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Revised 2011
Mission Statement
The mission of SLCC is to provide a Christian environment for young
people to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the gospel of
Jesus Christ. We also want the children to experience the oy of summer
camp in the same Christian environment. !very effort is made "y the
"oard of directors, directors, counselors, and staff to make this mission a
reality. #ur motto is $Training young people today to "e Christian leaders
SLCC Camp Administato
%anny Jones
SLCC E!e"#tive Boad
&ern Schrimsher, 'resident
Larry (arper, &ice 'resident
%arrell )rewer, Secretary
*ac Williams, Treasurer
)rooks +awson, ,t Large
Cole Traywick, ,t Large
SLCC $ovenin% Boad

-rant ,."ell
+o"in +o"ison
Larry (arper
Joey Jamison
)rooks +awson
)o""y +awson
+o"ert +awson
%errick Savage
&ern Schrimsher
Steven Solomon
Cole Traywick
Wesley Thompson
%anny Walker
%arrell )rewer
*ac Williams
Chris /artin
Chris )utler
Todd Sanderson
Clif /ims
+andy Scott
/ichael )ates
-reg 'almer
%anny Jones
Tim #gles"y

$enea& Po&i"ies and Po"ed#es
SLCC is located at /allard 'oint ust north of Scenic (ighway 012, )atesville3Sardis, /ississippi. Sardis Lake
Christian Camp is on a campus of 45 acres. Ca"ins, %ining (all and )athhouses are located on the northern
side of 63( Clu" +oad. The campus is sheltered, yet visi"le.
Located on the southern side of 63( Clu" +oad is the parking lot on the site of the old swimming pool which
has "een replaced "y a modern pool 7on northern acres8. Cars of campers and staff are to "e parked here and on
the road. 9t:s a good idea to have no cars, S;&:s or campers parked on the campus except in the designated
Commonly, "reakfast is < a.m.= dinner is at >oon and supper is at 2?0@ p.m. /eals are served in the dining hall
at the designated time. These times are set with respect for the cooks and the kitchen staff. The camp store is
opened two, possi"ly three, times each day for snacks. 'lease keep campus clean of wrappers, cups and napkins
as well as any food items.
The pool is located on the north side of the campground. ,ll people coming to and going from the pool are
expected to dress modestly. 'ool times are designated "y the "oard "ased on the lifeguards that we have
availa"le. !ach day the girls will swim from 1?@@34?@@ and the "oys will swim from 4?@@30?@@. There is to "e 1
lifeguard present for every 42 swimmers including campers and staff. There has to "e 1 staff mem"er present at
the pool for every 1@ campers in the pool. #ne person 7for the camp8 has to "e certified as the ,Auatics %irector
on file with state. Bou may "ring your own life guard C they must have their valid certification with them and
on3file with the nurse. , swim on Sunday evening is allowed with permission from the "oard prior to the week
of camp 7to insure a lifeguard is availa"ility at that time8.
Temporary parking is done everywhere on the campground upon arrival on Sunday afternoons during
registration from 436 pm at the Craft shed. Campers and parents sign in and have ca"in assignments given at
that time.
There should "e camperDguardian or parent sign out forms in the director:s ca"in for those who pick up their
children "efore the end of the regular session week. Sign3out sheets will "e necessary for campers leaving and
should indicate with whom they are leaving campus "efore they are allowed to go. 'arents or -uardians must
"e called "y the director or designated staff so they will "e aware of the travel. We need to, at least, have a
name and phone num"er of the one with whom the camper leaves.
!very week is reAuired to have a nurse on staff. Eualifications? /inimum is first aid credentials, L'> or greater
preferred C must "ring proof of Aualifications to place on record. ,ny illness or inury should "e reported to the
nurse as soon as possi"le. ,ll medical procedures 7however minor8 must "e recorded in the "ook kept in the
nurse:s hut. The nurse is to "e availa"le during registration to collect all medication. ># /!%9C,T9#> 9S
,LL#W!% T# )! F!'T 9> T(! C,)9>S C !&!> G#+ ST,GG C this is a state licensure reAuirement. The
nurse will also keep records of all "aptisms during their week 7name, home congregations, contact information8.
The director is expected to "e a Christian leader. ,ll the events of the week should planned "y and done under
the direction or supervision of the director. (e should put together a staff of Christians to aid in the activities of
the week. %irectors are expected to follow all camp rules laid out "y "oard 7"y3laws, policies, etc.8. %irector:s
may not change policy, etc. !ach session must hold an orientation with their staff on Sunday 7state licensure
reAuirement C must "e on record with nurse8 regarding emergency plans and other session related orientations.
There is to "e no mechanical musical instrument 7live or recorded8 in accompaniment with spiritual songs.
,ll staff mem"ers are expected to "e a Christian. They are to work with and under the direction of the director
of each session. The staff mem"ers should "ehave as a Christian at all times "oth during the week of camp and
in their everyday lives. Their example should "e one that all campers will "e a"le to see Christ in them.
/aximum of 0H staff mem"ersCThis is to "e strictly adhered too. /ust have 1 staff mem"er per ca"in 7prefer48.
)ackground checks are very costly= however, most states have a computer listing of names and last
wherea"outs of those convicted of "eing child predators. , check of such a listing via computer as well as a
statement on the counselor form to the effect that the individual has not "een accused of or convicted of a felony
will have our sessions to "e in good faith with "asic work. !ach week must have on file personnel records,
health information and Fid safe form for !,C( staff mem"er 7volunteer or paid staff8.
Transportation? 9f you choose to go off camp grounds, ># C,/'!+S are allowed to drive and carry other
campers. ,ll persons must wear seat "elt 7campers and staff8. Bou are not allowed to carry more people in your
vehicle than you have seat "elts. These are all state laws I reAuirements.
!ach event should "e well thought out "y staffers and campers. The director should "e aware of each event and
insure the safety of each camper. The goal of each activity is having a safe and spiritual time at each event at
9f a camper is missing, call the immediate ca"in mates andDor play mates together to launch a search of hisDher
wherea"outs. 9f not found shortly, ring the "ell for a camp3wide search "y all staff and campers. 9f unfound,
notify authorities of the missing person.
When sudden storms appear, get campers under shelter 7out from among the trees8 prefera"ly in the dining hall.
The campers should remain under shelter until the storm has passed.
, "eginning fire, shout JGire: and seek to put it out Auickly "y smothering it with dirt, or availa"le means.
Continue to get others attention, water should "e "rought from a close location. Gires should "e reported to the
Sardis Gire %epartment even if it is put out Auickly on the campus. (ot spots can remain to endanger hours
The rule is to ring "ell and assem"le the camp for departure to the farthest site ,W,B from the disaster 7e.g.
spillage of a chemical truck on the main road8. %# >#T go 9>T# the disaster site, rather ,W,B from the
Signs direct visitors and any staff mem"er should notify visitors to see the director upon entering campus.
&isitors are to pay a K1@ D day visitor fee. Campers, staff and visitors must follow dress code set out "y "oard.
, copy of policy is in the camp application.
(ave camperDguardian or parent sign out forms in the director:s ca"in for those who pick up their children early
in the session week. Sign3out sheets will "e necessary for campers leaving and should indicate with whom they
are leaving campus "efore they are allowed to go. 'arents or -uardians must "e called "y the director or
designated staff so they will "e aware of the travel. We need to, at least, have a name and phone num"er of the
one with whom the camper leaves.
%irectors should provide a check off sheet to each counselor in order to facilitate the cleanup of the ca"ins, "ath
house and campus "efore the counselors depart. 9ncluded should "e? ca"in cleaned, "athhouse washed out, all
litter picked up and trash "ags taken to receptacles. ,ny writing on newly painted ca"ins or ca"ins 1 and 4
"athrooms must "e repainted "efore you leave or you will "e assessed a charge. +!/!/)!+, please leave the
camp "etter than you found itL
CCL9 M 4HNH11H must "e printed on all song materials 7every overhead slide, each page of a printed song "ook8
9tems used as weapons such as knives, guns or chemical agents are not allowed among campers. Those in
possession are su"ect to removal from the campus.
!lectronics are strongly discouraged. This includes cell phones, computers and radios. 'lease remem"er, this is
a Christian camp for a week= old friends and events of home need to "e at a distance to have a great week of
camp. 9t is the director:s discretion each week as to how cell phones will "e treated. The session director will
notify you of the cell phone rule on Sunday evening. Cell phones taken "y the director will "e returned to the
parent or child when the child leaves campus. Computers damaged while at camp are the responsi"ility of the
owner and not the camp. The "est practice is to leave all electronics at home.
/odest dress is expected of everyone, including visitors to the campground. We ask that all pants reach closer
to the knee than to the waist. Tops should "e worn in a way that keeps distractions from taking place. )oth
male and female tank tops are prohi"ited. Tight fitting clothes will result in you "eing asked to change outfits.
This is for the spiritual good of all that are at camp. Gailure to cooperate may result in parents "eing notified
and you "eing asked to leave the campus.
Stay in lighted areas with friends and keep the conversations pure in thought. %rawn out hugs andDor kisses are
not to "e done. Stay out of the vehicles while attending camp. +elationships that are thought to "e impure may
result in parental contact and you "eing asked to leave the campus.
,ttend all events. )ells will announce the "eginning of an activity. !ncourage others to keep the spiritual good
in view as you attend each event. Sing, pray and reflect along with the speaker and program. Campers are to
remain on the campground at all times. >on3approved leaving of the campground will result in parental contact
and may result in you "eing asked to leave the campus.
Gighting or "ullying will not "e tolerated at camp. 9f this takes place, you are to make sure a counselor or the
director knows a"out the event. Camp is a place to enoy "eing in a Christian atmosphere and neither action is
supported in this atmosphere. Gighting or "ullying may result in parents "eing notified and you "eing asked to
leave campus.
,ll items are "rought to camp with the assumption that it is a safe environment. ,nyone caught stealing items
will result in parental contact and may result in you "eing asked to leave campus.
The property of Sardis Lake Christian Camp is the accumulation of many people giving of their time and
money. 9f destruction of the camps property or an individuals property occurs, you will "e asked to give full
restitution for the damaged property, including monetary giving if applica"le.
9f anyone on the campground is found to "e in possession of alcohol, to"acco or an illegal drug, parental contact
will "e made immediately. 9t may also result in you "eing asked to leave the campus. To"acco products used
"y those of a legal age will result in asking you to refrain from use on the campground. Gailure to cooperate
may result in you "eing asked to leave the campground.
9t is the policy of Sardis Lake Christian Camp that campers will respect authority which includes conformity to
all "oard policies, rules set forth "y the session directors, and all those provisions of law that apply to the
conduct of uveniles. This discipline policy has "een designed to preserve an atmosphere of Christian growth
and values as well as to protect each individual, the campgrounds, and the integrity of Sardis Lake Christian
Camp. , high personal standard of courtesy, decency, morality, clean language, honesty, and wholesome
relationships with others should "e maintained. When campers fail to maintain self3discipline, it "ecomes the
responsi"ility of camp personnel to take steps to alter the mis"ehavior.
Session directors are expected to deal with discipline issues that arise during their session of camp. %irectors are
encouraged to handle each situation lovingly and prayerfully, using good udgment, and Christian values as
their guide. Some offences such as fighting, stealing, leaving camp without permission, drug, to"acco, and
alcohol possession or use, continual disregard for authority, the defacing of personal and camp property, and the
continual disregard for any camp rule or policy may result in immediate removal from camp at the discretion of
the session director. 9n the event that this "ecomes necessary the incident should "e reported to the camp
administrator using the disciplinary incident report form. The camp administrator will then retain this form for
camp records and report the incident to the "oard chairman.
Should the director feel that the situation warrants "oard involvement or in situations where a continual pattern
of mis"ehavior is seen, the "oard will provide a disciplinary committee made up of? the session director, the
"oard chairman, the two at3large executive "oard mem"ers, and the camp administrator with the "oard vice3
chairman serving as the alternate. 9t will "e the responsi"ility of this committee to determine appropriate
conseAuences in these cases.

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