CS Sample CV

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Curriculum Vitae

Sami Romdhani
Email sami.romdhani@unibas.ch
Date of birth 30 September 1972
Marital status Single
Citizenship Belgium
Language French (native), English (uent)
2003 - Jan. 2005 University of Basel, Switzerland - Philosophical Doctorate: AMulti-Features Algorithm
to Fit a 3D Model to Facial Images (Magna cum Laude).
1995 - 1996 Master of Science in Electronics Engineering at the University of Glasgow(Honors) - part
of the European student exchange program ERASMUS. MSc thesis: Face Recognition
using Principal Components Analysis.
1991 - 1996 Electronics Engineer at the Universit e Libre de Bruxelles (Distinction).
1984 - 1991 High school diploma (Lyc ee Daschbeck - Brussels).
Jan 2005 - to date Research assistant in the Graphics and Vision Research Group, University of Basel. I
worked on using 3D statistical prior model for accurate landmark point detection. I
co-supervised three PhD students.
2000 - 2003 Researcher at the University of Freiburg, Germany. I worked on tting of 3D face model
to images.
Mar - Jun 2000 Internship at Microsoft Research Cambridge, development of the patent Pattern De-
tection Methods and Systems, and Face Detection Methods and Systems with Andrew
Blake, Philip Torr and Bernhard Sch olkopf.
1998 - 2000 Researcher at the University of Westminster, England. I developed 2Dshape and texture
model tting algorithms to analyze face images.
1996 - 1998 Software Engineer at Alcatel Telecom. I was responsible of the software development of
a module of a telecommunication device (a multiplexer).
Wintersemester 2005 - Pattern Recognition, CS232, Informatik Dept., University of Basel. I was responsible for
the design of the syllabus, the making of the slides and the tutorials.
S. Romdhani, J. Ho, T. Vetter and D. Kriegman. Face Recognition using 3-D Models: Pose and Illumination.
Proceedings of The IEEE, Special Issue on Biometrics: Sensors, Algorithms and Systems edited by Chellappa,
Phillips and Reynolds. To appear in 2006.
S. Romdhani, P. Torr, B. Sch olkopf, and A. Blake. Ecient face detection by a cascaded support-vector machine
expansion. Proceedings of The Royal Society A, 460(2501):32833297, November 2004.
R. Knothe, S. Romdhani, and T. Vetter. Combining PCA and LFA for Surface Reconstruction from a Sparse Set
of Control Points. IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2006.
N. Faggian, S. Romdhani, J. Sherrah and A. Paplinski. Color Active Appearance Model Analysis using a 3D
Morphable Model. Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 2005.
M. R atsch, S. Romdhani, G. Teschke, and T. Vetter. Over-Complete Wavelet Approximation of a Support Vector
Machine for Ecient Classication DAGM, 2005.
S. Romdhani, and T. Vetter. Estimating 3DShape and Texture Using Pixel Intensity, Edges, Specular Highlights,
Texture Constraints and a Prior. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005.
M. R atsch, S. Romdhani, and T. Vetter. Ecient Face Detection by a Cascaded Support Vector Machine using
Haar-like Features. In DAGM, 2004.
S. Romdhani and T. Vetter. Ecient, robust and accurate tting of a 3d morphable model. In Proceedings of the
International Conference on Computer Vision, 2003.
S. Romdhani, N. Canterakis, andT. Vetter. Selective vs. global recoveryof rigidandnon-rigidmotion. Technical
report, CS Dept, University of Basel, 2003.
S. Romdhani, V. Blanz, and T. Vetter. Face identication by tting a 3D morphable model using linear shape
and texture error functions. In Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision, 2002.
V. Blanz, S. Romdhani, and T. Vetter. Face identication across dierent poses and illuminations with a 3D
morphable model. In Auto. Face and Gesture Recognition, 2002.
S. Romdhani, P. Torr, B. Sch olkopf, and A. Blake. Computationally ecient face detection. In Proceedings of the
8th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2001.
S. Romdhani, A. Psarrou, andS. Gong. Onutilising Template andFeature-basedCorrespondence inMulti-View
Appearance Models. In Computer Vision - ECCV 2000, Vol I: 799-813.
S. Romdhani, A. Psarrou, and S. Gong. A Generic Face Appearance Model of Shape and Texture under very
large Pose Variations from Prole to Prole Views. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, 2000, Vol I: 1060-1063.
S. Romdhani, A. Psarrou, and S. Gong. Tracking Deformable Face Models across Multiple Views. In Proceeding
of the fourth asian conference on computer vision, 1999, Vol II: 1022-1027.
S. Romdhani, A. Psarrou, and S. Gong. Learning a single active shape model for faces across views. In First
International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-time Systems, 1999.
S. Romdhani, A. Psarrou, and S. Gong. Multi-View Nonlinear Active Shape Model using Kernel PCA. In
Proceedings of the tenth British Machine Vision Conference, September 1999. Best Scientic Paper Award
Book Chapters
S. Romdhani, J.-S. Pierrard and T. Vetter. 3D Morphable Face Model, a Unied Approach for Analysis and
Synthesis of Images. In Face Processing: Advanced Modeling and Methods, Edited by Wenyi Zhao and Rama
Chellappa, Elsevier, 2005
S. Romdhani, V. Blanz, C. Basso, and T. Vetter. Morphable Models of Faces. In S. Z. Li and A. Jain, editors,
Handbook of Face Recognition. Springer, 2004.
Thomas Vetter, and Sami Romdhani. Face Modelling and Recognition Tutorial. Held at the European Conference
on Computer Vision, 2004.
Invited Talks
Face Image Analysis using a Multiple Feature Fitting Strategy. At the Learning, Representation and Context for
Human Sensing in Video workshop organized by Cristian Sminchisescu and Fernando De la Torre, held at the
IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2006.
Facial Image Analysis using a Multi-Features 3D Model Fitting Algorithm. Rank Symposium on Machine
Understanding of People and Their Responses, 1st February, 2005, Grasmere, UK.
Multi-View Nonlinear Active Shape Model using Kernel PCA. Rank Symposium on Model Selection and Learning
in Computer Vision, 2000, Grasmere, UK.
A. Blake, S. Romdhani, B. Sch olkopf and P. Torr. US6804391, Pattern detection methods and systems, and face
detection methods and systems, 2004.
S. Romdhani and T. Vetter. Estimating 3D Shape and Texture of a 3D Object based on a 2D Image of the 3D
Object, led in June 2005, no number assigned yet.
European Conference on Computer Vision 2006
British Machine Vision Conference 2005
Eurographics 2005
Audio and Video Based Biometric Person Authentication 2001
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Image and Vision Computing
International Journal of Computer Vision
Journal of Machine Learning Research
Journal of the Optical Society of America A

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