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Copy Editors (In Alphabetical Order)

A. K. Singh
Andy Whitewaters
Anuj Anand
Babban Kumar Singh
Bhaskaran Natesan
Gary Gomes
Juliana Swanson
DiNorah Nasturas
Prince Salauddin Khan Babi
Rahul Vedi
Rushikesh Deshpande
Shubhangi Naik
Sri Ganesh

Special Thanks
(In Alphabetical Order)

Grace & Inspiration


(In Alphabetical Order)




Alan Leo
Bepin Behari
C. G. Rajan
C. J. Krishnaswamy
C. S. Patel
C.E.O Carter
Dane Rudhyar
Helena Blavatsky
J. N. Bhasin
Lois Rodden
M. Khareghat
N. Sundara Rajan
Narendra Desai
P.S. Iyer
Reinhold Ebertine
R. Lakshmanan
Richard Houck
S. Kannan
Seshadiri Iyer
Srikant Mehta
St. Germaine
V. Subramanium Shastry
Y. K. Pradhan







Anand Patil
Bal Krishna Patel
Bhaskar Rao
Chandra Shetty
Dominic Dsouza
Dr. Vaish (Banaras)
Dr. Sanghavi
Jamnadas Ji (Banaras)
Prabhakar Shukla
Prof Chandrama Pandey (Banaras Hindu University)
Prof. Ramchandra Pandey (Banaras Hindu University,
ex-Jyotish Head)
Prof.Chandramouli Upadhayay (Banaras Hindu
Late Prof P. K. Dongre
Rahul Mishra (Banaras)
Raja Rao
Rajesh Khambekar
Ravindra Kumar Gupta (Banaras)
Upendra Singh Bhadoriya
Vinay Patwardhan
Lorin Cerina (Croatia)

Saptarishis Volunteer Team

(In Alphabetical Order)

Bhushan. K
Babban Kumar Singh
DiNorah Kitchener
Rushikesh Deshpande
R. Ramanathan
Juliana Swanson
Shubhangi Naik

(In Alphabetical Order)

Translations (In Alphabetical Order)

Ajit Saini
Anand Koth
Anis Ansari

Boiko Natali
Sriram Medapalli
Jagannadha Rao Eluri
Tushar Mestry

Author Page
Saptarishis Astrology
Saptarishis Astrology

1 Vol 4 Publitorial Part 1
2 Vol 4 Publitorial Part 2

Holly Hall, USA

Constantine Semenov, Crimea
Saptarishis Astrology
Sandy Crowther, USA
Robert Gover, USA
Stefan Ball, USA


Yenbeeyes, India
Saptarishis Astrology






Indian Astrology

Babu Yodh & B.D.Vaghela, India






Saptarishis Nadi Gemini Asc Chart 1

Bhrighu Saral Paddathi 1
Gripping Of Nodes Part 2
Secrets Of Ascendants
My Gurudev (Hindi)
Suryaat Nakshatra Bindu 3
Dnyaneshwari Chapter 2
Thandavamalai 2
My Journey In Hindu Astrology
Mandook Dasa A Proper Exposition
Rohini Nak Padas In Ravana Samhita
Bhrighu Saral Paddathi 2
Padma Chakra 2
Astrology A Road Map Of Our Life
Blasts in India 2
Sukar Nadi 3
31st Jan 2009
Venus in Trine with Malefics Part 1
Vedic Vastu 3
Key Notes 1
Sri Sri Tadepalli Shastry Garu 1


Ron Bippus, Canada

Joyce Hopewell, U.K
Robert Gover, USA
Kat Miller, USA



Launch Your Book Living Birth Chart
The Stock Market Crash of Oct 08 & Beyond
Astrology, Switchwords & Energy Healing
Discover Your Past Life & Heal Thy Present
Economic Forecast
Rendezvous With John Frawley
Magi Analysis Franklin D Roosevelt
An Astrological History Of Hyper Inflation
Edward Bach & the Power of Flowers



Western Astrology

Ashok Upadhaya, India

Upendra Bhadoriya, India
Paresh Desai, India
V.V.Shirvaikar, USA
R.Ramanathan, India
PVR Rayadu, India
Iranganti Rangacharya, India
Rushikesh Deshpande, U.K
Saptarishis Astrology
Pramod Bhavsar, India
Dr. Roopa Vohra, India
Vilas Deo, India
Saptarishis Astrology Team
R.G.Krishnan, USA
M.M.Mistry, India
Saptarishis Astrology
Shreeram Balijepalli, Canada

Saptarishis Blessings
|| Gururbrahmaa Gururvishnu Gururdevo Maheshvarah ||
|| GururSakshaat Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah||


Vol 4 Publitorial Part 1








t was an issue to remember befitting the homage to an Old Master of the Science who had passed
away. It was a 425 page Vol. reaching over 96 countries with 15937 visitors as of 1st Dec, 2008 (Vol. 3
was around 5515 visitors 77 countries) the detailed statistics of it can be downloaded along with the
log report in the download section of the site. We would henceforth refrain in supplying stats as its in a
way boasting around.
We do not know much about computers & sites so with our limited knowledge of website
technology we foolishly gave links to the log reports in last Publitorial and the webmaster later
disengaged it next day. Scolding us, that people can do cyber attacks if log reports are given out openly.
Our apologies.



Must break our tradition now & quote USA Vedic Astrologer Sandy Crowther: Saptarishis Astrologyit
is truly a remarkable publication for the astrological communityI dont know how you all do it, but your efforts
(with the arrival of each new issue), seem to TOP the last issuewhich I always think cannot be beat! Anyone
with eyes and a heart can surely see the life energies that are put into this wondrous publication. Thank you again.

Though the above is of the milder accolades that have been received kindly note the word heart & which
we would link in Part 2 of the Publitorial. Sandys & others blessings must go to the writers, volunteers,
copy editors, proof readers, translators, designers & webmaster who slog day and night, they need an
applause for the revolution these handful of astro lovers exhibit to the entire astro community,
displaying fully a new concept of Giving Back To the Community & maybe to themselves in their
next lives as we all would have this website still functioning when we are reborn giving easy access to
learn as compared to print magazines where we cannot access old issues. The merit of this charity of
education will be earned in this life or next depending on the sign of the 3rd house of ones chart apart
from other factors that need to be considered.

ongratulations must be accorded to those who predicted Obamas outcome and standing ovation
to R.G.Krishnan of USA, DiNorah Kitchener of Canada & Anthony of Hawaii through his
dreams prediction which was sent to us via email prior to the event. It is noteworthy that R.G.
Krishnan used the newly revealed CSP Arc Method (published Vol. 3) which is not dependent on the
correct birth time and even a Western Astrology adept can master it in an hour with some guidance.
Norah used profections which is similar to BCP method and she had predicted in Saptarishis Astrology
Vol 2, indicating that Hillary would be the 2nd in command. As we write this there are news reports
that Hillary could become the Secretary of State which is more powerful than being Vice President.


Lets face it; we all saw what the name Condoleezza Rice came to mean in world politics in the last few
There is an astrologer who is 92 years old and praise to him for still pursuing & predicting at this
age, sticking to a technique called Age Harmonics (we have requested him to write on this method
whenever he can for SA). He is from Netherlands and we had wanted him to present the prediction he
made in the The Real Astrology forum months back, but due to his age he is not in a position to
compose an article for us. Our love for elderly astrologers & astrology compels us to give a standing
ovation to Sir Paul Langeveld who predicted in July 2008 the outcome on the TRA forum which is
produced below.




Van: [] Namens

Verzonden: woensdag 2 july 2008 17:23
Aan: Therealastrology@Yahoogroups.Com
Onderwerp: [therealastrology] RE: Obama president 4 November2008 for sure
Now that we have the right time of birth of Obama I made a new investigation about the election and I
found that Obama will win without any doubt ! I am sorry that it is impossible to send the charts by
which it will be proved, like the 12th Harm. Solar Return, the 4th Harm Lunar Return and finally the
47,25357 Harmonic Age by Yahoo, but anybody who would like to have them has only to send me their
Email address and I'll send them by return.

His Mail To Us








It's my pleasure to inform you of the method I followed to predict that Obama would win without any
doubt. The three charts I made are to be seen in attachments. Especially the Age Harmonic of the 4th
November is decisive!
This way of using the AH when we have to do with a corrected Natal is always giving the exact day
something indicated by the Stations will actually happen!
It is practically infallible! A great pity is however that in this HA 8 ruler Sun is in square to both Mars
and Uranus, by which there will be a possible attack by gunshot !
Paul Langeveld

P.S: I would be obliged if I could receive your quarterly magazine.

Obamas Secret Magic Word

he BCP technique was described in the previous issue, though only some percent of it is
revealed due to shortage of space. Lets apply it to Obamas Chart. The first problem is that
many say his birth certificate is wrong and is a spoof to divert attention. Lets suppose for once
that the chart below is wrong data. It was predicted on an Indian forum called Sohamsa: that in the 2nd
year, a dramatic event would have happened in his family. Why, since Dragons Tail (Ketu) sits in the
2H of family and as per BCP method 2nd house is 2nd year, they reported back that around the 2 nd year
there was divorce in family (2H). But you see if we stick to basics of astrology all of us know that
Dragons Tail (ketu) means Change or Break. So result would be either in the 2nd year or 3rd year and
hence Obama can be either Sagi or Capri Asc. Wherever in your chart Ketu sits there is 100% change in the
significations of the house concerned, it wont be a stagnant house but a dramatic house. Obamas Mars is in
8H of his chart and Mars means God Hanuman in Indian astrology apart from other things: the
President Elect is smart or someone smarter is advising him.








Time Magazine revealed that he carries Hanuman Idol (Hanuman stands for Mars) in his
trouser pocket, trouser is 8H and Mars sits in his 8H. Why is he activating this deadly Mars Rahu
combo by keeping Hanuman Idol in pocket is it since Mars rules the 4H of Throne and 11H of position
in his life and Mars will Bless the 5th from it when worshipped? What is this 5th from Mars, it is his
12H (Fruit of Throne) & as per BCP it is 12, 24, 36 or 48th year of his life, incidentally when the elections
were done Obama was running the 48th of his year. We shall visit this later.

Now the key is that to be President you need to be a performer and if you have no track record of
being a President what you need to do is what politicians do best: Perform in your speeches. What did
Obama say that enthralled the voters? He just said Change and he created magic around this word,27424,1811278,00.html





Change . He said Yes We Can do the Change & the crowd roared for the Lion. What does Ketu
(Dragons Tail) meanit means Change and it sits in his 2H of speech, did he use the word Change, so is
the chart that of Obama? We dont know but the power of this change (Dragons Tail) must be judged it
is exalted in the 9th divisional sitting in the 4H of Throne in the 9th Harmonic Chart (9th harmonic
signifies fruits of the chart). He used the word Change and he gets to sit on the Throne.
Dragons Tail in 2H of speech makes you cutting edge in your talks, since that is the nature of
Ketu cutting edge & sharp. His speech tone can be attributed to Dragons Tail style of speech. This Ketu
is an important tool in birth rectification that most dont use and some of us are still fixed to the charts
that we used to predict before the birth certificate of Obama surfaced, lets revisit some basics. Dragons
Tail (Ketu) is the coowner of Scorpio which is the 8H of Transformation/Change in the natural Aries
Zodiac Asc, his Ketu is exalted in the sign of Scorpio in the 4H of throne in the 9 th harmonic & this
energy it brings back in the 2H of speech in his natal, being stupendously powerful, Ketu signifies
Liberation (Moksha) so when Obama said the word Change he created in the minds of his audience
that he is going to liberate them from the tyranny of the previous administration & the economic mess.
Astrology does not mean predicting if Obama or a client will win the elections, Astrology means
guiding him as to what he must do or say (Change here) to win the Elections & then once elected
guiding him to keep his promise (Change) in an honest manner. If we cant make our political clients or
normal clients an honest human being, then lets throw our astro books and stop calling it a divine
science. Lastly apart from many combinations (yogas) that he has, one must be mentioned, 12L in Asc
getting debilitated and the debilitation is removed by Saturn (death/misery) as Saturn is in own sign in
kendra (Sasa Yoga) and this is called in India NeechaBhanga, which means due to someones misery he
will gain. McCain misery was Obamas Gain.


Grand Mothers Death: Result Is The King Is Born







bama is running the 48th year of his life, deducting multiples of 12 the 48th year comes to his 12th
house, Jupiter is the ruler, who comes to the Asc (self), 12th lord in Asc means death and hence
one must keep quiet as there is no fixed method to determine longevity, though there are many
methods of timing death in Indian astrology but they do not work consistently. Now the worry is 12L
Jupiter and its degree is 7Cp32, use the calculator provided in download section or multiply 7.32 x 12.166
(365 30)= 90 days, add to his birth date and you get 4th Nov 2008 the day of the elections. But you see
death like form especially with Tr Rahu in Asc & Tr Sat in Leo in 8H of longevity. So do you predict
death? No, you keep quiet though the buzz on forums is he could be assassinated before Election Day.
Now interestingly a death did occur in his life around 4th Nov 2008 when his grand mom died. After the
event it is easy to justify: 4H is mother, mothers mother is 4th from 4th i.e. 7H whose lord Moon (also
significator of mother figures) is aspected by Tr Saturn by his 10th aspect from Leo carrying energy of
death as he is in the 8H of death on his 7L of grandmother, some mother figure is going to go. Tr Saturn
is also on his Rahu (who is significator of grandparents), worst is Tr Saturn in Leo at that moment
aspected the Letter M (SBC method) sitting in 8H of death and incidentally his grandmothers name
was Madelyn Dunham and this M was also aspected by Ketu. Now we in India know that Ketu means
Moksha (liberation) Significator that is after death you go home (light workers know this concept) and
Obama tells a crowd in North Carolina: "She has gone home" what synchronicity. Tr Jupiter is in his
12H & it will destroy the 6th from it which is the 5H where Moon the 7th lord of grand mom. She should
be careful during this period is what you can predict at the most. You notice what Tr Jupiter is doing &
also the 48th year lord is additionally Jupiter, mark this. Maybe the 19.24 birth time could still be wrong,
we dont know as its easy to justify an event after it has happened I Knew It All Along Syndrome.
Obama & Negative Approach of Indian Astrology
ne of the reasons most Indian astrologers can reject Obamas 19.24 time of birth is since it
contains a very bad combination the 12th lord in Asc, this from time immemorial has been
prescribed as not a combination of successful life as 12th house is losses & Asc is self, so Losses
(12H) comes to Self (1H) or death (12H) comes to self faster. There is another way the Mystic













The Power of BCP and our Failures: Most Stunning Prediction Ever

Astrologer uses it that must be revealed here, see as 1H signifies ones success & standing on ones feet, so
the Mystic Astrologer predicts that When Success has to come to Self, someone will die around him3.
For e.g. 7H is house of Public Life & Attaining High Positions in Masses so if you have debilitated
south node (Rahu) posited in 7H of grand mom then when grand mother dies one could come in
prominence, this is what happened in a chart known to us, 1 week before the launch of the 1 st issue of
this magazine when work pressures was too stressful one of the team members grandmom expired, he
was just reminded that the show must go on as they say in Bollywood and within an hour he was back
with us. Within 2 weeks the magazine had created ripples in the Vedic Astro world giving him
Limelight (7H) effects. In order to end this with Obama lets quickly take an unknown method of
timing. His birth date is 4th Aug & Election day is 4th Nov, so its approximately 91 days from his birth
day. Lets see this carefully on the 90th day from ones birth day how to count which planet will have
maximum influence. From birth day first 20 days is ruled by Sun, next 50 days is ruled by Moon
(masses) and next 27 days is ruled by Mars. On day of election this Tr Mars of Hanuman that we
pinpointed in Vol 2, was in his 10H of KingShip and this Mars is that Hanuman Idol that he keeps in
his trouser pocket as per Time Magazine. Some say his fate was decided from day one after Hillary was
out and it was sealed in 12 months before the D Day, if you notice that would be the period of Moon
and his Moon which signifies masses in mundane is exalted in the 5H of Power which he got.

Using principles of Sage Varahamihira that the house where lord of a particular house is disposited it shows the circumstances as to how
the event will unfold in life.












This chart belongs to a friend who is also involved in the design of this magazine; we often go
together to Narasimha wadi a pilgrimage place in Maharashtra, India with Madhav Deshmukh & his
friend Narhari who is the yogi searcher for us. There at the house of the priest, who is well known to us,
we have our meals served traditionally and hence it is loved. Now in the house of this priest another
pilgrim had come there from somewhere near Satara whose name evades our memory. When the priest
introduced us to this man, he said he is a very good astrologer, but this astrologers attitude was
somehow not welcoming and manner of speech was exhibitionist, so our group was not impressed, but
he said a few things about aspects of Saturn that can be found only in Kumaraswamiyam, an ancient
text, so our ears stood up. He gave his number and said he would contribute articles to the magazine.
Later he met us in the evening and this scribe decided to share the Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi
Methodology with him. He was impressed. He said show me a chart, and this is what dashed out.
He said Son, this method is correct if the following prediction comes true, let me know by
phone. Now hear In the 36th year (12H) which would be between May 2008 to May 2009 he would get
lot of pain in the feet, this mans communication equipment (note moon in 3H) will get spoiled.
Moons asterism lord Ven is in the 12H with the 8L of destruction and he will have to shell out huge
amount of money (Jupiters 5th expansive aspect) coupled with Ven in own house to buy a new one.
Either the new equipment would be Red or White in color. This is how it exactly happened word by
word 34 months from the prediction and incidentally he had a red color laptop (Mars aspect) which got
damaged completely and was replaced by a white colored Mac Book (the color of Taurus is white as we
all know).
He further said that during this year this friend of yours will talk a lot on the phone (12H has
Ven who is lord of asterism of Moon which is in the 3H of communications), he will talk to lot of
people while walking (Moon is in 3H of travel) and for long time (Moons dispositor sun is exalted) and
could be with astrologers (its with Mer) and while talking he would be travelling and stand on black
ants killing them (12H has Saturn and all of us know that Saturn denotes black ants) By this way he
would make Saturn angry and this bad karma will be done by your friend. But our logical brain crept in.
How can he travel and stand on black ants at the same time? Now word to word as predicted it
happened and incidentally the chart holder either talks on his mobile via headset while driving
(travelling) or when in office he always goes outside his office and strolls on the verandah where black
ants are roaming around. Few months back when he was facing problems with his boss (9L of Saturn)
he asked us for remedy. We immediately reminded him to check if he is stepping on black ants, and he
checkedyes he is doing so and killing them every day, hundreds of them, and then we reminded him of
the prediction that he had received. Although we can boast that the astrologer had used the BCP method
but we ourselves cannot make such a great & mindblowing prediction. Thats the difference between
master and student, in fact we are desperately trying to go again to Narasimha Wadi and ask


Mr.Mahesh Pujari (priest) the name of that astrologer so that we can ask him to write for us. By the
way he did indicate that natives feet (12H) will have problems and the native developed corn in his feet
& also skin infection around his ankles, this was not predicted in detail but one can notice that 8L of
chronic disease Saturn sits there aspected by 6L of disease Mars aspected by 8H Jupiter, healing
happened only half as Jup is debilitated & Tr Jup from Sagi did not make a link to the 12H of the 36 th
Biggest Kept Secret Of Astrology: Prelude to the 4th House











n Indian Astrology some traditions teach you to recite mantras to become good in learning
astrology and to become mind blowing in predictions. After 10 years of doing all that one still
cannot predict on a 50% correct 50% failure case like that of Obama Vs McCain. After 40 years of
reciting mantras one is still at the same crossroads, then one blames it on the data not being accurate.
How come we astrologers can charge $350 for rectifying a birth chart to the 60 th division of the Asc that
is 2 minutes variance level but somehow when it comes to rectifying Obamas or McCains chart from a
24 hour variance level we cant even fix the Asc. Nobody questions this on forums either due to lack of
honesty or due to the fact that humans love to be taken for a ride. Mantras or Sadhanas (austerities)
does not make one an astrologer or solve all your problems, otherwise as mentor says, India would
never be facing so many problems like poverty, racism etc. By reciting mantras we love to get the
feeling that we are spiritual beings or doing some great spiritual thing and this goes to the head of most.
Take our case of Saptarishis Astrology Magazine. You approach a yogi known to you with
whom thrice you have shown your editorials thinking he is impressed, then you ask him the accurate
time of Obama, and he shouts back angrily, Has his father asked you to look at his chart, then why are
you looking at his chart (Uske Baap Ne Tujhe Pucha Hain Kya Kundali Dekhne Ke Liye, Phir kyu
Dekhta hain. ) havent you read the ancient scriptures (shastras)? If not asked should you predict?
The scriptures are very clear that curse comes on those who predict without being asked or without the
need of a prediction. Your head hangs in shame, and they think it is fun to meet yogis. At the end of
the meeting he says, Your editorial I have read, it does not speak the truth, the full truth I mean, if you
can only do PR astrology (public relations) then you are one among the millions of useless students who
call the science divine but do not know what divinity is. To get to the divinity of this science for
Useful predictions you must learn to speak The Full Truth and As It is without worrying about the
consequences. It requires a huge heart (4H) to speak the Truth. (Heart is 4H which is 3 rd of action
from the 2nd house of speech). You try to reason with him on how unbiased an editorial should be & not
hurt anyones sentiments, how to balance the Indian & the Western reader together. He simply replies
Your faith in Gods Path is not their son. Didnt I teach you that the karma (10th) of 2nd house of speech
is the 11th house and Saturn is the lord of Aq the natural 11th sign. Didnt I teach you that Saturn is the
planet that makes you a super fine Jyotish 4 and spiritualist? When Saturn strikes, what will you do,
son? If you are interested in doing PR astrology then you will only build organizations like most of the
others but never learn even the meaning of the word Jyotish. Just by calling your books Saptarishis
Astrology (Saptarishis is the 7 holy sages in India/7 arch angels of the west) you gain nothing if you
cant reform the ridiculous state of Indian astrologers. Our astrologers have becomes jokes in the name
of astrology. They are not astrologers but mantra & tantra experts in the name of astrology, all of them
I had thought you would make a difference, you are like others, get out of my sight.
Your breath stops, not a single muscle moves and not even your eyelid such is your state when
you hear a retort like this. We kept quiet for some time, thinking that the storm is over we again quietly
approach pressurizing him to tell us the correct birth time of Obama so that we could go to the internet
forums of world astrologers and indicate (boast) the correct time. He retorts vehemently
Continued in Part 2 of this Issue

One will observe that Saturn signifies old age and normally it is the old astrologers who are more revered due to their years of experience
of profound observation & deep learning all the qualities of Saturn of Aq. In old age the pot of these astrologers is filled with knowledge
and wisdom gained through experience. After the editorial was finished we realized that as of now no one takes Aq as a Mystic Sign and a
new controversy would be created as it happened in one of our lectures in Ahmadabad city done last year where we had mentioned Aq as a
very important sign for astrology. Then by Gods Grace on 26 th Nov 2008 we read words of Late B.V.Raman Aq is known as a mystic
sign; ref Late Prof B V Raman, in Dec 1949 editorial, Page 738, 16th line.


Saptarishis Blessings
|| Gururbrahmaa Gururvishnu Gururdevo Maheshvarah ||



|| GururSakshaat Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah||


Vol 4 Publitorial Part 2








e retorts vehemently Marriage will happen or not? This basic question we Indian Jyotishis
cant predict with guarantee. What do you all want to do with Obama? As if he is going to
give you all an award. Leave me in peace, he has his own astrologer who is guiding him dont
worry about him, worry about yourself, clean your heart and come back when you are reformed.
The time we met him must have been wrong, yet when truth strikes your heart you are
absolutely numb. On the way back we kept on thinking what the yogi said and corelating it with the
same words in our Bible, and the path outlined in it which we are not following. Our obeisance to our
Bible The Last Book of Astrology the book that has made our lives, catapulted our path in Jyotish to
abnormal level as compared to what was before, though many light years still to cross. That book does
not contain techniques of astrology but far more vital secrets of Astrology as it talks about The Path. To
understand this Path & the Biggest Kept Secret of Astrology lets get started below on a journey that
would stretch in many of the publitorials. The breathing should be slow and deep, as what follows is
complex information even for the seasoned Vedic astrologer who is used to this house to house decoding
yet at many places lot of things would need to be unraveled.
4th House The Astrology of Throne
This house is called the house of Primary Education, although we can split it up to 2H, 5H, 9H of higher
education and 8H of occult & so on. But ancients have focused on the 4H as the house of education,
throne, heart, Pure Intent, comforts & happiness. We must request the westerner astrologer to stay with
us till the end of this long piece to know the Secret Of Astrology that we found only being mentioned in
The Last Book of Astrology. For it is such a secret that no tradition lays stress on and all of us today
have forgotten its importance. Let us take 4H and its relation with Natural Zodiac (Aries as Asc)
referred to as the chart when God created this Universe by some and called since time immemorial in
India as the Naisargik Kundali. We would take the 4H as the central house and move to other houses to
judge how this knowledge of the 4H behaves & is in turn influenced so that at the end we realize the
key to the 4H of education of astrology that we all seek.
4th house is the central pillar of ones existence when one is born as it is the house of mother whose
breasts we suck to survive, from it the milk (nectarknowledge) flows. Your first learning (education)
starts in your mothers arms when she teaches you the real meaning of the word Maa, Mom, Mother. It
is also the sign of Cancer whose lord is Moon which stands for mother, it is a watery sign yet it is not










violent water; it is calm and soothing like mothers love. So in order to gain knowledge, the student of
this science needs to be Calm (key) and for the 4H to prosper you need to have movement (watery
sign) in this house, so your information (education) should move and cannot be holed up, as stagnant
water will one day create diseases. That is the reason they say for an astrologer, if one does not have
vices yet suffers from heart disease (4H), then one has holed up the knowledge, if there are blood
pressure problems then as blood is not flowing properly, knowledge from your heart (4h)) does not flow
properly. If your knowledge is not pure then your heart swells giving you ego and attitudinal problems
(5H) as the 2nd from 4H is 5H of attitude, and 2 nd from any house is the gains of that house. That is the
reason they say in ancient India that when they see an astrologer showing off information (education)
that he did not have a good guru, for if he had, this would not be the result at all. The Last Book of
Astrology says The weight of Knowledge is so much; man cannot bear it hence he bends down due to
the weight (gets humbled) that is the reason one with true knowledge would always be humble, never
have ego, never get angry or run others down on the subject of knowledge. Sign ruling the 4H whether
fixed, dual, moveable, airy, fiery all will add further color to your approach to education & level of
learning, its a natural watery sign (Cancer), if fire element comes here in 4H its not comfortable.
Suppose fiery sign/fire element has come in watery sign in 4H, then water becomes hot and boils and
evaporates, finally no water. So if ones house (home) catches fire then it means one has done
something drastically wrong with ones knowledge (4H) as fire on water is naturally not possible,
against nature and Mother (4H) nature is angry with you or it could also mean among many other things
that your students are going to deceive you soon as students is 5H and 12th from it (4H) will show the
loss of 5H or one has misused ones mantras (5H of mantra) hence there is fire in your home (12 th from
5H). Hence astrologers in India do not speak about fire in ones home for they know this rule if they
learnt astrology from the way tradition teaches you that is Natural Zodiac or Kaala Purusha Kundali.
4H is mother and education and that is the reason Mother Saraswati is considered the Goddess of
Learning in India, she is not called just Saraswati but addressed as Maa Saraswati . 4H of natural zodiac
is Cancer sign which as per our texts mean residing in forest hence to gain real knowledge one must go
internal in seclusion & not external in forums or organizations, become quiet and calm like the water
energy of Cancer. That is the reason it is said Astrology is the knowledge of Monks (Jyotish Sanyasiyo
ka Vidya Hain) since they are always secluded. Remember Linda Goodman secluded herself from the
rest and became the No.1 author, the first to come on New York Times Best Seller List.



2nd from 4H of education is the 5H it is gain of education that gives you knowledge & intelligence (5H
matter) and you feel proud at times due to your education as 5h of the natural zodiac is ruled by Leo the
Lion who resides in forest and hence for gain of knowledge (5H) one must become secluded where
Astrology becomes your religion. But if knowledge becomes a tool for your ego or fame (5H) then your
intelligence (5H) gets marred and what you write (3rd is writing, so 3rd from 3rd which is 5H is the
Resultant House. the 3rd house of writing) can become egoistical & this ego becomes a harm inflictor
(marak) to the 4H of education thereby stopping your further growth of the 4H. In Vedic astrology the
2nd from any house is the house of sustenance and thus if you do not sustain anything properly this same
2nd house becomes a Harm Inflictor for the previous house. If you have malefics in the 5H of
intelligence or aspecting it (e.g. Saturn, Nodes) then your intelligence will become marred as you cross
36 years of age & worse after 42, the ages of Saturn & Rahu or till those age it will be marred, depending
on the sign. If a retrograde malefic influences this house then you will misuse what you gained (5 th is 2nd
from 4th house) from your education of previous life as you grow old. Most astrologers say this to scare
parents (that a childs education will suffer a break when such malefics influence) to sell remedies and

Please keep in mind that the whole article is in context of our discussion of astrologers learning/knowledge gain.

Somehow no one bothers to ask what was the karma, what was the esoteric reason behind burning of the ancient libraries of Nalanda
University & Royal Library of Alexandria. There has to be a karmic reason. What sin did we all commit that our knowledge got burnt

There are various schools of thoughts on this, normally we take 5H as Creation (Brahma) & 4H as Saraswati Goddess, but in Tibetan
regions they take the reverse for deities of various houses for remedies. Sticking to Brahma for 5H can seem logical as 5H is children and
you create (brahma) / give birth to your children.


gain money, yet the other side of the coin is misuse or no use of ones education & all your mantras (5H)
wont be able to save your children or save you from the wrath of your students as both children and
students are 5H matters and the house placement & aspects of malefics in a chart show ones sins.
Unfortunately we ignore this rule when we delineate our favorite astrologers charts.







3rd from the 4H of the Information of Education is the 6th house, and in natural zodiac it is Virgo ruled
by Mercury, the planet for communications. So 3rd from 4th becomes the writing that you do in astrology
of what you learn (4H), and if there are malefics in this house then you can develop lots of enemies (6H
is enemies) and also diseases through your writing. Some of us develop lung problems if our writings
demean others educational material & we wonder why. That is the reason the monks of astrology never
write as they know that people outside in cities are narrow minded and would not digest their writings,
but their gain is freedom from enemies and disease as they gave up writing. They dont write for forums
or fight with other astrologers. Example: if one has Rahu (Dragons Head) in 6th house, ones writings
will be read by foreigners more (Rahu means foreigners), it would be research oriented (Rahu shows
research), by being a malefic who wanted superiority over Gods (mythology) Rahu will make one
demean others in your writings creating fights by being controversial, one would not reveal the true
information in her/his writings as Rahu has tendency to hide as per Indian mythology when Rahu the
demon cheated the gods to gain nectar by disguising himself as a god. Take another case concerning
ones learning, Dragons Head implements its energy in the 3rd from itself ref Aug 08 Vol 3 issue of SA
so if you have Rahu in 4th house it will make you write (3H) to fool others as Rahu fooled the Gods to
gain nectar (money) & to influence naive foreigners (Rahu means foreigner) and create fights (6H is
fights) this will give you disease as 6H is disease. Depending on the sign it will be incurable or curable.
As 3rd from 4th house of learning is 6H of accidents then if one has an accident combination in ones
chart one should be careful of not hiding ones knowledge as 6H gets activated and accident is caused.
When we hear of an astrologer having a chronic accident we first enquire if that astrologer was
approached by a student or publisher and if he refused sharing the knowledge. Often the answer we get
is yes.





4th from 4th is the 7th house of public life & position in public life (pada prapti), this 7H is the Resultant
House of the 4H, the concept is called Arudha in Sanskrit, which you calculate by counting the number
of houses away from its original position. This can be applied to all houses. Example: if we want to find
out the resultant house of the 5th house in a chart we will count 5 places from 5th house and we get the 9th
house. The intelligence of the 5H gets converted to the wisdom & philosophy that is seen from the 9th
house, e.g. if you see children from 5H, no malefics aspecting it or its lord but you see malefics
influencing 9H or its lord then you deduce some problems in area of children. Coming back to 7H (4th
from 4th) this sign in natural zodiac is Libra, the result of ones education is to make one a balanced
individual especially in public life as an astrologer. As it is the resultant house of your education if you
become unbalanced in your dealings towards knowledge it in turn affects ones 4H of education. As it
becomes the 7th house of relationship, problems in the 4H reflect on our relationships, often one finds
that astrologers are the most difficult people to deal with in their strive for public standing and often
their marriages are ruined due to wanting self projection & pushing partner in background.
Now if the 4th house is pure then your education brings you great success in acquiring fruitful
public positions, you become a useful astrologer in the public eye. If 4H has restrictive planets
influencing it (like Saturn) then your education can be restricted at any point in your life, and if no
positive influences then you do not get public limelight (7H) effect. Example: if you have Rahu
influencing the 4H then your knowledge is incomplete as Rahu could not devour the nectar completely
and his head was cut off by Chief of Gods as per Vedic Mythology resulting in Rahu & Ketu. 10 th from
7th house is the 4H of learning, 10th means karma, the result, how an astrologer behaves in public life
ones learning increases or decreases. If lot of time is spent doing conferences (7H public life), ones
further learning is reduced as the action (10th) is in the 10th from it. That is the reason you find that
many famous astrologers after one point stagnate since they spend too much time doing publicity stunts
(nautanki). Good learning (4H) ensures good Publicity (7H) automatically since the karma of 7th is
dependant in the 4H of learning.





5th from the 4th house of Learning is the 8th house of occult and longevity/survival. You can survive as
an astrologer in this world only if you have good learning; the gain of occultness of the 8H is a result of
the previous merits of the 4th house of Learning, since the 5th means previous births merits (poorva
poonya) & 8th is the Storehouse of Previous Merits (Poorva Janma Raj Kosh). The natural sign of the
8H is Scorpion: if your merits are not good the science will bite you and that is the reason elders in India
do not encourage a householder to practice astrology as without knowing the roads (tradition) of the 8H
of scorpion you can get sting badly & end up in poverty or misery. From the 8th house the 4th house of
learning is in the 9th (fruits) from it, which means Previous good merits in matters of Learning or
Knowledge gives fruits of good learning of astrology in this life. This is the hidden logic behind why
elders say 8H is the house of occult/astrology. So if we cheat people of knowledge, books or manuscripts
or hiding it (8H is house of hidden) you will suffer in next life when it comes to your astrological
knowledge and other areas too, but here our discussion is on learning astrology and astrologers, not
other areas of life. The 5th shows ones attitude so the attitude by which you do your studies (4H) is
governed by the 8H and the fruits therein of Continuous Flow of the Learning Cycle.
The 8H is the house of darkness and solitude and you need to be the Apprentice of the Master
but in solitude thats the key as it is 8H. Now if your Master has many students you wont get the
solitude (ekant) to do your studies. Often we think that books are our best gurus since we are alone
(8H) with our books. Why didnt our sages have 10,000 students under them? Why did Jesus not have
more than 12 disciples? Was their knowledge not superior to attract many? Because they knew that
energy could be transferred to very few, unlike todays Gurus who are in the business of wanting more
and more students? Their true worth is seen by the number of students a guru has.








6th from the 4H of Learning is the house of 9th house of Teacher, Righteous actions (Dharma), Wisdom,
Gods blessings & Fruits of Ones Life. Now 6th means service/efforts/hard work/obstacles/gratitude,
in order to get wisdom to become a Guru one needs to do extreme hard work and serve (6th) ones Guru.
It is a fiery sign (Sagi) and your teacher at times gets angry with you but if our ego is so much that it
hurts us, then we do not get the Guru period. But is there a true guru today, one can spend lifetimes in
a city or forum and you wont find one. 9th house is the house of Sagittarius in the Natural Zodiac
whose lord is Jupiter the natural teacher. 9H is the house of Gods too so when we dont get a guru we
make God our Guru, and its far better than todays Guru who accords you titles of Guruism depending
on how much you served (6th) them with praise or money. What should be the relationship towards our
God (or guru) & our learning, well as it is 6th from 4H and 6th shows serving, faith and bowing down,
thats what it should be as when you have full faith only then you, bow to someone or to God.
When we bow down in full faith to our Gods or Guru or Master, we gets in return the Occult
Knowledge (as the 4th house is 8th from 9th), so in order to learn anything from anyone whether it be a
colleague or book or magazine we must show humility (6th) and be ready to learn, but if we show 9th
house trait of already being a Guru, what will we learn? The energy will go into the 12H of loss (9th
energy of Guruism from 4th is the 12H). There is a negative side to the 6th as it shows selfishness. And so
when we take this selfish attitude of the 6th from the 4th house towards our guru (9H) then true love,
true knowledge does not come to self (1H as it is 5th from 9th) but when we convert this selfishness into
honest gratitude we get the real knowledge (9H). Here unfortunate is the Guru (9H) who is born with
many sins of previous life to get a selfish student, for e.g. Internet Paramparas (tradition) have many
gurus who are most hated by their students and Gurus are aware of this, even the student knows the
guru is aware of their hatred but all of them butters their gurus alas true knowledge has not come out
from the gurus as a result not a single of the Paramparas can predict to save their life. We must pity
such students and such Gurus who, in spite of knowing the game they are playing with each other, are
so dependent on each other for surviving today in the Age of Fame Astrology. The 9H is the house of
prosperity and is governed by the deity Laxmi, Goddess of Wealth, when we serve our Guru we get
everlasting wealth his true love which is unconditional, is not unconditional love the greatest wealth of
all since time immemorial.
6th from any house is the house of jealous, as enemies are jealous of us or vice versa and we cant
speak good about our enemies or vice versa. 6th from the 4th house ones knowledge is the 9H which is





the house of Higher Knowledge, it is our by our hard work (6 th) that our knowledge becomes refined
and becomes higher knowledge (9H). As it is the house of higher knowledge we as astrologers should be
careful that we do not carry the negative side of the 6th house energy from 4H to 9H as we can then
become jealous of others higher knowledge and this is often the trap of the 6 th houses energy of
selfishness & greed. When we tend to hate or dislike or argue with others who have higher knowledge
(9H) we are converting the 6H of hard work energy to become jealous energy and thereby the Source
that is the 4H gets spoilt effecting our own learning. As we tend to continuously criticize others works
(9H). Often you will find out that the Supreme Astrologer who has understood the meaning of the
word Jyotish never privately or publicly criticizes others higher knowledge whether it be in form of
books or articles. You will observe that not a single Sage has ever criticized another Sages work.
You come to know the worth of how one will progress in astrology if he or she reads a great book
on astrology and no praise comes from him, if no praise comes you know which type of 6H energy is
travelling from his 4H since when one gets jealous of someones success surely he is not your friend
(4H) but you are taking him as the enemy (6H) and this happens mainly when you do the Astrology of
the Throne (4H) and not Astrology of the Heart (4H). This is the difference in the 4H energy. This
scribe has observed over many years of observation when he learns a secret technique from an astrologer
and when he teaches the same to another astrologer, he is not much interested in learning and after
learning it has no praise for it as if he has learnt all the techniques of astrology.
We noticed the 4H of heart methodology from a master who had no tradition in astrology, no
guru yet he went on to become a Master of the science & also world famous. Those were the nostalgic
days when sitting at his feet we would hear stories of him praising other astrologers works, always
praising. So much love flowed. No doubt the energy flowed from his 4H to 9H and back to his 4H with
more higher knowledge, much more than what others ever got.








As the 1st house is self and 7th house is the Man that comes out in the world to interact with it, same is
the 4th house of Learning and the 7th from it becomes the 10th house of what comes out of that learning,
which, being the 10H, can either be your profession or your free serving to help people. It being the sign
of Capricorn in the natural zodiac is ruled by Saturn, one must be careful with what is done with this
learning (of the 4th house) as when Saturn strikes no mantra can save, and we know that even Gods had
to go into hiding for years due to Saturn. Our obeisance to Gods and planet Saturn both. At times when
this 10H is spoilt due to actions of previous or this life, an astrologer develops problems of the knee as
10H & Capricorn is knee, this knee problems cannot be ignored by a prudent astrologer.

This is the best house; the 8th from 4th house is the 11H of gains of money, gain of position and gains in
fulfillment of desires. Ruled by Aquarius the Pot Bearer who some say needs to overflow to function
and some say it should not overflow being half empty whereas some say the pot of the sign is actually
empty. It is the pot of Occult Knowledge of the 4H of Learning (8th from 4th); this is the real Occult of
the Astrology. 4th house sign is Cancer which is water element and this water must flow through ordeals
(8H) into the Pot of the 11H of Aquarius and it is then only (struggle energy of 8 th) that the pot becomes
full to give you Gains that is signified by the 11H.
Now, the 8th house is more to do with magic, tantric activities, austerities and unfortunately the
astrology of today, which is far different than astrology of olden days. Think of it this way: if 8H is
occult then 4th (education) from 8th is the 11th house. And 8th from 4h is also 11H, both ways we come to
the same 11th house that is Aq that is ruled by Saturn and the natural Obstacle House of the zodiac (For
Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn the 11th from it is the Obstacle Sign). No wonder to gain money or
position or fulfillment of desires humans face so many obstacles and get it after a lot of effort, and as the
elders say, Saturn gives results after delayits not delay, its the hard work and efforts signified by
Saturn to cross the obstacles (11H). The difference between a good and a bad astrologer is Saturn; the

After this editorial was finished, we came across our Nadi notes book and found written there that Aq is another mystic science of zodiac
besides Sc, besides 8th from any house is the mystic house of it since it carries with it Sc energy. The color of Aquarius is deepbrown and
if one notices the headings of each article, paragraphs & borders of pages of this magazine are deep brown in color by coinci dence.






good astrologer has worked hard burning midnight oil to test each and every technique he finds in
books. See, oil is signified by Saturn and night is when Saturn is strong.
The problem here is the fortune (4th) of this occult knowledge (11H) is governed by 2H (4th from
11 ) and also Saturn implements itself in the 4th from where it sits. Saturn is the Dharma Holder
(Judges Righteousness in Each One) so ones speech has to flow with Truth & what you do with this
Mystic Knowledge is governed by Saturn. No doubt the ancients and as late as C. S. Patel have said you
must always speak the truth. But this is so tough in todays world. If you speak the truth in todays
world you are banned from forums of dictator astrologers, if you suggest that before we decide on
anything lets first remove those 60,000 manuscripts (Saturn) on the topic you get banned by Fuehrers
Of Astrology who do not realize that one day people with only 6 years of astro knowledge will come &
remove the carpet under you. As 6 year olds represent Indigo Children and color Indigo is the higher
octave of Saturn as per some.
Why is the water to flow continuously from Cancer to Aquarius since you need to make many
pots that can contain your ever increasing learning. See the clay of the Aq pot is made of mud (earth
4H), now this is made with hands (11H & 3H) & some water (4H). The Saturn here is the toughest to
deal with, as it is a fixed Saturn here rather than a moveable Saturn of Capricorn, if one is too fixed it
breaks the Pot knowledge gone and if one is too soft the Pot cannot be made. This should give a clue as
to what kind of energies we require to benefit in gaining knowledge when it comes to the real mystic
knowledge of the 4H of our learning. The other clue for Indian Astrologers who take Lord Ganesh
(elephant headed) as Lord of astrology and pray to him for excellence in astrology is for the reason that
Lord Ganapati is considered as the remover & creator of obstacles (11H) as we all know and the 11H
(Aq) is ruled by Lord Ganapati . We hope now the logic of AqAstrology & Lord Ganesh is grasped by
Indian astrologers. In India the richest city is Mumbai & also hosts Bollywood, this city holds the
biggest festival in the whole of India for Lord Ganapati as he removes obstacles (11H) and gives gain of
desires & money (11H) which Mumbai has.







9th from 4th house of learning is where the heart of God is, and is called the house of pleasures and
spirituality. If you reside (4H of home) in the heart of God wont you enjoy pleasures & spirituality? 9th
from any house is the fruits of that house hence they said donate knowledge as 9th (fruits) from 4H of
knowledge is the 12H of charity & also the fruit of the happiness of 4H (sukhastana4h). For more into
this readers can refer to Sri Krishnas words in Bhavishya Purana (holy text) that we translated for the
first time for the benefit of readers in Vol 2. The sign is Pisces of the natural zodiac and it is the water
where fish moves around, so the fruits of this action are ever flowing and also feeds others (fish). This
12th house is the house of the heart (4th from 9th) of the Guru, the Master and of the Gods. So once you
donate true knowledge without worrying about the fruits of it then God falls in love with you as his
heart is yours and you will automatically get more knowledge as 12H is the Knowledge of the Gods (4 th
from 9th). That is the reason there is a verse in sanskrit which says that to hold knowledge and not allow
anyone to bring out knowledge is a sin which cannot be reversed. Alas todays organizations and Gurus
do not want you to bring out knowledge, if you bring it out their throne gets threatened as they practice
the astrology of thrones.
It is important to note this relation that, as the 4th house is the 5th (poorva punya/merits of
previous birth) from the 12H of Gods heart/spirituality. Hence it is your previous births merit of
donation of knowledge by which you get good education (4H) of this science in this birth. Please reread
the above verse and see the cycle is complete 9th from 4th your fruits (9H) of donation (12h) of
knowledge in previous life (12H) & it comes back (5H) as knowledge (4H) in this life. That is the
reason it is said donate without your shadow coming to know of it, without any conditions in your
donation, we cant say Give me $250 for my article or magazine but it cant be free either as anything
free has no value since gratitude died 2000 years back.

House Ruler Deity Wise: 1. Shiva 2. Kubera 3. Kumar 4. Saraswati 5. Brahma 6. Varun 7. Parvati 8. Yama 9. L axmi 10. Visnu 11. Ganesh
12. Agni this rulership is as per one school of thought.

Here it can be this life also depending on the sign occupied there and other multitudinal factors.


10th from the 4th house is the house of karma (10th) of the education that you learn. This makes you or
breaks you by giving you ego about it as the 1H is the house of ego. In reverse, since 4 th house is the 4th
from the 1H, it bloats your heart (4H) giving you a bigger ego, making the 4H Fixed and not flowing
like water which it should be as 4h is sign of Cancer. This energy movement becomes cyclic 4th to 1st to
4th and becomes a black hole most astrologers cannot escape including this writer. That is the reason for
gain of true knowledge in olden days the monks were advised begging as a ritual so that their ego
becomes zero and flow of energy goes on and on in a cycle as the monks were not after gold but after





11th from the 4th is the 2H of wealth, speech and family. As such 11th stands for gain and 11th from any
sign stands for gain or no gain of that house. If your actions in the 4H are good then there is gain in the
11th from it resulting in prosperity to you & family; if the actions are bad then your whole family goes
down. The natural 4H sign is Cancer and hence its Obstacle Sign would be Taurus, which means if you
do not allow free flowing of energy in the 4h which is its natural birthright (cancer sign) then you
create Obstacles in the 2H of family, wealth and speech. How is this 4H so instrumental if one does
not want to learn or does not allow one to learn, then ones heart (4H) will get fixed, which is against
the very basic nature of the 4H. Hence the result will be destruction of wealth or family or speech or
eyesight at one stage of life. Depending on the sign it will be either in this life or next or next to next
and thats the reason Sage Parasara wrote 5000 years back that Hence, everyone should have knowledge
of Jyotish, particularly the Brahmin. The one, who, is devoid of knowledge of Jyotish, blames this Vedic
Science will go to the hell called Raurava and will be reborn blind.







Mark the words blind and knowledge of Sage Parasara. The logic of this verse as to why sage mentions
blind has so far eluded most so we here make a humble attempt to explain a part of it. See corelate this with logic
as to why it is said that Jyotish (11H) is the eye (2H) of the Vedas (4H) from whatever you read in the paragraph
titled 11 th. Vedas means the highest knowledge as per Indians and is tough to understand. Take Vedas as 4H, the
supreme part & gain of this knowledge of Vedas would be the 11th from it, as 11th symbolizes the highest
gains in a chart and the 11th from 4th is the 2H of eyes, hence Astrology is the eye of the Knowledge has
been cryptically by our ancients as astrology opens our eyes to see the difference between illusion and
the reality of our existence, that is our past actions that result in future results. This whole concept
deserves an article but lets see it from other angles. If we take 9 th of essence from 4H of the 4Vedas, we
get 12H of spirituality & right eye and it is just astrology becomes a Spiritual science. If we take 8H as
Astrology of Occult, then the 2nd (eye) from it becomes the 9H of higher knowledge. Astrology becomes
your eye to see the plan of God (Vedas).
There is so much more to this for example see 4H and take 11th from it which is 2H of speech. In
India it is said that an astrologer needs Vak Siddhi which means the words (prediction) that comes out
of his mouth should become true. Now mouth is 2H, 3 rd from any house is the action of that house
which becomes 4H, if malefics are in 4H it becomes an impediment as malefics signify impediments,
now as food for thought go to charts of those astrologers whose prediction failed on your charts or those
gurus who often fail in their predictions and in some of their charts you would find a malefic in 4H or
association of 4L with malefics. Unfortunately no astrologer writes on this particular aspect since he
would lose his business.
12th from 4H is the natural 3rd house of writing and also the house of charity of knowledge (4th) as 12th
means charity. That is the reason when an author writes a book (3H) or gives a lecture he donates (12 th)
his learning (4H). Donation is always unconditional love and hence if one writes a book but does not

Again 11 th energy of Ganeshobstacles comes here, hence for vaksiddhi (predictive ability) since ages astrologers pray to Lord Ganesh.


reveal his full knowledge in his writing on that topic his donation is not accepted by the Universal
Energy which is male female combined that is Gemini of 3H of Natural Zodiac. Reverse is 2nd from 3rd
house of writing and good communication skills, it results in gains of more knowledge (4th is 2nd from
3rd) & fortune (4H of fame & fortune). The 3rd house is the natural sign of Gemini, the combination of
the malefemale energy, the unbiased one: your writing needs to unbiased, for without which knowledge
would not grow. Your writing should be honest, admitting your failures, and not such that one day a 6
year old kid (MerGemini) comes to tattoo on your hand, this sentence, I Do Not Know Astrology.
Remember Mercury is the kid and the 12th house is the loss of the 4H of knowledge, hence they say in
India for those egoistic astrologers that one day a kid (MerGemini ruled) will come and show your
inferiority (loss) to you, if you have so much of ego (4H of pride) on your knowledge. Indians can refer
to the ancient story of Prahlada & Dhruva 6 year olds who reduced the ego of their opponents. It is
said in every era they are reborn to drive out the old egoists. As 12th from 4H is 3H of writing, it also
means that by writing what was yours (4H) is no more yours (12th from it) and it belongs to the world,
as it being 12th it is charity of your knowledge whose sign is Gemini in natural zodiac, which stands for
intelligence as it is ruled by Mercury, and in next life or this you are rewarded with more intelligence
due to your charity of knowledge.





In order to avoid length of this write up we have not used Elements (Tatva) and many other
characteristics of each sign. But what is the bottom line, what is the so called Biggest Kept Secret of
Astrology. It is the 4H of:








es without a good heart one cannot learn astrology, one may learn information, become a great
predictor but the basic meaning of the word Jyotish (not using the word astrology here) will not
be understood by us. You see the 4H is the house of the mother; here the mother and the kid
unite as the kid sucks the milk from her breasts which are located also near ones heart, it is not the milk
here that flows, it is the mothers love from her heart which flows to the kid and that is how Learning
Flows from The Heart. If heart is not pure, what will one teach to others, what knowledge will you
share? Remember what our old teachers said: I taught him with my heart (Dil Khol Ke Sikhaya).
Because the guru and student are in love with each other. The student (5H) gains from the 4th. When
you start a science you start for the love of it, because your heart (4H) wants you to learn that science.
At that time you are not worried about what you gain from the science, about the politics of
practitioners of this science, just like a mother while feeding her baby does not wonder if the baby is
going to take care of her in old age. One of our proof readers was travelling in the local metro train,
correcting the articles, and a girl next to her said, Oh Astrology, I want to learn it, go to America and
make money out of it, but I am not finding time to start the study. This is the condition of Indian
Astrology. Its not wrong to make money or not to make money out of it, whats wrong is there is no
intention to learn the science for its Holisticity (must coin a new word here). Show us a Guru who
checks your intention when you approach him to learn. Too many of todays gurus are in the business of
creating thousands of students, and too many students arent concerned enough to check the heart of the
Malefics as we know spoil the houses they sit with or associate with. Forget about the complex
rules lets just stick to this basic rule and see this through an example. If Rahu sits in the 4H of heart,
the heart of the person is spoilt and such a person is called Kapati (man who cheats) in India since Rahu
by very nature tried to cheat the gods of the nectar. This Rahu in the 4H wants to go ahead in life by
hook or crook. Thats what Rahu displayed in the Nectar story of Indian mythology. In India, Astrology
is considered a very divine science and of the gods. That is the reason in ancient India one would not
teach astrology or mantras to a student who has Rahu in quadrants to the Asc or trinal to the Asc, as
when in trines to the ascendant it afflicts the mind of the native or can give him false guru and no guru
wants to be that false guru. Just for the record this author also has one of the above negative
combinations but which astrologer tried to check that? The moment money is shelled out they start
teaching, even if not money then for the sake of increasing ones students count they teach. Do current
Gurus check your chart before they start teaching you? No they dont? This Rahu influence is so


beautiful that Parampara secrets are revealed not in India but abroad (Rahus influence again) but this is
the way the world is. Students join the Gurus Institution and leave it when they find out the Guru is a
politician and a cheat, yet will still join back shamelessly since we are so hungry for this 4 th house of
Throne of Knowledge as we can easily cheat (rahu) young entrants by imparting further courses and we
think Saturn from 10H is not looking at our 4H.
It took this writer incidentally 2 years of gap to decode this verse from The Last Book of
Astrology To Learn Astrology Infidelity Is The Most Important Virtue The Rishis (sages) do not
like Infidelity, why did it take so long since we forgot that 4H is the house of chastity. Here Babaji is
not referring to sexuality related infidelity but knowledge (4H) related infidelity as one needs to be
honest to ones knowledge capability, otherwise guru/higher knowledge becomes obstacle to gain (6th is
obstacle & 6th from 4H is 9H of guru or higher knowledge).











As we close this long piece, lets see a movie that is considered by many to be one of the greatest
spiritual movies of recent times Jerry Maguire starring Tom Cruise & Cuba Gooding Jr, who plays
Rod Tidwell. Jerry (Tom Cruise) is a Sports Agent & one day writes about dishonesty (4H) in sports
profession and gets fired. He has no clients except his Tidwell, now see what Wikipedia says Tidwell
tests Jerry's resolve through a very long telephone conversation, which culminates in the famed "Show
Me the Money!" telephone yelling match between Rod and Jerry. Later on when Tidwell cant make it
big he accuses Jerry of being lousy, then Jerry gives the famous mantra You know why you dont have
the $10 million dollar contract. You Play With Your Head, Not Your Heart. He goes on to later win a $
11 million dollar contract notice the synchronicity of the number 11 and now check what you read in
the 11th from 4th and also the 11H of a chart, all of it is governed cum controlled by the Key which is the
4H of Heart, money is just the biproduct lets not forget that. Lets all do the Astrology Of The Heart
instead of becoming No.1 & doing the Astrology of the Throne.

In June 2008, AFI revealed its "Ten top Ten"the best ten films in ten "classic" American film genresafter polling over 1,500 people
from the creative community. Jerry Maguire was acknowledged as the tenth best film in the sports genre. The dialogue Show Me The
Money comes in the AFIs 100 movie quotes at 25 th ranking.


Ron Bippus, Canada.
Canadian Federal Election
Libra Ingress 22 Sep 2008, 11:44 AM,
Ottawa, Canada
Poll Opening 14 Oct 2008, 9:30 AM
St. Johns, Newfoundland



on Bippus is a professional Astrologer






n order to predict the outcome of an

astrology looks at the Solar Ingress
chart prior to an election and at the poll
opening chart on the day of an election.
These two charts generally agree, but in
close elections they can be different. The
Ingress Chart is always set for the capital
of the country in question, in this case
Ottawa. The poll opening chart on the
other hand is set for the easternmost city
in the easternmost province in the
country, or for the city in which the polls
first open on Election Day. The reason is
that all the polls open at the same time of
day; therefore they open first in the eastern
part of the country. In Canada, the eastern
most city is St. Johns, Newfoundland. In
small countries with only one time zone,
this is not a consideration and the poll
opening chart is set for the capital.
However, in Canada with its six time
zones, the location of the poll opening chart
is crucial. The 10th house or MC rules the
incumbent party and its leader, and the 4th
or IC rules the opposition party and its
leader. The 1st and its ruler and always the
coruler Moon rule the general public.




with 35 years experience. Ron has re-typed

all of William Lilly's "Christian Astrology"
and it is now available in modern English.
This is the most informative book ever
written on the art of horary astrology. As
well, Ron has turned Lillys horary astrology
information into a modern horary textbook
entitled appropriately enough the Horary
Handbook. He lives and practices in
Toronto, Canada.

The chart for the Libra Ingress in Ottawa

has Scorpio rising, Virgo on the 10th house
cusp. Mercury ruler 10th of incumbent
(Conservative) is peregrine in Libra in the
11th of supporters. Mars ruler 1st of the











public is in separating conjunction to Mercury and Venus. Support for the current
government is eroding and fading. Mercury is in applying sextile to Pluto, coruler 1st, in the
2nd house of money. Harpers focus is on supporting the banks, large corporations and
financial institutions and receiving their support in turn. However, Venus will aspect Pluto
before Mercury can do so. This is a prohibition and so the sextile will do Harper no good.
Harper starts out well enough, but the Moon will eventually square Mercury before
changing signs. Public opinion will turn against Harper because he treats the public (Moon)
with contempt.

Jupiter ruler 4th of the opposition leader Stephane Dion (Liberal) is in its fall in Capricorn in
the 2nd house of money. His financial ideas will not be well received. Neither Mars nor Pluto
ruling the public apply to Jupiter, so Dion will lose. Moon of public opinion is in tight
applying opposition to Jupiter and wide square to Mercury. The public is opposed to Dion,
but later in the campaign that opposition will lessen.
The Moon makes no aspect to Neptune, coruler 4th of the leader of the other opposition
party, Jack Layton of the NDP. He will do well enough and gain some seats from the
Liberals. Mars of the public 1st is in separating trine to Neptune and Neptune is in separating
sextile from Pluto coruler 1st. He is well respected and public support for Layton is high at
the beginning of the campaign but will slowly fade.
Poll Opening Chart 14 Oct 2008, 9:30 AM St. Johns, Newfoundland
Just like the Libra Ingress Chart for Ottawa, this chart has Scorpio rising; only the MC or
10th house cusp is in Leo, not Virgo. Sun ruler 10th is in its fall in Libra in the 11th house of
supporters, in no aspect to Mars ruler 1st but in applying sextile to Pluto coruler 1st in the 2nd

house of money. Harper will retain the support of the financial and industrial sectors, but
lose the support of the public. He will say things for which he will have to apologize later.











His statement to Saskatchewan farmers that real Canadians do not support artists on red
carpets cost him the support of the educated people in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
Culture may not be important to farmers but is very important to educated people. Harpers
withdrawal of support for the arts hurt him badly at the polls. His other selfsabotaging
comment was to the effect that Canadians are not afraid of losing their homes, despite the
fact that 200,000 people in Ontario and Qubec lost their jobs in the manufacturing sector.
This is just plain insensitive.

Moon coruler 1st is in Aries in the 5th in applying opposition to the Sun.
The public opinion in eastern Canada, which holds two thirds of the
population of the country, sharply turned against Harper. His lack
of daycare and other social programs hurt him at the polls. He won
a slightly larger minority instead of the majority that had been well
within his grasp. Like Torontos favourite hockey team, the Maple
Leafs, he snatched defeat from the jaws of victoryJ
Saturn ruler 4th of the opposition leader (Aquarius) is in the 10th in
Virgo, in applying opposition to Uranus coruler 4th in the 4th. Even
though Stephane Dion is focused on the leadership job, he is in the power of his enemies.
Mars ruler 1st is in very wide sextile to Saturn and wide trine to Uranus coruler 4th.
Unfortunately Mars aspects Jupiter before Saturn or Uranus; this is an abscission or cutting

off of light. The public will turn away from Dion and the Liberals, and this election was the
worst showing ever for the Liberal party in the 141 year history of Canada. Moon coruler 1st
makes no aspect to Mars and only a wide trine to Pluto. Dion is well liked as a human being
but gets absolutely no respect as a political leader. The ascendant is in applying trine to
Uranus. The people like Dion as a man, but not as leader of the country.

USA Federal Election 2008

Scorpio Ingress 22 Oct 2008, 9:09 PM, Washington, DC











The Solar Ingress chart for Scorpio has Gemini rising, Pisces on the cusp of the 10th. The 10th
represents the incumbent party leader, John McCain of the Republicans. Jupiter ruler 10th is
in its fall in Capricorn in the 7th, in the house and power of its public enemy. Mercury ruler
1st is triplicity ruler of the air element and is in Libra in the 5th, making an applying square to
Jupiter. The public is angry with McCain because of his lack of social policies, especially
child care programs. Neptune coruler 10th is separating from conjunction to the MC in
Aquarius, retrograde and in wide applying trine to Mercury. He is not likely to be elected
president, Neptune moving away from the MC. The public may like McCain as a man but
they dont want him as a president. Moon is in Leo in the 3rd in applying opposition to
Neptune. Public opinion is turning against the Republicans and McCain.

The Ingress Chart has Virgo on the 4th house cusp of the opposition. Mercury ruler 4th is
triplicity ruler of air in Libra in the 5th because this is a night time chart. Democratic

candidate Barrack Obamas child care and social programs are well received by the public.
Moon coruler 1st is in Leo in the 3rd of communication in separating sextile to Mercury and
applying opposition to Neptune. The people will oppose McCain, significantly shifting
support to Obama. The separating sextile between Moon and Mercury indicate Obama may
also have some communication issues that he needs to fix. Saturn ruler 8th of national debt
and 9th of foreigners is in Virgo in the 4th, in applying opposition Uranus in Pisces in the
10th. Issues of crushing national debt due to involvement in foreign military ventures will
destroy McCain and help Obama. If Obama can come up with solutions to these problems,
he will win the election. The only question left is the whether the win is a landslide or
simple majority.
Poll Opening 4th Nov 2008, 00:00, Dixville Notch, New Hampshire











Dixville Notch is a pass through the mountains of NH, and has a population of about 75
people. Its only claim to fame is that the polls open here at midnight, making it the very first
place in the USA where people vote. All eligible voters gather at midnight at the town hall
and then vote.

The chart has Leo rising, Taurus on the 10th house cusp of the incumbent party. Venus ruler
10th is peregrine in Sag in the 4th of the opposition. The incumbent party leader John McCain
is in the power of his enemy. Sun ruler 1st is peregrine in Scorpio in the 3rd, in no aspect to
Venus. The people dont like what McCain is telling them and have turned away from him.
Moon coruler 1st is in Capricorn in the 5th its detriment in no aspect to Venus ruler 10th. The

public have turned their backs on McCain. Venus is in separating square to Saturn in the 1st.
The public are upset with McCain and have turned away from him.


Sun ruler 1st is in applying conjunction to

Mars ruler 4th of the opposition, in its
dignity in Scorpio in the 4th. The people
will vote for Obama, the leader of the
opposition because he is seen as a
wonderful leader. Moon coruler 1st is in its
detriment in Capricorn in the 5th of
children, in applying sextile to Mars. The
people will vote for Obama, especially
because of his social sensibilities. If he
promotes his social policies he and the
people will be happy. Unless Obama
shoots himself in both feet with
unfortunate comments, he will definitely
win the election.



Astrological Summary Of Past Panics








What to look for: Planets in the

constellations Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or
Planets in Pisces are opposite the US
Neptune and square the US Mars.
Planets in Gemini are conjunct the
US Mars and square the US
Planets in Virgo are conjunct the US
Neptune and square the US Mars.
Planets in Sagittarius are opposite
the US Mars and square the US
History suggests that the number of
planets afflicting are more indicative
of a crash and panic than the
preciseness of the orb.
- Robert Gover, bestselling author of
Time & Money


Launch Your Book

The Living Birth Chart
Joyce Hopewell










Here I share my own experience and understanding of

this new astrological approach to psychology, based on
twentyone years experience as an astrological
counsellor, teacher, correspondence tutor and training
facilitator for the UK Astrological Psychology Institute.
The practical exercises and activities suggested for the
reader have been tried and tested in live training
seminars and workshops, and have brought deeper
understanding to the people who have worked through
them, together with a lot of insight, enjoyment and
laughter, as they learned more about their birth charts
and themselves along the way. Ive included the kind of
questions that students ask me about various aspects of
the Huber Method, and Ive aimed to respond in a
manner similar to the replies I give when Im teaching,
either in a live session or when Im tutoring by

ere is a short extract from the book, which is available from the API Book Shop,
Amazon and other retailers. "This book is intended as a follow up to The Cosmic
Egg Timer, where Richard Llewellyn and I gave an introduction to the Huber
Method. Many of the topics covered in The Cosmic Egg Timer are revisited in greater depth,
with an emphasis on working practically with the material presented, as well as working in a
handson way with your own chart.

Astrological psychology was developed in Zurich,

Switzerland in the early 1960s by Swiss astrologers/psychologists Bruno and Louise Huber.
Using their extensive understanding of astrology, psychology, the spiritual teachings of
Alice Bailey and Roberto Assagiolis Psychosynthesis, they succeeded in combining the very
best of traditional astrology with modern growth psychology. Drawing these threads
together, and basing their teaching on their own empirical research, the Huber Method
evolved organically and is now used by thousands of practitioners and students of
astrological astrology throughout the world. It provides a powerful tool for self
understanding and psychological/spiritual growth which is practical, easy to use and which
can yield profound insights for the user.
Its very clear to me that the best way to learn and understand astrology from a deep level is
to make it come alive in ways that we can relate to. Its all well and good to understand what
Mars means on an intellectual level. We have a concept of what kind of energy Mars has,
and how it might be expressed. But can you spot Mars in action and for real in your

everyday life? Can you observe it at work in yourself and in the behaviour of others? Do
you watch a TV programme, film or live interview and see Mars in action in some of the
characters? If you can do that, then thats what I call making your astrology come alive and
be tangible and for real. When it becomes an integral part of your everyday life, then your
astrology lives, and you do too, in a more consciously aware and responsible way.
The key feature of using astrological psychology as a tool for personal growth and self
awareness is that it places taking responsibility for ourselves, our own lives and what goes
on in them, very firmly into our hands and our hands alone. It offers us choice, and once
were aware that we can exercise this in our everyday lives, things are unlikely to ever be the
same again. We will be in the driving rather than the passenger seat and the responsibility
for which direction we take will be entirely ours.



This is a practical workbook, and the best way to gain the most from it is to work through
the exercises using your own chart. The content is not intended as a course in the Huber
Method of astrological psychology, but if the reader is already a student of API (UK) they
will hopefully find the content a useful supplement to the course material.





Regardless of whether you are a student or not, it is recommended that you have a notebook
or loose leaf file to use alongside this workbook. You will certainly benefit from working on
your own chart, and if you have a few other charts to work on maybe those of family and
friends this will help expand and deepen your experience and understanding of using
astrological psychology as well as making the learning journey through this book more
interesting, insightful and rewarding."





Joyce Hopewell has been a Professional Astrologer for 21 years, specialising in the Huber
Method of Astrological Psychology, and Principal of the UK Astrological Psychology
Institute for 17 years. Her background is in teaching and social work. She has been a speaker
and training facilitator in Astrological Psychology in the UK, Europe, Australia and the
USA. She broadcasts on BBC local radio, and has written two books on Astrological
Psychology: The Cosmic Egg Timer, pub. November 2004, and "The Living Birth Chart"
pub. November 2008.
Joyce Hopewell, API (UK)
Tel: +44(0)1565633829
Chart Interpretations & Articles at


The Stock Market

Crash of
October 2008 &
Robert Gover, USA.






grew up in an endowed orphanage

(Girard College in Philadelphia),
received a B.A. in Economics from the
University of Pittsburgh, worked as a
journalist, became a best-selling novelist
at age 30, lived most of his life in
California, and now lives in Rehoboth
Beach, Delaware. On the Run with Dick
and Jane is his ninth novel. His previous
book, Time and Money, explores economic
and planetary cyclical correlations. His
first novel, One Hundred Dollar
Misunderstanding, a satire on American
racism, remains a cult classic that helped
break down America's fear of four-letter
words and sexually explicit scenes, as well
as sensitizing Americans to sanctimonious
hypocrisy. He can be contacted at






Robert Gover (born November 2, 1929)

n various articles and my book Time and

Money: the Economy and the Planets, I
predicted a great depression to begin in
2008 and last till at least 2018 and probably
beyond. So I am not surprised that
worldwide stock markets are crashing as I
write this, in October 2008. The Dow ended
the week Friday, October 10 down 40% from
its top a year previous.
Throughout the worlds financial
community, panic reined. Members of the
G7 nations gathered the weekend of
October 11 and 12 in Washington to puzzle
over how to arrest the downward plunge of
stocks, reducing or wiping out the pensions
of uncounted millions and constricting
credit. The following Monday, October 13,
2008, the Dow leaped a record 936 points, the
biggest oneday point gain since 1933, and
11.6%, the steepest percentage rise since 1939.
The behavior of stock markets so far
in October was called a Black Swan event,
comparable to winning the lottery twice in
the same week.
The public is learning such concepts
as credit default swaps a ruse to avoid
government insurance regulations, and the
trickeries of accounting which has created a
distorted system for decades.
My specialty is economic astrology, so
my interest is in comparing this current
crash with previous like events. I have spent
years finding planetary patterns that have

historically correlated with stock market crashes and economic depressions. If we become
aware of these patterns, we can know when the next period of economic distress is due to
hit. If we are aware that the SaturnUranus opposition were now operating under demands
we change established ideologies and procedures, we may avoid the worst.

My research has led me to two hypotheses:

Every time the USAs natal MarsNeptune square is afflicted by one or more of the
outermost planets, we enter a time when a stock market crash becomes possible, likely
or virtually certain.
Every time the USAs SunSaturn square is hit by the outermost planets in the
Cardinal Signs of Capricorn and Ariesforming a grand cross pattern with the USAs
natal SunSaturn squarethe nation has suffered a great depression, and there have
been no exceptions to this rule of thumb.












Since industrialization, there have been repeating cycles of booms and busts. In boom
times, people feel optimistic and get busy producing and consuming, creating prosperity.
Then, for no apparent reason, the boom time ends and we cycle into a period of pessimism.
One of the first indicators of pessimism is a stock market crash.
Some stock market crashes in the past have heralded recessions, depressions and great
depressions, so the number 1 question hanging now is, will this supererratic October 2008
stock market lead us into another?
Examining the three worst crashes of the 20th Century1907, 1929 and 1987only the
one of 1929 led into a great depression. Why? There are endless explanations offered by a
variety of experts, most of them quite logical. The explanation I offer here is astrological.
Astrology is not considered logical by modern science, yet anyone who has studied
astrology realizes that planetary influences affect us subtlely on an invisible level. For the
sake of this discussion, lets call it the level of subconscious mind.


Its when afflictions to the US MarsNeptune square (causing crashes) have then
evolved into afflictions to the USAs SunSaturn square that crashes have led into great
depressions. It is this sequence of afflictions we are facing now.
Lets examine the worst stock market crashes to illustrate.

hen the Panic of 1907 hit, the USAs Neptune was opposition transiting Uranus
in Pisces, and Pluto was conjunct the US Mars. The roughly 30year cycle of
Saturn in Capricorn preceded this crash, and because none of the other
outermost planets were in Aries, this crash was not followed by a great depression.
When the Crash of 29 hit in late October, Saturn was in Sagittarius opposite, and
Jupiter in Gemini was conjunct the US Mars and square the US Neptune, and the New
Moon was conjunct the US Neptune. As Saturn then moved into Capricorn to square
Uranus in Aries, the Crash of 29 led into the great depression of the 1930s.
When the Crash of 1987 hit, the planetary culprits were Saturn and Uranus conjunct
in Sagittarius, aided by Chiron in Gemini, conjunct the US Mars. What followed was a
conjunction in Capricorn of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, but because these planets did not
square another in Aries, no great depression. Pluto, was in Scorpio, forming a beneficent
sextile to the trio in Capricorn.

When the Crash of 2008

determination under the Full
Moon on Monday, September 15,
the US MarsNeptune square was
being hit by the Full Moon, a
SaturnUranus opposition, and if
we expand the orb a bit, a grand
cross formed by Pluto in Sagittarius opposite the US Mars in Gemini. By 2010, Uranus will
have moved into Aries and Pluto into the mid range of Capricorn, forming the grand cross
pattern to the USAs natal SunSaturn square, to form the great depression grand cross.
In 1929, the US SunSaturn square was also being hit by Uranus in Aries while Pluto
then was in Cancer, opposite Capricorn.
The nowforming UranusPluto square is due to hit with full force from 2012 through
2015, but we can expect the overall economy to be in deep trouble by 2010 when a Tsquare
will be formed by Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries.
These transittonatal aspects do not have to be exact to be effective. And it often
happens that Plutos full effects arent felt till Pluto has moved on, releasing the exact
square, opposition or conjunction. Plutos effects are often most powerful in its waning
rom an astrological perspective, the reason we are headed into a great depression
lasting from 2008 to at least 2018 and (depending how we respond) perhaps beyond, is
the upcoming square from Uranus in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn, creating another
grand cross pattern with the US SunSaturn square.
There is another, longer planetary cycle we must factor into this forecast, and that is
Plutos roughly 248 year orbit around the Sun. For Pluto is, as I write this, in the final degrees of
Sagittarius, conjunct the Galactic Center. Its previous visit to this area of the heavens coincided with
the years leading up to the American Revolution. Prior to that, in the early 1500s it coincided with
a pandemic inadvertently brought by European explorers, which depopulated the Americas.
Plutos movement through the last 3 degrees of Sagittarius has a history of bringing
huge transformations. When we add the upcoming UranusPluto square and grand cross
with the US SunSaturn square, the coming decade appears to be another major turning
point in human history, comparable to the early 1500s and 1760s.
Hard angles by Uranus
wherever they have formed
have a history of bringing
revolution and fundamental
change. And, because the present
SaturnUranus opposition will
last well into 2010 and morph into
a Tsquare with Pluto, we can
expect the current crash of stock
prices and chaos to lead into
another great depression, this one likely to be worse than any in memory, owing to Plutos
lingering conjunct the Galactic Center.
What we are living through is a convergence of planetary cycles: 1) the 45year
SaturnUranus opposition, 2) the 248year PlutoGalactic Center conjunction, and 3) the
enutpeN-sraM latan sASU eht emit yrevE










a nehw emit a retne ew ,stenalp tsomretuo

ro ylekil ,elbissop semoceb hsarc tekram kcots




.niatrec yllautriv








tih si erauqs nrutaS-nuS sASU eht emit yrevE

fo sngiS lanidraC eht ni stenalp tsomretuo eht yb
















ot snoitpecxe on neeb evah ereht dna ,noisserped

.bmuht fo elur siht











UranusPluto square and grand cross with US SunSaturn square, which last coincided with
the great depression of the 1930s. By 20132015, Uranus will have completed its 84yearcycle
since 19291933.
Note that there has been one major change in the world economy since previous
crashes: Today the biggest profits come from making money produce more money;
previously, profits came from investing money in making goods and services. This new
money game is a Ponzi Scheme. Its cottoncandy money that evaporates when stock
markets crash. This makes the economy even more vulnerable to that famous wrecking
crew, the SaturnUranus opposition.
Those who do not believe in the potency of planetary cycles call themselves rational. I
have yet to meet a human being I can truly say is rational, but thats another story.
Rationalists point to causeeffect events leading to stock market crashes and great
depressions. From the astrological perspective, these causeeffect events are manifestations
of planetary aspects acting on the invisible causal plane or subconscious realm. As above,
so below, as one ancient stargazer put it.
Now that modern rational science is venturing into the subatomic realm, we may live
to see the day when science will make a discovery: that what happens up there in the sky
correlates with what happens in the subatomic realm. This would be a rediscovery of As
above, so below.
Meanwhile, you can bet the farm that by the mid2000teens, much of the world will
be struggling through another great depression, and a time of massive transformation with
the high possibility of another world war.
The bigger the balloon of optimism preceding busts, the bigger and more longlasting
the succeeding bust is. The good news is, humanity has survived great depressions since
records have been kept, and found ways to improve economic conditions coming out of such
hard times.
Meanwhile, millions of hard working, playbytherules citizens of the USA, Europe
and elsewhere will probably lose all or part of their pensions in the present ongoing financial
collapse. This means the rules of the money game and/or the monetary system will have
change if we are to avoid the worst. .
Best possible scenario, the powers that be will make the changes necessary to avoid
massive starvation and homelessness.
In fact, this process appears to have already begun. The US government, after decades
of promoting socalled freemarket capitalism, has suddenly done an ideological aboutface
by socializing the debt incurred by big corporations. This is being done to save the capitalist
In fact it revolutionizes the system by sovietizing it. What scared 20th Century
capitalists about communism was the old Soviet Unions ownership of banks and big
industry. If transplanted to the USA, they feared, it would mean spreading the wealth
horizontally. Well, now it is being transplanted to the G7 capitalist nations.
What is underway as I write this is an attempt to socialize the debt of these free
market ideologues without socializing their profits too. They want to keep big corporate
profits private while distributing debts to the public.
The logical next step is for government authorities to come out of their ideological
Trickledown trance and realize they cant save their most generous campaign contributors
(the big bankers) without saving the people who make the big bankers rich, the vast
majority of workers and consumers. The vast majority needs to be saved in order to continue
supporting the wealthy few.

There is another problem with the present bailout of banks and big corporations. No
amount of such bailouts will overcome the reluctance of the majority of people to buy
money and consume products at any interest rate, especially if inflation and unemployment
continue to rise. And there will be more astounding surprises in store for the whole economy
as this series of SaturnUranus oppositions make direct hitsin 2008 on Election Day
November 4, in 2009 on February 5 and September 15, and in 2010 on April 25 and July 26.
As Uranuss square with Pluto continues to tighten, we can look for revolutionary
thinking to arise and prevail. Together, Uranus and Pluto will terminate what no longer
works and initiate the new and improved. The sensible thing for us humans to do is
cooperate with this process of economic transformation. The old ideology has clearly led us
to a funnymoney economy (the rich minority and the increasingly poor majority). Every
past great depression in US history has been preceded by a record disparity between the rich
few and the majority. What is needed is systemic change that will distribute wealth more
horizontally. Uranus looks out for the downtrodden.











he biwheel chart below shows the USAs birth on the inner wheel and Monday
September 15, 2008 Full Moon chart on the outer wheel. It was this Lunation that
triggered a more forceful plunge in already erratic stock markets. Notice that the
Lunation hit the SaturnUranus opposition, which in turn was conjunct the USAs natal
Neptune, square the USAs natal Mars.








The second biwheel chart is for the Crash of 1987. Again it was Saturn and Uranus
afflicting the US MarsNeptune square, this time with help from Chrion in Gemini.










For the Crash of 1929, Saturn in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini afflicted the US
MarsNeptune square. The crash this day was triggered by the Moon conjunct the US
Neptune. Why did this one lead into a great depression? Note Uranus in Aries opposite the
US Saturn and square the US Sun, the signature of great depressions. Also notice that Pluto
was conjunct the US Sun, while Mercury and Venue were conjunct the US Saturn.






















Switchwords &
Energy Healing

Kat Miller, USA.


Miller is a natural health care







witchwords are powerful oneword

affirmations which attract desired
experiences, help clear unwanted
energies and can be used to help ease
astrological imbalances, enhancing life
Switchwords were first
introduced by James T. Mangan The
Secret of Perfect Living first published in
1963. Shunyam Nirav brought them back
into focus with his book Switchwords,
Easily Gives to You Whatever You Want
in Life in 2006.



practitioner. Kat specializes in energy

healing techniques. Kat is founder of the
Emotional Freedom vial, Healing Energy
Vibrations vial, Flower Energies vial and
Rescue Remedy energy vial. Kat also brings
a new level of understanding to
Switchwords, utilizing them to help restore
emotional, physical, karmic and astrological



I have spent thousands of hours learning,

Switchwords. I have had many wonderful
experiences and successes utilizing reflex
muscle testing to create Switchphrases for
specific and general situations. I also utilize
this technique to find Switchwords and
Switchphrases for dealing with astrological
events, elements and signs.
When afflicted by astrological imbalances,
Switchwords, simple yet powerful tools,
can be utilized to help smooth the
A Switchword is a oneword affirmation
that embodies an experience, condition or
desired result.

Say, sing, think, intend or chant a

Switchword like you would a mantra, then
relax and follow inner guidance, and watch what happens. You may feel an urge to change
your routine. Do it. Something good may be coming your way.
Switchwords are quick and easy to use, and can be very effective. Chant Switchwords while
eating, drinking, bathing or relaxing. Use them for meditating. Use them any way you want,
any time you want. There are no restrictions on Switchwords. Switchwords always work for
your higher good. At times combining two or more Switchwords into a Switchphrase may
increase the power of Switchwords.
When you encounter an astrological sign or element that causes a disruption, chant the
Switchword and/or Switchphrase listed below for that sign or element.
For example: To help clear disruptive effects of Mercury:


Chant ACT.
If the disruption continues, then chant the entire Switchphrase for Mercury:




A list of Universal Switchwords can be downloaded at:



witchwords and Switchphrases that may be helpful in quelling effects from

astrological elements, element locations and imbalances include:




Astrological Elements and Switchwords



Switchword for all encounters: SHOW
Switchphrase for all encounters: ALONEPOINTSLOWDUCKBE
This Switchphrase means: Increase focus on self, find direction, be patient, dispel
hypersensitivity and be at peace.
Switchword for all encounters: ACT
Switchphrase for all encounters: ACTACTDivineORDERNEXTWHETACT
This Switchphrase means: Transition, be a good orator, increase efficiency at this time, hone
and finalize transitions.
Mercury Retro Switchphrases:
This Switchphrase means: Increase personal ability to create balance, rejuvenate, sever ties
and stop looking for trouble.
This Switchphrase means: Revamp things, become singleminded, create balance and find
solutions to your problems now.

This Switchphrase means: Speak clearly, increase comprehension, lighten stress and work
You can use any one of these Switchphrases that seems appropriate for your current
situation with Mercury Retrograde, or you can use all three at once.
Switchword for all encounters: OPEN
Switchphrase for all encounters: ATTENTIONJUDGELIMITWOMB
This Switchphrase means: Do detailed work, read and enjoy it, regain control and reconnect
with Source.




Switchword for all encounters: WOMB
This Switchphrase means: Increase personal ability to feel secure, increase comprehension,
improve situations, be beautiful, handle unpleasant conditions and clear sorrows.



Switchword for all encounters: GIVE
Switchphrase for all encounters: DivineORDERLIMITGIVESWEET
This Switchphrase means: Clean up, regain control, be helpful to others and be caring.






Switchword for all encounters: WHET
Switchphrase for all encounters: MOVENEXTJUDGEGOCARE
This Switchphrase means: Increase energy, finish lots of meticulous work, increase
comprehension, progress and remember what you are doing.

Switchword for all encounters: LISTEN
Switchphrase for all encounters: LISTENLEARNUPMOVE
This Switchphrase means: Predict the future, be youthful, release inferiority complexes and
clear inertia.
Saturn in a difficult place: DIVINELIGHTADJUSTBLUFF
This Switchphrase means: Work miracles with inspiration, create comfort and enhance
imagination and dreams.
Rahu (north node of moon):
Switchword for all encounters: RESTORE
Switchphrase for all encounters: DIVINELIGHTRESTOREPHASEWAITOVER
This Switchphrase means: Multiply intensity, restore fairness, improve situations, learn
secrets (you have been wanting to learn), end frustration and clear hypersensitivity.
Ketu (south node of moon):

Switchword for all encounters: WITH

Switchphrase for all encounters: POSTPONEMAGNANIMITYWITHDIVINE
This Switchphrase means: Let go of pettiness, harmonize well with others and brightly
focus positivity.

Astrological Events, etc., and Switchwords

Switchwords and Switchphrases which may be helpful in dealing with the energy from
astrological events include:


Planetary Attacks:
This Switchphrase means: Get rid of negativity, clear anger, stop arguing and end



This Switchphrase means: Restore honesty, increase comprehension, pay primary concern,
improve the situation and act on good impulse.






Love Relationship Affected By Astrological Imbalances:

This Switchphrase means: Make extraordinary accomplishments in generating, accepting
and experiencing love, master the ability to be in touch with self and nature, enhance
telepathy and understanding between love partners and lighten the mood.



Saturn Opposing Venus:

This Switchphrase means: Increase comprehension, set parameters, allow life to flow as it
will, quiet the ego, be at peace and in good health, increase energy and dispel physical and
emotional pain.
Natal Venus Conjunction Transit Mars:
This Switchphrase means: Increase selflove and selfworth, enhance your speaking ability
and act on good impulse.
Minimize Astrological Malefic Effects:
This Switchphrase means: Increase personal ability to end pettiness, turn setbacks into
triumphs, manifest your hearts desires and act on good impulse.
This Switchphrase means: Work miracles, have it all together and improve your selfworth
and selfconfidence.

This Switchphrase means: In an efficient manner, create balance and protection.

Solar Eclipse:
This Switchphrase means: Be in high spirits, dispel the blues and inferiority complexes, and
expand capacity to master any activity.
Lunar Eclipse:
This Switchphrase means: Breathe easier, promote the release of guilt, expand beyond
perceived limitations, protect yourself and your property and be beautiful.

Astrological Signs and Switchwords




Following are Switchwords and Switchphrases that may be helpful when dealing with
astrological signs, whether you were born under the moon sign, sun sign, or are exposed to
someone who was:





Switchword for all encounters: JUDGE
Switchphrase for all encounters: FORGIVEHORSESHOE
This Switchphrase means: Eliminate remorse, strengthen your
soul and improve comprehension.




Switchword for all encounters: ELATE
Switchphrase for all encounters: OPENELATEPRAISELISTEN
This Switchphrase means: Be tolerating, turn setbacks into uplifts, stop being critical and
be in touch with nature and yourself.
Switchword for all encounters: FULL
Switchphrase for all encounters: TOGETHERMOVEFULL
This Switchphrase means: Become singleminded, increase pep and expand your capacity for
Switchword for all encounters: WOMB
Switchphrase for all encounters: JUDGEGIVEGUARDWOMB
This Switchphrase means: Increase comprehension, help others, maintain protection and be
secure with yourself.
Switchword for all encounters: WITH
Switchphrase for all encounters: WITHMOVEHORSELISTENATTENTION

This Switchphrase means: Be agreeable, clear inertia and start moving, gain power, be in
touch with yourself and nature and avoid carelessness.
Switchword for all encounters: CHUCKLE
Switchphrase for all encounters: POINTNOWJUDGEAROUNDCHUCKLE
This Switchphrase means: Find direction now, improve comprehension, gain perspective
and turn on personality.
Switchword for all encounters: OPEN
Switchphrase for all encounters: POSTPONEFORGIVEOPENBUBBLE
This Switchphrase means: Let go of resentments, breathe easier and expand beyond
perceived limitations.




Switchword for all encounters: HORSESHOE
Switchphrase for all encounters: SLOWELATEGUARDHORSESHOEFORGIVE
This Switchphrase means: Have patience, turn setbacks into uplifts, preserve personal
safety, remain steadfast and release resentments.






Switchword for all encounters: FORGIVE
Switchphrase for all encounters: BUBBLEFORGIGGLEPOSTPONEFORGIVE
This Switchphrase means: Get energized, promote yourself, enjoy the task at hand and let
go of resentments.



Switchword for all encounters: ADJUST
Switchphrase for all encounters: LIMITHORSEAROUNDADJUSTPUT
This Switchphrase means: Regain control, gain power, improve perspective, create balance
and expand.
Switchword for all encounters: DUCK
Switchphrase for all encounters: ACTMASKELATEFULLBUBBLEDUCK
This Switchphrase means: Transition, save from harm, turn setbacks into uplifts, go
beyond expectations, expand beyond perceived limitations and dispel hypersensitivity.
Switchword for all encounters: HO
Switchphrase for all encounters: FIGHTGUARDHOFULLQUIETWITH
This Switchphrase means: Intensify intents, preserve personal safety, relax, expand
capacity, quiet the ego and harmonize well with others.

Transits and Switchphrases

November 2008 through February 2009

Following are some Switchphrases which may be helpful for dealing with the November
2008 through February 2009 transits:
November 1: Mercury transits to Libra
This Switchphrase means: Increase comprehension of situations, turn on personality, dispel
arrogance, improve your speaking abilities and protect yourself.
How To Use: Use this entire Switchphrase to help deal with all the effects of the transit.
Say, chant, sing, think or intend the entire Switchphrase JUDGECHUCKLEBOW
ACTGUARD anytime you find yourself affected by this transit.


November 7: Venus transits to Sagittarius

This Switchphrase means: Promote progression, increase personal ability to dispel emotional
and physical pain, expand beyond perceived limitations and grow.



November 8: Mars transits to Scorpio

This Switchphrase means: Increase comprehension, dispel arrogance, expand beyond
perceived limitations, gain perspective and reconnect with Source.






November 16: Sun transits to Scorpio

This Switchphrase means: Rejuvenate, increase comprehension, be bold, clear inertia (begin
moving), perfect skills, center attention on you (or your work) and be wise.



November 19: Mercury transits to Scorpio

This Switchphrase means: Be good at speaking and making decisions at this time, increase
capacity to speak well and sharpen your mind.

December 3: Venus transits to Capricorn

This Switchphrase means: Bring things into focus, increase comprehension, be responsible
and be polite.
December 8: Mercury transits to Sagittarius
This Switchphrase means: Breathe easier, turn setbacks into uplifts, stop being critical,
become a good speaker and find direction.
December 10: The great benefic Jupiter transits to Capricorn, its debilitation
This Switchphrase means: Increase comprehension, protect yourself and your property,
mingle, make yourself comfortable, release resentments and safely move rapidly ahead.
December 15: Sun transits to Sagittarius

This Switchphrase means: Learn to lighten your mood, enjoy the task at hand, intensify
intents, build, improve perspective and fix things.
December 19: Mars transits to Sagittarius
This Switchphrase means: Turn setbacks into uplifts, avoid carelessness, be generous, help
others and end frustration.
December 28: Mercury transits to Capricorn
This Switchphrase means: Begin to be attractive, act on good impulse, stop procrastinating,
be strong, subdue inner excitement and anxiety, and express yourself well.



December 29: Venus transits to Aquarius

This Switchphrase means: Be accepting, deliver what you intend, be unaffected by ridicule
and keep others from taking advantage of you.



January 11: Mercury goes Retrograde

This Switchphrase means: Increase personal ability to create balance, rejuvenate, sever ties
and stop looking for trouble.





This Switchphrase means: Revamp things, become singleminded, create balance and find
solutions to your problems now.



This Switchphrase means: Speak clearly, increase comprehension, lighten stress and work

You can use any one of these Switchphrases that seems appropriate for your current
situation with Mercury Retrograde, or you can use all three at once.
January 14: Sun enters Capricorn
This Switchphrase means: Increase endurance, create balance, stop finding fault, restore
honesty and refine (self or projects).
January 26: Mercury Retro moves back to Sagittarius
This Switchphrase means: Be a good orator, increase comprehension, quiet the ego, bring
things into focus, be secure and find direction.
January 27: Venus enters Pisces, its house of exaltation
This Switchphrase means: Free the mind, discover, ward off apartness, have it all together
and be in touch with yourself and nature.

January 28: Mars enters Capricorn, its

house of exaltation
This Switchphrase means: Get energized,
improve perspective, expand (whatever
you are working on) now and increase


The Life of Al-Biruni (973-1048 AD)




Abu Rayhan Muhammed ibn Ahmad alBiruni was born just before sunrise on 4
September 973. His birthplace was the city
of Kath (modern day Khiva) situated on the
River Oxus in what was then the Principality
of Khwarizm and is now Uzbekistan.




February 7: Mercury enters Capricorn

This Switchphrase means: Let go of fault
conversation, free the mind and breathe

February 1: Mercury back to direct motion

This Switchphrase means: Transition, let
it go (anything that has been causing
problems for you), stop regretting, end
laziness, begin (whatever you have been
putting off) and progress.




February 12: Sun enters Aquarius

This Switchphrase means:
improved perspective, progress spiritual
and psychic awareness, turn setbacks into
uplifts, shield yourself, be solid and be

Between 1017 and 1030, al-Biruni travelled

extensively in India, collecting material for
his monumental survey of the history, customs
and beliefs of the sub-continent. India was his
most highly-acclaimed work during his
lifetime. He also produced a major work on
astronomy, known as the Masudic Canon,
dedicated to Mahmud's son, Ma'sud.
As well as the Elements of Astrology , he
wrote important books on medicine,
geography and physics and translated
Ptolemy's Almagest into Sanskrit. He died at
Ghazna on 13 December 1048, aged 75.


Discover Your Past

Life & Heal Your
Holly Hall, USA


Hall has almost twenty years







ave you ever wondered who you

may have been in the past life?
characteristics you developed? Were you the
man? Or where you a woman? And are you
using your talents in this lifetime? Our
mission, is to rediscover our talents and our
gifts and then use them in this life time to
contribute to our community in the most
progressive and positive manner possible.
In this article you will discover all the areas
of a chart that indicate past lives,
particularly the most recent past life.


experience as a professional Astrologer.

Radio, newspaper, magazine appearances
and columns fill her resume. With her
psychic grandmother and clairvoyant
mother's legacy, Holly will propel your
spiritual growth. &




The Moon
The moon indicates the characteristics you
developed in the past life and brought to
this life. It is your knee jerk reaction to
life now. Reading the Moon Signs as if it is
a Sun Sign will describe the kind of person
you where in your most recent past life. For
instance if a Moon is in Gemini in a chart
than that particular person was an intellect,
and the job or mission of that person was to
gather and pass on information. Doing this
can take on many forms, Geminis work
well with their hands and may have been a
carpenter or mechanic. Or a communicator,
such as being a teacher, writer, singer,
preacher, story teller, a traveler, a musician
and so on. You can further discover exactly
what area the Gemini (or any other Moon
sign) used this ability in the past life, by the
House it is in. You can also see the
difficulties and lessons that remain from the

past life that need to be addressed in this life. Simply, by looking at the aspects the
Moon makes to other planets. You can also discover the talents, gifts and specialties you
created by looking at the positive aspects. We will discuss this later on in the article.
The South /North NodeDharma and Karma.




Nodes are not planets but points in astrology that indicate DharmaNorth node (what
makes you happyyour calling/Righteous Path/Dharma) and Karma south node (our lessons
that we go though due to past life actions) north node is life Jupiter and South node is like
Saturn. Also the areas of where you will learn these lessons or play out your Karma will be
determined by the House placement. So for instance if your south node is in your 4th house
then many of your karmic debts will be with a parent (most likely mom) and in your
childhood (so you may be picked on or not excepted as an example) People in your life that
are represented by the house are your soul mates, your soul family in which you reconnect
with. So in this example, mom and childhood connections (4th house stuff), as well as people
in authority (10th house stuff). Note: Not all soul mates within your soul family are
comfortable connections, as we learn lessons from others we have wronged or have wronged
us in some way. And this may be carried over as an adult in your workplace with bosses, any
one that reigns over you as the North node will be in the 10th house. But interestingly
enough this is where you discover your strengths and apply them throughout your career
and within your community status.


The 12th House







his is another past life indicator. Why is that? Because this is where your hidden
fears are, past enemies, where your subconscious hides, what you are afraid to
confront. If one does not have any planets in this house it is important to look at the
ruler of the house and where the rulers planet is within that chart. Therefore if an empty
twelve house has, lets say Cancer as its ruler and the Moon (cancers ruler) is in the 6th
house in Aquarius. Then you have some major emotional (moon) fears (12th house) that keep
you from becoming too close (Aquarius) to another. Most likely accentuated by a
relationship with mom (moon). And when triggered will effect your health (6th house) and
diet /nutrition/stress can also be effected. Therefore diet and stress relief must be considered
as an antidote. Of course if you have many or any planets in the 12th look those up as well
Many planets is a good indicator that you had a recluse past life, had possibly such a life that
created many fears, or that it ended soon.
The Houses
The houses that your Nodes and Moon are in are a fabulous indicator to what areas your
talents are to be used, as well as the lessons learnt. As an examplethe 7th house will be with
your partnerships. The 2nd with possessions and how you earn your money. The 9th through
discovering a new philosophy, religion, belief system and education.
Sun/Moon In The Same Sign
Many of us have Sun and Moon in the same sign; some even have more planets as well.
Often this is an accurate indication that one is here to relearn lessons and or enhance them,
add to them and bring this forth to the world around you. All depends on whether there are

many positive or challenging aspects to the Sun and Moon. Look at the aspects, the ruling
planets and the house in which the Sun and Moon reside.
Trines and Sextile to the Sun (if same sign as Moon), Moon and Nodes indicate that you
have a huge gift and talent in regards to the sign they are in and you will succeed if used in
the area of your life shown forth by the Houses they reside. For instanceIf a Moon is Trine
Mercury in lets say Leo and
Sagittarius in 3rd and 7th; the gift
and or talent here is to
communicate (3rd) to others, the
need to harmonize, balance, to
relate, mediate (7th). To be proud,
stand out, educate and accept other belief systems or cultures (3rd and 9th). Remembering that
communicating can take on many forms, speech, writing, teaching, education, radio, print,
internet, music, etc.
rotacidni doog a si esuoh


21 eht ni stenalp ynaM

a hcus ylbissop dah ,efil tsap esulcer a dah uoy taht


.noos dedne ti taht ro ,sraef ynam detaerc taht efil


Squares And Opposition



Indicate the need to learn through challenging events and circumstances designed by past
Karmic events. Choices made in a past life. This is when past life souls will reconnect with
you that had been involved and have karmic debt to pay to you as well.


Female Or Male In The Past Life




Looking at the amount of masculine and feminine signs in a chart within the personal
planets onlySun through to Marscan determine the sex you where in your past life.


Moon Signs


In a past life you embody the characteristics below, if your moon was in:

Aries A warrior, fighter, aggressive, a sergeant, firefighter, leader of others through your
courage. Police officer, in the military.
TaurusPersistent, values material world, earth bound. Farmer, artist, carpenter, banker,
cook, craftsmen.
GeminiGatherer of information, communicator, teacher, speaker, preacher, writer, towne
cryer, educator.
CancerMothering, nurturing, caregiver, emotional, home important, feeling, nurse, doctor,
practitioner, mother is a soul mate in this life.
LeoFamily important, children, creative, artist, actor, leader, courageous, out spoken,
royalty, self employment, boss, idealist, romantic.
VirgoMartyr, caregiver, nutritionist, health practitioner, perfectionist, and service
orientated servant, nun, and priest.


LibraLaw and order, peace keeper, easy going, understanding, lawyer, mediator, judge,
ScorpioInvestigating, psychology, investor, financial advisor, insightful, curious, secretive,
Sagittarius Prophet, philosopher, professor, traveller, wonderer, curious, humorous, witty,
author, most likely lived in a very different culture than this life.
CapricornFather, authority, manager, self employed, practical, organized, controlling,
leadership ability, advisor.
AquariusUnique, go by the beat of their own drum, progressive, has acquired many
acquaintances in past life, humanitarian, scientist, alchemist, intuitive.
PiscesSpiritually aware, deep love, loner, hermit, healer, artist, poet, musician. Psychic may
have experienced great loss in past life.




1stHear to develop a sense of self Who Am I and how do I want the world to view me.


2ndOne must learn what he/she values, possessions. In this life must use
talent to earn a living and value how they earn that living.



3rdThe gift here is to communicate and share knowledge as you

learn. Curious you must teach others as you are learning.



4thYour area is within the home environment, especially as a

child. May have strong ties to the mother figure in this lifetime.



5thThis house is the house of family and your children, or children

in general. The house of creativity and romance.


6thIn this house one has the talent to focus on nutrition, teamwork, and health issues.

7thYour gift is to learn about others, to compromise and learn through all your partnerships
and relationship. Helping another. To mediate and share the concept of fairness.
8thWhat makes others tick? Discovering the unknown. Dealing with fears youre own and
others. Psychology and occult.
9thThis house is the area of higher education, travel and world religions and philosophies.
10thThe areas of self employment, managing others and leadership within a community.
Marriage and through community involvement.
11thThis is the house of friends, large organizations, the public. Also your aspirations and
12thThis house represents the need to uncover hidden sides of yourself, also prisons and
hospitals. To work on your own to rediscover you and through this helping others.


Remember that this is only a brief

explanation. Looking up each sign and
house as well as the meanings of the moon
and nodes in detail will help you see past
life tendencies brought into this life in
more detail.

Sushruta Samhita
The Sushruta Samhita is a Sanskrit text on
surgery, attributed to Sushruta, (6th century
BCE), the "father of Surgery".
The text as preserved dates to the 3rd or 4th
century CE. Amongst the eight divisions of
medical knowledge (Ayurveda), surgery
was considered the most important branch.
The text was translated into Arabic in the 8th
or 9th century. In India the practice of
surgery is very ancient that dates back to
around eight hundred BC. Surgery was
termed as `Sastrakarma` and was one of the
eight branches of Ayurveda, which is the
ancient Indian system of medicine. Sushruta
Samhita is one of the oldest book in
Ayurveda that was written by Sushruta, the
legendary Aurvedic Physician of ancient
India. The Sushruta Samhita is the complete
book that deals with the practical problems
of surgery and midwifery or obstetrics.
Sushruta was the first person who studied
human anatomy. In the Sushruta Samhita
this detailed study of anatomy is described.
Sushruta was the specialist of rhinoplasty or
plastic surgery and ophthalmology or the
elimination of cataracts.











Next issue we will learn how to discover

family dynamics in a birth chart, focussing
on Mother and Father Figures.

There are eight main divisions in Sushruta

Samhita namely Chedya (excision), Lekhya
(scarification), Vedhya (puncturing), Esya
(exploration), Ahrya (extraction), Vsraya
(evacuation) and Sivya (Suturing).

Economic Forecast
Constantine Semenov, Crimea
Translator: Ivan Pizhenko



Constantine Semenov lives in the Crimea




World financial system survives after

Great Crash 2008. The worst crisis since
'30s, with no end yet! Anyway, the 2008 is
shaping up to annus horribilis for the U.S.
stock market. Heading into Friday's
session Nov 21, 2008, in which an early rally
effort quickly faded, the S&P was down
49% yeartodate and on track for its worst
year ever. Down 43% year to date, the
Dow is heading for its second worst year
in history, the WSJ reports, trailing only
the 53% decline in 1931.
While the major averages tell a grim tale,
the action in components of the S&P 500
speak to the extent of the devastation.
Heading into Friday's session:
115 S&P stocks were trading under
41 were trading under $5
204 were trading with a market cap
of less than $4 billion






& has been a long time student of

mysticism, and a full time practicing
astrologer specializing in business &
political astrology. He holds an impressive
track record of world-wide predictions and
makes full use of amulets in his practice.
You can read about his past predictions on
September 11th, Tsunami in Indian Ocean,
Columbia Shuttle Disaster on his website

Everybody suffers from this global

economic crisis, rich men lost billions
during the 2008 financial crisis. Poor men
possess less than even they used to have!
What was the origin of this crisis?
The origin is the finishing of Pluto in
horoscope of the U.S. in Capricorn. I
predicted the global collapse of capitalism
in 2005 in article about Prophecy of Maya


The Economy of USA











What was the beginning of this global financial crisis which started from summer 2007? It
began from the declaration of financial problems by the Countrywide Financial Corporation,
the largest mortgage organization (nation's largest mortgage lender) giving credits under the
dwelling. Founded on March 14, 1969 by two New Yorkers of David Loeb and Angelo R.
Mozilo, in better times the company gave profits, some of the highest percentages in the
history of the USA. One of the publications Fortune named it stock in 23,000% and it is
on that profitability it arose in one row with such leaders of profitableness as Washington
Mutual, WalMart the largest supermarket of America, and Berkshire Of Hathaway,
company of the richest man Warren Buffett!
Now it fell!

Astrological reasons were the following. First of all, basic planets changed their positive
positions to the negative ones and companies went bust. All financial problems were created
by the Saturn and Mars, and Jupiter, if this planet was in the close contact with these
destructive planets. This fact leads to the crash of large, global scale. That also occurred in
the USA into 2007 and was extended throughout the world into 2008! In this case, in the
horoscope of Countrywide Financial Corporation, Jupiter has absolute destructive status
Jupiter is the ruler both Mars and Saturn simultaneously, since Saturn in Aries, and it rules
Mars, and Mars in Sagittarius in the abode of Jupiter in horoscope of Countrywide Financial
Corporation. Both planets have strong energy status Saturn in Aries the first in the zodiac
of the horoscope of company, Mars in the fiery sign and in the turn in retrograde motion,
which makes it extremely destructive nature in activity! Moreover, in this horoscope aspect
position of Saturn is at the point of the turn of Mars approximately 128 160 degrees! This is
the point where Mars turns retrograde (this distance from Mars to the Sun, when it is
turned retrograde or direct after being retrograde in the direct or retrograde motion) and one

of the most destructive Saturn position if this destructive planet occurs in this point of 128
160 degrees from Mars! Usually, this leads to the crash, which it was possible to avoid by re
registering the company on the other date (with another horoscope)! Important component,
as shows experience, this aspect works destructively at all levels including catastrophes! This
aspect was in the horoscopes of the aircraft chief pilots on commercial airlines, two last
plane crashes on the Russian Air lines in August 2006 and the recent which was predicted by
me in Saptarishis Astrology Vol 2, air crash in Perm' Russia, on September 14, 2008! The
most interesting point, is in Osama Ben Laden also these is the same aspect in his horoscope,
and September 11, 2001 there was also same aspect among Saturn and Mars! By the way,
precisely, on September 11, 2001 there was this aspect in large orb! No comments! This is one
of the most destructive aspects! The consequences of tragedy on September 11 were reflected
in the economy of the USA and peace as a whole more than noticeably.











So, at the end 2006, Jupiter passed into the sign of Sagittarius, on natal Mars, in horoscope of
Countrywide Financial Corporation. Strengthened negative influence retrograde transit
Mars, which was in the opposition with Jupiter in the secondhalf 2007 and first half 2008,
which included destructive program and neglected the complex effect of dominoes, in which
there was entire financial system of the USA, which gave the money under the guarantee,
and which were spent by borrowers those have taken the money into the debt under the
guarantee of dwelling and not paid those money back in time! All this led to the collapse of
American financial system!

By the way, Countrywide Financial Corporation suffered big losses in 1982 1983, when
Jupiter returned to the sign of Sagittarius and it was again with natal Mars. Same time Mars
transit went retrograde in 1982 on natal Jupiter. This influencing strengthened the
destructive activity of both planets! Saturn transit was also there on the border the signs of
Virgo and Libra on natal Jupiter. This led company to suffer heavy losses during this period!
As a result this company was acquired as bankrupt by Bank of America. Also its necessary
to say about Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae that were nationalized and saved from
bankruptcy! Scenario number one was performed!










Next ones for bail out were financial giants like these CitiGroup Inc. almost bankrupt
stocks fell below 3 $ in Nov 2008, compared with 52 $ a year ago in summer of 2007. Lehman
Brothers went bankrupt in September 2008 and was not bailed out! For example, in
Citigroup horoscope the basis of problems composes the negative transit of Saturn on Natal
Mars in the Virgo, very negative aspect.









The most interesting fact is the bankruptcy of the leader of the financial system Lehman
Brothers. It completely became bankrupt in September 2008. It happened for the first time in
160 years of its glorious history in the negative position of immediately several planets. First
of all this is the opposition of Saturn of transit to natal Saturn in the Pieces. However, the
main destructive factor is the finishing of the cycle of Neptune in the horoscope of Lehman
Brothers, which is ruler of natal Saturn in the Pieces and is, positioned Aquarius in
horoscope of Lehman Brothers. This historical phenomenon for the first time occurred in 160
years of Lehman Brothers history, so negatively was reflected in the fate of company the
giant of the financial industry of the USA has fallen. As a whole the crisis struck the
financial institutes of the USA because of the simultaneous activation of destructive factors
in all companies horoscopes. Therefore this horror to Wall Street will end yet not soon and
most likely smoothly, will pass into stagnation, when the stock market of the USA will not
grow for several years. This is the cycle of motion of Saturn relatively to Pluto of the main
U.S. stock index of Dow Jones Industrial Average began the period of finishing the period
of growth, in other words, summer, changed into autumn and later to cold winter. I guess
the world capitalism will see the ice and snow soon!

Stock Markets
Of course the stock markets are the main indicators of progress in economy. So, its very
important to analyze the horoscopes of stock exchanges NYSE and key stock markets
indices such as DJIA, S&P 500, NASDAQ, NIKKEY, FTSE 100 etc. The position of Saturn
and Mars and aspect between them in the horoscope of Stock Exchanges is one of the most
important! These two planets indicate the level of drop in the prices and level of index
change in points. It creates a crash in bad constellations! One of the most destructive aspects
is the Saturn position in point of Mars starting retrograde (the same as in the horoscope of

that described above in horoscope of Countrywide Financial Corporation) you can find in
horoscopes of all key U.S. Stock Market indices the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Standard
& Poor's 500, Russian stock index RTS and in horoscopes of NYSE and NASDAQ. That
means that American and Russian stock markets could be destroyed totally. Its almost
sensational that some destructive program always leads the markets to the death! The main
question why these all key Market places and indexes have in horoscope same, such
destructive aspect? And may by someone controls it?
The NYSE, Tokyo Stock Market (TSE) and RTS horoscopes, the main destructive planet of
crash Saturn is located at the key points of zodiac sign of Aries (NYSE, TSE) and Pisces
(RTS)! In the practical aspect, this speaks, that in one period will begin the crash of market
as this was in 1929 in the USA. For this reason, the crisis from one exchange, simply stated,
throws on another market and so everything is brought down, although in the language of
wise men this is more frequent than only emotion!











Contemporary financial crisis 2008 already compared with the Great Depression in the USA
1929 1933. And there are actually bases. Financial indices with each year into the next 10 11
years will deteriorate, and times will only be the small splashes of the lift of an increase in
the economy. Cycle of Uranus will be finished in the horoscope of the Great Depression in
2011. Thats why this period could be the most dramatic in history of world economy.
Opposition of Saturn and Jupiter in period of 1990 1992 was heavy for the economy of USA!
Here interesting connection. In 1929 Saturn was in the opposition with natal Mars in the
sign of Cancer in the horoscope of the TSE thus it gave in it to the crash! Now Saturn
moves along natal Mars in Virgo in the horoscope NYSE, which made the equity market in
America to plunge so low. The opposition of transit Saturn to natal Saturn in the horoscope
of New York Stock Exchange 1981 1982 and 1952 1953 it was the period of heavy recession!
Basic corporations of the USA, such as Caterpillar inc. the producer of the largest machines
and technology in the world, suffered the millionth losses, the output level in the USA fell
very low!

Its maximum value was achieved summer of 2007 more than 14 000 points, when Saturn was
in the trine with Pluto. Now it smoothly passes into the square, the aspect negative and
which reduces its value! As a result the tendency of its motion downward and smooth
sliding down for a period of the following decade will correspond to the phase of the winter,
when Saturn will move to Pluto into the sign of Capricorn. For example, the period of their
opposition is the period of large shakings. So it was into 1929 1931, when the Great
Depression in the USA began, and the same was in the period of tragedy on the September 11
in the USA, and subsequent after this market crashes. In both periods Pluto was in
opposition with Saturn! These are more than serious arguments in favor of astrological
influence on the fate of the world economy. As a rule the motion of Saturn to Pluto and
their connection in conjunction will give the process of decrease and recession. So it was in
mid 1970s after the Oil crisis and decrease in the economy of the USA, while so at the
beginning of 1980s when Saturn and Pluto they were in conjunction and the economy of the
USA was already in depression major companies suffered great losses and citizens lost
their money. The same history was also after the Second World War. When Saturn
returned in the connection with Pluto and began the decrease with the sharp reduction of
production. Strictly the same scenario awaits the USA and the majority of its satellites in
the next decade. The growth times have ended.

Certainly, it is necessary to look at the problems of America more widely than simple key
financial indices. This put together sums up the consequence of the beginning of the cycle of
Pluto in USA horoscope, which already completes, and with its complete passage into the
sign of Capricorn for the USA will begin very tough times, which as a whole will be
prolonged to 2024! It reminds the history drama of the fall of the Roman Empire! We can
say about this with the confidence after reading about the by the fate of Roman Empire,
which also survived the socalled crisis of the third century in the period of the finishing of
the cycle of Pluto in the horoscope of the Roman Empire. By the way, it has fallen precisely
on its second cycle in 474 A.D.! Sliding down into the pit! This prolonged, I would say
protracted recession, in the darker tones this appears, as the economic decrease in the
complex financial situation by several years forward! The crisis could last till Pluto meets
Saturn and Jupiter in 2020!

European Scenario




In reality European crisis will not be affected so strongly by the economic and financial
problems of the USA; therefore is not necessary to expect strong weakening of Euro, the
main currency on the currency market. FTSE and DAX, two basic stock indices of Great
Britain and Germany will plunge at the beginning of 2009!


Russian Scenario







The period of huge growth of Russian stock market is over!






catastrophically! This is connected with
the opposition of natal Saturn to transit
Saturn while finishing the cycle of Mars in
the sign of Libra. Certainly, the beginning
of drop began in May 2008, when transit
Mars visited Leo in the opposition of
Neptune and Chiron, in Aquarius, the
natal rulers of Mars and Saturn in the
horoscope of RTS. This gave the first
wave of sales, further Mars was in the
Virgo in the mutual opposition with
Saturn transit to natal Saturn in Pisces in
the horoscope RTS, and finished its cycle
in Libra in September and October 2008
completing its victorious procession, after
killing index RTS and reducing Russian
market capitalization.
What I can advice to investors, to the
holders of securities and to simple citizens?
Market will continue to fall and stay in
recession until transit Saturn passes
through the Virgo and Libra in 2009 2011!
The economy of Russia is already past its
way of increase, the period of the decrease
As a result the era of great financial
turmoil has just begun!







The basis of the horoscope of the stock

exchange market of Russia is the index
RTS. This index includes main 50 Russian
joint stock companies such as Gazprom
JSC, Noril'sk Nickel JSC, Aeroflot
JSC, Lukoil JSC. It is the main
determining factor of the health of the
economic and financial indices of Russian
economy. Let us look at its past and will
see into the future. Majority of astrologers
consider the date of September, 1, 1995 as
the base date for the horoscope. In the
horoscope of RTS Saturn and Mars are
very powerful! Why in 1997 there was the
most significant decline in the index?
Because of the finishing the cycle of Mars
in the RTS horoscope in the opposition
with Saturn transiting Aries. The
prolonged retrograde motion of the Mars
in the sign of Libra determined the trend
of the decrease. As a result towards the end
of the year in autumn 1997, when Mars
were under natal control of Chiron, they
were in the connection with natal Mars in
the opposition with transit Saturn, the
index fell. Drop continued in the period of
the opposition of transit Saturn natal Mars
in the horoscope of RTS.
By the way, the following finishing of the
cycle of Mars in the same half year
retrograde transit on natal Mars in 1999
affected the RTS index and it fell to its
minimum point.


Rendezvous with John Frawley

The Real Astrology








ohn The Specialist Frawley as some call him is not the name of the character Sylvester
Stallone played in his famous movie but John is the Horary Specialist of the West or
Prashna Expert as Vedic astros would call. Some call him the Horary Guru for re
introducing traditional astrology in the West. He is the author of The Real Astrology,
Winner of the Spica Award: International Book of the Year, 2001, The Real Astrology
Applied, The Horary Textbook, Sports Astrology and the magazine for traditional astrology
The Astrologers Apprentice. He teaches students from all over the world and lectures from
Brisbane to Budapest. John is one of the few contemporary practitioners of the Real
Astrology. His method of teaching is distinct by its straightness, clarity, and practical
applicability and last but not least by his special sense of humor. One actually doesnt have
to say too much about this expert astrologer who practices the methods of the 17th Century
Legend William Lilly but has made it simple for common man to master. He has an
unmatched following which is far more than Gurus of Vedic
Astrology yet he remains a humble Light Worker of
Traditional Astrology of the West. As a senior astrologer Mr.
Christopher Warnock wrote for Johns work All I can say is that
many traditional astrologers have left modern for traditional, but I am
not aware of any traditional astrologers who have forsaken it for
modern. The ability of traditional horary to make such amazingly
accurate predictions is supremely seductive.




Though we could have asked Margaret George our illustrious

interviewer or any of our Western Astrology writers of
Saptarishis Astrology to conduct this interview but we felt in
order to bring a different perspective of introducing him to
various Vedic astrologers around the world we ourselves
conduct this interview as a novice. Questions that seem obvious to the Indian astrologer
adept of Horary wherein 1020 main stream systems exist, the same seems different for
Traditional Western Horary Astrology & vice versa, this is a good mix for all. For the 27
asterisms presented below are 27 questions in this Rendezvous with John Frawley.
Would you tell us a little about when, how and why you learned astrology?
J.F: I had been interested since a child, and learned to cast a chart from Margaret Hones
textbook. What fascinated me was that astrology offered a different model of reality to what
I was being taught in school. This is still what fascinates me: a coherent and flawless model
of reality.
Who has been your Guru/Teacher of Astrology; can you tell us some of your
cherished moments with him/her?
J.F: My great teacher has been William Lilly. I am often regarded as a slavish adherent of his
teaching, although this can be only by people who have not read my work. One great thing
about Lilly is that he gets it wrong so often. This forces us to think about why and how he
has gone wrong, which is a much more productive way of learning than being given words

of infallibility to be slavishly memorized. Another great thing about Lilly is the way the
man is so visible in the work: flawed, passionate, and endlessly engaging.











Do you have any preferred specialisms in the field? Please tell us what they are, why
you prefer it, and perhaps an example of one of your favorite applications of this type of
J.F: I retain a particular fondness for horary, because of its breathtaking simplicity.
This is a example from my Horary Textbook:
Chart: August 30th 1998, 9.20 am BST, London. Regiomontanus houses. Tropical zodiac. Asc: 9 Libra.
Moon: 8 Sag.

orary is the art of drawing specific answers to specific questions from an

astrological chart set for the time the question is asked. It is quick, simple and
effective, providing concrete, verifiable answers.
How quick? How simple?
Follow this example. You may not yet understand many of the technical terms I use,
but the principle of the judgment should be clear. Next doors cat had been gradually moving
into my house. When he didnt appear for a couple of days, I was concerned for his safety, so
asked the question Where is the cat?
I set an astrological chart for the time I asked this question and for my location at that
time. Printing the chart here, I have left out everything not needed for judgment.
I am asking about a cat. This is a small animal, and so is represented by the sixth
house of the chart. The planet that rules the sign on the cusp of that house will signify the
cat. Pisces is on the 6th cusp, so its ruler, Jupiter, signifies the cat.
Where is Jupiter? In the 6th house: the house of the cat. So where is the cat? In his
own house: at home.
Is he OK? Jupiter, the most benefic of planets, is in its own sign, so has lots of
essential dignity. Signified by a strongly dignified benefic, the cat is doing just fine.




Jupiter (the cat) is in a water sign, so he may be somewhere wet. But water signs also
show places that are comfortable, which, considering the nature of the beast and that he is
clearly happy where he is (strongly dignified benefic), must be the more likely choice. So he
is probably curled up on the sofa or bed.
Will he come back? Jupiter is retrograde: it is going back where it has been before. So
yes, he will come back.
The chart has given a specific, verifiable answer to the question. It has done this using
only one planet! Horary is quick; horary is simple.
We can refine this answer by predicting the time of the cats return. For this there
must be a connection between the cats significator and something that represents either me
or my home. Jupiter is making no such contact in this chart, so we must introduce a second
planet. The Moon is natural ruler of all lost objects, especially animate ones.
The person asking the question is shown by the Ascendant and its ruler. The Moon
applies to sextile the Ascendant. Just as the 6th can be taken literally as the cats house, the
first is literally my house. The Moon must travel almost exactly 1 degree to perfect this
aspect. So the cat will return in almost exactly 1 unit of time. The sign and house the Moon
is in as it makes this aspect tell us which unit of time this is. With the Moon in a mutable
sign and a cadent house, the unit must be a day. So the cat will return almost exactly 24
hours after the time for which the chart was cast. And so it proved.
Even now, we have only two planets in the chart. Yet we have a precise, timed,
accurate prediction. Horary is simple.








How does the traditional astrology differ from the modern astrology of the west?
J.F: The important distinction is a philosophical one. The western astrological tradition is
monotheistic: it is the astrology of the Christians, Jews and Moslems. As such it differs
fundamentally from the astrologies of not only the modern world although the tradition is
alive and well in this modern world! but also of the ancient Greeks, the Egyptians, and
from jyotish. Despite their differences in technical approach, these astrologies have more in
common with each other than they do with the western tradition.

Can you tell us a bit more about your book Sports Astrology and its application,
maybe with an example?
J.F: The problem with even the best of textbooks is that the reader cannot ask the book
questions. My aim in Sports Astrology was to answer as many as possible of the puzzling
questions that the student would love to ask a teacher, but cannot ask a book. Insofar as I
have succeeded in that aim, the book has a far wider relevance than simply to the field of
sports prediction.
Heres a example from the book:
Chart: Sept 10th 1996, 7.08 am BST, London. Regiomontanus houses. Tropical zodiac. Asc: 23 Virgo.
Moon: 17 Leo.
This is a horary question asked about a football match: Will we win?
The querents favorites are shown by Mercury, Lord of the 1st. The enemy is Jupiter, Lord
7. Look! Horrible stuff happening to the 7th house: Saturn and the South Node are there.
Yes. What about Mercury and Jupiter?
Theyre both in angular houses. But neither is in the sign of the cusp, so theyre both strong,
but not that strong. Mercury is about to go back into its own sign. That must be important.
Not here, my boy. If this had been a longterm question, maybe. But for a shortterm issue,
like the outcome of one game, we cannot cross the sign boundary.








OK. So its retrograde: thats weakening. And its opposed by this nasty Saturn.
But thats almost 4 degrees away: too far to be of great importance. Saturn afflicts Jupiter
too, and more closely.
Then Mercury is aspected by peregrine Mars and peregrine Venus. That must count as an




Good. Not such a great affliction, but certainly worth noting.

Thats about it, Master. Mercurys peregrine; Jupiter in its fall. No receptions between
them. Its all much of a muchness.
Yes, from what weve seen so far it would be too precious to try to split them apart.
So was it a draw?
That would be the obvious answer and would often be correct. But someone had to win
this game. And anyway, youre missing something.
He thought for a moment, then, Its those little animals again, isnt it, Master? Look, the
antiscion of Jupiter is at 22.07 Sagittarius, exactly on the IC.
Well spotted! Yes, by its bodily placement Jupiter is in an angle, but not so strong because
its not in the same sign as the cusp. But by antiscion it is exactly on that angle: very
powerful. There are two more testimonies here, both by antiscion. Which are...?
Oh look, Saturn and the South Node afflict the 7th house bodily, but not so much because
theyre not in the same sign as the cusp. But by antiscion they fall right on the Ascendant.
Thats bad news for the good guys.
Yes. And the third testimony?
By antiscion, the North Node falls right on the 7th cusp.
He had been doing so well, it was almost a sorrow to beat him. But it was my duty.
Foolish boy! The Nodes are opposite each other. If one is on the Ascendant the other
will always be on the Descendant. That isnt two testimonies; it is saying the same
testimony twice. Now, where is that final testimony?


e stared at the chart in desperation, calculating anstiscia for everything he

could see, till at last he stumbled upon the right one. Its Mercury, isnt it, Master?
By antiscion its just inside the 7th house, in the hands of the enemy.
Good! I hope you see why I set you this chart. It illustrates two very important points. First,
that you cannot ignore antiscia. Here, no antiscia: no judgment. Second, it shows the
difference between being in an angle in the sign of the cusp and being in an angle in a
different sign to the cusp. Will you remember this?
Yes, Master, he promised, rubbing his head.




Do you give personal consultations, please give us an example or two of your most
outstanding consultation?
J.F: Heres another example from my Textbook. The querents friend was in intensive care,
in a coma. After two or three days, the doctors still couldnt work out what was wrong with
her. They suspected a brain hemorrhage. What I love about this chart is, first, that the
querent was not even involved in the issue: she was asking about her friend. To the modern
mind, getting a accurate answer from a chart like this is crazy. Second, is that the chart
provided a accurate diagnosis in a few minutes, while the doctors were unable to see what
was wrong with her until the post mortem.
I stress that there is nothing clever about the astrologer here. All the astrologer needs to do is
keep himself out of the way so the astrology can do its job.








Chart: July 3rd 2001, 2.18 pm BST, London. Regiomontanus houses. Tropical Zodiac. Asc: 21 Libra.
Moon: 18 Sag.

The querent said, My friend has been taken to hospital. She is in a coma. The doctors dont
know whats wrong with her, but think she may have had a brain hemorrhage. What is the
problem? What is going to happen?
The querent is not involved in this question, so we go straight to the 11th, the house of
friends. Its ruler, Mercury, signifies the friend. Seeing Mercury in Gemini, we might think









that the friend is doing fine. But no: although Mercury is in a sign that it rules, in a medical
question it is in a very bad condition. Mercury is a cold/dry planet. It is in a hot/moist sign,
a sign contrary to its nature. It is diseased. The friend is not well. This much we know, of
course: the woman is in a coma.
Which planet is causing Mercury problems? We can look to the ruler of the sign
Mercury is in. This brings us back to Mercury. There is no reason that the significator of the
illness should not be the same as that of the patient. But here we have a more likely culprit,
especially considering the sudden onset of the illness. Mercury is just separating from
opposition to Mars. Mars is peregrine and retrograde, so it is a nasty sort of Mars.
The Moons most recent aspect can also be taken into account. Its last aspect was to
this nasty Mars. Mars is confirmed as significator of the illness.
Mars in this part of Sagittarius, Saunders says, 40 is hot and dry above nature,
consuming and drying up the radical moisture and humidity of the body, and utterly
extinguishing the life of man. It does this by infecting the body and blood with much thick,
red choler that is hot and very dry. Choler is the fiery humour, the fiery part of the human
constitution. The doctors suspected a brain hemorrhage; had this fatal Mars been in the
friends 1st house (the 1st being the house of the head), it could well have shown this: a kind
of fiery explosion in the brain. It isnt; it is in her 5th (the 5th house from the 11th), which is
the house of the heart. She has had a heart attack. This was confirmed at the post mortem.
What will happen to her? She is in a coma, so our first question must be, Will she
live or will she die? Looking into the death of somebody other than the querent, we must
consider both the turned and the radical 8th house. Here, the turned 8th house (8th from the
11th: the radical 6th) is ruled by Mars. Mercury (the friend) is separating from opposition to
it. If the sick person is sitting up in bed and chatting, this is a most positive sign: she has
come into contact with death; she is still alive; she is going to survive. In the context of
someone in a coma it can be taken that death, in the real sense, has already happened.



The Moon separates from Mars and applies to Mercury, translating light between
them and so remaking the aspect: the friend will die. The number of degrees the Moon must
travel to perfect the opposition gives the timing: she will be pronounced dead at the end of
that afternoon. In the blessedly small number of horaries I have been asked to judge on death
in comas, this remaking of a separated aspect by translation of light is typical for showing
the doctors recognition that hope has gone.
How do you keep in touch with the practice of astrology today, when new
significators are needed to be created for new inventions or new careers?
J.F: There are no new inventions or new careers, merely variations on old ones. There is
nothing new under the Sun. If the Incarnation of Christ happened without the need for a
new planet, we certainly dont need one for some trivial invention.
What is your most exciting or important finding, insight or discovery during your
time as an astrologer?
J.F: The absolute necessity of grace. No matter how skilled we are, we cannot make two
thoughts join together by our own volition: all is given to us.
You had written about Marsilio Ficino exposition of the Part of Fortune, kindly tell
our readers how you use it in your style of astrology.


J.F: Ficino writes that Love is born of Plenty and Poverty. When he writes this, it is clear
that he is thinking of the Part of Fortune, which is created by the Sun (Plenty) and Moon
(Poverty). So Fortua shows what we love though in a deeper sense than romantic love. I
suggest that a good name for Fortuna is the Part of Hunger. It shows what we most deeply
hunger for, yearn for, long for. This makes it a great motivating force, because if we hunger
so deeply for something we are likely to strive to our utmost to satisfy that hunger.

Tetrabiblos by Ptolemy is highly regarded, can you demonstrate the effectiveness of
one of its verses and how most modern astrologers have not understood its application?
J.F: I think the best of Ptolemy is his section on the Rulers of the Soul, or the Rulers of the
Mind, depending on which English translation you are using. This is the ancient equivalent
of sunsign astrology, though having nothing to do with the sunsign. But how much more
valuable than sunsign astrology! If we choose as these rulers the planet or planets with
greatest influence on the Moon and Mercury, we have a quick, incisive, and very deep
picture of what goes on inside the persons psyche.




Which prediction given by any astrologer current or past would you say was the most
J.F: The most stunning? Surely those three guys who got on their camels and travelled all
the way to Bethlehem on the basis of their prediction.




Who do you think has contributed the most to the field of astrology?
J.F: Ptolemy is by far the most influential writer. How much he deserves this influence is
debatable, however.



What do you think is the purpose of astrological knowledge?
J.F: To increase our awareness of our relationship to God.



Which major development do you believe needs to be made to promote better
understanding and application of astrology?
J.F: Reintroducing the study of logic in elementary schools. The greatest barrier to an
understanding of astrology is the inability to think straight.
What is the most unusual task you have been given to do with astrology?
J.F: How many! One that comes to mind is the woman who asked the horary question,
Will the chickens egg that Im carrying around inside my bra hatch out? I suspect you can
guess what the answer was.
Atleast once in your life you would have faced a non believer of astrology who might
have attacked it mercilessly how did you react?
J.F: By changing the subject. I feel no need to persuade anyone.
What has been your most memorable prediction till date, can you illustrate it for us so
that even western astro enthusiasts can learn from your exposition.
J.F: Many predictions are memorable, for many different reasons not only ones made in
public or about public events. Especially pleasing are those where the chart forces one to look
at it in a new way.






Here is an example that can be easily understood. This is taken from an article in The
Astrologers Apprentice, issue 22.
Chart: Nov 25th 2004, 2.50 pm BST, London. Regiomontanus houses. Tropical Zodiac. Asc: 8 Taurus.
Moon: 19 Taurus.







any are they who, knowing our adherence to timehonoured methods of

astrological judgment, assume that our workshop dwells in the antique glimmer
of flickering tallow. Far from it, for not so distant from our yard gate is an asylum
called The Twentyfirst Century, the inmates of which are kept occupied producing
technological bijouterie, much of which is harmless and some even useful. So it is that we
have had, for several years now, an electricity supply. Ours is a green yard, so this is
produced by a treadmill located in a shed next to the smithy and powered by whichever of
the stablelads have incurred our Masters displeasure stablelads being an infinitely
renewable source of energy.
We have become used to the easy benefits this brings, so were alarmed when the
supply was suddenly cut off, plunging us into the gloom of a winters afternoon. Fortunately
our Master, a beacon of wisdom to light even that darkness, had resisted the journeymens
call to install computers powered by electricity, insisting that we continue to use our
traditional woodburning models. A chart was quickly set to answer the question When
will this powercut end?
Placing his substantial frame in front of the computerscreen to obscure our view, our
Master demanded to know what we expected to see in this chart. Various suggestions were
made, followed by a brief pause while an apprentice who had mentioned Uranus was tossed
into the duckpond. None of our answers seemed to please the Master, who now stood aside
to let us judge the chart.
Every attempt was answered with a shake of the Masters head, until all our
explanations were exhausted. What do we want? he asked us. We stared at him,
dumbfounded, until by poking and prodding he forced the answer from us: we wanted the
lights to come back on. So where in the chart do we see lights about to come on?
It was Jeremiah, a recently qualified craftsman astrologer, who spotted the testimony:
the Moon was about to rise! The Master beamed. Yes, the Moon is the natural significator

of artificial light, shining as it does with borrowed light. By primary motion it is soon to
come over the horizon, making it visible. 11 degrees of a fixed sign: the lights will come on in
11 hours.
Jeremiah, inflated by his success, dared to differ. No, he said. Were an uptodate
yard. Its only a loose connection, same as always. 11 minutes. Secure in the knowledge that
the chart would prove him right, the Master kept silent. There was no loose connection, but
a serious breakage in the treadmill itself. Robin, our smith, set to work immediately. Power
was restored 11 hours later.
Although we are usually concerned only with the secondary motion of the planets
against the backdrop of the signs, a motion that appears as anticlockwise in our charts, the
primary motion that is the reflection of the Earths daily rotation, taking planets from the
Ascendant to the Midheaven and down to the Descendant, must not be forgotten. It is
especially significant in Return charts, but has its part to play in horary. In any chart
concerned with death, for example, a significator near the Descendant and therefore setting
by primary motion is a major testimony.









Which has been the toughest chart that you faced till date & why, can you illustrate it
here for us & what were your predictions on it.
J.F: Mundane astrology is always hard work. There are so many charts involved, of all the
various cycles of time. A particularly difficult one was when a government had been advised
by its scientists that it might expect an earthquake on a certain date. I was asked to check
this out. The charts showed a good deal of evidence supporting the idea. The problem is,
though, that while one can study charts for when earthquakes have happened, one cannot
possibly study charts for all the occasions when earthquakes have not happened. So we
cannot know how much evidence we need in order to predict an earthquake.
I advised erring on the side of caution by keeping the emergency services on standby, but
fortunately nothing happened.



Can you illustrate any of your worst failures in astrological prediction and your
afterthought on it?
J.F: In a lecture, I predicted that Denmark would win the Eurovision Song Contest, which
was to be held a few days later. Out of 24 competitors, Denmark came 23rd. My
afterthought? OK, I got it wrong.
20) What are the qualities that make one a good astrologer and what is that one quality
that you prescribe most?
J.F: Clear thinking to read the chart and, God willing, a certain amount of compassion with
which to communicate what one has read.
If you were to cast a horary chart for USA Economy now as to what do you see in the
coming years, what would be your predictions based on your astrological analysis. An
illustration would be most helpful.
J.F: Horaries I have done for clients suggest a period of difficulty lasting several years. But
their questions have had the state of the economy only as background to their personal
concerns. Casting a chart specifically for the broad mundane issue is most unlikely to
produce a judgment of any value, because unless the astrologer is very close to the seat of
power he is most unlikely to be able to see beyond his own preconceptions. Even if he is close

to the seat of power he will find this difficult, because those sitting in that seat are similarly unable to
see beyond their own preconceptions.
Sounder judgment can be gained from study of the mundane charts, because we can compare what is
happening now with what the stars were doing at similar times in the past. We can skip the insoluble
question of which is the correct chart for the USA by using the chart for the great conjunction before
independence. As Ive demonstrated in issue 19 of The Astrologers Apprentice this works very well.
March 18 1762, 4.41 pm GMT. It makes sense to cast this for Washington, even though Washington was
no more than a patch of swamp at that time.
Some have called you the reincarnation of William Lilly the 17th century astrologer due to your
dismissal of modern western astrology practices, how do you face these criticisms and whats your reply
to your critics.
J.F: I dont reply to my critics. I do the work thats mine to do: take it or leave it.




Did you ever experience a Vedic Astrology reading from an Indian, if so what was your
impression of it?
J.F: I had an interesting experience when an Indian newspaper in England sent someone to interview
me. He turned out to be a gold medalist in jyotish, who returned a few days later with some prashnas
that he had judged. I set charts for the same time and place, judging them by western horary methods.
Different zodiac; different techniques: but even in detail the results were the same. As we would hope,
of course but it was nice to see this in action.







This question will be loved by Vedic Astrologers too, when you
see a horary chart for 'When will I get a new job', what do you see first
and then what is the most important criteria that you see? (the intention
behind this question is for the Vedic astrologers from the globe to
compare notes with your style as compared to theirs)
J.F: Querent is show by the Ascendant ruler and the Moon; the job by
the planet ruling the 10th house. Do we have an applying aspect between
them? If we do, we can take the timing from the number of degrees
needed to perfect the aspect. That is the classic scenario, but some charts
will show the situation in different ways.


What are your favorite techniques for timing events? Would you
like to share them in this space?
J.F: In the natal chart? I use secondary progressions and solar and lunar returns.
There is no single method allowing exact prediction from the nativity; nor, because we live in a fallen
universe, can there be so. Thats why we need to combine methods. But on the other hand, there is no
virtue in working too hard, using still more techniques: if this combination doesnt show an event, the
event will probably not happen.
26) Are you working on a new book, if so on what topic and when do you plan to release.
J.F: I have several projects in hand at the moment. There is a book on natal astrology; a practical
companion to The Horary Textbook; a book on the astrology underpinning Homers Odyssey,
demonstrating, among other things, the existence of horoscopic astrology much earlier than is usually
believed; a book approaching the relationship of fate and free will from the direction of astrology. Ive
been concentrating on the natal book, but will probably finish the book on Homer first.
How would you like to be remembered as towards your contribution to astrology?
J.F: The main theme of my work is the dependence of astrology upon faith.


Magi Analysis:
Franklin D.
Sandy L. Crowther CMA



years of experience and certification in a

wide variety of branches of both Eastern and
Western Systems. She has an International
client and student base, runs a MSN
Astrology forum and has participated in
many other forums in the past. She is
currently working on her first book on
MaHaBote. Gets involved in research in her
spare time, and shares freely vast amounts of
information and articles on systems such as
MaHaBote, Magi Astrology, KP Astrology,
Profections and Solar Returns and Vedic
Astrology available on her website at


Astrologer with over 30

he Magi Society is now a worldwide

organization and has produced three of
the most important books ever published
on astrology. Four charts are used for Magi
analyses: Geocentric longitude and declinations,
and Heliocentric longitudes and latitudes.




The Magi Society was founded in 1625 by a

small group of Shao Lin Monks.






The primary purpose of the Magi Society is to

continue to conduct scientific research to improve
and expand our knowledge of astrology and to
teach it to Magi Society members throughout the
world. The Magi Society is also dedicated to
helping bring about a universal acceptance of the
validity of astrology. The Magi Society has also
taken on a leadership role in the battle against
opponents of astrology.
Franklin Delanore Roosevelt:
FDR was born January 30, 1882, Hyde Park,
New York, U.S., and died on April 12, 1945, in
Warm Springs, Georgia. He was the 32nd
president of the United States (193345). The
only president elected to the office four times,
Roosevelt led the United States through two of
the greatest crises of the 20th century: the Great
Depression and World War II. In so doing, he
greatly expanded the powers of the federal
government through a series of programs and


reforms known as the New Deal, and he served as the principal architect of the successful effort
to rid the world of German National Socialism and Japanese militarism. (Reference

Preliminary Study Material

Magi Index on Jupiter's Web:
Links may be accessed by visiting











(There are currently 68 pages in my Magi Notebook, and the Alphabetical Index will direct
you to 726 Notes on various Magi teachings).

Although the analysis below is not by any means allinclusive, my intent is to bring forth a
few salient points in the life of FDR, while addressing some of the various concepts of Magi
Astrology. I hope that this will be of interest to the reader, while providing the students of
Magi Astrology an opportunity for study.
Geocentric Natal Chart: Longitudinal and Declinational Charts
Franklin D. Roosevelts Natal Gifts and Talents:




The bidirectional applying Jupiter enhancement of Uranus,

also known as the Super Fame Aspect and Aspect of
Political Power, along with the applying Jupiter and Uranus
enhancements of Chiron, two Cinderella Aspects, certainly
yields much notoriety, power, and political acclaim in
support of being known for famous leadership in his chosen
political career. This powerful Chiron Planetary
Synchronization forms a Super Conjoined Trine, and
connects three super energies forming a powerful alignment
of Jupiter, Chiron, and Uranus. This Super Conjoined Trine
planetary synchronization is the primary Focus of the natal chart.
The joining of these energies suggests that Franklin D. Roosevelt
possessed a high degree of gifted talent with respect to a successful
political career, along with notable public acclaim as a leader in the political arena. The
Chiron Magical enhancement to Uranus also puts the emphasis on fame and success in
career, revealing gifts of charismatic political appeal. Clearly, FDRs chart from birth
demonstrates that he was astrologically conditioned to be politically blessed.





Additionally, we see another planetary synchronization forming a Magi Triangle in

Franklin D. Roosevelts chart with Mercury, Mars, and Pluto all speaking to powerful and
energetic communications. Mars is additionally at EXDEK (extreme declination) in the
declinations. FDRs talents and gifts additionally unfold in his energetic initiative and
powerful way with words, coupled with intellectual communication skills.





The applying bidirectional MercuryMars enhancement is creating High Balance Aspect

on the day of FDRs birth. Although this particular planetary balance generally recognized
in superstar athletes, this type of planetary balance greatly enhanced FDRs sharp wit,
intelligence, and astute communications, along with his ability for being well received.

FDRs Natal Sun forms an applying aspect to Neptune and is relative to his creative and
healing presence, as well as his inner stability, while his applying Venus aspect to Saturn
shows his preference for maintaining control of his own financial prospects and affairs.
Venus square Saturn is the charts Focus Aspect.
FDRs declinational Super Aspect of his Uranus applying enhancement of Pluto falls well
within the allowable onedegree orb, and is truly a great and powerful aspect for a strong
political leader, suggesting both power and fame. He was innovative, and not afraid to use
his political power to initiate change of the status quo, thus destabilizing many popular
existing states of affairs. As an overall result of both his independent fervor and innovative
ideas, he became both the most loved and the most hated President in American history.
FDRs declinational Neptune proximity enhancement to Chiron, Cinderella and Romance
Aspect, further supports his unprecedented longterm political artistry and career charm,


and becomes the declinational Focus Aspect. Even Charles de Gaulle, who well knew
Roosevelts disdain for him, succumbed to the glittering personality as he put it, of that artist, that
Looking further at the declinational chart for Focus, we see another planetary
synchronization forming a Magi Pyramid, with the alignment of Mercury contraparallel
both Neptune and Chiron, with Neptune and Chiron proximity enhanced forming the
declinational Focus Aspect and a lifetime Cinderella and Romance Aspect. This aspect is
further enhancing the prospects of both career and marriage, and further addressing his
creative communication gifts and talents with respect to his longterm career and earning
power, along with his enduring charismatic public image.
Heliocentric Chart:







iewing Franklin D. Roosevelts gifts from the heliocentric angle of perspective, we

note the tight longitudinal JupiterPluto Super Success applying enhancement;
supporting the powerful and successful influential political leader. Additionally,
his Venus enhancement of Pluto adds to the lineup of Super Aspects supporting that he
was natally conditioned to receive, as does his Venus enhancement of Jupiter. These
enhancements form a Super Magi Triangle and are relative to incredible benefic influences,
surrounding his power and leadership abilities, along with his luck, charm, and his sense of
humor in his ability to lead his political public. This is the Focus of the Heliocentric



Mercury square Mars is the proximity enhanced Heliocentric Focus Aspect, addressing his
high initiative in communications.



There are many more supporting enhancements to be seen from Franklin D. Roosevelts
heliocentric chart that are indeed in support of his geocentric chart, however, they are too
numerous to make mention of each and every one. Suffice it to say, that gifted and blessed he
certainly was. However, looking at just one more aspect worthy of mention, we see a
longitudinal Uranus and Neptune enhancement, again speaking to his longterm political
Franklin D. Roosevelt certainly was natally well sanctioned with multiple gifts and talents,
and his gifted astrological portrait is highly evidenced by more than the above fore
mentioned ideal aspectual alignments. The heliocentric bilevel enhancements of Jupiter,
Neptune, and Chiron alone are quite remarkable, as are the number of applying aspects that
the benefits for future positive progressions.
Super Aspects: In conclusion, the lineup of Super Aspects is really quite remarkable. They
include a double JupiterUranus (in both geocentric longitude and heliocentric latitudes), Jupiter
Chiron conjunction in geocentric longitudes, and a declinational geocentric UranusPluto.
In the Heliocentric longitude chart we find a JupiterPluto, VenusPluto, VenusJupiter,
and in the heliocentric latitudes as mentioned above, a JupiterUranus enhancement.


Summer of 1921: Mysterious Illness afflicts FDR with Poliomyelitis:3

Although I will not go into any detail with respect to his paralysis, I have noticed in the
past that often Astrologers struggle to find the connections for any debilitating illness
afflicting FDR. I give the following applying natal aspects that have potential to be harmful
for progressions and transits. These, coupled with fraternal aspects, can certainly indicate
loss of power and reflexes through deterioration and/or muscle impairment.





Geocentric Sun applying square Neptune: Duration of personal power and vitality
Geocentric Mercury applying square Pluto: Impairment of power of reflexes and sense of
Geocentric Venus applying square Saturn and Helio Saturn applying parallel Venus: loss
of coordination in parts of the body.
Heliocentric Earth/Moon Complex applying square Saturn: Unfortunate loss of power.
Heliocentric Mercury square Mars within the Magical Time: Hindrances and blockages
to body movements, reflexes, and sense of balance.
Multiple Planet Aspects: Magi Quads and Midpoint Crossings:







The charts below show both the longitudinal and declinational Magi Quads and Midpoint
Crossings in Franklin D. Roosevelts chart.







Magi Quads:






Above in Franklin D. Roosevelts Magi Quad longitudinal lineup and based on the
Occurring M/Q Magi Sequence, we find [Jupiter conjunct Neptune] + Chiron </L/>
Saturn + Pluto, at the top of the sequence, resulting in a Super Aspected Magi Quad. This is
indicative of talent in a successful and lasting career because of charismatic leadership, with
strong desires for monumental changes in government. His highly inspired creative
leadership skills, coupled with a powerful ability to successfully dominate the political
arena, resulted in a lucrative political career.

We also see a Magi Pyramid Quad (#17 longitudes) with the pairings of Mars + Uranus
</Pyramid/> Sun + Venus. This relates to his massive amounts of energy and ability to
bring about change, as being a reflection of his sociability
and public appeal.
There is additionally a Magi Quad Yod (#18 longitudes)
Sun + Uranus </L/> Mars + Saturn, while Pluto graces the
midpoint of the Mars + Saturn pairing, creating a Magi
Quad Yod, speaking to his ability as a famous political
figure with the power to control war.
There are more configurations that are also worthy of
notice, but I will stop with the listings above.
Declinational Magi Quads: MDQs


First in the declinational Occurring M/Q Magi Sequence we find Jupiter + [Chiron
parallel Neptune] </D/> Mars + Uranus, resulting in an Aspected Magi Dek Quad. This is
relative to a distinguished and fearless successful public image coupled with charismatic
longterm leadership, and enabled FDR to successfully direct his massive amounts of
energy and courage to significant and noteworthy future endeavors. Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, said Isiah Berlin, was one of the few statesmen in any century who seemed to have no
fear at all of the future. 4
Jupiter + Uranus </D/> Pluto + [Chiron parallel Neptune] follows next, resulting in an
Aspected MDQ, and indicating that FDR was politically talented at dealing with the public
and recognized for his achievements and enduring successes. This Magi Dek Quad brings
both power and charisma along with extraordinary qualities that total up to a very famous
public image.




The Primary Focal Planet for the longitudinal M/Qs is Pluto.

The Primary Focal Planets for the MDQs are both Jupiter and Neptune.
The planetary energies of Pluto, Jupiter, and Neptune are perfect for describing FDR and
his talents and accomplishments. He was a longlasting, successful, powerful, political
figure, with exceptionally gifted personal attributes for outstanding leadership.


Midpoint Crossings: (MDXs)




Below please find the charts and tables of the MDXs relative to FDRs chart. Again, I will
briefly demonstrate my understanding of MDXs using just a few samples from the many
available in FDRs chart.




First in the sequence, we see that the Sun is trine by both the Mars Pluto, and Mercury /
Pluto midpoints, and both MDXs form a semisextile to Neptune. These are Aspected
MDXs and show, first, that this type of supercharged energy, relative to power and politics
in the Mars Pluto MDX, would bring FDR lasting and longterm personal success
through his outgoing nature. The Sun is additionally parallel the Mars/Pluto MDX in the
declinations, and widely contraparallel Jupiter, as Jupiter is additionally parallel the Mars
Pluto midpoint. We might call this as Aspected Bilevel MDX Enhancement.
The second Aspected MDX, Mercury / Pluto midpoint trine Sun semisextile Neptune
indicates that his commanding speech and powerful political skills are a vital part of his
political gifts, and support his abilities longterm as a creative individual who can both
command and receive attention.
Further down in the sequence of MDXs, we note in FDRs MDX lineup an Aspected
MDX of Saturn Pluto (#33). The Saturn Pluto midpoint is both conjunct Jupiter and
trine Uranus. Through aspect transformation, we can safely conclude that his elevated desires
for enforced political change were best realized through his political fame and skills in












Marriage Chart of Franklin D. Roosevelt to Eleanor Roosevelt 3/17/1905


elow please find the Marriage Chart of FDR and Eleanor, in addition to the Magi
Quad Timed Sequence relative to my analysis of the most exact Magi Quads. Also,
please see the separate charts with the inclusion of Juno.



With respect to the Marriage Chart, there are many factors that need to be synthesized and
balanced for overall integration, as far as what the Marriage itself brought to both of them
publicly and personally. What first catches our attention is the Dynamic Symmetrical
Turbulent Planetary Geometry in the form of a TSquare involving Uranus and Neptune,
with Mercury at the apex. This pattern sets up immediate conditions for stress within the
marriage. They had trying communications about freedoms within the marital union,
versus longterm commitment. The negatized symbolisms (or offsets) to these planetary
representations in this symmetrical pattern, reveal an inability to successfully communicate
with one another for a longterm about personal commitments, resulting in an
unchangeable need for satisfying ill fated urges for bouts of independence and freedom,
further suggesting instability with respect to both commitment, and truthful
communications. The union may have been unsettling in many respects, lacking





It is no secret that FDR had a longterm love affair with his wifes secretary, Lucy Mercer,
so this planetary geometry speaks clearly to a need for freedom, along with years of
untruthful communications, right from the onset. Absent were Venus Jupiter
enhancements to remotely hint at, or suggest loyalty and faithfulness, and no apparent
counterbalancing aspects are seen to offset the negativity of this symmetrical pattern.





However, the tight Neptune/Chiron Double Direct Quincunx and Cinderella Aspect is
additionally a Double Cinderella Aspect as it is also present in the declinations of FDRs
natal chart and therefore excellent for both their Marriage Chart and Franklins career, as it
addresses the Union of Marriage itself along with the success the marriage brought to his
career. This configuration therefore overwhelmingly supports and stabilizes the capacity for
holding the marriage together for the long term regardless of the difficulties in the
marriage while promoting unprecedented career longevity in the political arena and
enhancing his political public image for years.
Jupiter applying trine Uranus creates a Magical Angle, gives positive progressions and is
additionally a mirrored natal aspect is a Super Fame and an Historic Aspect, addressing
the super fame and tremendous leadership that resulted from this union, in addition to the
successful global changes that result from the combined creative geniuses that this union
creates. Recognized as an historical couple, the marriage certainly enhanced his career; this
couple was one for the books.
Jupiter applying square Chiron results in romantic marital
tensions and implies a lack of future trust and fulfillment
in the union.
Additionally, the Sun Mars enhancement can indicate the
natalization of a union that is empowered with high energy
and initiative, and therefore suggesting that the Wedding
Chart enforced their combined drives and passions as a


couple, introducing action as opposed to indecision in their union perhaps energized

with a bit of martian tension and irritation at times. Overall, they could accomplish much
In the declinations, we have Saturn applying parallel Chiron, the Heartbreak Clash, and
Eleanor certainly did have her heart broken upon finding the love letters addressed to her
husband, from her secretary. Although FDR did not want a divorce 6 when she offered that
up as a solution, and he promised to end the relationship with Lucy Mercer when his wife,
Eleanor, found out, the words were just words. He could not end the affair, as the
irresistible temptation continued to carry on into the future. This betrayal resulted in
Eleanor focusing on her own personal and public interests and prospects, and ended any
intimacy 7 that was left in the marriage. 8


Lastly, we have Sun applying contraparallel Mercury, suggesting that the marriage
provided terrific success in intellectual endeavors and common pursuits, resulting in an
intellectually compatible union.










Please find relevant charts below.











particular chart.

Although not
been written
about Juno as
of yet, it has
been revealed
by the Magi
Society to be
mistressSo I
both relevant
interesting to
include Juno




In FDRs personal chart, we have the planetary synchronization of Saturn trine Juno, and
Juno applying semisextile to Venus. Using Saturn Juno as the nucleus of the
synchronization, and Juno as the central focus by virtue of being connected to both Saturn
and Venus, I would read this planetary geometry as an irresistible temptation and an
uncontrollable desire for extracurricular involvement with a mistress. In FDRs natal
chart, Mercury is applying contraparallel Juno, supporting communications with mistress.
In FDRs Marriage Chart, in the declinations we see that Juno is also involved in a
planetary synchronization with Sun and Mercury, with Sun at the apex, therefore I
translate this as the Union of Marriage would include correspondence with a mistress,
supported by the confluence of declinational Mercury Juno in his natal Geocentric chart.






























Magi Quad Time Sequence





The Magi Quad Timed Sequence (above the declinational MQ sequence) will show the
most exact Magi Quads and what type of successes the Marriage Chart may have brought
to the individual. The longitudinal Timed Magi Sequence will illustrate the more precise
nature of Roosevelts success based on the timed MQ astrological influences.


In order of exactness for reference, please see that the longitudinal MQs follow in the order
of # 11, 10, 12, and 13.

11. Jupiter + Saturn <//> Sun + Mercury: Here we have a Magi Quad suggesting exceptional
leadership qualities of grace and dignity fully supporting his natural and powerful
communication skills.
10. Neptune + Chiron <//> Mercury + Venus: Inspired and long lasting career because of
articulated intelligence and enhanced communication skills.
12. Venus + Mars <//> Saturn + Chiron: Grace of action and love of movement results in
strong abilities resulting in charismatic career.
13. Saturn + Uranus <//> Mercury + Mars: His charismatic and commanding ability to
move the country through quickness of action and a lightening fast mind.

What we cannot help but notice is the Saturn pairing predominance in the M/Qs, coupled
with a high degree of Mercury pairings. The Saturn Uranus pairing is quite common in












the political arena. Saturn additionally signifies that FDR relished being in control in
fact succeeding at three unprecedented consecutive terms in the highest office in the
country. Mercury brings about a high degree of intelligence and versatility to his speech.













An Astrological
History Of
Robert Gover, USA









1929) grew up in an endowed orphanage

(Girard College in Philadelphia),
received a B.A. in Economics from the
University of Pittsburgh, worked as a
journalist, became a best-selling novelist
at age 30, lived most of his life in
California, and now lives in Rehoboth
Beach, Delaware. On the Run with Dick
and Jane is his ninth novel. His previous
book, Time and Money, explores
economic and planetary cyclical
correlations. His first novel, One Hundred
Dollar Misunderstanding, a satire on
American racism, remains a cult classic
that helped break down America's fear of
four-letter words and sexually explicit
scenes, as well as sensitizing Americans to
sanctimonious hypocrisy. He can be
contacted at or


Gover (born November 2,



aturn has been in harsh aspect to

other outer planets during every
instance of ruinous inflations since
the one that brought down the Roman
Empire. During 2007 into early 2008, Saturn
was opposite Neptune. For most of 2008
through 2010, Saturn will be moving
opposite Uranus. In 2010, the SaturnUranus
opposition will form a T square with Pluto.
This series of aspects promises a new burst
of hyperinflation that could become the
worst in history.
Before exploring the astrology
involved, some information about the
phenomenon of inflation.
What all inflations have in common
is the devaluation of a societys money.
Some inflations sneak up like a thief in the
night. Others explode into reality.
Inflations usually end in deflations
recessions or depressions.
A gold standard wont prevent
inflation, as the Roman Empires case
demonstrated. Price controls have failed to
stop it. It is not always caused by too much
money chasing too few goods, as inflation
during the Black Plague demonstrated.
Inflation cant be legislated out of existence.
Once it works up a good head of steam, it
will likely run its course before
abating...although when it finally relents,
politicians and economists will find rational


reasons for why it was their wisdom and

expertise that ended it.
In some instances, inflation has been a scapegoat for other problemssome people
blame todays gas price spikes on price manipulations in the financial community. Many
blame growing demand from emerging nations. Few connect it to the devaluation (and/or
inflation) of the dollar.
Its long been known that oil is a finite resource, and that demand for oil is growing.
Why didnt the US Government prepare for the inevitable? The answer has to do with the
powerful influence, in the form of campaign contributions, of oil companies on Congress.
Oil companies have been the big winners in the recent spike of oil prices. The big loser has
been the American middle class worker and consumer. Higher prices at the gas pump raised
the price of food and other
transportation. This coincided
with a simultaneous crisis in real
estate prices which rippled
community and impacted big
banks and a variety of investors,
foreign and domestic.
To deal with the mortgage crisis, the Bush Administration socialized the debt by
taking control of Fannie May and Freddie Mac on Sunday, September 7, 2008, piling new
debt on old and transferring this new debt to future generations of taxpayers. This delayed
the day of reckoning, virtually guaranteeing a potential monetary catastrophe. Socialism for
the rich and free enterprise for the rest of the American population is likely to lead to
revolution around 2015.
This latest inflation 20062008 occurred under a SaturnNeptune opposition. Neptune
erodes the status quo which Saturn strives to preserve. By mid2008, a SaturnUranus
opposition was beginning to have its effect. Other hyperinflations have occurred under
SaturnUranus or SaturnPluto oppositions. These planetary aspects do not cause inflation.
They coincide with inflations that are ripe to happen. The stars influence but do not compel.
Nations respond differently to the same celestial influences.
Brazil responded to the oil crisis of the 1970s by beginning to switch from imported oil
to sugarcane ethanol. By 20072008 when the US economy was threatened by inflation of
commodities and deflation of home prices, Brazil was poised to create greater prosperity.
The SaturnNeptune opposition erodes status quos which have outlived their
usefulness. Inflation occurs when its the nations monetary system that is ripe to erode.
When you examine the nuts and bolts of any period of inflation, its difficult to find a
single reason to satisfy the rational mind. In the USA, there has been a long, steady, century
of singledigit inflation which happened so slowly, most people didnt noticeuntil the price
of gas per gallon went from around $1.50 to $4.50 in 2008.
Back in 1950, a gallon of gas in the US cost around 25 cents. An ice cream cone that
cost a nickel in 1950 now costs $2.50. This price rise happened so gradually that most
Americans werent aware of ituntil, perhaps, they went shopping to buy their first house
and learned that the house their parents bought for, say, $25,000 was now priced at around
Not everything inflates at the same rate. During the 20th Century, real estate inflated
much more than most other things because homeowners are allowed a large tax deduction
for mortgage costs. This drove home prices up by 3,000% or more since 1914.








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.neppah ot epir


Robber and Benefactor

nflation robs some and benefits others. It generally robs most from those on fixed
incomes, the working class and lenders/creditors. It benefits governments, property
owners and borrowers/debtors. It enables borrowers to repay loans with devalued
money. Lenders compensate by raising the cost of loans with a variety of fees.
These different factions of society often overlap and are in any case interdependent. A
teacher whose salary is devastated by inflation may also be a property owner benefited by
the same inflation. A large lending institution may be deep in debt to another creditor, and
both may go under due to working class people forced by job losses to default on mortgages.
This in turn impacts the ability of companies to borrow the money needed to expand, which
means laying off more workers, causing more mortgage defaults, further constricting bank
loans, and so on.
Inflations come in a variety of severities. During the 20th Century a little inflation
4% to 6% a yearcame to be seen as beneficial, at least by some economists. We want the
value of money to be consistent, but the value of any form of money, in any time in history,
has never been static. The
price of bread rises or falls
with the weathera good
harvest lowers the price, a bad
harvest raises the price.
Periods of expansion are
inflationary as more money is
issued into the economy and
people buy things they would
not buy in recessions or
expansions, lenders lend money and borrowers borrow. When an economy constricts,
lenders stop lending and few wish to borrow, reducing the amount of money in circulation,
causing deflation.
Deflation favors lenders over borrowers. Falling prices may result from too much
supply or too little demand. Too much supply can be a good thing. Too little demand is
almost always bad. During inflations, borrowers pay lenders in dollars that wont buy as
much as when the money was loaned. During deflations, borrowers pay lenders in dollars
that will buy more than when the money was loaned.
But, since deflations usually occur during recessions or depressions, borrowers may be
forced to default on loans. For example, in 2008 as the homeloan bubble of the previous
years was deflatingeven while gas prcies were driving inflationa record number of
homeowners were defaulting on mortgages, especially Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs).
Millions of homeowners suddenly found they had to pay doubte or triple their oriiginal
monthly rate for homes that were rapidly losing market value. This combination of inflation
of gas and other commodities at the same time real estate was deflating was excacerbated by
a rise in unemployment. Government was urged to do something, anything, to avoid the
dreaded D word, depression.
For a while the baddebt overhead can be bailed out by creating yet more debt,
backed by public guarantees in what even the Wall Street Journal acknowledges is socialism
for the rich, that is, privatizing the profit and socializing the losses...What ultimately supports the
price of these mortgage packages is the price of the real estate pledged as collateral. And
despite Mr. Greenspans celebration (as few years ago) of soaring housing prices as wealth



nuS htiw nrob saw deF eht ,yllacigolortsA






eht ot desoppo srotaripsnoc neddih( otulP etisoppo








sisirc laicnanif tsetal siht nehw 8002 yB .)srehto


eb ot caidoZ eht dnuora devom dah otulP ,tih






.nrob saw deF eht nehw saw ti erehw etisoppo


creation, it really was debt creation. As housing prices plunge, the debts remain in place.
(The Next Big Bailout by Michael Hudson,
The present monetary situation is further complicated by the huge and growing gap
between rich and poor which has dramatically expanded in recent years. What we now have
worldwide is what I call the Bifurcated Economy. The wealthy few live in a very different
reality than the impoverished many. Statistics show that 2007 was one of the best years
everfor the wealthy fewas the global economy grew 4.9% to $66 trillion. At the same
time, the impoverished many faced a rise in diseases and a growing scarcity of water and
food, among other hardships.
Ripple Effects
hen a government feels threatened, a little inflation tends to turn into rampant
hyperinflation because governments print more currency to deal with
emergencies. Runaway inflations ripple effect throughout a society can be
more devastating than invading armies. While a government may benefit from repaying its
debt in cheaper money due to inflation, it may be left with an ungovernable society in
rebellion or chaos as people struggle to make ends meet with rapidly devaluing money. Wars
pump tremendous amounts of new money into society while destroying things of real
The US Government privatized control of the US monetary system in December of
1913 when it created the Federal Reserve System, owned and operated by a small group of
bankers with a fiduciary responsibility to provide profits for their shareholders. For the crisis
building in 2008, that means big trouble ahead for the USA as a nation, as the Fed
traditionally privatizes profits and socializes losses.
Astrologically, the Fed was born with Sun opposite Pluto (hidden conspirators
opposed to the Government) and Jupiter opposite Neptune (economic expansion confused,
or confusing to others). By 2008 when this latest financial crisis hit, Pluto had moved around
the Zodiac to be opposite where it was when the Fed was born. The conspirators of the Fed
are now, it seems, poised to be undone by their own conspiratorial machinations. The
International Monetary Fund has announced it will audit the Fed and render its report in
During and after the last great depression, the belief arose that the Fed could, and
should, exert controls that prevent inflation. By the end of the 20th Century, such controls
were beginning to resemble a comic strip. The stock market crashed? Okay, lower interest
rates to bring it back up. Whoops, the lowering of interest rates created a real estate bubble,
which burst and rippled throughout the financial community, collapsing big banks. The Fed
saved big banks with infusions of money to be repaid by future taxpayers, practically
guaranteeing much worse future problems. And this little scenario omits global warming
and the steady rise of more devastating weather events.
Money systems, once instituted, seem to develop a destiny of their own in sync with
subtle forces beyond human control.
Since around 1900, periods of inflation have led to deflation. Under the Saturn
Neptune opposition of 20062008, the world watched commodity prices inflate while real
estate prices deflated, war profits soared and weatherrelated catastrophes multiplied.
Government allocated huge sums of money which were swallowed up by the rich and well
connected, and never reached those in need. Hurricane Katrina became a bonanza for well
connected companies without helping hurricane victims. This evidence, and more, indicates
the USAs monetary system has become dysfunctional and is ripe to fall under the
upcoming SaturnUranus opposition.











Historically, Saturn has been found in harsh aspect to the other outermost planets
when either rampant inflation or depression hits. In an article titled Grand Cross and
Great Depressions, (See Saptarishis Astrology Magazine Vol. 3, August 2008) I covered
Saturns role in past great depressions. Lets now look for Saturns role in periods of
hyperinflation since year 1. The following list is of the worst, which leaves out many lesser
inflations, including in the USA the OPEC spike of the 1970s.

150 Roman Empire

Saturn in Cancer opposite Uranus in Capricorn

1350 Black Plague

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Aries

1501 Europe gold imports

Saturn in Taurus opposite Pluto in Scorpio

T square Uranus in Aquarius


Saturn in Scorpio opposite Neptune in Taurus

both square Moons Nodes



1720 John Laws Mississippi

Bubble and South Sea Bubble

Year of Inflation

Saturn 24 Sagittarius opposite Uranus 0 Cancer

both square Mars in Pisces

1784 French Revolution

Saturn in Taurus opposite Neptune in Scorpio

Uranus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

1862 American Civil War

Saturn and Jupiter conjunct in Virgo opposite Neptune in

Saturn and Neptune in Leo opposite Uranus
in Aquarius.


10171923 Russian Revolution

and German hyperinflation







1782 American Revolution

Saturn in Pisces opposite Neptune in Virgo,

both square Chiron in Gemini and Moons Nodes

1965 Indian Inflation

Saturn in Pisces opposite Uranus and Pluto conjunct in


20072010 USA

Saturn in Leo opposite Neptune in Aquarius 2007

Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces 2008

1937 Chinese Revolution

SaturnNeptune oppositions occur every 36 years on the average; SaturnUranus

oppositions occur every 45 years; SaturnPluto oppositions once every 33.8. Planets are said
to be in opposition when, from our perspective here on Earth, they are 180 degrees apart,
putting we earthlings between them.
In 2006 and 2007, under the latest SaturnNeptune opposition, the dollar was
devaluing against other currencies and the present inflation was gathering momentum. As I
write this in the summer of 2008, inflation in the USA has hit hard as we begin to come
under a SaturnUranus opposition. A spike in the price of crude oil combined with the

devaluing dollar to drive prices up at gas pumps, while at the same time real estate prices
were deflating dramatically.
Saturn rules established systems. When opposed by Neptune, the established tends to
become confused or problematic, fraught with dilemmas. When opposed by Uranus, the
established may be overthrown by unexpected change or revolution. When opposed by
Pluto, a major cultural change begins.
In the economic realm, these oppositions precipitate whatever conditions are ripe to
manifest. Two SaturnUranus oppositions ago, in 1918, conditions in both Germany and
Russia were ripe for revolution,
accompanied by wild spikes of inflation.
In the USA, women got the right to
votealthough this wasnt a bloody
revolution like the one taking place in
Russia, it certainly changed status quo
politics in the USA.
The present SaturnUranus opposition will become precise by Election Day,
November 4, 2008. It will make four more successive direct hits during the coming two
years: February 5 and September 15, 2009, and April 26 and July 26, 2010. The mood it brings
will last through 2008 to the end of 2010.
This SaturnUranus opposition is likely to bring more drama in the USA than
elsewhere because it will be part of a grand cross pattern to the USAs natal MarsNeptune
square, which has a long history of coinciding with stock market panics. (An Astrological
History of Stock Market Panics,
seriA ni sunarU .qs T arbiL ni nrutaS






0102 nrocirpaC ni otulP .qs



Uranus and Empires




he inflation that coincided with the downfall of the Roman Empire ramped up
during a long SaturnUranus opposition from 149 to 151. The Roman government
had slowly but steadily devalued its coinage over the previous several hundred years.
This inflation led Western Europe into the Dark Ages. Back then, economic events that
now happen in weeks or months, happened in years or decades or centuries. By 411, when the
495cyclical NeptunePluto conjunction occurred coinciding with what most historians cite
as the end of the Roman Empire, the Roman monetary system was a wreck.
The inflation that characterized the end of the American Revolution also occurred
under a SaturnUranus opposition. Not often emphasized in American history books is that
the British printed fake Continental dollar bills and flooded the colonies with them. The
newly created Continental dollar got the colonies through the Revolutionary War but the
inflation caused by British counterfeiting led into the USAs first great depression.
The inflation that began in Europe in 1501, when tons of gold and silver were being
imported from the newly discovered Americas, occurred under Saturn square Uranus and
Saturn opposite Pluto, with Pluto also square Uranus to form a T square. This inflation,
with Pluto so involved, coincided with massive cultural changes on both sides of the
Atlantic. Whole nations were wiped out by diseases imported from Europe. Modern
estimates put their number in the hundreds of millions. It was a pandemic of diseases Native
Americans had no immunity to that was the rational cause of this massive transformation.
By August 2010, we will be under another T square formed by Saturn in Libra opposite
Uranus and Jupiter in Aries, with both square Pluto in Sagittarius. This T square will, in
turn, afflict the USAs natal Venus and Jupiter in the second house, nicknamed the house
of money by astrologers.











This does not mean we are doomed to repeat the horrors of the early 1500s in the
Americas. History repeats but does not rhyme, as Mark Twain observed. We look for what
needs to change, or what is ripe to change. In our modern economy, the socalled American
Century, whats ripe to change is the monetary systemthe way bankers conjure money
out of thin air and lend it to politicians who pass the bill on to unwitting taxpayers.
In 1350, inflation coincided with Saturn opposite Pluto and the Black Death pandemic
in Europe. This pandemic was almost as severe as the one that occurred about 150 years later
in the Americas. One third of Europes population20 milliondied. The inflation that
occurred simultaneously wasnt another case of too much money chasing too few goods.
The money supply remained constant. Commerce came to a near standstill because of the
bubonic plague. Pluto opposite Saturn transforms established orders. The plague left
European serfs freed from slavery and able to demand wages. (The SaturnPluto opposition
of the early 1500s was not so kind to Native Americans, as it removed them from their lands
and turned them in wage laborers.)
1720 in France, brought on by what history now calls John Laws Mississippi Bubble
simultaneous with the crash of the British South Sea Bubble. John Laws story is fascinating,
for it reveals both the advantages and dangers of a fiat paper money system.
1784: French Revolution, when Saturn was simultaneously also opposite Pluto. This
revolution not only transformed France but also became the model for future revolutions
against monarchies.
1862: the American Civil War. Inflation was brought on by European bankers
aggressively selling money to the Confederate Government while the Union Government
created most of its own money, the Greenback. Another example of how Neptune
opposition Saturn changes the status quo.
1917: Russias Communist Revolution simultaneous with hyperinflation in Germany.
Saturn and Neptune opposition Uranus. The UranusNeptune opposition occurs once every
171 years.
1937: Chinas Communist Revolution. Saturn opposed Neptune as the Communists
rebelled against the Nationalist Government, which was busy dealing with a Japanese
From the summer of 1945 to the summer of 1946, postWW II Hungarys currency
suddenly inflated by a startling 400 octillion. Saturn was square Neptune through 1944 and
1965 in India, GDP grew 33% in the Sixties reaching a peak of 142% in the Seventies,
decelerating sharply back to 41% in the Eighties and 20% in the Nineties. During the mid
sixties, Saturn was in Neptuneruled Pisces, opposite a conjuncion of Uranus and Pltuo in
Germany and Russia

he inflation that is probably the best known today1923 in Germany when the mark
devalued to practically zerois a curious case. In 1923, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and
Jupiter formed 120degrees trines to each other, and trines normally bring good
times. The hyperinflation that climaxed in 1923 actually began during World War I under a
SaturnPluto opposition in 1914, followed by a SaturnNeptune opposition in 1915, which in
turn was followed by a series of SaturnUranus oppositions 19181920. From 1917 to 1922,
wholesale commodity prices rose 182 to 45,205 (based on 100 in 1914). By the end of 1923,
under planetary trines, prices had rocketed up to 142,905,055,447,917. (1)











Simultaneous with the buildup to runaway inflation in Germany was the Russian
Revolution, when, under SaturnNeptune and Saturn Uranus oppositions, Russia suffered a
dramatic devaluation of the ruble. The Bolsheviks dreamed of a world without money and
under the SaturnNeptune oppositionused newly printed rubles to buy foods from
peasants and transport these to industrial workers in cities. Peasants constituted 79% of the
population then, and were largely selfsustaining and had nowhere to spend these rubles, so
this money was virtually worthless. During the series of conflicts that resulted in the
revolution, retail prices in Russia went from 1.00 in 1913 to 17,100,000,000 by 1924.
According to some sources (1), the Bolsheviks idea was to continue printing money
until it became worthless, thus allowing money to commit suicide. The result was a
thriving black market in consumer goods. This trend was arrested in 1921 when a market
economy was reintroduced, with the government in control of banking, major industries and
foreign trade.
With the industrial revolution beginning around 1776, inflations steadily increased in
frequency and severity. Before paper currencies became ubiquitous during the 20th Century,
periods of inflation were rare. The dollar is based on the full faith and credit of the US
Government, not gold or silver or any other tangible asset. However, during the 20th
Century black gold, oil, arose to become the basic measure of all currencies.
Americans are told by the mass media that theyd be paying even more for a gallon of
gas if they lived in Europe. What this propaganda omits is that it now takes about a dollar
and a half to buy one euro worth of gas. A hundred euros now buys about a hundred and
fifty dollars worth. If the present downward trend of the dollar against the euro continues
and there are plenty of reasons to bet it willthe cost of gas in the USA will continue to
inflate. The ripple effect of the dollars devaluation could cause runaway inflation
throughout the US economy. Big agricultural corporations now ship food thousands of miles
to markets, so rising fuel costs jack up food costs, as well as the cost of plastics and a variety
of other products.
If American politicians were not so dependent upon big corporate campaign
contributions, the USA could have begun decades ago to end the addiction to oil, as Brazil
Michael Hudson, in his essay referred to above, delivers the following analysis of how
the system now works:

Rising debts and real estate prices go together, because asset prices depend on
how much banks will lend. For creditors, the dream is to obtain an ultimate backup at
public expense: government insurance that they will not lose when debtors are unable to
pay. The political problem is how to get the government to insure and protect bankers
rather than debtors, given that debtors are much more numerous when it comes to the
voting booth. In such cases campaign contributions are the balancing factor.
Governments are privatized and financialized, that is, turned from democracies into
oligarchies. The banking system aims to make sure that the only losers are the customers
it is supposed to serve: debtors, homeowners and employees of companies being
financialized as the economy is deindustrialized. Indeed, financialization and de
industrialization are becoming almost synonymous. The trick is to get voters to think
they are getting rich while actually they are being painted into a debt corner, along with
their employers, local government and the federal government too.
What makes voters think they are getting rich is numerically more money in their
paychecks. But past a certain point, pay raises cannot keep up with debt creation and the

inflation imposed by the Fed printing more and more dollars to deal with more and more
debt. Not for no reason is inflation called the hidden tax.
Once inflation is precipitated and building momentum, a government trying to stop it
is comparable to the apocryphal King ordering ocean tides to stop rising. It also illustrates
the astrological reading of Saturn opposite Neptune: the established order eroded by a subtle,
relentless, eroding assault. Unlike rising tides, inflation is manmade. Yet past a certain
point, inflation becomes like a force of nature.
Paper Money











oday, all modern societies operate on paper money. This paper would be worthless
were it not for the backing of governmental authority, so in a sense its faithbased
The first use of faithbased paper money was in China. The time of its origin is
disputed. Probably it was first used in 177 BC. It was also introduced during the Song
Dynasty from 960 to 1279 when the Chinese governmental aparatus of mandarinates
produced notes of credit, and declared them legal tender. This issue of paper money was easy
to counterfeit. The resulting inflation drove the Chinese of that time to prefer bank checks,
which eventually caught on around the world.
Despite much opinion to the contrary, paper money cannot be blamed for inflation.
What makes paper money vulnerable is that its cheap to make and easy to carry around.
Some people carry creit cards giving them the ability to borrow over half a million dollars in
an hour or two. The US Government has the aiblity to borrow trillions of dollars from the
Fed, and pass the bill to future generations of taxpayers as the socalled national debt.
In September 2008 when the Fed agreed to subsidize the big financial institutions that
had crashed (due to the housing crisis), it added around a trillion dollars to the debt that
must be repaid by the public in the coming yearsunless, of course, the system collapses and
is rebuilt from scratch, as happened in the 1920s in Germany and Russia under a previous
SaturnUranus opposition. When this latest SaturnUranus opposition forms a T square
with Pluto in 2010, we can look for a revolution of the monetry system.
Commodity moneycattle, tobacco, silver, gold, valuable in and of itself.
Even in times and places where gold was not used as money, it was valued by artists and
craftsmen. When gold has been minted into coins used as a societys means of exchange
(moneys most basic use), it has proven vulnerable to inflation caused by clipping,
sweating or blending with cheaper metals. The inflation that laid low the Roman
Empireprimarily caused by the government devaluing its coin money by blendingwas
also blamed on coin clipping and sweating (a way of using heat to leach the precious metal
out of coins).

eople who believe astrology is supersittious nonsense point to current events to

explain the present spike of inflation in the USA. From an astrological perspective,
planetary cycles act on the invisible causal realm to manifest such events. Todays
inflation is manfesting the latest SaturnNeptune opposition. What will be happening by
20102012 will be manifesting the SaturnUranus oppositon that is now forming. From the
modern scientific perspective, no causeeffect medium or material link has been found to
verify this. Over the past six or more millennia, astrologers have made peace with the fact
that we do not know how or why certain planetary angles bring subtle moods that influence








events characterized by the aspecting planets. Its a mystery reminding us that we are not
masters of the universe.
Both planetary aspects and inflations tend to build like ocean waves. We can trace a
slow but relentless inflation building in the USA since 1914 when the Federal Reserve
System began operating under a SunPluto opposition. It has had smaller crests and troughs
over the last century but now appears poised to become a tsunami, leaving a swash of
deflation, depression.
Since the Fed was created, the dollar has devalued (and/or inflated) by an average off,
929%. Something that cost $100 in 1914 cost $2,029 by 2006. Since the end of 2007 and
beginning of 2008, the rate of inflation has risen steeply.
Neptunes eroding of established Saturnian systems will most impact whatever we are
most focused upon. The previous SaturnNeptune opposition formed in 197172 to coincide
with whats called the OPEC inflation. Americans were focused on the War in Vietnam and
the Nixon Administration. There was an erosion of the established poltiical order, as Nixon
was forced to leave office or face impeachment.
The latest SaturnNeptune opposition impacts the financial realm because it has
become our focus of attention. Its become our focus of attention because its become
dysfunctinoal. It needs to be changed.
Meanwhile, Pluto has moved around the Zodiac to a point opposite where it was
when the Fed was created. Plutos eliptical orbit makes it appear to move irregularly during
its 248 year cycle. In Sagittarius where it now is, Pluto becomes philosophical, religious and
spiritual. In Capricorn where it will soon be, it becomes practical and goaloriented. The
goal of any monetary system is to spread prosperity to all secrors of society. By 2020, we
may find that money has become a public utility rather than a tool of politial power.




For an indepth examination of historic inflations, see An Analysis and History

of Inflation by Dan Pearlberg, Praeger, Westport, CT, 1993. This book of only
186 pages sells for around $100, a price that reflects Pearlbergs exhaustive
scholarly research in rare combination with his abiltiy to explain this
complex and highly technical subject.





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