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At a Restaurant

Eating out is fun and exciting. It allows one to experience new taste sensations. It allows one to
see unique dining settings and ambiances. It allows one to save time and effort since someone
else does the cooking and cleaning up. There are any number of expression you are likely to
encounter at a restaurant. Below are just a few of them.

English Expressions

Expression Response
By a waiter
May I take your order !ould I have a few minutes" please
Are you ready to order sir? #es" I$ll have the salmon.
How would you like ( ... your steak% &edium rare" please.
You have a hoie o! ' ...baked or mashed
I$ll have the mashed.
"ould you are ( ...for something to drink% #es" I(ll have an iced tea.
May I get you anything else? )o" I$m fine thanks.

By a usto#er
$ould I get another ' ... roll" please% !ertainly" I will bring it right away.
$ould I see the '... menu% *ne moment" please.
%his steak is '... still bloody. !ould you have the
chef cook it a little more%
+ight away" ma$am.
%his isn&t what I ordered" '... I wanted a B,T
and you gave me meat loaf%
I$m so sorry sir. It$s my first day and I(m still a
little confused. confused
$an I get the hek' please +ight away" sir.
*nce you have eaten" or maybe before you order you may describe the food just eaten to your
dining companion. #ou may also want to know how something may taste before ordering
it. There are a number of words that can be used to describe food. ,ook at these examples.
"ords used to desri(e !ood
Bland +ich -picy -alty
Sweet Sour Bitter Hot

Ways to prepare food
Pickled Baked Boiled
Broiled Fried Sauted

Words to describe the taste of food
Delicious Awful Good Tasty
#ummy #ucky .isgusting
English )ialogue
-tudents should work together in pairs and read the following dialogue" one student reading one
part" the other student reading the other. )ote the expressions used in the dialogue and the
progression of the conversation. The dialogue can be used as a model to have similar

"aiter* /elcome to 0asey(s 0itchen. .o you have a reservation
$usto#er* #es" the name is 1ohnson" 2aul.
"aiter* 3h" yes" here you are. That was a party for one" correct
$usto#er* #es.
"aiter* +ight this way. 4ere(s the menu. I(ll return in a moment to take your order.
"aiter* 3re you ready to order" sir
$usto#er* #es" I(ll have the T5bone steak.
"aiter* 4ow would you like that cooked
$usto#er* /ell done" please.
"aiter* #ou have a choice of potatoes5 6rench fried" mashed" or baked.
$usto#er* I(ll have the baked potato.
"aiter* /ould you like that with butter or sour cream or both
$usto#er* I(m on a diet" so only butter.
"aiter* The vegetables today are corn on the cob" peas and carrots" or broccoli.
$usto#er* I(ll take the corn on the cob.
"aiter* 3nd what would you like for dessert
$usto#er* /hat do you have
"aiter* /e have apple" cherry" and lemon meringue pie" chocolate and vanilla cake" peach
cobbler" and chocolate" vanilla" and strawberry ice cream.
$usto#er* I(ll take the cherry pie" a la mode" please.
"aiter* /ould you care for something to drink
$usto#er* I(ll take a large ice tea with my meal and a cup of black coffee with dessert.
"aiter* 7ery good sir. Enjoy you meal.
$usto#er* Thanks.

3fter reading" close your book and tell your partner a summary of the dialogue. Then switch and
have your partner tell his or her summary. -tart like this8 This dialogue is about a man in a
restaurant ordering ...This may seem silly" since you both already know what the dialogue is
about" but the purpose is to practice using your English" not to give information or test your
reading skills.

Conversation Activities

1. Pair work- discussion
/hen did you go to a restaurant last Tell your partner about it using some of the ideas for
below. #our partner should ask questions to get more information.
when did you go
where did you go
what did you eat
who did you go with
how was the food
+. ,air work- Role ,lay
%he situation* 3t a restaurant
/orking with a partner" role play the situation" using the information below
9se the menu below to order a meal.
%he roles* a waiter" a customer

Waiter: Are you ready to order, sir?
Mr Ryefield: Yes. !ll "a#e t"e $eef stew for starters a%d &y wife would like to&ato sou'.
Waiter: (%e $eef stew a%d o%e to&ato sou'. )"at would you like for t"e &ai% course?
Mr Ryefield: !ll "a#e t"e *aye%%e Pe''er Steak a%d &y wife would like t"e Fried Trout wit"
&as"ed 'otatoes.
Waiter: !& afraid t"e trout is off.
Mrs Ryefield: (" dear. +rr... )"at else do you reco&&e%d?
Waiter: T"e sole is #ery ,ood.
Mrs Ryefield: (-. !ll "a#e t"at. Do you "a#e a%y coleslaw?
Waiter: .o, !& sorry, we do%!t.
Mrs Ryefield: /ust ,i#e &e a s&all &i0ed salad t"e%.
Mr Ryefield: Sa&e for &e.
Waiter: *ertai%ly. 1...2 )ould you like so&et"i%, to dri%k?
Mr Ryefield: Yes, 'lease. 3ay see t"e wi%e list?
Waiter: *ertai%ly. Here you are.
Mr Ryefield: A $ottle of *"a$lis 455, 'lease.
Waiter: +0celle%t c"oice6
.n the Menu
Entree or Starter
chips" fries
garlic bread
spring rolls
Main Meal
burger with chips and salad
fish and chips
pasta with tomato sauce
roast chicken and vegetables
steak with chips and salad
stir5fried vegetables with rice
apple pie
chocolate cake
fruit salad
Target ,anguage8
Waiter: Welcome to Antico's. Here are your menus. Today's special is grilled
salmon. I'll be back to take your order in a minute.
. . .
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Customer 1: I'd like the seaood spaghetti.
Waiter: And you?
Customer !: I'll ha"e a hamburger and ries.
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?
Customer 1: I'll ha"e a coke# please.
Waiter: And or you?
Customer !: $ust %ater# please.
Waiter: &'. (o that's one seaood spaghetti# one hamburger and ries# one
coke# and one %ater. I'll take your menus.
. . .
Waiter: Here is your ood. )n*oy your meal.
. . .
Waiter: Ho% %as e"erything?
Customers !: +elicious# thanks.
Waiter: Would you like anything or dessert?
Customer 1: ,o# *ust the bill please.

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