Dialectical Journal For Alexie

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Your Name: _______________________ Todays Date: ___________________

Week of ____________________ through ______________________

Chapters Read This Week: _____________________________________________
Pages Read This Week: ___________________________________
Codes: (Q) Question; (C) Connect; (P) Predict; (CL) Clarify; (R) Reflect; (E) Evaluate
What Sacagawea Means to Me Page #s Response and Comments
If The US Is Eden, Then Sacagawea
is Eve.
9 (E) Eden from the Bible, is a land of
abundance and beauty, and a peaceful
place. Whereas Eve is the woman who
defied Gods orders, given in to
temptation, and made humans and exile
from Eden. The US is certainly a beautiful
place, but it is not peaceful. There is never
a moment where the whole country is in
peace. Also, by stating Sacagawea is Eve,
that would mean Sacagawea defied the
US laws and became an outsider. But is
she? Isnt she a hero among the Natives
race? Eve is not a hero.
In that sense, colonization might be a
natural process, tragic and violent to be
sure, but predictable and ordinary as
well, and possibly necessary for the
advance, however constructive and
destructive, of all civilizations.
10 (R) Colonization are indeed tragic in
every country. Indigenous people died,
along with their culture and history. Now
we can only assume and study their story
through a long process. But it does
provide advancement to the colonized and
the colonizing. World trade and currency
risen, and new goods were introduced.
But I believe the act of colonizing can be
avoided if only the human being would
stop desiring power over another.
The story of Lewis and Clark is also the
story of the approximately forty-five
nameless and faceless first- and second-
generation European Americans who
joined the journey, then left or
completed it, often without monetary or
historical compensation.
10 (C) Lewis and Clark are definitely only
the representatives of this journey, just as
many other stories have representatives.
Such as the story of Columbus and the
discovery of the New World. Hes
obviously not the only one who
discovered America during that time. The
only problem was whether the sailors who
came before Columbus returned to
Europe. There were stories of people
sailing away and never returned from

What Sacagawea Means to Me Page #s Response and Comments
other countries.
The Lewis and Clark Expedition was
exactly the kind of multicultural,
trigenerational, bigendered, animal-
friendly, government-supported, partly
French-Canadian project that should
rightly be celebrated by liberals and
castigated by conservatives.
10 (Q) Of course the US would want to
produce the story positively. They want
the world to think they produce great
opportunities. Do you ever hear a
downside of a discovery expedition? This
quote even said this story was
government-supported. How often do
the government tell us the truth? How can
we trust what the government is telling
us? Has it ever cross your mind that the
government sugar-coated the story? When
did a higher power ever give so much
credit to an indigenous race without
making them sound great with it?
I remain stunned by these
contradictions, by the successive
generations of social, political, and
artistic mutations that can be so beautiful
and painful.
10 (P) Changes are always happening. Not
just in the US, but the whole world. Most
major changes are made after an
extensively painful experience. Without
war, would we want peace? Without
tyranny and monarchy, would we want
freedom? There are many things that
slowly changing right now. For example,
alien rights in the US. Right now, itll
definitely be painful to those that are
fighting for it, but in the future, when it is
won, it will make this place beautiful.

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