Detailed Lesson Plan For Junior Advance Casa

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P r e p a r e d b y : R i v e r a , M a r y k r i s A .

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Cultural Arts
Junior Advanced Casa

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to;
A. Understand the difference between healthy foods from junk foods;
B. Classify healthy foods and junk foods;
C. Give examples of healthy foods and junk foods.
II. Subject Matter:
Healthy Foods and Junk Foods
real objects, pictures, rugs and box
Values: Animals use the sounds they make to talk with each other.

III. Procedure / Learning Activities
Teachers Activity Pupils Activity
A. Preparation:
1. Pre-Activities:
1.1 Prayer
1.2 Singing of the National Anthem
1.3 Daily Exercise Routine
1.4 Greetings
1.5 Checking of Attendance
1.6 Circle Time / Sharing Period

2. Motivation:

Let us sing the nursery song entitled Fruit

3. Review:
Last time we learned about the three (3) food
groups; GO FOODS, GLOW FOODS and

I will show you pictures of food.

Tell me what food group does the food in the
picture belongs:

Pupils will sing the nursery song.

Fruit Salad

Watermelon, Watermelon,
Papaya, Papaya,
Banana, Banana,
Banana, Banana
Fruit Salad!


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P r e p a r e d b y : R i v e r a , M a r y k r i s A .

B. Presentation:
1. Lesson Proper

I have here a magic lunch box.
Say hello to magic lunch box.

This lunch box contains a lot of food in it. But
not all the food inside this lunch box are good
for you.

Lets open the magic lunch box.

Lets find out what foods inside this lunch box
are good for you and what are not good for

I will put all the food that is good for you in
this tray. And those food that are not good for
you are on another tray.

Look! The lunch box has chocolates!

Glow Food

Grow Food

Go Food

Glow Food

Grow Food

Hello! Magic lunch box!

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P r e p a r e d b y : R i v e r a , M a r y k r i s A .

Chocolates contain a lot of sugar that can harm
your health and your teeth!

Is chocolate good for you?

Very Good!

Okay lets put it on the tray with foods that are
not good for you.

The lunch box has a tomato!
Tomato contains a lot of vitamins that can
make you strong and your skin smooth.

Is a tomato good for you or not?

Good Job!

Okay lets put it on the tray with foods that are
good for you.

Another food inside the lunch box is a

The bread in the sandwich gives you energy for
playing and doing other things.

Where should we put the sandwich?

Very Good!

Okay lets put it on the tray with food that is
good for you.

The lunch box has candies in it!

Candies contain a lot of sugar that can also
make your teeth decay or tooth ache.

Are candies good for you?


Okay, lets put it on the tray with foods that are
not good for you.

There is another food in the lunch box and it is
red. Do you know what this is?

No, teacher

Yes, tomato is good for us!

In the good food tray.

No, teacher!

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P r e p a r e d b y : R i v e r a , M a r y k r i s A .

An apple contains a lot of vitamins and
minerals that makes your body strong and

Is an apple good for your body?

Good Job!

Okay lets put it on the tray with foods that is
good for you.

The last food inside the box is

This potato chip contains a lot of salt and oil
that is very bad for your growing body.

Where should we put the potato chips?

Very Good!

Okay lets put it on the tray with foods that are
not good for you.

This tray with foods that are good for you
should be eaten regularly.

These foods are called healthy foods.

Say it again, Healthy Foods!

Healthy foods are foods that are good for you!
It makes us healthy and strong.

Again, what are healthy foods?

Other examples of healthy foods are fruits,
vegetables, milk and meat all those that belong

Can you give me other examples of Healthy

Very Good!

This another tray of food contains food that are
not good for you. Thse foods should not
Its an apple, teacher!

Yes, teacher!

Potato Chips

On the tray with not good food for us!

Healthy Foods!

Healthy foods are foods that are good for us.

Fish, kangkong, banana etc.

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P r e p a r e d b y : R i v e r a , M a r y k r i s A .

always be eaten by growing children like you
because it may harm your body.

These foods were called Junk Foods.

Say it again, Junk Foods.

Junk Foods are foods that may harm your
body. These foods are not good for you.

Again what are Junk Foods?

Other examples of junk foods are cotton candy,
cake, soda and foods that dont belong to any
food groups.

Can you give me other examples of Junk

C. Generalization:
What are Healthy Foods?

What are Junk Foods?

D. Application:
I have here pictures of different foods; I will
put it inside the magic box. You will pick one
picture from the magic box and tell if it is a
healthy food or a junk food.

Group them in the correct tray.

Junk Foods!

Junk Foods are foods that may harm your
body. These foods are not good for you.

Lollipop, softdrinks, ice cream etc
Pupils will do the activity.

Healthy foods are foods that are good for you!
It makes us healthy and strong.

Junk Foods are foods that may harm your
body. These foods are not good for you.

Pupils will do the activity.


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P r e p a r e d b y : R i v e r a , M a r y k r i s A .

IV. Evaluation:

V. Assignment:

Cut 5 pictures of examples of healthy foods and junk foods paste it on your N3 (Cultural Arts)

Checked by: Approved by:

JAC Adviser / Cooperating Teacher Principal

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