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OLIVER P. JOHN Updated Sept.

7, 2007
Work: (510 !"2#217$ %epart&e't o( P)*+,o-o.*
/e--: (510 $"7#!270 U'01er)0t* o( /a-0(or'0a
2a3: (510 !"4#544" 4210 6o-&a' Ha-- 71!50
8erke-e*, /9 5"720
%o+tor o( P,0-o)op,* - Psychology (Social/Personality), University of Oregon, 1983-1986.
%0p-o& - Psychology, University of ielefel!, "est #er$any, 1981-1983.
2:-;r0.,t E3+,a'.e St:de't, University of Oregon, 198%-1981.
8.9. (Vord0p-o& # &cono$ics an! Psychology, University of ielefel!, #er$any, 19''-198%.
Pro(e))or, (e)art$ent of Psychology, an! Re)ear+, P)*+,o-o.0)t, *nstit+te of Personality an! Social
,esearch, University of -alifornia, er.eley, 1999-)resent
9+t0'. %0re+tor, *nstit+te of Personality an! Social ,esearch, University of -alifornia,
er.eley, 199/-9'.
9))0)ta't a'd 9))o+0ate Pro(e))or, (e)art$ent of Psychology, an!
9))0)ta't a'd 9))o+0ate Re)ear+, P)*+,o-o.0)t, *nstit+te of Personality an! Social
,esearch, University of -alifornia, er.eley, 198'-98.
9d<:'+t Re)ear+, S+0e't0)t, Oregon ,esearch *nstit+te, 198'-90.
V0)0t0'. 9))0)ta't Re)ear+, P)*+,o-o.0)t, *nstit+te of Personality 1ssess$ent an! ,esearch, 1986-8'.
2etane3+s 4o+n!ation5 ,esearch #rant 666-3333-333, 78itle here ersity in )aths to
)sychological 9ell-:eing in early ol! age7 (-o-*nvestigator 9ith (acher ;eltner).
4+n!e! for 0%%6-0%%9.
,etire$ent ,esearch 4o+n!ation5 ,esearch #rant ,,4-0%%/-30/, 78he ne9 !iversity in )aths to
)sychological 9ell-:eing in early ol! age7 (-o-Princi)al *nvestigator 9ith ,avenna <elson).
4+n!e! for 0%%6-0%%9.
=ational *nstit+te of 2ental <ealth5 ,esearch #rant 2<-/81>', 7&$otion reg+lation an! its
conse?+ences7 (-o-*nvestigator 9ith @a$es #ross). 4+n!e! for 0%%3-0%%8.
4ac+lty ,esearch #rant, A1!+lt !evelo)$ent in 9o$en.B University of -alifornia,
0%%0-0%%3C 0%%3-0%%>5
=ational *nstit+te of 2ental <ealth5 ,esearch #rant 2<->39>8, 74actors infl+encing 9o$enDs a!+lt
!evelo)$ent.7 (-o-*nvestigator 9ith ,avenna <elson). 4+n!e! for 1998-0%%0 for E9/%,18>.
=ational *nstit+te of 2ental <ealth5 ,esearch #rant 2<->90//, 78he five-factor $o!el an! )ersonality
!evelo)$ent.7 (Princi)al *nvestigator). 4+n!e! for 1990-99 at E/1>,31/.
@+nior 4ac+lty ,esearch #rant, University of -alifornia, 1988-89C 1989-9%
P<S io$e!ical ,esearch #rant5 7Self-*nsight5 1!a)tive or 2ala!a)tive,7 198'-88C 1988-89
=ational *nstit+te of 2ental <ealth5 ,esearch #rant 2<-39%'', 7Personality traits as se$antic
categories,7 198'-90 (-o-*nvestigator 9ith Fe9is ,. #ol!:erg an! Sarah &. <a$)son)
Fist of 8o) 8en P+:lishers in the Journal of Personality an So!ial Psy!"olo#y (1> articles) 199>-0%%>
(*S* "e: of Science 1nalysis, S)ring 0%%/, Dialo#ue$ %&, ). 18).
(isting+ishe! 8eaching 19ar! 0%%0-0%%3, (ivision of Social Sciences, -ollege of Fetters an! Science,
University of -alifornia, er.eley (a9ar!e! 1)ril 00, 0%%>).
<onorary #ast (#+est) Professor, @+ne 0%%3, GU21, 2annhei$ University, #er$any
7est Pa)er of the Hear 19ar!7 for )a)ers )+:lishe! in 0%%0, Journal of Resear!" in Personality
8heoretical *nnovation PriIe 0%%0, Society of Personality an! Social Psychology
<onorary #ast (#+est) Professor, S+$$er Se$ester 1999, <ei!el:erg University, #er$any
7est Pa)er of the Hear 19ar!7 for )a)ers )+:lishe! in 1998, Journal of Resear!" in Personality
78o) 0/7 Fiving Psychologists -ite! in Personality Psychology 8e3t:oo.s, Personality an So!ial
Psy!"olo#y 'ulletin (@+ly 199')
-attell 19ar! for &arly -areer -ontri:+tions, So!iety of (ulti)ariate E*+eri,ental Psy!"olo#y (199')
78o) 0/ -itation *$)act7 in -itation 1nalysis of 1ll Psychology @o+rnal 1rticles5 199%-199>.
A,eri!an Psy!"olo#i!al So!iety O-ser)er (@an+ary 1996)
;+rt-Fe9in 4ello9, Uni)ersity of Gronin#en, 8he =etherlan!s (@+ne 199>)
*nvite! Scholar, Uni)ersity of (i!"i#an (S)ring se$ester 199>)
&lecte! 2e$:er of the Personolo#i!al So!iety (1993)
&lecte! 2e$:er of the So!iety of (ulti)ariate E*+eri,ental Psy!"olo#y (198')
"illia$ Sto+t 19ar!, 198>-198/
o9er$an 4o+n!ation Scholarshi), 198>-198/
4+l:right Scholarshi), 198%-1981
NIH Spe+0a- Re10e= /o&&0ttee, 2inority St+!ent (issertation Pro)osals (2arch 0%%/)
/o'):-t0'. Ed0tor, Journal of Resear!" in Personality, 1993-0%%%
Ed0tor0a- 8oard, Psy!"olo#i!al S!ien!e, 199>-1999
9))o+0ate Ed0tor, Personality an So!ial Psy!"olo#y 'ulletin, 199>-199'
Ed0tor0a- Se-e+t0o' /o&&0ttee (JPSP:PPI% Ed0tor, 1$erican Psychological 1ssociation, 199/-96
Propo)a- Re10e=er, Social Sciences an! <+$anities ,esearch -o+ncil of -ana!a (199>)
Propo)a- Re10e=er for the 1$erican Psychological 1ssociation, 1989 an! 1990 1nn+al
-onventions ((ivisions / an! 8)
NI>H Spe+0a- Re10e= /o&&0ttee, Pro)osals in -ross--+lt+ral Psychology (@+ne 199%)
9d Ho+ Re10e=er for n+$ero+s )rofessional Jo+rnals incl+!ing
Psychological Science, Psychological ,evie9, Psychological +lletin, @o+rnal of
Personality an! Social Psychology, Personality an! Social Psychology +lletin,
&+ro)ean @o+rnal of Personality, @o+rnal of 1:nor$al Psychology, 2+ltivariate
ehavioral ,esearch, @o+rnal of Personality, @o+rnal of ,esearch in Personality,
2otivation an! &$otion, @o+rnal of -ons+lting an! -linical Psychology.
%epart&e't o( P)*+,o-o.*
,esearch Partici)ation Pool (,PP) -o$$ittee (-hair), 2ay 0%%' K )resent.
S)ecial 1!visory -o$$ittee for the (evelo)$ental Psychology Progra$, S)ring 0%%6
4ac+lty Search -o$$ittee in -linical Science, 0%%/-%6
-o$$ittee for the (isting+ishe! 4ac+lty Fect+re Series, 0%%/-)resent
4ac+lty Search -o$$ittee in Social (evelo)$ent, 0%%>-%/
4+t+re <iring -o$$ittee, 0%%1-0%%>
4ac+lty Search -o$$ittee in Social-Personality Psychology (-hair), 0%%1-0%%0 (1y!+.)
4ac+lty Search -o$$ittee in Social-Personality Psychology (-hair), 1999-0%%% (-hen)
1rea <ea!, Social/Personality Progra$, 1996-9', 1998-0%%1C an! 0%%3-0%%/
4ac+lty Search -o$$ittee in L+antitative Psychology (-hair), 1996-9' (@+!!)
4ac+lty Search -o$$ittee in Social-Personality Psychology (-hair), 199/-96 (;eltner)
4ac+lty Search -o$$ittee in #eneral Psychology, 199/-96 (;ihlstro$)
1rea <ea!, Personality Progra$, 199>-9/
Un!ergra!+ate 19ar!s -o$$ittee, 199>-9/
4ac+lty Search -o$$ittee (&3traor!inary O))ort+nity <iring), 1993-9>
#ra!+ate &!+cation -o$$ittee, 1993-9>
4ac+lty Search -o$$ittee in Personality Psychology, 1990-93
4ac+lty Search -o$$ittee in Personality Psychology, 1991-90
<+$an S+:Ject Pool -o$$ittee, 1988-90 (-hair)C 1990-9> (2e$:er)C 199>-9' (-hair)
S)ace -o$$ittee, 199%-93, 199>-199'
#ra!+ate St+!ent 1!visor, Personality Progra$, 198'-88, 1989-93
I')t0t:te o( Per)o'a-0t* a'd So+0a- Re)ear+, (IPSR
@oint *<(-*PS, Fongit+!inal Planning #ro+), 0%%1-0%%3
-ollo?+i+$ -o$$ittee (-hair), /% Hear 1nniversary Series an! -ele:ration, 1998-99
-o$$ittee for the &3ternal ,evie9 of the *nstit+te, 1999
1cting (irector, 199/-199'
&3ec+tive -o$$ittee, 198'-9'
-ollo?+i+$ -o$$ittee, 1989-90, 1993-9'
1rchivist Search -o$$ittee, 1989-91, 1991-90
S)ace an! 2oving -o$$ittee, 1988-89C 1993-9'
U'01er)0t*#W0de /o&&0ttee)
-o$$ittee for the Protection of <+$an S+:Jects (-P<S),
Mice--hair, 0%%'-)resent
2e$:er, 0%%/K%'
Search -o$$ittee for the (irector of the *nstit+te of <+$an (evelo)$ent, 0%%1-%0
Search -o$$ittee for the (irector of the *nstit+te of <+$an (evelo)$ent, 1996-9'
-o$$ittee on -o+rses of *nstr+ction an! 1ca!e$ic Progra$s, -ollege of Fetters
an! Sciences, 1993-9/
1. Pervin, F. 1., N @ohn, O. P. (199'). Personality0 T"eory an resear!" ('th e!.). =e9 Hor.5 "iley.
0. Pervin, F. 1., N @ohn, O. P. (&!s.) (1999). Han-oo1 of +ersonality0 T"eory an resear!" (0n! e!.).
=e9 Hor.5 #+ilfor!.
3. 8yler, 8. ,., ;ra$er, ,. 2., N @ohn, O. P. (&!s.) (1999). T"e +sy!"olo#y of t"e so!ial self. 2ah9ah,
=@5 &rl:a+$.
>. Pervin, F. 1., N @ohn, O. P. (0%%1). Personality0 T"eory an resear!" (8th e!.). =e9 Hor.5 "iley.
/. Pervin, F.1., -ervone, (., N @ohn, O.P. (0%%/). Personality0 T"eory an resear!" (9
<o:o.en, =@5 "iley.
6. @ohn, O. P., ,o:ins, ,."., N Pervin, F. 1. (&!s.) (in )ress). Han-oo1 of +ersonality0 T"eory an
resear!" (3r! e!.). =e9 Hor.5 #+ilfor!.
9rt0+-e) a'd 8ook /,apter)
1. @ohn, O. P., #ol!:erg, F. ,., N 1ngleitner, 1. (198>). etter than the al)ha:et5 8a3ono$ies of
)ersonality-!escri)tive ter$s in &nglish, (+tch, an! #er$an. *n <. onari+s, #. van <ec., an! =.
S$i! (&!s.), Personality )sychology in &+ro)e5 8heoretical an! e$)irical !evelo)$ents ()). 83-
1%%). er9yn5 S9ets =orth 1$erica.
0. onari+s, <., 1ngleitner, 1., N @ohn, O. P. (198>). (ie Psychologie !er )ersoenlichen ;onstr+.te5
&ine .ritische estan!sa+fnah$e einer Persoenlich.eitstheorie. (Personal constr+ct theory5 1
critical e3a$ination of a )ersonality theory.) *n 2. 1$elang an! <. -@. 1hrens (&!s.),
renn)+n.te !er Persoenlich.eits forsch+ng ()). 1%9-138). #oettingen5 <ogrefe *nternational.
3. ,oth:art, 2., N @ohn, O. P. (198/). Social categories an! :ehavioral e)iso!es5 1 cognitive analysis of
the effects of intergro+) contact. @o+rnal of Social *ss+es, >1, 81-1%>.
,e)rinte! in5
Stangor, -. (&!.) (0%%%). Stereoty)es an! )reJ+!ice5 &ssential rea!ings. ;ey rea!ings in social
)sychology ()). >19->3>). Phila!el)hia, P15 Psychology Press, 3ii, >9% )).
>. 1ngleitner, 1., @ohn, O. P., N Foehr, 4. @. (1986). *tDs 9hat yo+ say an! ho9 yo+ say it5 1n ite$$etric
analysis of )ersonality ?+estionnaires. *n 1. 1ngleitner an! @. S. "iggins (&!s.), Personality
assess$ent via ?+estionnaires5 -+rrent iss+es in theory an! $eas+re$ent ()). 61-1%8). erlin5
/. <a$)son, S. &., @ohn, O. P., N #ol!:erg, F. ,. (1986). -ategory :rea!th an! hierarchical str+ct+re in
)ersonality5 St+!ies of asy$$etries in J+!g$ents of trait i$)lications. @o+rnal of Personality an!
Social Psychology, /1, 3'-/>.
6. @ohn, O. P. (1986). <o9 shall a trait :e calle!5 1 feat+re analysis of altr+is$. *n 1. 1ngleitner, 1.
4+rnha$, an! #. van <ec. (&!s.), Personality )sychology in &+ro)e5 -+rrent tren!s an!
controversies ()). 11'-1>%). er9yn5 S9ets =orth 1$erica, *nc.
'. ,oth:art, 2. ;., N @ohn, O. P. (1986). 8e$)era$ent an! in!ivi!+ality are alive an! 9ell in &astern
&+ro)e (,evie9 of 78e$)era$ent, Personality, 1ctivity7 :y @. Strela+). -onte$)orary
Psychology, 31, 9%-90.
8. <a$)son, S. &., #ol!:erg, F. ,., N @ohn, O. P. (198'). -ategory-:rea!th an! social-!esira:ility val+es
for /'3 )ersonality ter$s. &+ro)ean @o+rnal of Personality, 1, 0>1-0/8.
9. -ha)lin, ". 4., @ohn, O. P., N #ol!:erg, F. ,. (1988). -once)tions of states an! traits5 (i$ensional
attri:+tes 9ith i!eals as )rototy)es. @o+rnal of Personality an! Social Psychology, />, />1-//'.
1%. @ohn, O. P., 1ngleitner, 1., N Osten!orf, 4. (1988). 8he le3ical a))roach to )ersonality5 1 historical
revie9 of trait ta3ono$ic research. &+ro)ean @o+rnal of Personality, 0, 1'1-0%3.
11. @ohn, O. P. (1989). 8o9ar!s a ta3ono$y of )ersonality !escri)tors. *n (. 2. +ss an! =. -antor
(&!s.), Personality )sychology5 ,ecent tren!s an! e$erging !irections ()). 061-0'1). =e9 Hor.5
10. 1ngleitner, 1., Osten!orf, 4., N @ohn, O. P. (199%). 8o9ar!s a ta3ono$y of )ersonality !escri)tors in
#er$an5 1 )sycho-le3ical st+!y. &+ro)ean @o+rnal of Personality, >, 89-118.
13. @ohn, O. P. (199%). 8he search for :asic !i$ensions of )ersonality5 1 revie9 an! criti?+e. 1!vances
in Psychological 1ssess$ent, ', 1-3'.
1>. @ohn, O. P. (199%). 8he 7ig 4ive7 factor ta3ono$y5 (i$ensions of )ersonality in the nat+ral
lang+age an! in ?+estionnaires. *n F. Pervin (&!.), <an!:oo. of )ersonality5 8heory an! research
()). 66-1%%). =e9 Hor.5 #+ilfor! Press.
1/. @ohn, O. P., <a$)son, S. &., N #ol!:erg, F. ,. (1991). 8he :asic level in )ersonality-trait hierarchies5
St+!ies of trait +se an! accessi:ility in !ifferent conte3ts. @o+rnal of Personality an! Social
Psychology, 6%, 3>8-361.
16. Pratto, 4., N @ohn, O. P. (1991). 1+to$atic vigilance5 8he attention-gra::ing )o9er of negative social
infor$ation. @o+rnal of Personality an! Social Psychology, 61, 38%-391.
1'. 2c-rae, ,. ,., N @ohn, O. P. (1990). 1n intro!+ction to the 4ive-4actor 2o!el an! its a))lications.
@o+rnal of Personality, 6%, 1'/-01/.
18. Hor., ;. F., N @ohn, O. P. (1990). 8he fo+r faces of &ve5 1 ty)ological analysis of 9o$enDs
)ersonality at $i!life. @o+rnal of Personality an! Social Psychology, 60, >9>-/%8.
19. (onah+e, &. 2., ,o:ins, ,. "., ,o:erts, ., N @ohn, O. P. (1993). 8he !ivi!e! self5 -onc+rrent an!
longit+!inal effects of )sychological a!J+st$ent an! social roles on self-conce)t !ifferentiation.
@o+rnal of Personality an! Social Psychology, 6>, 83>-8>6.
0%. @ohn, O. P., N ,o:ins, ,. ". (1993). #or!on 1ll)ort5 4ather an! critic of the 4ive-4actor 2o!el. *n ;. <.
-rai., ,. 8. <ogan, an! ,. =. "olfe (&!s.), 4ifty years of )ersonality )sychology ()). 01/-036). =e9
Hor.5 Plen+$.
01. @ohn, O. P., N ,o:ins, ,. ". (1993). (eter$inants of interJ+!ge agree$ent5 8he ig 4ive,
o:serva:ility, eval+ativeness, an! the +ni?+e )ers)ective of the self. @o+rnal of Personality, 61,
00. ;os$itI.i, -., N @ohn, O. P. (1993). 8he i$)licit +se of e3)licit conce)tions of social intelligence.
Personality an! *n!ivi!+al (ifferences, 1/, 11-03.
03. ,oth:art, 2., N @ohn, O. P. (1993). *ntergro+) relations an! stereoty)e change5 1 social-cognitive
analysis an! so$e longit+!inal fin!ings. *n P. 2. Sni!er$an, P. &. 8etloc., an! &. #. -ar$i!es
(&!s.), PreJ+!ice, )olitics, an! the 1$erican !ile$$a ()). 30-/9). Stanfor!, -15 Stanfor!
University Press.
0>. @ohn, O. P. (199>). *ntro!+ction. *n ;. <arary an! &. (onah+e, "ho !o yo+ thin. yo+ areO ()). 1->).
San 4rancisco, -15 <ar)er.
0/. @ohn, O. P. (199>). =e+e 1n9en!+ngs:ereiche !es 4+enf-4a.toren-2o!els5 St+!ien $it ;in!ern +n!
@+gen!lichen +n! !ie Prognose von (elin?+enI +n! Sch+lerfolg (=e9 a))lications of the 4ive-
4actor 2o!el5 St+!ies 9ith chil!ren an! the )re!iction of !elin?+ency an! school s+ccess). *n ;.
Pa9li. (&!.), Sch9er)+n.tthe$a5 Persoenlich .eit +n! Merhalten I+$ 39. ;ongress !er (e+tschen
#esellschaft f+er Psychologie (). 30/) (1:stract). <a$:+rg, #er$any5 <a$:+rg University Press.
06. @ohn, O. P., N ,o:ins, ,. ". (199>). 1cc+racy an! :ias in self-)erce)tion5 *n!ivi!+al !ifferences in
self-enhance$ent an! the role of narcissis$. @o+rnal of Personality an! Social Psychology, 66,
0'. @ohn, O. P., -as)i, 1., ,o:ins, ,., 2offitt, 8. &., N Sto+tha$er-Foe:er, 2. (199>). 8he 7Fittle 4ive75
&3)loring the no$ological net9or. of the five-factor $o!el of )ersonality in a!olescent :oys.
-hil! (evelo)$ent, 6/, 16%-1'8.
08. @ohn, O. P., N ,o:ins, ,. ". (199>). 8rait an! ty)es, !yna$ics an! !evelo)$ent5 =o !oors sho+l! :e
close! in the st+!y of )ersonality. Psychological *n?+iry, /, 13'-1>0.
09. ,o:ins, ,. "., @ohn, O. P., N -as)i, 1. (199>). 2aJor !i$ensions of )ersonality in early a!olescence5
8he ig 4ive an! :eyon!. *n -. 4. <alverson, @. 1. ;ohnsta$$, an! ,. P. 2artin (&!s.), 8he
!evelo)ing str+ct+re of te$)era $ent an! )ersonality fro$ infancy to a!+lthoo! ()). 06'-091).
<ills!ale, =@5 &rl:a+$.
3%. #ross, @. @., N @ohn, O. P. (199/). 4acets of e$otional e3)ressivity5 8hree self-re)ort factors an! their
correlates. Personality an! *n!ivi!+al (ifferences, 19, ///-/68.
31. @ohn, O. P., -hee., @. 2., N ;lohnen, &. -. (1996). On the nat+re of self-$onitoring5 -onstr+ct
e3)lication via L-sort ratings. @o+rnal of Personality an! Social Psychology, '1, '63-''6.
30. ,o:ins, ,. "., N @ohn, O. P. (1996). 8o9ar! a :roa!er agen!a for research on self an! other
)erce)tion. Psychological *n?+iry, ', 0'9-08'.
33. ,o:ins, ,. "., @ohn, O. P., -as)i, 1., 2offitt, 8. &., N Sto+tha$er-Foe:er, 2. (1996). ,esilient,
overcontrolle!, an! +n!ercontrolle! :oys5 8hree re)lica:le )ersonality ty)esO @o+rnal of
Personality an! Social Psychology, '%, 1/'-1'1.
3>. 1!a$s, S., N @ohn, O. P. (199'). 1 hostility scale for the -alifornia Psychological *nventory. @o+rnal
of Personality 1ssess$ent, 69, >%8->0>.
3/. #ross, @. @., N @ohn, O. P. (199'). ,evealing feelings5 4acets of e$otional e3)ressivity in self-re)orts,
)eer ratings, an! :ehavior. @o+rnal of Personality an! Social Psychology, '0, >3/->>8.
36. ,o:ins, ,. "., N @ohn, O. P. (199'). Self-)erce)tion, vis+al )ers)ective, an! narcissis$5 *s seeing
:elievingO Psychological Science, 8, 3'->0.
3'. ,o:ins, ,. "., N @ohn, O. P. (199'). 8he ?+est for self-insight5 8heory an! research on the acc+racy of
self-)erce)tion. *n <. <ogan, @. @ohnson, an! S. riggs (&!s.), <an!:oo. of )ersonality
)sychology ()). 6>9-6'9). =e9 Hor.5 1ca!e$ic Press.
38. enet-2artineI, M., N @ohn, O. P. (1998). Los Cin!o Granes across c+lt+res an! ethnic gro+)s5
2+ltitrait $+lti$etho! analyses of the ig 4ive in S)anish an! &nglish. @o+rnal of Personality an!
Social Psychology, '/, '09-'/%.
39. #osling, S. (., @ohn, O. P., -rai., ;. <., N ,o:ins, ,. ". (1998). (o )eo)le .no9 ho9 they :ehaveO
Self-re)orte! act fre?+encies co$)are! 9ith on-line co!ings :y o:servers. @o+rnal of Personality
an! Social Psychology, '>, 133'-13>9.
>%. #ross, @. @., N @ohn, O. P. (1998). 2a))ing the !o$ain of e3)ressivity5 2+lti-$etho! evi!ence for a
hierarchical $o!el. @o+rnal of Personality an! Social Psychology, '>, 1'%-191.
>1. @ohn, O. P., Pals, @. F., N "esten:erg, P. 2. (1998). Personality )rototy)es an! ego !evelo)$ent5 -once)t+al
si$ilarities an! relations in a!+lt 9o$en. @o+rnal of Personality an! Social Psychology, '>, 1%93-11%8.
>0. @ohn, O. P., N ,o:ins, ,. ". (1998). ,ecent tren!s in ig 4ive research5 (evelo)$ent, )re!ictive
vali!ity, an! )ersonality ty)es. Personality Psychology in &+ro)e, 6.
>3. ;lohnen, &. -., N @ohn, O. P. (1998). " $o!els of attach$ent5 1 theory-:ase! )rototy)e
a))roach. *n @. Si$)son an! S. ,holes (&!s.), 1ttach$ent theory an! close relationshi)s ()). 11/-
1>%). =e9 Hor.5 #+ilfor!.
>>. Foehlin, @. -., 2c-rae, ,. ,., -osta, P. 8., N @ohn, O. P. (1998). <erita:ilities of co$$on an!
$eas+re-s)ecific co$)onents of the ig 4ive )ersonality factors. @o+rnal of ,esearch in
Personality, 30, >31->/3.
>/. Pals, @., N @ohn, O. P. (1998). <o9 are !i$ensions of a!+lt )ersonality relate! to ego !evelo)$entO
1n a))lication of the ty)ological a))roach. *n P. 2. "esten:erg, F. -ohn, N 1. lasi (&!s.),
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60. #osling, S., ;9an M. S. H, N @ohn, O. P. (0%%3). 1 !ogDs got )ersonality5 1 cross-s)ecies co$)arative
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63. #ross, @. .@., N @ohn, O. P. (0%%3). *n!ivi!+al !ifferences in t9o e$otion reg+lation )rocesses5
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6/. #osling, S. (., MaIire, S., Srivastava, S., an! @ohn, O. P. (0%%>). Sho+l! 9e tr+st 9e:-:ase! st+!iesO 1
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66. @ay, 2., N @ohn, O. P. (0%%>). 1 !e)ressive sy$)to$ scale for the -alifornia Psychological *nventory5
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'9. @ohn, O.P., N Soto, -.@. (0%%'). 8he i$)ortance of :eing vali!5 ,elia:ility an! the )rocess of constr+ct
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80. 8a$ir, 2., @ohn, O.P., Srivastava, S., N #ross, @.@. (0%%'). *$)licit theories of e$otion5 1ffective an! social
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,e)rinte! in -ollections or -lassic &!itions
1. ,oth:art, 2., N @ohn, O. P. (198/). Social categories an! :ehavioral e)iso!es5 1 cognitive analysis of
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,e)rinte! in 4rie!$an, <. S., N Sch+stac., 2. ". (&!s.) (0%%1). Reain#s in +ersonality0 Classi!
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P+:lishe! 1:stracts
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I'10ted /o--o?:0a, Paper) at >eet0'.), a'd Ot,er Pre)e'tat0o')
Personality trait categories5 rea!th, hierarchy, an! ca+sal relations. Pa)er )resente! at the 66th 1nn+al
-onvention of the "estern Psychological 1ssociation, Seattle, "1, 2ay 1986.
*s 8here a asic Fevel of Personality (escri)tionO 8rait rea!th an! (esira:ility in (escri)tions of
Oneself an! Others. -ollo?+i+$ Series, *nstit+te of Personality 1ssess$ent an! ,esearch,
University of -alifornia at er.eley, Se)te$:er 3%, 1986.
-a+sality *$)licit in &very!ay 8rait -once)ts. Social Psychology -ollo?+i+$ Series, (e)art$ent of
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L-Sorts vers+s ,atings5 1n &$)irical -o$)arison. -ollo?+i+$ Series, *nstit+te of Personality
1ssess$ent an! ,esearch, University of -alifornia at er.eley, =ove$:er 18, 1986.
*s 8here a asic Fevel of Personality (escri)tionO *nvite! -ollo?+i+$ Presentation, (e)art$ent of
Psychology, University of ritish -ol+$:ia, @an+ary 19, 198'.
-ategory rea!th, <ierarchical Str+ct+re, an! -a+sal ,elations a$ong Personality 8raits. *nvite!
-ollo?+i+$ Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of 2ichigan, @an+ary 09, 198'.
8rait -once)ts. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$ Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, <arvar! University,
4e:r+ary 3, 198'.
8rait -once)ts5 rea!th, <ierarchical Str+ct+re, an! Use in Personality (escri)tions. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$
Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of -alifornia at er.eley, 4e:r+ary 11, 198'.
8rait rea!th an! (esira:ility in Personality (escri)tions. *nvite! contri:+tion to the Sy$)osi+$ on
7(escri)tive "or!s in Personality 1ssess$ent7 at the 198' 2i!9inter 2eetings of the Society for
Personality 1ssess$ent, San 4rancisco, 2arch 10-1>, 198'.
Self-Other 1gree$ent on Personality (escri)tions. Presente! in the Sy$)osi+$ 7(escri)tions an!
-once)t+aliIations of Personality7 (Oliver P. @ohn, -hair) at the 1988 2i!9inter 2eetings of the
Society for Personality 1ssess$ent in =e9 Orleans, 2arch 1%-1>, 1988.
Personality 1ssess$ent in the 199%sO *ss+es an! -hallenges. *nvite! a!!ress )resente! at the conference
on 7&$erging *ss+es in Personality Psychology,7 University of 2ichigan, 1nn 1r:or, 1)ril 1>-1',
-onsens+al Mali!ation of Personality. Presente! in the Sy$)osi+$ 7Processes, O+tco$es, an! Practical
Utility of Personality (escri)tions7 (Oliver P. @ohn, -hair) at the 68th 1nn+al -onvention of the
"estern Psychological 1ssociation, +rlinga$e, -1, 1)ril 08 - 2ay 1, 1988.
On the (evelo)$ent of Self-2onitoring. *nvite! a!!ress )resente! at the 4irst *nvitational -onference on
Personality an! Social ehavior (. Fatane an! ". #raIiano, OrganiIers), =ags <ea! -onference
-enter, ;ill (evil <ills, =.-., 2ay 10-1', 1988.
-ontin+ity an! -hange5 1 <ierarchical 2o!el of Self-conce)tions. Presente! in the Sy$)osi+$ 7Self-
conce)t in a social conte3t7 ((iane 8ice, -hair) at the 1nn+al -onvention of the 1$erican
Psychological 1ssociation, 1tlanta, 1+g+st 10-16, 1988.
Self an! Peer 1gree$ent on Personality @+!g$ents5 So$e (ata in Search of a 8heory. -ollo?+i+$ Series,
*nstit+te of Personality 1ssess$ent an! ,esearch, University of -alifornia, er.eley, =ove$:er 3,
2etho!ological *ss+es in the 2eas+re$ent of 1cc+racy in Person Perce)tion. L+antitative Psychology
-ollo?+i+$ Series, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of -alifornia, er.eley, 1)ril 00, 1988.
Self-2onitoring ,econsi!ere!. -ollo?+i+$ Series, *nstit+te of Personality 1ssess$ent an! ,esearch,
University of -alifornia, er.eley, Octo:er >, 1988.
Of Saints an! @er.s5 *nterJ+!ge 1gree$ent, the ig 4ive, an! the ,ole of &val+ation. *nvite! )resentation
in the Sy$)osi+$ 7-onsens+s on )erson )erce)tion7 (-hair5 -. @+!!) at the 1nn+al 2eeting of the
Society for &3)eri$ental Social Psychology, 2a!ison, "isconsin, Octo:er 0%-03, 1988.
<ierarchical 2o!els in Social -ognition5 Sta:ility an! -hange of the Self--once)t. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$
Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of 1la:a$a, 8+scaloosa, 4e:r+ary 1', 1989.
Self--once)t Sta:ility an! -hange5 1 <ierarchical 2o!el of Personality 1ttri:+tes. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$
Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of -alifornia, Santa ar:ara, 2arch 1%, 1989.
Self--once)t, *!entities, an! the ig 4ive. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$ Presentation, #erontology ,esearch -enter,
=ational *nstit+te of 1ging, alti$ore, 2(, 1)ril 01, 1989.
8he Self an! iling+alis$. *nvite! lect+re )resente! in the lect+re series on 7,esearch across -+lt+res,7
*nternational <o+se, University of -alifornia, er.eley, 1)ril 08, 1989.
Self-Sta:ility an! ,ole -onsistency5 1 <ierarchical 2o!el of the Self-conce)t. *nvite! )resentation at the
Secon! *nvitational -onference on Personality an! Social ehavior (. Fatane an! ". #raIiano,
OrganiIers), =ags <ea! -onference -enter, ;ill (evil <ills, =.-., 2ay 11-1', 1989.
(irection an! 8y)e of -a+sal &3)lanations in 8rait <ierarchies. *nvite! )resentation at the *nternational
"or.sho) on Personality Fang+age, University of #roningen, 8he =etherlan!s, @+ne 06-3%, 1989.
Of Saints an! @er.s5 *nterJ+!ge 1gree$ent, the ig 4ive, an! the ,ole of &val+ation. Presente! at the
Sy$)osi+$ on 7Personality Fang+age7 at the &+ro)ean -ongress of Psychology, 1$ster!a$, @+ly
0-', 1989.
Sta:ility, -onsistency, an! (e)ression5 &vi!ence for a <ierarchical 2o!el of the Self--once)t. *nvite!
-ollo?+i+$ at =e9 Hor. University, =e9 Hor., Octo:er 6, 1989.
ig 4ive Prototy)es for the 1!Jective -hec. Fist Using O:server (ata. Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$
78he ig 4ive5 <istorical )ers)ective an! c+rrent research7 (O. @ohn, -hair), 1nn+al 2eetings of
the Society for 2+ltivariate &3)eri$ental Psychology, <a9aii, =ove$:er 0->, 1989.
Still Sta:le 1fter 1ll 8hose Hears5 &thnic Stereoty)es in the ,oth:art N @ohn Fongit+!inal St+!y. *nvite!
Presentation at the conference on 7PreJ+!ice, Politics, an! ,ace,7 University of -alifornia at
er.eley, 2arch 00-03, 199%.
8he ig 4ive (i$ensions an! 4o+r Personality 8y)es5 1 ,econciliation of the Maria:le an! Person-
-entere! 8ra!itions. *nvite! )resentation at the 8hir! *nvitational -onference on Personality, =ags
<ea! -onference -enter, =orth -arolina, 2ay 1%-1/, 199%.
Self-O:server 1gree$ent5 (ifferences :et9een 8raits, (ifferences :et9een *n!ivi!+als. Presente! in the
*nvite! Sy$)osi+$ 7(ifferential 1ssess$ent of Persons5 1 2etho!ological an! S+:stantive
,ea))raisal7 (". -ha)lin, -hair), 1nn+al -onvention of the 1$erican Psychological 1ssociation,
oston, 1+g+st 1%-1>, 199%.
8he Prototy)ical Self-2onitor. *nvite! Presentation to the #erontology ,esearch -enter, =ational *nstit+te
of 1ging, alti$ore, 2(, 1+g+st 1', 199%.
On the 1ttention #ra::ing Po9er of =egative Social *nfor$ation. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$, (e)art$ent of Psychology,
*n!iana University, Octo:er 19, 199%.
"here is the Person in Personality ,esearchO 1 8y)ological 1nalysis of 1rchival L-Sorts in the 2ills -ollege
Fongit+!inal St+!y. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$, University of -alifornia at (avis, =ove$:er 199%.
(9ith -. ;os$itI.i) &3)loring (ifferences in #er$an-1$erican Self--once)t, -+lt+ral Mal+es, an! Self-
Presentation. Poster )resente! at the '1st 1nn+al -onvention of the "estern Psychological
1ssociation, +rlinga$e, -1, 1)ril 0/-08, 1991.
(9ith 4. Pratto) 8he 1ttention-#ra::ing Po9er of =egatively Malence! *nfor$ation. Poster )resente! at
the '1st 1nn+al -onvention of the "estern Psychological 1ssociation, +rlinga$e, -1, 1)ril 0/-
08, 1991.
(9ith ,. ,o:ins) 1cc+racy in Self-Perce)tion, Self-&nhance$ent ias, an! =arcissis$5 8he Po9er of *n!ivi!+al
(ifferences. *nvite! )resentation at the 4o+rth *nvitational -onference on Personality, =ags <ea!
-onference -enter, 4lori!a, @+ne 03-09, 1991.
(9ith ,. ,o:ins) 1cc+racy an! ias in Self-Perce)tion. Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 7On the 1cc+racy of
Personality @+!g$ent7 ((. 4+n!er, -hair), 1nn+al -onvention of the 1$erican Psychological 1ssociation,
San 4rancisco, 1+g+st 1/-0%, 1991.
(9ith ,. ,o:ins N 1. -as)i). 8he 7Fittle 4ive7 4actors5 ,ecovering the 4ive-4actor 2o!el in L-Sorts of -hil!ren.
Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 7,ecent *ss+es in 2o!els of Personality Str+ct+re7 (O. @ohn, -hair),
1nn+al 2eetings of the Society of 2+ltivariate &3)eri$ental Psychology, 1l:+?+er?+e, =e9 2e3ico,
Octo:er 0>-06, 1991.
(9ith ;. Hor.). Fongit+!inal Sta:ility of Personality 8y)e Patterns Over 8i$e. Poster )resente! at the *nvitational
-onference 7Fives 8hro+gh 8i$e5 1ssess$ent an! 8heory in Personality Psychology fro$ a Fongit+!inal
Pers)ective,7 Pal$ S)rings, -alifornia, =ove$:er 8-9, 1991.
(9ith &. (onah+e). &go *!entity, ,ole Maria:ility, an! 1!J+st$ent5 1 3% Hear Fongit+!inal St+!y. Poster
)resente! at the *nvitational -onference 7Fives 8hro+gh 8i$e5 1ssess$ent an! 8heory in Personality
Psychology fro$ a Fongit+!inal Pers)ective,7 Pal$ S)rings, -alifornia, =ove$:er 8-9, 1991.
1cc+racy an! ias in Self-Perce)tion. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$, (e)art$ent of Psychology, Stanfor! University,
=ove$:er 0%, 1991.
(9ith ,. ,o:ins). 2etho! Mariance in Self-)erce)tion5 Self-&nhance$ent, Self-(ece)tion, an! Social
(esira:ility. Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 7=e9 (irections in Social (esira:ility ,esearch7
(2. ot9in, -hair), -entennial -onvention of the 1P1, "ashington, (.-., 1+g+st 1>-18, 1990.
(9ith ,. ,o:ins N 1. -as)i). 1ssessing the ig 4ive in a -hil!hoo! Personality *nstr+ $ent . Pa)er
)resente! in the invite! sy$)osi+$ 71!vances in the 1ssess$ent of the 4ive-4actor 2o!el of
Personality7 (,. 2c-rae, -hair), -entennial -onvention of the 1P1, "ashington, (.-., 1+g+st
1>-18, 1990.
8he 7Fittle 4ive7 Personality (i$ensions5 Fin.s to @+venile (elin?+ency, -hil!hoo! Psycho)athology,
School Perfor$ance, an! *ntelligence. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$ Presentation, (e)art$ent of
Psychology, University of ritish -ol+$:ia, -ana!a, =ove$:er 10, 1990.
1cc+racy an! ias in Self-Perce)tion5 8raits, *n!ivi!+als, an! the ,ole of =arcissis$. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$
Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of -alifornia, Santa ar:ara, 2ay 08, 1993.
(9ith ;. Hor.) &3ce)tional Fives Over 8i$e5 -ontrasting *n!ivi!+ate! 9ith 8ra!itional an! -onflicte!
"o$en. Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 71 Fife-S)an 1))roach to &3ce)tionality5 &3ce)tional
Peo)le, &3ce)tional Perfor$ance, &3ce)tional Fives7 (1. 2aciel an! 1. Stetsen.o, -o--hairs) at
the 89elfth iennial 2eetings of the *nternational Society for the St+!y of ehavioral
(evelo)$ent, ,ecife, raIil, @+ly 19-03, 1993.
Personality 8y)es an! the -hanging -oherence of Personality. Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$
7St+!ying Personality -hanges an! -oherence7 (,. <elson, -hair) at the 1%1st -onvention of the
1$erican Psychological 1ssociation, 8oronto, -ana!a, 1+g+st 0%-0>, 1993.
"hat Personality Psychologists 2+st !o to *$)rove 8heir Un!ergra!+ate -+rric+l+$. Pa)er )resente! in
the sy$)osi+$ 78eaching Personality Psychology5 *ss+es Uncovere! :y a U- *nter-ca$)+s
-onference7 (;. <. -rai., -hair) at the 1%1st -onvention of the 1$erican Psychological
1ssociation, 8oronto, -ana!a, 1+g+st 0%-0>, 1993.
(9ith ,. ,o:ins). 1cc+racy an! ias in Self-Perce)tion5 8he ,ole of Mis+al Pers)ective. Poster )resente!
at the 1%1st -onvention of the 1$erican Psychological 1ssociation, 8oronto, -ana!a, 1+g+st 0%-
0>, 1993.
8he 7Fittle 4ive7 Personality (i$ensions5 Fin.s to @+venile (elin?+ency, -hil!hoo! Psycho)athology,
School Perfor$ance, an! *ntelligence. Presente! at the (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of
2ichigan, 1nn 1r:or, 1)ril 10, 199>.
St+!ying 1cc+racy an! ias in Self-Perce)tion. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$ Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology,
University of 2ichigan, 1nn 1r:or, 1)ril 1>, 199>.
1cc+racy an! ias in Self-Perce)tion5 8raits, *n!ivi!+als, an! the ,ole of =arcissis$. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$
Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of "isconsin, 2a!ison, 1)ril 09, 199>.
1..+ratheit +n! ias in !er Sel:st9ahrneh$+ng5 &igenschaften, *n!ivi!+elle Unter schie!e, +n!
=arIiss$+s. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$ Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of ielefel!,
#er$any, @+ne 16, 199>.
8he 7Fittle 4ive75 Fin.s 9ith @+venile (elin?+ency, -hil!hoo! Psycho)athology, School Perfor$ance, an!
*L. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$ Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of #roningen, 8he
=etherlan!s, @+ne 0%, 199>.
Self vs. Peer vs. Psychologist5 1cc+racy an! ias in Personality @+!g$ents. *nvite! -ollo?+i+$
Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of #roningen, 8he =etherlan!s, @+ne 01,
Personality 8y)es in 1!+lt "o$en5 Fongit+!inal &vi!ence for (istinct Fife 8raJectories. *nvite!
-ollo?+i+$ Presentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of #roningen, 8he =etherlan!s,
@+ne 00, 199>
,esilient, Overcontrolling, an! Un!ercontrolling oys5 8hree asic Personality 8y)esO *nvite!
-ollo?+i+$ Presentation, (e)art$ent of -hil! an! 1!olescent Psychiatry, University of Fei!en,
8he =etherlan!s, @+ne 0>, 199>
Personality -hange in ,elation to Personality 8y)e fro$ the Fate 0%s to the &arly >%s. *nvite! )resentation
in the sy$)osi+$ 7Ho+ng 1!+lthoo! an! &arly 2i!life in "o$en7 (F. P+l..inen an! ,. <elson,
-o--hairs) at the 13th iennial 2eetings of the *nternational Society for the St+!y of ehavioral
(evelo)$ent, 1$ster!a$, 8he =etherlan!s, @+ne 08 - @+ly 0, 199>.
(9ith @. Pals). 8y)es an! Stages5 Personality 9ith &go an! 2oral (evelo)$ent. Poster )resente!
in the session 72oral (evelo)$ent7 (@. ,. =eto, -hair), at the 13th iennial 2eetings of the
*nternational Society for the St+!y of ehavioral (evelo)$ent, 1$ster!a$, 8he =etherlan!s, @+ne
08 - @+ly 0, 199>.
8he ig 4ive5 (evelo)$ent, Pre!ictive Mali!ity, an! Personality 8y)es. *nvite! contri:+tion to the
sy$)osi+$ 7Personality (i$ensions7 (. !e ,aa!, -hair) at the Seventh &+ro)ean -onference on
Personality, 2a!ri!, S)ain, @+ly 10-16, 199>.
(9ith S. #osling N ;. <. -rai.). -an Peo)le ,e)ort on their 1ct 4re?+enciesO Pa)er )resente! at the
Seventh &+ro)ean -onference on Personality, 2a!ri!, S)ain, @+ly 10-16, 199>.
On the *$)ortance of &val+ation in Personality @+!g$ents. (isc+ssant in the sy$)osi+$ <o9 2any
(i$ensions of &val+ation 1re 8hereO ((. F. Pa+lh+s, -hair) at the 1%0n! 1nn+al -onvention of
the 1$erican Psychological 1ssociation, Fos 1ngeles, -1, 1+g+st 10-16, 199>.
Sy$)osi+$ on 8raits, 8y)es, Stages5 *ntegration of Personality 2o!els 8hro+gh Fongit+!inal ,esearch
(Oliver P. @ohn, -hair) at the 1%0n! 1nn+al -onvention of the 1$erican Psychological
1ssociation, Fos 1ngeles, -1, 1+g+st 10-16, 199>.
(9ith @. Ostrove). Personality ty)es5 ,elations to traits, i!entity stat+s, an! life o+tco$es. Pa)er
)resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 8raits, 8y)es, Stages5 *ntegration of Personality 2o!els 8hro+gh
Fongit+!inal ,esearch (O. P. @ohn, -hair) at the 1%0n! 1nn+al -onvention of the 1$erican
Psychological 1ssociation, Fos 1ngeles, -1, 1+g+st 10-16, 199>.
So+rces of 2etho! Mariance in Self-re)orts. Pa)er )resente! at the 3/th 1nn+al 2eetings of the Society of
2+ltivariate &3)eri$ental Psychology, Princeton, =@, Octo:er 0'-09, 199>.
1cc+racy an! ias in Self-)erce)tion5 8he Uni?+e Pers)ective of the Self. *nvite! collo?+i+$
)resentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, =orth9estern University, 4e:r+ary 3, 199/.
;no9 8hyselfO 1cc+racy an! ias in Self-)erce)tion. *nvite! collo?+i+$ )resentation, (e)art$ent of
Psychology, University of -alifornia at (avis, 2ay 31, 199/.
Self-insight5 -a+ses an! -onse?+ences of iase! Self-)erce)tion. *nvite! collo?+i+$ )resentation,
(e)art$ent of Psychology, University of ritish -ol+$:ia, Manco+ver, -ana!a, @+ne 0, 199/.
1cc+racy an! ias in Self-)erce)tion5 -a+ses an! -onse?+ences. *nvite! collo?+i+$ )resentation,
(e)art$ent of Psychology, University of -alifornia at ,iversi!e, @+ne 8, 199/.
*nteractions :et9een Personality an! Social Processes5 8he &3a$)le of =arcissis$ an! Self-)erce)tion.
Presente! in the invite! sy$)osi+$ 7*nteractions :et9een Personality an! Social Processes7 (,.
-ial!ini, -air), Society for Personality an! Social Psychology Preconference, =e9 Hor., @+ne 08-
09, 199/.
(9ith @. #ross). 4acets of &$otional &3)ressivity. Presente! in the sy$)osi+$ 7Universality, Mariation,
an! 4+nctions of &$otional &3)ression7 ((. ;eltner, -air), at the 'th 1nn+al 2eetings of the
1$erican Psychological Society, =e9 Hor. -ity, @+ne 09 - @+ly 0, 199/.
(9ith #. -. #onIaga). Personality (eter$inants of S+:Ject Partici)ation in ,esearch. Poster )resente! at
the 'th 1nn+al 2eetings of the 1$erican Psychological Society, =e9 Hor. -ity, @+ne 08 - @+ly 0,
Sy$)osi+$ on -+lt+re, Personality, an! the ig 4ive (Oliver P. @ohn, -hair) at the 1%3r! 1nn+al
-onvention of the 1$erican Psychological 1ssociation, =e9 Hor., 1+g+st 1%-1/, 199/.
(9ith ,. ". ,o:ins an! 1. -as)i). 8hree Universal Personality 8y)esO Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$
7-+lt+re, Personality, an! the ig 4ive7 (Oliver P. @ohn, -hair) at the 1%3r! 1nn+al -onvention of
the 1$erican Psychological 1ssociation, =e9 Hor., 1+g+st 1%-1/, 199/.
(9ith *. Fa+!e$an) 4+IIy Personality 8y)es. Poster )resente! at the 1%3r! 1nn+al -onvention of the
1$erican Psychological 1ssociation, =e9 Hor., 1+g+st 1%-1/, 199/.
(9ith *. Fa+!e$an) =e+ral =et9or.s an! 4+IIy -l+stering as 8echni?+es in the Search for ,e)lica:le
Personality 8y)es. Poster )resente! at the 1%3r! 1nn+al -onvention of the 1$erican
Psychological 1ssociation, =e9 Hor., 1+g+st 1%-1/, 199/.
(9ith @. F. Pals) Personality 8y)es an! &go (evelo)$ent5 -once)t+al an! &$)irical ,elations. Poster
)resente! at the 1%3r! 1nn+al -onvention of the 1$erican Psychological 1ssociation, =e9 Hor.,
1+g+st 1%-1/, 199/.
(9ith 1. P. "are) P+nct+ality ,evisite!5 Personality, Sit+ations, an! -onsistency. Poster )resente! at the
1%3r! 1nn+al -onvention of the 1$erican Psychological 1ssociation, =e9 Hor., 1+g+st 1%-1/,
Self-*nsight5 (o "e <ave *tO *s *t #oo! for UsO *nvite! a!!ress )resente! at the '6th 1nn+al -onvention
of the "estern Psychological 1ssociation, San @ose, -1, 1)ril 11-1>, 1996.
Personality 8y)es5 *$)lications for @+venile (elin?+ency, Psycho)athology, School Perfor$ance, an!
*ntelligence. *nvite! collo?+i+$ )resentation, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of -alifornia,
Santa -r+I, 2ay 13, 1996.
On the ,elations of &go (evelo)$ent to 1!+lt Personality 8y)es. *nvite! )resentation at the 1996 1nn+al
2eetings of the Personology Society, (avis, -alifornia, @+ne ' to 9, 1996.
Self-*nsight5 (o "e <ave *tO *s *t #oo! 4or UsO *nvite! tal. )resente! at the conference 7So+rces of the
Social Self,7 *nstit+te of Personality an! Social ,esearch, University of -alifornia, @+ne 06 to 08,
&$otional &3)ressivity5 Personality, Psycho)athology, an! <ealth. Sy$)osi+$ chaire! at the 8th
1$erican Psychological Society -onvention, San 4rancisco, @+ne 09 to @+ly 0, 1996.
(9ith #ian #onIaga). 7<o9 (o * Fove 8heeO7 @ealo+sy, Fove, Personality, an! 1ttach$ent Style. Poster
)resente! at the 8th 1$erican Psychological Society -onvention, San 4rancisco, @+ne 09 to @+ly 0,
(9ith &. -. ;lohnen). 1ttach$ent Styles an! a -irc+$)le3 2eas+re of *nternal " 2o!els. Poster
)resente! at the i-ann+al -onference of the *nternational Society for the St+!y of Personal
,elationshi)s, anff, -ana!a, 1+g+st 1996.
"hatDs U) 9ith the ig 4iveO Sy$)osi+$ chaire! at the 3'th 1nn+al 2eetings of the Society of
2+ltivariate &3)eri$ental Psychology, &vanston, *F, Octo:er 0>-06, 1996.
Pre!icting Fife O+tco$es fro$ the ig 4ive5 Se3, (r+gs an! ,oc.Dn ,oll. Pa)er )resente! in the
Sy$)osi+$ 7"hatDs U) 9ith the ig 4iveO7 (O. P. @ohn, -hair) at the 3'th 1nn+al 2eetings of the
Society of 2+ltivariate &3)eri$ental Psychology, &vanston, *F, Octo:er 0>-06, 1996.
8he L+est for Self-insight5 1cc+racy an! ias in Self-Perce)tion. *nvite! )resente!, -linical Psychology
-ollo?+i+$ Series, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of Oregon, &+gene, =ove$:er 1/,
"hy are the ig 4ive Personality (i$ensions *$)ortantO *nvite! -entennial Fect+re, (e)art$ent of
Psychology, University of Oregon, &+gene, =ove$:er 1/, 1996.
(9ith @. ,. 2easelle). 8he ig 4ive (i$ensions in -hil!hoo! an! 1!olescence5 2eas+re$ent an!
Pre!iction of Fife &vents. Sy$)osi+$ chaire! at the iennial 2eetings of the Society for
,esearch in -hil! (evelo)$ent, "ashington, (.-., 1)ril 3-6, 199'.
(9ith @. ,. 2easelle). Ho+ng -hil!renDs Self-)erce)tions on the ig 4ive5 -onsistency, Sta:ility, an!
School 1!a)tation fro$ 1ge 4ive to Seven. Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 78he ig 4ive
(i$ensions in -hil!hoo! an! 1!olescence5 2eas+re$ent an! Pre!iction of Fife &vents7 (O.P.
@ohn N @.,. 2easelle, -hairs) at the iennial 2eetings of the Society for ,esearch in -hil!
(evelo)$ent, "ashington, (.-., 1)ril 3-6, 199'.
(9ith S. <. 1!a$s). 8he ,ole of <ostility in the Fongit+!inal Pre!iction of Physician-rate! <ealth. Poster
)resente! at the Society of ehavioral 2e!icine, San 4rancisco, -1, 1)ril 199'.
(9ith &. -. ;lohnen). 1 -irc+$)le3 2eas+re of " 2o!els of 1ttach$ent. Pa)er )resente! in the
sy$)osi+$ 72eas+re$ent of 1!+lt 1ttach$ent5 ,ecent (evelo)$ents, *ss+es, an!
$etho!ological 1!vances7 (&. -. ;lohnen, -hair) at the 1%/th 1nn+al -onvention of the
1$erican Psychological 1ssociation, -hicago, 1+g+st 1%-1/, 199'.
&3ten!ing the ig 4ive eyon! 4actor 1nalysis. *nvite! -attell 19ar! a!!ress )resente! at the 38th
1nn+al 2eetings of the Society of 2+ltivariate &3)eri$ental Psychology, Scotts!ale, 1G, Octo:er
16-18, 199'.
@ohn, O.P., N #osling, S.(. (1998, 2ay). Co,+arin# +ersonality a!ross s+e!ies0 A si,+ler stru!ture in
!ats an o#s t"an in "u,ans? *nvite! collo?+i+$, =ational *nstit+te of 1ging, alti$ore.
#osling, S.(., N @ohn, O.P. (1998, 2ay). Personality i,ensions in o#s$ !ats$ an "yenas. Pa)er
)resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 74ro$ $ice to $en5 ri!ging the ga) :et9een )ersonality an! ani$al
researchersB (S. (. #osling N S. @. S+o$i, -o-chairs) at the 1%th 1nn+al 2eetings of the 1$erican
Psychological Society, "ashington, (.-.
@ohn, O.P., N Pals, @.F. (1998, @+ly). Life +at"s of t"ree +ersonality +rototy+es in a lon#ituinal stuy of
7o,en. Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 7Personality ty)es an! s+:ty)es across the life s)an an!
across c+lt+res7 (-.4.2. van Fiesho+t N F. P+l.innen, -o-chairs) at the 6Mth iennial 2eetings
of the *nternational Society for the St+!y of ehavioral (evelo)$ent (*SS(), ern, S9itIerlan!.
,o:ins, ,."., @ohn, O.P., N -as)i, 1. (1998, @+ly). Personality ty+es$ su-ty+es$ an t"eir -e"a)ioral
i,+li!ations. Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 7Personality ty)es an! s+:ty)es across the life
s)an an! across c+lt+res7 (-.4.2. van Fiesho+t N F. P+l.innen, -o-chairs) at the 6Mth iennial
2eetings of the *nternational Society for the St+!y of ehavioral (evelo)$ent (*SS(), ern,
enet-2artineI, M, N @ohn, O.P. (1998, 1+g+st). T"e S+anis" 'i# Fi)e0 A ,ulti@trait$ ,ulti@lan#ua#e$
,ulti@instru,ent a++roa!". Poster )resente! at the 1%6th ann+al convention of the 1$erican
Psychological 1ssociation, San 4rancisco, -1.
#osling, S.(., N @ohn, O.P. (1999, 4e:r+ary). Personality i,ensions in "u,an@ani,al intera!tions0
Do#s$ !ats$ an "yenas. Pa)er )resente! at the ann+al $eeting of the <+$an-1ni$al ,elationshi)s
,esearch 4oc+s #ro+), *nter!isci)linary <+$anities -enter, University of -alifornia, Santa
@ohn, O.P. (1999, 2ay). Of Saints an Jer1s0 Effe!ts of +ersonality an so!ial@!o#niti)e fa!tors on self@
en"an!e,ent -ias. *nvite! a!!ress in honor of @oo) <ette$a, (e)art$ent of Psychology, 8il:+rg
University, 8he =etherlan!s.
@ohn, O.P. (1999, @+ne). T"e 'i# Fi)e +ersonality i,ensions. *nvite! collo?+i+$, University of
<ei!el:erg, #er$any.
@ohn, O.P. (1999, @+ly). Personality$ nar!issis,$ an self@en"an!e,ent -ias< *nvite! collo?+i+$,
(e)art$ent of Psychology, University of ielefel!, #er$any.
@ohn, O.P. (1999, @+ly). Ante!eents an !onse9uen!es of self@en"an!e,ent -ias< *nvite! collo?+i+$,
(e)art$ent of Psychology, <+$:ol!t University erlin, #er$any.
#osling, S.(., N @ohn, O.P. (1999, 1+g+st). Personality i,ensions in "yenas an ot"er ani,als. Pa)er
)resente! at the 66M* *nternational &thological -onference, angalore, *n!ia.
;9an, M.S., Urlan!, #., N @ohn, O.P. (1999, 1+g+st). 'i# Fi)e +ersonality an ra!ial +reAui!e affe!t
so!ial +er!e+tion. Poster )resente! at the 1%'th 1nn+al -onvention of the 1$erican
Psychological 1ssociation, oston, 21.
2c-onnel, -.&., ;9an, M.S., N @ohn, O.P. (1999, 1+g+st). Continuity an !"an#e in ,ate +referen!es
o)er ;& years. Poster )resente! at the 1%'th 1nn+al -onvention of the 1$erican Psychological
1ssociation, oston, 21.
;9an, M.S.., @ohn, O.P., ,o:ins, ,."., on!, 2.<., N ;enny, (.1. (0%%%, 4e:r+ary). Con!e+tuali>ation
an ,easure,ent of ini)iual ifferen!es in self@en"an!e,ent. Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$
ASelf-enhance$ent :ias5 -once)t+al an! $etho!ological iss+esB (,.". ,o:ins N O.P. @ohn, -o-
chairs) at the ann+al $eeting of the Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, =ashville, 8=.
@ohn, O.P. (0%%%, @+ly). T"e 'i# Fi)e +ersonality fa!tors0 Con!e+tuali>ation an ,easure,ent. 8al.
)resente! in the invite! sy$)osi+$ A8he ig 4ive )ersonality factors an! !isor!ers of )ersonalityB
(O. @ohn an! O. Plaisant, -o-chairs) at the &+ro)ean -ongress of Psychiatry, Paris, 4rance.
@ohn, O.P., N "a!a, S. (0%%%, Octo:er). Personality fa!tors in Ja+an. 8al. )resente! at the 1nn+al
2eetings of the Society of 2+ltivariate &3)eri$ental Psychology, Saratoga S)rings, =H.
@ohn, O.P. (0%%1, 4e:r+ary). W"y are t"e 'i# Fi)e +ersonality i,ensions so -i#$ any7ay? *nvite! a!!ress
)resente! at the ann+al $eeting of the Society of Personality an! Social Psychology, San 1ntonio,
86. (@oint )rogra$ 9ith "alter 2ischel).
=igg, @.8., @ohn, O.P., -. <+ang-Polloc., F. las.ey, &. "illc+tt, S. <insha9, N . Pennington (0%%1,
@+ne). To7ar inte#ration of +ersonality traits an ADHD sy,+to,s. Poster )resente! at the
ann+al $eetings of the *nternational Society for ,esearch in -hil! an! 1!olescent
Psycho)athology, Manco+ver, .-.
#osling, S.(., ;9an, M.S., N @ohn, O.P. (0%%1, Octo:er). A so!ial relations ,oel analysis of ratin#s of
non@"u,an ani,als. 8al. )resente! at the ann+al $eetings of the Society of &3)eri$ental Social
Psychology, S)o.ane, "1.
@ohn, O.P., Srivastava, S., N #osling, S.(. (0%%1, Octo:er). A#e an +ersonality0 An internet stuy. 8al.
)resente! at the ann+al $eetings of the Society of 2+ltivariate &3)eri$ental Psychology,
2onterey, -1.
;9an, M.S., #osling, S.(., N @ohn, O.P. (0%%0, 4e:r+ary). Per!ei)in# +ersonality in ani,als. Poster
)resente! at the ann+al $eeting of the Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, Savannah,
"a!a, S., N @ohn, O.P. (0%%0, 4e:r+ary). Personality in Ja+an0 Analysis of free es!ri+tions. Poster
)resente! at the ann+al $eeting of the Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, Savannah,
@ohn, O.P. (0%%0, 2ay). T"e 'i# Fi)e ta*ono,y of +ersonality traits. *nvite! a!!ress )resente! at the
1nn+al -onvention of the "estern Psychological 1ssociation, *rvine, -1.
,a$$ste!t, , N @ohn, O.P. (0%%0, Se)te$:er). A !ross@!ultural !o,+arison of ifferent a++roa!"es to
,easure t"e 'i# Fi)e. 8al. )resente! at the 'th 1r:eitstag+ng (ifferentielle Psychologie,
Persoenlich.eits)sychologie +n! )sychologische (iagnosti. in <alle/Saale, #er$any.
-ate, ,.1., N @ohn, O.P. (0%%3, 4e:r+ary). Per!e+tion of ti,e re,ainin# an so!ial #oals0 A lon#ituinal
stuy. Poster )resente! at the 1nn+al 2eeting of the Society for Personality an! Social
Psychology, Fos 1ngeles, -1.
#ross, @.@., N @ohn, O.P. (0%%3, 4e:r+ary). No7 you see it$ no7 you onBt0 T"e !osts an -enefits of e,otion o7n@
re#ulation. Pa)er )resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 7"hat is healthy e$otion reg+lationO -hallenges in !efining
an! $eas+ring )ositive e$otional f+nctioning7 (@. #. Fa #+ar!ia, -hair) at the ann+al $eeting of the
Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, Fos 1ngeles, -1.
@ohn, O.P. (0%%3, 4e:r+ary). ItBs all a-out )aliity< 8al. )resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 7&very!ay
$anifestations of )ersonality7 (S. #osling, @. eer, N ,. ,o:ins, -o-chairs) at the 1nn+al 2eeting
of the Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, Fos 1ngeles, -1.
,otten:erg, @., Srivastava, S., ,ay, ,.(., er.$an, &., @ohn, O.P., N #ross, @.@. (0%%3, 4e:r+ary). Ru,ination
effe!ts on e+ression an life satisfa!tion e,er#e t"ree ,ont"s after 3C44< Poster )resente! at the ann+al
$eeting of the Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, Fos 1ngeles, -1.
@ohn, O. P., N @ay, 2. (0%%3, 2arch). Stuyin# t"e life !ourse of e+ressi)e sy,+to,s in sa,+les of
nor,al 7o,en. *nvite! )resentation at the conference 78he 4+t+re of Fongit+!inal St+!ies,7
*nstit+te of <+$an (evelo)$ent, er.eley, -1.
;+ang, F., N @ohn, O.P (0%%3, 1)ril). P"ysi!al attra!ti)eness an self@en"an!e,ent -ias in 7o,en a!ross
t"e life s+an. Poster )resente! at the Un!ergra!+ate ,esearch -onference, San @ose, -1.
@ohn, O. P. (0%%3, @+ne). E)eryt"in# you 7ante to 1no7 a-out t"e 'i# Fi)e. *nvite! collo?+i+$ at the
Gentr+$ f+er U$fragen, 2etho!en, +n! 1nalysen, 2annhei$, #er$any.
,a$$ste!t, ., N @ohn, O. P. (0%%3, @+ly). Co,+arin# 'i# Fi)e ,easures0 Cross@,et"oolo#i!al an
!ross@!ultural si,ilarities an ifferen!es. 8al. )resente! at the 11th -onference of the
*nternational Society for the St+!y of *n!ivi!+al (ifferences (*SS*(), #raI, 1+stria.
#osling, S. (., MaIire, S., Srivastava, S., N @ohn, O. P. (0%%>, @an+ary). Si3 concerns a:o+t *nternet !ata5 1
co$)arative analysis of the e$)irical evi!ence. 8al. )resente! at the ann+al $eetings of the Society for
Personality an! Social Psychology, 1+stin, 8e3as.
@ohn, O.P. (0%%>, 4e:r+ary). Personality in !onte*t0 Finin#s fro, t"e (ills Lon#ituinal Stuy. 8al. )resente! in
the invite! sy$)osi+$ A-ele:rating the 9inner of the loc. Fifeti$e 1chieve$ent in Personality 19ar!5
,avenna <elsonB at the ann+al $eeting of the 1ssociation of ,esearch in Personality, 1+stin, 86.
@ohn, O.P. (0%%>, 4e:r+ary). Traits an )alues0 Distant !ousins or natural allies? 8al. )resente! in the sy$)osi+$
A<o9 are traits an! val+es relate!OB (O.P. @ohn, -hair) at the 1nn+al 2eeting of the Society for
Personality an! Social Psychology, 1+stin, 86.
Soto, -.@., N @ohn, O.P. (0%%>, 4e:r+ary). A ne7 tri!1 for an ol o#0 Issues in t"e !onstru!tion of 'i# Fi)e s!ales
for t"e California Psy!"olo#i!al In)entory. Poster )resente! at the 1nn+al 2eeting of the Society for
Personality an! Social Psychology, 1+stin, 86.
MaIire, S., #osling, S. (., Srivastava, S., N @ohn, O. P. (0%%>, 4e:r+ary). Sho+l! 9e tr+st 9e:-:ase! st+!iesO 1
co$)arative analysis of si3 )reconce)tions a:o+t *nternet ?+estionnaires. 8al. )resente! at the -onry
conference on 2eas+re$ent &val+ation an! ,esearch 2etho!ology, Manco+ver, -ana!a.
Srivastava, S., @ohn, O.P., N #ross, @.@. (0%%>, 2ay). T"e so!ial yna,i!s of e,otion re#ulation0 For,in#
relations"i+s in ne7 so!ial en)iron,ents. Pa)er )resente! at the 1nn+al 2eeting of the 1$erican
Psychological Society, -hicago, *llinois.
@ohn, O.P., N Soto, -.@. (0%%>, Octo:er). Fa!tor stru!ture in +ersonality self@re+orts fro, a#e 4& to %&< 8al.
)resente! at the 1nn+al 2eetings of the Society of 2+ltivariate &3)eri$ental Psychology, 4ort 2yers, 4F.
@ohn, O. P. (0%%/, @an+ary). Stuyin# ini)iual ifferen!es in naturally o!!urrin# so!ial -e"a)ior0 I,+ortant -ut
"ar to o< 8al. )resente! in the sy$)osi+$ A=onself-re)ort $etho!s in )ersonalityB (2. 2ehl, -hair) at
the ann+al $eeting of the Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, =e9 Orleans, F1.
;9an, M.S., #osling, S.(., N @ohn, O.P. (0%%/, @an+aryD< Ant"ro+o,or+"is, as so!ial +er!e+tion< 8al. )resente!
in the Sy$)osi+$ AOther 2in!sO <o9 )eo)le )erceive non-h+$an agentsB (8. F. -hartran!, -hair) at the
ann+al $eeting of the Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, =e9 Orleans, F1.
;+ang, F. F. N @ohn, O. P. (0%%/, @an+ary). Ho7 far oes -eauty #o? A lon#ituinal test of t"e lin1 -et7een
attra!ti)eness an in!o,e in 7o,en. Poster )resente! at the ann+al $eeting of the Society for Personality
an! Social Psychology, =e9 Orleans, F1.
=a+$ann, F.P., @ohn, O.P., N #osling, S.(. (0%%/, @an+ary). Et"ni! ifferen!es in t"e 'i# Fi)e fa!tors of
+ersonality. Poster )resente! at the ann+al $eeting of the Society for Personality an! Social Psychology,
=e9 Orleans, F1.
,a$$ste!t, . N @ohn. O.P. (0%%/, @an+ary). (easurin# +ersonality in one ,inute or less0 T"e 'i# Fi)e s!reenin#.
Poster )resente! at the ann+al $eeting of the Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, =e9 Orleans,
Shiota, 2., ;eltner, N (., @ohn, O. P. (0%%/, @an+ary). Dis+ositional +ositi)e e,otions asso!iate 7it" an*ious an
a)oiant ault atta!",ent styles0 A !ase for ifferentiation. Poster )resente! at the ann+al $eeting of the
Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, =e9 Orleans, F1.
Soto, -. @., @ohn, O. P., #osling, S. (., Srivastava, S., N Potter, @. (0%%/, @an+ary). Traits in transition0
Asso!iations -et7een t"e 'i# Fi)e an a#e urin# late !"il"oo an aoles!en!e. Poster )resente! at the
ann+al $eeting of the Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, =e9 Orleans, F1.
@ohn, O. P. (0%%/, 4e:r+ary). Personality traits0 =is$ aoles!ents$ +arents$ an tea!"ers< *nvite!
collo?+i+$, (e)art$ent of Psychology, University of -alifornia, *rvine.
Soto, -. @., N @ohn, O.P. (0%%/, 2ay). T"e stru!ture of aoles!entsE +ersonality self@re+orts. 8al. )resente! at the
ann+al er.eley-Stanfor! -onference on Social an! Personality Psychology, Palo 1lto, -1.
Pals, @. F., <elson, ,., N @ohn, O. P. (0%%/, 1+g+st). Continuin# to #ro70 Lon#ituinal e)ien!e for e#o
e)elo+,ent in ,ilife< Poster )resente! at the 113th 1nn+al -onvention of the 1$erican Psychological
1ssociation, "ashington, (.-.
@ohn, O.P. (0%%/, Octo:er). Cultural effe!ts on +ersonality self@re+orts. 8al. )resente! at the 1nn+al 2eetings of
the Society of 2+ltivariate &3)eri$ental Psychology, Fa.e 8ahoe, -1.
@ohn, O.P., N #ross, @.@. (0%%6, @an+ary). Ini)iual ifferen!es in e,otion re#ulation strate#ies0 Affe!ti)e$
inter+ersonal$ an 7ell@-ein# !onse9uen!es. 8al. )resente! in the sy$)osi+$ 7*n!ivi!+al !ifferences in
e$otional )rocessing5 ehavioral, ne+ral, an! genetic $echanis$s7 (O. #illath an! ,.S. &!elstein, co-
chairs) at the ann+al $eeting of the Society for Personality an! Social Psychology, Pal$ S)rings, -1.
=a+$ann, F. P., N @ohn, O. P. (0%%6, @an+ary). Personality ifferen!es -et7een Asian A,eri!ans an W"ites0 A
test of se)eral e*+lanations. Poster )resente! at the 1nn+al 2eeting of the Society for Personality an!
Social Psychology, Pal$ S)rings, -1. (#ra!+ate Poster 19ar! ,eci)ient, 1st )lace)
Soto, -. @., @ohn, O. P., #osling, S. (., N Potter, @. (0%%6, @an+ary). T"e stru!tural )aliity of 'i#@Fi)e +ersonality
self@re+orts in late !"il"oo an aoles!en!e. Poster )resente! at the 1nn+al 2eeting of the Society for
Personality an! Social Psychology, Pal$ S)rings, -1.
@ohn, O. P. (0%%6, 1)ril). Cele-ratin# Ra)enna Helson0 Her life$ !areer$ an s!ientifi! !ontri-utions. *ntro!+ction
to the (isting+ishe! 4ac+lty Fect+re in Psychology, University of -alifornia, er.eley.
@ohn, O. P. (0%%6, 2ay). T"e 'i# Fi)e +ersonality i,ensions an t"eir i,+li!ations for "ealt" an ,ei!al
+ra!ti!e. *nvite! collo?+i+$ )resentation, (e)art$ent of Psychiatry, Universitee Paris /, Paris, 4rance.
&ng, @. S., Soto, -. @., @ohn, O. P., N #ross, @. @. (0%%', @an+ary). Re#ulation of s+e!ifi! e,otions0 Et"ni!ity an
#ener effe!ts on rea++raisal an su++ression. Poster )resente! at the 1nn+al 2eeting of the Society for
Personality an! Social Psychology, 2e$)his, 8=.
#orchoff, S. 2., @ohn, O. P. N <elson, ,. (0%%', @an+ary). T"ereEs so,et"in# a-out ,arria#e0 C"an#e in ,arital
satisfa!tion in ,ile a#e. Poster )resente! at the 1nn+al 2eeting of the Society of Personality an! Social
Psychology, =ashville, 8=.
2os.o9itI., (., N @ohn, O. P. (0%%', @an+ary). Nar!issisti! stri)in# for su!!ess0 An e*+eri,ental test of t"e
s+e!iali>ation "y+ot"esis. Poster )resente! at the 1nn+al 2eeting of the Society of Personality an! Social
Psychology, =ashville, 8=.
=a+$ann, F. P., N @ohn, O. P. (0%%', @an+ary). Cultural )alues an referen!e@#rou+ stanars as e*+lanations
for Asian )s< Euro+ean@A,eri!an +ersonality ifferen!es. Poster )resente! at the Society for Personality
an! Social Psychology ann+al conference, 2e$)his, 8=.
Soto, -. @., @ohn, O. P. N #orchoff, S. 2. (0%%', @an+ary). Ault atta!",ent styles an t"e 'i# Fi)e0 Different
!onstru!ts or ifferent !onte*ts? Poster )resente! at the 1nn+al 2eeting of the Society of Personality an!
Social Psychology, =ashville, 8=.

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