of Ark. Was this on purpose or
just the way of the times?
Detailed information of the characteristics of the lives in the medieval times engrossed
most of the first chapter. I believe that Bitel conveyed that life took the toll on both men and
women. Life spans were short and once again it was the woman who was on the short end of the
stick. Women very seldom ventured far from the home. It was her place to tend to the children,
the animals, and maintain the home. The hardships of harsh weather, illness and death during
childbirth affected all women no matter of their class or religion. History bypassed the common
woman; yet Bitel brings to light an instance of a common woman (St. Genovefa) that graced
the history book. Born a peasant girl born in Nanterre to a Frankish father and a Gallo-Roman
mother, Genovefa became a vessel of God.
Religion was very relevant to the women of this time. By the early Middle Ages,
religious roles of Christian women were virgin, penitent, and widow under vows of chastity.
Even though women faced boundaries in their religions, they found ways to participate.
However, they were met with suspicion by theologians and lawmakers. Men of this time did not
think that women had the capability of thought.
Another aspect that Bitel states is the importance of kinship in women. Choosing whom
to keep close to them and where to live was essential to their survival. Like the men, women
moved to find a more suitable job, educational opportunities, or to be closer to their relatives.
Through Bitels research, she proved that history is all around us, both in man and woman; it
only takes one person to write about it without discrimination.

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