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Page 1 of 8 Curriculum Vitae

March 12, 2014

Dear selection committee member,
As an educator for many years now, I have been deeply committed to three things 1!
ma"imi#ing individual student performance, 2! spar$ing students% interest in chemistry and science in
general and &! helping students develop analytical thin$ing s$ills that are $ey to success in any field'
(or several years as an assistant professor in chemistry at (ordham )niversity, I have taught
undergraduate chemistry classes *along with the laboratory component! for students in the pre+health
programs in addition to mandatory classes in physical sciences for non+ma,ors' -ince 2010, I have
also been serving as a freshman advisor for first year students with whom I have wor$ed closely on
many aspects of their life at (ordham from the choice of their courses, to evaluating potential career
choices, ta$ing advantages of the tools and resources available to them. I have also served on
numerous committees on the department as well as the college level and for several years have
underta$en the coordination of our college annual research fair where students from all ma,ors
showcase their research wor$ in a college wide even open to the our university population'
I am also leading an active research program in collaboration with /roo$haven 0ational
1aboratories and 2utgers )niversity where undergraduate students are trained in physical science
research wor$' 3ur pro,ects are focused on the design and synthesis of model Donor+/ridge+
Acceptor systems to study electron transfer $inetics as affected by various factors such as the driving
force for the electron transfer reaction, the bridge molecular conformation and the nature and
dynamics of the charged solvents systems'
As a graduate student at 2utgers )niversity, I held special teaching pro,ects at 2utgers and
elsewhere' I was appointed twice as a teaching co+ad,unct where I trained teaching assistants for first
year freshman chemistry laboratories' 1ater, I was appointed as a head teaching assistant for 4eneral
5hemistry wor$ing closely with a group of 20 teaching assistants in their classrooms as well as in
one+on+one meetings to improve their teaching s$ills and methods' My efforts in this capacity were
very well received by the coordinators of the course, 6As and students ali$e and earned me a teaching
pri#e that year' I also served as head of the organic division in a special outreach program for
minorities and financial hardship cases' 6his intensive tutoring program aimed at preparing
underprivileged students to college level education in sciences'
7rior to my years at 2utgers, I served as lecturer in organic chemistry at 8aga#yan )niversity
*/eirut+1ebanon! where I was appointed by the head of the science division to design and teach the
organic chemistry labs' My duties included teaching the labs as well as the lab lectures, designing the
e"periments to be performed, training instructors, as well as ordering material, reagents, lab
e9uipment and preparing stoc$ solutions' At the end of the semester, I had created an organic
chemistry lab and course curriculum that compares to the courses in other universities in the region
and in the )nited -tates'
I am particularly e"cited for the opening in your department and feel that I am uni9uely
9ualified to serve in this capacity' 7lease feel free to contact me at :0; <10 41;1 or via email at
rouba02=yahoo'com if you have any further in9uiries'
6han$ you for your time and consideration' 1oo$ing forward to hearing from you'
2ouba 2ached
Page 2 of 8 Curriculum Vitae
Rouba Abdel Malak Rached
Fordham University
Department of Natural Science
113 West 60
New Yor !ity" NY 100#3
!ell$ %&0'( )10*+1'1
,ffice$ %#1#( 636*63#&
0h/D/" %0hysical12ioinor3anic( !hemistry %#003(" 4ut3ers University" New
2runswic" N5 Dissertation$ 6Distance Dependence of 7on3 4an3e 8lectron
9ransfer across 0olyproline 0eptide 2rid3es$ 9he 8:perimental 8vidence for the
8:istence of 9wo Distinct ;echanisms/< =dvisor$ 0rof/ Stephan S/ >sied/
;/S/" !hemistry %1&&?(" =merican University of 2eirut" 2eirut" 7e-anon
9hesis$ 6Synthesis of 0henanthroline*Ferrocene Spacer 7i3ands</
=dvisor$ 0rof/ @anadi Sleiman/
2/S/" !hemistry %1&&+(" =merican University of 2eirut" 2eirut" 7e-anon
=ssistant 0rofessor" Fordham University" New Yor !ity" NY %#00)* till present(
Freshman =dviser" Fordham University" New Yor !ity" NY %#010 till present(
Aisitin3 Faculty" part of the Faculty and Student Summer 9eam %FaS9(" 2roohaven
National 7a-s"
Upton" NY %Summer #011 and #01#(
4esearch Scientist" !ol3ate*0almolive !o/ 0iscataway" N5 %#00+*#00)(/
0ostdoctoral 4esearch Fellow" !ol3ate*0almolive !o/ 0iscataway" N5 %#003*#00+(/
4esearch =ssociate" Department of !hemistry and !hemical 2iolo3y" 4ut3ers University"
0iscataway" N5 %#00+(/
7ecturer %0art*time(" Department of !hemistry and !hemical 2iolo3y" 4ut3ers University"
0iscataway" N5 %#00#*#003(/
9eachin3 =ssistant" Department of !hemistry and !hemical 2iolo3y" 4ut3ers University"
0iscataway" N5 %1&&?*#00#(/
!oordinator and 7ecturer for Under3raduate ,r3anic !hemistry" @ay3aBian University"
7e-anon %1&&6 C 1&&?(/
>nstructor" Department of !hemistry" =merican University of 2eirut" 2eirut"
7e-anon %1&&6*1&&?(/
9eachin3 =ssistant" Department of !hemistry" =merican University of 2eirut" 2eirut"
7e-anon %1&&+*1&&6(/
Page 3 of 8 Curriculum Vitae
Ai!a"! P#o$eo#% Fo#dham U"i&e#i!'% Ne( Yo#k Ci!'% NY )*++,- !ill .#ee"!/
4esearch interests$ 9he desi3n and synthesis of model Donor*-rid3in3 spacer*=cceptor
systems to study electron transfer processes as affected -y the distance of separation
-etween the donor and the acceptor and conformational chan3es in the -rid3in3 spacer/
!har3e transfer processes in >7s" a novel class of material with uniDue physical and
chemical properties for alternative ener3y applications/
De.a#!me"! o$ Chemi!#' a"d Chemical 0iolo1'% Ru!1e# U"i&e#i!'% Pica!a(a'% N2
Summa#' * ;etal modified polypeptides were desi3ned and synthesiBed as potential
candidates for electron transfer measurements/ 9he distance dependence of the rates
measured follow two re3imes$ a fast e:ponential decay for short separation distances
-etween the two metal centers and a slower decay for lon3er ones/ 9he results are
interpreted in terms of a model that involves two mechanisms for electron transfer$
supere:chan3e %fast decay( versus seDuential hoppin3 %slow decay(/ 9he chan3e from one
mechanism to the other depends on the type of metal centers and their interaction with the
polypeptide spacer/ 8lectron transfer inetics were studied usin3 steady state fluorescence"
electrochemical techniDues and time resolved spectroscopy/
R7D - O#al Ca#e 8 Col1a!e-Palmoli&e" Pica!a(a'% N2 )*++6-*++,/
7ed a proEect that aims at enhancin3 delivery of oral care actives -y
entrapment1encapsulation in polymeric vesicles C in colla-oration with @arvard
7ed a proEect that focuses on studyin3 the inetics of controlled oral delivery for
actives and flavors from novel delivery systems and their formulation in toothpaste"
mouth rinses" ta-lets" chewin3 3um/ >t involves the desi3n of e:periments on F! and
Successfully e:plored new whitenin3 technolo3ies usin3 in*situ 3eneration of
whitenin3 rea3ents and1or anti-acterial actives via enByme use
!ompleted successfully studies for claim support for product development on !ol3ate
Simply White 9oothpaste that involved the development of in-vitro methodolo3ies for
evaluatin3 comparative whitenin3 efficacies
Development of new la-oratory predictive methodolo3ies" demos in support of
product development as well as for the documentation wor of current at home
whitenin3 products
=pplied oral care technolo3ies to other departments such as under arm
Wrote invention records" research reports and research proposals
Page 4 of 8 Curriculum Vitae
=-i Saa-" ;/G Abdel Malak% R9G Wishart" 5/ F/G Fhaddar" 9/ @/G
0hotocurrent Feneration in 7ayer*2y*7ayer =ssem-led Dendrimers with 4uthenium
9ris*-ipyridine 0eripheral Froups and a Aiolo3en*lie !ore/ Langmuir *++5% #3"
Abdel Malak% R/G Hhinon3" F/G Wishart" 5/ F/G >sied" S/ S/G
7on3*4an3e 8lectron 9ransfer across 0eptide 2rid3es$ the 9ransition from 8lectron
Supere:chan3e to @oppin3/ J. Am. Chem. Soc/ *++:" 1#6" 13''' C 13''&/

@oic" D/G Di:it" N/G 0rencipe" 0/G Su-ramanyam" 4/G !ameron" 4/G Abdel Malak% R9G 7a3man"
7/G Iu" 9/G 4ichter" 4/
9he 9echnolo3y 2ehind !ol3ate Simply White 9oothpaste/ J. Clin. Dent. *++:" 1)$3?*
Abdel Malak% R/G >ssa" 5/ 2/G >sied" S/ S/G
9hermal and 0hotoinduced 8lectron 9ransfer =cross a Sin3le =mide 2rid3e$ ;7!9
4ela:ation from an 8:cited 4uthenium 2ipyridine Donor to a !ovalently =ttached 4uthenium
%>>>( =mmine =cceptor/
Manuscript in preparation.
Abdel Malak% R/G Wishart" 5/ F/G >sied" S/ S/G
8lectron 9ransfer across 0eptide 2rid3es from 4uthenium 9ris*-ipyridine Donor and
an ,smium 2ipyridine =cceptor$ 8vidence for a Cis-Trans !onformational 0eptide
!han3e/ Manuscript in preparation.
Abdel Malak% R9G 7uo" 5G >sied" S/ S/G
8lectron 9ransfer across 0olyproline 2rid3es Usin3 Self*=ssem-led Films =dsor-ed
on a Fold 8lectrode$ evidence for the e:istence of two mechanisms/ Manuscript in
Abdel Malak% R/G Hhinon3" F/G Wishart" 5/ F/G >sied" S/ S/G
9he 4ole of 0eptide !onformation on 7on3*4an3e 8lectron 9ransfer across
@e:apeptide 2rid3es/ Manuscript in preparation.
Abdel Malak% R9G 7a3man" 7/G !ameron" 4/G Su-ramanyam" 4/G !omparative whitenin3
efficacy of Simply White 9oothpaste$ >n*Aitro -rushin3 and soain3 studies/
!ol3ate 4esearch 4eport/ Manuscript in preparation.

Aisitin3 Faculty 0ro3ram" 2roohaven National 7a-s %Summer #011 and Summer #01#(
Faculty 4esearch Frant" ,ffice of Sponsored 4esearch" Fordham University %#01#(
4eed Fellowship =ward" 4ut3ers University %Fall #00# and Sprin3 #003(
William 4ieman 9eachin3 0riBe" 4ut3ers University %1&&'" #001 and #00#(
Page 5 of 8 Curriculum Vitae
F#ehma" Ad&io#> =dvisor for first year students" Fodham !olle3e 7incoln !enter"
#010 till present
Me"!o#> Faculty and Student 9eam %FaS9( 0ro3ram" Department of
8ner3y12roohaven National la-s" Summer #011 and #01#
Re&ie(e# of research proposal applications for the ,ffice of Sponsored 4esearch at
Fordham University %#01#" #013(
Re&ie(e# for the Journal of Undergraduate Research" Aol / 10/ WD9S sponsored -y
9he Department of 8ner3y C D,8 ,ffice of Science %#010(
Re&ie(e#> Frant proposal for the 0rofessional Staff !on3ress of the !ity University
of New Yor %0S!!UNY( %#010(
=!S 6+th Southeastern 4e3ional ;eetin3" 4alei3h" N! %Novem-er #01#(
8lectron 9ransfer in Neutral Solvents and >onic 7iDuid ;edia Usin3 ;odel Donor*
4ou-a =-del ;ala 4ached
AF0 !,77,JU>=" 24,,K@=A8N N=9>,N=7 7=2,4=9,4Y" 5U7Y 101#
8lectron 9ransfer in Neutral Solvents and >onic 7iDuid ;edia Usin3 ;odel Donor*
4ou-a =-del ;ala 4ached
4S!" 9he +
>nternational Symposia on =dvancin3 the !hemical Sciences %>S=!S( series$
!hallen3es in 4enewa-le" ;>9" 2oston %5uly #011(
8lectron 9ransfer across 0eptide 2rid3es from a tris*%-ipyridyl(4uthenium Donor to a
-is*%-ipyridyl(,smium =cceptor$ 8vidence for a !is*9rans !onformational 0eptide
4ou-a =-del ;ala 4ached" 5oseph >ssa" 5ames F/ Wishart and Stephan S/ >sied
=!S #+1
National ;eetin3" =naheim" != %;arch #011(
8lectron and 8ner3y 9ransfer across a Sin3le =mide 2rid3e$ ;7!9 4ela:ation
0rocesses for an 8:cited 4uthenium 2ipyridine Donor =cceptor !omple:
4ou-a =-del ;ala 4ached" 5oseph >ssa" and Stephan S/ >sied
>S5=!@8; conference" 11
=nnual meetin3" Fairdfield University" Fairfield !9 %5uly #00'(
Distance dependence of electron transfer inetics in metal derivatiBed peptides and
4ou-a =-del ;ala 4ached
?6#d ;e"e#al Seio" 7 E@hibi!io" o$ !he IADR% 6:!h A""ual Mee!i"1 o$ !he AADR
*4!h A""ual Mee!i"1 o$ !he CADR% 0al!imo#e" %Ma#ch *++,/
7a-oratory 8valuation of a New Whitenin3 Dentifrice
Page 6 of 8 Curriculum Vitae
4/ !ameron" 4/ Su-ramanyam" 4/ =-del*;ala" 7/ 7a3man" and 5/ ;asters"
!ol3ate * 0almolive !ompany" 0iscataway" N5" US=
4esearch Fair Fordham !olle3e 7incoln !enter" Fordham University" NY %=pril #01+(
9ime 4esolved Fluorescence ;easurements of 8lectron 9ransfer in a Series of D;0D*0ro*!oumarin
;arena 7a-i-" 5essalyn DeAine" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached" 8dward !astner and 5ames F/ Wishart
=!S 6+th Southeastern 4e3ional ;eetin3" 4alei3h" N! %Novem-er #01#( and 4esearch Fair Fordham !olle3e
7incoln !enter" Fordham University" NY %=pril #013(
8lectron 9ransfer Dynamics ;easured -y 9ransient =-sorption in =cetonitrile vs ;ethyl
t*2utyl =mmonium !hloride >onic 7iDuid Usin3 a ;odel Donor*2rid3e*=cceptor System
=lyssa DiScipio" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached and 5ames F/ Wishart
=!S 6+th Southeastern 4e3ional ;eetin3" 4alei3h" N! %Novem-er #01#( and 4esearch Fair Fordham !olle3e
7incoln !enter" Fordham University" NY %=pril #013(
;odel DerivatiBed 0eptides to Study 8lectron 9ransfer Kinetics in Neutral Solvents and >onic 7iDuids
0aul SieradBi" ;e3an @arries" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached and 5ames F/ Wishart
Summer Students ,ral 0resentations" 2roohaven National 7a-s" NY %=u3ust #01#(
;odel DerivatiBed 0eptides to Study 8lectron 9ransfer Kinetics in Neutral Solvents and >onic 7iDuids
0aul SieradBi" ;e3an @arries" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached and 5ames F/ Wishart
Summer Students 0oster 0resentations" 2roohaven National 7a-s" NY %=u3ust #01#(
8lectron 9ransfer Dynamics ;easured -y 9ransient =-sorption in =cetonitrile vs ;ethyl
t*2utyl =mmonium !hloride >onic 7iDuid Usin3 a ;odel Donor*2rid3e*=cceptor System
=lyssa DiScipio" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached and 5ames F/ Wishart
Summer Students 0oster 0resentations" 2roohaven National 7a-s" NY %=u3ust #01#(
;odel DerivatiBed 0eptides to Study 8lectron 9ransfer Kinetics in Neutral Solvents and >onic 7iDuids
0aul SieradBi" ;e3an @arries" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached and 5ames F/ Wishart
8astern !olle3es Science !onference" William 0aterson University" Wayne" N5 %=pril #01#(
Synthesis of !oumarin*D;0D and a Series of !oumarin DerivatiBed !ontrols to Study 8lectron
9ransfer Kinetics
;e3an @arries" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached
8astern !olle3es Science !onference" William 0aterson University" Wayne" N5 %=pril #01#(
Synthesis and !haracteriBation of a Donor*2rid3e*=cceptor !omple:
%-py(# 4u>>C mc-py C 0ro1 C =py C 4u>>>%N@3() 0repared For Use in 8:aminin3 8lectron 9ransfer
Kinetics in >onic 7iDuids
=n3elina 2/ ;eloi" Fran Frasca" ;asao Fohdo" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached" and
5ames F/ Wishart
8astern !olle3es Science !onference" William 0aterson University" Wayne" N5 %=pril #01#(
Synthesis and !haracteriBation of a 2imetallic Donor*2rid3e*=cceptor ;olecules of the 9ype%-py(#*
4u>>*mc-py*0ron*=py*4u>>>*%N@3() as a ;odel System to Studyin3 8lectron 9ransfer Kinetics in >onic
Fran Frasca" =n3elina ;eloi" and 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached" ;asao Fohdo and 5ames F/ Wishart
4esearch Fair Fordham !olle3e 7incoln !enter" Fordham University" NY %Novem-er #011(
Synthesis and !haracteriBation of a Donor*2rid3e*=cceptor !omple:
%-py(# 4u>>C mc-py C 0ro1 C =py C 4u>>>%N@3() 0repared For Use in 8:aminin3 8lectron 9ransfer
Kinetics in >onic 7iDuids
=n3elina 2/ ;eloi" Fran Frasca" ;asao Fohdo" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached" and
5ames F/ Wishart
Page 7 of 8 Curriculum Vitae
4esearch Fair Fordham !olle3e 7incoln !enter" Fordham University" NY %Novem-er #011(
Synthesis and !haracteriBation of a 2imetallic Donor*2rid3e*=cceptor of the 9ype
%-py(#4u>>*mc-py*0ro#*=py*4u>>>%N@3() as a ;odel System in Studyin3 8lectron 9ransfer Kinetics in
>onic 7iDuids
Fran Frasca" =n3elina ;eloi" ;asao Fohdo" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached" and 5ames F/ Wishart
Natural Science Department Summer Student ,ral 0resentations" NY %Septem-er #011(
Synthesis and !haracteriBation of a 2imetallic Donor*2rid3e*=cceptor ;olecules of the 9ype%-py(#*
4u>>*mc-py*0ron*=py*4u>>>*%N@3() as a ;odel System to Studyin3 8lectron 9ransfer Kinetics in >onic
Fran Frasca" =n3elina ;eloi" and 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached" ;asao Fohdo and 5ames F/ Wishart
Summer Students ,ral 0resentations" 2roohaven National 7a-s" NY %=u3ust #011(
Synthesis and !haracteriBation of a 2imetallic Donor*2rid3e*=cceptor ;olecules of the 9ype%-py(#*
4u>>*mc-py*0ron*=py*4u>>>*%N@3() as a ;odel System to Studyin3 8lectron 9ransfer Kinetics in >onic
Fran Frasca" =n3elina ;eloi" ;asao Fohdo" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached" and 5ames F/ Wishart
Summer Students 0oster 0resentations" 2roohaven National 7a-s" NY %=u3ust #011(
Synthesis and !haracteriBation of a Donor*2rid3e*=cceptor !omple:
%-py(# 4u>>C mc-py C 0ro1 C =py C 4u>>>%N@3() 0repared For Use in 8:aminin3 8lectron 9ransfer
Kinetics in >onic 7iDuids
=n3elina 2/ ;eloi" Fran Frasca" ;asao Fohdo" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached" and
5ames F/ Wishart
Summer Students 0oster 0resentations" 2roohaven National 7a-s" NY %=u3ust #011(
Synthesis and !haracteriBation of a 2imetallic Donor*2rid3e*=cceptor of the 9ype
%-py(#4u>>*mc-py*0ro#*=py*4u>>>%N@3() as a ;odel System in Studyin3 8lectron 9ransfer Kinetics in
>onic 7iDuids
Fran Frasca" =n3elina ;eloi" ;asao Fohdo" 4ou-a =-del*;ala 4ached" and 5ames F/ Wishart
8astern !olle3es Science !onference" Sacred @eart University" Fairfield" !9 %=pril #011(
Natalie 0lana" 4ou-a =-del ;ala 4ached
Solution 0hase 0eptide Synthesis and ;ass Spectrometry =nalysis of ;etal DerivatiBed Dipeptide
Usin3 0entaammine 4uthenium as a !*terminus 0rotectin3 Froup
n and 8ner3y 9ransfer across a Sin3le =mide 2rid3e$ ;7!9 4ela:ation 0rocesses
=!S 66th S,U9@W8S916#nd S,U9@8=S984N 4e3ional ;eetin3" New ,rleans" 7= %#010(
Natalie 0lana" 4ou-a =-del ;ala 4ached
Synthesis of a Dipeptide Usin3 4uthenium 0entammine as a !*terminus 0rotectin3 Froup
=!S Sponsored Fraduate 4esearch 0oster Session" New Yor University" NY" NY"
%Fe-ruary #003(
Fraduate 4esearch 0oster Session" Department of !hemistry and !hemical 2iolo3y"
4ut3ers University" 0iscataway" N5" %#000" #001 and #00#(
=-del ;ala" 4/G !ameron" 4/G Su-ramanyam" 4/G >n*situ Feneration of 0eracetic =cid"
!ol3ate >nvention 4ecord" Manuscript in preparation.
=-del ;ala" 4/G !ameron" 4/G Su-ramanyam" 4/G Flavors$ Novel Delivery Systems" !ol3ate
>nvention 4ecord" Manuscript in preparation.
Page 8 of 8 Curriculum Vitae
,r3anic synthesis
>nor3anic synthesis
0eptide synthesis * solution and solid phase
=ir sensitive synthesis
Juantitative analysis C =nalytical testin3 and titrations usin3 spectroscopic
!hromato3raphy * 97! methods
Fel !hromato3raphy * >onic e:chan3e
8:traction and Distillation techniDues
@07! %procedure development" assessment of purity a3ainst controls(
7aser Spectroscopy
Fluorescence and UA*Aisi-le Spectroscopy
2ench*top ;ass Spectrometry %7! 8S>" ;=7D>" F!" F!1;S(
N;4 and >4
=ssistant Safety ,fficer" 4ut3ers University" %1&&'*#003(
,r3aniBed common la-oratory facilities to meet 80= standards
0roficiency in ;S Word" 8:cel" 0ower0oint" !hemDraw" >S>S Draw" >3or0ro" ;>N>9=2"
8Dually fluent in French" 8n3lish and =ra-ic
=merican !hemical Society
4oyal Society of !hemistry
=merican =ssociation of University 0rofessors
4ut3ers !hemistry Fraduate Student =ssociation
=vaila-le upon reDuest/

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