Syllabus Us History 2013

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Course Overview

History is one of the most important subjects in a students

education. James Baldwin said, History does not refer merely to the past.
It also teaches us about ourselves in the present and how we got to where
we are today. History teaches us about the decisions of individuals;
individuals like you and me. History can be challenged and debated.
It is an exciting and an extremely valuable subject.
This course will cover the history of the United States from the
explorers to the early 1900's. We will focus on the various events, figures,
and movements that helped shape our country. We will also discuss current
events and see how the past ties into the present.
Mrs. Lee
Rm. 2114
Educational Philosophy
I believe that students learn best when they are in a positive environment.
I demand and expect the very best from each and every student. I also believe that
learning can be fun and meaningful at the same time. I am committed to making
my classroom a place where students will respect their teachers, their peers, their
work, their classroom, and themselves.
Student Expectation:
Respect: Students will address the teacher properly and be courteous to other students.
Students will listen to the teacher or their peers when they speak. Profanity and neg
negative comments will not be tolerated.
Attendance: Students are expected to be in class every day. Students are responsible
for making up missed work.
Tardy: More than 5 tardies will result in a 'U' in Cooperation.
Materials: Students must come ready to learn with all the necessary materials.
(blue/black pen, sharpened pencils, agenda book, the Interactive Notebook, etc)
Homework: More than 5 missing assignments will result in a U in Work Habits. All
late assignments will be deducted 20%.
Classroom Routine/Policy:
1. Students must sharpen
pencils, collect past assignments, and turn in homework before the bell rings.
2. Students must copy the Agenda and work on the Warm Up as soon as they enter the classroom.
3. Students who go to the restroom must serve 5-minute detention time for every minute they are gone.
4. Students may not get out of their seat at any time during the period without permission. (This includes
when the dismissal bell rings also)
5. Students will be asked not to raise their hand to answer a question; instead the teacher will call on
individual students. This instructional method is called Direct Questioning, which encourages
participation from all students and prevents students from yelling out answers.
I have read and understood the course syllabus. I agree to follow all the class rules and policies, and to face the
consequences if I break them.
Student Name (Print) Period Date
Student Signature
Parent Contact Info:
Verbal Warnings
Isolation from Group
Morning or Lunch Detentions
Parent Phone Call or Conference
* Each offense will be acted upon according. Students must report
for morning detention no later than 8:00am and lunch detention in
the first 5 minutes of lunch.
Tests 30% 90-100% A
Homework 30% 80-89% B
Class work 20% 70-79% C
Projects 20% 60-69% D
Total 100 % 0-59% F
*Students who receive an E in Cooperation will receive an
extra 2% added to their grade.
Daytime Phone Number: ( )
Evening Phone Number: ( )
Parent Name (Print)
Parent Signature

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