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Productivity can be defined as

A. the amount of machines that are used to creat a
B. a supply of people used to run the machines
C. the amount of products shipped in a day
D. a measure of how much work can be done in a
certain length of time
How did the industrial revolution improve
people's lives?
A. Factories started making designer clothes thus
making people want to buy more
B. Clothing was poorly made thus forcing people to
buy more
C. Clothing was cheaper, making it easier for
people to stay clean thus reducing disease.
D. Clothing became more dificult to make thus
make it more expensive to buy
Why was World War I unlike any other War
fought before this time period?
A. They did not use guns to fight other wars before
B. Machines designed for war were mass-
produced which helped make the war more
violent than any war before it
C. Because there weren't that many people injured
or killed in this particular war
D. Because of the creation of the atomic bomb
countries did not want to go to war
Imperialism can be defined as
A. giving back lands to the native people in order to
build alliances between other countries
B. taking over lands surrounding an already
developed kindom
C. conquering land and converting people to
D. countires colonizing other lands around the
world for markets and resources for their
In 1930s, a worldwide depression severely
tested the ability government to provide for
their citizens. The problems that were not
solved after World War I eventually led to new
alliances in Europe thus causing
A. The Industrial Revolution
B. World War II
C. The Holocaust
D. Communism
How did machinery affect the textile
A. People where no longer needed to run the
B. Huge quantities of cloth could be produced
C. machines slowed down productivity
D. Machines often needed repair so the use of
textiles slowed production
Textile mills became even more productive
A. Steam replaced waterpower for running the
B. when machines replaced human resources
C. factories hired children to work long hard hours
D. when items began to be shipped buy airplanes
in the early 1800s
Human resources can be defined as
A. A steady supply of people needed to run the
machines in the factories
B. The use of humans needed to make products by
C. The amount of resources need to supply
humans with enough energy to work long hours
D. Humans that supplied resources and equipment
to make their own goods
Copy of K4/ World Cultures/ 7/ Post Assessment ID: dna.2312 ib.134758
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Generated On May 5, 2014, 11:44 AM PDT Page 1
In 1914 a war broke out in Europe that quickly
spread to the European colonies and other
areas of the world. It was known as the Great
War, and later called
A. World War I
B. World War II
C. The Civil War
D. The Revolutionary War
10 The genocide of the 20
century that claimed the
most lives was:
A. The Holocaust Genocide in Europe in the 1940s
B. The Holodomer Famine Genocide in Ukraine in
the 1930s
C. The Cambodian Genocide in Southeast Asia in
the 1970s
There were no instances in the 20
century that
could be classified as genocide.
The key to Allied victory in Europe was:
A. the success of resistance movements at
undermining German authority.
B. the vast personnel and industrial capacity of the
United States and Soviet Union.
C. the lack of commitment of Italian forces to the
Axis cause.
D. the development of the atomic bomb.
E. the leadership of Harry Truman after the death
of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
A revolution in Russia in 1917 led to a new
political, economic, and social system called
A. Genocide
B. Imperialism
C. Democracy
D. Communism
What are satellite nations?
A. nations that are dependent upon a stronger
B. nations that colonize other nations
C. nations that are located near the space station
D. nations that trade with other nationas around the
The original Allies before 1941 (before The
U.S. and Soviet Union) joined the War
consisted of which of the following countries
A. Sweden, Norway, and Finland
B. Koera, Japan, and China
C. Great Britain, France, and China
D. Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands
The Axis powers consisted of which of
following countries?
A. Italy, Germany, and Japan
B. Great Britain, France, and Spain
C. Germany, Russia, and Korea
D. France, China, and Italy
Textiles, or woven cloth
A. became very expensive after the industrial
B. was the first industry to be moved to factories
C. beacme more difficult to make due to low supply
and high demand from the public
D. Both A and C
Weapons that use atomic reactions to release
enourmose power and can cause mass
destruction are called
A. Balistic Weapons
B. Biological Weapons
C. Grenades
D. Nuclear Weapons
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Generated On May 5, 2014, 11:44 AM PDT Page 2
In August of 1945 the United States- in an
effort to end the war in Asia
A. surrendered to Japan
B. dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese
cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
C. invaded the Islands of Japan
D. withdrew from the war in the Pacific
The Holocaust can be defined as
A. the movement of Jews from Europe to other
places in the world
B. Imperialism
C. a new political, econmic, and social system
D. Genocide, or the mass murder of a people
because of race, religion, ethnicity, politcs, or
Who was the leader of the Soviet Union
(Russia) during World War II?
A. Adolf Hitler
B. Franklin D. Roosevelt
C. Joseph Stalin
D. Benito Mussolini
Define the term Union
A. Is a measure of how much work can be done in
a certain amount of time
B. Is when workers refuse to work until their
demands are met
C. Speaks for all workers within a factory or
industry and bargains for better working
conditions, higher pay, and a shorter working
D. Is woven cloth or fabric products
In what country did the Industrial Revolution
A. Germany
B. Spain
C. France
D. Great Britain (England)
Who were the WASPs?
A. Women Air-Force Service Pilots who flew
bombers in air raids over Germany and Italy
B. Women Air-Force Service Pilots who flew fighter
aircraft and supported bombing raids over
Germany and Italy
C. Women Air-Force Service Pilots who flew supply
planes between the United States and Britain
D. Women Air-Force Service Pilots who flew
military aircraft in the United States so male
pilots could be freed for overseas military duty
Which of the following countries was not a
member of the Allied forces during World War
A. Russia
B. Italy
C. United States
D. Britain
What is another name for the Invasion of
A. D-Day
B. Battle of Britan
C. Verailles
D. Siege of Warsaw
What was the name of the treaty that ended
World War I and helped provoke World War
A. Treaty of Versailles
B. Treaty of Lebanon
C. Treaty of Invesco Field
D. Treaty of Stalingrad
Who was the President of the United States
during WWII?
A. Winston Churchill
B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt
D. Sam Elliott
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Generated On May 5, 2014, 11:44 AM PDT Page 3
Which of the following countries were
members of the Axis Powers during WWII?

A. Italy
B. Germany
C. Mexico
D. Both A and B
Benito Mussolini was the leader of what
country during World War II?
A. United Kingdom (U.K.)
B. Soviet Union (USSR)
C. Italy
D. Germany
Under the system of Imperialism, European
countries claimed colonies on what
continents in the late 1800s?
A. Africa and Asia
B. United States and Asia
C. Australia and Asia
D. South America and Asia
Copy of K4/ World Cultures/ 7/ Post Assessment ID: dna.2312 ib.134758
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