Counselors & Staff Meeting EXAMPLE

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Counselors/Staff Meeting

June 22, 2014

General Policies and Procedures
Campers and Staff will attend ALL events. Bells will announce the beginning of an activity. Encourage
others to keep the spiritual good in view as you attend each event. Sing, pray and reflect along with the
speaker and program.
Parking and Transportation
Located on the southern side of 4-H Club Rd is the parking lot. Cars of campers and staff are to be
parked here and on the road. NO vehicles are to be parked on campus.
Pool Policy
The pool is located on the north side of the campground. All people coming to and going from the pool
are expected to dress modestly. Pool times are designated by the board based on the lifeguards that we
have available. Each day the girls will swim from 1:00-2:00 and the boys will swim from 2:00-3:00.
There is to be 1 lifeguard present for every 25 swimmers including campers and staff.
There has to be 1 staff member present at the pool for every 10 campers in the pool.

NOTE: The lifeguard is in charge at the pool.
Camp Nurse and Medications
Any illness or injury should be reported to the camp medical staff & directors as soon as possible. All
medical procedures (however minor) must be recorded in the book kept in the Nurses Hut. Camp
Medical Staff will be available during registration to collect all medications.
requirement. If a camper/counselor has any form of medication, it needs to be turned into the camp
nurse. Please make sure the camper/staffs name is on it.

It is the counselors responsibility to make sure that their campers are going to the Nurses Station to
take their medication throughout the week.
Missing Camper/Staff
If there is a lost camper or staff, notify the directors immediately. The bell will be rung with an
announcement will be made through the campus PA system and you will be instructed to go to the
pavilion. The search team search specified areas for the absent camper (road, swing area, amphitheater
area, cabin area, bath house area, swimming area and pavilion area). Teams return to assemble at bell
after 5 minute search of each area. Repeat if necessary. If unfound, call Sheriff's Department (662-563-
6230) for assistance. Contact parents of missing camper immediately if needed.
Weather Threats
If storm suddenly appears, sound the bell for assembly and an announcement will be made through the
campus PA system. Everyone will stay under shelter (out from among trees) till worst of storm passes
by, then move to the dining hall; bathhouses are secondary locations and cabins are third choice. If
storm is extended in time, have older campers/counselors lead small activities for calming anxiety. The
campers/staff should remain under shelter until the storm has passed.
Shout "Fire" and Location of fire and Sound the Bell for Assembly at bell; Seek first the safety of any
campers in close proximity of the fire; Second, call Fire Department (Sardis Lake FD 662-578-4800);
Third, seek first available means for dousing fire; Fourth, clear the area and trench a fire barrier. In case
of fire, notify the directors immediately. Everyone must report to the basketball court. Make sure that
all campers/counselors are accounted for.
If the camp must be evacuated for any reason, all campers and counselors must report to the pavilion
immediately. Leave everything behind, and sit with you cabin. The directors will instructor you further. If
a chemical spill or overwhelming disaster in area, we will then move away from the disaster. (e.g. If
disaster was near Directors Hut, move to ball field area and mallard point road; if disaster was on
Mallard Point road north of the ball field, move toward Blackjack School, south on Mallard Point; if
disaster is further down 4-H Club Road, move to either ball field area or Blackjack School area. Always
assemble again and count number.
Arrival of Visitors to Camp
Any visitor needs to see one of the directors immediately before entering camp. Visitors are to pay
$10/day visitor fee. Campers, staff, and visitors MUST follow dress code set out by the Board of
Departure Notices
Any camper or staff member leaving camp MUST notify one of the directors. Sign-out sheets will be
necessary for campers/staff leaving and should indicate with whom they are leaving campus with before
they are allowed to go. Parents/Guardians must be called by one of the camp directors so they will be
aware of the travel.
Departure Cleanups
Counselors/Staff should fill out the check off sheet in order to facilitate cleanup of the cabins, bath
house and campus before they depart on Saturday. Included should be: cabins cleaned, bath houses
washed out, all litter picked up, and trash bags taken to the dumpsters. Leave camp cleaner than we
found it!!
Alcohol/Tobacco/Drug/Weapons Possession
If anyone on the campground is found to be in possession of alcohol, tobacco, an illegal drug, and/or
weapons such as knives, guns or chemical agents parental contact will be made immediately. It may
also result in you being asked to leave the campus. Tobacco products used by those of a legal age will
result in asking you to refrain from use on the campground. Failure to cooperate may result in you
being asked to leave the campground.

Electronic Devices
Electronics are strongly discouraged. This includes cell phones, computers, radios, mp3 devices, gaming
devices, etc. Please remember, this is a Christian camp for a week; old friends and events of home need
to be at a distance to have a great week of camp. ALL Electronic Devices are to be kept in the cabin. Cell
phones taken by the directors will be returned to the parent or child when the child leaves campus.
Electronics damaged while at camp are the responsibility of the owner and not the camp. The best
practice is to leave all electronics at home. This applies to staff too!

Dress and Relationships
Modest dress is expected of everyone, including visitors to the campground. We ask that all shorts
reach closer to the knee than to the waist. Tops should be worn in a way that keeps distractions from
taking place. Both male and female tank tops are prohibited. Tight fitting clothes will result in you being
asked to change outfits. This is for the spiritual good of all that are at camp.

Stay in lighted areas with friends and keep the conversations pure in thought. Drawn out hugs and/or
kisses are not to be done. Stay out of the vehicles while attending camp. Failure to cooperate may result
in you being asked to leave the campus.

Fighting or Bullying
Fighting or bullying will not be tolerated at camp. If this takes place, make sure a counselor or the
director knows about the event. Camp is a place to enjoy being in a Christian atmosphere and neither
action is supported in this atmosphere. Failure to cooperate may result in you being asked to leave the

Theft and Property Destruction
All items are brought to camp with the assumption that it is a safe environment. Anyone caught stealing
items will result in parental contact and may result in you being asked to leave campus.

The property of Sardis Lake Christian Camp is the accumulation of many people giving of their time and
money. If destruction of the camps property or an individuals property occurs, you will be asked to give
full restitution for the damaged property, including monetary giving if applicable.
Other Camp Rules:
There shouldnt be ANYTHING left plugged in all day in the bath house (i.e. cell phones, curling
irons, hair dryers, etc.)
Do not have extension cords running from the bathhouse to your cabins for any reason.
Please make sure lights in cabins are out by 11:00p every night.
Remember, the kids are why we are all here.

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