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Date Feb 4, 2013

Business Analysis Activity for TCS (Part 1)

Interview Questions for Call Center Manager/ Floor
Manager/Team Lead Call Center

1. How many agents are currently there in your contact center?
2. What is the total number of inbound calls?
3. What is the total number of outbound calls?
4. How many calls are answered?
5. How many calls are lost?
6. What is the reason of lost calls?
7. What is the average time in queue of calls?
8. How many calls are there in queue on average?
9. What is the current service level?
10. Do you use chat to interact with customers/callers?
11. If yes, then is your chat software integrated with the call center?
12. Do you use SMS to interact with customers/callers?
13. If yes, then is your SMS software integrated with the call center?
14. Do you use email to interact with customers/callers?
15. If yes, then is your email software integrated with the call center?
16. Do you get consolidated reports for all the communication channels or do
you get individual reports?
17. How many pre defined reports are available in your current environment?
18. Is report customization available in your current solution?
19. Do you face any reporting issue during report retrieval and analysis?
20. Do all the calls get recorded?
21. How frequently do you listen to recorded call?
22. What are the reasons for listening to recorded calls?
23. What parameters are available for searching and retrieving a recorded call
when required?
24. Are speech analytics options available in the current recording solution?
25. In any inbound call is lost, is that caller/customer contacted again by
26. Are you currently running any outbound campaign?
27. Do you use all communication channels for outbound campaign? If not,
which channels are used?
28. How easy is it to launch a new outbound campaign using your current
29. What issues/problems do you face with your current system when running
outbound campaigns?
30. Is the current call center is integrated with the PABX?
31. How many customers want to talk with the internal TCS staff?
32. What has been the growth rate of inbound calls during the last 3 years?
33. What has been the growth rate of outbound calls during the last 3 years?
34. What has been the growth rate of agents during the last 3 years?
35. What growth rate do you expect for the next five years?
36. Are you satisfied with the current number of agents?
37. What do you suggest to enhance/improve TCS customer services response?

Interview Questions for Call Center Agents

1. Are you satisfied with the current system?
2. What problems do you face in the current system?
3. Do you think that customers are satisfied with the response of call center?
4. What do you suggest to make the response of TCS contact center better?

Analysis Activity (Part-2)
Interview Questions for TCS Marketing Department
Date: Feb 6, 2013
1. What is the current share of TCS in the domestic market?
2. Has the market share dropped or increased during the last 3 years?
3. Have you used TCS contact center for outbound marketing campaigns? If
not, why?
4. What role do you think TCS contact center plays in retaining or increasing
the customer base?
5. Do you think a call center marketing campaign help to increase your
product promotion and boost your business?
6. What features of call center can make your business different or unique?
7. What drives customer satisfaction for your industry and for the product?
8. What is your strategy to update about new product or service to the
existing customers?
9. Do you think a call center marketing campaign can increase your sales
volume on any event or occasion?
10. Do you think that you can improve your products or services through
online customer suggestion survey?
11. Do you think a call center marketing solution can help in obtaining new
12. Do you think SMS also help to inform customers about new
service/product notification?
13. Product/service awareness through call center agent and recording?
14. Can the customer satisfaction level increase if customers get the required
information via SMS or other channels in time?
15. Do you think you can keep existing customers and grow relationship
through engaging and interacting with them consistently across multiple
channels e.g emails, SMS, calls, web, social media?
16. Promotion and special offer always increase sale. Do you think it could
help you via e-marketing?
17. Are you doing any kind of social marketing through facebook, twitter etc?
18. How do you plan to utilize social marketing tools?
19. In what ways do you think TCS contact center can help to increase the
overall market share/revenue?

Analysis Activity (Part-2)
Interview Questions for TCS Sales Department
Date: Feb 6, 2013
1. What is the TCS sales structure?
2. How much revenue growth has been observed during the last 3 years?
3. How often does the sales team interact with the customers?
4. How does the sales team interact with the customers?
5. What communication problems do you currently face?
6. What sales challenges do you currently face?
7. Do you think that efficient communication can help you overcome the
challenges you currently face?
8. Do you think that sales can be increased if effective marketing is done via
emails, sms, facebook, twitter and calls?
9. If yes, then what is the percentage sales that are expected to increase?
10. Do you have any previous experience of such marketing which helped to
boost sales revenue?
11. Do you think that improper customer response of TCS contact center or
lost calls result in lost sales? If yes, why?
12. Do you think a call center marketing campaign can increase your sales
volume on any event or occasion?
13. What is the ideal communication scenario for you?
14. What is the ideal customer interaction scenario for you?
15. What are the major cost areas of the sales department? Is communication
cost one of them?
16. What promotional/marketing campaign do you think will be best to
increase the revenue of TCS?
17. In what ways do you think TCS contact center can help to increase the
overall revenue and profit?

Interview Questions for TCS Admin Department
Date: Feb 6, 2013
1. How many current extensions?
2. How many extensions expected in new system?
3. Types of IP Phones? a) Executives (Color screen, Touch screen)
b) Everyday use.
4. How many soft phones in current system?
5. How many soft phones expected in new system?
6. How many analog trunks in current system for PBX?
7. How many analog trunks expected in new system for PBX?
8. How many PRIs in current system for PBX?
9. How many PRIs expected in new system for PBX?
10. How many PRIs in current system for Contact center?
11. How many PRIs expected in new system for Contact center?
12. Types of PRI 1). TDM 2). SIP
13. How many Faxes, Announcement speaker or any analog devices
connected with current system?
14. How many DIDs in current system?
15. How many DIDs expected in new system?
16. How many operators (Attendant console) and type in current system?
17. How many operators (Attendant console) and type expected in new
18. How many call recording ports available in current system?
19. How many call recording ports expected in new system?
20. Any CDR or any billing software running with current system?
21. How many voicemail ports in current system?
22. How many voicemail ports expected in new system?
23. How many remote locations?
24. Are all remote locations work as standalone PBX? (Survivability)
25. How many IP Phones will be on remote sides?
26. What is the structure of TCS operations?
27. What growth rate is expected?
28. How much mobile calls to internal staff are made on daily basis?
29. How many office locations are there where resources need a high level
of mobility?
30. What sort of mobility solution is in use?
31. What sort of unified communication system is being used?
32. What sort of video conferencing solution is being used?
33. How frequently does the internal staff travel by air to attend meetings
due to the absence of an adequate conferencing solution?
34. How frequently do you make internal calls to remote locations?
35. What management tools are being used?
36. What is the major communication expense?
37. What is the major problem in communication?
38. What communication ease do you expect to get?
39. What are the major operational areas in which you think the business
cost can be reduced via efficient communication?
40. What are the areas where you think the operations can be made better
via efficient communication hence overall improving TCS services?

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