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University of Phoenix Material

Appendix F
Autism and Mental Retardation
Respond to the following:
1. List the primary features of autism.
The primary feature is a lack of responsiveness or language problems and
communication problems. Limited speech and imagination unusual motor movements or
overstimulation or under stimulation (Comer!!"#. $y friend%s son had a horrible time
with change.
. &hich e'planation for autism is no longer considered valid and lacks research support(
The sociocultural theory for autism is no longer supported by research and is no longer
considered valid. This is based on the idea that is a result of cold or re)ecting parents but this
cannot be proven. (Comer !!"#.
*. &hat forms of treatment are helpful for a person with autism(
+ehavioral therapy and bot communication and parental training as well as community
integration can all be helpful we have a few places in ,ittsburgh that are good at helping
kids with autism.
-. List the criteria for a diagnosis of mental retardation:
Below average or general intellectual functioning or poor or adaptive behavior are usually
two main factors for diagnosis of mental retardation. Low I.Q. and difficulties in
communications or selfdirection as well as well as other forms of criteria. !hese
symptoms but be diagnosed before the age of eighteen for mental retardation.
". .'plain one way in which sociocultural biases in testing might pose problems for
assessing mental retardation.
/ne of the sociocultural biases that e'ist is that when it comes to assessing mental
retardation is that the test are geared towards upper or middle class. To me though this is
more social economics which means that those who are in poorer areas re at a
disadvantage. Though from my e'perience 0 know people with autism that would be
considered lower class and do very well. 1ust as mental retardation and mental illness
does not discriminate between economic classes.
2. /f the four levels of mental retardation3 into which category do most people with mental
retardation fall( The ma)ority which is about eighty five percent fall in to the mild
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retardation category. &hich when 0 was very young 0 was put in to the severe category3
turned out 0 )ust had a learning disability though the 7R. told my mother that a half of my
brain was not functioning though 0 think 0 have since proved the 7R. wrong.
6. &hat are the main types of biological causes of mental retardation(
!he main types of causes are biological such chromosomes and haploid and diploid
numbers can also show signs of "own syndrome. #s well as metabolic causes also
prenatal and birth defects$ I also believe that in certain areas environmental issues could
be a factor in a area that may be heavily polluted by toxins$ frac%ing or radiated areas.
8. &hat is the only way to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome(
There is no level stated that would indicate that any level of alcohol is safe during
pregnancy3 though some say one every now and then is not harmful. Though the only
true way to prevent it would be to avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
9. &hat are normali:ation and mainstreaming(
;ormali:ation is a way of trying to help people with mental retardation fit in to a
community and try to lead somewhat of a normal life. 4uch as learning how to ride this
bus3 get )obs have their own living areas. <t the same time the organi:ation helping them
is in trust of their money3 and helps them with that as well. There are a few of those
organi:ations here in ,ittsburgh one is called Life%s work.
1!. &hat is your opinion about mainstreaming and normali:ation for children and adults with
autism or mental retardation(
0 think that for people with milder forms that it is a wonderful idea 0 worked with a person
who had downs syndrome and she was a great girl3 granted every now and then she had
her moments. ,eople who have mental illness who may be in danger of harming
themselves or others have the right to try and function in society so why can%t people with
mental retardation able to3 and for the most part the people who are integrated in to
society are watched over and do well. 0 believe everyone should have a chance no matter
what their disability is3 0 also teach my kids that same philosophy 0 think that it is
important they treat people who are mentally retarded or handicapped the same way they
would treat anyone else. 0 am proud of them for looking beyond what people look like and
see them for their personality.
4ource: Comer3 R.1. (!!"#. =undamentals of abnormal psychology ;ew 5ork:
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