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Newsletter 1

Breaking America
Volume 1, Issue 1 April 2014

1 Continuing Articles across Pages
1 Instructions for Using this Template
4 Inserting and Editing Pictures

Mother kills husband and
Yesterday morning, a family came to a tragic
ending. Emily Forest suffered from depression and
murdered her innocent family.
Desperate screams were heard from the 6

floor of their apartment building in Manhattan.
Neighbors didnt react because the children, Jason
Forest, 9, and Maria Forest, 6, fought on a regular
basis. Brad Forest, the childrens father, was also
killed by Emily when he came home from work that
The bodies of Jason, Maria, and Brad were
found in a bathroom in the Forest familys
apartment along with a knife from the kitchen after
Emily herself called the police. Police handcuffed
Emily before she tried to commit suicide. Emily was
put in jail later that afternoon and is being treated
for depression.
Neighbors say that the family never had a
close relationship. Though, it was not the first
murder in the family. Emilys uncle is currently in
jail for killing his ex-girlfriend. Nobody knows
exactly why Emily murdered her family but all
prayers are with the relatives of the Forest family.

Inserting Linked Text Boxes
Instructions for Using This
Type your sub-heading here
Your By-line
Your Company Name
To keep these instructions, choose Print from the File
menu. Press Enter to print the template. Replace the
sample text with your own text to create your
Using Styles in This Template
To change the Style of any paragraph, select the text
by positioning your cursor anywhere in the paragraph.
Select a Style from the drop-down Style list at the top-
left of your screen. Press Enter to accept your choice.

See Page 4 to learn how to edit or replace this picture.
The styles available in this template allow you to
change the look of your headlines and other text. The
following is a list of some common styles and their
Body Text - Use this style for the regular text of an
Byline - Use this style for the name of the author of an
Byline Company - Use this style to type the authors
continued on page 2
continued on page 3
Newsletter 2

Every day, scientists do experiments on animals to
test drugs, products, or chemicals which can cause severe
pain, discomfort, or even death. This is called vivisection,
the act of testing on an animal against its will. Most testing
is done in the United States in different science labs or
medical schools. Animals are sometimes bred to test
potential side effects of new medicines while other animals
are even killed to be tested on. But animals deserve to live a
peaceful life no different from ours. Many people believe
vivisection is wrong and are trying to stop the act of it, but
unfortunately, there is currently no way around it.
Not only scientists, but students vivisect about
53,000 animals each year. Animals should not be held
against their will to test drugs, even though 90% of
experiments are done on rats or mice because they have a
short life span. Is this fair? But, scientists use a term called
an animal model which means an animal that is tested on
for a certain reason. For example, the Wantanbe rabbit is
bred to find a cure for hypercholesterolemia because they
suffer from high cholesterol. Also, dogs undergo open-heart
surgery just to train young surgeons because their organs are
so similar to humans. But, if dogs are so similar to us, then
why do we abuse them? Vivisection is cruel and wrong
because animals are a significant part of our world and we
should keep them from harm. They are creatures just like
people and they shouldnt lose their lives from
experimentation. The head of The Last Chance for Animals,
Chris DeRose agrees. Animals are not ours to eat, wear or
experiment on.
Animal testing has cured many illnesses, resulting
with the deaths of many animals. However, killing animals
are not worth curing diseases. Imagine suffering the
experience of being held in a lab and having a syringe of a
new product forced into your body and it causing you pain.
Many people dont realize that this is exactly what animals
experience and it is harshly unfair to animals because they
shouldnt have to suffer for the improvement of our health.
Some people even think that using pound animals makes
animal experimentation less brutal, but every animal
deserves to have the same rights. And, one of those rights
should be the ability to live a free life.
Scientists are right about one thing; there is no way
around vivisection because without it, we wouldnt be as
medically advanced as we are. And, experimentation has
been tried in the past but people have died. So this is why
people test on animals, because they think its less brutal
than testing on humans. But, vivisection is something many
people dont realize in everyday life. Every time people take
medicine, they dont understand that that very product was
tried on an animal to see if it was safe. That is very wrong
and in the future, a solution to animal testing should be
found since thousands of animals per year for our safety.
Vivisection is wrong and it has to end.

Formatting Text Boxes
You can change the look of linked text boxes by using
color, shading, borders, and other formatting. Select
the text box you want to format and then double click
its border to open the Format Text Box dialog box. If
you want to change the color or borders on a text box,
choose the Colors and Lines tab. To change the size,
scale, or rotation, click the Size tab. To change the
position of the text box on the page, click the Position
Tab. If you have other text surrounding the text box,
and want to change the way the text wraps around it,
click the Wrapping tab. If you want to format all the text
boxes in an article, you must format them individually -
the formatting on one text box will not apply to the
continued from page 1
Newsletter 3

This sidebar article was created with a text box. You can use
a sidebar article for any information you want to keep
separate from other articles or information that highlights an
article next to it. These could include a list of contributors,
addresses or contact information, a smaller self-contained
story, a preview of the next issue, or a calendar of schedule.
The example below shows a Calendar of Events.
Type a description of your event here.
Type a description of your event here.
Type a description of your event here.
Type a description of your event here.
SIDEBAR HEAD - Use this style to type a second-level
heading in a sidebar article.
SIDEBAR SUBHEAD - Use this style to type a third-level
heading in a sidebar article.
Sidebar Text - Use this style to type the text in a
sidebar article.
SIDEBAR TITLE - Use this style to type first-level
headings in a sidebar article.
Footer - Use this style to type the repeating text at the
very bottom of each page.
Heading1 - Use this style to create headlines for each
Heading2 - Use this style to create section headings in
an article.
Jump To and Jump From - Use these styles to indicate
that an article continues on another page.
Mailing Address - Use this style in a mailing label to
type the destination address.
POSTAGE - Use this style in a mailing label to type
postage information.
Return Address - Use this style in a mailing label to
type your address.
Picture Caption - Use this style to type a description of
a picture or illustration.
Subtitle - Use this style to type sub-headings in an
Use PullQuote to excerpt text from the main text
of a story to draw a readers attention to the
page. See page 4 for an example.

continued from page 1
Newsletter 4

Return Address
Street Number and Name
City, State 98765-4321


Street Number and Name
City, State 98765-4321

To change the text at the very bottom of each page of your
newsletter, click Headers and Footers on the View menu.
Use the Header and Footer toolbar to open the footer, and
replace the sample text with your own text.
It is a good idea to place a small symbol at the end of each
article to let the reader know that the article is finished and
will not continue onto another page. Position your cursor at
the end of the article, click Symbol on the Insert menu,
choose the symbol you want, and then click Insert.
You can use page borders and text box borders to change
the appearance of your newsletter. Borders on text boxes
help keep different articles separate, and can set off sidebar
articles from the rest of the page. To change a text box
border, select it, double click its edge and choose the Colors
and Lines tab in the Format Auto Shape dialog box.
Inserting and Editing
Type your sub-heading here
You can replace the pictures in this template with your
companys art. Select the picture you want to replace,
point to Picture in the Insert menu, and click From File.
Choose a new picture and then click Insert. Select the
Link to File box if you dont want to embed the art in
the newsletter. This is a good idea if you need to
minimize your file size; embedding a picture adds
significantly to the size of the file.
To edit a picture, click on it to activate the Picture
toolbar. You can use this toolbar to adjust brightness
and contrast,
Choose a new picture, and click the Link to File
box if you dont want to save the art with the
change line properties and crop the image. For more
detailed editing, double-click on the graphic to activate
the drawing layer.
Newsletter 5

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