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Upcoming Dates and

Prayer Needs

>> May 5-6: District Council
in Indianapolis

>> May 9-11: Purdue Staf
Retreatpray for bonding as
a team, refreshing as we re-
fect back, and Gods vision as
we plan ahead

>> May 15-16: INXA Staf
Prayer Retreat near Ft.

>> May 16-18: Forward Con-
ferencea tme of training
and equipping for all XA staf
in the Great Lakes Region

>> May 19-26: Missions Trip
to Nicaragua!

>> June 2-5: CAST Ill be
leading students at a training
conference in Ohio

>> June 15-28: Traveling to
the state of Washington for a
ministry training school
praying for personal growth
as I am equipped to minister
to the hearts of others.

Brooke Jones
Campus Missionary Associate // Purdue Chi Alpha
108 Beck Lane, Lafayette, IN 47909 219.776.5032 //
Give online at // Account #2957918
Mail Checks to Chi Alpha @ 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfeld, MO, 65802 // memo: #2957918
A Time to Celebrate!

As the academic year comes to a close, we are excited to send
out six graduates as Christs Ambassadors to the marketplace
all over the world. At our last worship night of the semester,
they each spoke about what God has done in their lives at Pur-
due. They encouraged and challenged the younger generaton
to live out their true identty in Christ within a community of
believers who are on a mission together as Christs sent ones.

The next day we celebrated the end of the year with a XA
family picnic in the middle of campus. It was incredible to
look around and see the answers to countless prayers right
before my eyes:

That God would provide a strong class of freshman disciples
who will go on to make disciples...

>> 15 freshmen have grown in discipleship and
want to impart everything God has done in them
to the freshmen next Fall <<
That God would knit our hearts together as a family...

>> Even the lost people whom our life groups chose
to love bomb throughout the semester consider us
family and our opening their hearts to personally
knowing God as Father. <<

That God would grow our hearts with a love for the natons..

>> 8 of our students applied to mentor incoming internatonal freshmen next Fall with a
new program sponsored by our university, and were taking a team of SIX to Nicaragua this

Thank you for joining me on this amazing adventure to bring
the Gospel to the hearts of students at Purdue. God has heard
our prayers, provided for our needs, and inspired us to believe
for even greater things than these! I cant wait to see what
God has in store for year 2!

With love,

Nicaragua Missions Trip Update:

Praise God for providing the $1300
needed for my trip this May 19-26!
For our team of 6, please pray for safe
travels, grace to minister to teens in
an abused womens home, and bold-
ness to share the good news of Jesus
with college students in Managua!

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