431 Project

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CE 431 Water Supply Engineering Spring 1998

A city of 60,000 population plans to construct a water treatment plant to produce potable
water using a design flow of 200 gpcd. The City uses surface water from a nearby lake.
Both water quality and water demand vary with season. The typical raw water characteristics
are as follows:
Raw Water Characteristics
CO2 ( mg/l ) 6 Turbidity ( NTU) Ave 20 Max 60
( mg/l) 210 TDS ( mg/l) 550
( mg/l ) 30 Color ( CU) Ave 18 Max 60
( mg/l ) 21
Alkalinity ( mg/l as
Ca CO3)
( mg/l ) 280
( mg/l ) 32
The requirements for the product water quality Product Water Quality Requirements are as
Turbidity ( NTU) 0.2 Sulfate ( mg/l) 250
Coliform 1 TDS ( mg/l) 500
pH 6.5-8.3 Color ( CU) 5
Scope of Work:
I. Budgetary estimate of construction cost and engineering design fee.
II. Evaluate and select treatment processes and prepare a preliminary design of the
treatment facilities. The preliminary design shall include the following:
1. Evaluating given information and developing a schematic flow diagram of the processes.
2. A tabulation of the design criteria.
3. Design calculations for Modules A through H for unit processes and equipment sizing.
4. A summary of preliminary sizes.
5. A hydraulic profile.
6. A layout and detailed sketch of the facilities.
7. Support documents including equipment data sheets, and catalog cut sheets.
Design Requirements:
Module A-- Raw Water Intake and Pump Station
Given: Static head 22 ft
Total pipe length 4300 ft
Total minor losses 14 ft
Number of pumps 2 + 1
The elevation of the low water level 100.00
1. Inlet & discharge pipe sizes ( Inlet velocity < 6 fps and discharge velocity
< 8 fps)
2. Pump calculation including discharge and TDH
3. Pump & motor selection ( include catalog cut)
Module B-- Flash Mix
Given: Number of Tanks 2
Freeboard 2 ft
Vertical shaft vaned disc turbine mixer with 4 flat blades
Mixing energy ( G) 920 per second
GT 20,000 - 35,000 ( use average value)
Impeller diameter 40 to 50% of tank diameter or width
Water temperature is 50
1. Tank size
2. Impeller type , diameter and rotating speed.
3. Mixer motor HP ( Assume overall efficiency is 80%)
4. Select a chemical diffuser. Justify your decision.
Module C-- Flocculation
Given: Number of rectangular tanks 2
The basin for each stage L/W = 3 and water depth = 11 ft
Flocculation stages 3 per tank
Number of flocculators 3 per stage
Detention time 10 minutes each stage
Flocculator type Horizontal shaft with paddles and variable
speed drive
Mixing Energy ( G) 50, 35 and 20 per second for the 3 stages
Wei 2
1. Tank volume
2. Tank dimensions and baffled wall details
3. Flocculator paddle dimensions and details
4. Check ratio of paddle area to tank area and tip velocity
5. Flocculator motor HP
6. Discuss other common alternatives ( exclude proprietary devices), the pros and cons of
each alternative.
7. Is your design a good selection? Justify your answer.
Module D -- Sedimentation
Given: Number of rectangular tanks 2
Tank L/W ratio 4
Surface loading rate 0.93 gpm/sq ft
Ave depth 14 ft
Weir loading rate 13.9 gpm/ft
Sludge collection Chain and flight
Sludge quantity Approximately 4% of total flow
1. Tank dimensions
2. Ave horizontal velocity. Check Reynolds no. and Froude's no. Reshape the tank if there
is a problem.
3. Detention time
4. Sludge withdrawal pumps ( one pump per tank)
5. Influent and effluent structures ( hydraulics and details)
6. Calculate the tank size reduction if 75% of the tank area is covered with tube modules.
The tubes are 2 ft high, 2 inch wide and of 45
Module E-- Filters
Given: Conventional gravity filter, square filters, fixed-nozzle type
Filter media anthracite coal and sand
Number of filters 5 operating + 1 spare
Filter rate 4 gpm/sq ft
Average backwash cycle every 48 hours
1.Dimensions and details of filters
2.Filter media depth ( inches), effective size ( mm), Uniformity
coefficient, Specific gravity.
3.Gravel bed depth ( inches), effective sizes ( inches)
4.Filter backwash backwash rate ( gpm/sq ft), backwash flow ( gpm),
backwash duration ( minutes)
5.Filter surface wash rate ( gpm/sq ft) and duration ( minutes)
6.Total washwater as a percentage of plant flow
Wei 3
7.Elevations for filter HWL, LWL, top of filter media, top of wash water trough, required
water elevation in effluent channel for self wash type, effluent weir crest, and HWL
in clear well.
8.Is the dual media filter a good selection for given conditions? Justify your answers.
Module F-- Sludge Lagoon
Given: Two earthen basins
Storage period 60 days
Design: Basin volume and dimensions
Module G -- Chlorination
Given: Plant effluent free chlorine residual 1 mg/l
chlorine demand 0.5 mg/l
1. Chlorine requirement lbs/day
2. Chlorination system
3. Injector
Module H-- Chemical facilities
Given: Alum dose 50 mg/l
Alum feed solution commercial liquid alum ( without dilution)
Liquid alum 5.6 lbs / gal solution
Polymer (cationic) dose 1 mg/l
Commercial liquid polymer 65-75 lbs/cu ft
80% strength
Polymer feed solution 2.5-5% strength
1. Chemical consumption ( lbs/day and gal /day)
2. Size of day tank for polymer ( Gal and dimensions)
3. Feed pump type and capacity ( gpH)
Wei 4
Each student is required to turn in a self-evaluation and a peer evaluation to the instructor
at conclusion of the project. The guidelines are shown in section III and an evaluation
form is attached.
Each person will be rated in four areas: Preparation, participation, contribution,
and leadership.
1. Preparation
Has the person studied the class material and reading assignments and
ready to contribute in a positive manner.
2. Participation
Is the person making a sincere effort to participate in group activities? Is
the person a good team player?
3. Contribution
Is the person knowledgeable on the subject? Has the person made
valuable contribution to the project?
4. Is this person able to step in and organize an activity when the need arises?
Is this person well organized? Is this person an effective leader?
Wei 5
Course No.__________________________________
Project __________________________________
Evaluator Name _____________________________ Date ________________
SELF EVALUATION: ( State one's own contribution to the project)
Name Prepa- Parti- Contri- Leader- Total
ration cipation bution ship
Score Description Limitation ( Person per group)
4 Excellent one
3 Above Average two
2 Average no limit
1 Below Average no limit
0 Below Minimum requirement no limit
Additional Comments:
Wei 6

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