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The Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra Inc


J e r ra b o m b e r ra

Volume 17 No 40

Guest Speaker - President Paul

Meeting 790 1 May 14




Pres Paul Roger welcomed everyone to meeting 790. There were no
visitors tonight except the lovely supporter, Vera.

Pres Paul invited Glenda Wahlert to recite the Charge to Australia and
Bruce gave the toast to Rotary International. Bruce toasted Rotary
International and in particular, the Rotary Club of Chico in California
(maybe that is where they invented chico rolls??) This club had an
amazing number of members but he was too quick for me and I didnt
get it down. Ask Bruce for the details.

Apologies from Lizzie, Mary-Rose, Anne D., Cathy H., David B. Of course, David
Stevens continues to sun himself somewhere in Europe while on leave. Been a
while since we had a postcard, David!

No this looks more like a Jerra BBQ!

Jerraganda Business:

From the Desk of the President:

President Paul thanked all for their efforts at the ANZAC Day BBQ.

Pres Paul and Sue tried to attend the District lunch function on Saturday 19
April as
part of the Worlds Greatest Meal to end Polio. However, they heard he was
and called it off.
Forgot to tell him? Oops! So he turned up. Sorry about that, Paul!

President Paul also welcomed back Lynne McP. and Ian W.
Good to see you both back and well.

Reports: Secretary

Glenn passed around some minor correspondence for members to read.

Reports: Treasurer

Nothing To Report.
Missing in action


Jan also thanked people for the BBQ and reported that the club had made a profit of $425 to
be donated to Legacy at the end of the Rotary year.
What a great club effort! Chris and Terry are the new team in regards to cooking eggs and
Glenda was a very successful first-time cook still only has apprentice status but I am sure
there will be a job offer soon!

Mega Swim preparations going well. More from Peter Jarvis latter in the bulletin.
Need to discuss whether we have a meeting on the week of the Music Festival due
to heavy catering commitments.
Club Grants process coming up and we need to put in for them.
Paul to try and organise two different grants. There was discussion re ideas.
BBQ? Push up double gazebo? Board to decide at next meeting.

YOUTH REPORT by Lynne McPherson
There are 2 candidates for RYPEN.
NYSF closes on 30
May. See Lyn for details if you
have someone in mind. Entry is on-line.
NYSF interviews/preparation at Jerrabomberra Public
School in July. Venue only believe catering is covered by Tuggeranong. Chris to
organise opening and closing details and access. Has met with Adam de Toth

An invitation has been sent to Mittagong and other clubs to fill the spaces on the
RAWCS team to Tonga.
Travellers need to think about paying their deposits to the club as the club has paid
a deposit on the fares.


1. Anton and Bruce a double act! Catering for the Music Festival over 5 nights on
Sat. 10
, Sun. 11
, Tues. 13
, Wed. 14
and Fri. 16
3 x Albert Hall and 2 x Fitter
Workshop in Kingston (near the Markets and Brodburger).
Site visits done
Have met with Kathleen
Cater for about 120 people each time have pulled back on the numbers.
6 helpers for every venuebut anyone welcome there will be other jobs!
See the roster. Unfortunately some of us missed seeing it so hope it is there
next week!
Food selection a la Costco: hot and cold selections - $5 or $10
e.g. butter chicken, naan and rice, prawn platter, cheese and fruit platter,
Thai curry, etc. Sounds exotic and yummy!
Hope to net $2000.
BONUS: All volunteers to receive two tickets to the finale concert. Yeh!

2. Lyn McPherson thanked members for the card and chocolates. The family enjoyed
the chocs!!

3. Peter Jarvis on the Mega Swim this coming Saturday and Sunday at the AIS:
Please be on time
Wear a Rotary shirt as there are no free shirts this year
Went over the roster
Paul Robey also said the plans were going very well and management
seemed to be much better than previous years
In fact, Paul was a happy chappy!!

4. Discussion on a new club shirt was led by Pres. Paul who had done his homework at
Working Gear in Fyshwick. Pictures of styles were circulated and discussed and
those present decided on the Nitro polo shirt and the Core jacket. Navy and yellow.
Meeting voted on this. Pres. Paul indicated that the first shirt would be free to
members due to the large amounts of money sitting in the Admin account from
market tables sales. That got a cheer!


Sue Roger stepped into the enormous hole left by Mary-Roses absence but she did OK,
Mary-Rose honest!!


Chris told two short jokes that only just passed muster!

Ticket was drawn by Vera and happened to be ..Chilli.
Fortunately (for others!) he drew the 8 of diamonds was next to the joker card.

How close can you be!

Joker gave $39 to add to the kitty. It lives another day!

Market Mistress: MIA

No Markets report this week. Dont forget to send to the Markets
Mistress Anne. Kerry & Lynne McPherson and Terry are rostered
for this week.
(I think! May have missed that detail!)


Bruce was pleased to report 87% attendance but still think he fudged it a bit! Best for a while!
Everyone noted how quiet it was without the girls at the end! Come back soon!! We miss you!



3-4 May 14

Mega Swim

3-4 May

District Conference

29 May 14

Mystery Tour

Social & Special Events

1-4 Jun 14

Rotary International Conference - Sydney

28 Jun 14

Changeover dinner.

Farmers Market

3 May 14

Kerry and Lynne McPherson & Terry Spencer

St Benedict's Roster
28 Apr 13 Sue and Peter Jarvis done?

Club Officers 2012-2013
President Paul Roger
President Elect Paul Robey
Vice President Chris Hunter
Secretary Glenn Wahlert
Treasurer David Bailey
Club Service Director Paul Robey
Community Service Director Sue J arvis
International and Foundation Director Terry Spencer
Youth and New Generations Director Lynne McPherson

Club Service Members
Director Paul Robey
Sergeant Mez Mulvaney
Welfare Sue Roger
Program & Fellowship Ian Wholohan
Attendance & Meals Officer David Stevens
Communications and PR Chris Hunter
Welfare & Historian Sue Roger
J erraganda Editor Mez Mulvaney

International Members
Director Terry Spencer
Polio Plus Pam Spencer
RAWCS David Bailey
Foundation George McIver
GSE/Friendship Exchange Robert Chilman
Shelter Boxes Cathy Hobbs

Youth Service Members
Director Lynne McPherson
Local Programs Glenda Wahlert
District Programs TBA
National Programs Lynne McPherson
International Programs TBA
Vocational Service Peter J arvis

Community Service Members
Director Sue J arvis
BBQs J an Pettigrew
Epic Markets Anne Davis
Fairs TBA
Ball Sue J arvis & J on Wells
Bowel Care Kerry McPherson
Projects Bruce Miller

Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra
PO Box 8 Jerrabomberra NSW
Chartered 18 Nov 1998
Meets Thursday 6.30 8.30
Jerrabomberra Public School
Apologies David Stevens by 12 Noon
Tue T: 0413519894

Bulletin Contributions Mez Mulvaney 0419121128

Alex Alexander Lynne McPherson Sue Roger
David Bailey, PP, PHF Kerry McPherson Pam Spencer, PHF, PP
Robert Chilman Bruce Miller Terry Spencer, PHF, PP
Anne Davis, PP Liz Mulvaney, PHF David Stevens, PHF, PP
Cathy Hobbs Mez Mulvaney, OAM, PHF Glenda Wahlert, PP
Colin Hobbs, PP Anton Pemmer, PHF, PP Glenn Wahlert
Chris Hunter, OAM, PP Paul Robey Jon Wells
Peter Jarvis, PHF,PP Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP Ian Wholohan
Sue Jarvis, PHF Paul Roger PHF, President

Vera Alexander Vickie Berry

Alex Alexander Robert Cooke

An idea for that pet
pig that Kerry & Lynne
saw in beautiful
downtown Boorowa!


In 1998 the Rotary Clubs of Queanbeyan and Queanbeyan West Rotary decided
to sponsor a new Rotary Club based in Jerrabomberra. Bill Lilley, John Snedden and Peter
Jarvis from Queanbeyan West took on the joint roll of mentor (Peter Jarvis went on to
become our Charter President).

Advertising for potential members began in March 1998. After a successful
campaign, the Club was chartered on 18 November 1998 with 20 members. We are an
unusual club as we have a very high proportion of female Members.

Initial meetings were held at the Jerrabomberra General Storethe venue was very
good until we grew in numbers. We then moved to the Jerrabomberra Community Centre
for a few years. We now meet at the Jerrabomberra Public School Staff Room, on
Thursdays (6.15 for 6.30 pm). As at 26 Jan 2014 the Club has 26 members 11 female and 15
male. Included in this are seven married couples. We also have 4 supporters of the Rotary

(Charter) President Peter Jarvis ran competitions to select a name for our Club
bulletin and a design for the Club banner. There were some good and (very) bad
suggestions. Pam Spencer suggested the winning bulletin name; Jerraganda. The banner
design by David Stevens was eventually selected. The design incorporates a goose and
the windmill associated with the original entrance to the estate.

Lifes a beach!!

NOTE: Sorry about the blank pages following. The message is - dont mess with M-Rs formatting!!

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