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(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)

School : SMK .......
Subject : English
Department : TLP, TAV, TK
!ra"e # Semester : $% # &
Time allotment : ' ( )* minutes
Meeting : +), +*, +',
Stan"ar" o, -ompetenc. : -ommunicating English at Elementar. Le/el
0asic -ompetenc. : 1.& Describing one2s job an" e"ucation bac3groun" in 4ritten an"
Verb in Simple Present Tense is use" correctl. ,or e(plaining one2s job an" pro,ession
E(pression is use" appropriatel. to "e scribe ,acts an" ,igures base" on the "ata gi/en.
A. Learning Objectives
0. the en" o, the course, stu"ents 4ill be able to:
+. -omprehen" the use o, /erb in Simple Present Tense to "escribe one2s job an" pro,ession
1. -omprehen" the use o, /arious e(pression to "escribe ,acts an" ,igures base" on the "ata
B. Learning Objectives
+. Simple Present tense
S 5 to be 6is, am, are7 5 8
S 5 V+ 5 8
a. 657 9e is a teacher in m. school
6:7 9e is not a teacher in m. school
6;7 %s he a teacher in m. school;
b. 657 9e goes to school e/er. "a..
6:7 9e "oes not go to school e/er. "a..
6;7 Does he go to school e/er. "a.;
1. Telling about people2s job using the Simple present tense:
< A coo3 prepares ,oo".
< Pilots ,l. airplanes.
&. E(pressing ,acts an" ,igures :
< The graph sho4s that population gro4th has been high this last "eca"e.
< The latest "ata sho4 that about three billion rupiahs ha/e been spent ,or the
construction o, the ,actor..
). -omparati/e = Superlati/e A"jecti/es
>ule +: A"" ?er@#?est@ ,or one<s.llable a"jecti/es: longer, smaller, the highest
>ule 1: A"" ?more@ # ?less@ or ?the most@ # ?the least@ ,or three s.llable a"jecti/es or
longer: less expensive, the most dangerous
>ule &: Most t4o<s.llable a"jecti/es reAuire ?more@ # ?less@ # ?the most@ # ?the least@:
more stressful
>ule ): T4o<s.llable a"jecti/es en"ing in ?.@ reAuire ?ier@ # ?iest@ : noisier, noisy
>ule *: A"jecti/es en"ing in a single /o4el an" a single consonant reAuire the ,inal
consonant to be "ouble": big , the biggest, fat, fatter
C. Meth!s " #nstr$ctin
+. Buestion an" ans4er
1. >ole pla.
&. Discussion
). Lecturing
%. &eaching Scenari
'. Meeting '(
a. Pre<teaching:
+7 Salutation
17 -hec3ing stu"ent2s atten"ance
&7 Apperception
Stating the topic an" objecti/e o, the meeting
)7 8rientation
*7 Moti/ation
b. Chilst<teaching:
+7 E(ploration
a7 Teacher as3s stu"ents about the 4eather no4a"a.s.
b7 Stu"ents are intro"uce" to the 4a. e(pressing ,acts
c7 Stu"ents are intro"uce" to the structure o, Simple Duture Tense
17 Elaboration
a7 Stu"ents are reAueste" to compose sentences using the structure o, Simple
Present Tense.
b7 Some stu"ents are chosen ran"oml. to 4rite their sentence on the 4hite boar".
c7 Some others are in/ite" to e/aluate an" gi/e correction i, nee"e".
&7 -on,irmation
a7 Stu"ents are reAueste" to a sort essa. about the climate change happene" in
b7 Stu"ents2 essa.s must be submitte" to the teacher.
c7 Teacher gi/es comment, correction an" score.
c. Post<teaching
+7 Teacher conclu"es the meeting
17 Teacher opens a Auestion<ans4er session
&7 Teacher gi/es a slight "escription about the subject matter ,or the ne(t meeting
). Meeting '*
a. Pre<teaching:
+7 Salutation
17 -hec3ing stu"ent2s atten"ance
&7 Apperception
>e/ie4ing the pre/ious stu".
Stating the topic an" objecti/e o, the meeting
)7 8rientation
*7 Moti/ation
b. Chilst<teaching:
+7 E(ploration
a7 Teacher "eli/ers some Auestions "ealing 4ith certain occupation.
b7 Stu"ents are intro"uce" to the use o, /erb in simple present tense.
c7 Stu"ents are intro"uce" to e(pressions ,or "escribing someone2s pro,ession.
17 Elaboration
a7 Stu"ents are reAueste" to 4rite their o4n sentence using the construction o,
Simple Present Tense.
b7 Teacher chooses stu"ents, ran"oml., to 4rite their sentence on the 4hite boar".
c7 The other stu"ents are encourage" to e/aluate the sentences an" gi/e correction
i, nee"e".
&7 -on,irmation
a7 Stu"ents are reAueste" to "escribe some occupations
b7 Teacher gi/es comment an" correction
c. Post<teaching
+7 Teacher conclu"es the meeting
17 Teacher opens a Auestion<ans4er session
&7 Teacher gi/es a slight "escription about the subject matter ,or the ne(t meeting
+. Meeting ',
a. Pre<teaching:
+7 Salutation
17 -hec3ing stu"ent2s atten"ance
&7 Apperception
>e/ie4ing the pre/ious stu".
Stating the topic an" objecti/e o, the meeting
)7 8rientation
*7 Moti/ation
b. Chilst<teaching:
+7 E(ploration
a7 Teacher gi/es a "iagram "ealing 4ith statistics
b7 Stu"ents are intro"uce" to e(pression ,or "escribing ,acts an" ,igures.
c7 Stu"ents are intro"uce" to the techniAue o, rea"ing graphs
17 Elaboration
a7 Stu"ents ,ill the gaps 4hile listening ,rom the spea3er.
b7 Stu"ents use the gaps an" the 4or"s in the bo( to complete the sentences through
c7 Stu"ents interpret "ata base" on the graph gi/en
"7 Stu"ents present the paragraph in ,ront o, the class
&7 -on,irmation
a7 The stu"ents loo3 at the table an" use the in,ormation to match the ,irst hal/es o,
the sentences.
b7 Teacher gi/es comment an" correction
c. Post<teaching
+7 Teacher conclu"es the meeting
17 Teacher opens a Auestion<ans4er session
&7 Teacher gi/es a slight "escription about the subject matter ,or the ne(t meeting
E. Re-$ire! Bks an! Me!ia
+. Me"ia: boar" mar3er, 4hite boar".
1. 0oo3s:
E,,ecti/e -ommunication 6Elementar. Le/el7
The Eni/erse o, English 6boo3 17
.. Eval$atin
&ask '
Describe the following occupations!
+. Pilots
1. Photographer
&. Electrician
). -omputer programmer
*. TV or ra"io ser/ice technician
&ask )
Change these sentences into the right form according to the sign!
+. 657 0ali is a splen"i" islan".
1. 6:7 % "on2t reall. li3e gol,.
&. 657 She s4ims /er. ,ast.
). 6;7 Does .our ,ather ha/e a ne4 car;
*. 6;7 Are there man. sou/enirs stalls;
&ask +
Fill in the gaps in the text which follows, using the correct form (superlative or comparative)
of these words
The chart sho4s the e"ucational achie/ements o, homeless people in America
6"i/i"e" into those in ,amilies an" single homeless people7 compare" to those o,
all ES a"ults, ,or the .ear +FFG. The 6+7 H worstHHH e"ucational attainment 4as
,or homeless people in ,amilies 6*&I 4ith less than a high<school "iploma7,
617HHHHHHHHH the 6&7 HHHHHHHH results 4ere ,or all ES a"ults 6)*I or more
4ith a high<school "iploma7. Single homeless people 4ere 6)7 HHHHHHHHHHH
than those in ,amilies: the percentage o, single homeless 4ithout a high<school
"iploma 4as much 6*7 HHHHHHHHH than ,or homeless people in ,amilies 6&GI
compare" to *&I7, 6'7HHHHHHHH the percentage ha/ing onl. high<school
"iplomas 4as much 6G7 HHHHHHHHH 6&'I compare" to 1+I7. 9a/ing sai" this,
similar percentages o, homeless people in ,amilies an" single homeless people
ha" more than a high<school "iploma: 1GI an" 1JI respecti/el.. %n sum, it is
clear that homeless people ha" 6J7HHHHHHH e"ucational attainments than ES
a"ults as a 4hole, an" that homeless people in ,amilies ha" 6F7 HHHHHHHH le/els
o, achie/ement than single homeless.
Ans2er an! scring3
&ask '
The ans4ers 4ill be score" base" on the ,ollo4ing criteria:
Grammar and diction correct score !"
Grammar correct, diction incorrect score #$!"
Grammar incorrect, diction correct score #$!"
Grammar and diction incorrect score !
Ma(imal score: +K
&ask )
+. %s 0ali a splen"i" islan";
1. Do % reall. li3e gol,;
&. She "oes not s4im /er. ,ast.
). Lour ,ather has a ne4 car.
*. There are man. sou/enirs stalls.
Scoring: -orrect ans4er scores 1
Ma(imal Score: +K ( 1 M 1K
&ask +
+. Corst
1. Chile
&. 0est
). More success,ul
*. Lo4er 6or 4orse7
'. Chile
G. 9igher
J. Corse 6or lo4er7
F. Corse 6or lo4er7
.inal scring 4 activit5 # 6 activit5 ## 6 activit5 ###
Ma7imal scre3 '1
Sura3arta, +) ul. 1K+K
Ac3no4le"ge" b.,
The Principal o, SMK ....... English Teacher,
%rs. Mickel 8acksn #9in :9in; S.P!
N%P. +F'+K1+'+FJJK&+KK)
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaraan)
School : SMK .......
Subject : English
Department : TLP, TAV, TK
!ra"e # Semester : $% # &
Time allotment : ) ( )* minutes
Meeting : +G, +J
Stan"ar" o, -ompetenc. : -ommunicating English at Elementar. Le/el
0asic -ompetenc. : 1.& Describing one2s job an" e"ucation bac3groun" in 4ritten an"
E(pression about past acti/it. is e(presse" correctl..
Simple -urriculum Vitae is 4ritten correctl..
A. Learning Objectives
0. the en" o, the course, stu"ents 4ill be able to:
+. E(press an" respon" the e(pressions about Past E/ents
1. -ompose a simple -urriculum Vitae
B. &eaching Materials
+. Simple Past Tense
Sentence Pattern:
657 S 5 4as# 4ere 5 8
6:7 S 5 4as# 4ere 5 not 5 8
6;7 4as# 4ere 5 S 5 8 5 ;
657 S 5 V
5 8
6:7 S 5 "i" not 5 V
5 8
6;7 Di" 5 S 5 V
5 8 5 ;
To sa. that something happene" in the earlier perio". The action 4as starte" an"
,inishe" at a certain time in the past.
+. % 4as a teacher
1. The. 4ere stu"ents in this school.
&. Ali 4ent to a3arta .ester"a..
). 9e "i" not come to the meeting this morning.
*. Di" she bu. a ne4 car last 4ee3;
>eAuire" a"/erb o, time
last 4ee3
last . . . .
a 4ee3 ago
t4o .ears ago
. . . . . . . . . ago
this morning
just no4
1. Cor"s an" e(pressions use" in tal3ing about Past E/entsO
Chat happene" to the computer, Don;
Ce got a paper jam in the printer, Sir.
&. Telling about people2s e"ucational bac3groun" using the Simple past tense.
She gra"uate" ,rom SMKN J 0an"ung.
The ne4 secretar. learne" shorthan" at the college.
). An e(ample o, curriculum /itae
C:RR#C:L:M <#&AE
Persnal %etails
Dull Name : Dlorentina Putri
Se( : Demale
Place, Date o, 0irth : Probolinggo, August *, +FGF
Nationalit. : %n"onesia
Marital Status : Marrie"
9eight, Ceight : +'* cm, *& 3g
9ealth : Per,ect
>eligion : Moslem
A""ress : Perum Depo3 0aru +, 0lo3 PT No.&, -ibinong +'F+&
Mobile : KJ+G FJ*) 1K&
Phone : K1+ < JGFK&JK1
E<mail : putri.,
E!$catinal Backgr$n!
+FJ* < +FF+ : !ajahma"a Elementar. School, Probolinggo
+FF+ < +FF) : unior 9igh School No.+, Probolinggo
+FF) < +FFG : Senior 9igh School No.+, Probolinggo
+FFG < 1KK+ : Accounting Department at the Eni/ersit. o, Pancasila, a3arta
C$rse = E!$catin
+FFJ < +FFF : -omputer = %nternet -ourse at Pus3om !illan" !anesha, a3arta
+FFF < 1KK1 : English Language -ourse at L0A !illan" !anesha, a3arta
1KK) < 1KK) : Ta( -ourse 60re/et A = 07 "i DA%EP, a3arta
Accounting = A"ministration S3ills 6ournal Printing = -alculation, Le"ger, Pett. -ash
Pa.roll = -alculation, %n/entor. -ontrols, Project Data Ep"ating, Teller, Salar. -al"ulation7.
Ta(ation S.stem.
-omputer Literate 6MS Cor", MS E(cel, MS Po4er Point, MS Access, MS 8utloo37.
%nternet Literate.
-ibinong, anuar. +1, 1KKJ
.lrentina P$tri
C. Meth!s " #nstr$ctin
+. Buestion an" ans4er
1. >ole pla.
&. Discussion
). Lecturing
%. &eaching Scenari
'. Meeting '/
a. Pre<teaching:
+7 Salutation
17 -hec3ing stu"ent2s atten"ance
&7 Apperception
>e/ie4ing the pre/ious stu".
Stating the topic an" objecti/e o, the meeting
)7 8rientation
*7 Moti/ation
b. Chilst<teaching:
+7 E(ploration
a7 Teacher tal3s about his past acti/ities.
b7 Teacher "eli/ers Auestions about stu"ents2 past acti/ities.
c7 Stu"ents are intro"uce" to the structure o, Simple Past Tense.
"7 Stu"ents are reAueste" to put the correct /erb into the sentence gi/en.
17 Elaboration
a7 Stu"ents are reAueste" to 4rite their o4n sentence using the construction o,
Simple Past Tense.
b7 Teacher chooses stu"ents, ran"oml., to 4rite their sentence on the 4hite boar".
c7 The other stu"ents are encourage" to e/aluate the sentences an" gi/e correction
i, nee"e".
&7 -on,irmation
a7 Stu"ents are reAueste" to 4rite their past acti/ities in less than ,i/e sentences.
b7 Stu"ents are in/ite" to rea" their essa. in ,ront o, the class.
c7 Teacher gi/es comment an" correction.
c. Post<teaching
+7 Teacher conclu"es the meeting
17 Teacher opens a Auestion<ans4er session
&7 Teacher gi/es a slight "escription about the subject matter ,or the ne(t meeting
). Meeting '0
a. Pre<teaching:
+7 Salutation
17 -hec3ing stu"ent2s atten"ance
&7 Apperception
>e/ie4ing the pre/ious stu".
Stating the topic an" objecti/e o, the meeting
)7 8rientation
*7 Moti/ation
b. Chilst<teaching:
+7 E(ploration
a7 Teacher "eli/ers Auestions about the reAuirements to appl. ,or a job.
b7 Stu"ents are intro"uce" to the composition o, -urriculum Vitae.
c7 Teacher e(plains the 4a. to 4rite an e"ucational bac3groun" correctl..
17 Elaboration
a7 Teacher sho4s an e(ample o, -urriculum Vitae 4ritten in English.
b7 Stu"ents are reAueste" to 4rite their o4n e"ucational bac3groun" using simple
past tense correctl..
c7 Teacher in/ites some stu"ents to 4rite it "o4n on the 4hite boar", thenO other
stu"ents are in/ite" to gi/e comment or correction.
&7 -on,irmation
a7 Stu"ents are reAueste" to 4rite their o4n -urriculum Vitae
b7 Teacher gi/es comment an" correction.
c. Post<teaching
+7 Teacher conclu"es the meeting
17 Teacher opens a Auestion<ans4er session
&7 Teacher gi/es a slight "escription about the subject matter ,or the ne(t meeting
E. Re-$ire! Bks an! Me!ia
+. Me"ia: boar" mar3er, 4hite boar".
1. 0oo3s:
E,,ecti/e -ommunication 6Elementar. Le/el7
The Eni/erse o, English 6boo3 17
.. Eval$atin
&ask '3 Complete the text using the words in the box!
A shepher" bo. 4as
a,ter his sheep on the hill. 9e 4as bore" so he

RCol,S Col,ST Then he
all the people ran up to the hill. 9e
them. RChere2s the
4ol,; Chere2s the 4ol,;T the people
R%t ran a4a.ST the bo. sai". Ne(t "a. he

the game li3e the ,irst "a. on the thir" "a., a 4ol, came, so he
RCol,S Col,ST The
people in the to4n
him, but the. sai", R%t isn2t trueT. R9e2s bore". 9e
to see us
run up the hillT. So the 4ol,
the sheep an" the bo..
a. laughe"
b. as3e"
c. pla.e"
". crie"
e. loo3ing
,. shoute"
g. 4atche"
h. hear"
i. 4ante"
j. ate
&ask )3 Change the sentences into the right sign!
+. 657 The naught. bo.s pla.e" truant .ester"a. morning.
6;7 ......................................................................................
1. 657 There 4as a stu"ent sho4 at Mala"i Sta"ium last night.
6:7 ......................................................................................
&. 6:7 The. "i"n2t atten" the school meeting.
). 6;7 Di" .our ,ather bu. a ne4 car;
6:7 ......................................................................................
*. 6;7 Di" the teacher gi/e him a priUe;
657 ......................................................................................
&ask +3 %rite your own Curriculum &itae!
Ans2er an! scring3
Activit5 #
+. Loo3ing
1. Shoute"
&. Catche"
). Laughe"
*. As3e"
'. Pla.e"
G. 9ear"
J. -rie"
F. Cante"
+K. Ate
Scoring: -orrect ans4er scores +
Ma(imal Score: +K ( + M +K
&ask )
+. Di" the naught. bo.s pla. truant .ester"a. morning;
1. There 4as no a stu"ent sho4 at Mala"i Sta"ium last night.
&. The. atten"e" the school meeting.
). Lour ,ather "i"n2t bu. a ne4 car;
*. The teacher ga/e him a priUe;
Scoring: -orrect ans4er scores 1
Ma(imal Score: +K ( 1 M 1K
&ask +
The ans4ers 4ill be score" base" on the ,ollo4ing criteria:
Grammar and diction correct score !"
Grammar correct, diction incorrect score #$!"
Grammar incorrect, diction correct score #$!"
Grammar and diction incorrect score !
Ma(imal score: +K
.inal scring 4 activit5 # 6 activit5 ## 6 activit5 ###
Ma7imal scre3 '1
Sura3arta, +) ul. 1K+K
Ac3no4le"ge" b.,
The Principal o, SMK ....... English Teacher,
%rs. Mickel 8acksn #9in :9in; S.P!
N%P. +F'+K1+'+FJJK&+KK)

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