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The Knights of the Watch

The Knights of Dispatch

Version 4.0
D&D 3.5 Compliant
An organization dedicated to the defense of the Sheldomar Valley.

Developed for the Living Greyhawk Campaign by
Jeff Kahrs, Nick Perch, and Pete Winz.

Based on material published by Wizards of the Coast.

Updated June 10, 2004

Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 2
Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Background 3
An Excerpt from the Living Greyhawk Gazeteer 3
Trilesimain, The Simple Knight 3
The Twelve Precepts 4
The Seven Precepts 5
Organization 6
Day to Day Activities 6
The Fast of the Murder of Bethane 6
Headquarters and Power Centers 6
Allies 6
Rivals 6
Foes 7

Chapter 2 Requirements, Costs and Benefits 8
Requirements and Costs 8
Benefits 10
Magic Item Access 12

Appendix I Squire Form 13

Appendix II Titling Conventions 15
Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 3
Chapter 1: Background

An Excerpt from the Living Greyhawk Gazeteer:
The Knights of the Watch formed several centuries ago, built upon the foundation an earlier organization
based in Gran March. Tasked with protecting Keoland, Gran March, Bissel and Geoff from the incursions
of Paynims and westerlings, the Watchers, as they are generally known, hold several castles, fortresses
and strongholds along the border with Ket, as well as in the western mountains. The order's strongest
bases of power can be found in Gran March (Hookhill), Geoff (Hochoch), and Bissel (Pellak), though
members of the knighthood are drawn from the best and wisest of the lands throughout the Sheldomar
The Knights of the Watch are devotees of a near-monastic school of teachings based upon the
writings of the philosopher Azmarender, who first chronicled a code of duty and belief known as the
Twelve and Seven Precepts. The Twelve Precepts govern how a knight of the order is to carry out his
day-to-day activities, with a particular eye toward traditions of battle. The Seven are said to guide the "life
beyond the self," to give meaning to the universe beyond the field of battle. These latter precepts are
jealously guarded secrets revealed to knights only as they gain station within the organization. The
mysterious Seventh Precept, said to reveal ancient secrets about the establishment of the world of Oerth,
is known only to the Grandiose Imperial Wyvern, titular head of the knighthood (currently the ailing Hugo
of Geoff).
As befits the mysticism that dwells at the heart of their organization, the Watchers are known
internally by a selection of fanciful titles. General knights, the lowest in rank, are called Vigils, with minor
ranks adding to the base title (Stalwart Vigil, Resilient Vigil, Radiant Vigil, etc.). As knights ascend in rank,
a number of adjectives are added to their titles, with "vigil" replaced by the names of fantastic beasts
(manticore, hippogriff, griffon, etc.), such that a mid-level commander is known as the Magnificent Elder
Gorgon. Few outside the order understand the ranking-system of the Watchers, a fact that gave rise to
the peasant saying "frightful as a Watcher's title" to denote someone who wishes to appear grander than
he truly is.
Prior to the Greyhawk Wars, the Knights of the Watch claimed more than 6,500 members. War
trimmed that number by more than half. Currently, 2,500 Knights of the Watch roam the Sheldomar
Valley, protecting the interests of their nations and sussing out agents of the hated west.
The Greyhawk Wars brought a new development for the knighthood, as well, a factionalization of
the order into two distinct branches, the traditional Knights of the Watch and the new Knights of Dispatch.
The Watchers continue much as they always have. The Dispatchers, however, have eschewed traditional
rites of battle, often forming themselves into scouting bands to range within conquered Geoff (and, until
recently, Sterich). The Knights of Dispatch have traded their hatred of the west for a deep loathing of the
humanoids who have caused their homelands so much trouble in the last decade. While some within the
greater order despise the "cowardly" tactics of this new branch, the leaders of both organizations have
pledged support for each other, and share the same (confusing) hierarchy.
Both the Knights of the Watch and the Knights of Dispatch share a common coat of arms, an owl
displayed argent.

Trilesimain, The Simple Knight
The story of Trilesimain is one of the standards of the bards of the Sheldomar Valley. Its origins
are ancient and not precisely known. The story relates the tale of Trilesimain and is filled with adventures
and tales of daring-do. Throughout the ages, bards have added to the work, adding new characters and
creating a true myth cycle. In 400 CY, the great bard, Ravanoff the Excellent, oversaw the collection and
editing of the versions of the legend. His work, entitled The Simple Knight, occupies almost forty volumes.
The original is kept in the Commandants headquarters in Hookhill. Numerous scholars work on symbolic
and literary interpretations of the text. The work has become one of the central focuses of the Knights of
the Watch and Dispatch, containing as it does the basis for their code of chivalry. All Knights are
expected to be familiar with its contents and to have read it through (or have it read to them) at least once
before advancing to the higher levels in the orders.

The oldest parts of the story, and the parts of most interest to the Knights, are the beginning and
the end. The story begins in an age where we are told that those who call themselves knights are nothing
Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 4
more than armed bandits who terrorize and oppress the population. Into this world is born Trilesimain. He
is the son of a young unwed peasant woman. His father is referred to in the story as the strange visitor.
Speculation as to his parentage among scholars has ranged from the King to a god, although the story
does not place much importance on it.

His mother, Bethan, raises her son to be strong and valiant. From the time he is nursing, she
sings to him the following song, known as the Glorious Couplets:

The hope of a knight where ere he doth trod,
Is duty to ones order and ones god.

The heart of a knight where ere he doth fly.
Is to face fear with a gleam in his eye.

The praise of a knight where ere he doth go,
Is given high and received from below.

The strength of a knight where ere he is found,
Is that his word is trusted all around.

The soul of a knight where ere he doth live,
Is his willingness to help and to give.

One day, when Trilesimain is six, he is outside listening to his mother singing while she hangs out
the wash, when five mounted men approach. They proclaim themselves to be knights of the realm and
demand tribute. When Bethan replies that she is a poor mother who has nothing, the leader of the
knights replies that he will get payment one way or another. When Trilesimain intervenes, he is stabbed in
the chest and thrown in a ditch, where he is left to die. As he lies there, he hears the men assault his
mother, who does not scream, but endures her torture. The scene ends with the men riding off. As they
do so, they throw the disembodied head of Bethan into the ditch with her son. The head, one final time,
weakly sings the Couplets to her son before her soul departs.

Trilesimain survives the ordeal but forever carries a scar on his chest that reminds him of the fate
of his mother. The story continues with the tales of Trilesimain and the companions he finds along the
way. The Couplets are not mentioned again in this portion of the saga, but our hero strives to live by
them. He gains his revenge upon his mothers defilers and grows to be a great knight and good ruler. The
ending of the story is one of both tragedy and glory. He is tricked by a demon in the guise of a peasant, is
captured, and is taken to the Abyss. There he is bound to a great rock and one thousand demons begin
to torture him. Each torture is described graphically and at the end of each, the demons promise release if
he will but renounce his beliefs. Trilesimain responds each time with a Couplet. Each time, the torture
becomes more hellish. After the fifth torture, Trilesimain recites the final couplet and then the old scar on
his chest opens. A great pure light pours forth from his chest and the demons are consumed. When the
light fades, the rock is empty.

It is from the Couplets that the great philosopher, Azmarender derived the Twelve Precepts that
guide the Knights. The Precepts are divided into two parts. The first two are the Grand Precept and the
Precept of J udgement. These lay the framework for all that is to follow. The next ten are the Couplet
precepts. There are two for each Couplet and they describe how a Knight should live. The Twelve
Precepts are not exactly common knowledge, nor can they truly be called secrets. They are known to
those who have sufficient interest in the doings of the Knights of the Watch.

The Twelve Precepts
Above all others are the Grand Precept and the Precept of J udgement. The other precepts define how
the Knight should behave, but the first two define how he should follow the other ten. The Grand Precept
imbues the Knight who follows it with strength. The Precept of J udgement grants flexibility. As with a
blade, it is this combination of traits that makes the Knight the exceptional weapon that he is.
Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 5

The Grand Precept: A Knight is known by his actions. There is no higher calling and no greater duty;
therefore, a Knight will lay down his life rather than violate a Precept.

The Precept of Judgement: The Precepts are of mortal hand; therefore, they may conflict. A Knight will
always remain true to the spirit of the Precepts and use the judgement granted him to know the right path.
A Knight will never allow legalism to excuse any action.

The Precepts of Duty
The Precept of Duty to Ones Order: A Knights Order defines his place in the world. A Knight will
remain true to the rules of his Order and will follow the commands of the leaders of his Order.

The Precept of Duty to Ones God: A Knights God has granted him the greatest gift of all, the life of a
Knight. As such a Knight must remain true to his Gods teachings and to those who represent his God in
this world.

The Precepts of Courage
The Precept of Bravery: Battle and defense are the purpose of the Knight in this world. As such, a
Knight may never flee battle unless failure to do so shall place those in his charge in greater harm. A
Knight must never allow another to place himself in danger when the Knight can accept the danger
himself. However, the Knight should also not allow dishonor to come to his companions by denying them
their rightful share of glory.

The Precept of Chivalry: A Knight must never doubt his prowess or his worth and he must not allow
others to think that he has done so. Therefore, a Knight must not take unfair advantage of any opponent,
but must strive to show the rightness of his cause by victory in the fairest fight possible.

The Precepts of Demeanor
The Precept of Deference: A Knight has been placed in his position in the world for a purpose. To
question this is to lack faith. Therefore, a Knight must pay appropriate honor to those placed above him in
his Order, his State, and his Church. A Knight must ensure that those placed below him observe this, so
that disrespect for the Precept is not created.

The Precept of Mannerliness: A Knights behavior, manners, and etiquette must be above reproach lest
dishonor fall on his Order.

The Precepts of Honor
The Precept of Oath-Taking: A Knights word must be trusted. Therefore, a Knight will not violate an
oath that he has sworn nor should a Knight swear an oath the he knows he cannot keep.

The Precept of Retribution: It is a duty of a Knight to ensure that any Knight who has broken an oath is
brought to justice, lest all Knights words become meaningless.

The Precepts of Charity
The Precept of Service: The poor, the oppressed, the widowed, the orphaned, those who seek after
justice these all are worthy of a Knights service. A Knight should not deny it.

The Precept of Property: A Knight owns nothing. All material things are simply held by him in trust to
fulfill his purpose. Therefore, a Knight must be generous in all things and disdain the gaining of wealth for
its own sake.

The Seven Precepts
Azmarender also laid out a further Seven Precepts. These Precepts contain powerful insights into
the physical and spiritual realms that could be abused by the unworthy and, as such, are closely guarded
secrets known only to the Knights.

Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 6
The Knights of the Watch and the Knights of Dispatch are a selective organization, focused on
the defense of the Sheldomar Valley, particularly from humanoids (including giants) and the Baklunish.
Though they differ in their tactics and methods, they adhere to the same general principles (as spelled out
in the Precepts, above) and share a common organization structure. Prior to becoming a Knight, a
candidate must be invited to squire, and serve a full term in the ranks of the squires and senior squires
(known as J unior and Senior Obedient Masters, respectively). Once Knighted, a Watcher or Dispatcher
may rise through the ranks. The Knights are heirarchical, with the Grandiose Imperial Wyvern setting
policy, along with the Great Beasts. The Monsters of the Air are responsible for diseminating information
and enforcing discipline, while the Monsters of the Earth are in charge of day-to-day operations.

Day to Day Activities
Most Knights conduct their activities according to their own purposes and consciences. While all
are called upon to defend the Sheldomar Valley, individual Knights have great latitude in determining how
best to meet that goal. A large number of Knights serve in the militaries of the Sheldomar nations,
particularly Gran March, while others operate independently as adventurers, or form small armies of
Knights under the banner of the order. Some Knights hold positions of authority or nobility, and devote
much of their time to such duties. Even with this latitude, Knights are expected to assist in the
maintainance of the order, especially as they reach higher ranks. Knights devote time each year to
maintaining Knight strongholds, training squires, updating the records of the order, acquiring or
enchanting magical items for the order, or similar purposes.

The Fast of the Murder of Bethane
The order observes a single sacred event. Sunsebb 4th is the Fast of the Murder of Bethan. This is the
high, holy day of the Watch and Dispatch. Typically, in the week leading up to this date, the knight dons
simple clothing and a hair shirt, he repents of all his failings during the past year, and seeks out all who
he may have wronged to make restitution. He fasts for the whole of the holy day, consuming only the
barest amount of water needed to survive. On the night following the fast, he sleeps not but spends the
time in prayer and contemplation. Immediately before the dawn, he doffs his clothing and stands facing
east. As the light of the new rising sun strikes his bare flesh, he is absolved. He dons his armor and
readies for another year of service. Any Knight who ignores this time is dishonored and no longer
considered a member. A Knight who must miss this fast (immediacy of battle, requirement of duty,
sickness, an inability to know the exact date, etc.) must, on the first opportunity, seek out a leader in the
order who will assign atonement. This task will be one whose difficulty depends upon the reason for the
infraction, but it will always serve to aid both the order and the people.

In time of war, many knights forgo the week of reflection, but all but a handful observe the fast (and those
who do not immediately seek out atonement). During the time of reflection and the fast, the allies of the
knights are frequently called upon to assure that this is not seized as an opportunity for violence on the
part of their enemies.

Headquarters and power centers
The current knight headquarters is in Pellak, in Bissel. They also maintain strongholds in Hookhill (Gran
March) and Hochoch (Geoff). In addition, they maintain chapter houses in a few other major cities in the
Sheldomar Valley.

The order is closely aligned with the government and military of Gran March, and with the church of
Heironeous. In addition, it considers as its formal allies all the nations of the Sheldomar Valley (though
those nations do no necessarily reciprocate). The Darkwatch, a sister organization based in Keoland, is
also counted an ally.

Grand Duke Owen of Geoff has recently dealt several affronts to the order, including kidnapping several
of its leaders temporarily, as a political ploy. While there has been some grumbling that the order ought
Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 7
to allow the giants to overrun whats left of Geoff, the leadership is firm in their conviction that the orders
sacred duty will absolutely not permit them to concede Geoff to the giant invaders.

The order counts as its foes all goblinoids, orcs and similar creatures, giants, and Hextorians. They also
consider most Baklunish in the same category (though there are a handful of Knights of Baklunish
descent, mostly those who had some reason to renounce their heritage).
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Chapter 2 Requirements, Costs and Benefits

Note: In those regions who have appointed a Knight administrator or Point of
Contact, interested players should direct inquiries and correspondence to that

Requirements and Costs
The Knights of the Watch and Dispatch are open to all levels of society and keep a constant
lookout for those qualified by temperament and ability for induction into their ranks. Note that although
most Knights of the Watch are men, women also are invited to join the order and advance without
prejudice. Once a candidate has been spotted, he is allowed to squire to the order, if he so desires. This
period typically lasts one year and if after that time, the candidate has demonstrated the basic knightly
principles in his lifestyle (following the publicly known Twelve Precepts) and suitable skill and prowess, he
is then invited to join.

The Knights of the Watch and Dispatch are traditionally drawn from the cream of the armies of
Keoland, Geoff, Bissel, and especially Gran March. These orders are known for strict discipline, monastic
habits, and an unswerving devotion to protecting the Sheldomar Valley states from invasion by
humanoids or the Baklunish.

The branches of Knighthood are alike in principle and organization, but differ in their tactics. The
Watchers hold to traditional tactics, while the Dispatchers feel the need for new tactics to face new foes,
such as the giants that invaded Geoff and destroyed many of the Knights.

To become a Knight of either branch of the order, a candidate must give some demonstration of
worth, and then proceed through terms as a Squire and as a Senior Squire. Upon completing both terms,
Knighthood may be bestowed, or the candidate may be dismissed as unsuitable.

Squires to the order are invited, they do not apply. For purposes of the Living Greyhawk
campaign, two mechanisms will be used. Some characters will be invited directly by the regional Triad.
Other characters are not known to the Triad. If you have a character that you think is a good candidate
for Knighthood, send an out-of-character (OOC) message to your Triad or Knight POC, and they will
consider inviting the character. You can also use this OOC procedure to recommend other players PCs
for invitation. When PC Knights have been invested, they will be able to make in-character (IC)
recommendations for invitations. To do so, they should follow one of two procedures. Either collect the
contact information (preferably email) from the potential squires player and forward it to their regional
Triad or Knight POC, or provide such contact information to the player of the potential squire and instruct
the player to include the recommendation when contacting the Triad or Knight POC. In the latter case,
the Triad or POC will contact the recommending Knights player for confirmation and an IC explanation.

Note: For purposes of the Gran March military, all TU expended on mandatory Knight business may be
taken from the military TU pool.

Elligibility for Squiring:
To squire to the Knights of the Watch, a candidate must have a base attack bonus of +2; possess the
feats Armor Proficiency (heavy), Weapon Proficiency (lance), and Mounted Combat; and possess at
least 4 ranks in the Ride skill and 1 rank in the Diplomacy skill. All squires must be of Lawful Good,
Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Good alignment.
To squire to the Knights of Dispatch, a candidate must have base attack of +2; possess the feats
Armor Proficiency (light), Weapon Proficiency (any bow or crossbow, and any sword), and possess at
least 3 ranks in the Hide and Move Silently skills. All squires must be of Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral,
or Neutral Good alignment.
Humans, half-elves, and dwarves may squire to the Knighthoods.
Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 9
The candidate must be a citizen of Gran March, Geoff, Bissel, Keoland, or Sterich.
The candidate must not be a known criminal.
The candidate must have a recommendation from a Knight of the order in good standing. The
accomplishment of specific deeds, in module play, may substitute. This requirement may be waived
at the discretion of the regional Triad.
The candidate must be an exceptional individual with no glaring weaknesses. In game terms, this
means that the candidate can have no ability with a negative modifier.
Gran March citizens must be an active member of the military or have completed their military service
(in the army, not the work crews).
Candidates must not have fought under Ketite colors during the Greyhawk Wars.

Requirements of Squires:
Squires must obtain permission when traveling to regions other than Keoland, Geoff, Sterich, Bissel,
or Gran March.
Squires must attend training sessions on a regular basis at Hochoch, Hookhill, Pellak, Niole Dra,
Cryllor, or Istivin. This training will cost 8 time units.
Squires are expected to use their time as squires to learn the skills necessary to become a Knight.
For the Knights of the Watch these skills are Craft (armorsmithing), Craft (weaponsmithing), and
Handle Animal. For the Knights of Dispatch these skills are Craft (bowmaking), Knowledge (Nature),
and Survival. A Squire will not be permitted to advance to Senior Squire until they have
demonstrated skill in each of these areas (in game terms, you have to have a skill rank of at least 1 in
each of them).
Squires must display the virtues embodied in the Twelve Precepts at all times.
Squires must obey the lawful edicts of any Knight or Senior Squire.
Squires are expected to contribute any excess monetary wealth to the order, keeping only what is
necessary to maintain themselves in suitable fashion. For purposes of Living Greyhawk play, this
translates to a mandatory tithe of 10%. Additionally, Squires may not maintain a High or Luxury
upkeep level (unless they are automatically afforded better than Standard upkeep due to rank or
honor such as for members of the nobility or military officers).
Squires are required to provide service during the Fast of the Murder of Bethane. This requires 1 TU
per year (this is not cumulative with the 1 TU per year for the same purpose required of senior squires
or knights).
Squires must complete at least 8 real months service.

Requirements of Senior Squires:
Senior Squires must obtain permission for travel, as Squires. Senior Squires, however, are permitted
to travel to the Ulek states without prior approval.
Senior Squires must obey the lawful edicts of any Knight of the order.
Senior Squires must display the virtues embodied in the Twelve Precepts at all times.
Senior Squires must render aid and leadership to Squires.
Senior Squires are expected to contribute any excess monetary wealth to the order, keeping only
what is necessary to maintain themselves in suitable fashion. For purposes of Living Greyhawk play,
this translates to a mandatory tithe of 10%. Additionally, a Senior Squire may not maintain a Luxury
upkeep level (unless they are automatically afforded Luxury upkeep due to rank or honor such as
for members of the nobility or military officers).
Senior Squires are required to provide service during the Fast of the Murder of Bethane. This
requires 1 TU per year (this is not cumulative with the 1 TU per year for the same purpose required of
junior squires or knights).
Senior Squires must complete 4 real months of service.

Attaining Knighthood:
During a candidates terms as Squire and Senior Squire, there are several requirements to be
met. Each of these must be fulfilled in order to advance from Senior Squire to Knight.
The candidate must have demonstrated the skills required of a Knight (the candidate must have
demonstrated improvement in one or more knightly skills during his or her term as a Senior Squire).
Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 10
This requires that the candidate advanced at least one level during the period as a Senior Squire.
For Watchers, the Knightly Skills are Ride, Diplomacy, Craft (armorsmithing), Craft
(weaponsmithing) and Handle Animal. For Dispatchers the Knightly Skills are Hide, Move Silently,
Craft (bowmaking), Knowledge (nature) and Survival.
The candidate must have demonstrated good character. (As defined by the Twelve Precepts and
measured using the Squire Record Form, which is attached in Appendix I).
The candidate must have obeyed all strictures of the order. (Time units must have been spent to
represent the training sessions, and the candidates log of events will be checked to assure
adherence to the travel prohibition and wealth requirement.)
The candidate must have demonstrated obedience to his superiors in the order. If any candidate has
disobeyed a lawful edict from a higher-ranking member of the order, they are afforded one and only
one opportunity to explain themselves. Most are dismissed out of hand. Some are allowed to
continue, in exceptional circumstances.
The candidate must have demonstrated battle prowess. (As reflected in the Squire Record Form.)
The candidate must have obtained a sponsor who is a full Knight of the order to which he or she
aspires. (Players are encouraged to record all contact with NPC Knights carefully, since those may
become sponsors.)
The candidate must, as a Senior Squire, have demonstrated aptitude for instruction of the younger
Squires. This can be accomplished through play, if the Senior Squire PC interacts with a Squire PC
and takes the time to properly instruct and mentor the Squire (this must be noted on the AR and in
the squire record form, and approved by the judge at the table); otherwise, an additional 4 time units
must be expended.
The candidate must undergo the Vigil, as described in the material discussing the secret ceremonies
of the Knights. (The Vigil takes one time unit.)
Congratulations, youre a Knight.

Requirements of Knights:
Knights are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and grace at all times, and to act in
accordance with the Precepts.
Knights must obey the lawful orders of their superiors within the order, although Knights are usually
given great latitude to conduct their affairs as they see fit.
Knights are expected to provide guidance and leadership to squires and others under their care, and
to provide sound counsel to those who seek it.
Upon attaining the rank of Vigil, Knights must devote 10 TU to learning the secrets of the order. This
is a one time cost.
Knights are expected to contribute any excess monetary wealth to the order, keeping only what is
necessary to maintain themselves in suitable fashion. For purposes of Living Greyhawk play, this
translates to a mandatory tithe of 10%.
Knights are required to observe the Fast of the Murder of Bethane. This requires 1 TU per year (this
is not cumulative with the 1 TU per year for the same purpose required of squires).


Benefits of Squires:
Squires receive free room and board at any Knight stronghold (this translates to a 50% discount on
standard upkeep for adventures beginning in Hookhill, Pellak, Hochoch, or other locations where a
Knight stronghold is specifically mentioned).
Squires may receive, upon request, the loan of a suit of chain mail armor or any lighter type and/or
any large or small shield. If the squire loses this equipment, he must replace it at normal cost.
Squires may receive, upon request, the loan of any simple or martial weapon with which they can
demonstrate adequate skill (i.e., with which they are proficient). If the squire loses this equipment, he
must replace it at normal cost.
Squires are afforded the form of address, J unior Obedient Master. This form is used by the
unranked servants of the Knights, though rarely by anyone else.
Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 11
Squires (and Senior Squires) are offered access to a small number of magical and mundane aids to
help them in their quest for Knighthood (see Item Access, below).
Upon serving not less than 8 months as a Squire, and demonstrating all required skills, a Squire may
be promoted to Senior Squire (submit your paperwork to your regional Triad or Knight POC to request

Benefits of Senior Squires:
Senior Squires receive free room and board at any Knight stronghold. In addition, a Senior Squire
may request food and lodging be provided for up to three companions, for up to two nights time (in
any given season) at any Knight stronghold. (This translates to a 50% discount on standard upkeep
for adventures beginning in Hookhill, Pellak, Hochoch, or other locations where a Knight stronghold is
specifically mentioned for the Senior Squire. The benefit for companions, due to its limited duration,
does not grant upkeep cost reductions.)
Senior Squires may receive, upon request, the loan of a suit of half plate armor or any lighter type
and/or a large or small shield. If the squire loses this equipment, he must replace it at normal cost.
Senior Squires may receive, upon request, the loan of any normal weapon with which they can
demonstrate adequate skill (i.e., with which they are proficient). If the squire loses this equipment, he
must replace it at normal cost.
Senior Squires may receive, upon request, the loan of a war trained mount (light or heavy), with
appropriate tack (no barding). If the squire loses this mount, he must replace it at normal cost.
Senior Squires are afforded the form of address, Senior Obedient Master. This form is used by the
unranked servants of the Knights, though rarely by anyone else.
Upon serving not less than 4 months as a Senior Squire and fulfilling all other requirements, a Senior
Squire may undergo the ritual to join the ranks of his or her chosen branch of Knighthood (submit
your paperwork to your regional Triad or Knight POC to request advancement).

Benefits of Knighthood:
A Knight may receive, upon request, the loan a suit of half plate armor, or any lighter type and/or a
large or small shield. If the Knight loses this equipment, he must replace it at normal cost.
A Knight may receive, upon request, the loan of a weapon of masterwork quality. If the Knight loses
this equipment, he must replace it at normal cost.
A Knight may receive, upon request, the loan of a barded heavy warhorse, or any lighter type of
mount. If the Knight loses this mount, he must replace it at normal cost.
The word of a Knight is always considered true in the courts of Gran March, unless proven otherwise.
A Knight may receive free lodging for himself and his party at any Knight stronghold in Geoff, Gran
March, Bissel, Keoland, or Sterich, and at any noble estate in Gran March, Bissel, or Keoland. A
Knight is expected to be as accommodating and understanding as possible towards his or her host,
and to never overstay his or her welcome. In game terms, this translates to a 50% discount on
Standard or Rich upkeep for adventures begining in most parts of the Sheldomar Valley for the
Knight, and a 50% discount on standard upkeep for members of his party (if they are together at the
start of the scenario and the Knight chooses to extend this benefit to them).
Knights receive some measure of influence from their association with the order. (+1 permanent
Influence relating to the governments and militaries of Gran March, Bissel, Geoff, Sterich, and
A Knight may lawfully go armed at all times and places within the bounds of Gran March, Bissel,
Geoff, Sterich, Keoland, and the Ulek states. (It may not be tactful, but its legal. Note players
venturing into the Principality of Ulek should look for a late CY 593 update to this status.)
A Knight is addressed as Watcher or Dispatcher, as appropriate. The Knights full title is used in
formal occasions, while Watcher or Dispatcher is used where Sir would be used to address a knight
of some other order.
The Knight is able to take on the Knight of the Watch/Dispatch prestige class, which is described
The succesful Knight, who has brought honor to the order and contributed to its coffers, may be
granted the use of items of powerful magic, to better serve his purpose in the world. (Knights may
purchase magical gear deatiled elsewhere.)
Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 12
The succesful Knight, who has brought honor to the order and contributed to its coffers, may have his
arms or armor enchanted with powerful magic, to better serve his purpose in the world. (Knights may
purchase magical enhancements for arms or armor as deatiled elsewhere.)
A Knight is eligible for advancement within the ranks of the order.

Item Access
Squires have access to the following magic items as per the Living Greyhawk Campaign Sourcebook.
Item access benefits for Knights are detailed elsewhere.

potion of heroism
wand of cure light wounds
phylactery of faithfulness
eyes of the eagle (Squires to the Knights of Dispatch only)
horseshoes of a zephyr (Squires to the Knights of the Watch only)
goggles of night
boots of striding and springing
upgrade: armor to +2 enhancement bonus
upgrade: weapon to bane (giants)
mitril items: chain shirt, buckler, light shield
adamantine items: dagger, arrows, bolts

Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 13
Appendix I Squire Form

[Note that this form can be adapted by each Triad to include additional information that they might like to
collect and to reflect the appropriate Point of Contact.]

Squire Record Form for Candidates to the
Knights of the Watch and the Knights of Dispatch

Instructions to the Player: You are required to have the judge fill out one of these forms for every event in which
your Squire or Senior Squire character participates. You must fill out the Player Information, then provide the form
to the judge before play begins. You are also responsible for providing the judge with a suitable envelope in which
to seal the completed form, and for returning the unopened envelopes to your Triad.

Instructions to the J udge: Please fill out the judges sections of this form, then seal the form in the envelope provided
by the player of the Squire character, and sign across the seal. Return the envelope to the player. You are free to
discuss the characters play and the evaluation with the player, but should not allow the player to see the completed
form. While a completed form is ideal, please fill out as much as time permits, nobody will hunt you down if you
do not have time to complete the form. Comments are especially helpful.

Player Information:
Player Name: RPGA #:

Character Name: Order Squired to (circle one): Watchers/Dispatchers

Characters Patron God: Event Played:

Convention: Date:

Judge Information:
J udge Name: RPGA#:

Contact Information (optional email is best, or phone or US mailing address, if you wish):

Yes/No Questions:
Please respond to questions on both sides. If the answer to any question is detrimental to the Squires candidacy, we
would appreciate an explanation in the commentary space below, but an explanation is not required.

1. Did the Squire demonstrate bravery in combat?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
2. Did the Squire use stealth or ambush to attack his foes?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
3. Did the Squire display appropriate deference to those of higher social standing?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
4. Was any PC or NPC Knight or Squire in a position to observe the Squire during this event?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
If Yes, please give the name (character and player, with RPGA number if possible) of the
Knight or Squire in question.
Player Name: RPGA #:

Character Name: Order: Watchers/Dispatchers

5. Did the Squire follow the lawful orders of any Knight, or higher ranking squire encountered?
Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 14
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
6. Did the Squire remain true to the teachings of his god, and respectful of the gods clergy?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
7. Did the Squire allow others to take risks that the squire could reasonably have taken upon himself?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
8. Did the Squire refuse to allow other party members to gain glory, by insisting on taking all risk himself, even if
another party member was better suited to the task at hand?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
9. Did the Squire break his word, or make any promise on the expectation that he would not be held to it?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
10. Did the Squire display greed, or lust for material things?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
11. Was the Squire eager to aid those less fortunate than himself?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
12. Did the Squire in fact act to aid those less fortunate than himself?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
13. Did the Squire accept inappropriate treatment from those of lower social standing?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
14. Was the Squires behavior, etiquette, and dress above reproach?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
15. Did the Squire slay helpless or captured foes, or employ torture?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
16. If the character in question is a Senior Squire, did the character render suitable aid and leadership to any lower
ranked Squires he encountered?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
17. Did the Squire commit any criminal act?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
18. Was the Squire caught and convicted of any criminal act?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
19. Did the Squire use poison or evil magic (animate dead, cause disease, etc.) to attack his foes?
o Yes o No o Not Applicable
Time permitting, please comment on the candidates performance in this event, and your view on their suitability for
Knighthood. Also note any particularly heroic or noble acts on the part of the candidate.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. Your efforts as a judge in the LG campaign are much
Knights of the Watch/Knights of Dispatch 4.0 15
Appendix II Titling Conventions

Though the Knights do not make their titling conventions public, observation has given outside
obvservers insight into how titles are handled. Though there seem to be subtle nuances that are not
apparent, the general consensus is as follows:

Knightly titles seem to follow the pattern (outside title) (Watcher/Dispatcher) (name and surname)
(modifier) (rank) (outside title). The first outside title and the Watcher/Dispatcher designation are
occasionally inverted, apparently for no reason other than aesthetics.
Outside titles such as Elector, Commandant, Colonel, Knight Field Marshal, or the like can be placed
either before or after the Knightly title. There seems to be no particular pattern as to whether they are
placed before or after, and the placement is probably selected for ease of use.
Watcher/Dispatcher clearly refers to which branch of the Knighthood the Knight belongs to. This is
also the form of address. Where you might say Sir Tannel, or Master Tannel, or Lord Tannel, a
Knight of the Watch would be addressed as Watcher Tannel. Where Sir or Lord would suffice,
use Watcher. Always use the full name or surname, never the common name alone, unless
instructed otherwise or if your intent is to give offense.
Modifiers (usually one, sometimes two or three) seem to often indicate subrank within a general rank
(see below). That does not always seem to be the case, however. A Most Invincible Basilisk is not
always higher ranking than an Invincible Basilisk. It may be that these modifiers are used only for
Rank seems to be based on a system of beasts and monsters. The lowest and highest ranks are
exceptions to this general rule. The lowest ranking Knights are called Vigils. The highest ranking
(the commander of the order) is the Grandiose Imperial Wyvern. In between, there seem to be 5
general ranks. The lowest of these seems to be mundane, land-bound animals or monsters (example
bear, wolf). Above those are mundane, airborne animals or monsters (example hawk). Next
seems to be fantastical, land-bound monsters (examples minotaur, basilisk). High ranking Knights
are titled after airborne, fantastical monsters (example griffon). The highest ranking Knights other
than the Grandiose Imperial Wyvern are named for the most fantastic and dangerous of monsters.
Examples from history include Dragon (or Wyrm), Vampire, Beholder, Demon (at least once,
Glabrezu specifically was used, indicating a type of powerful demon), and Nightshade.

As an example, we offer Alicia Helanasdotter. Her full title, since the time of her appointment to lead
the Army of Retribution in Geoff, is Knight Field Marshall Dispatcher Alicia Helanasdotter, Most
Indomitable Minotaur. Knight Field Marshall is an outside title, conferred as the leader of the Army of
Retribution. It has no direct bearing on her Knightly title. Dispatcher indicates that she is a Knight of
Dispatch. Her name follows. Most Indomitable is a modifier. Minotaur is a land-bound, fantastical
creature. From this we can conclude that, whatever her rank in the military of Gran March (Knight Field
Marshall), she is a mid-level commander in the Knights of the Watch. She ranks below those that draw
their names from airborne fantastic creatures, and those that draw their names from the truly fearsome
and great beasts of Oerth and beyond. Those wishing to address her would use the forms of address
Dispatcher, Dispatcher Helanasdotter, Dispatcher Alicia Helanasdotter, or the full title. Specific to her role
as commander of the Army of Retribution, military forms of address such as Knight Field Marshall
Helanasdotter or Knight Field Marshall may also be appropriate.
Other examples include:
Watcher Mithtin, Iron Wolf, Baron Dragus. Note that in this case, because the Knights familial name
is part of his Baronial title, it was omitted from the given name. Watcher Mithtin Dragus, Baron Dragus
would also be correct; as would Baron Dragus; Baron Watcher Dragus; or other variations. Given his
high rank among the nobility, it would be inappropriate for any but his superiors in the Knighthood to
address him without including his Baronial title
Watcher Carlon Von J agerstien, Most High Magnificent Faithful Vampire. The selection of Vampire
as the title indicates a high ranking member of the Knighthood. Typically he would be addressed as
Watcher Von J agerstien.

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