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James Shields Middle School

Grade- 6
grade Science
Resources to Support
Unit Name: Changing Earth
Unit Description: Study of plate tectonics
Length: 8 wees
Students will understand that:
-Planet Earth is always changing
-The Earth has layers and each operates independently and dependently
-Earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains and tsunamis are all results of shifting
-Landforms are a result of plate tectonics
What will students still
remember in their higher
-hat are plate tectonics and how do they impact the way we live!
-hat changes have occurred to the Earth over time, how have those
changes impacted Earth and how will changes continue to impact Earth!
-"ow can present and past earth conditions impact our future!
-hat patterns can we identify while looking at the changes in land
-"ow does the earth transform itself and its properties!
-#f we removed a type of rock from the rock cycle, what impact would
that have on our e$istence!
2013-2014 lesson plans
#ommon #ore
Primary Standards Assessed
%S-ESS&-&' Construct an e$planation (ased on evidence for how
)eoscience processes have changed Earth*s surface at varying time and
spatial scales'
%S-ESS&-+' ,naly-e and interpret data on the distri(ution of fossils and
rocks, continental shapes, and seafloor structures to provide evidence of the
past plate motions'
%S-ESS.-/' Construct a scientific e$planation (ased on evidence from
rock strat for how the geologic time scale is used to organi-e Earth*s
/'0-(illion-year-old history'
%S-ESS&-.' 1evelop a model to descri(e the cycling of Earth*s
materials and the flow of energy that drives this process'
Secondary Standards Addressed
CCSS'EL,-Literacy'2#'0'. Cite te$tual evidence to support analysis of what
the te$t says e$plicitly as well as inferences drawn from the te$t'
CCSS'EL,-Literacy'2#'0'& 1etermine a central idea of a te$t and how it is
conveyed through particular details3 provide a summary of the te$t distinct
from personal opinions or 4udgments'
Unpacked Standards
Performance Assessment
CCSS'EL,-Literacy'2#'0'+ ,naly-e in detail how a key individual, event, or
idea is introduced, illustrated, and ela(orated in a te$t 5e'g', through e$amples
or anecdotes6'
CCSS'EL,-Literacy'2#'0'7 #ntegrate information presented in different media or
formats 5e'g', visually, quantitatively6 as well as in words to develop a
coherent understanding of a topic or issue'
CCSS'EL,-Literacy' 2#'0'8 Trace and evaluate the argument and specific
claims in a te$t distinguishing claims that are supported (y reasons and
evidence from claims that are not'
CCSS'%ath'Content'0'SP'9'/ 1isplay numerical data in plots on a num(er line,
including dot plots, histograms, and (o$ plots
CCSS'%ath'Contant'0'SP'9':c Summari-e numerical data sets in relation to
their conte$t, such as (y giving quantitative measures of center 5median
and;or mean6 and varia(ility 5interquartile range and;or mean a(solute
deviation6, as well as descri(ing any overall pattern and any striking
deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the conte$t in which the
data were gathered'
-2ead and comprehend informational te$t
-#dentifying central ideas and key details
-Construct meaning from various types of visual aids and diagrams
-Create models to demonstrate Earth concepts
-<sing different informational te$ts in differentiated centers
-Conducting la(s demonstrating Earth*s sediments, geological timeline and
convection currents
-1rawing conclusions from fossil evidence
-#dentifying how Earth*s materials contri(ute to plate movement
-creating questions and summaries (ased on Cornell notes
-1emonstrating understanding through written evidence
-ThinkCerca de(ates on the value of ,lternative Energy =s' >ossil >uels
-Testing rock hardness and o(serving rock traits during centers
-)raphing data and find mean, median, mode and range
-Categori-e information on mountains, volcanoes, and energy types
-Cornell note taking, summari-ing, and questioning
-Plot longitude and latitude points for volcanoes, earthquakes and mountains
-Look for patterns in plotted points
Unpacked standards
eading oom !ooks
Student Science "e#tbook
"hink$erca computer
-"ow processes change Earth*s surface at time and spatial scales
-%any )eoscience processes usually (ehave gradually (ut are punctuated
(y catastrophic events'
-#dentifying similarities in rock and fossil types on different continents
-2ock formations and the fossils they contain are used to esta(lish relative
ages of ma4or events in Earth*s history
-%elting, crystalli-ation, weathering, deformation, and sedimentation are all
processes of the Earth
-#dentifying central ideas and supporting key details
-<nderstand data given and (e a(le to plot given data
-9eing a(le to identify what a data plot or graph is showing with the given
Unpacked standards
'D( Diagnostic
Diagnostic (Pre-Assessment
,nticipation guide to see what students already know and what students are
-Performance Assessment
-!"#!-!"#$ Lesson Plans
')( )ormati*e
'S( Summati*e
learning as the unit moves on
'ormative Assessments
9iweekly qui--es, de(ates and e$it slips
Summative Performance Assessment
<nit performance task
+e,t-Resources (ook )oom )esources*
-SEP<P Te$t(ook and resources
-The Earth Shaking >acts a(out Earthquakes
-Let*s 2ock? >ossils
-Let*s 2ock? %inerals
-1S% Third Edition? Earth Processes @ la( kits
-1iscovery orks- "oughton %ifflin Science 5Class te$t(ook6
-#nformational articles
-9rain Pop
-#nteractive we(quest?
-Safari %ontage
-!"#$-!"#+ (ook )oom
-&urrent &lassroom
-Centers grouped (ased on BE, scores
-Literacy (ased instruction
-%odels and diagrams constructed (y students
-Cornell; )uided Bote Taking
-La( #nvestigations
-Philosophical Chairs
Strategies for ,aried
Learning Profiles

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