Council: May 6 Agenda

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014
6:30 P.M.
1. Call ! O"de"
2. #!ll Call$%u!"u&: All '!u(')l &e&*e"s +"ese( e,'e+
3. Pu*l)' -ea")(.s:
4. /)d Le)(.s
0. O+e( 1!"u&: The Open Forum is a portion of the Council meeting where a maximum of three persons will
be allowed to address the Council on a subject which is not a part of the meeting agenda. Persons wishing
to speak must register in person with Dave aschoff! Council "ecretar#! prior to the meeting. $nscheduled
guests are limited to two minutes each. The Council ma# not take action or repl# at the time of the
statement but will give direction to staff at the end of the meeting regarding investigation of the concerns
%. &oel "tencel! 'uditor with (ide )aill# * +,-. 'udit /eport
6. C!(se( A.e(da: 'll items listed under the Consent 'genda are considered to be routine b# the Cit#
Council and will be enacted b# one motion and an affirmative vote of a majorit# of the members present.
There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member so re0uests! in which event the
item1s2 will be removed from the Consent 'genda and considered separatel# b# the Council under 345
below. These Consent 'genda items will also include motions approved b# committees! commissions and
boards of the Cit# Council.
3. C!u(')l D)s'uss)!( Ie&s
'. /eview and 'pprove 6ellhead Protection Plan! Part +! and /esolution 7o. .89:-:
). /eview and 'pprove 'doption of Ordinance 7o. ;4 /e<oning ") Tract to /9+ District
C. /eview and 'pprove %ntroduction of Ordinance 7o. ;= 'mending Fees and Charges
D. /eview and 'pprove Development and (xchange 'greements for DP:
(. /eview and 'pprove /esolution 7o. .=9>-: Calling Public ?earing on the Proposed 'doption of
)usiness "ubsid# Criteria
4. O5e": "6?P Project /eceives "upplemental Funding to ove Forward with &ackson Project
6. Ad7!u"(&e(: The meeting will be closed as permitted b# the attorne#9client privilege 1section -.D.,>!
subdivision .1b22 to discuss notice received of a lawsuit filed against the Cit# of &ackson b# Craig 'nderson!
Jackson is a welcoming community that promotes a healthy, actie li!estyle !or all ages" that alues its
youth" that cele#rates cultural $iersity" that e%periences an$ nurtures a learning enironment" an$ that
capitali&es on the interstate to e%pan$ its manu!acturing, ag serices an$ emerging technologies #ase an$ to
attract people to its i#rant $owntown an$ uni'ue attractions(
a# 8! +,-:
1Council 'genda2
-. Cit# Council eeting inutes9'pril ->! +,-:
+. Finance Committee eeting inutes9'pril +-! +,-:
.. @i0uor Committee eeting inutes9'pril +-! +,-:
:. Park )oard eeting inutes9'pril 4! +,-:
>. Cop# of +,-. Drinking 6ater /eport and Certification Form
8. Cop# of Public ?earing 7otice /egarding Proposed .:>kA Transmission @ine Project
;. emo /egarding Demolition of Cit# Cable TA Tower
4. emo /egarding 6?P! Part %%! and /esolution 7o. .89:-:
=. emo /egarding &ackson Count# (OP and /esolution 7o. .49>-:
-,. emo /egarding "easonal (mplo#ees for the "treet Department
--. Cop# of %nspection /eport from D? for "enior Dining Center
-+. @etter from @akefield "enior Dining
-.. emo /egarding Ordinance ;=! 'mending Fees! /ates! and Charges for +,-:
-:. Ordinance 7o. ;4! /e<oning ") Tract to /9+ District
->. emo /egarding 6aiving 'bove 'verage 6ater and "ewer Charges %ncurred for /unning 6ater to
Prevent Fro<en "ervice @ines
-8. emo /egarding %mplementing Fuel Flowage Fee for Fuel "old at 'irport
-;. (mail from (conomic Development Coordinator /egarding /esolution 7o. .=9>-: and Draft )usiness
"ubsid# Polic#
-4. Development and (xchange 'greements for DP:
-=. (mail from /ick Boodemann with "6?P /egarding ?ousing Project in &ackson
6. C!(se( A.e(da Ie&s
'. 'pproval of inutes * 'pril ->! +,-: and 'pril +=! +,-: Continuation Cit# Council eeting
). )ills @ist * a# 8! +,-:
C. Finance Committee
1INANCE COMMITTEE #ECOMMENDATION: /emove the Cable TA Tower and accept the lowest
proposal of C-,!,8, from "ioux Falls Tower and Communications for removal and give "#nkro"outhwest
., da#sD notice to remove their e0uipment.
D. (mergenc# Operations Plan
2TA11 #ECOMMENDATION: 'pprove /esolution 7o. .49>-: promoting the cooperation of political
subdivisions in working with &ackson Count# and adopting the &ackson Count# (mergenc# Operations Plan.
(. "easonal (mplo#ees for "treet Department
2TA11 #ECOMMENDATION: 'pprove the hire of the Patrick Tate at an hourl# rate of C4.+> as a new
seasonal emplo#ee for the "treet Department! and approve the return of the following seasonal emplo#eesE
)laise &acobson 9 C=.+>F )rett @arson 9 C4.>,F and &acob )o#er 9 C4.>,.
F. 'irport Commission
AI#PO#T COMMI22ION #ECOMMENDATION: /ecommend the implementation of a C,.-, a
gallon fuel flowage fee effective &une -! +,-: and to amend the agreement with the F)O to such effect.
B. Public $tilities Commission
PU/LIC UTILITIE2 COMMI22ION #ECOMMENDATION: 1-2 /ecommend a sewer and water
credit for municipal customers that ran water to avoid water and sewer lines free<ing per Cit# "taff
discretion. 1+2 ?ave Trent Golander provide estimates to the $tilities Commission to bring current pit water
meter up to code and put hold on GolanderDs current billing.
?. /evolving @oan Fund Committee
loan to the &(DC for the purchase of land.

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