Progress Report

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Submit electronically through the DCJS Grants Management Online Information System (GMIS) by the 12th
day following each quarter.

Law Enforcement Agency: Buena Vista Police Dept. Date:      

This report describes my activity during:

Quarter 1 (July 1-Sept. 30) Quarter 2 (Oct. 1-Dec. 31)
Quarter 3 (Jan. 1- March 31) Quarter 4 (April 1- June 30)

FY06 DCJS grant#: 10-A5980FR10 School: Parry McCluer High School

SRO (Please print) Chris Wheeler If new, check here:

Crime Prevention Activity this Quarter:

1. Did you conduct any formal or informal assessment or audit of school Yes No
safety conditions?
If yes, briefly explain: I walked thru building with administartors and the head of matianance

2. Did you apply any CPTED principles to improve school safety? Yes No
If yes, briefly explain:      

3. Did you participate in any special activities or events that promoted Yes No
school safety (e.g. help revise school policies/procedures, student crime
prevention project, etc.)?
If yes, briefly explain: I have revised the crisis manuals for the Buena Vista School system

4. Were there any notable problems or situations that you were able to Yes No
defuse, prevent, or resolve that might have otherwise developed into
reportable incidents?
If yes, briefly explain: with a student complaint about some information

Law Enforcement Activity this Quarter:

5. How many of the following types of incidents (reported or unreported) did you deal with?
     assault      disorderly conduct 2 report and charges use of dogsidrugs 1 report
filedtobacco 1 knife reprort filedweapons
     larceny 2 reports on truancythreats (bullying) truancy other (explain): 2 reports on
gang activities

6. Did you encounter any conditions or factors in your work environment that:
made it easier to perform law enforcement duties? Explain: The layout of the building and the
administrations coperation
made it harder to perform law enforcement duties? Explain:      

Community Liaison Activity this Quarter:

7. How many times did you refer a student or parent to the following school or community
resources or programs:
Schoo Communit
l school guidance counselor y protective services (child abuse/neglect)
      school social worker 1 social services (non-abuse/neglect)
1 school psychologist 1 mental health/family counseling services
      conflict mediation program 1 victim services
      anger management program       juvenile or district court
      truancy/dropout program 1 domestic violence services
      student assistance program       recreational/youth development org
      other (specify)            other (specify)     

Law-Related Education Activity this Quarter:

8. Please report any law-related education (LRE) classes you instructed:

Topic Audience Approx # in Attendance

(Students, school
staff, parents,
members, others
or combination)
Cyber Students and 100 students and teacher will reach 100 % of student body in
Bullying Teacher December.

Gang Teacher, 90 people attended

awarness community

Allocation of Your Work Time this Quarter:

Please estimate the amount of time (that is, percent of total work time) you spent this quarter on
the following activities: Total must be 100%.

5 % investigations
80 % patrol/monitoring
3 % meetings (staff, parents, students, etc.)
5 % LRE or other instruction
4 % crime prevention projects
     % court hearings and related activity
1 % doing reports and paperwork
     % in-service or school sponsored training
     % non-SRO assignments
2 % safety and security audits/CPTED work
     % other (specify):      

100 %

Program Issues or Conditions:

10. Please provide information you feel SRO program managers or grant monitors should know
about (workload problems, training needs, program strengths or weaknesses, etc.):

I feel that the program is going great, because of the extreme team that has been formed with the
SRO and the administration and staff. The SRO has gained trust with a majority of the student
body, and has put proactive plans in place. The Rachell Challenge will be held on Novermber 11 at
Parry McCluer High school

Note: If you have any questions or concerns about this report,

please report them directly to your DCJS grant coordinator.

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