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May 05 2014
My friend, Tyler !"#i$e, "n Fa%e&""', (a# re%en$ly &een !"in$in) "*$
$(a$ +any $(in' $(e la, i# a -%*r#e- and a -&*rden- fr"+ ,(i%( .(ri#$
died $" -#a/e- *#0 He (a# "&/i"*#ly &een $al'in) $" .(ri#$ian# and
readin) $(eir #i$e#1 /i#i$in) $(eir y"*$*&e %(annel#, &e%a*#e $(i# i#
!re%i#ely (", I ,a# $a*)($ $" $(in' )r",in) *! in .(ri#$iani$y0 Any"ne
,(" denie# $(i# i# 2*#$ &ein) di#("ne#$0 .(ri#$ian# d" n"$ ye$ reali3e
$(a$ ,(en $(ey %all $(e la, -a %*r#e- $(ey are %allin) any"ne ,("
!rea%(e# i$ -%*r#ed0- T(ey al#" d"n4$ reali3e $(a$ .(ri#$ (i+#elf
!rea%(ed la,0
"John 14: 15
If you love me, you will keep my commandments"
"Mark 10:
1 !nd as he was settin" out on his #ourney, a man ran up and knelt
$efore him and asked him, %&ood 'eacher, what must I do to inherit
eternal life()
1* !nd Jesus said to him, %+hy do you call me "ood( ,o one is "ood
e-cept &od alone.
1/ 0ou know the commandments: 12o not murder, 2o not commit
adultery, 2o not steal, 2o not $ear false witness, 2o not defraud, 3onor
your father and mother.4)
T(ere are +any #*%( e5a+!le# in #%ri!$*re "f .(ri#$ !rea%(in), y"*
)*e##ed i$, LAW6 T(e ."++and+en$#6 He #$a$ed $(a$ if y"* LO7E
y"*r nei)(&"r a# y"*r#elf 8"ne "f $(e -ne,- %"++and+en$# (e )a/e9
$(en y"* ,ill n"$ #in a)ain#$ (i+ 8&r"$(er# and #i#$er# THAT I LAW90
He $a*)($ $(a$ if y"* -l"/e G"d ,i$( all y"*r (ear$- 8an"$(er "f $(e
-ne,- %"++and+en$#9 $(en y"* ,ill n"$ #in a)ain#$ G"d 8a)ain,
$(a$4# ,(a$ $(e la, $ea%(e#90
.(ri#$ $a*)($ fr"+ $(e LAW6 Wi$("*$ $(e la, ,e d"n4$ 'n", any #in0
Wi$("*$ $(e la, ,e HA7E NO IN0
"5omans 5:
16 for sin indeed was in the world $efore the law was "iven, $ut
sin is not counted where there is no law."
"5omans 4:
15 7or the law $rin"s wrath, $ut where there is no law there is
no trans"ression."
T("#e ,(" #ay $(a$ $(e la, i# -d"ne a,ay ,i$(- in .(ri#$ are #ayin)
$(a$ $(ey -(a/e n" #in- 8f"r if $(ey (a/e n" la, $(ey (a/e n" #in90
:"(n #aid any"ne ,(" #ay# -I (a/e n" #in- i# a liar and $(e $r*$( i#
n"$ in (i+;
"1 John 1:
* If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is
not in us."
W(en .(ri#$ian# #ay $(a$ $(e LAW i# a %*r#e, $(ey $,i#$ $(e #%ri!$*re
and +a'e ri)($e"*#ne## an e/il $(in), f"r $(e la, $ea%(e#
ri)($e"*#ne##0 T(ey are n"$ 2*#$ %allin) ri)($e"*#ne## -a %*r#e- &*$
$(ey are %allin) .(ri#$, $(e L"rd "f Ri)($e"*#ne##, -a%%*r#ed6-
T(i# i# (", ,e 'n", $(a$ $("#e ,(" !rea%( $(a$ $(e la, i# a .<RE
and a B<RDEN d" n"$ =NOW .(ri#$ and are NOT $r*e &elie/er#0
H", %an I !a## #*%( 2*d)+en$> %ri!$*re !a##e# i$ f"r +e;
"1 8orinthians 19:6
6 +herefore I "ive you to understand, that no man speakin" $y
the :pirit of &od calls Jesus accursed: and that no man can say
that Jesus is the ;ord, $ut $y the 3oly &host."
He ,(" #ay# $(e la, i# n*llified &y .(ri#$ and (e ,(" #ay# $(a$ (e
-%ann"$ #$"! #innin)- i# #ayin) $(a$ :e#*# i# NOT LORD "f $(eir
&"die#, $(a$ :e#*# i# "nly L"rd "f $(eir -#"*l- &*$ (a# NO .ONTROL
"r A<THORIT? "/er ,(a$ $(ey d" in $(eir &"die#0
N" +an, #!ea'in) &y $(e H"ly !iri$ %an %all .(ri#$ -a%%*r#ed- 8&y
%allin) $(e %"++and+en$# a %*r#e9 and n" +an #!ea'in) &y $(e
H"ly !iri$ %an deny $(a$ :e#*# i# L"rd 8"f $(eir &"die#90
.(ri#$ian# $,i#$ #%ri!$*re f"r $(ey #ay $(a$ if y"* are -"f fai$(- y"* d"
n"$ 'ee! $(e la, and $(a$ if y"* 'ee! $(e la, y"* are -n"$ "f $(e
Here4# "ne #*%( #%ri!$*re $(ey TWIT;
"&alatians 6:
19 !nd the law is not of faith: $ut, 'he man that doeth them
shall live in them.
16 8hrist hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, $ein"
made a curse for us: for it is written, 8ursed is every one that
han"eth on a tree:"
.(ri#$ian# yan' $(e a&"/e /er#e# %"+!le$ely "*$ "f %"n$e5$0 @a*l
,a# $al'in) $" !e"!le $(a$ ,ere $ryin) $" 'ee! $(e la,, !*rely &y $(e
FLEH, and n"$ &y FAITH and $(e HOL? @IRIT0
I$4# ,(y (e #aid;
"&alatians 6:
6 !re ye so foolish( havin" $e"un in the :pirit, are ye now made
perfect $y the flesh("
We, $(e $r*e &elie/er#, 'ee! $(e la, B? FAITH, and i$ %ann"$ &e #aid
"f *# $(a$ -$(e la, i# n"$ fai$(- f"r $" *# $(e la, I FAITH6 :a+e#
(i+#elf #$a$ed a# +*%(;
"James 9:
14 +hat doth it profit, my $rethren, thou"h a man say he hath faith, and
have not works( can faith save him(
15 If a $rother or sister $e naked, and destitute of daily food,
1< !nd one of you say unto them, 2epart in peace, $e ye warmed and
filled= notwithstandin" ye "ive them not those thin"s which are needful to
the $ody= what doth it profit(
1 >ven so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, $ein" alone.
1* 0ea, a man may say, 'hou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy
faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith $y my works.
1/ 'hou $elievest that there is one &od= thou doest well: the devils also
$elieve, and trem$le.
90 ?ut wilt thou know, @ vain man, that faith without works is dead(
91 +as not !$raham our father #ustified $y works, when he had offered
Isaac his son upon the altar(
99 :eest thou how faith wrou"ht with his works, and $y works was faith
made perfect("
An"$(er ,ay .(ri#$ian# $,i#$ Gala$ian# A; 12 B 1A i# $" read i$ $" #ay
-.(ri#$ (a$( redee+ed *# fr"+ $(e la, ,(i%( i# a %*r#e0- D" y"* #ee
(", $(ey %le/erly +i#read $(e $e5$> @a*l $"ld $(e Gala$ian# $(a$
.(ri#$ (a# redee+ed *# fr"+ $(e -%*r#e "f $(e la,- ,(i%( i# NOT $(e
#a+e a# #ayin) -$(e la, ,(i%( i# a %*r#e0-
T(e %*r#e "f $(e la, i# IN6
.(ri#$ (a# redee+ed *#, n"$ fr"+ $(e !enal$y f"r $(e #in, &*$ (a#
redee+ed *# fr"+ $(e IN ITELF, &y #endin) *# (i# H"ly !iri$ $(a$
,e +i)($ -#in n"$0-
"1 John 9:
9 My little children, these thin"s write I unto you, that ye sin
Behold how Paul concludes his letter to the Galatians:
"&alatians 5:
1< 'his I say then, +alk in the :pirit, and ye shall not fulfil the
lust of the flesh."
T(i# i# $(e #a+e +an .(ri#$ian# #ay !rea%(ed $(a$ $(e la, -n" l"n)er
a!!lie#- $" $(e+6 T(ere (e i# #ayin) $(a$ if y"* ,al' in $(e !iri$ y"*
,ill =EE@ THE LAW 8f"r (", ,"*ld y"* 'n", ,(a$ i# $(e -l*#$- "f $(e
fle#( ,i$("*$ $(e la,>90
" i$ ,a# NOT $(e la, $(a$ ,a# n*llified, &*$ ra$(er $(e 'ee!in) $(e
la, &y DEAD FLEH, i$ ,a# re!la%ed ,i$( a -ne, and &e$$er-
!r"+i#e "f 'ee!in) $(e la, &y $(e HOL? @IRIT0
", in %"n%l*#i"n, ,(en .(ri#$ian# #!ea' a)ain#$ 'ee!in) $(e la,
en$irely and %all $(e+ $(a$ !rea%( 'ee!in) $(e la, B? THE @IRIT
de/il#, $(ey are &la#!(e+in) $(e HOL? @IRIT0
A%%"rdin) $" .(ri#$, (e ,(" &la#!(e+e# $(e H"ly !iri$ (a# NO
"Mark 6:
9/ ?ut he that shall $lasphemes a"ainst the 3oly &host never
has for"iveness, $ut is in dan"er of eternal damnation."
The writer to the Hebrews stated this as well, when
sea!in" about the sacri#ice o# Christ$s blood:
"3e$rews 10:
9< 7or if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowled"e of the
truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
9 ?ut a certain fearful lookin" for of #ud"ment and fiery indi"nation,
which shall devour the adversaries.
9* 3e that despised MosesA law died without mercy under two or three
9/ @f how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he $e thou"ht
worthy, who hath trodden under foot the :on of &od, and hath counted
the $lood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thin",
and hath done despite unto the :pirit of "race("
T(i# i# ,(y I and +any "f +y friend# are !rea%(in) $(e TR<TH "f
@IRIT<AL LAW =EE@ING &e%a*#e ,e 'n", $(a$ *nle## y"* f"ll",
.(ri#$, and "&ey $(e Fa$(er in #!iri$ and in $r*$(, y"* d" n"$ (a/e
e$ernal life in y"*0
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, people, but your RELIGION
is going to BE THE E!TH O" #O$%
Wa$%(+an Dean

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