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Orlando Garcia

Aijanae Hodges
Kameron Donaldson
Janet Konbloa

Act IV, Scene 1

Setting: White House

[Enter F.L and Juliet]

Juliet: Friar Friar I need you help
A.S.A.P I dont want to marry paris.
My love is for Romeo

F.L: Ok. I have this potion for you
juliet that will put you to rest for the a
couple of days. It will make you look
like you dead so you dont have to
marry paris. I will be waiting at your
tomb as soon as you awaken to take
you to romeo.

Juliet: Are you sure thats this going to

F.L: Yeah I got your back girl im
gonna get you to your man

Romeo: I am so sad but I have to
leave to Mantua.
Juliet: Why? no, stay.
Romeo: I have to leave sorry... Shall
we meet again.
*Juliet and Romeo Give a last kiss*
*Day Later and enters Juliets room*
Lady Capulet: GUESS WHAT
JULIET!!...We are moving your
wedding between you and Paris to
Juliet: No !!!! I am not marrying
Lady Capulet: why not? hes a
charming Prince and Yes you are
*Lady Capulet Leaves Room*

Act 3

Juliet: What if the poison doesnt
work? What if Romeo doesnt follow
along with the plan? What if i wake
before time? What if i wake up next to
my dead ancestors? What if i become
claustrophobia in the small tomb?
What IF , WHAT IF . All these
unanswered questions flowing in my
head. And the chance Im taking only
for my love.

Act 4
Lord.C-Oh my dear wife awake
awake!! for juliet marriage day is

Lord.C- Nurse, nurse! go wake my
juliet up for she must get ready.

Nurse- so early, to bright.....alright sir.

Nurse- ahhh my lord, my lady, what
Juliet sleep a deep sleep, a death in

Lord C- quiet your jibish jabish,
speak english lady.

Nurse- my lady my lord Juliet is dead,
go see yourself.

Lady C- No, not my juliet, what
heaven bring us such a sweet child,
with such short since of life, why
bring such pain into the family of the
capulet, the death of tybalt, now
Juliet.. I'm not happy, Im not sad for
my daughter shall lay in Heaven

F.L- As we gather near the tomb of
the capulet, may the peace of Juliet
rest silently with the Heaven.

Balthasar: LORD JESUS, Juliet is
dead !!! *I have to let Romeo know*
Lady Capulet: My daughter is dead !!
Lady Capulet: Now Now we have
to change plans.
Balthasar: OH...* tears on his face
because he thinks Juliet is dead*
Lady Capulet: Every one must know
of the Wedding of Juliet and Paris is
over and now we have to make funeral
plans. Oh, my sweet child, is dead.

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