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College : Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of engineering and Technology

Warananagar .
Title of project : Manufacturing of conventional hydraulic lift .
Project group : 1 : Mr.Digvijay Dilip Chavan
2 : Mr. Pankaj chikurdekar
3 : Mr.Sanket Bhosle
4 : Mr. Rajkumar Chaugule
Project guide : prof. P.J. Patil

Relevance :
Introduction to hydraulics :
As name indicates in hydraulic power system liquid is the main source of power
transmission. The main advantage of this this system is avoids mechanical linkages
such as gear, ropes, belts, chain ,etc. The power transmission of power by fluid power
system is most convenient and highly efficient. Due to this present conventional power
transmission system are being replaced and changed over to fluid power based system.
Liquids which are used in this system is petroleum based oil, water based oil or
synthetic based fluid .
Component in hydraulic system :

1. Actuator : actuator convert the fluid power in pressurized fluid to
mechanical energy. Actuator are the muscles of the system .They provides
the mechanical motion to desired part and the desired actuating force . It
may be the movement of a robot arm or ram of hydraulic press. Actuator
may be linear type or rotary type depending upon the desired type of motion.
2. Fluid : The fluid in hydraulic system does the primary function of
transmission of power from one point to other. Hydraulic fluid used in a fluid
power system has perform four distinct function.
These are :-
(a) Transmitting power
(b) Moving parts
(c) Link gaps
(d) Cooling or dissipating heat
Selection criteria for fluid
(a) Required pressure level
(b) Operating temperature range
(c) Contamination possibilities
(d) Economic consideration
(e) Speed and accuracy of operation

3. Accumulator : Accumulator are storage devices. They provide a small pool
of pressurized oil which can used during emergencies. Thus an accumulator
can be used to even out the fluctuation of energy in system. In order to over
come pressure loss due to leakage an accumulator can supply oil to
compensate for the oil leakages.

4. Direction control valves : They are used for distribution of energy to varies
actuators by controlling the direction of flow of the preesuried oil in the
system. It has the direct influence on start , stop at the flow direction of
Types :-
(a) Throttling type DCVs
(b) Non throttling type of DCVs :-
In this type of DCVs, the switching position
are fixed. It means that the DCVs can take only a particular discreet
position and nothing in between.
5 .Piping system :- It is a vital component of the fluid power system and it is a
kin to blood vessels of our body. They carry the fluid containing the energy to
various parts of the system. After transferring energy to the concerned part,the
return oil is brought back to the reservoir, from where it is recalculated through
pipes. Selection of the correct size pipe,their connector and joints play very
important role in safe functioning of fluid power system.
6. Storage tank :- It is the major component of the hydraulic system and it act
as container for hydraulic fluid also it performs following function.
(a) A well designed reservoir facilitates a good heat transfer from fluid.
(b) It slows down the fluid entering into resrvior,thus it allows solid particles to
separate out and settle at its bottom.
(a) Pressurized reservoirs.
(b) Non Pressurized reservoirs.
(c) Open type reservoirs.
(d) Closed type reservoirs.
7. Pumps :-

Pascals law :
A working of hydraulic lift is on the principle of the pascals law. The law said
that if pressure is exerted on liquid ,the liquid transmit itself equally in all directions . This
can be express in terms of mathematical equation as follows .

Amplification of Force :

Since pressure P applied on an area A gives rise to a force F, given as,
F = PA
Thus, if a force is applied over a small area to cause a pressure P in a confined fluid, the force
generated on a larger area can be made many times larger than the applied force that crated
the pressure. This principle is used in various hydraulic devices to such hydraulic press to
generate very high forces.

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