Benefits and Non Benefits of Technology

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The advantages and disadvantages of information technology, it is essential that
we know what information technology is exactly, and why it has it come to play such a
important role in our daily lives. Today information technology involves more than just
computer literacy; it also takes into account how computers work and how these
computers can further be used not just for information processing but also for
communications and problem solving tasks as well.
Our world today has changed a great deal with the aid of information technology.
Things that were once done manually or by hand have now become computerized
operating systems, which simply reuire a single click of a mouse to get a task
completed. !ith the aid of "T we are not only able to stream line our business processes
but we are also able to get constant information in #real time$ that is up to the minute and
up to date.
The significance of "T can be seen from the fact that it has penetrated almost
every aspect of our daily lives from business to leisure and even society. Today personal
%&s, cell phones, fax machines, pagers, email and internet have all not only become an
integral part of our very culture but also play an essential role in our day to day activities.
!ith such a wide scope for the purpose of this article we shall focus on the impact of the
internet in information technology.
"n the past, communication was a very big problem."t was very slow, and people
couldn't contact each other in emergency situations. (urely, they could send letters,but it
was also the possibility of letters being lost. )ut after the invention of the telephone in
*+,- by .lexander /raham )ell, it became easier for people to communicate. Then in
the *0,1s, the cellular phone was invented. "t brought many advantages into our lives.
2owever, although cell phones brought many benefits into our lives, they also have
The most important advantage of cell phones is that they can be used almost
everywhere without cables or electricity. )y using a mobile phone, you can communicate
with anyone whenever you want and wherever you are. )esides this, if there is an
emergency situation, mobile phones can be useful. 3urthermore, you can get access to the
"nternet by using a cell phone. These days, the world's most common means of
communication is (4(. &ell phones include this system, so in this way you can
communicate with someone more cheaply than by normal calling.
"n contrast, cell phones have some disadvantages. 3or example, cell phones
spread electromagnetic waves. .nd these electromagnetic waves cause important health
problems like cancer. .dditionally, cell phones often affect the electronic systems used
by euipment like cars, .)( 5automatic brake system6, and computers. This can cause
big problems, such as accidents.
To sum up, cell phones not only have advantages, but also they have
disadvantages. 4obile phones make our lives easier. )ut at the same time, they cause
some important problems in our health.
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using !"i#e $h!nes
The mobile phone is an electronic device used for mobile voice or data
communication over a network of specialised base stations known as cell sites. "n
addition to the standard voice function of a mobile phone, telephone, current mobile
phones may support many additional services, and accessories, such as (4( for text
messaging, email, packet switching for access to the "nternet, gaming, )luetooth,
infrared, camera with video recorder and 44( for sending and receiving photos and
video. 4ost current mobile phones connect to a cellular network of base stations 5cell
sites6, which is in turn interconnected to the public switched telephone network 5%(T76
5the exception is satellite phones6.
9 you can carry a mobile phone with you so you don$t miss important calls
9 if you are lost, you can call for directions
9 if you are in an accident, you can call the police or ambulance : and if the phone has a
camera, you can take pictures of the accident
9 you can listen to music, text, play games when you$re bored
9 most mobile phones have a calculator and a phone book
9 you can use a mobile phone to call your customers or boss if you are running late to a
9 mobile phones can be expensive
9 they can damage your ear
9 sometimes the reception is poor in some areas, limiting your connectivity 5you can$t talk
underground or on planes6
9 people use bluetooth and the camera in bad ways
9 people use the phone while they are driving, and this can cause problems
Disadvantages Of Having A !"i#e $h!ne
...that fact a serious uestion arises. .re there disadvantages of using a mobile
phone<" believe that possessing a mobile phone hides numerous disadvantages with
social problems, health and economic issues being the leading ones on a lengthy list.
The most widely spread disadvantage though the most unseen, is the addictive
relation developed between a mobile telephone and its user. %sychiatrists and sociologists
believe that mobile phone addiction is becoming one of the biggest non:drug addictions
in the =*st century. .long with the age drop of the mobile phone users and the ease of
prepaid method provide by the system operators, most teenagers now own their own
mobile phone and network service. Teenagers are engaged on their mobile phones all the
time, no matter on phone calls, using (4( text messages, personalizing the mobile
phones with ringtones and pictures etc.
.nother type of problematic social behavior resulted from the emergence of
mobile phones is losing good habits, such as punctuality. !hen we couldn't keep in
touch so easily, if we had a date with someone, we tried our best to arrive on time. )ut
now, because of the mobile phone, we are not afraid of being late any more. "f we are
likely to be late, we will call him and say " am sorry " will be late, it seems that " am on
time if " give him a late call. >epeating it makes us develop an irresponsible behavior.
The increased risk that cell phones pose to driving is clear:cut and widely
acknowledged and commonly called a ?3atal distraction@. "t may seem harsh but
unfortunately it is the plain truth. This increased risk is due to the inability of the human
brain to fully focus on driving while, and shortly after, talking on a cell phone leading
into an accident. 4atter of factly it is so dangerous that in many countries has been
legally penalized.
Benefits And N!n Benefits Of !"i#e $h!nes
...2owever mobile phones have always been instigating debates among the people
about their merits and demerits. .part from the instant access they give us, mobile
phones have multipurpose uses ranging from business work, means for entertainment and
ensuring security. On the other hand, they have some disadvantages like initiating
violation of privacy, unnecessary wastage of money, talking on mobile phones while
driving and emission of radiation from the handsets which is allegedly harmful for health.
" would like to argue for the advantages of mobile phones which outweigh their
The main feature of mobile phones is #instant access$ which makes them the most
exclusive devices for communication. 7ow people can make voice or A;O call or send
text messages to anyone anytime from almost anywhere at a cheap rate using mobile
phones. )esides this, with the aid of the latest !.% technology users can surf the
internet, send emails and chat with other people at a low cost,
=Cth October, =11,6. .ccording to a research released on *Dth 3ebruary, =11, from the
4obile Entertainment 3orum and Ovum, =1F of GH subscribers search internet via
mobile phones>B3eb=11,BC=-,.htm, retrieved =Cth October,
=11,6. "t is obvious that the communication has become a lot easier now compared to the
pre:mobile phones period.
4obile phones are lessening the pressure of the business and office work too.
These days, the latest mobile phones are powered with 4icrosoft Office application for
viewing and editing various types of files including !ord, %;3, and Excel etc easing the
office and business work 54arkley,, retrieved D1th October,
=11,6. 4oreover, in this modern world of advanced communication loads of business
deals are made through mobile phone conferences.

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