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What is Physical Therapy?

The treatment of disease, injury, or

deformity by physical methods
such as massage, heat treatment,
and exercise rather than by drugs
or surgery
Period 6
ISM: Ms.Click
Ingrid Hernandez
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Questions to Consider:
Do you prefer walking or
in-bed exercises?
Was your hip fracture
caused by a fall?
Do you think you have
been physically
improving in the last
couple of months?
Are you easily fatigued
during therapy?
Favorite form of

Conducted Theories:
Patients prefer walking
rather than in-bed
Males show results of
improvement faster than
Most hip fractures are
caused by patients
Patients are more easily
fatigued during exercise
than after exercise

*Target audience: Ages 50+
Who are we targeting?
The subjects obtained to test these theories were patients who were ages fifty and above. These
patients vary from male to female, as well as varying from different fractures and health
problems. Patients were randomly selected from different rooms of the facility. The results of
these theories were all derived from a population of ages fifty and above. Patient names were
kept confidential, instead only referred to as Patient #1 through Patient #25.
Do you prefer walking of in-bed exercises?
o 86% walking
o 14% bed exercises
Was your hip fracture caused by a fall?
o 52% yes
o 48% no/not applicable
Do you think you have improving in the
last couple of months?
o 81% yes
o 12% no
Are you easily fatigued during therapy?
o 52% During
o 48% After
Favorite form of exercise?
o 10% Leg raises
o 10% Balloon Tennis
o 14% Walking
o 18% Seated Exercises
o 48% Bicycle/Pedaling
Based on the results of the survey, my theory
proves that these patients prefer walking rather
than bed-exercises. My theory also proves hip
fractures were caused by a patients fall.
Although, almost half of these patients are not
applicable because they either do not have any
fractures or their hip fractures are caused by
another circumstance. In addition to the
results, it cannot be proven that males show
results of improvement faster than females due
to the number of females surveyed
outnumbering the male population. Though, it
can be said that patients are more easily
fatigued during therapy rather than after
therapy. Lastly, survey shows that more
patients favor cycling/pedaling as their ideal
form of therapy. From the results of the survey,
I can learn so much about a patients
background as well as their daily therapy

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