R12 RAC Cloning Detai - Ls

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RAC Cloning Details

Note : 559518.1 : Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid

Clone on RAC Enabled Sste!s
"atch : 5#$#29% : RAC&'O&RAC S(""OR' )*'+ RA"*,C-ONE
Supported Scenarios
R12 A.tocon/ig Enabled on the db'ier and apps'ier
RAC con0ersion per/or!ed .sing on Note 1885##.1. 2'his is the onl
RAC con0ersion !ethod s.pported with Rapid Clone3
Oracle Cl.ster 4ile Sste! 2OC4S3 and N4S with NetApp
Scenarios not Supported at this time
11g RAC 2Not targeted at this ti!e3
)indows "lat/or!s 2Not targeted at this ti!e3
RA) de0ices 2Not targeted at this ti!e3
Rac&to&NonRac 2'rac5ed on 6.g #189$11. *t will be incl.ded on the 7A
NonRac&to&Rac 2Not targeted at this ti!e. 'he onl s.pported !ethod is
the one appro0ed b '89 .nder Note: 1885##.13
Adding a RAC node 2Not targeted at this ti!e3
Re!o0ing a RAC node 2'rac5ed on 6.g #189$11. *t will be incl.ded on
the /inal 7A patch3
AS: 2,e0 acti0ities /inali;ed on patch 5#$#29%. +owe0er< =A testing
still in progress. 'o be o//iciall certi/ied on the /inal 7A "atch3
Patch and Documentation distribution
"er A'7 direction< this Rapid Clone patch and its related doc.!entation
will ha0e te!porar controlled a0ailabilit 2CA3 .ntil we release this
!ethodolog to the general p.blic at a later date.
(ntil then< we want to anal;e each partic.lar c.sto!er case< political
sit.ation and technical scenario be/ore a.thori;ing S.pport or Cons.lting
to deli0er it to the c.sto!er.
'his !ethodolog sho.ld not be distrib.ted witho.t de0elop!ent consent
at this point.
Process to request this controlled released Patch
Log a Bug with the following information :
Product Id : 99
Component : CLONE
Subject : C: !e"ue#t for !C Patch $%&%'9( and documentation
Plea#e pa#te the following )emplate in the Problem *e#cription field :
C Patch !e"ue#t *etail#
Patch !e"uired : $%&%'9(
E+Bu#ine## Suite -er#ion : .e/0 1'0(023
Cu#tomer Name : .e/0 CISCO3
I# thi# Cu#tomer in a Special program 4 : .e/0 On *emand5 e#calated
cu#tomer5 etc3
I# thi# an On *emand Cu#tomer : .6ES7NO3
I# the u#er u#ing pp# 8gmt Pac9 :8P; : .6ES7NO3
pplication# 8anagement Pac9 :8P; -er#ion : .e/0 '0(0'3
Support Ser<ice !e"ue#t = : .)! Number3
Oracle Contact Name : .Support7Con#ulting Engineer Name3
Oracle Contact Phone Number : .Support7Con#ulting Engineer Phone3
Oracle Contact Email : .Support7Con#ulting Email3
Cu#tomer Contact Name : .Contact at cu#tomer #ite3
Cu#tomer Contact Phone Number : .Contact Phone at cu#tomer #ite3
Cu#tomer Contact Email : .Contact Email at cu#tomer #ite3
Impact to Cu#tomer
= Plea#e e/plain the rea#on wh> thi# cu#tomer re"uire# thi#
= Controlled relea#ed Patch0
= Include a brief detail on the project detail#5 e#calation# and
= political #ituation that will be impacted if thi# patch i# not
= made a<ailable0
The latest process to request CA patches can always be found

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