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1. Income Amethi districts Per capita Income (current prices) of Rs 19,896; is Rs 10,156 lesser than that of
UP (Rs 30,052). Even worse, it is a huge Rs 40,707 lesser than that of India (Rs 60,603). (2011-12)
This makes Amethi one of the most impoverished districts of UP.
Directorate of Economics,
India Economic Survey
2. GDDP Amethi districts Gross District Domestic Product (GDDP) contributes a mere 0.7% to UPs Gross
State Domestic Product (GSDP) far behind even other weak districts like Muzzafarnagar
(2.6%), Bareilly (2.6%), Moradabad (2.5%) etc. (2011-12)
Directorate of Economics,
3. MGNREGA Of the 67,128 families that asked for their Right to Employment in Amethi district; a mere 2,174
actually got 100 days Employment translating to a 3.2% delivery rate of what the Congress
has guaranteed by Law. This despite Amethi being the pocket borough of Rahul Gandhi.
Ofcial MGNREGA Website
(accessed on 25 April 2014)
4a. Electricity 62.8% of households in Sultanpur district do not get Electricity - almost double the national
average of 32.7%. Rae Bareli district is equally miserable with 59.7% households not having
electricity. The people here continue to survive on Kerosene. (2011)
Census 2011
4b. Electricity Sultanpur districts Per capita Electricity Consumption of 99.88 kwh is less than half of even
UPs at 211.08 kwh. (2009-10)
Sultanpur districts Per capita Electricity Consumption has increased by 10.61 kwh between
2000-01 and 2009-10 while UPs increased by 36.26 kwh.
District wise Development
Indicators 2010 [GoUP]
5. Toilets 83.8% households of Sultanpur district do not have a Toilet 19.4 % points more than UPs
(64.4%) and 30.7 % points more than Indias (53.1%). Even Rae Bareli is no better with 81.7%
households without Toilets. (2011)
Over the past decade, Rahul Gandhi has miserably failed to improve the situation
with a negligible 1.7 % points improvement in Sultanpur and 0.08 % points improvement in
Rae Bareli respectively.
Census 2011

Amethi Parliamentary Constituency comprises parts of Sultanpur and Rae Bareli Districts
6a. Water A mere 20.4% households of Rae Bareli district get drinking water by Tap less than half the
national average of 43.54%. Sultanpur district sufers a similar fate with 24.7% households
getting drinking water by Tap. (2011)
Over the past decade, Rahul Gandhi has again failed to improve the situation
with a negligible 6.7 % points improvement in Rae Bareli and 9.7 % points improvement in
Sultanpur respectively.
Census 2011
6b. Water 71.9% households of Rae Bareli district have to go out of their premises to get drinking water
compared to 48.08% in UP and 53.42% nationally. (2011)
Census 2011
7a. Girls Toilets
(in schools)
43.9% of Rae Bareli districts Schools do not have Girls Toilets. This is in contrast to UPs
average of 18.7%. (2011-12)
DISE 2011-12
7b. Electricity
(in schools)
Forget actual electricity; a mere 33.3% of Sultanpur districts Schools and 31.9% of Rae Bareli
districts Schools have even an Electricity connection. (2011-12)
DISE 2011-12
7c. Computer
(in schools)
Children of Sultanpur and Rae Barelli district continue to live in the dark ages even in todays era
of technology; with a shameless 4.8% and 4.1% schools in the respective districts having
Computer. Even Indias average is 4 to 5 times more. (2011-12)
DISE 2011-12
7d. Playground
(in schools)
53.6% of Sultanpur districts Schools and 41.2% of Rae Bareli districts Schools do not even have
a Playground. This is in sharp contrast to even UPs average of 21.8%. (2011-12)
DISE 2011-12
8. MSMEs In Amethi district there are 148 MSMEs, employing a total of 593 people District Industrial Profle
MSME Ministry [GoI]
9a. Parliament
Amethi MP Rahul Gandhis Attendance in Parliament has been a shameful 43%; compared to
Indian MPs average of 76%. (2009-14)
9b. Parliament
Amethi MP Rahul Gandhi participated in 2 Debates in Parliament; compared to Indian MPs
average of 38. (2009-14)
9c. Parliament
Amethi MP Rahul Gandhi raised 0 Questions in Parliament - compared to Indian MPs average
of 300. (2009-14)
In the last 10 years, Rahul Gandhi has not raised a single issue relating to Amethi in any question or debate in Parliament. This shows his abject
failure and utter disregard to solve the problems of the people of Amethi.

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