Part IV Using The DDB Lifestyle Study Data

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Using the Ddb Life Style Study

DDB Worldwide is one of the leading advertising agencies in the world. One of the many services it
rovides for its clients! as well as to suort its own creative and strategy efforts! is a ma"or annual
lifestyle survey. This survey is conducted using a anel maintained by Synovate. #n a anel such as
this! consumers are recruited such that the anel has demograhic characteristics similar to the U.S.
oulation. Members of the anel agree to comlete $uestions on a eriodic basis.
The Data
The %&&' DDB Life Style Study
involved more than (!(&& comleted $uestionnaires. These lengthy
$uestionnaires included hundreds of attitude! activity! interest! oinion! and behavior items relating to
consumers! their consumtion! and their lifestyles. The $uestionnaires also contained numerous
$uestions collecting demograhic and media reference data.
DDB has allowed us to rovide a ortion of these data in sreadsheet format in the dis) that
accomanies this te*t. The data are resented in the form of cross+tabulations at an aggregate level
with the cell values being ercents. ,or e*amle!
Household Size
- % (+. /0
1 in samle .%( -!%2' -!(.- -((
Own a D3D layer '2.&4 /5.%4 5'.(4 55..4
6urchased clothes online --.& -%.' -..( -(.-
3isited a fast+food restaurant '/./ .'.- /2.- 7'.7
The above e*amle indicates that '2.& ercent of the .%( resondents from one+erson households
own a D3D layer! comared with /5.% ercent of the -!%2' from two+erson households! 5'.(
ercent of those from households with three! four! or five members! and 55.. ercent of those from
households with si* or more members.
#t is ossible to combine columns within variables. That is! we can determine the ercent of one+ and
two+erson households combined that urchased clothes online. Because the number of resondents
on which the ercentages are based differs across columns! we can8t simly average the cell ercent
figures. #nstead! we need to convert the cell ercentages to numbers by multilying each cell
ercentage times the number in the samle for that column. 9dd the numbers for the cells to be
combined together and divide the result by the sum of the number in the samle for the combined
cells: columns. The result is the ercentage of the combined column categories that engaged in the
behavior of interest.
6art #3+-
Using the Ddb Life Style Study
The data available on the dis) are described below;
Column Variables for the Data Tables
Tables Variables
-9 < -B =ousehold si>e! marital status! number of children at home! age of youngest
child at home! age of oldest child at home.
%9 < %B ,or married female resondents! their souse8s level of emloyment. ,or
married male resondents! their souse8s level of emloyment.
(9 < (B =ousehold income! education level of resondent! erceived tech savvy.
'9 < 'B Occuation of resondent.
.9 < .B ?thnic subculture! age! cognitive age @feel a lot younger than my ageA.
/9 < /B Bender! geograhic region.
79 < 7B #deal self+concet traits @adventurous! affectionate! ambitious! assertive! careful!
cometitive! easy+going! indeendent! masculine! sensitive! tolerant! traditional!
Row Variables for Tables 1A through 7A
=?93#?C US?C B?=93#OCS 9DD 6CODUET OWD?CS=#6
General Behaiors
Cead boo)sFarticles about health 3isited gourmet coffee bar or cafG
3isited fast+food restaurant Went on weight reducing diet
Went dancing at a club 6layed bingo
Wor)ed in the garden Hogged
Went caming Cented a D3D
Traveled to another country 9ttended churchFlace of worshi
Consum!tion Behaiors
Dessert Diet sodas
Sorts drin)s Eordials! li$ueurs or other after+dinner drin)s
Ehocolate bars 6remium ice cream
Sho!!ing A"tiities
6urchased from mail order catalog Shoed at a convenience store
6urchased items for home at discount retailer Bought a store8s own brand
Used a rice couon
#rodu"t $wnershi!
D3D 63C
M6( layer 6ersonal comuter
Eellular hone #ndividual retirement account
Ear =ome
9T3 or off+road motorcycle Dog
6art #3+%
Using the Ddb Life Style Study
T%!es of TV Shows &at"hed Regularl%
Ehildren8s shows Eomedy
Drama =ome imrovement
DewsFolitical Celigious rogramming
Sorts Weather
Row Variables for Tables 1B through 7B
?n"oy shoing for items influenced by other cultures
#nterested in the cultures of other countries
# wor) hard most of the time
Celigion is a big art of my life
Men concerned with latest styles and fashions aren8t masculine
Ma)e a secial effort to buy from environmentally friendly businesses
Wor) at trying to maintain a youthful aearance
9 commercial that features eole of my race sea)s more directly to me
There is not enough ethnic diversity in commercials today
# ma)e a strong effort to recycle
Gender and 'amil%
#ndividuality is an imortant value to ass down to )ids
9 woman8s lace is in the home
When ma)ing family decisions! consideration of the )ids comes first
Brands( )nnoators( and $!inion *eadershi!
,riends and neighbors come to me for advice about brands and roducts
# am usually among the first to try a new roduct
# try to stic) to well+)nown brand names
+otiation( #ersonalit%( and ,-tended Self
3iew shoing as a form of entertainment
Want to loo) a little different from others
=ave more self+confidence than friends
Brands # buy are a reflection of who # am
The care # drive is a reflection of who # am
Elothes # wear reflect who # am as a erson
)nformation Sear"h and De"ision
Eonsult consumer reorts before ma)ing a ma"or urchase
Dutritional information on label influences what # buy
#nformation in advertising hels me to ma)e better decisions
The #nternet is the best lace to get information about roducts and services
Eonsider myself tech savvy
#n ma)ing big decisions! # go with my heart rather than my head
Ma)ing urchases with a credit card over the #nternet is too ris)y
Worry about others getting rivate information about me
6art #3+(
Using the Ddb Life Style Study
Sho!!ing and *o%alt%
9m an imulse buyer
Stic) with favorite brand even if something else is on sale
6ay more for better service
Our family is in too much debt
+ar.eting Regulation
9void buying roducts advertised on shows with se* or violence
T3 commercials lace too much emhasis on se*
Most big comanies are "ust out for themselves
9dvertising directed at children should be ta)en off T3
)nternet /se and #ur"hase
Used the #nternet in the ast -% months
6urchased auto insurance online
6urchased clothes online
6urchased concernFlayFsorts tic)ets online
A Caution on Using the Data
While students can run simle statistics @chi s$uares for the most artA! the real
urose is to get them used to data in the format most readily available secondary
data comes in. Thus! loo)ing for large differences rather than testing for
statistically significant ones will be the normal aroach. =owever! you need to
be alert to small cell si>es. #f the KDumber in SamleL at the to of the column
isn8t at least -&&! use caution in interreting ercentages in that column.
6art #3+'

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