Literature Review Templates

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Literature Template

Information (APA
Beach, R. (2012). Constructing Digital Learning Commons in the Literacy Classroom.
Journal Of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(5), 448-451. doi:10.1002/JAAL.00054

Author(s) Affiliation:

Beach is professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota.

Type of Resource:
(Scholarly article presenting
a study; Trade article
presenting a teaching
strategy or methodology or
other; Website describing a
curriculum package, etc)
Trade article from Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 55(5) February 2012.

Summary of essential

Digital Literacies, also gave a few ideas about students using wiki pages to be able
to add digital annotations to text, transform the reading of booklogs into community
events, rewriting texts, and using google docs to collaborative write in a document
Way in which this
source influences the
field of Early
Childhood Education or
related fields:

This source influences the field of education at all levels since it gives concrete ways
that a teacher can use digital platforms to help build literacy and increase collaboration.
Potential relevance to
your research topic and

This source is relevant to my research topic since it gives me ideas for all the ways I
can use the wiki site for writing and collaboration.

Literature Template
Information (APA
Butcher, H. K., & Taylor, J. Y. (2008). Using a Wiki to Enhance Knowing Participation in
Change in the Teaching-Learning Process. Visions: The Journal Of Rogerian Nursing
Science, 15(1), 30-44.

Author(s) Affiliation:

Howard K. Butcher, RN; PhD, APRN-BC Associate Professor
The University of Iowa College of Nursing

Janette Y. Taylor, ARNP; PhD Associate Professor
The University of Iowa College of Nursing
Type of Resource:
(Scholarly article presenting
a study; Trade article
presenting a teaching
strategy or methodology or
other; Website describing a
curriculum package, etc)
Scholarly article presenting a study on the use of a wiki site in education in the form
of a participatory paradigm and Rogerian epistemology.
Summary of essential

This study focuses on pedagogical participation with wikis, a description of the use of
web 2.0 tools, definition and explanation of the use of a wiki, Wikipedia example, wiki
principles, peering, wiki netiquette guidelines, sharing, acting globally, and wikis in

Way in which this
source influences the
field of Early
Childhood Education or
related fields:

The source influences education in the way that is an explanatory article for those
teachers who are first being introduced to the use of web 2.0 tools including a wiki
site. This article gives a lot of background information about defining/describing
these tools.
Potential relevance to
your research topic and

This source is most helpful with providing sample wiki netiquette guidelines that I can
use for the classroom as well such as delete and edit other entries with care. The
guidelines are practical rules that a teacher can apply to the classroom.

Literature Template
Information (APA
Donne, V. (2012). Wiki: Using the Web Connections to Connect Students. Techtrends:
Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning, 56(2), 31-36. doi:10.1007/s11528-

Author(s) Affiliation:

Dr. Vicki Donne ( is an assistant professor at Robert Morris
University where she teaches courses in special education. Previously, she taught for
more than 15 years in deaf education. She has published in the areas of
reading instruction and deaf education and presented in the areas of reading
instruction, differentiated instruction, and assistive technology.
Type of Resource:
(Scholarly article presenting
a study; Trade article
presenting a teaching
strategy or methodology or
other; Website describing a
curriculum package, etc)
Trade article: Tech Trends for teachers who are looking to incorporate new
technology into their classrooms. This particular article is presented in the way of a
case study.

Summary of essential

The present study reports on action research conducted using a resource wiki.
Participants included 48 certified teachers and pre-service teachers enrolled in a face-
to-face graduate course supplemented with online activities. Data collected include
student reflections that indicate the use of a wiki at the university level is a
feasible means of online collaboration, facilitates constructing new knowledge, and
provides a medium of modeling technology integration into the classroom.

Way in which this
source influences the
field of Early
Childhood Education or
related fields:

This source influences the field of both elementary and secondary education since it is
giving teachers data on new technology programs in the field. The student reflections
allow for teachers to see the impact of online activities on their education.
Potential relevance to
your research topic and

This source is relevant since I also will be collecting student reflections on the use of a
wiki in the classroom. The research from the case study proves that the use of the
wiki helps with engagement and collaboration, which is my goal through this project.

Literature Template
Information (APA
Ferriter, W. M. (2010). How Flat Is Your Classroom?. Educational Leadership, 67(7),

Author(s) Affiliation:

William M. Ferriter teaches 6th grade science and social studies in Raleigh, North
Carolina, and blogs about the teaching life at The Tempered Radical
( He is the coauthor
of Building a Professional Learning Community at Work: A Guide to the First Year.
Type of Resource:
(Scholarly article presenting
a study; Trade article
presenting a teaching
strategy or methodology or
other; Website describing a
curriculum package, etc)
Trade article presenting the connection between the book The World is Flat, and
the concept of teachers creating online communities where students can
communicate and collaborate with other students around the world. The teacher,
Mr. Ferriter, presents many useful resources for teachers.
Summary of essential

Teacher perspective article written about practical uses of wiki pages and online blogs
in the classroom that connect students from all parts of the world. The Flat
Classroom project is the focus of this article, and how a teacher can implement this
project into his or her own classroom.
Way in which this
source influences the
field of Early
Childhood Education or
related fields:

The source influences education since it provides step-by-step practical guide to
creating a Flat Classroom Project in your own classroom. Also Mr. Ferriter provides
useful websites, such as ePals and Teach Connect, that teachers can use to get started
with creating collaborative projects online with students from other countries.
Potential relevance to
your research topic and

This source is very stimulating, and I really would like to experiment with some of
these sites that connect my students with other students around the world. I have
never heard of the Flat Classroom Project, and definitely would like to try this out for
my 9
grade World History class next school year.

Literature Template
Information (APA
Hadjerrouit, S. (2013). A Framework for Assessing the Pedagogical Effectiveness of
Wiki-Based Collaborative Writing: Results and Implications. Interdisciplinary Journal
Of E-Learning & Learning Objects, 929-49.
Author(s) Affiliation:

University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.
Type of Resource:
(Scholarly article presenting
a study; Trade article
presenting a teaching
strategy or methodology or
other; Website describing a
curriculum package, etc)
Scholarly article presenting a case study on the use of wiki projects in the classroom,
and studied teacher and student perceptions of using the wiki for collaborative writing.
Summary of essential

To evaluate the pedagogical effectiveness of wiki-based collaborative writing,
there is a framework that focuses on three essential elements of wikis and their
relationships: technology, content, and group work. The framework was used to assess
students perceptions of wiki-based collaborative writing. The framework provides a
promising way of looking at collaborative writing activities in a wiki-based
environment. Based, on the results, the article reports on pedagogical implications of
using wikis as collaborative writing tools in teacher education.
Way in which this
source influences the
field of Early
Childhood Education or
related fields:

This source helps an educator look at the perceptions of the use of a wiki with writing
in the classroom. Technology and literacy are huge aspects of all levels of education
currently. This article also looks at factors to consider when engaging students in the
use of wiki for collaborative writing.
Potential relevance to
your research topic and

This source is very relevant since I plan on incorporating a wiki page in the class in
order for the students to collaborate and perfect their writing. It helps me consider
viewpoints about the use of a wiki, and gives an extensive review of a case study
where a wiki was used for literary purposes.

Literature Template
Information (APA
Koopman, Beverly L. From Socrates to Wikis. (2010). Phi Delta Kappan, 92(4), 24-27.
Author(s) Affiliation:

3-4-5 mulitage teacher at Discovery Elementary School in Buffalo, Minn.
Type of Resource:
(Scholarly article presenting
a study; Trade article
presenting a teaching
strategy or methodology or
other; Website describing a
curriculum package, etc)
Trade article: Phi Delta Kappan presenting the use of a wiki to engage students in
Socratic type discussion in the classroom.
Summary of essential

Koopman focuses on a teacher that uses the wiki page to increase deeper Socratic-
type discussion in the classroom. It was mentioned to use a variety of methods to use
the blog/wiki in the classroom, and to allow students to come up with questions, and
engage one another, and not just the teacher. Students commented on using the wiki
and how at home they log onto the wiki site multiple times, and check on new
responses from other students, which indeed shows that increase of engagement in
the classroom. Reflection and self-assessment is use frequently with blog/wiki sites
and allows the students to take ownership over their learning. A great point that is
made in this article is that the true power lies in the questions we ask. Really
effective teachers get their students to ask powerful questions
Way in which this
source influences the
field of Early
Childhood Education or
related fields:

This source influences the field of education at all levels since the focus here is on
critical thinking and engaging students in discussion. This article actually focuses on
an elementary school classroom, but this approach can be used at all levels.
Potential relevance to
your research topic and

This source is relevant since I can use some ideas of questioning I can use on my wiki
page in order to engage students in higher level thinking and discussion.

Literature Template
Information (APA
O'Bannon, B. W., & Britt, V. G. (2012). Creating/Developing/Using a Wiki Study Guide:
Effects on Student Achievement. Journal Of Research On Technology In Education,
44(4), 293-312.

Author(s) Affiliation:

Blanche W. OBannon is an associate professional of educational technology in the
Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education at the University of
Tennessee, Knoxville. She coordinates the required technology course for all students
seeking teacher licensure.

Virginia G. Britt is a PhD student in instructional technology in the Department of
Educational Psychology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She has served as
an instructor for the required technology course for all students seeking teacher
licensure for three years.

Type of Resource:
(Scholarly article presenting
a study; Trade article
presenting a teaching
strategy or methodology or
other; Website describing a
curriculum package, etc)
Scholarly peer reviewed article that focuses on a case study on pre-service teachers
and their use of a wiki. The data is displayed with the use of a theoretical framework,
pedagogical potentials/challenges, purpose of study, methods, data, data analysis,
results, findings, limitations of the study, implications for practice, and
recommendations for future research.

Summary of essential

This study examined (a) the effectiveness of creating/developing/using a wiki to
increase knowledge of Web 2.0 tools for 103 preservice teachers; (b) their
perceptions of the use of a wiki to increase knowledge of Web 2.0 tools; (c) the
frequency of use while participating
in the reader, writer, and editor roles; and (d) their communication habits. The results
revealed that there was a significant gain in achievement. Further, the preservice
teachers reported that the wiki was effective for increasing their knowledge of Web
2.0 tools, and more than 75% used the wiki as an information source during and after
the activity.
Additionally, the findings can serve as a guide to educators who want to use
wikis as a teaching tool.
Way in which this
source influences the
field of Early
Childhood Education or
related fields:

The source influences both elementary and secondary education since it gives explicit
data on the use of a wiki in the classroom and the implications for the practice. The
authors make recommendations such as educators carefully planning learning
activities and closely monitoring the student progress. Authors also advise that
teachers hold discussions early on to set policies for each wiki activity.
Potential relevance to
your research topic and

This source is relevant since I first introduced a wiki in my 9
grade classroom, and
many of my students have never used a wiki page in a school setting. I use this source
to help with formulating the discussion I would have with students before we started
to use the wiki. Also this source helped to look at project-based learning through the
use of a wiki.

Literature Template
Information (APA
Wilson, E. K., Wright, V. H., Inman, C. T., & Matherson, L. H. (2011). Retooling the
Social Studies Classroom for the Current Generation. Social Studies, 102(2), 65-72.

Author(s) Affiliation:

Curriculum and Instruction, University of Alabama-Elizabeth Wilson and Vivian
Instructional Technology, University of Alabama-Christopher Inman
Social Studies, Paul W. Bryant High School, Cottondale, Alabama-Lisa Matherson.
Type of Resource:
(Scholarly article presenting
a study; Trade article
presenting a teaching
strategy or methodology or
other; Website describing a
curriculum package, etc)
Trade article: The Social Studies (2011) Routledge: Taylor and Francis Ltd. That
focuses on digital technologies that has helped the way student read and
communicate. It focuses on an AP History teacher and her use of the blog/wiki in her
own classroom.

Summary of essential

Retooling the Social Studies Classroom, focuses on a AP History teacher, Lisa
Matherson, implements a blog to engage students in discussion such as posting a
prompt focusing on the book The World is Flat. This source also evaluated different
blog sites that teachers could use for the classroom, and some that are free to use. I
found that this was an excellent resource for teachers that are in the beginning stages
of incorporating a blog/wiki page into the classroom. Lisa, the AP History teacher,
also mentions that putting together a wiki page for the classroom is fairly easy and it
allows students to become more skilled in collaboration and peer review
Way in which this
source influences the
field of Early
Childhood Education or
related fields:

This source influences the field of secondary education since it gives concrete
examples and ideas for lessons and projects for a Social Studies classroom and the use
of a blog/wiki site.
Potential relevance to
your research topic and

One of the most useful sources I found was Retooling the Social Studies Classroom,
since it applied to my discipline and it focused on a Social Studies teacher that uses a
blog and wiki in the classroom on a regular basis.

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