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ABANDON (elhagy, htrahagy)
~ sb to sth: He abandoned the people to their fate. (sorsukra hagyta az embereket)
~ sth (to sb/sth): They had to abandon their house (to the enemy).
~ onesel to sth: She abandoned herself to her emotions. (tadta magt az rzelmeinek.)
(!N)ABLE (tud, kpes)
~ to "o sth: He is better/more able to help you than us. (tbbet tudna segteni)
ABO!T (azon van)
~ to "o sth: I was just about to tell him the story, when his wife arrived.
not be ~ to "o sth: Im not about to tell him sorry after all that hes done to me. (nem vagyok
ABSENT (hinyzik)
~ (#o$ sth): She is absent (from s!hool) today.
ABSORBED (elmlyedt)
~ %n sb/sth: He seems absorbed in his newspaper.
ABSTAIN (tartzkodik)
~ #o$ sth: "ou have to abstain from al!ohol from now on.
ABS!RD (nevetsges)
~ to "o sth: He is absurd to thin# that he is so attra!tive.
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is absurd to assume that a woman is less !ompetent than a man.
%t %s ~ th&t: It was absurd that she hadnt $uessed the answer strai$htaway.
%t %s ~ th&t sb sho'l" "o sth: It is absurd that they should start to ar$ue over the issue a$ain.
A((E)T (elfogad)
~ sth: The publisher a!!epted my boo# for publi!ation.
~ sth (&s sth): I dont a!!ept %ohns story (as the true version).
~ th&t: She !ouldnt a!!ept that her mother was dead. (nem tudott belenyugodni)
sb/sth %s ~ to "o sth: Humans are $enerally a!!epted to be superior to animals. (ltalnosan
%t %s ~" th&t: It is $enerally a!!epted that humans are superior to animals.
~ sb &s sth: They a!!epted him as the leader of the party.
~ sb to sth: He was a!!epted to university. (felvettk)
~ sb to "o sth: He was a!!epted to study film. (felvettk)
~ sb %nto sth: It was $reat to be a!!epted warmly into su!h a ni!e family. (befogadott)
A((E)TABLE (elfogadhat)
~ (to sb): The solution is not a!!eptable (to everyone).
A((ESSIBLE (hozzfrhet)
~ (to sb): His letters are a!!essible (to the publi!).
A((O!NTABLE (felels)
~ (to sb) (o# sth): She is a!!ountable (to herself) (for her deeds).
A((!SE (vdol)
~ sb (o sth): They a!!used him (of the murder).
A((!STOMED (hozz van szokva)
~ to ("o%n*) sth: I am a!!ustomed to (listenin$ to) his bad jo#es.
A(KNO+LEDGE (elismer)
~ sth: I a!#nowled$e the truth of your statement.
~ "o%n* sth: They a!#nowled$ed havin$ lost the battle. (beismertk, hogy)
%t %s ~" to "o sth: It is $enerally a!#nowled$ed that the Tur#s won the battle at &oh'!s.
(elismert tny, hogy)
~ (to sb) th&t: They a!#nowled$ed (to us) that they lost the battle. (beismertk, hogy)
~ sb/sth &s sth: They a!#nowled$ed %im as their leader. (elfogadtk vezetj!knek)
~ sb/sth to "o sth: %im was a!#nowled$ed to be their leader.
A(,!AINTED (ismer)
~ -%th sb/sth: I am not a!(uainted with his friend.
A(,!IT (felment)
~ sb o sth: She was a!(uitted of murder !har$es.
A(T (cselekszik)
~: It was proved that she a!ted in self)defen!e.
~ sb/sth: She has been a!tin$ the perfe!t wife all mornin$. (a tkletes felesg szere"t
~ &".: She a!ted blind. (#gy tett, mintha vak lenne.)
~ l%/e sb/sth: He a!ts li#e an idiot. (#gy viselkedik, mint egy idita.)
~ &s %/tho'*h: She a!ted as if shed never seen me before. ($gy tett, mintha)
~ &s/l%/e sth: *unishment a!ts as a deterrent. (elrettentsknt hat)
~ on sth: +ru$s a!t (ui!#ly on the brain. (gyorsan hatnak)
~ on beh&l o/o#: He a!ted on behalf of/for the defendant. (a vdlott nevben %selekedett)
ADA)T (tdolgoz, adaptl)
~ sth (o# sth): Sha#espeares plays have been adapted (for !hildren).
~ (onesel) to sth: He adapted (himself) to the !han$e (uite (ui!#ly. (alkalmazkodott)
~ sth to "o sth: ,e adapted our future plans to meet the !ompanys re(uirements.
ADD (hozzad)
~ sth (to sth): Shall I add your name (to the parti!ipants list)- (hozzrjam)
~ sth &n" sth: If you add . and ., you $et /. (sszeadod)
~ th&t: She added that they would !ome ba!# soon. (hozztette)
ADDI(TED (fgg)
~ (to sth): 0nfortunately, he is addi!ted (to dru$s).
ADDRESS (megcmez)
~ sth (to sb/sth): I addressed the letter (to my boss).
~ sb: I didnt e1pe!t him to address me in Hun$arian. (magyarul szlt meg)
~ sth to sb: 2ddress your (uestions to your tutor. (krdseiddel fordulj a tutorodhoz)
~ sb &s sth: "ou should address her as 3&iss Tea!her. ($gy kell szltanotok, hogy)
~ (onesel to) sth: The authors address (themselves to) rather different problems.
ADE)T (rtas)
~ &t/%n ("o%n*) sth: He is adept at (repairin$) !omputers.
ADE,!ATE (megfelel)
~ o#/to sb/sth: Her voi!e is not ade(uate for the role of 4armen.
~ to "o sth: It will be ade(uate to meet our needs. (elegend, hogy kielgtse a
AD0ERE (!etart)
~ to sth: "ou must adhere to this diet if you want to lose wei$ht.
AD1!ST (igazt, megigazt)
~ sth: He adjusted her hat.
~ sth to sth: 2lways adjust your le!ture to the #nowled$e of your students.
~ to sth: I too# a lon$ time to adjust to the lo!al traditions. (hozzszokni)
~ to "o%n* sth: I finally adjusted to livin$ in the !ity. (hozzszoktam)
~ onesel to "o%n* sth: "oull (ui!#ly adjust yourself to livin$ in the States. (hozzszoksz)
ADMIRE (csodl)
~ sb/sth (o# sth): I admire %ennifer (for the way she tal#s to the press).
~ sb o# "o%n* sth: 5veryone admires her for wor#in$ so hard.
ADMIT (!eismer)
~ (to) "o%n* sth: He admits (to) havin$ ne$le!ted his !hildren.
~ (to) sth: He admits (to) his mista#es.
~ (to sb) (th&t): He admitted (to his parents) (that) he had failed his e1am. (bevallotta)
sb/sth %s ~te" to "o sth: The offensive is $enerally admitted to be a failure. (elismert tny,
%t %s ~te" th&t: It is $enerally admitted that the $overnment a!ted too late.
~ sb/sth (to/%nto sth): "ou will be admitted only five minutes before the performan!e starts.
(&sak t "er%%el az elads megkezdse eltt engednek be.)
~ o sth: 6eynes7s e!onomi!s admits of a variety of interpretations. (tbbfle rtelmezst
ADVERTISE (reklmoz, hirdet)
~ sth &s sth: The soap was advertised as the best one ever.
~ o# sb/sth: The !ompany is advertisin$ for se!retaries. (titkrnket keres)
ADVISABLE (tancsos)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is advisable to follow the rules.
%t %s ~ th&t: It is advisable that the date set for !ompletion involves a $roup meetin$.
%t %s ~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: It is advisable that everybody (should) follow the rules.
ADVISE (tancsol)
~ sb &*&%nst ("o%n*) sth: I advised him a$ainst (marryin$) her.
~ sb on/&bo't sth: He advised the #in$ about/on matters of state. (a kirly tan%sadja volt
~ sb to "o sth: The do!tor advised me to ta#e a wee# off. (azt javasolta, hogy vegyek ki egy
ht szabadsgot)
~ "o%n* sth: Id advise ta#in$ a different approa!h.
~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: ,e advised that they (should) leave early.
%t %s ~" th&t: It is stron$ly advised that you leave the buildin$ at on!e. (tan%sos)
~ (sb) -h: 4an you advise (me) what to do- (adnl tan%sot, hogy mit tegyek)
~ sb o sth: "ou are #indly re(uested to advise us of any !han$es in your personal details.
(krj!k, tudasson)
~ sb th&t: I re$ret to advise you that your appli!ation has not been a!!epted. (sajnlattal
A22IRM (megerst)
~ sth: She affirmed her love for him.
~ th&t: He affirmed that he was tellin$ the truth. (azt lltotta, hogy)
A22ORD (megteheti)
~ sth: I !ant afford a new !ar. ('em engedhetek meg magamnak egy $j autt.)
~ to "o sth: I !ant afford to !riti!ise the boss.
A2RAID (fl)
~ o sb/sth: She was afraid of her father.
~ o "o%n* sth: He was afraid of wal#in$ in the dar#.
~ to "o sth: He was afraid to !all her.
~ (th&t): He was afraid (that) they would fire him for bein$ late for wor#.
~ o# sb/sth: He was afraid for his !hildren. (fltette)
AGREE (egyetrt)
~ (-%th sb) (on/&bo't sth): She didnt a$ree with them on the holiday plan.
~ -%th sth: She didnt a$ree with the holiday plan.
~ (th&t): ,e all a$ree (that) su!h a student must be e1pelled.
~ (-%th sb) th&t: *resident 4linton a$reed with the 2fri!an leader that somethin$ should be
done about the famine in 2fri!a.
be ~" on/&bo't sth: The board of dire!tors a$reed on the plan. (meglla"odtak a tervvel
be ~" (th&t): ,e are all a$reed (that) su!h a student must be e1pelled. (mindnyjan
%t %s ~" (th&t): It was a$reed (that) we would dis!uss the matter on!e more. (megegyezt!nk
abban, hogy)
~ to sth: The #in$ finally a$reed to the prin!esss marria$e. (beleegyezett(
~ to "o sth: He a$reed to help. (beleegyezett)
~ -h: ,e !ouldnt a$ree whether to tell or not. (nem tudtunk megegyezni)
AIM (megcloz, cl!a vesz)
~ &t/o# sth: They are aimin$ at bi$$er produ!tion. (nagyobb termels a %ljuk)
~ &t "o%n* sth: They aim at improvin$ their 5n$lish. (az a %ljuk, hogy)
~ to "o sth: They are aimin$ to improve their 5n$lish. (az a %ljuk)
be ~e" &t: These measures are aimed at redu!in$ unemployment. (ezeknek az intzkedseknek
az a %lja)
~ sth &t sb/sth: She aimed the $un at his ba!#.
~ o# sb/sth: He aimed for his hat. (a kala"jra %lzott)
~ sth &t sb: The boo# is aimed at advan!ed learners.
ALARMED (aggdik)
~ &t/b3 sth: She was alarmed at stayin$ alone in the house.
~ to "o sth: She was alarmed to stay alone in the house.
~ (th&t): She is alarmed (that) she would stay alone in the house.
ALARMING (aggaszt)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It !an be very alarmin$ to wat!h a toddler have violent behaviour.
%t %s ~ th&t: It is alarmin$ that the water !ould be poisoned.
ALIEN (idegen)
~ to sb/sth: 8iolen!e is alien to her.
ALLEGE (llt)
~ (th&t): The newspapers alle$e (that) he has been murdered.
sb/sth %s ~" to "o sth: He is alle$ed to have been murdered. (lltlag)
%t %s ~" th&t: It is alle$ed that he has been murdered. (lltlag)
ALLERGI( (allergis)
~ to sth: He is aller$i! to some plants.
ALLO+ (megenged)
~ sb to "o sth: I dont allow my dau$hter to stay out after dar#.
~ ("o%n*) sth: He doesnt allow smo#in$ here.
sth %s ~e": Smo#in$ is not allowed here. (tilos a dohnyzs)
~ onesel/sb sth to "o sth: I allow myself/her 9: minutes to $et to the offi!e. ()* "er%et adok
~ sth (o# sb/sth): How mu!h time would you allow (for the journey)- (,ennyi id
~ sb sth: She has never stolen anythin$. ; I allow you that. (.zt elismerem.)
~ th&t: ,e should allow (the possibility) that he is the best. (be kell ismern!nk)
~ o# sb/sth: It ta#es about two hours allowin$ for traffi! jams. (szmtsba vve)
~ o sth: It is a fair (uestion, and allows of more than one answer.
ALTERNATE (vltakozik)
sth ~s -%th sth: Her $ood mood alternated with despair.
~ bet-een sth &n" sth: &y parents alternated between bein$ stri!t and lenient. (egyszer
szigor$ak, mskor engedkenyek voltak)
~ sth -%th sth: <abies alternate sleepin$ with eatin$. (felvltva)
~ sth &n" sth: <abies alternate sleepin$ and eatin$. (felvltva)
AMAZED (meglepett, megd"!!ent)
~ &t/b3 sb/sth: I was ama=ed at her #indness.
~ to "o sth: I am ama=ed to hear that everybody is alive. (megdbbenten hallom)
~ th&t: I am ama=ed that he hasnt $ot the letter> I sent it last &onday. (meg vagyok
~ -h: I am ama=ed how beautiful youve be!ome. (%sak mulok, hogy)
AMO!NT (kitesz)
sth ~s to sth: His messa$e amounts to a refusal. (egyenrtk/)
ANGR4 (mrges)
~ (-%th/&t sb): He was an$ry (with his se!retary).
~ &bo't/&t sth: She was really an$ry about the delay.
~ to "o sth: I was an$ry to miss that film.
~ th&t sb sho'l" "o sth: He was an$ry that he should ta#e part in the !eremony.
ANNO!N(E (!eelent)
~ sth (to sb): The !ouple have announ!ed their marria$e (to the media).
~ th&t: ,e are pleased to announ!e that a triplets have been born.
%t %s ~" th&t: It was announ!ed that the pri!e of petrol would be raised.
~ -h: They announ!ed when and where their weddin$ was $oin$ to ta#e pla!e.
~ onesel/sb: The servant announ!ed the famous $uests as they entered the door.
ANNO4 (idegest)
~ sb: His !ompliments annoyed her.
%t ~s sb to "o sth: It annoyed me to thin# how mu!h he spent on !lothes. (mg rgondolni is
%t ~s sb th&t: It annoyed me that he was late a$ain.
%t ~s sb -h: It annoys me when people smo#e in a library.
ANNO4ED (ideges)
~ (-%th sb) (&t/&bo't sth): I was annoyed (with myself) (about for$ettin$ my mothers
birthday). (mrges voltam)
~ to "o sth: She was annoyed to dis!over that her i!e)!ream disappeared from the frid$e.
(idegesen vette tudomsul)
~ (th&t): I was annoyed (that) he had left without sayin$ $oodbye. (haragudtam, hogy)
ANS+ER (vlaszol, megvlaszol)
~ sth: She !ould answer all my (uestions.
~ sb sth: 2nswer me this.
~ th&t: She answered that she would do it.
~ sb th&t: He answered me that he !ouldnt help that time.
~ o# sth: "ou will answer for these do!uments. (te leszel a felels)
~ to sb: "ou answer to the sales mana$er. (0 kereskedelmi igazgatnak tartozol beszmolni.)

AN5IO!S (aggdik)
~ &bo't sth: I am an1ious about the !ontra!t.
~ o# sb: She is an1ious for her son.
~ o# sth: She was an1ious for that job. ('agyon akarta azt az llst.)
~ to "o sth: He was an1ious to study in the States. (alig vrta, hogy)
~ o# sb to "o sth: I am an1ious for her to a!hieve her aims. ('agyon kvnom, hogy elrje a
~ th&t: He was an1ious that she a!!ompanied him to the party. (nagyon szerette volna, ha)
~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: I am an1ious that you (should) stay here until I return. (nagyon
szeretnm, ha(
A)OLOGIZE (elnzst kr)
~ (to sb) (o# sth): He apolo$i=ed (to the hostess) (for !omin$ early).
~ th&t: He apolo$i=ed that he was late.
A))ARENT (nyilvnval)
~ (#o$ sth) (th&t): It was apparent (from her voi!e) (that) she was afraid.
~ (to sb) (th&t): It be!ame apparent (to everybody) (that) he wasnt ri!h at all.
A))EAL (felle!ez)
~ (to sb/sth) (&*&%nst sth): He said he would appeal (to the !ourt) (a$ainst) the verdi!t.
~ to sb o# sth: The poli!e appeal to the army for help. (segtsget kr a hadseregtl)
sb/sth ~s to sb: His soft voi!e appeals to me. (tetszik nekem)
A))EAR (t#nik)
~ (to be) sth: He appeared (to be) an optimist.
~ &".: He appeared tired.
~ to "o sth: He appears to #now the truth. ($gy t/nik, hogy)
%t ~s &s %/&s tho'*h: It appears as if he is surprised. ($gy t/nik, mintha)
%t ~s (th&t): It appeared (that) they a$reed. ($gy t/nt, hogy)
%t ~s &". th&t: It appears unli#ely that they will win. (valszn/tlennek t/nik)
A))L4 (plyzik)
~ to sb/sth (o# sth): I finally applied (to five universities) (for s!holarship) last year.
~ to "o sth: Sam has applied to join the fire bri$ade. (jelentkezett)
~ sth (to sth): The e(uipment was applied to sur$ery. (alkalmaztk)
sth ~ to sb/sth: This rule does not apply to you. (nem vonatkozik rd(
~ onesel to ("o%n*) sth: ,e applied ourselves to (findin$) the solution. (mindent elkvett!nk)
A))RE(IATE (mltnyol, rtkel)
~ sth: I really appre!iate your #indness.
~ "o%n* sth: I appre!iate bein$ treated li#e a prin!ess.
~ sb "o%n* sth: ,e would appre!iate you helpin$ us. (hlsak lennnk)
~ th&t: I appre!iated that he too# me home.
~ %t %: I would appre!iate it if you would send me a prompt reply.
~ %t -hen: I really appre!iate it when men propose to me.
~ -h: He doesnt appre!iate how mu!h we spent on him. (nem fogja fel, hogy mennyit
klttt!nk r)
A))RO)RIATE (megfelel)
~ (o#/to sth): This dress is not appropriate (for a weddin$).
A))ROVE (egyetrt)
~ o sb/sth: She doesnt approve of what I said.
ARG!E (veszekszik)
~ (-%th sb) (o6e#/&bo't sth): They are always ar$uin$ (with ea!h other) (about unimportant
~ o#/%n &6o'# o ("o%n*) sth: He ar$ued for/in favour of (raisin$) in!ome ta1. (rvelt
~ &*&%nst ("o%n*) sth: He ar$ued a$ainst (raisin$) in!ome ta1. (rvelt ellene)
~ th&t: I would ar$ue that soft dru$s should be made le$al. (vitatkoznk arrl)
%t %s ~" th&t: It !ould be ar$ued that soft dru$s should be made le$al. (lehetne arrl vitatkozni)
ARRANGE (elintz, meg!eszl)
~ sth (-%th sb): I arran$ed a meetin$ (with my lawyer).
~ (-%th sb) to "o sth: I arran$ed (with them) to meet them at ?: o!lo!#.
~ sth o# sb: He arran$ed a dinner for the $uests. (megszervezett egy va%sort)
~ o# sb to "o sth: They arran$ed for the painter to have an e1hibition. (megszerveztk a
festnek a killtst)
~ (-%th sb) o# sth to "o sth: I arran$ed (with my boss) for a mini bus to pi!# us up.
~ th&t: I arran$ed that they should tal# to ea!h other at the party.
~ o# sth: The university arran$es for sport fa!ilities as well. (lehetsget teremt)
ARREST (letartztat)
~ sb (o# sth): He was arrested (for robbery) yesterday.
ARRIVE (rkezik, megrkezik)
~ &t 7: I arrived at Heathrow yesterday.
~ %n 7: I have just arrived in @ondon.
~ &".: Aur plane arrived a bit late.
AS0AMED (szgyell)
~ o sb/sth/onesel ("o%n* sth): I was ashamed of him bein$ drun# all the time.
~ to be sth: I felt ashamed to be drun#.
~ to "o sth: I am ashamed to admit that I told her our se!ret.
~ (th&t): I felt ashamed (that) I hadnt helped him more.
ASK (kr, krdez)
~ sb &bo't sb/sth: 2s# him about the money he owes you.
~ sth: "ou should as# his opinion.
~ sb sth: I as#ed her their name. (,egkrdeztem tle a nev!ket.)
~ (sb) -h: He as#ed (%ill) what the $irls name was.
~ sb o# sth: ,hy do you as# me for advi!e- (,irt tlem krsz tan%sot-)
~ sb sth: 4an I as# you a favour- (1rhetek egy szvessget-)
~ sth o sb: 4an I as# a favour of you-
~ sb to "o sth: She as#ed me to help her. (arra krt, hogy)
~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: He as#ed that he (should) be sent the details. (arra krt, hogy)
~ to "o sth: He as#ed to see the mana$er. (beszlni akart)
~ sth o# sth: He as#ed too mu!h for that run)down house. (sokat krt rte)
AS)IRE (vgyik)
~ to sth: He aspires to a business !areer.
~ to "o sth: She aspired to be the ne1t &arilyn &onroe.
ASSERT (llt)
~ sth: He asserted her ideas in front of everyone. (vilgosan elmondta)
~ sth to be &".: He asserted the !har$es to be in!orre!t.
~ th&t: He asserted that he was not $uilty.
%t %s ~e" th&t: It is !ommonly asserted that youn$ !hildren need !onstant !are. (elfogadott
tny, hogy)
~ onesel: He wanted to assert himself at all !osts. (rvnyes!lni akart)
ASSIGN (kiel"l)
~ (sb) sth: The tea!her assi$ned (me) a very diffi!ult tas#.
~ sth (to sb): He assi$ned me to the duties of the administrative assistants.
~ sb to/&s sth: The !ompany assi$ned %ohn as the new sales mana$er.
~ sb/sth to "o sth: Berman troops were assi$ned to #eep pea!e in the re$ion.
ASSIST (segt)
~ (sb) (%n/-%th sth): ,ell try to assist (you) (with your studies).
~ (sb) (%n "o%n* sth): They tried to assist (me) (in findin$ a job).
~ sb to "o sth: ,e are assistin$ students to find a!!ommodation.
ASSO(IATE (trst)
~ sb/sth -%th sb/sth: He is asso!iated with !omedies.
~ -%th sb: ,hy do you asso!iate with those posh people- (mirt bartkozol)
~ onesel -%th sth: I would li#e to asso!iate myself with the dire!tor. (szeretnm kifejezni
ASS!ME (felttelez)
~ sb (to be) &".: I assumed him (to be) Cren!h.
~ (th&t): S!ientists assume (that) $lobal warmin$ is in!reasin$.
%t %s ~" th&t: It is assumed that lun$ !an!er is !aused by smo#in$.
~ sth: "ou will assume the !ontrol of the &iammar bran!h. (tveszed a vezetst)
ASS!RE (!iztost)
~ sb o sth: I assured him of our full support.
~ sb (th&t): I !an assure you (that) everythin$ is $oin$ to be all ri$ht.
~ onesel o sth: He assured himself of their honesty. (megbizonyosodott)
~ onesel th&t: He assured himself that nothin$ had !han$ed while he was away.
~ (sb) sth: 8i!tory would assure (us) a pla!e in the semi)finals.
ASTONIS0ED (megd"!!ent)
~ &t/b3 sb/sth: &y father was astonished at my de!ision.
~ to "o sth: &y mother was astonished to see that I was pre$nant. (dbbenten ltta)
~ (th&t): He seemed astonished (that) I was pre$nant.
ATTA(0 (csatol)
~ sth (to sth): I atta!h my thesis to the appli!ation.
~ onesel to sb: She atta!hed to him durin$ the trip. (rta"adt)
~ to sb/sth: Do health ris# atta!hes to this sweetener. (nem veszlyezteti)
ATTEM)T (megksrel)
~ sth: She attempted an es!ape from the !amp, but she was !au$ht.
~ to "o sth: She attempted to meet the Eueen in *aris.
ATTEND (r vhov)
~ sth: 2 lot of people attend !hur!h re$ularly.
~ to sb/sth: 2ttend to your wor#, please. (figyelj a munkdra)
ATTRA(T (vonz)
~ sb (to sb/sth): His intelli$en!e attra!ts me (to him). (az intelligen%ija teszi vonzv)
~ sb/sth (to sth): The parade attra!ted thousands of youn$ people (to <erlin).
ATTRIB!TE (tuladont)
~ sth to sth: She attributes her vi!tory to hard trainin$.
~ sth to sb: This paintin$ is attributed to Bior$ione.
AVAILABLE (rendelkezsre ll)
~ o# sb/sth: These sports fa!ilities are available for everyone.
AVOID (elkerl)
~ sb/sth: The !rash !ouldnt be avoided. (elker!lhetetlen volt)
~ sb/sth "o%n* sth: They built a dam to avoid the water floodin$ the !ity.
~ "o%n* sth: He tried to avoid meetin$ them.
A+ARE (tudat!an van)
~ o sth: I am aware of how mu!h effort you have put into this job.
~ (th&t): I was aware (that) somethin$ unusual was happenin$.
BAD (rossz)
~ &t sth: He is really bad at maths.
~ &t "o%n* sth: She is bad at tellin$ lies. (!gyetlen!l hazudik)
~ o# sb/sth: Su!h hot weather is bad for everyone. (nem tesz jt senkinek)
~ to "o sth: &att isnt too bad to wor# with.
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is bad to drin# too mu!h al!ohol. (kros)
so ~ th&t: The situation is so bad that authorities are !onsiderin$ immediate a!tion.
%t %s ~ th&t sb sho'l" "o sth: It is bad that so mu!h violen!e should be presented on T8.
BAN (megtilt, eltilt)
~ sth: Smo#in$ is banned in the restaurant. (tilos)
~ sb #o$ sth: He is banned from al!ohol.
~ sb #o$ "o%n* sth: She is banned from drivin$ be!ause of speedin$.
BARGAIN (alkudozik)
~ (-%th sb) (&bo't/o6e#/on sth): &y mother is always bar$ainin$ (with the dealers) (about
the pri!es) in the mar#et.
~ o#/on sth: ,e didnt bar$ain on meetin$ you here. (nem szmtottunk r, hogy)

BASE (alapoz)
~ sth on/'8on sth: He based his ideas on resear!h.
~ sb/sth/onesel %n 7: They have based themselves in <oston. (2ostonban van a
BASI( (alapvet)
~ to sth: 2 thorou$h #nowled$e of mathemati!s is basi! to e!onomi!s. (matematikatuds az
BEAR (elvisel, !r)
not ~ sth: Her musi! does not bear !omparison with his. (nem emlthet egy la"on)
not ~ "o%n* sth: Her !ondition doesnt bear thin#in$ about. (mg rgondolni is rossz)
~ sth &*&%nst/to-&#"s sb: She bears a $rud$e a$ainst him. ('eheztel r.)
~ sb sth: She bears him a $rud$e. ('eheztel r.)
~ onesel &"6: He bore himself with di$nity at the trial. (mltsgteljesen viselkedett)
~ on sth: The de!ision bears on the publi! atmosphere. (hatssal van)
~ -%th sb/sth: <ear with her, she is $oin$ to be alri$ht. (lgy t!relmes)
BEAR ((AN9T BEAR) (nem tud vmit elviselni)
:&n9t/:o'l"n9t ~ sth: I !ant bear e1treme !old or heat.
:&n9t/:o'l"n9t ~ to "o sth: I !ant bear to lose su!h a wonderful friend.
:&n9t/:o'l"n9t ~ "o%n* sth: I !ant bear losin$ su!h a wonderful friend.
:&n9t/:o'l"n9t ~ %t -hen: I !ant bear it when she !ries.
BEAT (ver, megver)
~ sb (&t sth): &y father always beats me (at !hess).
~ sth &n" sth to*ethe#: <eat the e$$s and su$ar to$ether. (verd fel)
%t ~s $e -h: It beats me why she has disappeared. (rejtly szmomra)
BEG (k"ny"r"g)
~ (sb) (o# sth): He be$$ed (them) (for water).
~ (sth) (o/#o$ sb): He be$$ed (water) (from the $uards).
~ to "o sth: He be$$ed to be released.
~ sb to "o sth: She be$$ed him not to leave her.
~ (o# sth) (#o$ sb): The !hildren were be$$in$ (for food) (from the ladies) in the street.
~ sth (#o$ sb): They mana$ed to be$ some money (from the $entleman). (siker!lt
koldulniuk nmi "nzt)
BEGIN (elkezd, elkezddik)
~: The film be$an at F.
~ sth: They be$an the !on!ert.
~ "o%n* sth: He be$an tal#in$.
~ to "o sth: She be$an to lau$h.
~ &s sth: He be$an as a journalist, before startin$ to write novels. ($jsgrknt kezdte)
BELIEVE (hisz)
~ sb/sth: I have never believed him.
~ sb/sth (to be) &".: They believed him (to be) !apable of anythin$. (mindenre k"esnek
~ (th&t): *eople used to believe (that) the sun revolves around the earth. (valaha azt hittk,
%t %s ~" th&t: It is believed that eatin$ melons ma#es one happy. (a kzhiedelem szerint)
sb/sth %s ~" to "o sth: 5atin$ salmon is believed to ma#e one even happier. (a kzhiedelem
:&n9t ~ -h: I !ant believe how mu!h happier I am.
~ so/not: 3Is she still in- 3I believe so/not.
~ %n sb/sth: She believes in Bod.
~ %n "o%n* sth: He believes in eatin$ a lot of ve$etables.
~ sth o sb: I !ant believe it of him. (nem tudom elhinni rla)
BELONG (tartozik)
~ to sb: These islands belon$ to <ritain.
~ to sth: She has always belon$ed to a party. (tagja volt)
~ %n/on et:.: This plate belon$s in the !upboard. (a konyhaszekrnyben van a helye)

BENE2I(IAL (hasznos)
~ (to sth/sb): Ge$ular e1er!ise is benefi!ial (to health).
BENE2IT (hasznot h$z)
~ sb/sth: ,e try to find a solution that benefits everyone. (mindenki javt szolglja)
~ (#o$/b3 sth): Anly %oe benefits (from this business).
BEST (lego!!)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is best to $o by bus. (az lesz a legjobb)
%t %s ~ (th&t): It is best that we all sit down and tal# thin$s over.
%t %s ~ %: It is best if you leave her alone.
BET (fogad)
~ sth (on sth): She bet H.::: (on that horse).
~ &*&%nst sb: I would bet a$ainst him.
~ (th&t): She bet (that) Imperial would win.
~ sb (sth) th&t: He bet me (H9:) that I wouldnt jump.
BETRA4 (elrul)
~ sb/sth (to sb): He betrayed the se!ret of the atomi! bomb (to Gussia).
~ onesel: She betrayed herself when she started to !ry. (elrulta magt)
BETTER (o!!)
~ &t sth: He is better at arts than at s!ien!es.
%t %s ~ (o# sb) to "o sth: It would be better (for her) to tal# thin$s over.
%t %s ~ (th&t): It is better (that) she is far away.
%t %s ~ (th&t) sb (sho'l") "o sth: It is better (that) you (should) $o to the do!tor.
BE+ARE (vigyzz)
~ o sb/sth: <eware of the dwarf. (vakodj)
~ o "o%n* sth: <eware of sayin$ anythin$ about him. (vigyzz r, hogy)
~ sth: <eware i!y roads.
~ "o%n* sth: <eware drivin$ on i!y roads.
BIASED (elfogult)
~ to-&#"(s)/%n &6o'# o sb/sth: He is biased in favour of edu!ated people.
~ &*&%nst sb/sth: She is biased a$ainst the ri!h. (eltlete van)
BID (anl)
~ sth (o# sth): They bid H9::: (for the s!ulpture).
~ (o# sth): 2 Berman !ompany is also biddin$ (for the telephone !ompany). (rsztvesz a
~ to "o sth: The runner is biddin$ to #eep her pla!e in the national team. (meg"rblja)
BLAME (okol)
~ sb/sth (o# sth): I dont blame you (for the a!!ident).
~ sth on sb/sth: The poli!e are blamin$ the fire on a !i$arette. (0 rendrsg szerint a t!zet
egy %igaretta okozta.)
sb/sth %s to ~ (o# sth): ,hos to blame (for the a!!ident)- (kinek a hibja volt)

BLEND ("sszekever)
~ sth -%th sth: <lend the su$ar with the ba#in$ soda.
~ sth &n" sth (to*ethe#): <lend (to$ether) the su$ar and the ba#in$ soda.
sth ~s -%th sth: &ar$arine does not blend with water. (nem keveredik)
sth &n" sth ~ (to*ethe#): &ar$arine and oil do not blend (to$ether). (nem keverednek)
BLIND (vak)
~ (to sth): She is blind to all his lies. (nem veszi szre)
~ to "o sth: I was blind not to reali=e that he was !heatin$ me out of my money.
BOAST (dicsekszik)
~ (&bo't/o sth): He is always boastin$ (about his !areer).
~ sth: The !ity boasts ten Tur#ish baths. (tz trkf!rdvel di%sekedhet)
~ th&t: He boasted that he had been to 2fri!a.
BORED (unatkozik)
~ -%th sb/sth: He is bored with her. (unja)
~ -%th "o%n* sth: She $ot bored with dan!in$. (megunta)
BORRO+ (k"lcs"n"z)
~ sth (#o$ sb/sth): "ou are allowed to borrow ten boo#s (from the library).
BOT0ER (t"rdik)
~ -%th/&bo't sth: +ont bother with your hair, were $oin$ swimmin$.
~ to "o sth: She didnt even bother to tell me that she would be late. (ahhoz sem vette a
~ "o%n* sth: ,hy bother $oin$ out with him if you dont li#e him- (mi rtelme van)
~ sb (-%th/&bo't sth): I dont want to bother him (with my problems). (nem akarom zavarni)
~ sb th&t: +oes it bother her that you are shorter than her- (zavarja, hogy)
%t ~s $e to "o sth: It bothers me to thin# that she is travellin$ alone. (aggaszt)
be ~e" (&bo't sb/sth): I am not bothered (about her opinion). (nem rdekel)
:&n9t be ~e" to "o sth: I !ant be bothered to write a letter to her. ('in%s az az isten, hogy
most levelet rjak neki.)
BO!ND (elkerlhetelen, !iztos)
~ to "o sth: "ou are bound to pass your drivin$ test. (biztos, hogy)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It was bound to happen. (,eg kellett trtnnie.)
~ b3 sth: She is not bound by the !ontra!t. (nem ktelezi)
~ b3 sth to "o sth: "ou are bound by the !ontra!t to move out of the flat. (a szerzds arra
ktelezi, hogy)
~ o# 7: The train was bound for &os!ow. (,oszkvba tartott a vonat.)
BRAG (dicsekszik)
~ to sb (&bo't/o sth): He is always bra$$in$ to his friends (about his father).
BRAVE (!tor)
~ to "o sth: He was brave to do what he did.
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was brave (of you) to sin$ that son$ in <elfast.
BREAK (elt"r,elt"rik)
~: The vase bro#e.
~ sth (%nto sth): He bro#e the vase (into pie!es).
~ sth (%n sth): She bro#e the apple (in two).
~ o# sth: @ets brea# for dinner. (3artsunk va%sorasz!netet4)
~ %nto sth: Aur house has been bro#en into. (2etrtek hozznk.)
BRING (hoz)
~ sb/sth (-%th one): <rin$ an umbrella (with you). (5ozz magaddal esernyt4)
~ sth (o# sb): He brou$ht a bun!h of flowers (for me).
~ (sb) sth: He brou$ht (me) a bun!h of flowers.
~ sb/sth sth: His novel brin$s him a lump sum ea!h year. (sz" summt hoz a konyhra)
~ sth to sb/sth: She brin$s ten years pra!ti!e to the !ompany. (3z ves gyakorlatval
gazdagtja a vllalatot.)
~ sth &*&%nst sb: They brou$ht a !har$e a$ainst her. (,egvdoltk.)
~ onesel to "o sth: She !ouldnt brin$ herself to study more. (nem tudta rvenni magt)
~ sb "o%n* sth: Her sin$in$ brou$ht the people !omin$. (0z neklsre odajttek az emberek.)
BRIBE (megveszteget)
~ sb (-%th sth): He bribed him with money.
~ sb %nto "o%n* sth: They bribed him into a!!eptin$ the offer. (lefizettk)
~ sb to "o sth: He was bribed to $ive false eviden!e.
B!ILD (pt)
~ sth (o sth): These houses are built of wood.
~ sth (#o$ sth): This buildin$ is built from !on!rete.
~ sth (o# sb): %eremy had a house built (for his dau$hter).
~ sb sth: %a!# built us a hut in the forest.

B!S4 (elfoglalt)
~ -%th sb/sth: He is busy with his homewor#.
~ "o%n* sth: She is busy readin$. (%av'ban olvas.)
B!4 (vesz)
~ sb sth: I bou$ht him a pullover.
~ sth (o# sb): I bou$ht a pullover (for him).
~ sth &".: I bou$ht my !omputer se!ond)hand. (hasznltan vettem)
sth ~s sth: ?: dollars doesnt buy mu!h. (nem sok mindenre elg)
~ sb: "ou !ant buy me. ('em vsrolhatsz meg.)
(ALL (hv)
~ sb/sth sth: They !alled the puppy Trevor. (0 3revor nevet adtk a kiskutynak.)
~ sb/sth &te# sb/sth: She is !alled 4lare after her mother. (&lare6nek hvjk az desanyja
~ sb (o# sth): She !alled her mother (for help). (kiltott)
~ sb/sth: I immediately !alled the poli!e. (felhvtam a rendrsget)
(AM)AIGN (kampnyt szervez)
~ o# sb/sth: She is !ampai$nin$ for the !onservation of rain forests.
~ &*&%nst sb/sth: She is !ampai$nin$ a$ainst animal e1periments.
~ to "o sth: She is !ampai$nin$ to save the elephants in Sri @an#a.

(A)ABLE (kpes)
~ o sth: "ou are !apable of effi!ient wor#.
~ o "o%n* sth: "ou are !apable of wor#in$ mu!h more effi!iently.
(ARE (rdekli)
~ &bo't sth: Shes never !ared about her appearan!e.
~ th&t: She doesnt seem to !are that he has been in prison.
~ -h: I dont !are what he does.
~ &bo't sb: She really !ares about her !hildren. (trdik)
~ o# sb: He has to !are for his si!# mother. (gondoskodnia kell)
~ o# sb/sth: I dont !are for her. (nem kedvelem)
~ o# sth: ,ould you !are for a drin#- (7aran%solsz egy italt-)
~ to "o sth: ,ould you !are to join us- (8olna kedved %satlakozni hozznk-)
(ARE2!L (vatos)
~ o/&bo't sth: <e !areful of the !ars. (9igyelj az autkra4)
~ -%th sth: <e !areful with that vase.
~ to "o sth: <e !areful not to ma#e any noise. (vigyzz)
~ "o%n* sth: <e !areful !arryin$ those heavy ba$s. (:vatosan vidd azokat a nehz
~ th&t: <e !areful that you dont end up writin$ a novel. (vigyzz, hogy)
~ -h: "ou have to be !areful when the pavements are i!y.
(ARELESS (gondatlan)
I &bo't/-%th sth: +ont be !areless about your handwritin$. (figyelj)
~ o sth: She was !areless of the $ossip she !aused. (nem rdekelte)
~ to "o sth: The nurses were !areless to allow him wal# out of the hospital alone.
(gondatlansg volt a nvrek rszrl)
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was !areless (of me) to leave the !hild alone. (gondatlansg volt)
(AT(0 (elkap)
~ sth: He !au$ht the ball.
~ sb "o%n* sth: She !au$ht him smo#in$ in the dar#. (rajtaka"ta)
~ onesel "o%n* sth: He !au$ht himself wonderin$ whether he was doin$ the ri$ht thin$.
(azon ka"ta magt)
(ATER (ellt)
~ (o#) sth: They !ater (for) s!hools. (lelmeznek)
~ o# sb/sth: The lan$ua$e s!hool !aters for all levels. (minden szint/ nyelvtudst kielgt)
~ to sb/sth: This is a ma$a=ine whi!h !aters to the mass mar#et. (a tmegzlst elgti ki)

(A!SE (okoz)
~ sth: The bad weather !auses problems for the tourist industry.
~ sb sth: He !aused his parents mu!h distress.
~ sb/sth to "o sth: The dry weather !aused the plants to die. (el"uszttotta)
(A!TION (figyelmeztet)
~ (sb) &*&%nst sth: %a!# !autioned (her) a$ainst $ivin$ up her job. (va intette)
~ sb &bo't sth: She !autioned him about the dan$ers of raftin$.
~ sb o# sth: He was !autioned (for stealin$) instead of bein$ sent to a detention !entre.
(figyelmeztetsben rszes!lt)
~ (sb) th&t: He !autioned (her) that leavin$ the !ountry is not the best de!ision.
(EASE (megsz#nik)
~: &y unemployment benefit !eased a month a$o.
~ sth: 4ease fireJ (3!zet sz!ntess4)
~ to "o sth: "ou never !ease to ma#e me lau$h. (,indig megnevettetsz.)
~ "o%n* sth: They have !eased wor#in$. (abbahagytk)
(ERTAIN (!iztos)
~ o/&bo't sth: 4an we be !ertain of/about the truth of what she says-
~ o ("o%n*) sth: If you want to be !ertain of ($ettin$) a window seat, hurry up.
~ to "o sth: *ri!es are !ertain to rise. (0z rak bizonyra emelkednek majd.)
%t %s ~ th&t: It is !ertain that they will !ome.
~ -h: I am not !ertain who won.
(ERTI24 (igazol)
~ sb/sth (&s) sth: The ban# !ertified my a!!ounts (as) !orre!t.
~ sb/sth to be sth: The se!retary !ertified the do!ument to be a true !opy.
~ (th&t): The do!tor wasnt willin$ to !ertify that he had been ill the last wee#.
(0AN(E (megkockztat)
~ sth: 3Ta#e your rain!oat. 3Do, Ill !han!e it.
~ "o%n* sth: Ill !han!e drivin$ even if it is i!y.
~ to "o sth: I !han!ed to meet him. (8letlen!l sszefutottam vele.)
%t (so) ~" (th&t): It (so) !han!ed (that) she spo#e fluent 5n$lish. (vletlen!l $gy addott)
~ on/'8on sb: Ane day she !han!ed upon her $randmas weddin$ dress. (rbukkant)
(0ANGE (vltozik, vltoztat)
~: "ou havent !han$ed a bit sin!e I last saw you.
~ sb/sth: His wife !han$ed him !ompletely.
~ sb/sth (#o$ sth) %nto/to sth: The an$el !han$ed the $irl (from a be$$ar) into a prin!ess.
~ sb/sth (o# sth): ,e !han$ed our flat (for a smaller one). (el%serlt!k)
~ sth to sth: 2fter they $ot married, he !han$ed his name to hers. (tvette a nevt)
~ sth: 4an we !han$e newspapers- (%serlhet!nk)
~ sth -%th sb: 4an I !han$e my newspaper with you- (%serlhetek nnel)
~ %nto/o't o sth: He !han$ed into/out of his best suit. (tltztt)
~ sth (%nto sth): 4an you !han$e dollars (into pounds)- (vltani)
~ sth (o#/%nto sth): 4ould you !han$e a five pound note (for !oins)- (felvltani)
(0ARA(TERISTI( (ellemz)
~ o sb/sth: This behaviour is !hara!teristi! of her.
(0ARGE (vdol)
~ sb (-%th sth): They !har$ed him (with the murder).
~ sb -%th "o%n* sth: They !har$ed him with stealin$.
~ (sb/sth) o# sth: ,e wont !har$e (you) for the delivery of the furniture. (nem szmtunk fel
~ (sb) sth (o# sth): ,e wont !har$e (you) anythin$ (for the delivery of the furniture). (nem
szmtunk fel kltsget)
~ sth to sth: They !har$ed the !osts to the artist. (0 sznszre hrtottk a kltsgeket.)
~ to "o sth: They !har$e to deliver the produ!t. (;zlltsi kltsget szmtanak fel.)
(0EA) (olcs)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is !heap to run this !ar.
(0EAT (csal, megcsal)
~ sb/sth: The shop assistant tried to !heat the !ustomer. (meg"rblta be%sa"ni)
~ (&t sth): He always !heats (at $ames). (%sal a jtkban)
~ on sb: He is always !heatin$ on 0rsula.
~ sb o't o sth: The youn$ man tried to !heat the old lady out of her money. (meg"rblta
ki%salni a "nzt)
(0E(K (ellenriz)
~ sth (o# sth): 4he!# the pipes (for lea#s).
~ (-%th sb) (th&t): 4he!# (with %ane) (that) she has arran$ed everythin$. (krdezd meg, hogy)
~ (-%th sb) -h: 4he!# (with %ane) when she is $oin$ to arrive. (beszld meg, hogy)
(0OOSE (vlaszt)
~ (bet-een sth &n"/o# sth): I have to !hoose (between my !areer and him).
~ sth (#o$ sth): They had to !hoose one (from the five !andidates).
~ sb/sth &s sth: They !hose him as president.
~ to "o sth: The author !hooses to remain anonymous.
~ sb to "o sth: They !hose him to be the representative.
~ -h: ,e will have to !hoose whether to stay or $o.
(LAIM (llt)
~ sth: +o!tors are !laimin$ a brea#throu$h in the fi$ht a$ainst 2I+S. (ttrsrl beszlnek)
~ to "o sth: She !laimed to own a !ar.
~ sb/sth to "o sth: The boo# is !laimed to be suitable for self)study. (lltlag alkalmas)
~ (th&t): He !laims (that) the de!ision was not fair.
%t %s ~e" th&t: It was !laimed that some people wor# 9: hours a day. (lltlag)
~ on/o# sth: +id you !laim for dama$es after the a!!ident- (kveteltl krtrtst)
(LEAR (vilgos, egyrtelm#)
~ &bo't/on sth: 2re you !lear about the !onditions- (tisztban vagy)
%t %s ~ (to sb) (th&t): It was !lear (to me) (that) he was tryin$ to de!eive us.
%t %s ~ -h: It is not !lear what his messa$e was.
~ -h: She is not !lear what shell be responsible for. (nin%s tisztban vele, hogy)
~ (o sth): @eave the e1it !lear (of !ars), please. (hagyjk !resen)
(LEVER (gyes, okos)
~ (&t sth): He is !lever (at !ommuni!atin$ with people). (!gyes)
~ to "o sth: I was really !lever to find my way ba!#. (!gyes voltam)
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It is not too !lever (of you) to arrest him, is it-
(LOSE (k"zeli, k"zel)
~ (to sb/sth): Aur !otta$e is !lose (to the bea!h).
~ to ("o%n*) sth: ,e are !lose to (rea!hin$) an a$reement. (majdnem)
~ &bo't sth: He has always been !lose about his !lients deals. (bizalmasan kezelte)
(OIN(IDE (egy!eesik)
~: The two !onferen!es !oin!ide.
~ -%th sth/sb: The demonstration !oin!ided with the prime ministers spee!h.
(OLLABORATE (egyttm#k"dik)
~ (-%th sb) (on sth): ,e have !ollaborated (with ea!h other) (on several proje!ts) for the past
few years.
~ (-%th sb) (%n sth/%n "o%n* sth): She de!ided to !ollaborate (with the journalist) (in writin$
her husbands bio$raphy).
~ to "o sth: The do!tors are !ollaboratin$ to find the !ure for !an!er.
(OLLIDE ("sszetk"zik)
~: 2 van and a train !ollided yesterday.
~ -%th sb/sth: She !ollided with a bus.
~ (o6e# sth): ,e never !ollide (over important de!isions). (mindig egyetrt!nk)
~ -%th sb (o6e# sth): I never !ollide with him (over important de!isions). (mindig
(OMBINE (egyest)
~ sth: They !ombined the advanta$es of the pro!edures.
~ sth -%th sth: 4ombine the flour with some mil#. (keverd ssze)
~ sth &n" sth: 4ombine the flour and mil# (to$ether). (keverd ssze)
~ to "o sth: Hydro$en and o1y$en mole!ules !ombine to form water. (vegy!lnek)
(OME ("n)
~ o#/&bo't sth: I have !ome for the 4+s.
~ to "o sth: She is !omin$ to visit us.
~ (to sth) (-%th sb): 2re you !omin$ (to the !inema) (with us)-
~ "o%n* sth: ,hy dont you !ome runnin$ toni$ht-
(OMMAND (parancsol, megparancsol)
~ sth: He !ommanded the e1e!ution of the hosta$es.
~ sb to "o sth: He !ommanded the soldiers to !ease fire.
~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: The $overnment !ommanded that all !hur!h valuables should be
!olle!ted and sold.
(OMMEN(E (elkezd, kezddik)
~ (-%th sth): The !onferen!e !ommen!ed (with a wel!ome from the or$ani=ers) at K o!lo!#.
~ sth: He !ommen!ed his law studies L years a$o.
~ "o%n* sth: She !ommen!ed dan!in$ at the a$e of M.
(OMMENS!RATE (arnyos)
~ -%th sth: "our salary will be !ommensurate with your (ualifi!ations.
(OMMENT (megegyez)
~ (on/'8on sth): She wasnt willin$ to !omment (on the events). (nem volt hajland
~ th&t: The s!ientist !ommented that level of nitro$en in the air is too hi$h.
(OMMIT (elk"vet)
~ sth: I have never !ommitted adultery.
~ sb/onesel (to sth): If you want to be an a!tor you must !ommit yourself (to it). (el kell
ktelezned magad mellette)
~ sb/onesel (to "o%n* sth): The $overnment !ommitted itself (to improvin$ the health !are)
system. (elktelezte magt az egszsg!gyi rendszer fejlesztse mellett)
~ sb/onesel to "o sth: The $overnment !ommitted itself to improve the health !are system.
~ to sb/sth: <efore you !ommit to a venue $o there yourself and find out what it is li#e
e1a!tly. (mieltt dntesz a helysznrl)
~ sb to sth: Hes been !ommitted to prison for fraud. (bebNrtNnN=tO#)
(OMMON (k"z"s)
~ to sb/sth: This idea is !ommon to all reli$ions.
(OMM!NI(ATE (k"z"l, tad)
~ sth (to sb): She !ommuni!ated the messa$e (to me) in si$n lan$ua$e.
~ (-%th sb): They !ommuni!ated (with ea!h other) in body lan$ua$e. (kommunikltak)
~ -h: "ou must be able to !ommuni!ate what you thin#.
(OM)ARABLE (hasonlthat)
~ to/-%th sb/sth: The e!onomi! situation in Gussia is not !omparable to that in 4hina.
(OM)ARE ("sszehasonlt)
~ sb/sth &n" sb/sth: &y tea!her !ompared my first and last essay.
~ sb/sth to/-%th sb/sth: &y tea!her !ompared my first essay to/with the last one.
sth ~s -%th/to sb/sth: This offi!e buildin$ doesnt !ompare with our previous one. (nyom'ba
sem Or)
~ sb/sth to sb/sth: The !riti!s !ompared his talent to that of %oseph Heller. (azt lltjk, hogy
a tehetsge <ose"h 5eller6hez foghat)
(OM)ATIBLE ("sszefrhet)
~ -%th sb/sth: This software is not !ompatible with my !omputer.
(OM)EL (knyszert)
~ sth: His illness !ompelled his resi$nation.
~ sb to "o sth: The snow !ompelled us to stay at home.
(OM)ENSATE (krptol)
~ (sb) o# sth: The !ompany will !ompensate (you) for the dama$e.
(OM)ETE (versenyez)
~ (%n sth) (&*&%nst sth): She is $oin$ to !ompete (in the ra!e) (a$ainst her bi$$est rival).
~ (-%th/&*&%nst sb) (o# sth): Several !ompanies are !ompetin$ (with ea!h other) (for the
~ to "o sth: Several !ompanies are !ompetin$ to $et the !ontra!t.
(OM)ETENT (alkalmas)
~ %n sth: She is !ompetent in musi!.
~ to "o sth: She is !ompetent to do the job. (alkalmas)
(OM)LAIN (panaszkodik)
~ (to sb) (&bo't/o sth): He !omplained (to me) (about the food).
~ (to sb) (th&t): He !omplained (to the waiter) (that) the meat was !old. (reklamlt a
~ o sth: He is !omplainin$ of a!ute eara!he.
(OM)LIMENT (!kol)
~ sb (on sth): He !omplimented her (on her dress).

(OM)L4 (eleget tesz)
~ (-%th sth): "ou have to !omply with the law, or youll be punished.
(OM)OSED (ll vmi!l)
~ o sth: The $roup is !omposed of intermediate students.
(OM)RISED (ll vmi!l)
~ o sth: The 06 is !omprised of 5n$land, Dorthern Ireland, S!otland and ,ales.
(ON(EAL (eltitkol)
~ sb/sth (#o$ sb/sth): They !on!ealed his illness (from her).

(ON(EDE (!eismer)
~ sth (to sb): She !on!eded the truth (to me).
~ sb sth: She !on!eded me the truth.
~ (th&t): He !on!eded that the other !ar would have been a better !hoi!e.
(ON(EIVE (megrt, felfog)
~ sb: Her dau$hter was !on!eived durin$ their honeymoon. (megfogant)
~ o sth &s sth: He !on!eives of so!iety as a jun$le.
~ (th&t): I find it hard to !on!eive (that) people are still treated so badly.
~ -h: She !annot !on!eive what it is li#e to be away from your !ountry. (el sem tudja
k"zelni, hogy)
(ON(ENTRATE (koncentrl)
~: I am tryin$ to !on!entrate.
~ (sth) on sth: I would li#e to !on!entrate (all my efforts) on my job.
~ (sth) on "o%n* sth: I must !on!entrate (my mind) on findin$ a solution.
(ON(ERNED (aggdik)
~ &bo't/o# sth: Im a bit !on!erned for/about your health.
~ to "o sth: He was !on!erned to hear that 9 of his wor#ers had been in prison.
(aggodalommal hallotta)
~ (th&t): She was !on!erned (that) she mi$ht lose her job.
~ &bo't/-%th sth: @in$uisti!s is !on!erned with the study of lan$ua$e. (foglalkozik)
(ON(L!DE (k"vetkeztet)
~ sth (#o$ sth): She !on!luded nothin$ (from his behaviour).
~ (#o$ sth) th&t: She !on!luded (from his spee!h) that he planned to !han$e everythin$.
~ (th&t): He !on!luded (that) no further a!tions were ne!essary.
%t %s ~" th&t: It was !on!luded that the best option was to move the fa!tory.
~ sth -%th sth: The !eremony was !on!luded with the national anthem. (a himnusszal
fejezdtt be)
~ sth -%th sb: 4hina !on!luded a treaty with %apan. (megegyezett)
(ONDEMN (eltl)
~ sb/sth o#/&s sth: *eople !ondemn 6ate for her dishonest behaviour.
~ sb to sth: She was !ondemned to life imprisonment.
(ON2ESS (!evall)
~ to sth: He !onfessed to the theft.
~ to "o%n* sth: He !onfessed to stealin$ the rin$.
~ (th&t): He !onfessed (that) he had stolen the rin$.
~ sth (to sb): He !onfessed his sins (to the priest). (meggynta)
(ON2IDE (!izalmasan k"z"l)
~ sth (to sb): She !onfided her plan (to her best friend).
~ (to sb) th&t: He !onfided (to me) that she was $oin$ to have a baby.
~ %n sb: I !an really !onfide in her. (megbzhatok benne)
(ON2IDENT (!iztos vmi!en)
~ %n/&bo't sth: ,e are !onfident in/about our ability to provide enou$h food for the refu$ees.
~ o sth: The @abour lobby says it is still !onfident of vi!tory.
~ th&t: The @atvians are !onfident that these tal#s will !ontinue.
(ON2IRM (megerst)
~ sth: His words !onfirmed my suspi!ion.
~ sb %n sth: The su!!ess of the proje!t !onfirmed @eonard in his de!ision.
~ (th&t): She has !onfirmed (that) she is arrivin$ on Tuesday.
%t %s ~e" th&t: It has been !onfirmed that the meetin$ is to be held ne1t wee#.
~ -h: 4an you !onfirm when you last saw him-
(ON2ORM (alkalmazkodik)
~ (to sth): She refused to !onform (to the s!hool rules).
~ to/-%th sth: The new swimmin$ pool does not !onform with fire re$ulations. (nem felel
(ONGRAT!LATE (gratull)
~ sb (on sth): I !on$ratulated him (on his vi!tory).
~ onesel on sth: "ou !an !on$ratulate yourself on/upon havin$ done a $ood job.
(ONS(IO!S (tudat!an van)
~ o sth: She is really !ons!ious of her bad manners.
~ o "o%n* sth: He is !ons!ious of annoyin$ many people.
~ th&t: He is !ons!ious that he annoys many people.
(ONSENT (vhagy)
~ to sth: She !onsented to her sons de!ision.
~ to "o sth: He !onsented to help her. (beleegyezett)
(ONSIDER (megfontol)
~ sth: Ive heard that you are !onsiderin$ a new !areer.
~ "o%n* sth: ,e !onsider movin$.
~ -h: ,e have to !onsider where to $o on holiday.
~ sb/sth (&s) sth: She !onsiders herself (as) a professional player. (7rofi jtkosnak tartja
~ sb/sth (to be) &".: ,ho do you !onsider (to be) lu!#y- (kit tartasz)
~ th&t: He !onsiders that the use of synta1 will be ne!essary for any further improvement.
($gy tartja)
%t %s ~e" th&t: It is !onsidered that it would be easier to raise the PF:,::: independently of &r
4orvedale. ($gy tartjk)
sb/sth %s ~e" to "o sth: She is !onsidered to be the most talented dan!er in the world. (t
(ONSIST (ll vmi!l)
~ %n sth: The therapy really !onsists in spoilin$ the patient.
~ o sth: The !ommittee !onsists of ten members.
(ONTENT (elgedett)
~ -%th sth: She had to be !ontent with the silver medal. (meg kellett elgednie)
~ th&t: He was !ontent that &ont$omery had been ta#en in.
~ to "o sth: I am !ontent to for$ive him. (hajland vagyok)
~ th&t sb sho'l" "o sth: 2thens was !ontent that Sparta should ta#e the !ommand)in)!hief.
(ONTIN!E (folytat, folytatdik)
~: The !ourse !ontinues until 2u$ust.
~ sth: The poli!e are !ontinuin$ the investi$ation.
~ to "o sth: The snow !ontinued to fall all mornin$. (tovbb esett)
~ "o%n* sth: She wanted to !ontinue a!tin$ after havin$ her dau$hter.
~ &s sth: I want you to !ontinue as my se!retary. (;zeretnm, ha tovbbra is a titkrom lenne.)
(ONTRIB!TE (hozzrul)
~ (sth) (to/to-&#"s sth): She wished to !ontribute (HL::) (to the flood fund).
~ to sth: Human error !ontributed to the tra$edy. (kzrem/kdtt)
~ sth (to sth): He !ontributed an arti!le (to the lo!al paper). (rt egy %ikket)
(ONVERT (talakt)
~ sth (#o$ sth) (%nto/to sth): They !onverted the buildin$ (from a shoppin$ !entre) (into an
offi!e blo!#).
~ (sb) (#o$ sth) (to sth): She has been !onverted (from 4hristianity) (to <uddhism).
(ONVE4 (k"zvett)
~ sth (to sb): *lease !onvey the information (to the youn$ $entleman).
~ th&t: She tried to !onvey that she was in a bad mood. (rzkeltetni)
~ -h: She tried to !onvey how desperate she was. (rzkeltetni)
(ONVI(T (eltl)
~ sb (o sth): She was !onvi!ted (of bla!#mail).
(ONVIN(E (meggyz)
~ sb/onesel o sth: I !ouldnt !onvin!e him (of my plan).
~ sb to "o sth: %ohn !onvin!ed me to $o in his !ar
~ sb (th&t): I !ant !onvin!e my family (that) we !annot afford to $o on holiday.
(O)E (!r, meg!irkzik)
~ -%th sth: She !ant !ope with this job.
(O!NSEL (tancsol)
~ sth: I !an only !ounsel !aution.
~ sb to "o sth: He !ounselled her to leave the !ountry.
(O!NT (szmol)
~ (#o$ sth) (to/'8 to sth): @ittle %immy !an !ount (from ?) (up to 9:).
~ sth: <rid$et %ones always !ounts the !alories she has eaten.
~ o# sth: It !ounts for nothin$ what she says. (nem szmt)
sth ~s (&s) sth: This money does not !ount as in!ome. (nem szmt jvedelemnek)
~ sb/sth (&s) sb/sth: I !ount her (as) my best friend. (tartom)
~ sb/sth &".: I !ount myself really lu!#y.
~ on sb/sth (to "o sth): I !ount on him to help me. (szmtok r)
~ on "o%n* sth: "ou !ant !ount on havin$ su!h a bi$ salary for life. (nem "thetsz arra,
(O!NTER (szem!eszll, ellenll)
~ sth: He !ountered an attempt to ma#e him resi$n. (elhrtotta az arra tett ksrletet, hogy)
~ sb/sth -%th sth: Swedish !orruption has been !ountered with 4aribbean fraud.
~ th&t: I tried to !onvin!e him but he !ountered that we were not aware of the details.
(RAZ4 (rlt)
~ &bo't sb/sth: She is !ra=y about hats. (,egr!l a kala"okrt.)
(RITI(AL (kritikus)
~ (o sb/sth): Teena$ers are very !riti!al (of their tea!hers).
~ to/o# sb/sth: *arental supervision is !riti!al for the well bein$ of teena$ers.
(RITI(IZE (kritizl)
~ sb/sth (o# sth): He is always !riti!i=in$ me (for the way I dress). (kritizl)
(RO+DED (t"m"tt, zs$folt)
~ (-%th sb/sth): The !ity is !rowded with tourists. (tele van)
(R!EL (kegyetlen)
~ to sb/sth: She is very !ruel (to men).
~ to "o sth: Dow Ive $ot to be !ruel to be #ind.
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was !ruel (of him) to #eep his albino fish under bri$ht li$hts.
(R4 (sr)
~: He was !ryin$ in the dar#.
~ &bo't/o6e# sth: It is no use !ryin$ over a boy.
~ o# sb/sth: +ont !ry for me, 2r$entina.
~ o# sth: He was !ryin$ for help. (;egtsgrt kiablt.)
(!RIO!S (kvncsi)
~ &bo't sth: ,e were all !urious about when the e1am results would !ome out.
~ to "o sth: Indiana %ones was !urious to find out where the treasure had been hidden.
~ th&t: It was !urious that not even her husband seemed to #now the truth. (fur%sa volt)
(!T (vg)
~ (sb) sth: She !ut (me) a pie!e of !a#e.
~ sth (o# sb): She !ut a pie!e of !a#e (for me).
~ sth (#o$ sth): She !ut a sli!e (from the bread).
~ sth (%n/%nto sth): She !ut the apple (into four sli!es).
~ b3 7: Her wa$es were !ut by ten per !ent. (%skkentettk)
~ #o$ 7 to7: "ou have to !ut your paper from .::: words to 9:::. (le kell rvidtened)
DANGERO!S (veszlyes)
~ (o# sb) to "o sth: Its very dan$erous (for you) to be with me.
DARE (mer)
~ (to) "o sth: He didnt dare (to) jump off the brid$e.
~ sb to "o sth: He dared me to jump off the brid$e.
DATE (szrmazik)
~ #o$ 7 : This tradition dates from the ?M
DEAL (foglalkozik)
~ %n sth: They deal in !osmeti!s. (kozmetikumokban utaznak)
~ -%th sb: She deals with !hildren.
~ -%th sth: She deals with the !omplaints. (intzi)
~ (sth) (to sb): +eal (twelve !ards) (to everybody). (ossz4)
DEAR (kedves)
~ to sb: &y husband is very dear to me.
DE(EIVE (!ecsap)
~ sb (%nto "o%n* sth): He de!eived the old lady (into lendin$ him a lump sum).
DE(IDE (d"nt, eld"nt)
~: ,e havent de!ided yet.
~ (sth): ,e havent de!ided the verdi!t yet.
~ bet-een sth &n" sth: Its diffi!ult to de!ide between the two.
~ &*&%nst sth: ,e de!ided a$ainst $oin$ home.
~ %n &6o'# o ("o%n*) sth: ,e de!ided in favour of $oin$ home.
~ on/'8on ("o%n*) sth: He de!ided on !han$in$ his job.
~ to "o sth: She de!ided not to $o alone.
~ (th&t): He de!ided (that) he would leave his wife.
%t ~e" (th&t) sb sho'l" "o sth: It was de!ided (that) the system should be improved. (az a
dnts sz!letett)
~ -h: They !ouldnt de!ide where to $o on holiday.
DE(LARE (!eelent)
~ sth: They de!lared war on %apan. (hadat !zentek)
~ &*&%nst/o# sb/sth: The Cren!h publi!ly de!lared a$ainst/for the S!ots, and promised them
military help. (bejelentettk, hogy a sktok ellen+mellett vannak)
~ th&t: The $overnment de!lared that more money would be sent on health !are. (hivatalosan
~ sth &".: The paintin$ was de!lared ori$inal.
~ sth (to be) sth: The s!ulpture has been de!lared (to be) a !opy. (msolatnak nyilvntottk)
DEDI(ATE (szentel)
~ onesel/sth to ("o%n*) sth: &other Teresa dedi!ated her life to (helpin$) poor people.
~ sth to sb: The novel is dedi!ated to her dau$hter. (a lnynak ajnlotta)
~ sth to sb/sth: 2 memorial stone was dedi!ated to the writer.
DELA4 (elhalaszt)
~ sth: They a$reed to delay the offensive.
~ "o%n* sth: They delayed introdu!in$ new measures.
~ (b3/&t/-%th): He was deli$hted with her rea!tion.
~ to "o sth: I was deli$hted to dis!over that there were some distin$uished names amon$
~ th&t: I was deli$hted that you !ould !ome.
DEL!DE (ltat)
~ sb/onesel %nto "o%n* sth: He deluded himself into thin#in$ that it was love.
~ sb/onesel th&t: He was deludin$ himself that it was love.
DEMAND (k"vetel)
~ sth: He demanded all her money.
~ to "o sth: I demand to see the mana$er.
~ th&t: The hija!#er demanded that he $ot HM:,:::,:::.
~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: The hija!#er demands that he (should) $et HM:,:::,:::.
DEMONSTRATE (!emutat, szemlltet)
~ sth (to sb): The president !learly demonstrated the dan$ers of the a!t to all &*s.
~ sth to be sth: The proposal was demonstrated to be a!!eptable.
~ th&t: Cootball fans demonstrated that they !ould !elebrate in a pea!eful way.
%t %s ~" th&t: It has been demonstrated that older wor#ers !an su!!essfully a!(uire new s#ills.
~ -h: Tony demonstrated how to $et a seat on a !ommuter train.
~ (&*&%nst sth): The !rowd were demonstratin$ (a$ainst hi$her ta1es). (t!ntetett)
~ (%n &6o'# o): the !rowd were demonstratin$ (in favour of lower ta1es). (t!ntetett)
DEN4 (tagad, megtagad)
~ sth: He denied the a!!usation. (visszautastotta a vdakat)
~ sth (to sb): He denies nothin$ (to her).
~ (sb) (sth): He denies (her) (nothin$).
~ "o%n* sth: He denied stealin$ the !ar.
~ (th&t): He denied (that) he had stolen the !ar.
~ onesel (sth): +ont deny yourself (anythin$)J
DE)ART (elindul)
~ (o#7): He departed (for <russels) the ne1t day.
~ (#o$7): She departed (from Gussia) a wee# a$o.
DE)END (fgg)
~: It (all) depends/That depends.
~ on/'8on sb/sth: "ou !an depend on her. (szmthatsz r)
~ on sb o# sth: I depend on you for help. (a segtsgedre szorulok)
~ on sb to "o sth: "ou !an depend on her to solve the situation.
~ on sb/sb9s "o%n* sth: "ou !an depend on me/my helpin$.
%t ~ (on sth): It depends (on the weather).
%t ~s (on) -h: It depends (on) what time we $et home. (0ttl f!gg, hogy hnykor r!nk haza.)
~ on/'8on sb/sth (o# sth): The or$ani=ation is heavily dependent on them (for its finan!ial
survival). (rjuk van utalva)
DE)I(T (ler)
~ sb/sth (&s sb/sth): The painter depi!ted Gose (as an an$el).
~ sb "o%n* sth: The artist depi!ted her pi!#in$ flowers.
DE)RIVE (megfoszt)
~ sb/sth (o sth): 5veryone was deprived of his ri$hts by the re$ime.
DES(RIBE (ler)
~ sb/sth (to/o# sb): 4ould you des!ribe her (to me)-
~ sb/sth &s &"./sth: She des!ribed him as short and blond, and a$ed about .:.
~ sb &s "o%n* sth: He des!ribed her as loo#in$ shabby.
~ "o%n* sth: She des!ribed seein$ some small obje!ts landin$ in her $arden.
~ -h: +es!ribe what he was wearin$.
DESERVE (megrdemel)
~ sth: The film deserved its popularity.
~ to "o sth: He deserved to win.
DESIRE (kvn, vgyik)
~ sth: 5verybody desires happiness.
~ to "o sth: &ost people desire to live in the !ity.
~ sb to "o sth: Sir %. Cran#lin desires me to $ive his !ompliments. (;ir. <. 9ranklin
DES)ERATE (ktsg!eesett)
~ (o# sth): She was really desperate (for love).
~ to "o sth: I was really desperate to meet him.
DETER (elrettent, visszatart)
~ sb #o$ ("o%n*) sth: His mood deterred him from rin$in$ his ban#.
DETERMINE (meghatroz)
~ sth: They tried to determine the e1a!t pla!e of the murder.
~ -h: The poli!e are tryin$ to determine what happened.
~ th&t: The !ourt determined that the defendant should pay !ompensation. (azt a hatrozatot
~ to "o sth: They determined to leave early.
DETERMINED (elt"klt, hatrozott)
~ on sth: They were determined on leavin$ early.
~ to "o sth: She be!ame determined to warn as many people as she !ould.
~ (th&t): The 54 is determined that the 4ommunity7s ele!troni!s industry will not fall to the
~ (th&t) sb (sho'l") "o sth: <ritain is determined (that) the plan (should) be wor#ed out by
member $overnments.
~ (sth/sb): Smo#in$ is detrimental (to health).
DEVELO) (feleszt)
~: <la!#well has developed a lot re!ently.
~ #o$ sth %nto sth: <la!#well developed from a small family business into a major
publishin$ $roup.
~ sth (#o$ sth) (%nto sth): They developed <la!#well from a small family business into a
major publishin$ $roup.
DEVOTE (szentel)
~ onesel to sb/sth: He devoted himself to his !hildren.
~ sth to sb: I !an only devote an hour to pra!ti!e.
DEVOTED (odaad)
~ to sb/sth: She is devoted to her animals.
DIE (meghal)
~ (o/#o$ sth): She died (of 2I+S).
~ o# sth: He died for his !ountry.
~ sth: He died a happy man.
~ &".: He died youn$.
DI22ER (kl"n!"zik)
sth &n" sth ~: Aur opinions differ !onsiderably.
sth ~s #o$ sth: Her opinion differs from mine.
~ (-%th sb) (&bo't/on/o6e# sth): I have to differ (with you) (about this matter). (nem tudok
DI22ERENT (kl"n!"z)
~ (#o$/to B#E//th&n A$E sb/sth): Indian lan$ua$es are not si$nifi!antly different (from
ea!h other).
DI22ERENTIATE (kl"n!sget tesz)
~ (bet-een) sb/sth &n" sb/sth: It is diffi!ult to differentiate (between) the two spe!ies.
~ sb/sth #o$ sb/sth: She !ant differentiate this spe!ies from the other.
~ sb/sth (#o$ sb/sth): The $reen tail differentiates the male from the female.
(megk!lnbzteti a hmet a nstnytl)
DI22I(!LT (nehz)
~ to "o sth: She was very diffi!ult to follow.
%t %s ~ (o# sb) to "o sth: It was diffi!ult (for me) to follow her.
DIRE(T (irnyt, utast)
~ sth to/to-&#"s sth/sb: I have to dire!t my attention to the refu$ees. (0 menek!ltekre kell
~ sth &t/&*&%nst sth/sb: Dever dire!t you an$er at your !hildren. (;ohase tltsd ki a haragod
a gyerekeiden4)
~ sb (to 7): She dire!ted him to the theatre. (megmutatta az utat)
~ sth: 2 poli!e offi!er was dire!tin$ the traffi! at the !rossroads.
~ sb to "o sth: He was dire!ted to eva!uate the buildin$.
~ th&t sb/sth (sho'l") "o sth: The order dire!ted that there (should) be no !onta!t between
the father and the $irl.
DISAGREE (nem rt egyet)
~ (-%th sb) (on/o6e#/&bo't sth): I disa$ree (with her) (on almost everythin$).
~ -%th ("o%n*) sth: I disa$ree with ($ivin$) military help. (.llenzem a katonai segtsget.)
~ th&t: It was hard to disa$ree that it was ne!essary.
DISA))OINTED (csaldott)
~ &bo't/&t sth: She was disappointed at her results.
~ %n/-%th sb/sth: Im disappointed in you. (%saldtam benned)
~ to "o sth: I was disapponted to see that my father was so drun#. (%saldottan lttam, hogy)
~ (th&t): I am disapponted (that) there is no more left.
DIS(ONTENTED (elgedetlen)
~ (-%th sth): I was dis!ontented (with the food) in the !amp.
DIS(O!RAGE (elkedvetlent)
~ sth: S!hools try to dis!oura$e dru$ ta#in$ amon$ teena$ers. ("rbljk megakadlyozni)
~ sb #o$ "o%n* sth: Her parents tried to dis!oura$e her from bein$ a tea!her.
DIS(OVER (felfedez)
~ sth: 4olumbus dis!overed 2meri!a.
~ sb &".: He was dis!overed dead at his home yesterday. (holtan talltak r)
~ sb "o%n* sth: The famous football player was dis!overed playin$ on a lo!al wor#s pit!h.
sb %s ~e" to "o sth: She was dis!overed to be a $enius. (rjttek, hogy egy zseni)
~ (th&t): I dis!overed (that) my father !ouldnt sin$. (rjttem)
%t %s ~" th&t: It was dis!overed that he had ta#en all the money. (kider!lt)
~ -h: ,e never dis!overed why he left. (sohasem tudtuk meg, hogy mirt)
DIS(RIMINATE (megkl"n!"ztet)
~ &*&%nst/%n &6o'# o sb/sth: They dis!riminate a$ainst/in favour of women.
~ (bet-een sb/sth &n" sb/sth): It is diffi!ult to dis!riminate between !ulture and nature.
~ sb/sth #o$ sb/sth: I !ouldnt dis!riminate her voi!e from her mothers.
DIS(!SS (megvitat, meg!eszl)
~ sth (-%th sb): They dis!ussed the plan (with the board).
~ "o%n* sth: They dis!ussed buyin$ a new !omputer.
~ -h: They dis!ussed when the deadline would be.
DISG!STED (undorodik)
~ &t/b3/-%th sb/sth/onesel: I was dis$usted with myself for bein$ so rude.
~ to "o sth: I was dis$usted to hear him burp.
DISLIKE (nem szeret)
~ sb/sth: I dont disli#e him at all.
~ %t -h: She disli#es it when people are a$$ressive.
~ "o%n* sth: I disli#e hurtin$ my father.
~ sb9s "o%n* sth: He disli#ed her leavin$ home.
DISMISS (el!ocst)
~ sb/sth (&s sth): His idea was dismissed (as unwor#able). (elvetettk az tlett)
~ sth #o$ sth: She dismissed him from her thou$hts. (elhesegette a gondolataibl)
~ sb (#o$ sth): He was dismissed (from his job) yesterday.
DIS)ENSE (!iztost)
~ sth (to sb): The $overnment dispenses free edu!ation (to everyone).
~ -%th sb/sth: +o$s !an dispense with their tail but never their head. (megvlhatnak)
DIS)OSE (megsza!adul vmitl)
~ o sb/sth: It is a problem how to dispose of nu!lear waste.
DIS)OSED (halamos, vmilyen szndk$)
~ to/to-&#"s sb/sth: He seems well disposed to/towards 2sians. (jindulat$)
~ to "o sth: He was not disposed to $ive an interview. (nem volt hajland)
DIS,!ALI24 (kizr)
~ sb: She was dis(ualified for 9 years. (diszkvalifikltk)
~ sb #o$ ("o%n*) sth: His heart problem dis(ualified him from (doin$) military servi!e.
(felmentette a katonai szolglat all)
DISS!ADE (le!eszl)
~ sb: She !ouldnt be dissuaded.
~ sb #o$ ("o%n*) sth: I tried to dissuade her from (wat!hin$) that film.
DISTIN(T (ms, kl"n!"z)
~ #o$ sth: *op musi! is distin!t from !lassi!al musi!.
DISTING!IS0 (kl"n!sget tesz)
~ (bet-een) sb/sth &n" sb/sth: 4hildren are not able to distin$uish (between) reality and
~ sb/sth #o$ sb/sth: 4hildren are not able to distin$uish reality from fantasy.
~ sb/sth (#o$ sb/sth): The male fish is distin$uished (from the female) by its red !olour. (a
szne k!lnbzteti meg a hmet)
~ onesel &s sth: He distin$uished himself as a dan!er. (tn%osknt t/nt ki)
DISTRA(T (eltrt, elvon)
~ sb/sth (#o$ sth): She is always distra!tin$ me (from studyin$).
DIVIDE (eloszt, feloszt)
~ sth (%nto sth): She divided the !lass (into four $roups).
~ sth (bet-een/&$on* sb): The robbers divided the money (between themselves).
~ sb/sth #o$ sb/sth: The 0rals divide 5urope from 2sia. (vlasztja el)
~ sth b3 sth: F divided by L is 9. (osztva)
DIVOR(E (elvlik)
~: She divor!ed last month.
~ sb: She divor!ed her husband.
DO (csinl)
~ sth: ,hat are you doin$ this evenin$-
~ &s 7: +o as you please. (tgy, ahogy a kedved tartja)
~ &"6: He does well at s!hool. (<l tanul.)
~ sth (o# sb): Theyll do a !opy (for everyone). (,indenkinek ksztenek msolatot.)
~ (sb) sth: Theyll do (everyone) a !opy.
~ (o# sb/sth): This dress will do (for the party), wont it- (megfelel, elg j)
~ (&s sth): This bo1 will do (as a wardrobe) for a while. (megteszi)
~ sb (o# sth): I was done (for speedin$) last wee#. (megb!ntettek)
~ "o%n* sth: Ive done wor#in$. ,e !an leave. (befejeztem a munkt)
DO!BT (ktelkedik)
~ sth: I dont doubt her testimony.
~ (th&t): She has never doubted that her father would !ome ba!#.
~ -h: I doubt whether the new tea!her will be better. (ktlem, hogy)
DO!BT2!L (ktsges)
~ &bo't ("o%n*) sth: I am really doubtful about (a!!eptin$) his offer. (bizonytalan vagyok)
%t ~ %/th&t/-hethe#: It is doubtful if this s!ulpture is ori$inal. (nem valszn/)
DRA+ (h$z, kih$z)
~ sth (on sb): The !owboy drew his pistol (on the Indian).
~ sb (to sth): The movie is drawin$ a lot of people (to the !inema). (vonz)
~ sth (#o$ sb): The measure has drawn a lot of !riti!ism (from the opposition). (kivlt)
~ sth (#o$ sth): ,e drew our !on!lusions (from the defeat). (levontuk a kvetkeztetseket)
~ (-%th/&*&%nst sb): Cran!e drew (with/a$ainst 2r$entina). (dntetlent jtszott)
~ &t/on sth: He was drawin$ on his !i$arette. (szv)
~ sth (#o$/o't o sth): I drew H9:: (from my a!!ount). (kivesz)
~ sth/sb to "o sth: Cran!e was drawn to play a$ainst 5n$land.
DREAD (fl, retteg)
~ sth: She has been dreadin$ this meetin$ for years.
~ to "o sth: I dread to thin# what !ould happen to us. (gondolni sem merek r)
~ "o%n* sth: I dread losin$ my job.
~ th&t: I dreaded that he wouldnt !ome ba!#.
DREAM (lmodik)
~ (o/&bo't sth/sb): I dreamt (about *hilip) last ni$ht.
~ o/&bo't "o%n* sth: He has always dreamt of be!omin$ an a!tor.
~ (th&t): I dreamt (that) I was in <ru!e ,illiss arms.
DRESS ("lt"zik, fel"lt"zik)
~: She was dressin$ very slowly.
~ sb (%n sth): She dressed the baby (in warm !lothes). (felltztette)
~ (sb) o# sth: He dressed for dinner.
~ (sb) %n sth: She was dressed in blue.
~ (sb) &s sth: The little $irl was dressed as a lady. (ltztettk)
DRINK (iszik)
~ (to sb/sth): @ets drin# (to 2dam).
D!E (esedkes)
~ to sth/sb: &any people died due to the la!# of nutritional food. (kvetkeztben)
~ (o# sth): Their new re!ord is due (for release) in %une.
~ to "o sth: His five)day trip to %apan is due to be$in on Thursday.
EAGER (!uzg, lelkes)
~ (o# sth): He is fit and ea$er (for the !hallen$e).
~ to "o sth: The *rin!ess is ea$er to meet the winners. (alig vrja, hogy)
~ th&t: He is ea$er that his wife leaves nothin$ to her brother. (arra htozik, hogy)
EAS4 (k"nny#)
~ to "o sth: This ma!hine is easy to !lean.
~ "o%n* sth: It is not easy wor#in$ out how many bottles to buy.
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It was easy to persuade her.
sb/sth %s ~ to "o: She was easy to persuade.
E(ONOMI(AL (gazdasgos)
~ (on sth): Ald !ars are not e!onomi!al (on fuel).
%t %s ~ to "o sth: In Hun$ary its more e!onomi!al to $o by train than by bus. (jobban megri)
%t %s ~ "o%n* sth: In Hun$ary its more e!onomi!al $oin$ by train than by bus.
ELABORATE (rszletesen kidolgoz, !ve!!en kifet)
~ (on/'8on) sth: 0nfortunately, we !annot elaborate on this topi! now.
ELE(T (vlaszt)
~ sb (to sth): He was ele!ted to *arliament. (bevlasztottk)
~ sb (&s) sth: She was ele!ted (as) &* for Susse1 ,est.
~ to "o sth: &ore and more women ele!t to wor# part)time. (azt vlasztjk, hogy)
ELEVATE (felemel)
~ sb/sth (to sth): The #in$ elevated him to 5arl of Stair. (megtette ;tair grfjv)
~ sb/sth (%nto sth): Hes elevated himself into the bi$ lea$ue. (felk!zdtte magt)
ELI(IT (kicsal)
~ sth (#o$ sb): The stri#ers failed to eli!it a response from the dire!tor.
ELIGIBLE (ogosult, alkalmas)
~ (o# sth): "oun$ refu$ees are not eli$ible for state s!holarships.
~ to "o sth: "ou are not eli$ible to drin# al!ohol under ?F.
ELIMINATE (eltvolt)
~ sb/sth (#o$ sth): Hi$h)su$ar foods should be eliminated from a healthy eatin$ plan.
EMBARK (!elefog)
~: They embar#ed at ?: o!lo!# the ni$ht before. (haj$tra indul)
~ on/'8on sth: He is about to embar# on a politi!al !areer.
~ (&bo't/&t sth): He was embarrassed (about the hole in his so!#). (zavarban volt)
~ to "o sth: She was embarrassed to ta#e off her !lothes. (knosnak rezte, hogy)
EMERGE (fel!ukkan)
~: Some new do!uments emer$ed yesterday. (na"vilgra ker!lt)
~ #o$ sth: She finally emer$ed from the !ave. (elbukkant)
~ &s sth: She emer$ed as a serious rival to the Dew!astle runner.
%t ~" th&t: It emer$ed that the !ompany had $one ban#rupt. (kider!lt)
EMIGRATE (emigrl)
~ (#o$7) (to7): She emi$rated (from 5n$land) (to Qimbabwe).
EM)AT0IZE (trzi vki helyzett)
~ -%th sb/sth: Some !olonists emphathi=ed with the poor natives.
EM)0ASIZE (hangs$lyoz)
~ sth: He emphasi=ed the importan!e of immediate a!tion.
~ th&t: He emphasi=ed that they would have to !han$e some of their plans.
%t %s ~" th&t: It should be emphasi=ed that this is the !ompanys last !han!e.
~ -h: He emphasi=ed how little !han!e they had to win the mat!h.
EM)LO4 (alkalmaz)
~ sth: The poli!e employed for!e.
~ sb (&s sth): He is employed (as a me!hani!).
~ sb to "o sth: 2!tors are employed to wor# only si1 hours.
EM)T4 (res)
~ (o sth): The small room was nearly empty (of furniture).
EN(LOSE (!ekert)
~ sth (b3/%n/-%th sth): The $arden is en!losed by a tall !ast)iron fen!e.
END!RE (elvisel)
~ sth: He !ouldnt endure loneliness.
~ "o%n* sth: She !ouldnt endure partin$ from her husband.
~ to "o sth: She !ouldnt endure to part from her husband.
ENGAGE (lefoglal)
~ sth: He en$a$ed the enemy. (megtmadta)
~ sb (&s sth): She en$a$ed him as a sub)editor. (segdszerkesztknt alkalmazta)
~ sb to "o sth: He was en$a$ed to read the K o!lo!# news. (arra szerzdtettk)
~ -%th (sb/sth): She is able to en$a$e with old people. (ka"%solatot teremteni)
~ %n sth: They immediately en$a$ed in !onversation. (beszdbe elegyedtek)
~ sb %n sth: She mana$ed to en$a$e him in !onversation. (bevonni a trsalgsba)
ENGAGED (elfoglalt)
~ (%n/on sth): <oth !ountries are now en$a$ed in war in the Bulf. (har%ban ll)
~ (to sb): She is en$a$ed (to %ohn). (<ohn a jegyese.)
EN1O4 (lvezi)
~ sth: ,e enjoyed the trip very mu!h.
~ onesel: I enjoyed myself in Italy. (jl reztem magam)
~ "o%n* sth: I enjoy playin$ !ards.
~ %t -h: She enjoys it when people are wat!hin$ her.
EN1O4ABLE (lvezetes)
sth ~ to "o: This boo# is enjoyable to read.
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is enjoyable to wal# around here.
ENO!G0 (elg)
~ o# sb: &y room is bi$ enou$h for me.
~ o# sb to "o sth: She is old enou$h to ma#e de!isions alone.
%t %s ~ (o# sb) to "o sth: Its sunny enou$h (even for you) to swim and eat out.
%t %s &". ~ th&t : Its bad enou$h that women are afraid to wal# at ni$ht.
%t %s &". ~ th&t sb sho'l" "o sth: Its bad enou$h that women should be afraid to wal# at
ENTAIL (maga utn von)
~ (sb/sth) "o%n* sth: Gepairin$ the !ar will entail us spendin$ a lot of money.
ENTER (!elp)
~: She entered and stared at me.
~ sth: Somebody entered the room.
~ (o#) sth: 9::: runners have entered (for) the !ompetition. ()*** fut nevezett be)
~ sb (%n/o# sth): He entered ten horses (in the ra!es). (tz lovat nevezett be)
~ sth (%n/on/%nto sth): I entered all the fi$ures (into the !omputer). (bet"llta az sszes
ENT0!SIASTI( (lelkes)
~ &bo't sb/sth: She didnt sound too enthusiasti! about her new hairdresser.
~ &bo't "o%n* sth: He is really enthusiasti! about travellin$ in the States.
ENTITLE (felogost)
~ sb to sth: 5verybody is entitled to health !are. (mindenkinek joga van)
~ sb to "o sth: This !ard entitles you to travel free on publi! transport.
ENTR!ST (r!z)
~ sth to sb: She entrusted the do!uments to him. (a gondjaira bzta)
~ sb -%th ("o%n*) sth: She entrusted him with (handlin$) the do!uments.
ENVIO!S (irigy)
~ o sb/sth: I have never been envious of my brothers !areer. (nem irigykedtem)
E,!AL (%*e) (egyenl vmivel)
~ sb/sth: Ten times two e(uals twenty. (ugyanannyi, mint)
E,!AL ($n;) (egyenl)
~ to sb/sth: ? mile is e(ual to ?./:K #m.
E,!I) (felszerel)
~ sb/sth -%th sth: The offi!e is e(uipped with phones and fa1 ma!hine.
~ sb o# sth: This !ourse e(uips !andidates for a!!ountan!y. (felkszti a vizsgzkat)
~ sb/sth to "o sth: 5du!ation should e(uip !hildren to a!t in their own interest. (fel kellene
ksztenie a gyerekeket)
ES(A)E (elsz"kik)
~ (#o$ sb/sth): ,e mana$ed to es!ape (from the !amp).
~ sth: She es!aped death by jumpin$ out of the window. (megmenek!lt a halltl)
~ "o%n* sth: She narrowly es!aped bein$ !aptured. (megmenek!lt a fogsgtl)
~ -%th sth: They es!aped with no injuries. (meg$sztk)
~ &".: 2ll the prisoners es!aped unhurt. (srtetlen!l meg$sztk)
~ (%nto sth): 2 lot of waste is es!apin$ (into the la#e). (szivrog)
ESSENTIAL (nlkl"zhetetlen)
~ to/o# sth: *hysi!al stren$th is essential for this job.
%t %s ~ (o# sb/sth) to "o sth: It is essential (for do!tors) to #eep the laboratory rules.
%t %s ~ (th&t): It is essential (that) you #eep the laboratory rules.
ESTABLIS0 (alapt)
~ sth: The state was established in ?FRM. (=>?@6ben ala"tottk)
~ sb/sth/onesel (%n/&t sth) (&s sth): ,hen they met a$ain, he was established (in the !ountry)
(as a farmer). (vidken tele"edett le)
~ th&t: The do!tors have established that the !ause of the death was poisonin$. (az orvosok
%t %s ~e" th&t: It has been established that she was poisoned (by him). (kimutattk)
~ -h: The poli!e have established where he spent the ni$ht of the murder. (a rendrk
ESTIMATE (!ecsl, meg!ecsl)
~ sth &t sth: The poli!e estimate the demonstrators at M:::.
~ to "o sth: The !rowd is estimated to be M:::.
~ (th&t): They estimated that the new house would !ost about H.:,:::. ($gy terveztk)
%t %s ~" (th&t): It is estimated that the new offi!e buildin$ would !ost about HF:,:::. (a tervek
~ -h: It is hard to estimate how many people drin# more than a litre of al!ohol every day.
EVIDENT (egyrtelm#)
~ (to sb) (th&t): It was evident that he was ri!h.
~ -h: It was evident why the play be!ame a su!!ess.

EVOLVE (kialakul)
~ sth (#o$ sth) (%nto sth): &ultimedia has evolved from a te!hnolo$i!al issue into a
metaphysi!al one. (metafizikai krdss vltozott)
~ #o$ sth: &an evolved from hi$her apes. (az ember a majombl fejldtt #i)
E5AMINE (vizsgl)
~ sth: His !ase will have to be e1amined more !arefully.
~ sth/sb (o# sth): 2ll these !ars have been e1amined (for dama$e).
~ sb (%n/on sth): I e1amined him (on his maths #nowled$e). (levizsgztattam)
~ -h: ,e should e1amine how he !ame to this !on!lusion.
E5(EL (kit#nik)
~ onesel: He e1!elled himself as a !entre)forward.
~ %n/&t sth: 2s a teena$er, she e1!elled in forei$n lan$ua$es.
~ &t "o%n* sth: &y husband e1!els at !oo#in$. (remek!l fz)
E5(0ANGE (vlt)
~ sth (-%th sth): %ane e1!han$ed $lan!es with Beor$e. ("illantsokat vltott)
~ sth o# sth: Id li#e to e1!han$e my money for <ritish pounds. (tvltani)
E5(L!DE (kizr)
~ sb/sth (#o$ sth): "ou will be e1!luded from the networ# if you fail to lo$ in more than
five times. (letiltanak a hlzatrl)
E5(L!SIVE (vmi nlkl)
~ o sb/sth: The pri!e is e1!lusive of lun!h, it is only for brea#fast and dinner. (az rban
nin%s benne)
E5IST (ltezik)
~ : +inosaurs dont e1ist anymore.
~ on sth: Ald people !ant e1ist on their pension in Hun$ary. (nem tudnak meglni)
the#e ~s sth: There must e1ist a better solution.
E5)E(T (vr)
~ sb/sth: They are e1pe!tin$ a !hild.
~ to "o sth: ,e e1pe!t to meet them today. (arra szmtunk, hogy)
~ sb/sth to "o sth: ,e e1pe!t the letter to arrive today.
~ th&t: I e1pe!t that she will be an$ry. (valszn/nek tartom, hogy)
~ o sb: +ont e1pe!t impossible thin$s of me. (ne vrj el tlem)
%t %s ~e" th&t: It is e1pe!ted that pri!es will rise. (valszn/, hogy)
E5)EL (kir$g, kizr)
~ sb/sth (#o$ sth): He was e1pelled (from the lo!al s!hool) for smo#in$. (eltan%soltk)
E5)ENSIVE (drga)
~ to "o sth: 4ars are e1pensive to produ!e.
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is e1pensive to buy food that !hildren do not eat.
E5)ERIMENT (ksrletezik)
~ on sb/sth: She finds e1perimentin$ on animals outra$eous.
~ -%th sth: The farmers e1perimented with some alternative methods.
E5)LAIN (elmagyarz)
~ : I as#ed her what the matter was but she didnt want to e1plain.
~ onesel: He tried to e1plain himself (kimagyarzni magt)
~ sth (to sb): Ill e1plain everythin$ (to you).
~ (to sb) th&t: He e1plained (to us) that his train had been late.
~ (to sb) -h: He e1plained why he was late. (megmagyarzta, hogy mirt ksett)
%t %s ~e" -h: It will be e1plained how the ma!hine wor#s.
E5)LOIT (kihasznl)
~ sb/sth: 2 lot of !ompanies e1ploit their employees.
E5)LORE (feldert)
~ sth (o# sth): The !hildren e1plored the area (for treasure).
E5)ORT (e%portl)
~ sth (to 7): 2 lot of Hun$arian wine is e1ported to forei$n !ountries.
E5)OSE (kitesz vmi hatsnak)
~ sb/sth/onesel to sth: +ont e1pose yourself to stron$ sunli$ht.
be ~" &s &"./sth: In the report he was e1posed as a traitor. (lele"leztk, mint rult)
E5)RESS (kifeez)
~ sth (to sb): She e1pressed her doubts (to me).
~ onesel: @ittle !hildren often !ant e1press themselves.
~ -h: He wanted to e1press how deli$hted he was.
~ sb/sth &s: ,e wanted to e1press ourselves as artists.
E5)RESSIVE (kifeez)
~ o sth: This musi! is e1pressive of the *ortu$uese soul.
E5TRA(T (kivesz)
~ sth #o$ sth: They e1tra!ted this passa$e from his first novel.
2A(E (szem!enz)
~ sth: "oull have to fa!e the !onse(uen!es.
~ "o%n* sth: He !ouldnt fa!e meetin$ her.
be ~" -%th sth: He was suddenly fa!ed with a dilemma. (hirtelen szembes!lnie kellett)
2AIL (meg!ukik)
~ (%n sth): I failed (in the attempt to ta#e her with me). (nem siker!lt)
~ sth: He failed the e1am.
~ sb: The tea!her failed the best student, whi!h was a surprise. (megbuktatta)
~ to "o sth: She never fails to telephone me. (soha nem felejti+mulasztja el)
sth ~: The en$ine of the plane failed. (lellt a motor)
~ sb: ,hen he deserted the army he felt that he failed his family. (%saldst okoz)
2AIR (korrekt, tisztessges)
~ -%th sb: He was very fair with his men, and everyone li#ed him.
%t %s ~ (to/on sb) (to "o sth): It is not fair (to the students) (to ma#e them write five tests on
the same day).
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is not fair to blame him for everythin$.
%t %s ~ th&t: It is not fair that you blame them for everythin$.
2AIT02!L (h#sges)
~ (to sb/sth): The do$ has always been faithful (to its master).
2ALL (esik)
~: She fell into the la#e.
~ &".: He fell ill last wee#. (megbetegedett)
~ (b3) sth: Inflation fell (by) 9 per !ent. () szzalkot esett)
2AMILIAR (ismers)
~ (to sb): Her voi!e is really familiar (to me).
~ -%th sth: He is familiar with an!ient history. (;okat tud az kori trtnelemrl.)
~ -%th sb: The boss is really familiar with her se!retary. (jban vannak)
2AMILIARIZE (megismerkedik)
~ onesel/sb -%th sth: I have to familiari=e myself with the system first.
2AMO!S (hres)
~ (o# sth): %im &orrison was famous (for his musi!).
~ (&s sth): %im &orrison was famous (as a sin$er).
2AN(4 (tetszik, kedvre van)
~ sth: +o you fan!y a beer- ('em krsz egy srt-)
~ sb: I am sure he fan!ies you. (tetszel neki)
~ onesel (&s) sth: He fan!ies himself (as) a famous politi!ian. ($gy tekint magra)
~ "o%n* sth: +o you fan!y havin$ a drin# toni$ht- (volna kedved)
~ (th&t): He fan!ied (that) he !ould fly. (a=t #Op=elte)
2ANTASIZE (fantzil)
~ (&bo't sth): She sometimes fantasi=ed (about marryin$ 6eanu Geeves).
2AR (messze)
~ (#o$ sth): The shop is not far (from here).
2AS(INATED (elragadtatott)
~ b3 sth: She has always been fas!inated by 4hinese pottery. (mindig leny/gzte)
~ to "o sth: She was fas!inated to hear that her husband had rea!hed the Dorth *ole.
(rmmel fogadta a hrt)

2AVO!RABLE (elny"s)
~ (to/o# sb/sth): The !onditions of the !ontra!t seemed favourable (for both sides).
2EAR (fl)
~ sb: 2ll the !hildren fear her.
~ to "o sth: He feared to admit where he had spent the ni$ht before.
~ "o%n* sth: The little $irl feared showin$ her s!hool report to her parents.
~ (th&t): Affi!ials fear that dru$s will be!ome even more popular. (attl tartanak)
~ sb &".: 2t least .M people are feared dead.
~ sb to "o sth: 4hildren are feared to be under the ruins.
~ %t %s ~e" th&t: It is feared that he has been #illed.
~ o# sb/sth: She feared for her son while he was in the war. (fltette)
~ so/not: 3Is he !omin$- 3I fear so/not. (0ttl flek, hogy igen+nem.)
2EAR2!L (fl)
~ o# sb: His mother has been fearful for her son all her life. (fltette)
~ (o sth/o "o%n* sth): They were fearful (of the atta!#/of bein$ atta!#ed). (rettegtek a
~ (th&t): She was fearful (that) she would faint on sta$e. (attl flt, hogy)
2EED (etet)
~ sb/sth (on/-%th) sth: The mon#eys in the =oo are fed (on) bananas.
~ sth to sb/sth: <ananas are fed to the mon#eys in the =oo. (ban'nt adna#)
~ sth %nto sth: 4opy paper is fed into the ma!hine automati!ally. (automati#usan tNlti)
2EEL (rez)
~ &".: I feel so free with you.
~ sth: I feel no responsibility at allJ
~ (l%/e) sb: I felt (li#e) a !artoon !hara!ter.
~ sb/sth "o%n* sth: He felt somebody stro#in$ his head. (rezte, hogy valaki megsimogatja a
~ sb/sth "o sth: I felt her love $o throu$h me.
~ be elt to "o sth: They were felt to be in dan$er. ($gy reztk, hogy veszlyben vannak)
~ (th&t): I felt (that) I had to tell the truth.
~ %t (to "o) sth: She felt it (to be) her duty to brin$ up her sisters !hildren.
~ %t &".: He felt it important to mention that he was unemployed.
sb/sth ~s &s %/&s tho'*h: His head felt as thou$h he had ta#en a !old shower. (olyan volt,
%t ~s &s %/&s tho'*h: It felt as thou$h he had ta#en a !old shower.
sb/sth ~s &".: Her body feels really !old. (hideg a ta"intsa)
sb/sth ~s l%/e: This table feels li#e wood. (ta"intsra fa)
~ -h: Ceel how smooth it is. (fogd %sak meg)
2EEL LIKE (kedve van)
~ ("o%n*) sth: I feel li#e (eatin$) an i!e)!ream.
2ET(0 (rte megy s elhoz)
~ sb sth: 4ould you fet!h me my $lasses please- Ive left them in the $arden. (kimennl a
~ sb o# sb: 4ould you fet!h a $lass of water for your mother please- (hoznl egy "ohr vizet)
2IG0T (harcol)
~ (sth) (&*&%nst sb): They fou$ht (a war) (a$ainst the rebels) in Bambia.
~ sb/sth (o# sth): &ilan fou$ht the !ity of 4omo (for !ontrol of @ombardy).
~ sth: They are tryin$ to fi$ht ra!ism. ("rblnak k!zdeni a fajgy/llet ellen)
~ o# sth: The a!tivists are fi$htin$ for e(ual ri$hts.
~ to "o sth: The 4aptain fou$ht to save the ship in the storm.
~ (-%th sb) (&bo't/o6e# sth): +ont fi$ht (with her) (about trivial thin$s). (ne vitatkozz vele)
sb &n" sb ~: %ohn and %a!# were fi$htin$ (about trivial thin$s). (veszekedtek)

2IG!RE (gondol, kpzel)
~ %n/&$on*st sth: The issue also fi$ured in the politi!ians spee!h. (szere"elt)
~ (th&t): ,e fi$ured (that) the dan$er was minimal. ($gy talltuk)
~ on ("o%n*) sth: I hadnt fi$ured on (meetin$) you here. (szmt vmire)
2ILL (megtelik)
~ (-%th sth): Her eyes filled (with tears).
~ sth (-%th sth): He filled my $lass (with wine). (teletlttte a "oharamat)
~ sb/onesel (-%th sth): I filled myself (with i!e)!ream) Im not hun$ry anymore.
(telezabltam magam)
2IND (tall)
~ sth: ,e found a ni!e pub in 4heltenham Goad.
~ sth (o# sb): 4ould you find my #eys (for me)-
~ (sb) sth: 4ould you find (me) my #eys- (megkeresnd)
~ sb/sth &".: The #idnapped !hild was found healthy. (egszsgesen talltk meg)
~ sb "o%n* sth: I found him sleepin$ in the $arden on the lawn. (aludt, mikor rtalltam)
~ (th&t): The survey found (that) ?M per !ent are satisfied with their life. (kimutatta)
~ sb/sth (to be) &".: &y parents found 4harles (to be) !harmin$.
sb/sth %s o'n" to "o sth: The !ell is found to fun!tion li#e a heli1. (kimutattk, hogy)
%t -&s o'n" th&t: It was found that most parties emphasi=e so!ial se!urity.
~ %t &".: I found it hard to deal with these !hildren.
~ %t sth: I find it a strain to have to tal# to people a$ain. (nehezemre esik)
2INIS0 (!efeez)
~ (sth): Have you finished (the paintin$)-
~ "o%n* sth: ,ould you finish tal#in$, please- (0bbahagyntok vgre a beszlgetst-)
~ sth (-%th sth): ,e finished trainin$ (with a rela1in$ e1er!ise).
~ sth (b3/-%th) "o%n* sth: He finished the poem (by) raisin$ his voi!e.
~ &s sth: He finished as a star.
2IRST (els)
~ to "o sth: He was first to !ross the 2tlanti!.
2IT (edzett)
~ o# sth: He is not fit enou$h for a marathon.
~ to "o sth: He is not fit enou$h to run a marathon.
~ o# sb/sth: The $oods must be fit for the buyer7s purpose. (me$felelSne# #ell lennie)
~ to "o sth: These $oods are fit to satisfy the !ustomers needs. (megfelel)
2LOOD (elraszt)
~ sb/sth -%th sth: The hotel is flooded with !omplaints about the room servi!e.
~ %n/%nto/o't o sth: The football fans flooded into the !ity !entre. (bez$dultak)
2L!ENT (folykony)
~ (%n sth): He is really fluent (in 0rdu). (folykonyan beszl)
2OLLO+ (k"vet, k"veti)
~ : I tried to e1plain but she didnt seem to follow what I was sayin$.
the#e ~e" sth: There followed mu!h !onfusion. (0ztn nagy zavar keletkezett.)
~ sb: Somebody has been followin$ me.
%t ~s th&t: It follows that the prisons debate is not just about prisons. (ebbl az kvetkezik)
2OND (szeret)
~ o sb/o ("o%n*) sth: I am really fond of (wat!hin$) your $oldfish. (;zeretem (nzni( az
2OOLIS0 (!uta, nevetsges)
~ to "o sth: ,e would be foolish to e1pe!t leaders not to ma#e any mista#es. (butasg lenne)
%t %s ~ (o#/o sb) to "o sth: It7s just foolish (for/of us) to travel separately. (butasg)
2ORBID (megtilt)
~ sth: The se!t forbids all #inds of entertainment.
~ sb #o$ "o%n* sth: <ill forbade me from tellin$ you the details.
~ sb to "o sth: &y do!tor forbade me to lift any wei$ht.
~ "o%n* sth: She forbade sellin$ their mothers house.
2OR(E (knyszert)
~ sb %nto ("o%n*) sth: I was for!ed into (a!!eptin$) the job.
~ sb to "o sth: I was for!ed to a!!ept the job.
2OREIGN (idegen)
~ to sb/sth: @a=iness is forei$n to him.
2ORGET (elfelet)
~ (&bo't) sb/sth: He for$ot (about) her birthday.
~ &bo't "o%n* sth: I for$ot about postin$ the letter. (elfelejtettem, hogy feladtam)
~ "o%n* sth: Ill never for$et seein$ you for the first time. (soha nem felejtem el azt, amikor
elszr lttalak)
~ to "o sth: I for$ot to post the letter. (elfelejtettem feladni)
~ (th&t): He for$ot (that) I would !ome.
~ -h: Ive for$otten where I put my #eys.

2ORGET2!L (feledkeny)
~ o sb/sth: &an#ind is often for$etful of its history. (knnyen elfelejti)
2ORGIVE (meg!ocst)
~ sb/onesel (o# sth/o# "o%n* sth): I !ant for$ive him (for de!eivin$ me).
~ sth: I !ant for$ive his rude remar#s.
~ sb9s "o%n* sth: Cor$ive my disturbin$ you please. (krem bo%sssa meg, hogy zavarom)
2ORT!NATE (szerencss)
~ to "o sth: I was fortunate to have met him.
%t %s ~ (o# sb) (th&t): It is fortunate (for him) (that) &r <rownin$ has res!ued him.
(szeren%se, hogy)
%t %s ~ (th&t) sb sho'l" "o sth: How fortunate (that) you should be here. (mi%soda szeren%se)
2REE (%*e) (kisza!adt)
~ sb (#o$ sth): 2lmost all the politi!al prisoners were freed (from prison).
~ sb/sth/onesel o/#o$ sb/sth: They have de!ided to free all politi!al prisoners from jail.
($gy dntttek, hogy szabadon engedik)
~ sth: She freed some time for her musi! lessons. (felszabadtott nmi idt)
~ sb to "o sth: ,innin$ the lottery freed her to live as she li#ed. (lehetv tette)
2REE ($n;) (sza!ad)
~ #o$/o sth: "our dis# is free from viruses. (vrusmentes)
~ (o# sth): 2re you free (for a drin#) toni$ht- (rrsz egy italra)
~ to "o sth: 2ppli!ants are free to !hoose their !ourses. (szabadon vlaszthatnak)
2RIENDL4 (!artsgos)
~ (to/to-&#"(s) sb): 2ll the lo!als were so friendly (to me).
~ -%th sb: I am not friendly with my nei$hbours. (nem vagyok jban)
~ to "o sth: She7s (uite friendly to tal# to a!tually.
2RIG0TEN (megieszt)
~ sb: He didnt want to fri$hten you.
~ sb %nto/o't o ("o%n*) sth: He was fri$htened out of the robbery/stealin$ the money.
%t ~s sb to "o sth: It fri$htens me to ima$ine you there alone. (mg elk"zelni is ijeszt)
2RIG0TENED (iedt)
~ o ("o%n*) sth: I am fri$htened of (tou!hin$) spiders. (flek)
~ to "o sth: I am too fri$htened to tal# to him. (flek beszlni vele)
~ (th&t): She was fri$htened (that) little &i#e would fall off the bi#e. (flt, hogy)
~ o#: 2ll mothers are fri$htened for their !hildren. (fltik a gyermekeiket)
2R!STRATED (frusztrlt)
~ (b3 sth): I was frustrated by a slow start.
~ (&t/-%th ("o%n* sth): I felt really frustrated (with havin$ to wait).
2!LL (tele)
~ (o sth): &y ba$ is full (of boo#s).
2!N(TION (m#k"dik)
~ (&s sth): &y old elementary s!hool now fun!tions (as a nursery s!hool).
2!NN4 (furcsa)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: Its funny to loo# ba!# on it now.
%t %s ~ th&t: Its funny that after all these years I still haven7t for$otten his name.
%t %s ~ (th&t) sb sho'l" "o sth: Its funny (that) you should mention that.
~ -h: Its funny how the mind wor#s at a time li#e this.
2!RIO!S (mrges)
~ (-%th sb): He was absolutely furious (with me), I didnt #now why.
~ &t/&bo't sth/sb: She was furious at havin$ missed the plane.
~ th&t: ,e were furious that you left without leavin$ a messa$e.
2!RNIS0 (!e!$toroz)
~ sth -%th sth: She furnished the house with anti(ue furniture.
~ sb/sth -%th sth: He is furnished with all the relevant fa!ts. (birtokban van)
2!SS4 (knyes)
~ (&bo't sth): She is really fussy (about table manners).
GAIN (szerez)
~ (sb) sth: His $ift for musi! $ained (him) world)wide reputation.
~ sth (b3/#o$ sth): 5verybody will $ain somethin$ (from this proje!t). (mindenki nyer
GAMBLE (szerencsetkot tszik)
~: The earl has $ambled all his life.
~ sth (on sth): &y father $ambled all my inheritan!e (on horses). (feltettem az egsz
~ on sth/"o%n* sth: They $ambled on waitin$ a !ouple of hours at the border. (biztosra vettk)
~ th&t: &any people $ambled that he would be put to prison. (sokan azt ti""eltk)
GAZE (!mul)
~ (&t sb/sth): She was $a=in$ (at the prin!e).
GET (kap, szerez)
~ sth: He $ot a 4+ for his birthday.
~ sth (o# sb): 4an you $et a boo# for me from the library-
~ (sb) sth: 4an you $et me a boo# from the library-
~ &".: +idnt he $et very an$ry- (mrges lett)
~ sb/sth "o%n* sth: The me!hani! will $et the !ar $oin$. (elindtja)
~ to "o sth: ,e $ot to tal# to her in the end. (siker!lt)
~ sb/sth to "o sth: Ill try to $et her to help you. (meg"rblom rvenni)
~ sb/sth "one: ,hy did she $et her hair !ut- (,irt vgatta le a hajt-)
GIVE (ad)
~ sb sth: He $ave me a rin$. (adott nekem egy gy/r/t+felhvott telefonon)
~ sth to sb: She $ave it to me on my ei$hteenth birthday.
~ (sth) to sth: I always $ive (a little money) to !harity.
~ (sb) sth o# sth: I will $ive (you) HM: for this bi#e.
~ sth: The writer $ave a readin$ from his latest novel. (felolvasst tartott)
GLAD ("rl)
~ &bo't sth: I am $lad about your en$a$ement.
~ to "o sth: I am $lad to hear that you were a!!epted for the job. (rmmel hallom)
~ (th&t): I am $lad (that) you are here.
~ -h: She was $lad when the s!hool year was over.
~ %: I would be $lad if you !ould help me. (hls lennk)
~ o sb/sth: Ser$eant 4rane and I would be $lad of tea. (hlsak lennnk)
GLAN(E (pillant)
~ &t sb/sth: He $lan!ed at the door.
~ &t/"o-n/o6e#/th#o'*h: He only $lan!ed throu$h the newspaper. (tfutotta)
GLARE (!mul)
~ (&t sb/sth): She wasnt !ryin$, she just $lared (at me) an$rily.

GO (megy)
~ (to sth) (-%th sb): 2re you $oin$ (to the party) (with him)-
~ o# sth: @ets $o for a drin#.
~ &".: He went bald at the a$e of twenty. (megko"aszodott)
~ to "o sth: He has $one to visit his Brandma. (elment megltogatni)
~ "o%n* sth: She re$ularly $oes runnin$. (jr futni)
~ th&t: The story $oes that she has been to visit him at least twi!e. (a trtnet szerint)
~ on sth: In Third ,orld !ountries money $oes on debt and arms. (a "nzt adssgok
trlesztsre s fegyverekre kltik)
~ (to sb) o# sth: The house went (to the state) for very little money. (kevs "nzrt kelt el)
~ &t sth/"o%n* sth: She is $ood (at maths).
~ -%th sth/sb: She is $ood with old people. (jl bnik az ids emberekkel)
~ to sb: He was very $ood to my mother when I was away.
~ o# sth/sb: Too mu!h e1er!ise is not $ood for the body.
~ to "o sth: He is $ood to wor# with.
%t %s ~ "o%n*/to "o sth: Its so $ood wor#in$/to wor# with you a$ain.
%t %s ~ o sb to "o sth: It was really $ood of you to help us. (kedves volt tled)
%t %s ~ (o# sb) to "o sth: It is $ood (for you) to e1perien!e failure as well. (jt tesz)
%t %s ~ th&t: It7s $ood that you !ame to me.
GRAB (megfog, megragad)
~ sth (#o$ sb/sth): The !hild $rabbed a pie!e of apple pie (from the tray).
~ &t/o# sth: The thief $rabbed for the ladys ba$. (a hlgy tskja utn ka"ott)
GRAD!ATE (vgez, elvgez)
~ (%n sth): She $raduated in e!onomi!s in ?KFR. (kzgazdasgtanbl di"lomt szerzett)
~ (#o$ 7): He $raduated (from Stanford 0niversity) last year.
~ (#o$ sth) to sth: She $raduated (from bein$) a model to playin$ in a soap opera.
GRANT (!iztost)
~ (sb) sth: They $ranted everybody se!urity.
~ sth (to sb): They $ranted se!urity to everybody.
~ th&t: They $ranted that everybody would be se!ure.
GRATE2!L (hls)
~ (to sb) (o# sth): I was $rateful (to her) (for her help).
~ to "o sth: 2fter the ra!e I didnt feel li#e $oin$ out at all> I was $rateful to be alive.
(r!ltem, hogy lek)
~ th&t: Im $rateful that I dont have to $o throu$h the whole pro!edure a$ain. (r!lk, hogy)
~ %: ,e would be $rateful if you !ould reply to us as soon as possible.
GREAT (remek)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is $reat to have heroines and heroes to admire.
%t %s ~ "o%n* sth: It is $reat livin$ in a wide open world.
%t %s ~ (o# sb) th&t: It is $reat (for the yard) that the horse has won the ra!e.
GRIEVE (fdalmat okoz)
~ (o#/o6e# sb/sth): He is still $rievin$ (for his wife). (siratja a felesgt)
~ sth: He is $rievin$ the death of his wife.
%t ~s sb to "o sth: It $rieved him to say $oodbye. (fjt, hogy b$%s$znia kellett)
%t ~s sb th&t: It $rieved them that they !ouldnt help her. (fjdalommal tlttte el ket)
GRIN (mosolyog)
~ (&t sb): She is always $rinnin$ (at me).
~ sth: He $rinned hello.
GRO+ (n)
~ : This tree has $rown a lot sin!e I was last here.
~ sth: He $rows spi!es in his $arden. (termeszt)
~ &".: He $rew ri!h durin$ the re!ession years. (meggazdagodott)
~ %nto/o't o sb/sth: She $rew into the habit of wor#in$ at ni$ht. (rszokott)
~ to "o sth: ,e $rew to li#e her after a while. (megkedvelt!k)
GR!MBLE (morog)
~ (&t/to sb) (&bo't/&t sb/sth): He is always $rumblin$ (to me) (about his boss).
~ th&t: He $rumbled that he was hun$ry.
G!ARANTEE (garantl)
~ (sb) sth: Aur travel a$en!y $uarantees (you) a de!ent hotel.
~ sth (o# sb): Aur travel a$en!y $uarantees a de!ent hotel (for you).
~ to "o sth: The !ompany $uaranteed to refund the money.
~ (sb) th&t: ,e !an $uarantee (you) that the system is safe.
~ -h: They !ouldnt $uarantee what the out!ome would be.
G!ESS (kitall)
~ sth: I !ant $uess the answer.
~ (&t sth): I !an only $uess (at her opinion), I havent tal#ed to her yet. (%sak tallgatni tudok)
~ (th&t): Id $uess (that) she is married. (azt gondolnm, hogy hzas)
~ -h: 4an you $uess who Ive met-
~ so/not: 32re they married- 3I $uess so/not. (nem hinnm+$gy hinnm)
G!ILT4 (!#n"s)
~ (o sth): He was found $uilty (of the murder).
~ (&bo't sth): He felt $uilty (about havin$ hurt his mother). (b/ntudata volt)
0AND (tad)
~ sth to sb: She handed the paper to me.
~ sb sth: She handed me the paper.
0A))EN (t"rtnik)
~ to "o sth: I happen to #now her. (trtnetesen ismerem)
%t ~ th&t: It happened that she lost her job suddenly. ($gy alakult, hogy)
sth ~ (to sb/sth): ,hat happened (to your new shoes)-
%t (so) ~ th&t: It (so) happened that we were both fired on the same day. ($gy esett, hogy)
&s %t ~s: I met her just the other day, as it happens. (ahogy ez mr %sak lenni szokott)
see sth ~%n* to sb: I !ant see that happenin$ to me. ('em tudom elk"zelni, hogy ez velem is
0A))4 (!oldog)
~ o# sb: I am really happy for them.
~ (-%th/&bo't sb/sth): She was really happy (with her results). (elgedett volt)
~ to "o sth: I am happy to announ!e the winner. (rmmel jelentem be)
~ (th&t): I am happy (that) you are with us a$ain.
0ARD (nehz)
sth %s ~ (o# sb) to "o: 2 $ood job is hard to find.
%t %s ~ (o# sb) to "o sth: It is hard (for old people) to find a $ood job.
%t %s ~ "o%n*/to "o sth: Its hard wor#in$/to wor# in shifts.
~ on sb/sth: Typin$ all day !an be hard on the hands. (megerlteti a kezet)
0ARM2!L (rtalmas)
sth %s ~ (to sb/sth): Smo#in$ is definitely harmful (to your health).
0ATE (gy#l"l, utl)
~ &bo't sb/sth: ,hat I hate about him is his e$oism.
~ sb (o# sth): I hated her (for bein$ so rude).
~ ("o%n*) sth: He has always hated (readin$) boo#s.
~ sb "o%n* sth: I hate him !omplainin$ all the time.
~ to "o sth: I would hate to tell him the truth. (nem szeretnm elmondani neki)
~ sb to "o sth: Id hate him to thin# that I dont !are. (nem szeretnm, ha azt gondoln)
~ %t so$e-he#e: She hated it in the !apital and moved to the !ountryside.
~ %t %/-hen: I hate it when people lau$h at ea!h other.
0AZARDO!S (veszlyes)
~ (to sth): These !hemi!als are potentially ha=ardous (to health).
~ (o# sb): These !hemi!als are ha=ardous (for us).
0EAR (hall)
~ (sb/sth): I !ouldnt hear (her voi!e) in the dis!o.
~ sb/sth "o sth: I heard him brea# a $lass. (hallottam, hogy eltrte a "oharat)
~ sb/sth "o%n* sth: I heard him sin$in$ in the bathroom. (hallottam, hogy nekel)
~ sb/sth %s ~" to "o sth: He was heard to brea# the $lass. (hallottk, hogy eltrte a "oharat)
~ sb/sth %s ~n "o%n* sth: He was heard sin$in$ in the bathroom. (hallottk, hogy nekelt)
~ (th&t): I heard (that) she $ot married.
~ -h: +id you hear what I said-
~ &bo't sb/sth: I was really happy to hear about your weddin$.
~ (sth) #o$/o sb/sth: I havent heard (anythin$) from her for a$es.
0EAV4 (nehz)
~ -%th sth: The tree was heavy with ne!tarines. (&s!ngtek a ko"aszbara%kok a fn.)
sth %s ~ (o# sb) to "o: The suit!ase was too heavy (for me) to !arry.
0EL) (segt)
~ (sb) (-%th sth): She helped (me) (with the housewor#).
~ (sb) (to) "o sth: I helped (him) (to) !lean the house.
~ sb %n ("o%n*) sth: This boo#let really helped me in (plannin$) my !areer.
~ sb to sth: Shall I help you to some more sau!e- (0dhatok mg egy kis szszt esetleg-)
0EL) ((AN9T 0EL)) (nem tud megllni vmit)
:&n9t/ :o'l"n9t ~ "o%n* sth: I !ouldnt help lau$hin$ when I heard that in!redible story. (nem
tudtam megllni nevets nlk!l)
:&n9t/ :o'l"n9t ~ b't "o sth: I !ouldnt help but lau$h when I heard that story. (%sak nevetni
0EL)2!L (hasznos)
~ o#/to sb: The !ourse is very helpful to pre$nant women.
%t ~ (o# sb) to "o sth: It is helpful (for students) to do e1er!ises on usin$ phoneti! symbols.
~ %n "o%n* sth: ,at!hin$ pro$rammes in a forei$n lan$ua$e is helpful in developin$
%t %s ~ th&t: It was helpful that these topi!s also interested the boys. (az segtett, hogy)
0IG0 (magas)
~ %n sth: 4ho!olate is hi$h in fat. (nagy a zsrtartalma)
0INDER (megakadlyoz)
~ sb/sth #o$ ("o%n*) sth: His father hardly hindered him from (meetin$) $irls.

0INT (cloz)
~ &t sth: He was only hintin$ at his feelin$s all ni$ht.
~ (to sb) (th&t): They hinted (to the $uest) (that) it was late. (reztette a vendggel)
0IT (t)
~ sb/sth (-%th sth): The old lady hit the mu$$er (with her umbrella). (rszott a rablra)
~ sth (on/&*&%nst sth): She hit her head (a$ainst the $lass door). (beverte a fejt)
(DIS)0ONEST (szinte)
~ &bo't sth: I have always been honest about my feelin$s.
~ -%th sb: I have never been honest with you.
~ to "o sth: She delayed her answer, but she was too honest to stay silent.
0O)E (reml)
~ o# sth: ,e are hopin$ for $ood results. (remnyked!nk a j eredmnyekben)
~ to "o sth: I hope to announ!e the winner shortly. (remnyeim szerint rvidesen bejelentem)
~ (th&t): I hope (that) he is well.
%t %s ~" th&t: It is hoped that the 2fri!an e!onomy will improve.
~ so/not: 3Is he $oin$ to !ome- 3I hope so/not.
0O)E2!L (!izakod)
~ (&bo't sth): She is not very hopeful (about her appli!ation).
~ (th&t): ,e7re very hopeful (that) we will have some e1tra support. (nagyon bzunk benne,
0O)ELESS (remnytelen)
~ &t sth: She is hopeless at musi!.
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is hopeless to find a solution on the basis of this.
%t %s ~ "o%n*: It is hopeless tryin$ to $et him to $ive any money.
0ORRIBLE (!orzaszt)
~ to "o sth< Her fa!e is horrible to loo# at.
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is horrible to thin# of what happened to that poor family.
%s ~ th&t sb sho'l" "o sth: It is horrible that you should tempt me so heartlessly.
0!NGR4 (hes)
~ (o# sth): The $irl is simply hun$ry (for love).
0!NT (vadszik)
~ sth: 5lephants are still hunted in some areas.
~ o# sth: I am still huntin$ for a $ood !omputer.
~ (o#) sb: The poli!e are huntin$ (for) the robbers. (a rendrsg mg mindig !ldzi a
0!RT (f)
~ sb: 4hildren often hurt themselves. (meg!tik magukat)
%t ~s -h: It hurts when I raise my hand.
%t ~s sb to "o sth: It hurts me to see that people are so i$norant of the poor. (rosszulesik
%t ~s th&t: It hurts that people are so i$norant of the poor. (ross=ulesi#, ho$y)
IDEAL (idelis)
~ (o# sth/o# "o%n* sth): He is the ideal !andidate (for the presiden!y).
IDENTI(AL (ugyanolyan)
~ (to/-%th sb/sth): Her hat is identi!al (to/with mine).
IDENTI24 (azonost)
~ sb/sth (&s sb/sth): The body was identified (as that of the wanted !riminal).
~ -%th sb: I !ouldnt identify with anyone in the novel. (nem tudtam azonosulni egyik
szere"lvel sem)
~ -h: They are tryin$ to identify what went wron$. ("rbljk meglla"tani)
IGNORANT (tudatlan)
~ (o/&bo't sth): He is !ompletely i$norant (of what $oes on in the world). (fogalma sin%s
ILL (!eteg)
~ (-%th sth): 2 lot of people are ill (with flu) at the moment.
ILL!STRATE (illusztrl)
~ th&t: The data illustrated that the development was !onsiderable.
~ -h: The film illustrated how diffi!ult it was to dive. (a film bemutatta)
IMAGINE (kpzel, elkpzel)
~ sth &".: @ittle !hildren ima$ine animals free and happy.
~ "o%n* sth: She !ant ima$ine livin$ in a bi$ !ity.
~ sb "o%n* sth: I !ant ima$ine him shoutin$.
~ th&t: She ima$ined that she was ri!h.
~ -h: ,e !ant ima$ine what the solution !ould be.
~ so/not: 3Is he sufferin$- 3I ima$ine so/not.
IMM!NE (immunis)
~ to sth: She is immune to mumps.
~ (#o$ sth): Dot even the *ope is immune (from !riti!ism). (vdett a kritikval szemben)
IM)L4 (utal, sugall)
~ sth (&bo't sth): His poems imply mu!h about the ways in whi!h he wanted to be seen.
(so#at elmond arrTl, ho$y)
~ th&t: His su$$estion implies that money is the #ey fa!tor. (azt sugallja)

IM)ORT (importl)
~ sth (#o$ 7): ,e import !ars (from %apan).
IM)ORTANT (fontos)
~ to "o sth: It is important to e1plain why the information is re(uired.
sth %s ~ to sb: It was suddenly very important to me that he should live.
~ (o# sb) to "o sth:. It is important for us to understand what is $oin$ on.
%t %s ~ (to sb) th&t: Its important (to me) that she tal#s now.
%t %s ~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: It is important that tea!hers (should) help students in the
learnin$ pro!ess.
IM)OSE (kivet)
~ sth (on/'8on sth/sb): The $overnment has de!ided to impose a hi$her ta1 (on toba!!o).
IM)RESS (hatssal van)
~ sb (-%th sth/sb): He was really impressed (by her beauty). (leny/gzte a sz"sge)
~ sth on/'8on sb: He impressed the importan!e of the !ampai$n upon the party members.
(han$sUlyo=ta a p'rtta$o#na#)
%t ~es sb th&t: It impressed me that she !alled me ba!# immediately. (meggyz volt
szmomra, hogy)
IM)ROVE (feldik)
~: Her output has improved a lot sin!e last year.
~ sth: They wanted to improve their 5n$lish. (fejleszteni)
~ on/'8on sth: He has improved on last years results. (javtott a m$lt vi eredmnyein)
INDEBTED (lek"telezett)
~ (to sb) (o# sth): She is indebted (to her tea!her) (for his help). (le van ktelezve a
INDI22ERENT (k"z"m!"s)
~ (to sb/sth): She is !ompletely indifferent (to others opinion).
INDIS)ENSABLE (elengedhetetlen)
~ (to sb/sth): 0nderstandin$ is indispensable (to a $ood marria$e).
~ o# ("o%n*) sth: 2 $ood !omputer is indispensable for (writin$) a boo#.
IN2E(T (fertz)
~ sb/sth (-%th sth): He infe!ted his sister (with the disease).
IN2E(TED (fertz"tt)
~ -%th sth: She is infe!ted with 2I+S. (2I+S fertS=Ntt)
~ b3 sth: She was infe!ted by her brothers enthusiasm. (tragadt r a testvre lelkesedse)
IN2ER (kik"vetkeztet)
~ sth (#o$ sth): I always try to infer the meanin$ of the words (from the !onte1t).
~ th&t: He inferred that the !hairman #new what was $oin$ on.
IN2ERIOR (als!!rend#)
~ (to sb/sth): Some people !onsider romanti! fi!tion inferior (to histori!al fi!tion).
IN2LI(T (mr vkire vmit)
~ sth (on/'8on sth): The Bree#s infli!ted a defeat (on the *ersians). (legyztk)
~ sb on sb: Sorry for infli!tin$ my mother on you a$ain. (bo%s, hogy rd tukmlom)
IN2ORM (k"z"l)
~ sb o/&bo't sth: He informed me of the results.
~ on/&*&%nst sb: The !riminal informed on the rest of the band. (bek"te a banda tbbi tagjt)
~ sb (th&t): He informed the poli!e (that) some money was missin$.
~ sb -h: He informed the poli!e where the !riminal was hidin$.
IN2RINGE (megszeg, megsrt)
~ sth: I don7t feel that I infrin$ed any rules.
~ (on/'8on) sth: I wont answer (uestions that infrin$e (upon) my !ivil ri$hts.
IN0ERIT ("r"k"l)
~ (sth) (#o$ sb): I will inherit (a lot of money) (from my un!le) in a short time.
INSIST (ragaszkodik)
~ on ("o%n*) sth: He insisted on (ta#in$) the bi$$er !a#e.
~ on sb/sb9s "o%n* sth: I insist on you/your ta#in$ the bi$$er !a#e.
~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: He insisted that he (should) !on!entrate on improvin$ his spea#in$
INS)IRE ("szt"n"z, inspirl)
~ sb (to sth): His enthusiasm inspired the team (to vi!tory). (gyzelemre t!zelte a %sa"atot)
~ sb to "o sth: The trainers tries to inspire !hildren to ta#e up athleti!s.
~ sb (-%th sth): His !omments inspired me with !onfiden!e. (bizalommal tlttt el engem)
~ sth (%n sb): The buildin$ inspired &i!helan$elo (in his desi$ns for St. *eter7s). (megihlette)

INS!RE (!iztost)
~ onesel/sth (&*&%nst/o# sth): He insured himself (a$ainst si!#ness) before $oin$ to the 0S.
(bebiztostotta magt)
INTEND (szndkozik)
~ "o%n*/to "o sth: ,e dont intend spendin$/to spend any more money on this.
~ sb/sth to "o sth: I intend her to have somethin$ to do with the arts.
~ (th&t): ,e intend (that) the money should be divided e(ually. (az a %lunk, hogy egyenlen
legyen elosztva a "nz)
%t %s ~e" th&t: It was intended that the ne$otiations would finish by the end of the wee#. (az
volt a %l)
~ sb/sth o# sth: She intends her !hild for a medi!al !areer. (orvosi "lyra sznja)
INTEREST (rdekel)
~ sb: This essay will interest a lot of people.
~ %n ("o%n*) sth: They tried to interest me in buyin$ the property. ("rbltak rdekeltt tenni)
~ (%n sb): I am really interested (in her). (nagyon rdekel)
~ %n ("o%n*) sth: He is really interested in (studyin$) astrolo$y. (rdekli az asztrolgia)
~ to "o sth: She was really interested to hear about his travels. (rdekldssel hallgatta)
INTER2ERE (!eleavatkozik)
~ (%n sth): +ont interfere (in his private matters).
~ -%th sth/sb: +ont interfere with him while hes wor#in$. ('e zavard, mikzben dolgozik4)
~ bet-een: I would never interfere between a husband and a wife. (;oha sem llnk frj s
felesg kz.)
INTERROGATE (kihallgat)
~ sb (&bo't sth): The poli!e interro$ated the nei$hbours (about the robbery).
INTERVENE (k"z!elp)
~ (%n sth): The 0nited Dations finally intervened (in the war).
INTERVIE+ (inter$t kszt)
~ sb &bo't sth: The politi!ian was interviewed about the ele!tions.
~ sb o# sth: @oo#s dont matter when we interview someone for a job. (amikor felvteli
beszlgetst folytatunk valakivel)
INTROD!(E (!emutat)
~ sb (to sb): She introdu!ed me (to a Cren!h boy).
~ onesel (to sb): She introdu!ed herself (to everybody). (bemutatkozott)
~ sb to sth: The first few !hapters introdu!e the readers to the theory. (bevezeti az olvast)
~ sth (to sb): &y $randfather introdu!ed the pleasures of sailin$ to us. (bevezetett minket a
vitorlzs gynyreibe)
~ sth (to/%nto sth): 4orn was introdu!ed (to 5urope) in the &iddle 2$es. (a kukori%t a
kz"korban hoztk be .ur"ba)
INVEST (!efektet)
~ sth (%n/on sth): He invested all his money (in shares).
~ sth to "o sth: 2ll profits will be invested to benefit the youth of the area.
~ sth %n ("o%n*) sth: I have invested so mu!h time in (writin$) this paper.
~ (sth): The poli!e have been investi$atin$ (the murder) for wee#s.
~ sb (o# sth): She is bein$ investi$ated (for dru$ traffi!#in$).
~ -h: The poli!e are investi$atin$ where the !rime mi$ht have happened.
INVISIBLE (lthatatlan)
~ (to sb/sth): 4ells are invisible (to the eye).
INVITE (meghv)
~ sb (to sth): She invited me (to the party) as well.
~ sb to "o sth: I invited him to !ome with us to 2las#a. (hvtam, hogy jjjn vel!nk)
~ sb to/o# sth: 2ppli!ations are invited for resear!h assistants. (jelentkezseket vrunk)
~ sth (#o$ sb): 2ppli!ations are invited (from anyone interested). (vrjuk a jelentkezst)
INVOLVE (maga utn von)
~ sth: The te!hni(ue involves the use of tiles.
~ (sb/sb9s) "o%n* sth: The a!tors !ontra!t with the !ompany involves (him/his) usin$ their
produ!t. (a szerzds rsze az, hogy)
~ sb %n ("o%n*) sth: The !hairman should involve the board in (ma#in$) de!isions. (be kellene
vonnia az igazgattan%sot a dntshozatalba(
INVOLVED (rszes vmi!en)
~ %n sth: +ont $et involved in their proje!t. (ne keveredj bele)
~ (%n/-%th sth/sb): I was so involved (in the movie) I didnt hear the phone rin$. (annyira
belemlyedtem a filmbe)
IRONI((AL) (irnikus)
%t %s ~ th&t: It is ironi! that a 4atholi! !hur!h was renovated by &uslims.
IRRES)ONSIBLE (feleltlen)
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was irresponsible (of the !oun!il) not to ta#e further a!tion.
IRRITATED (ideges)
~ (&t/b3/-%th sth): I am really irritated (by his behaviour). (irritl a viselkedse)
1OIN (csatlakozik)
~ sth: He joined the army when he was only ?F. (bel"ett a hadseregbe)
~ sb/sth to "o sth: %oin us to help raise funds.
~ sth to sth: The top se!tion was joined to the side. (sszektttk)
~ %n ("o%n*) sth: ,ill you join us in (or$ani=in$) the party- (2eszllsz a buli szervezsbe-)
1OKE (viccel)
~ (&bo't sth): He was jo#in$ (about the rumours of his marria$e).
~ th&t: He used to jo#e that he would disappear one day. (azt mondogatta vi%%esen)
1!DGE (tl, megtl)
~ sb/sth b3/on sth: It is unwise to jud$e him on his performan!e at the end of the season.
~ sb/sth (to be) &".: The indire!t benefits are jud$ed (to be) very benefi!ial to <ra=il.
~ th&t: They jud$ed that she was tired be!ause the baby was !omin$ too soon.
~ -h: ,e !ouldnt jud$e what the out!ome would be.
~ %t &". to "o sth: She jud$ed it safer to load them into a bo1.
1!ST (igazsgos)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is just to punish !riminals.
%t %s ~ th&t: It was not just that servants be!ame lords and lords be$$ars.
1!STI24 (igazol)
~ sth: His result justified the faith his trainers had put in him.
~ sth to sb: He had to justify his de!ision (to the !ommittee). (meg kellett indokolnia)
~ (sb/sth) "o%n* sth: These !ir!umstan!es justify (us) spendin$ more money. (indokoljk)
1!STI2IED (ogos)
~ %n "o%n* sth: "our $irlfriend was probably justified in feelin$ lonely. (jogosan rezte
magt magnyosnak)
KEEN (szeret, szvesen)
~ on sb/sth/"o%n* sth: &ost men are #een on (playin$) football. (szeret fo%izni)
~ to "o sth: He was #een to learn some (ui!# and easy te!hni(ues. (szvesen tanult)
~ (o# sb) to "o sth: He was #een for me to tell my parents what had happened. (szerette
volna, ha elmondom)
~ th&t: The poli!eman was (uite #een that I stayed the ni$ht in Santa Ce. (nagyon szerette
~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: The poli!eman was (uite #een that I (should) stay the ni$ht in
Santa Ce. (nagyon szerette volna, hogy)
KEE) (tart, !etart)
~ sth: 5verybody has to #eep his ti!#et.
~ sth o# sth: 4an you #eep the seat for me for a few minutes- (foglalod a helyet)
~ sth &".: She used a fine shampoo to #eep her hair smooth. (selymes maradjon a haja)
~ sb/sth "one: 6eep me informed of the news, please. (folyamatosan tjkoztass)
~ sb/sth &s sth: I try to #eep thin$s as simple as possible. (Agyekszem mindent annyira
egyszer/en %sinlni, amennyire %sak lehet.)
~ "o%n* sth: I #eep for$ettin$ the name of that a!tor. (llandan elfelejtem)
~ sb "o%n* sth: +ont #eep them waitin$J (ne vrakoztasd meg ket)
~ (sb) #o$ "o%n* sth: ,e tried to #eep (them) from s!reamin$. ("rbltuk vigasztalni ket)
~ sb/sth (#o$ sb/sth): She #ept her se!ret (from her friends). (eltitkolta)
~ sth to onesel: She #ept her se!ret to herself. (megtartotta magnak)
~ to sth: I #eep to my path. (<rom az utam.)
KILL ("l)
~: @ive ele!tri!al wires !an #ill.
~ sb/sth: He #illed the man.
~ onesel: She tried to #ill herself after the tra$edy.
~ t%$e "o%n* sth: I #ill time readin$ newspapers. (el!tttem az idt)

(!N)KIND (kedves)
~ to sb: &ost of the time he is very #ind to us.
~ to "o sth: He was so #ind as/#ind enou$h to e1plain everythin$ to us. (volt olyan kedves)
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was very (un)#ind (of you) to say that. (nem volt sz" tled)
KNO+ (tud, ismer)
~: 3She is ill. 3I #now.
~ sb/sth: I #now her very well.
~ sb/sth to "o sth: I #now him to be very patient.
~ sb/sth &s sth: She is #nown as a poet. (kltknt ismert)
~ sb/sth o# sth: She is #nown for her poetry. (ismert a kltszetrl)
~ sth &bo't/o sb/sth: +o you #now (everythin$) about the plan-
~ (th&t): ,e #now (that) swimmin$ is healthy.
%t %s ~n th&t: It is #nown that swimmin$ is healthy. (kztudott)
~ -h: She didnt #now who to turn to. ('em tudta kihez forduljon.)
LABEL (kikilt)
~ sb (&s) sth: +arwin was labelled as a hereti! by many.
~ sb (&s) &".: Some people tend to label others (as) $ay.
LA(K (hinyzik)
~ sth: ,e la!#ed the money ne!essary for the renovation.
LA(KING (hinyzik)
be ~ %n sth: 2 lot of !hildren are la!#in$ in ima$ination. (nin%s k"zelerej!k)
LAST (utols)
~ to "o sth: The !aptain is (the) last to leave the ship.
LATE (ks)
~ o# sth: It is very impolite to be late for a weddin$ !eremony. (elksni)
~ -%th sth: They are late with the rent. (ksnek)
~ %n "o%n* sth: ,e were late in filin$ our ta1 return. (elkst!nk)
%t %s too ~ to "o sth: It is too late to phone them now.
LA!G0 (nevet)
~ (&t sb/sth): ,e !ouldnt stop lau$hin$ (at her).
~ -%th sb: 2nd when her husband !ra!#ed another jo#e, she !ould lau$h with the rest.
~ &bo't sb/sth: "ou have to lau$h about thin$s li#e this otherwise youd $o mad.
LEAD (vezet)
~ (b3 sth): The team was leadin$ (by one $oal) when the a!!ident happened.
~ sb/sth %n sth: They lead the way in !an!er resear!h. (elljrnak)
~ sb/sth: He was leadin$ the !rowd.
~ sb/sth to "o sth: His remar# led me to thin#. (gondolkodsra ksztettek)
~ sb/sth to/%nto sth: The new ta1 system led the !ountry to a !risis. (vlsgba juttatta)
~ to sb/sth "o%n* sth: The revolution led to thousands of people emi$ratin$. (a forradalom
azt eredmnyezte, hogy)
LEARN (tanul)
~: He is learnin$ fast.
~ sth: +id you learn the words for today-
~ #o$ sth: It is best to learn from others mista#es.
~ sth &bo't sth: ,e learnt a lot about literature in his !lasses.
~ to "o sth: ,e learnt to play the flute at s!hool.
~ -h: They are learnin$ how to dan!e.
~ o/&bo't sth: Geporters soon learned of/about our arrival. (rtes!ltek)
~ (th&t): ,e learnt (that) he wasnt !omin$. (megtudtuk)
LEAVE (hagy)
~ sb/sth (-%th sb): @eave your phone number with the se!retaryJ
~ sth o# sb: 4an you leave this boo# here for me, please-
~ sth to sb: He left his estate to her. (rhagyta)
~ sb sth: He left her his estate.
~ sb/sth o# sb/sth: She left <udapest for @ondon. (elhagyta)
~ sb &".: The film left me !old. (hidegen hagyott)
~ sb sth: The war left her an orphan. (rva lett)
~ sb/sth to "o sth: @eave the pasta to !oo# for ?M minutes.
~ sb/sth "o%n* sth: I left him wor#in$ in the $arden.
LEND (k"lcs"nad)
~ sth (to sb): 4an you lend a pen (to me)-
~ (sb) sth: 4an you lend (me) a pen-
~ to sb: <an#s here arent ready to lend to anyone. (kl%snz)
~ onesel to sth: 2nimals lend themselves to humorous interpretations. (alkalmasak)
LET (hagy, enged)
~ sb/sth "o sth: "ou didnt let her spea#J
~ sth to sb: She lets rooms to lod$ers. (kiad, brbe ad)
LIABLE (felels)
~ o# sb/sth: The !ompany is liable for the dama$e.
~ to sth: 4hildren are liable to a!!idents in the house. (hajlamosak)
~ to "o sth: The boss is liable to fire you if you #eep on arrivin$ late. (valszn/, hogy ki fog
LIE (fekszik)
~: He was lyin$ on the $round.
the#e ~s sb/sth: There lay a body in the street.
~ &".: The dress lay untou!hed for years.
~ (&bo't sb/sth): ,hy would he lie (about his job)- (hazudik)
~ (to sb) (&bo't sth): How !ould she lie (to me) (about this)- (hazudik)
LIKE (szeret, kedvel)
~ sb/sth: ,e li#e !hess.
~ sb/sth &".: I li#e my day well)or$ani=ed.
~ sth &bo't sb/sth: ,hat we li#e about %oe is his optimism.
~ "o%n*/to "o sth: I li#e $ettin$/to $et up early.
~ sb/sth to "o sth: Id li#e you to listen to this.
~ sb/sb9s "o%n* sth: ,e li#e him/his jo#in$.
~ %t -h: I li#e it when you imitate him.
(!N)LIKEL4 (valszn#)
sb/sth %s ~ to "o sth: ,e are li#ely to arrive later than we e1pe!ted. (valszn/, hogy)
%t %s ~ th&t: It is li#ely that well arrive later than we e1pe!ted.

LINK ("sszek"t)
~ (to sth): These !omputers are lin#ed (to ea!h other).
~ -%th sth: ,estern psy!holo$y tried to lin# a!upun!ture with the human nervous system.
(sszef!ggst keresni)
LISTEN (hallgat)
~ to sth: ,e listened to ja== musi! yesterday.
~ to sb/sth ("o%n* sth): The mother listened to her !hild (playin$ the piano).
~ o# sth: I listened for noise but everythin$ was really (uiet. (hallgatztam, figyeltem)
LIVE (l)
~: &any people !hoose to live alone these days.
~ -%th sb/sth: They live with nine do$s.
~ o# sb/sth: She lives for her !hildren.
~ l%/e sb/sth: They lived li#e be$$ars.
~ on sth: How !an he live on this salary- (meglni)
~ to sth: She will live to old a$e, I hope. (hossz$ lete lesz)
~ to "o sth: *erhaps this little !hild will live to see the bi!entennial. (megli)
LONG (vgyik)
~ o# sb/sth: ,e are lon$in$ for a !hallen$e.
~ (o# sb) to "o sth: She lon$ed (for him) to e1plore the world.
LOOK (nz)
~ &t sb/sth: She loo#ed at the photos and si$hed.
~ sth/&".: She didnt loo# fit to !ome out of hospital. (ltszott)
~ l%/e sb/sth: "ou loo# li#e your mother. ($gy nzel ki, mint)
~ &s %/&s tho'*h: "ou loo# as if/as thou$h you !ould do with a !offee. ($gy nzel ki, mint
%t ~s &s %/&s tho'*h: It loo#ed as if/as thou$h nothin$ had happened. ($gy t/nt, hogy)
%t ~s &". to "o sth: It loo#ed important to !all a meetin$. (fontosnak t/nt)
LOSE (elveszt)
~ sth: I lost my umbrella.
~ sb sth: His errors lost him the mat!h. (0 hibi miatt vesztett.)
~ sth (to sb): ,e lost the mat!h (to the +ut!h).
~ (to sb) b3 sth: Aur team lost to them by three points. (hrom "onttal vesztett!nk)
~ (&*&%nst sb/sth): They fou$ht hard but in the end they lost a$ainst us.
~ (sth) on sth: ,e lost (a bi$ sum) on that !ontra!t.
~ (sth) b3 "o%n* sth: ,e lost (a bi$ sum) by a!!eptin$ their offer.
~ onesel %n sth: @ittle !hildren lose themselves in tales. (belefeledkeznek)
LOVE (szeret)
~ sb/sth: ,e love you.
~ sth &bo't sb/sth: ,hat we love about %oe is his optimism. (azrt szeretj!k <oe6t, mert)
~ (o#) sb/sth to "o sth: Id love (for) you to see our new flat.
~ "o%n*/to "o sth: I love wat!hin$ T8/to wat!h T8.
~ sb9s/sb "o%n* sth: They loved his/him dan!in$.
~ %t -h: I love it when you smile li#e that.
LOVEL4 (nagyszer#, remek)
%t %s ~ o sb (to "o sth): It was lovely of you (to arran$e this party). (kedves tled)
%t %s ~ th&t: It is lovely that you !ould all !ome.
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is lovely to have another woman in the house.
%t %s ~ "o%n* sth: It was lovely meetin$ you.
(!N)L!(K4 (szerencss)
~ (-%th sb/sth): ,e were lu!#y (with the weather).
~ to "o sth: "ou are lu!#y to be alive. (;zeren%se, hogy lsz.)
~ (%n) "o%n* sth: "ou are lu!#y (in) havin$ su!h a wonderful friend.
~ th&t< ,e were lu!#y that the rain stopped.
%t %s ~ (o# sb) th&t: Its lu!#y (for us) that we $ot here early.

MAD (mrges)
~ &t/-%th sb: She is really mad at/with me for !omin$ late.
~ &bo't sth: She $ot mad about the washin$ ma!hine. (ideges lett a mosg" miatt)
~ &bo't/on sb/sth: She has always been mad about tennis. (megr!l rte)
~ -%th sth: She was mad with love. (r!lten szerelmes)
~ to "o sth: "ou are mad to ris# your life for nothin$. (r!lt vagy, ha ko%kztatod az leted)
MAKE (csinl, kszt)
~ sth: I made a !up of tea.
~ sb sth: I made her !offee.
~ sb sth: ,e made him president. (elnkt %sinltunk belle)
~ sth sth: I made paintin$ the house my proje!t for the summer. (a hz kifestst t/ztem ki
~ sth o# sb: I made !offee for her.
~ sth o sth: The table is made of wood. (fbl ksz!lt)
~ sth #o$ sth: Blass is made from sand. (homokbl van)
~ sth o't o sth: They made money out of the su!!ess. (sok "nzt kerestek)
~ sth %nto sth: They made the boo# into a film. (megfilmestettk)
~ sth -%th sth: This dish was made with a spe!ial spi!e.
~ sth o sb/sth: +ont ma#e an a!tress of her.
~ sb/sth &".: ,e try to ma#e him happy. (boldogg akarjuk tenni)
~ sb "o sth: ,e made him $ive up his plan. (rvett!k, hogy)
be $&"e to "o sth: He was made to $ive up his plan. (rvettk, hogy)
~ (%t) &". th&t: They made (it) !lear that they wanted to leave. (vilgoss tettk)
~ %t sth to "o sth: I made it my duty to !lean up. (ktelessgemnek tartottam)
MANAGE (vezet, irnyt)
~: +ont worry, youll mana$e. (siker!lni fog)
~ sth: He mana$es the shop.
~ to "o sth: I mana$ed to !limb the tree. (siker!lt megmszni a ft)
~ on sth: I just !ant mana$e on P M:: per wee#. (nem tudok kijnni)
~ -%th/-%tho't sth: ,e !annot mana$e with the !hildren/without a !omputer. (nem br a
gyerekekkel+nem tud meglenni szmtg" nlk!l)
MARR4 (hzasodik)
~: She married last year.
~ sb: She married her e1)husband a$ain. (felesg!l ment)
~ sb (to sb): He married his dau$hter to a ri!h businessman. (5ozzadta a lnyt egy
~ &".: Her mother married youn$.
$et married (to sb): She $ot married (to her !ousin) last year. (felesg!l ment)

MATTER (szmt)
%t ~: She was late, but it didnt matter.
~ (to sb): Her do$ matters more to her than her !at. (fontosabb neki)
%t ~ (to sb) th&t: +oesnt it matter (to you) that we are lost- (mit szmt az neked)
%t ~ (to sb) -h: It doesnt matter (to me) how old you are.
MEAN (elent)
~ sth (to sb): &oney means nothin$ (to me).
~ sth &s sth: I meant my remar# as a !ompliment. (bknak szntam a megjegyzsem)
~ sth o# sb: The dress was meant for his fian!Oe. (a menyasszonynak sznta)
sb %s ~t o# sth: %ane and %a!# are not meant for ea!h other. (nem egymsnak lettek teremtve)
sb ~ to be sth: %udys father meant her to be a !hess player. (sakkoznak sznta)
~ "o%n*: Travellin$ by air means $ettin$ up early.
~ sth/sb "o%n* sth: 2!!eptin$ the job will mean you wor#in$ hard.
~ to "o sth: I didnt mean to hurt you. (nem akartalak megbntani)
~ sb/sth to "o sth: The !hildren were meant to stay with you. ($gy volt, hogy)
~ th&t: It doesnt mean that we !ant $o on holiday.
~ -h: I always mean what I say. (komolyan gondolom)
MEET (tallkozik)
~ : Theyve never met before.
~ sb/sth: I met her at the =oo.
~ -%th sth: His spee!h was met with an$er. (haraggal fogadtk a beszdt)
MENTION (emlt, megemlt)
~ sb/sth (to sb): He mentioned my name (to her).
~ sth &s: His name has been mentioned as the future *ope. (szba jtt a neve)
~ (to sb) th&t: She mentioned (to me) that he was leavin$.
~ (to sb) -h: +id he mention (to you) why he was leavin$-
MIND (!n, zavar)
~: He $ot up late, but he didnt mind. (de nem bnta)
~ sth: I dont mind the noise at all. (nem zavar a zaj)
~ "o%n*: +o you mind wor#in$ in the $arden- (bnod, ha a kertben kell dolgoznod)
~ sb/sb9s "o%n* sth: I hope you dont mind me/my openin$ the window. (remlem, nem
~ (%t) th&t: ,e didnt mind (it) that we had to wait. (nem bntuk, hogy)
~ %: +o you mind if I smo#e-
~ -h: &y parents never minded how late I arrived.
MISS (hinyzik)
~ (sth): He tried to s!ore a $oal, but he missed (it). (mell ltt)
~ "o%n* sth: I miss runnin$ in the mornin$.
MISTAKE ("sszetveszt, eltveszt)
~ sb/sth (&s sb/sth): He mistoo# my jo#e as an insult. (srtsnek vette a vi%%em)
~ sb/sth o# sb/sth: I thin# you are mista#in$ me for someone. (valakivel sszekeversz)

~ &bo't sb/sth: "ou are !ompletely mista#en about them. (nagyon tvedsz vel!k
~ &s to sth: They were mista#en as to her feelin$s. (tvedsben ltek)
MOVE (mozog, mozdt)
~: He didn7t move.
~ sth: He moved his head.
~ #o$ 7/to7:,e moved from the !ity to the !ountry. (elkltzt!nk)
~ sb (#o$7 to7): Hes bein$ moved (to the *aris offi!e). (thelyezik)
~ %nto/o't o sth: He moved into his new flat. (bekltztt)
~ sb (to sth): The performan!e moved me (to tears). (meghatott)
~ sb to "o sth: His spee!h moved me to believe in his theory. (arra ksztetett, hogy)
NAME (nevez, elnevez)
~ sb/sth sth: ,e named the !at Ti$er.
~ sb/sth &te#/o# sb: She is named after/for her $randmother. (a nagymamja utn neveztk
~ sb: The !riminal has not been named yet. (mg nem neveztk meg)
~ sb (&s) sth: Bore has been named (as) the nominee for the +emo!rats. (jelltk)
~ sb (to sth): He was named (to the board) in &r. %oness pla!e. (kineveztk)
(!N)NAT!RAL (termszetes)
~ (o# sb/sth) to "o sth: It is natural (for everybody) to be sad sometimes.
~ (th&t): It is natural (that) we are hun$ry after wal#in$ so mu!h.
~ (th&t) sb sho'l" "o sth: It is natural (that) !hildren should help their parents.
(!N)NE(ESSAR4 (szksges)
~ (o# sb/sth) to "o sth: It is ne!essary (for new)born babies) to eat every three hours.
~ th&t: It is ne!essary that she is there.
~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: It is ne!essary that the #in$ (should) be han$ed.
NEED (szksge van)
~ sth: I need money.
~ sth &".: I need my stea# well)done. (jl ts!tve krem)
~ "o%n*/to be "one: The room needs !leanin$/to be !leaned. (rfrne a szobra egy kis
~ to "o sth: She needs to be more !areful. (vatosabbnak kellene lennie)
~ sb to "o sth: I need you to do me a favour. (meg kell tenned egy szvessget nekem)
~ sth "one: I need these letters typed by four. (Beg"elve krnm ezeket a leveleket.)
NEGLE(T (elhanyagol)
~ sth: He ne$le!ted his studies.
~ to "o sth: She ne$le!ted to mention that she was married. (elfelejtette megemlteni)
NEGOTIATE (trgyal)
~ (o#/&bo't sth): ,e ne$otiated (for hi$her pay) last wee#.
~ sth: ,e ne$otiated the release of the hosta$es. (megegyezt!nk)
~ -%th sb (o#/&bo't sth): The president ne$otiated with the opposition leaders (about ta1es).
~ to "o sth: The investors ne$otiated to buy the plot.
NERVO!S (ideges)
~ &bo't/o sth: I was nervous about my new job.
~ "o%n* sth: Some people feel nervous $oin$ throu$h !ustoms. (idegesek a vmvizsglatnl)
NE+ ($)
~ to sb: This #ind of musi! is !ompletely new to me.
~ to sth: I am new to the system.
NI(E (kellemes)
~ to sb: He was really ni!e to her. (kedves)
~ to "o sth: She is ni!e to #now.
%t %s ~ "o%n* sth: It was ni!e meetin$ you. (Cr!lk, hogy tallkoztunk.)
%t %s ~ o sb (to "o sth): It was ni!e of you to a!!ompany me. (kedves volt tled)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: Its ni!e to meet you a$ain.
~ th&t: It is ni!e that you !an join us.
~ &bo't sth: The !ompany was ni!e about my !omplaint. (jl reaglt a "anaszra)
~ sb (&s) sth: He was nominated (as) best a!tor.
~ sb (o# sth): She has been nominated for the 2!ademy 2ward.
~ sb (to sth): He was nominated (to the board). (#ineve=tO#)
~ sth (&s sth): 9 &ay was nominated as the day of the final e1ams. (mjus )6t jelltk ki)
~ sb to "o sth: He was nominated to !arry the Alympi! tor!h. (kijelltk)
NOTE (megfigyel)
~ sth: Dote the beautiful <aro(ue furniture in the room.
~ (th&t): She noted (that) the weather was lovely. (megjegyezte)
~ -h: Dote how mon#eys eat bananas.
NOTI(E (szrevesz)
~: He was bein$ lau$hed at, but he didnt noti!e.
~ sth: He noti!ed a small $reen obje!t in the $arden. (figyelmes lett)
~ sb/sth "o sth: ,e didnt noti!e him !ome in. ('em vett!k szre, amikor bejtt.)
~ sb/sth "o%n* sth: I noti!ed him dan!in$ with his teddy bear. (Dszrevettem, hogy a
jtkma%kjval tn%ol.)
~ (th&t): I noti!ed (that) she wasnt wearin$ a bra.
~ -h: I didnt noti!e how sad she was.
OB1E(T (ellenez)
~ to sb/sth: The president obje!ted to the new finan!ial poli!y.
~ to (sb/sb9s) "o%n* sth: I obje!ted to (him/his) leavin$ the !amp. (elleneztem, hogy elhagyja)
~ th&t: He obje!ted that he was dismissed without any e1planation. (tiltakozott, hogy)
OBLIGE (k"telez)
~ sb to "o sth: The law obli$es !hildren to $o to s!hool until they are si1teen.
~ sb (-%th sth): Im very sorry I !an7t obli$e you with !i$arettes, sir. ('agyon sajnlom, de
nem ll mdomban %igarettval megknlni.)
~ sb (b3 "o%n* sth): He obli$ed me by lendin$ his flat to me. (lektelezett)
OBLIGED (lek"telezett, hls)
~ to sb (o# ("o%n*) sth): ,e are mu!h obli$ed to you (for helpin$ us). (nagyon hlsak
~ to "o sth: Some !hildren are obli$ed to wor# to help their families. (ktelesek)

OBLIVIO!S (nincs tudat!an)
~ to/o sth: She was oblivious to/of the dan$er around her.
OBVIO!S (nyilvnval)
%t %s ~ (to sb) (th&t): Its obvious (to everyone) (that) we are all responsible.
%t %s ~ -h: It was obvious why they !ame.
O((!R (t"rtnik)
~: The !rash o!!urred while the plane was landin$.
the#e ~ sth: There o!!urred an a!!ident on the hi$hway.
~ to sb: The idea o!!urred to him while runnin$. (akkor tltt fel benne a gondolat)
~ to sb to "o sth: It o!!urred to %ohn to invite %ane for a drin#. (eszbe jutott)
~ to sb th&t: It didn7t o!!ur to me that this affair !ould ever end. (eszembe sem jutott)
ODD (furcsa)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It must be odd to live alone.
~ th&t: Its odd that she hasnt written.
~ (th&t) sb sho'l" "o sth: Its odd (that) she should say su!h thin$s.
O22ER (anl, felanl)
~ sth (to sb) (o# sth): The !ompany offers a bonus (to its employees) (for doin$ overtime).
(a %g t$lrt fizet)
~ sb sth: ,e offered him the house while we were abroad.
~ to "o sth: &y brother offered to do the washin$ up.
OMIT (elfelet, elmulaszt)
~ sth/sb (#o$ sth): They omitted my name (from the list). (trltk a nevem a listrl)
~ "o%n*/to "o sth: The arti!le omitted to point out that the story had !ome from Di$erian
offi!ial sour!es.
O)EN (kinylik, kinyit)
~: The window opened in the middle of the ni$ht.
~ sth (&".): ,e opened the door (wide).
~ b3 "o%n* sth: He opened the !eremony by than#in$ the sponsors. (azzal nyitotta meg az
~ -%th (sb "o%n*) sth: The boo# opens with (the writer $ivin$) a borin$ des!ription.
O)ERATE (m#k"dik)
~: This ma!hine wont operate without an e1pert.
~ sth: The !ompany operates a late)ni$ht servi!e. (m/kdtet)
~ on sb (o# sth): She was operated on for appendi!itis. (megm/tttk)
~ (on sb/sth): The sur$eon operated (on her/on her stoma!h) last ni$ht. (mego"erlta)
O)T (vlaszt, d"nt)
~ o#/&*&%nst sth: ,e opted for/a$ainst a !areer in e!onomi!s.
~ to "o sth: The other parties opted to wait and see.
ORDER (rendel)
~ (sb sth): Have you ordered (yourself anythin$) yet-
~ (sth) (o# sb): I ordered (a stea#) (for him).
~ sth: The ministry ordered an in(uiry. (kivizsglst rendelt el)
~ sb to "o sth: The do!tor ordered her to stay at home. (az orvos azt rendelte, hogy)
~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: The dire!tor ordered that everyone (should) arrive on time.
ORGANIZE (szervez, elrendez)
~ sth: Its hard to or$ani=e a !onferen!e.
~ onesel/sb: She is unable to or$ani=e herself. (k"telen sszeszedett lenni)
~ sb (%nto sth): They or$ani=ed themselves (into an asso!iation). (tmr!ltek)
~ sth/sb to "o sth: ,e or$ani=ed a ta1i to pi!# them up at the airport.
O+E (tartozik)
~ (sb) sth (o# sth): I owe (him) HM: (for the ti!#ets).
~ sth (to sb) (o# sth): I owe HM: (to him) (for the ti!#ets).
~ sb sth: "ou owe me a favour. (tartozol egy szvessggel)
~ sth to sb: She owes her su!!ess to me. (nekem ksznheti a sikert)
)AIN (f)
~ sb: He was deeply pained by her behaviour. (mlyen megbntdott)
%t ~ sb to "o sth: It pained her to thin# about her !hildhood. (fjt mg %sak rgondolni is)
%t ~ sb th&t: It pained her that he had left her.
)ARTI(I)ATE (rsztvesz)
~ %n sth: She parti!ipated in the !ompetition.
)ASS (halad, elhalad)
~: 4ars !ouldnt pass be!ause of the roadwor#s.
~ (sth): She finally mana$ed to pass (the e1am). (siker!lt t70;;zrozni magt a vizsgn)
~ sb: She passed me in the street yesterday.
~ (sb) sth: 4ould you pass (me) the pepper, please- (ideadnd)
~ sth (to sb): 4ould you pass the pepper (to me), please-
~ &".: The smallest hint of la=iness !annot pass unnoti!ed. (nem m$lhat el szrevtlen!l)
~ t%$e "o%n* sth: ,e passed the evenin$ playin$ darts. (azzal tlttt!k az estt)
~ (on sth): He passed (on the (uestion). ("asszolt)
~ o#/&s sb/sth: She !ould easily pass for/as a prin!ess. (elmenne her%egnnek)
~ sth (on sb): The jud$e finally passed senten!e on them. (kimondta az tletet)

)ASSIONATE (szenvedlyes)
~ &bo't sth: He is passionate about !ars. (lelkesedik a ko%sik irnt)
(IM))ATIENT (trelmes)
~ -%th sb/sth: He is really patient with !hildren.
)A4 (fizet, kifizet)
~ sb: She was unwillin$ to pay me.
~ sb o# sth: I paid him for the house.
~ sth (to sb): He paid the bill/ransom/fee/fine (to her).
~ sb sth: He paid her the bill/ransom/fee/fine.
~ sth (to "o sth): I paid a lot of money to have my !ar fi1ed. (sokba ker!lt)
~ o# sb (to "o sth): Her parents paid for her to study abroad. (fizettk a tanulmnyait)
~ (sb) to "o sth: It would pay (you) to use an a!!ountant. (kifizetd lenne szmodra)
~ (sb) &"6: This job will pay (you) well. (jl fizet munka)
)E(!LIAR (kl"n"s)
~ to sb/sth: This is a mon#ey pe!uliar to Sri @an#a. (k!lnleges ;ri Banka6i majom)
)ER2ORM (elad)
~ (sth): ,e performed (the play) in the open air.
~ &"6: She performed really well at the e1am. (jl teljestett)
)ERMIT (engedlyez)
~ sth: ,e dont permit mobile phones durin$ the lesson.
~ onesel sth: She permitted herself a beer. (megengedett magnak)
~ sb to "o sth: The $uards didnt permit visitors to enter the !astle.
~ "o%n* sth: They dont permit smo#in$ in the area. (nem szabad)
sth ~ o sth: The rule permits of no other interpretation. (nem enged meg)

)ERSEVERE (kitart)
~ -%th sb/sth: He persevered with his Cren!h lessons. (kitartan jrt)
~ %n sth/"o%n* sth: He persevered in attendin$ Cren!h lessons.
)ERSIST (kitart)
~ %n/-%th sth: He persisted in/with his in(uiry.
~ %n "o%n* sth: He persisted in !ontinuin$ his in(uiry.
)ERS!ADE (r!eszl)
~ sb %nto/o't o ("o%n*) sth: ,e persuaded her into/out of !allin$ him.
~ sb o sth: He persuaded me of his inno!en!e. (meggyztt)
~ sb to "o sth: She persuaded me to enter the !ontest.
~ sb th&t: He persuaded me that the film was worth seein$. (meggyztt)
)LAN (tervez, megtervez)
~ sth: He planned the opera house.
~ sth (o# sth): ,e planned everythin$ for the trip. (mindent eltervezt!nk)
~ to "o sth: She is plannin$ to have a !hild soon.
~ th&t: They planned that they would meet the ne1t day.
~ -h: ,e didnt plan what we were $oin$ to say.
~ on ("o%n*) sth: ,e havent planned on $oin$ out toni$ht.
~ o# sb: The or$ani=ers only planned for two hundred people. (ktszz emberre terveztk)
)LA4 (tszik)
~ (-%th sb/sth): The baby was playin$ (with the new toy) all day.
~ sth (-%th sb): ,e played ball $ames (with the !hildren).
~ (&t/&t "o%n*) sth: The boys played (at/at bein$) soldiers. (katonsdit jtszottak)
~ (sth) (-%th/&*&%nst sb): He played (tennis) (a$ainst <ill) yesterday.
~ sb (&t sth): Have you played him at badminton yet- (jtszottl mr ellene)
~ sth (to/o# sb): She played the piano (to/for her father). (zongorzott)
~ o# sb: She played for her father.
~ sb sth: He played us a son$. (eljtszott nek!nk egy dalt)
~ sth (on sth): He played a son$ (on his $uitar).
)LEAD (k"ny"r"g)
~ (-%th sb) (o# sth): She pleaded with him for her freedom.
~ to "o sth: He pleaded to $o.
~ (th&t): He pleaded that he was inno!ent. (rtatlannak vallotta magt)
~ sth: His lawyer told him to plead mental illness. (hivatkozzon elmezavarra)
~ sth (o# sth): He pleaded his mothers illness for his absen!e. (desanyja betegsgre
~ o# sb/sth: She pleaded for the abolition of the death penalty. (felemelte szavt)
)LEASANT (kellemes)
~ to sb: ,e did all we !ould to be pleasant to the old lady. (hogy az ids nni kedvre
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It was pleasant to have dinner with you.
%t %s ~ "o%n* sth: It was pleasant wal#in$ in the A!tober afternoon.
%t %s ~ (th&t): It was pleasant (that) she found the son$ painless.

)LEASED (elgedett)
~ -%th sb/sth: He was pleased with himself. (elgedett volt nmagval)
~ &bo't/-%th/&t sth: She was pleased about her results. (elgedett volt az eredmnyeivel)
~ to "o sth: I was pleased to hear from you. (r!ltem, hogy hallok felled)
~ th&t: ,e are pleased that you !ould !ome. (r!l!nk, hogy el tudtl jnni)
)OINT (mutat)
~ (&t/to/to-&#"s sb/sth): It is rude to point (at people). (nem illik mutogatni)
~ sth (&t sb/sth): He pointed the $un at his wifes lover. (rfogta a fegyvert)
~ to sth: 2ll her rea!tions point to her $uilt. (a b/nssgre utalnak)
~ &"6: The si$n points west.
)OINTLESS (rtelmetlen)
%t %s ~ "o%n*/to "o sth: It is pointless waitin$/to wait anymore.
(IM))OLITE (udvarias)
~ to sb: He was polite to the old lady.
~ to "o sth: ,e were (im)polite to leave them alone.
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was polite (of her) not to as# anythin$.
)O)!LAR (npszer#)
~ -%th sb: The Breat ,all of 4hina is popular with tourists.
)OSITIVE (!iztos)
~ &bo't sth: She has always been positive about the future. ("ozitvan llt hozz)
~ th&t: ,e were positive that he would !ome.
(IM))OSSIBLE (lehetsges)
%t %s ~ (o# sb) to "o sth: Is it possible for us to stay for the ni$ht- (,aradhatunk jszakra-)
~ th&t: Its possible that Ill be a bit late.
)OST)ONE (elhalaszt)
~ sth (to/'nt%l sth): They postponed the outin$ (until &onday).
~ "o%n* sth: They postponed buildin$ the new under$round line.
)O!R (t"lt)
%t ~: Its pourin$, ta#e an umbrella. (szakad az es)
~ sb sth: He poured me some !offee.
~ sth o# sb: He poured some !offee for me.
)RA(TISE (gyakorol)
~ (o# sth): She is pra!tisin$ (for her !on!ert).
~ sth (on sb/sth): She had been pra!tisin$ her method (on him) for years.
~ "o%n* sth: He pra!tised typin$ all day.
~ &s sth: She pra!tised as a do!tor in the 0S2. (az E;06ban "raktizlt)
)RA4 (imdkozik)
~ (to sb) (o# sb/sth): She was prayin$ to Bod for her sons.
~ to "o sth: He prayed to be free.
~ o# sb to "o sth: She prayed for her son to be free.
~ (to sb) (th&t): She prayed (to Bod) (that) her husband would !ome ba!#.
)REDI(T (sol)
~ sth: He predi!ted a bri$ht future.
~ (th&t): She predi!ted (that) she would marry in a year.
~ -h: Do one !ould predi!t what would happen ne1t.
sth %s ~e" to "o sth: The rain is predi!ted to stop in a few days. (0z elrejelzsek szerint "r
na"on bel!l elll az es.)
%t %s ~e" th&t: It is predi!ted that the rain will stop in a few days.
)RE2ER (o!!an szeret)
~ sth (to sth): I prefer tea to !offee.
~ sth &".: I prefer my stea# well)done. (jl ts!tve szeretem)
~ "o%n* sth (to sth): She prefers hi#in$ to runnin$.
~ to "o sth (#&the# th&n): He prefers to be alone rather than be/bein$ with other people.
~ sb to "o sth: I prefer him to stay at home. (0zt szeretnm, hogy itthon maradjon.)
~ th&t: Id prefer that you stayed out of this ar$ument. (helyesebben tennd)
~ %t %: ,ed prefer it if you !ame in person.
)RE1!DI(ED (eltlete van)
~ &*&%nst sb/sth: They are prejudi!ed a$ainst 5astern medi!ine.
)REO((!)IED (nagyon foglalkoztata vmi)
~ -%th sth: He was preo!!upied with the problems of the journey.
)RE)ARE (kszt, felkszt)
~ sth (#o$ sth): She prepared a salad from fresh ve$etables.
~ sb (o# sb/sth): They prepare students (for the entran!e e1am).
~ sth (o# sb/sth): She prepared a salad for the party.
~ (onesel) (o# sth): They were preparin$ (themselves) (for the battle) for months.
~ to "o sth: ,e were preparin$ to $o abroad. (1!lfldre ksz!ld!nk.)
~ sb/onesel to "o sth: They prepared themselves to ta#e a ris#.
)RE)ARED (felkszlt)
~ o# sth: ,e were prepared for the worst. (fel vagyunk ksz!lve)
~ to "o sth: I wasnt prepared to help her. (nem voltam hajland)
)RESENT (andkoz)
~ sb -%th sth: Her friends presented her with a hat.
~ sth to sb: The (ueen presented the paintin$ to the Dational Ballery.
~ sth (o# sth): His plan was presented for !onsideration. (elterjesztettk)
~ sth (to sb): He presented his proposal to the !ommittee. (elterjesztette)
~ sth/sb/onesel &s: The writer presented %ohn as a ne$ative hero. (negatv hsknt brzolta)
~ sb (to sb): He presented his fian!Oe to his parents. (bemutatta a menyasszonyt)
)RESS (szort, nyom)
~ sth/sb/onesel &*&%nst sth: She pressed (her head) a$ainst the door.
~ sth to sth: He pressed a pillow to his fa!e.
~ sth to*ethe#: He pressed his hands to$ether.
~ sb o# sth: They are pressin$ me for the money. (7nzt akarnak bellem kiszedni.)
~ sb (%nto sth/%nto "o%n* sth): &y parents are pressin$ me (into the family business).
(nyomst gyakorolnak rm)
~ (o#) sb to "o sth: The publi! has pressed (for) the $overnment to a!t immediately. (azt
kvetelte a kormnytl)
~ sb on ("o%n*) sth: They pressed I<& on these issues. (nyomst gyakoroltak)
)RES!ME (felttelez)
~ sth< The lawyer presumed her inno!en!e.
~ sb (to be) &".: The lawyer presumed her (to be) inno!ent. (rtatlannak tartja az !gyvdje)
~ sb to "o sth: She presumed him to be the mana$er.
~ (th&t): I presumed (that) he was aware of the !onditions.
%t %s ~e" th&t: It is presumed that he died in the war. (lltlag)
~ to "o sth: I wouldnt presume to tell you how to behave towards your !lients.
)RETEND (sznlel, $gy tesz)
~ to "o sth: He pretended to love her.
~ (to sb) (th&t): He pretended (to his mother) (that) everythin$ was fine.
)REVENT (megakadlyoz)
~ sth: Dobody !ould have prevented that a!!ident.
~ sb #o$ ("o%n*) sth: His physi!al handi!ap !ouldnt prevent him from (attendin$) all the
~ "o%n* sth: She prevented puttin$ too mu!h money into the business.
~ sb/sb9s "o%n* sth: Her absen!e didnt prevent him/his thin#in$ about her.
)RO(EED (halad)
~ -%th sth: ,e are pro!eedin$ with the wor#s slowly.
)RO0IBIT (megtilt)
~ sth: Smo#in$ is prohibited in the hospital.
~ sb #o$ "o%n* sth: His do!tor prohibited him from drivin$. (megtiltotta neki)
)ROMISE (gr, meggr)
~ sth (to sb): He has promised some boo#s (to us).
~ sb sth: She promised me her help.
~ to "o sth: He promised to help me.
~ (sb) (th&t): She promised (me) (that) she would be pun!tual.
sth ~ to be &"./sth: The mat!h yesterday promised to be e1!itin$. (izgalmasnak grkezett)
)ROMOTE (ellptet)
~ sb (#o$ sth) (to sth): He was promoted (from $rade seven) (to $rade ei$ht). (nyol%adikos
~ sth &s sth: The !astle is promoted as a tourist attra!tion. (turista ltvnyossgknt
)RONE (halamos)
~ to sth: 4hildren are prone to illnesses.
~ to "o sth: Tired drivers are prone to fall asleep.
)RO)OSE (avasol)
~ sb o#/&s sth: I propose her for/as *resident.
~ sth to sth: He proposed a !han$e to the system.
~ (to "o) sth: I propose (to ma#e) an early start.
~ ("o%n*) sth: I propose (ma#in$) an early start.
~ (th&t): I propose (that) he waits for a while.
~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: I proposed that he (should) wait for a while.
%t %s ~" th&t: It is proposed that all the e(uipment is installed on the premises.
%t %s ~" th&t sb/sb (sho'l") "o sth: It was proposed that he (should) be ele!ted for ?: years.
)ROTE(T (vd, megvd)
~ &*&%nst sth: 2 new va!!ine will prote!t a$ainst pneumonia.
~ sb/sth &*&%nst sth: +rin#in$ a lot of tea prote!ted him a$ainst the flu.
~ sb #o$ sth: This sun shade will prote!t you from the sun.
)ROTEST (tiltakozik)
~ (to sb) &bo't/&*&%nst/&t sth: Students were protestin$ (to the prin!ipal) about the
unfairness of the e1am.
~ (th&t): He protests (that) he #nows nothin$ about the murder. (azt lltja)
)RO!D (!szke)
~ o sb/sth: He was proud of his vi!tories.
~ to "o sth: He was proud to announ!e the birth of his !hild. (b!szkn jelentette be)
~ th&t: ,e were proud that he won.
)ROVE (!izonyt, !e!izonyt)
~ sth (to sb): He tried to prove his statement (to the jury).
~ sb &".: The dete!tive proved the two men $uilty.
~ onesel (to sb): He is always provin$ himself (to others).
~ onesel (to be) sth: He proved himself (to be) a hardwor#in$ man.
~ (th&t): He tried to prove (that) he was inno!ent.
%t %s ~ " th&t: It was proved that he was inno!ent. (bebizonyosodott)
~ -h: She !ouldnt prove where shed been.
sb/sth ~ (to be) sth/&".: Their new play proved (to be) su!!essful/a $reat su!!ess. (nagy
sikernek bizonyult)
~ &". to "o sth: The (uestion proved impossible to answer. (lehetetlennek bizonyult
vlaszolni a krdsre)
~ to "o sth: Ald people prove to need !onstant !are.
)ROVIDE (!iztost)
~ sth (o# sb/sth): He provided a!!ommodation (for everybody).
~ o# sb/sth: She has to provide for her !hildren. (gondoskodnia kell)
~ sb -%th sth: He provided everybody with a!!ommodation.
~ o# sth: The !onstitution provides for a multiparty system. (rendelkezik)
~ th&t: This bill provides that money should be allo!ated for flood !ontrol. (a trvnyjavaslat
)!NIS0 (!ntet, meg!ntet)
~ sb (o# sth/"o%n* sth): The tea!her punished the !hild (for tellin$ a lie).
~ sth (b3/-%th sth): The wit!h was punished (with the death penalty).
)!S0 (nyom)
~ sb %nto ("o%n*) sth: She pushed me into (ta#in$ up) #arate. (rbeszlt)
~ sb to "o sth: She pushed me to ta#e up #arate. (rbeszlt)
,!ALI2IED (kpzett)
~ o# sth: She is (ualified for the job.
~ &s sth: She is (ualified as a therapist.
~ to "o sth: She is (ualified to do the job.
,!ARREL (veszekedik)
~ (-%th sb) (&bo't/o6e# sth): They (uarrelled (with ea!h other) (about the household !hores).
,!ESTION (kihallgat)
~ sb &bo't/on sth: She was (uestioned about the robbery.
~ sth: I have never (uestioned her honesty. (sohasem vontam ktsgbe)
~ -h: He (uestioned whether I was ri$ht. (megkrdjelezte, hogy)
,!I(K (gyors)
~ &t ("o%n*) sth: Hes (ui!# at (solvin$) problems.
~ to "o sth: She is really (ui!# to learn.
RAISE (felemel, megemel)
~ sth: Help us to raise fundsJ (anyagi ala"ot teremteni)
~ sth (to sth): They raised my salary to .M,::: Corints. HoorayJ
~ sb #o$ sth: He raised her from the dead. (feltmasztotta)
~ onesel: ,alter slowly raised himself upri$ht in the !hair. (felemelkedett)
REA(T (reagl)
~ (to sth): How did she rea!t (to the news)-
~ b3 "o%n* sth: He rea!ted by shoutin$.
~ &*&%nst sth: He rea!ted a$ainst the Spartan environment of *otsdam. (ellenllt)
READ (olvas)
~: She was readin$ all afternoon.
~ sth (to sb/onesel): She read tales (to her do$s).
~ (sb) sth: She read (her do$s) tales.
~ &bo't/o sth: I read about the plane !rash in 4airo.
~ th&t: She read that her mother was a pilot.
~ sth (&s sth): He thou$ht his smile was read as an insult. (srtsnek vettk)
~ l%/e sth: His spee!hes read li#e hai#us. ($gy hatnak, mintha)
sth ~s &".: Their first boo# reads well. (jl olvashat)
~ sth %nto sth: +ont read too mu!h into her rea!tions. (ne magyarzz bele)
READ4 (ksz)
~ o# sth: 2re you ready for the show-
~ -%th sth: She is always ready with $ood ideas. (mindig van valami j tlete)
~ to "o sth: He is always ready to fi$ht.
REALIZE (felismer, megrt)
~ sth: +id you reali=e your mista#e-
~ (th&t): He reali=ed that he had been !heated.
%t %s ~" th&t: It was realised that all their military se!rets had been lost. (kider!lt)
~ -h: Dobody reali=ed how important the de!ision was.
RE(ALL (emlkszik)
~ sth: He !ouldnt re!all my phone number.
~ "o%n* sth: He !ouldnt re!all tal#in$ to her.
~ sb "o%n* sth: I !ouldnt re!all him answerin$ the (uestion.
~ th&t: He re!alled that she always had !offee at ?:.
~ -h: He !ouldnt re!all where they had met.
RE(KON (!ecsl)
~ sth &t sth: I re!#on the !ost at about a million.
~ to "o sth: ,e re!#on to finish the tas# by &onday the latest. ($gy szmoljuk)
sb/sth %s ~e" to "o sth: He is re!#oned to be hi$hly talented. ('agyon tehetsgesnek tartjk.)
~ (th&t): I re!#on (that) its mu!h healthier to live outside the !ity. ($gy gondolom)
%t %s ~e" th&t: It was re!#oned that he would be promoted. (mindenki azt gondolta, hogy)
~ %t sth: ,e re!#on it a vi!tory that theyve a!!epted our proposal. (gyzelemnek knyvelj!k
RE(OGNIZE (megismer, felismer)
~ sb/sth (b3/#o$) sth: ,e re!o$ni=ed her (by/from her voi!e).
~ sth (&s sth): The $overnment re!o$ni=ed violen!e on T8 as a problem. (elismerte, hogy)
sth/sb %s ~" to be: He is re!o$ni=ed to be an e1pert in this field. (elismert szakrt)
sb/sth %s ~" &s sth: He is re!o$ni=ed as an e1pert.
~ th&t: He re!o$ni=ed that she hated her job. (beismerte)
%t %s ~" th&t: It was re!o$ni=ed that the proposal was not viable. (elismertk)
~ -h: She re!o$ni=ed how important the matter was.
~ sb/sth (to sb): 4an you re!ommend a $ood lan$ua$e s!hool (to me)-
~ sb/sth &s sb/sth: She was re!ommended as a plumber.
~ sb/sth o# sth: He was re!ommended for the job.
~ sb to "o sth: I re!ommended %oe to ta#e over the job. (<oe6t ajnlottam)
~ "o%n* sth: I re!ommended $oin$ by bus.
~ sb9s "o%n* sth: He re!ommended their buyin$ a new house.
~ (th&t): ,e re!ommended (that) you !ome after nine.
~ (to sb) th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: He re!ommended (to us) that our money (should) be
%t %s ~" (th&t) sb/sth sho'l" "o sth: It is re!ommended (that) you should wear a helmet.
~ -h: 2ttendan!e is stron$ly re!ommended where the suspe!t is a person at ris#. (melegen
RED!(E (cs"kkent)
~ sth (b3 sth): The pri!e of this frid$e is redu!ed by M:V.
~ sth (#o$ sth) (to sth): ,e have redu!ed the len$th of the journey from two wee#s to one.
~ sb to "o%n* sth: She was redu!ed to be$$in$ him to help. (odig leala%sonyodott, hogy)
RE2ER (utal)
~ to sth: He referred to the previous lesson by mentionin$ the Tur#s.
~ sb to 7: He was referred to the best !lini!. (beutaltk)
RE2LE(T (gondolkodik, t"preng)
~ (on/'8on sth): ,ell need to refle!t (on the !onse(uen!es).
~ th&t: She refle!ted that she would probably never see the pla!e a$ain.
~ -h: @o!al plannin$ must refle!t what people, not developers, want. (azt kell t!krznie)
RE2RAIN (tartzkodik)
~ #o$ ("o%n*) sth: ,e were as#ed to refrain from smo#in$.
RE2!SE (megtagad, visszautast)
~ (sb) sth: He refused (them) nothin$.
~ to "o sth: The $overnment refused to !omment on se!urity matters.
REGARD (tekint, tart)
~ sb/sth -%th sth: He re$arded them with !ontempt. (,egvetssel szemllte ket.)
~ sb/sth &s: He re$arded her as an e1!ellent !andidate.
~ %t &s &". to "o sth: She re$arded it as dishonest to !heat on the e1am.
REGRET (sanl)
~ sth: I re$ret nothin$.
~ to "o sth: I re$ret to inform you that your appli!ation has not been a!!epted. (sajnlattal
~ "o%n* sth: I re$ret sayin$/havin$ said su!h a horrible thin$. (;ajnlom, hogy ilyen borzaszt
dolgot mondtam.)
~ th&t: I re$ret that I was unable to attend your weddin$.
-o'l" ~ %t %: I would re$ret it if I didnt jump at this opportunity.
~ -h: She re$rets what shes done.
RELATED (rokona)
~ to sb/sth: He is related to the president somehow. (rokona)
RELEVANT (lnyeges)
~ to sb/sth: This is not relevant to our dis!ussion.
~ o# sb/sth: There is no doubt that !apital is relevant for ma#in$ de!isions.
REL4 (!zik)
~ on/'8on sb/sth (o# sth): ,e rely on !omputers (for help). (szmtg"ekre tmaszkodunk)
~ on/'8on sb/sth (to "o sth): ,e rely on !omputers (to help us).
~ on/'8on sb/sb9s "o%n* sth: I relied on you/your !omin$ to the party. (bztam benne, hogy)
~ on/'8on sth "o%n* sth: "ou !an rely on the pri!es stayin$ the same.
REMAIN (marad)
~ (&s) sth: She remained (as) a member of parliament for another term.
the#e ~s sth: There remained some (uestions about his proposal.
~ &".: ,e remained silent after the film.
~ to "o sth: They remained to see the mat!h.
%t ~s to be "one: It remains to be settled in !ourt how mu!h !ompensation they will $et.
(majd a brsgon elvlik, hogy)
%t ~s &". th&t: It remains true that money doesnt ne!essarily mean happiness. (rk igazsg,
REMEMBER (emlkszik)
~ : They must have met before but he !ouldnt remember.
~ sb/sth: I didnt remember his birthday.
~ sb/sth &s sb/sth: I remember her as a youn$ $irl.
~ sb/sth o# sth: This pla!e will always be remembered for the battle.
~ to "o sth: Ill remember to post your letter. (nem fogom elfelejteni, hogy feladjam)
~ "o%n* sth: I remember wal#in$ in the forest with him. (emlkszem, amikor stltam)
~ sb/sb9s "o%n* sth: I remember him/his bein$ very tal#ative.
~ (th&t): She remembered (that) she had a date.
~ -h: He !ouldnt remember how to ma#e spa$hetti sau!e.
~ sb to sb: *lease remember me to your sister. (add t az !dvzletem)
REMIND (emlkeztet)
~ sb o/&bo't sth: He reminded me of my promise.
~ sb o sb/sth: "ou remind me of 0n!le Sam.
~ sb to "o sth: She reminded me to !lose the door.
~ sb (th&t): He reminded me that the outin$ had been put off.
~ sb -h: *lease remind me when the film starts.
RE)EAT (megismtel)
~ sth (to sb): 4an you repeat the (uestion (to me), please-
~ sth (&te# sb): Gepeat the senten!es after me.
~ onesel: Tell me if Im repeatin$ myself. (ha ismtlem magam)
~ th&t: She repeated that the !ase was really ur$ent.
RE)LA(E (kicserl)
~ sb/sth (b3/-%th sb/sth): ,e have just repla!ed the old monitor (with a new one).
RE)L4 (vlaszol)
~ (to sb/sth) (-%th sth): She replied (to me) (with a smile).
~ th&t: He replied that he !ouldnt ma#e a de!ision alone.

RE)ORT (elent, !eszmol)
~ (on) sth (to sb): The journalist reported (on) whalin$ (to the Dational Beo$raphi! 4hannel).
~ to sb: Hotel $uests are as#ed to report to the re!eptionist on arrival. (jelentkezni)
~ sb/sth &".: They reported the vi!tim badly injured.
~ sb (to sb) (o# sth): *eli#'n was reported (to the se!ret poli!e) (for ownin$ a pi$).
(feljelentettk, azrt)
~ sb/sth &s ("o%n*) sth: The buildin$ was reported as bein$ in bad !ondition.
~ "o%n* sth: They reported seein$ her in the forest.
sb/sth %s ~e" to "o sth: The buildin$ was reported to be in a bad !ondition.
~ th&t: The pro$ramme reported that pri!es would not rise.
%t %s ~e" th&t: It is reported that the epidemi! is spreadin$.
~ -h: Its been reported where the robber is hidin$.
RE)RESENT (kpvisel)
~ sb/sth: 0nions represent wor#ers.
~ sb/sth &s sth: The (ueen is represented as an an$el in the film. (angyalknt brzoljk)
~ sb/sth "o%n* sth: The paintin$ represents the earl #illin$ the #in$. (a kirly
meggyilkolsakor brzolja)
~ sth (to sb): She represented her !laims (to the insuran!e !ompany). (beny$jtotta krtrtsi
~ th&t: The !ourt held that the a!!used represented that the ban# owed him the money and
that he was entitled to withdraw it. (azt az lls"ontot k"viselte)
RE,!EST (krelmez, kr)
~ sth (#o$ sb): ,e re(uested information (from the a$en!y).
~ sb to "o sth: Bentlemen are re(uested to wear a ja!#et.
~ (o sb) th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: The $uard re(uested (of them) that they (should) leave their
!ameras outside.
RE,!IRE (szksge van vmire)
~ sth: ,e re(uire e1tra help.
~ sth (o sb): 5ffi!ien!y is re(uired (of a se!retary) in our !ompany.
~ sb to "o sth: The !ar re(uires an e1pert to repair it.
~ th&t: The rule re(uires that you !an only smo#e in the !ourtyard. (a szably megkveteli)
~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth< The situation re(uires that I should be there. (a helyzet
%t %s ~" (o sb) th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: It is re(uired that all information should be provided
to the patient. (ktelez) /It is re(uired (of me) that I (should) $ive eviden!e. (azt kvnjk
tlem, hogy)
sth ~s "o%n* sth: 2ll !ars re(uire servi!in$.
RESIGN (lemond)
~ (&s sth): He resi$ned (as !hairman) last year.
RESIST (ellenll)
~ (sth): The poli!e resisted the demands of the #idnapper.
~ "o%n* sth: She resisted tellin$ him about the surprise.
RES)OND (vlaszol)
~ (to sth) -%th sth: He responded (to my su$$estion) with a lau$h.
~ (to sth) b3 "o%n* sth: He responded (to my su$$estion) by lau$hin$.
~ th&t: She responded that it wasnt her fault.
RES)ONSIBLE (felels)
~ o# sb/sth: He is responsible for the proje!t.
~ o# "o%n* sth: ,e are responsible for #illin$ the prisoners.
~ to sb/sth: He is responsible to the president only. (az elnknek kteles beszmolni)
~ to "o sth: It was not responsible to show a pro$ramme li#e that on television. (feleltlensg
REVEAL (elrul, felfed)
~ sth (to sb): The journalist revealed the truth (to the publi!).
~ &s sb/sth: She was revealed as a spy. (lele"leztk)
~ (th&t): His fa!e revealed that he was nervous.
%t %s ~e" th&t: It has been revealed that the !riminals have left the !ountry.
~ -h: His fa!e didnt reveal how he felt.
RIG0T (helyes)
~ &bo't sb/sth: "ou were ri$ht about him, he is really stupid. (igazad volt vele ka"%solatban)
~ to "o sth: He was ri$ht to leave her. (igaza volt, hogy)
~ %n "o%n* sth: "ou were absolutely ri$ht in refusin$ the offer. (teljesen igazad volt, hogy)
~ th&t sb sho'l" "o sth: It is ri$ht that he should be treated e(ually.
RISK (kockztat)
~ sth: He ris#ed his life for his turtle.
~ sth on sth: He ris#ed everythin$ on roulette.
~ "o%n* sth: How !ould he ris# losin$ all his money-
~ sb "o%n* sth: He !ouldnt ris# his partner tellin$ everythin$ to the poli!e so he #illed him.
ROB (kira!ol)
~ sb/sth (o sth): They robbed the lady of her jewellery.
R!DE (gorom!a, udvariatlan)
~ (to sb): He was really rude (to his mother).
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was really rude (of you) to treat her li#e that.
R!LE (uralkodik)
~ :The #in$ ruled for fifty years.
~ (o6e#) sb/sth: 5li=abeth II. rules (over) 5n$land.
~ on sth: The jud$e ruled on the le$ality of the pro!edure. (dnttt)
~ %n &6o'# o/o# sb/sth: The !ourt ruled in favour of the defendant. (a vdlott javra
~ &*&%nst sb/sth: The !ourt ruled a$ainst the defendant. (a vdlott ellen dnttt)
~ sb/sth &".: The !onsumption of al!ohol was ruled ille$al. (trvnytelennek nyilvntottk)
~ th&t: The !ourt ruled that he was inno!ent. (rtatlannak nyilvntotta)
R!N (fut)
~: Hes been runnin$ for half an hour.
~ sth: ,e ran si1 #ilometres a day.
~ %n sth: She will be runnin$ in the L:: metres.
~ o# sth: Bore is runnin$ for president. (jellteti magt)
~ &*&%nst sb: Bore is runnin$ a$ainst the youn$ <ush.
~ on sth: Aur !ar runs on unleaded petrol. (m/kdik)
~ sth o# sb: Ill run a bath for you. (eresztek)
~ sb sth: Ill run you a bath.
~ -%th sth: Her eyes were runnin$ with tears. (mltt a szembl a knny)
~ &".: The river ran dry in the dry season. (kiszradt)
SAD (szomor$)
~ th&t: He was sad that the !amp was over.
~ to "o sth: ,e were sad to leave. (sajnljuk, hogy menn!nk kell)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is sad to be alone.
%t %s ~ (th&t): It is sad that she is so lonely.
SA2E (!iztonsgos)
~ (o# sb): This area is not safe (for !hildren).
~ s&e #o$ sb/sth: In the hut we were safe from atta!#. (biztonsgban voltunk)
%t %s ~ (o# sb) to "o sth: Is it safe (for me) to !ome by bus-
%t %s ~ "o%n* sth: Its safe !omin$ by bus.
SATIS24 (kielgt)
~ sth: The de!ision didnt satisfy everyone.
~ sb (o sth): The boss was satisfied of the need for a new !omputer. (meggyztk a fnkt)
~ onesel (th&t): She satisfied herself (that) she did the ri$ht thin$. (meggyzte magt)
SATIS2IED (elgedett)
~ -%th sb/sth: She was satisfied with her result.
~ to "o sth: He is satisfied to live in @ondon.
~ (th&t): I am satisfied (that) he hasnt lied.
SAVE (megment)
~ sb/sth (#o$ sth/#o$ "o%n* sth): The life$uard saved her (from drownin$).
~ (sth) (o# sth): ,e7ve been savin$ (money) (for a new !ar) for years. ($j autra gy/jt!nk)
~ (sth) on sth: &y $randmother saves (a lot of money) on ele!tri!ity. (sokat s"rol)
~ sth (on sth): &y $randmother saves a lot of money (on ele!tri!ity).
~ sb sth: Than# you for helpin$ me> you saved me a lot of time. (sok idt megs"roltl
~ (sb/sth) "o%n* sth: <orrowin$ the boo# from the library would save (you) buyin$ it.
SA4 (mond)
~ sth (to sb): She didnt say a word (to us). (egy szt sem szlt)
~ (to sb) (th&t): She said (to me) (that) she was leavin$.
~ -h: Say what you mean.
sb %s s&%" to "o sth: He is said to be/have $one abroad. (lltlag k!lfldre ment)
%t %s s&%" th&t: It is said that he is/has $one abroad. (azt mondjk)
~ to "o sth: The $uideboo# says to visit the !astle. (azt ajnlja, hogy)
S(REAM (vist, v"lt)
~ (%n/-%th sth): The !hild s!reamed (with deli$ht). (felsikoltott rmben)
~ (sth) (&t sb): She s!reamed (bad words) (at her husband).
~ (o# sth/sb): 2nn s!reamed for help. (segtsgrt kiltott)
~ th&t: The !hild s!reamed that he hated his parents.
SEAR(0 (keres)
~ sb/sth (o# sth): The !ustoms offi!er sear!hed the tourists/his suit!ase (for dru$s).
~ (sth) o# sb/sth: He was sear!hin$ (the Internet) for information.
SEE (lt)
~ (sb/sth): I !ouldnt see (anythin$) in the dar#.
~ sb &".: I prefer to see you happy.
~ sb/sth "o sth: I saw him faint. (lttam, amikor eljult)
~ sb/sth "o%n* sth: I saw him !omin$ up the stairs. (lttam, hogy jtt felfel)
~ sb/sth %s ~n to "o sth: He was seen to leave the offi!e at ?:. (lttk, hogy elhagyta)
~ sb/sth %s ~n "o%n* sth: He was seen leavin$ the offi!e at ?:. (lttk, amint elhagyja)
~ (th&t): I saw (that) she was pre$nant.
~ -h: +id you see where she was $oin$-
~ to "o sth: I !ouldnt see to #nit.
~ sb &s sth: I saw her as the future *&. (t k"zelem el)
~ sb "o%n* sth: I !ant see him $ivin$ up his !areer. (nem tudom elk"zelni)
~ %t %s ~n th&t: It is seen that the pro$ramme was only of small benefit. (jl ltszik, hogy)
~ sb (&bo't sth): I went to see the do!tor (about my heada!he). (elmentem az orvoshoz)
~ th&t: See that all the windows are !losed. (jl nzd meg, hogy)
~ sb: Im seein$ %oe tomorrow. (tallkozom <oe6val)
SEEK (keres)
~ sth/sb: They sou$ht a!!ommodation near the sea.
~ sth (#o$ sb): They sou$ht advi!e (from the lawyer). (tan%sot krtek)
~ sb/sth (o# sth): Gussian fishermen sou$ht dolphins (for their meat and oil).
~ to "o sth: She sou$ht to spea# to the mana$er. (meg"rblt beszlni)
SEEM (t#nik)
~ (to sb) (to be) sth: He seemed (to me) (to be) an optimist.
~ (l%/e) sth: It seems (li#e) a $ood idea.
~ to "o sth: He seems to be sleepin$.
~ &".: "ou seem tired.
%t ~s &s %/&s tho'*h: It seems as if he is tired. ($gy t/nik, mintha)
%t ~s (to sb) (th&t): It seemed (to me) (that) they a$reed. ($gy t/nt, hogy)
%t ~s &". th&t: It seems reasonable that they as# the voters about their e1pe!tations.
(sszer/nek t/nik)
%t ~s &". to "o sth: It seems reasonable to as# the voters about their e1pe!tations. (sszer/nek
SELE(T (vlaszt)
~ sb/sth (o# sth): They have sele!ted her (for the post).
~ sb/sth (&s sth): She has been sele!ted (as the leader of the team).
~ sth (#o$ sth): She sele!ted my name (from the list).
~ sb/sth to "o sth: Their team was sele!ted to ta#e part in the proje!t.
SELL (elad)
~ sth (to sb) (&t/o# sth): I sold my bi#e (to %a!#) (for H9::).
~ sb sth (&t/o# sth): I sold %a!# my bi#e (for H9::).
sth ~s: Her novel simply didnt sell. (nem fogyott a regnye)
sth ~s o# sth: The dresses sell for even HL::. (mg F** dollrrt is elkelnek)
SEND (kld)
~ sb sth: She sent me a letter.
~ sth (to sb): She sent a letter (to me).
~ o# sb: Send for a do!torJ
~ sb to/%nto sth: Her jo#es always send me to lau$hter. (mindig megnevettetnek)
SENSIBLE (okos, rtelmes)
sb %s ~ to "o sth: She was sensible not to a!!ept his invitation. (okosan tette)
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was sensible (of her) not to a!!ept his invitation.
SENSITIVE (rzkeny)
~ to/&bo't sth: Ald people are often sensitive to/about noise.
~ to sb/sth: He is sensitive to the problems of others.
SE)ARATE (sztvlaszt)
~ sb/sth (#o$ sb/sth): Separate the dirty !lothes (from the !lean ones). (vlaszd k!ln)
sb/sth &n" sb/sth ~: &y father and my mother separated two years a$o. (kt ve vltak el)
~ (#o$ sb): &y father separated (from my mother) two years a$o.
SET (kit#z)
~ sth (o# sb): The tea!her set an easy tas# (for the !hildren).
~ (sb) sth: The tea!her set (the !hildren) an easy tas#.
~ sb (to "o) sth: She set herself to swim 9:: #ms. (kit/zte maga el)
~ sth: She set the plate on the table. (elhelyezte)
~ sb "o%n* sth: His ideas set me thin#in$. (gondolatokat bresztettek bennem)
S0ARE (megoszt, eloszt)
~ (sth) (-%th sb): ,ould you mind sharin$ (your room) (with me)-
~ sth (&$on*/bet-een sb): ,e shared the !ho!olate between us.
sb &n" sb ~ sth: &y brother and I share an interest in animals. (kzs rdekldsi kr!nk)
S0OOT (l)
~ (sth) (&t sb/sth): He shot (an arrow) (at the bird).
~ sth (#o$ sth): The hunter shot a bullet (from his $un).
~ sth &t sb: He shot an an$ry loo# at her. (mrges "illantst vetett fel(
~ sb sth: He shot her an an$ry loo#.
S0O!T (kilt, kia!l)
~ (sth) (&t/to sb): She shouted (bad words) (at/to her husband). (szitkokat szrt a frjre)
I &t/o# sb to "o sth: &y father shouted at/for me to brin$ the !ar #eys. (odakiltott nekem,
~ th&t: The !hild shouted that he hated his parents.
S0O+ (mutat, megmutat)
~ sth (to sb): He showed the letter (to me).
~ (sb) sth: He showed (me) the letter.
~ sb to "o sth: The fi$ures show the e!onomy to be improvin$.
~ (th&t): The fi$ures show (that) the e!onomy is improvin$.
~ sb th&t: The fi$ures show us that the e!onomy is improvin$.
%t %s ~n th&t: It was shown that the tape was $enuine.
~ (sb) -h: This shows (you) how easy the tas# is. (ebbl is ltszik)
%t %s ~ -h: In the followin$ se!tions it is shown how the parties have developed their ideas.
~ sb &s sth: The pi!ture shows her as a happy !hild. (boldog gyermekknt brzolja)
~ sb "o%n* sth: The film showed the hero jumpin$ off a brid$e.
~: His new film is showin$ in !inemas all over 5urope. (jtszk a filmjt)
SILL4 (!uta)
~ to "o sth: "ou were silly to worry.
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was silly (of you) to worry. (butasg volt)
%t %s ~ th&t: It was silly that the whole business too# so lon$. (nevetsges)
SIM)LE (egyszer#)
sth %s ~ (o# sb) (to "o): This son$ is simple (for !hildren) (to learn).
%t %s ~ (o# sb) to "o sth: It is simple (for !hildren) to learn this son$.
SING (nekel)
~ (sth) (to sb): She was sin$in$ (a son$) (to herself) in the bathroom.
~ (sb) (sth): She was sin$in$ (herself) (a son$) in the bathroom.
SIT (l)
~ ("o%n* sth): ,e sat (sin$in$) at home for hours.
~ (o#) sth: I sat (for) a diffi!ult e1am. ('ehz vizsgt tettem.)
~ o# sb: &y sister is sittin$ for me toni$ht. (bbiszitterkedik)
~ %n/on/o# sth: He sat on the !ity !oun!il. (tagja)
~ &s sth: He sat as an &* for ?: years. (=* vig volt k"visel)
SLO+ (lass$)
~ to "o sth: He was slow to $o home. (lassan ment haza)
~ %n/&bo't "o%n* sth: He was slow about ma#in$ a de!ision.
SMELL (szaga&illata van)
sb/sth ~ (&".): Her perfume smells (bad).
sb/sth ~ &s %/&s tho'*h: She smells as if she has eaten $arli!. (olyan a lehellete, mintha
fokhagymt evett volna)
sb/sth ~ (o sth): His breath smells (of beer). (srtl b/zlik a lehellete)
~ sth: She smelt the flower. (megszagolta)
~ sb/sth "o%n* sth: I smelt the pie burnin$. (reztem, hogy odag a "ite)
~ (th&t): I smelt (that) the pie was burnin$.
SMILE (mosolyog)
~ (&t sb/sth): The baby smiled (at his mother).
~ (sth): He smiled (happiness).
SORR4 (elnzst)
~ &bo't sth: Im sorry about yesterday.
~ to "o sth: Im sorry to have troubled you.
~ o# "o%n* sth: Im sorry for !omin$ late.
~ th&t: Im sorry that I wo#e you up.
~ o# sb: I am sorry for the poor. (sajnlom a szegnyeket)
SO!ND (hangzik)
sb/sth ~ &".: The !ar sounds a bit rou$h these days. (fur%sa hangokat ad)
sb/sth ~ (l%/e) sth: It sounds (li#e) a $reat idea.
sb/sth ~ &s %/&s tho'*h: "ou sound as if youve been !ryin$.
sth ~: The bell sounded at ten o!lo!#. (harangoztak+%sngettek)
~ sth: The driver sounded his horn. (dudlt)
S)EAK (!eszl)
~ (to sb) (&bo't sb/sth): He spo#e (to me) (about his plans) for hours.
~ (-%th sb) (&bo't sb/sth): He spo#e (with me) (about his plans) for hours.
~ o/&bo't sb/sth: She still spea#s about her travels in 2fri!a.
S)E(IALIZE (specializldik)
~ %n ("o%n*) sth: He spe!iali=ed in mi!robiolo$y after his fourth year.
S)END (k"lt)
~ sth (on sb/sth): She has spent all her money (on !lothes).
~ sth (on) "o%n* sth: ,e spend a lot of money (on) travellin$.
~ sth on sth: He spent a lot of time on his Cren!h homewor#. (sok idt tlttt)
~ t%$e (%n) "o%n* sth: She spends a lot of time (in) studyin$. (sok idt tlt)
STAND (ll)
~: The $irl was standin$ at the !orner.
~ &".: He stood barefoot.
the#e ~ sb/sth: There stood a !owboy on the prairie.
~ sth: ,e stood the table in the middle of the room. (lltottuk)
~ o# sth: She stood for what she believed in. (1illt amellett, amiben hitt.)
~ &s sth: She stood as a !andidate. (jelltknt indult)
~ to "o sth: "ou stand to win the !ompetition. (j eslyed van r)
~ on sth: ,here do you stand on private health !are- (mi a vlemnyed)
STAND ((AN9T STAND) (ki nem llhata)
~ sth/"o%n*/to "o sth: I !ant stand (wat!hin$/to wat!h) bad films.
~ sb "o%n* sth: I !ant stand people lau$hin$ at me.
~ %t -h: She !ant stand it when people !riti!i=e her.
START (kezd, elkezd, kezddik)
~ : The mat!h started on time.
~ sth: ,ho started the (uarrel-
~ on sth: He started on his new novel.
~ sth -%th sth: He started the day with !offee.
sth ~ -%th sth: His day starts with !offee.
~ (sth) &s sth: She started (her !areer) as a model.
~ "o%n*/to "o sth: She started lau$hin$/to lau$h.
~ sth (b3) "o%n* sth: He starts his day (by) drin#in$ !offee.
~ sb "o%n* sth: The pro$ramme started her thin#in$. (gondolatokat bresztett benne)
STATE (!eelent, kielent)
~ sth: He stated his intention to marry her.
~ th&t: She stated !ate$ori!ally that she wasnt $oin$ to marry him.
sth %s ~" to "o sth: The deadline was stated to be postponed.
%t %s ~" th&t: It was stated that inflation was risin$.
~ -h: He stated !learly what he wanted.
STA4 (marad)
~: She didnt want to stay any lon$er.
~ sth: 2fter we had bro#en up, we stayed $ood friends.
~ &".: <rid$et stayed unsatisfied after dinner.
~ to "o sth: ,e stayed to see the performan!e.
~ &n" "o sth: ,e !an stay and help you.
~ "o%n* sth: She stayed dan!in$ until dawn. (5ajnalig tn%olt.)
STEAL (lop)
~ (sth) (#o$ sb/sth): She was stealin$ (!utlery) (from us) for years.
STO) (megll, megllt)
~: The van stopped at the !orner.
~ sb/sth: The traffi! warden stopped me.
~ (o# sth): They stopped (for a drin#).
~ to "o sth: She stopped to have a !i$arette. (,egllt egy %igarettra.)
~ "o%n* sth: He stopped smo#in$. (abbahagyta)
~ sb/sb9s/sth ("o%n* sth): "ou !ant stop us ($oin$/our $oin$). (nem akadlyozhatod meg,
~ sb/sth (#o$ "o%n* sth): "ou !ant stop us (from $oin$). (nem akadlyozhatod meg, hogy)
~ -h: He stopped what he was doin$. (abbahagyta)
STRANGE (furcsa, kl"n"s)
~ to sb: His idea seemed stran$e to me.
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was stran$e (of her) to be ba!#.
%t %s ~ th&t: It is stran$e that he arrived before her.
STRESS (hangs$lyoz)
~ sth: She stressed the importan!e of edu!ation.
~ (to sb) th&t: The politi!ian stressed (to the journalists) that the meetin$ was a su!!ess.
~ -h: He stressed how important it was to improve health !are.

STRI(T (szigor$)
~ -%th sb: He is really stri!t with his !hildren.
ST!)ID (osto!a)
~ to "o sth: I was stupid to believe him.
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was stupid (of me) to believe him.
~ "o%n* sth: I felt stupid sayin$ that.
S!BS(RIBE (elfizet)
~ to sth: How many people subs!ribed to the ma$a=ine-
S!((EED (sikerl)
~: The play didnt su!!eed. (nem volt sikeres)
~ &s sth: He su!!eeded as a lon$)distan!e runner. (hossz$tvfutknt futott be)
~ %n ("o%n*) sth: ,e su!!eeded in ($ettin$ into) the finals.
~ sb (&s sth): *rin!e 4harles will su!!eed 5li=abeth II. (as the #in$). (kveti a trnon)
~ to sth: He su!!eeded to the throne in ?/:.. (l"ett trnra)
S!((ESS2!L (sikeres)
~ %n/&t ("o%n*) sth: He was su!!essful in (sellin$) his boo#.
~ -%th sth: This dressin$ is espe!ially su!!essful with a salad of !risp ve$etables.
S!22ER (szenved, elszenved)
~ sth: She suffered a heart atta!#.
~ (#o$ sth): He !ant stand to see him sufferin$ (from the flu).
~ o# sth: He is sufferin$ for his bad de!ision. (issza a levt)
S!GGEST (avasol)
~ sth (to sb): He su$$ested a solution (to me).
~ sb/sth (o# sth): ,ho would you su$$est for this role- (kit ajnlanl)
~ sb/sth (&s sth): ,ho would you su$$est as +esdemona - (kit ajnlanl)
~ "o%n* sth: I su$$ested seein$ a film.
~ sb9s "o%n* sth: I su$$ested his ta#in$ up some sport.
~ (to sb) (th&t): I su$$est (to him) (that) he ta#es up some sport.
~ (to sb) (th&t) sb (sho'l"/$%*ht) "o sth: I su$$ested (to him) (that) he (should) ta#e up
some sport.
%t %s ~e" th&t sb/sth (sho'l") "o sth: It has been su$$ested that everybody (should) vote.
~ (to sb) -h: He su$$ested (to me) where to loo# for a job.
~ sth (to sb): The eviden!e su$$ested murder (to the dete!tive). (sugallt)
~ (th&t): The eviden!e su$$ests that &r. Smith has been murdered. (a bizonytk arra utal)
S!IT (megfelel)
~ sb/sth: This ban# suits my needs.
%t ~s sb to "o sth: It suits me to start wor# on Tuesday.
sth ~s sb: Aran$e suits you. (jTl 'll ne#ed)
S!ITABLE (megfelel, alkalmas)
~ to/o# sb/sth: This seems suitable to our purposes.
~ to "o sth: He seems suitable to perform the job.
S!))L4 (ellt)
~ sb/sth (-%th sth): The distributors supplied the lo!al shops (with !ho!olate).
~ sth (to sb/sth): The Soviet 0nion used to supply arms (to Iran).
S!))ORT (tmogat)
~ sb/sth (%n sth): They supported the rebels (in their fi$ht).

S!))OSE (feltesz)
~: Bettin$ to #now her is not as easy as you mi$ht suppose. (ahogy gondolnd)
~ sb (to be) &".: I supposed him (to be) inno!ent.
~ sb (to be) sth: I supposed her boyfriend (to be) a rope)wal#er.
sb/sth %s ~" to "o sth: He is supposed to !ome. (lltlag)
%t %s ~" to "o sth: It is supposed to rain. (lltlag)
%t %s ~" th&t: It was $enerally supposed that it wouldnt happen a$ain.
S!R)RISE (meglep)
sth ~ sb: The present surprised my mother.
%t ~ sb to "o sth: It surprises me to see him on T8.
%t ~ sb th&t: It surprised me that he was wearin$ a s#irt.
%t ~ sb -h: Its always surprised them how well)dressed he was.
S!RE (!iztos)
~ &bo't/o sb/sth: ,e were sure about one thin$.
~ to "o sth: She is sure to re!eive a warm wel!ome.
~ o "o%n* sth: She is sure of re!eivin$ a warm wel!ome.
~ (th&t): I am sure (that) he didnt mean to hurt you.
~ -h: She wasnt sure what she should say.
S!RVIVE (fennmarad, tov!! l)
~ (#o$ sth): The !ustom has survived (from the &iddle 2$es).
~ (&s sth): He survived (as an individual).
~ on sth: He survived on food from the soldiers.
~ sth (&".): He survived the a!!ident (healthy). (t$llte)
~ sb: She survived her husband only by a year. (%sak egy vvel lte t$l)
~ to "o sth: He survived to write about the death !amp.
S!S)E(T (gyanakszik, gyant)
~ sth: She suspe!ted nothin$.
~ sb to "o sth: They suspe!ted him to be involved in a theft. (arra gyanakodtak, hogy)
~ sb o ("o%n* sth): The poli!e suspe!ted him of (!ommittin$) the !rime. (gyan$stotta)
~ (th&t): I suspe!t (that) he has stolen my umbrella.
%t %s ~e" th&t: It is suspe!ted that he has !ommitted the !rime. (arra gyanakodnak, hogy)
~ -h: I suspe!ted where he !ame from.
S4M)AT0IZE (egyttrez)
~ -%th sb/sth: &ost people sympathi=e with the rebels. (szim"atizl)
TA(KLE (meg!irkzik)
~ sth: I !ant ta!#le this problem alone. (megbirkzik)
TAKE (visz, elvisz)
~ sth: She never ta#es my advi!e. (;ohasem fogadja meg a tan%som.)
~ sth (-%th sb): I for$ot to ta#e my swimmin$ suit (with me).
~ sth (to sb): Ill have to ta#e this ba$ (to my un!le).
~ (sb) sth: Ill have to ta#e (my un!le) this ba$.
~ sth (#o$ sb): The soldiers mana$ed to ta#e the town (from the enemy). (siker!lt bevenni!k
a vrost)
~ sb sth: They too# the earl prisoner. (foglyul ejtettk)
~ sth &s sth: 2m I supposed to ta#e your remar# as a !ompliment- (bknak kellene vennem)
~ sb/sth o# sb/sth: +ont ta#e me for a fool. ('e nzz h!lynek4)
~ sb/sth (to be) sth: 5ven the e1perts too# the s!ulpture (to be) a $enuine Godin. (eredetinek
~ sb "o%n* sth: ,ill you ta#e me shoppin$ tomorrow-
~ %t (th&t): I ta#e it (that) youll be busy today. (felteszem)
%t ~s sb/sth to "o sth: It ta#es !oura$e to !limb &ount 5verest. (btornak kell lenni)
sth ~s t%$e: The journey to my wor#pla!e ta#es ten minutes. (tart)
%t ~s t%$e to "o sth: It ta#es ten minutes to $et to my wor#pla!e.
%t ~s t%$e (sb) to "o sth: It ta#es (me) ten minutes to $et to my wor#pla!e.
TALK (!eszl, !eszlget)
~ sth: +ont tal# nonsenseJ
~ (to/-%th sb) (&bo't sb/sth): They were tal#in$ (to ea!h other) (about politi!s) for hours.
~ o/on sth: She is tal#in$ of movin$ to the States.
~ o sb &s sth: She tal#ed of him as a hero.
~ sb %nto/o't o sth: She tal#ed me into/out of ta#in$ up #arate. (rbeszlt+lebeszlt)
~ &s %: He tal#s as if he #new everythin$.
TASTE (vmilyen z#)
sb/sth ~ &".: The soup tastes deli!ious.
sb/sth ~ (l%/e) sth: It tastes (li#e) lemon.
sb/sth ~ &s %/&s tho'*h: This !a#e tastes as if my $randma had made it.
~ o sth: This water tastes of metal. (fm ze van)
~ sth: Ill taste the !a#e to see whether its A6. (megkstolom)
TEA(0 (tant, megtant)
~: She tea!hes at the lo!al s!hool.
~ (sb) (sth): They tea!h (them) (5n$lish).
~ sth (to sb): They tea!h 5n$lish (to them).
~ sb to "o sth: &y $randma tau$ht me to #nit.
~ sb th&t: &y tea!hers tau$ht me that I wont su!!eed without hard wor#.
~ sb -h: She tau$ht me how to !han$e a nappy.
~ sth &bo't sth: He tau$ht me a lot about women.

TELL (mond, elmond)
~ sb (sth): She told everybody (the se!ret).
~ sth to sb: She told the se!ret to everybody.
~ sb &bo't sth: The old man told us stories about the war.
~ sb to "o sth: He told me to sit down.
~ sb (th&t): They told us (that) he was a liar.
~ sb -h: She didnt tell me what to e1pe!t.
:&n ~: 2s far as I !an tell, he is doin$ well. (0mennyire meg tudom tlni)
:&n ~ (th&t): I !ould tell (that) he was tired. (lttam)
:&n ~ -h: I !ant tell whats written on it. (nem tudom meglla"tani)
~ sb/sth #o$ sb/sth: Its diffi!ult to tell your voi!e from your sisters. (nehz
~ on sb/sth: The pressure is now be$innin$ to tell on the Ira(i leader. (kezd megmutatkozni)
TEM)T (cs!t)
~ sb (to "o sth): He tempted me (to a!!ept his offer). (rbeszlt)
~ sb %nto ("o%n*) sth: She tempted me into (ta#in$ up) dan!in$. (rbeszlt)
TEND (halamos)
~ to "o sth: He tends to put on wei$ht.
~ to/to-&#"s sth: She tends toward ra!ism. (hajlik)
~ (to) sb/sth: The nurse tended (to) the wounded soldier. (gondjt viselte)
TEST (pr!l, kipr!l)
~ sb/sth (o# sth): They tested the ma!hine (for effi!ien!y).
~ sth (on sth): They havent tested the medi!ine (on people) yet.
TESTI24 (tan$skodik)
~ (&*&%nst sb): He de!ided to testify (a$ainst his wife).
~ (o# sb): He de!ided to testify (for the defen!e).
~ &bo't sth: He testified about the murder.
~ to "o%n* sth: He testified to havin$ heard the shot.
~ (th&t): He testified (that) he had heard the shot.
sth ~s to sth: The do!umentary testifies to the !ruelty of man#ind. (bizonytja)

T0ANK (k"sz"n)
~ sb: Than# you.
~ sb o# ("o%n*) sth: Than# you for (sendin$) the invitation to her.
T0ANK2!L (hls)
~ (o# sth): 2fter the war she was than#ful (for food).
~ to "o sth: She was than#ful to be alive after the a!!ident.
~ (th&t): I was than#ful that he didnt visit me.
T0I(K (vastag)
~ -%th sth: The #it!hen was thi!# with smo#e. (vgni lehetett a f!stt)
T0INK (gondol)
~ (&bo't sth): I was thin#in$ (about my !hildhood) the other day.
~ (o sth): ,e are thin#in$ (of sellin$ our flat). ($ondol#odun#)
~ o sb &s sth: He doesnt thin# of himself as a politi!ian. ('em tekinti magt "olitikusnak.)
~ l%/e sb: +ont thin# li#e an old woman.
~ &".: @ets thin# positive.
~ sb/sth &".: I thin# him an admirable person. (szerintem)
~ to "o sth: She never thou$ht to !all. (nem jutott eszbe)
~ (th&t): ,e thou$ht (that) it would rain.
-h: I am tryin$ to thin# where he !ould be.
sb/sth %s tho'*ht to "o sth: The earth was thou$ht to be flat.
%t %s tho'*ht (th&t): It was thou$ht (that) the earth was flat.
~ so/not: 3Is she ill- 3I thin# so/not.
"on9t ~ so: 3Is she ill- 3I dont thin# so.
~ %t &". th&t: I thin# it impossible that we !an finish this in time. (elk"zelhetetlennek tartom)
~ %t &". to "o sth: I thin# it impossible to finish this in time.
~ %t &". -h: I thin# it best if you !all him at on!e. (szerintem az lenne a legjobb, ha)
~ %t sth th&t: I thin# it a mira!le that theyve survived. (%sodnak tartom)
~ %t sth -h: I would thin# it an honour if he as#ed me to help. (megtiszteltetsnek tartanm)
T0IRST4 (szomas)
~ o# sth: He was thirsty for #nowled$e.
T0O!G0T2!L (figyelmes)
%t %s ~ o sb (to "o sth): It was thou$htful of you (to !all her on her birthday).
T0REATEN (fenyeget)
~ sb/sth: ,ar threatened the !ountry.
~ sb (-%th sth): The robber threatened the !ashier (with a $un).
~ to "o sth: The robber threatened to #ill the !ashier.
~ th&t: The robber threatened that he would #ill the !ashier.

T0RO+ (do!)
~ sth to sb: She threw the ball to him. (odadob)
~ sth &t sb: The Indian threw a stone at the !owboy. (odavgta, megdobta)
TIRED (fradt)
~ o sb/sth: He was tired of her. (.legem volt belle.)
~ o "o%n* sth: He was tired of waitin$. (.lege volt a vrakozsbl.)
TOLERANT (trelmes)
~ o/to-&#"s sb/sth: She is very tolerant towards little !hildren.
TOLERATE (elvisel)
~ sth: I !ant tolerate his behaviour.
~ "o%n* sth: She wont tolerate bein$ refused.
~ sb "o%n* sth: I wont tolerate you bein$ late.
TRADE (kereskedik)
~ (%n sth) (-%th sb): The 8enetians traded (in spi!es) (with the 2rabs) for !enturies.
~ sth o# sth: +urin$ the war they traded arms for food. (fegyvereket %serltek lelmiszerre)
~ &s sb/sth: &yers W 2nor traded as furniture retailers and supplied free !offee to !ustomers.
(b$tor kiskereskedknt m/kdtt)
TRAIN (kpez, tant)
~ sb (%n/o# sth): He is trained in trade. (kereskedelmi k"zettsge van)
~ sb &s sth: He is trained as a pilot. ("iltnak k"eztk)
~ sb/sth (o# sth): He trains dolphins (for the !ir!us). (betant)
~ to "o sth: He is trainin$ to be a pilot. ("iltnak tanul)
~ (o# sth): She has been trainin$ (for the Alympi!s) for years. (edz)
~ sb to "o sth: Ive had to train myself to $o runnin$ every day. (hozz kell szoktatnom
TRANS2ER (thelyez, tszllt)
~ sb/sth (#o$ 7) (to 7): The patient was transferred (from the hospital) (to a spe!ial
~ sth to sb: She transferred the house to her son. (tratta)
TRANS2ORM (talakt)
~ sth/sb (#o$ 7) (%nto7): Gamadhan transformed Iran from an oil e1porter into an
~ (sth) (#o$ sth) (%nto sth): She translates (poems) (from 5n$lish) (into Berman).
~ sth &s sth: She translated 3Beneva as 3Benoa.
sth ~ &s sth: The Hun$arian word 3!ipSfX=S translates as 3shoela!e.

TREAT (!nik, kezel)
~ sb/sth -%th sth: She treated her $randfather with respe!t.
~ sb/sth &s sth: He treated me as a friend. (2artjaknt kezelt. G mert az voltam)
~ sb/sth l%/e sth: He treated me li#e a do$. ($gy bnt velem, mint egy kutyval)
~ sb/onesel to sth: I treated myself to a whis#y after the meetin$. (megengedtem magamnak)
~ sb o# sth: She was treated for appendi!itis. (8akbllel kezeltk.)
TRI(K (!ecsap)
~ sb o't sth: She tri!#ed him out of all his money. (ki%salta az sszes "nzt)
~ sb %nto sth: He tri!#ed me into lyin$ to her. (ravaszul rvett, hogy)
~ sb %nto "o%n* sth: The be$$ar tri!#ed me into $ivin$ him money. (rvett)
TRO!BLE (zavar)
~ sb/onesel (-%th sth): I dont want to trouble you (with my (uestions).
~ sb to "o sth: &ay I trouble you to !lose the window, please-
~ onesel &bo't/o6e# sth: "ou dont need to trouble yourself about/over him. (ne izgasd
~ (onesel) to "o sth: She didnt trouble (herself) to !all me. (nem vette a fradsgot)
%t ~s sb (th&t): It troubles me (that) we didnt invite her. (fj nekem)

(!N)TR!E (igaz, h#)
~ to sb/sth: "ou should be true to your prin!iples.
~ to "o sth: It is true to say that opposites attra!t ea!h other.
~ (th&t): It was true that his horses tended to have brief !areers.
TR4 (pr!l, megpr!l)
~: I am not sure that I !an help, but Ill try.
~ sth: Have you tried that new tea- (ki"rbltad)
~ to "o sth: I tried not to lau$h. (meg"rbltam)
~ "o%n* sth: ,hy dont you try ta#in$ an aspirin- (mirt nem ksrled meg)
~ o# sth: He is tryin$ for a better post. (egy jobb beosztsra "lyzik)
~ sb o# sth: She is bein$ tried for robbery. (trgyaljk az !gyt)
T!RN (megfordul)
~: Suddenly she turned.
~ sth: He turned the letter.
~ sth %nto/to sth: He turned water into wine. (tvltoztatta)
~ sth: He turned a !ommunist after his parents were murdered. (kommunista lett)
~ &".: @eaves turn brown in the autumn. (elsrgulnak)
~ sb o# sth: She turned to me for help. (hozzm fordult)
~ to "o%n* sth: He turned to paintin$. (festeni kezdett)

T4)I(AL (tipikus)
~ o sth: This wine is typi!al of the re$ion.
%t %s ~ o sb to "o sth: It is typi!al of <rian to spend all his money.
!NDERSTAND (rt, megrt)
~ sb/sth: I dont understand their e1planation.
~ sth &bo't sth: They dont understand anythin$ about politi!s. (nem rtenek a "olitikhoz)
~ (#o$ sth) th&t: I understand (from your words) that you want to be alone for a while.
~ sb/sb9s "o%n* sth: I didnt understand them/their leavin$ so soon.
~ sb to "o sth: I understood you to say that we would leave.
%t %s 'n"e#stoo" th&t: It is understood that her new novel is out in a month. ($gy rtes!ltem)
~ -h: I dont understand why you are leavin$.
!NDERTAKE (vllal, elvllal)
~ sth: "ou must underta#e this proje!t.
~ to "o sth: She undertoo# to re!ount the story as it was.
~ th&t: The $overnment undertoo# that the hi$hway would be built in one year.
!NI,!E (egyedlll)
~ to sb/sth: This plant is uni(ue to 2ustralia. (egyed!l 0usztrliaban tallhat meg)
!)DATE (korszer#st, fel$t)
~ sth: ,e have to update our !omputer.
~ sb (on sth): I have to update my boss (on the events). (3udatnom kell az $jabb
fejlemnyeket a fnkmmel.)
!)SET (%*e) (felizgat, ki!ort)
~ sb/sth: +ont upset %ohn.
~ onesel b3 "o%n* sth: +ont upset yourself by thin#in$ of him.
%t ~s sb to "o sth: It upsets me to thin# about the dama$e.
%t ~s sb th&t: It upset %ohn that &ary $ot married.
!)SET (szomor$, csaldott)
~ &bo't sth: She is upset about his de!ision.
~ to "o sth: She was upset to find out the truth.
~ th&t: ,e were upset that he was leavin$. (nagyon megviselt minket)

!RGE (srget)
~ sth: They were ur$in$ a (ui!# reply.
~ sb to "o sth: He ur$ed me to ma#e a de!ision soon.
~ "o%n* sth: They ur$ed a de!ision soon.
~ (th&t) sb (sho'l") "o sth: I ur$ed (that) the meetin$ (should) be postponed.
!SE (hasznl)
~ sth: &ay I use your phone-
~ sth o# ("o%n*) sth: 0se a #nife for (!uttin$) this.
~ sth &s sth: They used his testimony as eviden!e a$ainst her.
~ sb/sth to "o sth: ,e are usin$ pi!tures to motivate !hildren.
!SED (hozz van szokva)
~ to ("o%n*) sth: I am used to (listenin$ to) her horror stories. (hozz vagyok szokva)
!SE2!L (hasznos)
~ (to sb): She is really useful (to us).
~ o# ("o%n*) sth: This medi!ine is useful for (relievin$) pain.
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is useful to memorise te1ts sometimes.
!SELESS (hi!aval)
~ &t ("o%n*) sth: He is useless at (learnin$) lan$ua$es. (remnytelen)
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is useless to wait for him any lon$er.
%t %s ~ "o%n* sth: It is useless waitin$ for him any lon$er.
(!N)!S!AL (szoksos)
%t %s ~ (o# sb/sth) to "o sth: It is usual (for opera sin$ers) to spend a lot of time abroad.
VAL!E (fel!ecsl)
~ sth (&t sth): The house is valued (at ?: million).
~ sb/sth (&s sth): ,e valued his advi!e (as the perfe!t solution). (rtkelt!k)
~ sb/sth (o# sth): ,e value the house (for its natural surroundin$s). (megbe%s!lj!k)

VIE+ (tekint)
~ sb/sth &s sth: They viewed the mat!h as a !ru!ial step for winnin$ the !hampionship.
~ sb/sth -%th sth: Stran$ers in the villa$e were viewed with suspi!ion.
~ %t &s sth: He viewed it as a su!!ess that his film was !onsidered artisti!.
VISIBLE (lthat)
~ (to sth): *luto is not visible (to the na#ed eye).
VITAL (ltfontossg$)
~ (o#/to sth): 8itamins are vital (to humans).
%t %s ~ to "o sth: It is vital to eat vitamin 4.
%t %s ~ th&t: It was vital that you spent a wee# with your father.
%t %s ~ th&t sb (sho'l") "o sth: It is vital that you (should) learn Berman.
VOTE (szavaz, megszavaz)
~ sb/sth sth: The parliament voted the town a lar$e sum of money.
~ on sth: The !ompany voted on lowerin$ the pri!es.
~ o#/&*&%nst sth: They voted for/a$ainst the proposal.
~ o't o sth: The $overnment was voted out of offi!e. (szavazssal levltottk)
~ to "o sth: The band voted to $ive a free !on!ert.
~ (th&t): ,e voted (that) we would leave immediately.
+AIT (vr)
~ : Have you been waitin$ lon$-
~ o# sb/sth (to "o sth): I was waitin$ for the !on!ert (to start).
~ t-o $%n'tes/&n ho'# et:;: She waited two hours and then she left.
~ to "o sth: Hurry upJ ,e are waitin$ to leave.
~ on sb: She was waitin$ on drun#en $uests all ni$ht. (felszolglt)
~ on sb/sth: ,e !ant wait on their de!ision. (kivrni)

+ANT (akar)
~ sth: She wants a husband.
~ to "o sth: I wanted to help.
~ sb to "o sth: I wanted him to help.
~ sb/sth (to be) "one: The tea!her wants the essays (to be) written by &onday.
~ sth &".: I want my !offee bla!#.
~ sb "o%n* sth: I dont want you stayin$ up late.
~ be -&nte" o# sth: He is wanted for robbery. (krzik)
sth ~s "o%n*: The room wants !leanin$. (rfrne)
+ARN (figyelmeztet, v)
~ sb (&bo't/&*&%nst sb/sth): They warned us (a$ainst <ill).
~ sb (o sth): +id you warn her (of the dan$er)-
~ o sth: They warned of the dan$er of wal#in$ alone at ni$ht.
~ sb to "o sth: The do!tor warned Su=y to #eep the medi!ine away from her dau$hter.
~ th&t: He warned that it was dan$erous.
~ sb (th&t): She was warned (that) she would be fired.
~ sb -h: She was warned how tirin$ the journey would be.
+ASTE (pazarol)
~ sth (on sb/sth): He wasted money (on $amblin$).
~ sth (%n) "o%n* sth: "oure wastin$ your time (in) sittin$ here.
+AT(0 (figyel)
~: I waved to her, but she wasnt wat!hin$.
~ sth: +o you often wat!h T8- (nzel)
~ sb/sth "o sth: I wat!hed her pa!# the suit!ase.
~ sb/sth "o%n* sth: ,e wat!hed him !limbin$ the stairs.
~ -h: ,at!h how to do it first.
+EL(OME (dv"z"l)
~ sth: ,e wel!ome your de!ision. (r!l!nk)
~ sb (to sth): He wel!omed the $uests (to the performan!e).
+IN (nyer)
~ (sth): ,e won (the $ame).
~ sth (#o$ sb): Geal &adrid won the !up (from &an!hester 0nited) last year.
~ (sb) sth: He won (himself) a Genault 4lio.
~ sth (o# sb): He won a Genault 4lio (for himself).
~ b3 sth (to sb): The team won by one $oal (to Italy.)
~ &*&%nst sb/sth: 2$assi has won a$ainst Sampras.
(!N)+ISE (!"lcs)
~ to "o sth: She was wise to a!!ept his advi!e.
%t %s ~ o sb to "o sth: It was wise of you not to say anythin$.
+IS0 (kvn)
~ (th&t): I wish I #new/had #nown her. (br%sak)
~ : "ou may stay here if you wish.
~ sb sth: I wish you $ood lu!#.
~ o# sth: I wish for thin$s I !an never have. (vgyakozom)
~ o# sb to "o sth: I wished for her to pass the e1am.
~ to "o sth: I wish to spea# to the mana$er.
~ sb to "o sth: I wished them to leave immediately.
+IT0DRA+ (visszavon, visszavonul)
~ sb/sth #o$: They withdrew the team from the !ompetition.
~ (to/%nto): He has withdrawn (into his bedroom).
+ONDER (csodlkozik)
~ &bo't sth: ,e were wonderin$ about the e1am results. (kvn%siak voltunk)
~ -h: She wondered what mi$ht have happened to him. (azt szerette volna tudni, hogy)
~ &t: ,e wondered at her talent. (megle"dt!nk)
~ (th&t): I wonder (that) she #ept his photo$raph.
+ORK (dolgozik)
~: He has never wor#ed.
~ on/&t sth: He is wor#in$ on a new boo#.
~ &s sth: He wor#s as a $uide.
~ o# sb/sth: She wor#s for <ritish 2irways.
~ %n sth: She wor#s in the fashion business.
~ o# sth: &other Teresa wor#ed for pea!e.
~ to "o sth: ,e are wor#in$ to $et this published.
~ on sb/sth: Her beauty doesnt wor# on me. (nem hat rm)
+ORR4 (aggdik)
~ &bo't/o6e# sb/sth: I worry about her future.
~ sb/onesel &bo't sb/sth: ,hat worries me (about her) is her la=iness. (aggaszt)
~ th&t: She worried that we would be late a$ain.
+ORT0 (rdemes)
~ sth: This paintin$ is worth a lot. (so#at Or)
sth %s ~ "o%n*: This novel is worth readin$.
%t %s ~ "o%n* sth: It is worth readin$ it/this novel.
+ORT0+0ILE (rdemes)
%t %s ~ "o%n*/to "o sth: It is worthwhile visitin$/to visit the !astle.
+RITE (r)
~ : ,hen I entered the room she was writin$.
~ sth (&bo't/on sth): He is writin$ an essay (on publi! transport).
~ sth to sb: Have you written a post!ard to $randma-
~ sb sth: Have you written $randma a post!ard-
~ sth o# sb: He wrote a sonnet for her.
~ "o%n*/to "o sth: They wrote !omplainin$/to !omplain about the a!!ommodation.
~ th&t: She wrote that she was havin$ a $ood time.
~ sb th&t (A$E): She wrote me that she was havin$ a $ood time.
+RONG (helytelen, hi!s)
~ &bo't sb/sth: ,e were wron$ about her> she is ni!e after all. (tvedt!nk)
~ to "o sth: ,e were wron$ to assume that he was honest. (hibsan felttelezt!k)
~ -%th sb/sth: ,hats wron$ with you- (mi a baj)
~ o# sth: He is wron$ for the role. (nem val)
~ th&t: It was wron$ that you paid for everythin$.
~ th&t sb/sth (sho'l") "o sth: Its wron$ that we (should) have to wait so lon$.
%t %s ~ (o sb) to "o sth: It was wron$ (of you) to lie to me.
%t %s ~ (o# sb) to "o sth: Its wron$ for you to be here.
4ELL (kilt)
~ (sth) (&t sb): He yelled (en!oura$ement) (at the swimmer).
~ &t sb (o#/&bo't sth): He yelled at him (for brea#in$ the vase).
~ &t sb (to "o sth): She yelled at me (to $et off the roof).
4IELD (magada magt)
~ (to sb/sth): She yielded (to him) after a lon$ ar$ument.
~ sb/sth (to sb): The resear!her yielded his se!ret (to his !ollea$ues). (megosztotta)
4O!NG (fiatal)
~ o# sth: She was too youn$ for the role when the filmin$ be$an.
too ~ to "o sth: They are too youn$ to travel around 5urope alone.

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