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There are 3 main groups of drugs: depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens.

These drugs speed up the functions of the CNS (central nervous system) and makes the user feel
more awake and alert. It increases the heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure. When
taken in large does, they can have negative effects such as headaches, aggression and paranoia.
The common types of stimulants are
Caffeine - This is present in coffee and tea and most cola drinks and it is a mild stimulant.
Nicotine - Nicotine is present in tobacco and smokers use it to relax.
Ephedrine - Ephedrine is used for medical purposes like for bronchitis, hay fever and for asthma.
The stronger stimulants like Cocaine, Amphetamines, and Methamphetamine are taken orally,
sniffed, smoked or injected. It produces a sudden sensation known as a rush. This rush however
lasts for only a few minutes and it results in the user feeling low afterwards. This low makes the
user want more of the drug. Since stimulants are addictive, repeated dosage can lead to feelings
of hostility and being paranoid. It can also cause high body temperatures along with an irregular
heartbeat. The psychological effects include agitation, hostility, panic, suicidal tendencies and
aggression. Hallucinations can also occur.

The drugs slow down the CNS. It makes people feel more relaxed, less tense and less aware of
the events around them. These drugs are usually made for medicinal purposes but it is often
abused and overused.
The short term effects of taking these drugs include poor concentration, fever, slurred speech,
low blood pressure and depression. Higher doses can lead to impairment of memory and
judgment. However for some people, they can influence the opposite of these effects such as
agitation and aggression. In the long run, tolerance to the depressants can occur which causes the
user to take in higher doses. The long term effects are depression, fatigue, breathing problems
and sleep problems. Withdrawal symptoms are insomnia, weakness and nausea. Withdrawal
from depressants can be life threatening. It can also cause high blood sugar, diabetes and weight
Example of these drugs - Zyprexa, Seroquel, Haldol and Xanax.

These drugs increase a persons awareness of his senses. It also changes ones perception,
thought and mood. The physiological effects include increased heart rate, increased blood
pressure, and dilated pupils. The sensory effects include perceptual distortions which can vary
from person to person. The psychological effects are disorders in the concept of time and space.
Time stands still and objects change shape and colors.
The experience is pleasant and pleasurable for some but for others it is quite frightening because
the hallucinations produced are unpredictable each time the drugs are taken. The hallucinations
can also appear randomly months after taking the drug.
Examples Marijuana, Ecstasy, LSD

Effects of drugs on ones life
Drugs can have both short term and long term effects. Under the influence of drugs one does
things that they wouldnt normally do. This results in getting hurt or being involved in an
accident. It also increases ones aggression level which results in violence. The drugs can also
affect various organs of the body such as the brain, kidneys, lungs, throat and stomach. The
intake of drugs can make one addicted which makes you dependent on the drugs. There can also
be withdrawal symptom if you stop taking the drugs. Your mental well-being decreases and you
can get stressed or depressed. It can alsp affect your job, your relationship, your job and your
own safety along with others.


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