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May 5, 2014, I!"a# One of Indias most prolific and influential superstars, the
inimitable Rajinikanth, makes his much awaited debut on Twitter today. This also
marks the superstars debut in the digital space. C !edia "igitals first
#enture, $luence % Indias leading celebrity digital network, will manage Rajinikanths
digital interests, to further create and le#erage the Thalai#ars social presence.
Twitter users around the world can follow and con#erse li#e with Indias original
superhero, superstar Rajinikanth by #isiting'uper'tarRajini or
('uper'tarRajini on their Twitter app.
$ans can also follow the actor)s Twitter account by simply dialling, or gi#ing a missed
call at *+* ,-** ,,,, to access their idols Tweets, which is possible due to a global
integration between Twitter India and .ip"ial.
One of Indias most influential and bankable mo#ie stars, Rajinikanth)s mass
popularity and appeal is largely drawn from his mannerisms and styli/ed dialogue
deli#ery. 0e has recei#ed India)s third highest honour, the 1adma 2hushan, for his
contribution to Indian cinema.
cultural icon, the normally reticent superstar is looking forward to interacting with
his fans on the platform$ %I ha#e always belie#ed that my career graph is a miracle I
owe my fans. I ha#e been contemplating joining the social media platform for a while
to connect with them, hear what they ha#e to say and share my thoughts.
3nfortunately I ne#er got around to it until now. 2y partnering with $luence I am
confident that I ha#e the best team and the best guides who will help me connect
with my audience4 said the 'uperstar. 5I decided to start with Twitter because I felt
that the platform is abu// with all the news and the trends that happen across the
globe and I)m told that this is where all the best Rajini one liners are64 he added.
78cited about the association, shish 9oshi, :1 "igital ; 2usiness 0ead < $luence
said =>e are thrilled to partner with the enigmatic Rajinikanth. The digital landscape
is e8ploding and when you work with Thalai#ar the possibilities are endless. Twitter
is the first step in building and growing his online presence and getting all the fans
out there to directly engage with the phenomenon that is Rajinikanth. >e will work
closely with him to broaden the hori/ons of the digital landscape to create interesting
and entertaining consumer facing properties that will engage the fans in a way that
only Rajini sir can.4
'aid Twitter)s India !arket "irector, Rishi 9aitly, 5Twitter is the world)s leading real%
time information network where users disco#er and con#erse with the people,
organi/ations and media that interest them. This is truly an 5only%on%Twitter5 moment
as 'uperstar Rajinikanths debut on Twitter also marks his debut in the digital space
more generally. >e welcome Rajinikanth to Twitter, are happy to support his launch
on the platform and look forward to watching him use our mobile ser#ice to engage
in li#e, public con#ersations with fans and other icons around the world.5
To make 'uperstar Rajinikanths debut on Twitter more e8citing? fans from all o#er
the world, who follow him on twitter ('uper'tarRajini in the first week, will recei#e a
@>elcomeAraph, a personali/ed welcome picture from the icon.
A&'() CA M*!"a
C !edia, the sian in#estment arm of The Chernin Aroup was founded in in Bo#ember
C*D* with a mandate to build, manage and operate media, entertainment and technology
businesses throughout sia. 2ased in 0ong Eong, C !edia is building a regional footprint
primarily focused on India, Indonesia and China. C !edia has acFuired significant stakes
and has partnered in the success of 7ndemol India, a leading tele#ision and film production
business? Only !uch Gouder HO!GI, a music, li#e e#ents, and youth media company in
India? Gegend $ighting Championship, a 0ong Eong%based mi8ed martial arts promotion?
and most recently Araphic India, an entertainment company focused on creating leading
characters, comics and stories for the Indian youth market through mobile and digital
platform. C !edia "igital runs $G37BC7, Indias leading @Celebrity digital network around
celebrities and brands.
F+(*,*# T-* C*+*&.")y D"/")a+ N*)0'.1
s a first step in Bew !edia, C !edia has launched Indias leading Celebrity "igital
Betwork < =$G37BC74, which connects celebrities with their fans and brands through their
online presence. 7Fuipped with learnings and insights from TCAs HThe Chernin AroupI
dealings in the 3'? C !edia has created a model that helps celebrities create and le#erage
their digital presence across social media platforms $luence works closely with celebrities to
build and grow their online presence across the digital landscape in an engaging and
entertaining manner. $luence also works with the artists to create interesting properties that
can be moneti/ed across #arious consumer facing "igital platforms. $luence currently
manages the digital life of many celebrities such as mitabh 2achchan, 'alman Ehan, 'onu
Bigam, 'haan, Earishma Eapoor, etc which includes? their social media presence, their
digital endorsements, online&mobile moneti/ation and eFuity%linked in#estments in the digital

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