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Physiological aspects of surfboard riding performance
Mendez-Villanueva, A; Bishop D.
ISSN: 0112-1642

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5/24/2013 3:33:28 PM
Sports Med 2005; 35 (1): 55-70
REVIEW ARTICLE 0112-1642/05/0001-0055/$34.95/0
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
Physiological Aspects of Surfboard
Riding Performance
Alberto Mendez-Villanueva and David Bishop
School of Human Movement and Exercise Science, The University of Western Australia, Crawley,
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
1. Surfing Competition: Historical Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2. Analysis of the Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3. Surfer Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.1 Physical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.1.1 Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.1.2 Body Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.2 Physiological Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.2.1 Peak Oxygen Uptake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.2.2 Lactate Threshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.2.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.3 Neuromuscular Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4. Physiological Responses On-Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5. Training Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
6. Musculoskeletal Adaptations and Injury Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Surfboard riding (surfing) has experienced a boom in participants and media Abstract
attention over the last decade at both the recreational and the competitive level.
However, despite its increasing global audience, little is known about physiologi-
cal and other factors related to surfing performance. Time-motion analyses have
demonstrated that surfing is an intermittent sport, with arm paddling and remain-
ing stationary representing approximately 50% and 40% of the total time, respec-
tively. Wave riding only accounts for 45% of the total time when surfing. It has
been suggested that these percentages are influenced mainly by environmental
factors. Competitive surfers display specific size attributes. Particularly, a meso-
morphic somatotype and lower height and body mass compared with other
matched-level aquatic athletes. Data available suggest that surfers possess a high
level of aerobic fitness. Upper-body ergometry reveals that peak oxygen uptake

) values obtained in surfers are consistently higher than values reported
for untrained subjects and comparable with those reported for other upper-body
endurance-based athletes. Heart rate (HR) measurements during surfing practice
have shown an average intensity between 75% and 85% of the mean HR values
measured during a laboratory incremental arm paddling

test. Moreover,
56 Mendez-Villanueva & Bishop
HR values, together with time-motion analysis, suggest that bouts of high-intensi-
ty exercise demanding both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism are intercalated
with periods of moderate- and low-intensity activity soliciting aerobic metabo-
lism. Minor injuries such as lacerations are the most common injuries in surfing.
Overuse injuries in the shoulder, lower back and neck area are becoming more
common and have been suggested to be associated with the repetitive arm stroke
action during board paddling. Further research is needed in all areas of surfing
performance in order to gain an understanding of the sport and eventually to bring
surfing to the next level of performance.
Surfboard riding (surfing) is a popular sport en- future directions with regard to research into surfing
physiology/performance. joyed on the beaches of five continents at both the
recreational and competitive level. The surfing ac-
tion is to ride a surfcraft along the unbroken section 1. Surfing Competition:
Historical Development or wall of a wave, as it inches closer toward the
Modern surfing is performed using a foam
Surfing is many centuries old, maybe millenni-
and fibreglass board with the rider standing erect on
ums. Historically, it was considered the sport of the
his or her feet.
Hawaiian kings, and only they could enjoy the plea-
Surfing has experienced a meteoric growth over
sure of gliding over the waves. The birth of modern
the last decade. The surfing industry has become a
surfing is attributed to the Hawaiian Duke, Ka-
multi-million dollar worldwide business and surf-
This exceptional aquatic sportsman,
ing-related companies use elite surfers images as an
gold medal winner in the 100m free-style in the
advertising call to their products. These companies
Olympic games of Stockholm 1912, devoted a lot of
offer higher level surfers good sponsorship con-
time to travelling all over Europe, Australia and the
tracts, normally based on their competitive perform-
US performing surfing and swimming demonstra-
ance. This attracts a large and increasing participa-
tions. Since then, the popularity of surfing has been
tion of young people, hoping to reach the highest
gradually growing.
competitive level. Moreover, surfing has become a
The first surfing world championships took place
common recreational sport, which is enjoyed by
in Australia in 1964.
Currently, many surfers par-
people of all standards.
ticipate in all levels of competition on the coasts of
Success at any level requires extremely high
the five continents. Surfing governing bodies in-
technical and skill abilities. However, to be competi-
clude the Association of Surfing Professionals
tive at the highest level, specific physiological at-
(ASP), the International Surfing Association (ISA),
tributes may also be important. Moreover, in a com-
each countrys own surfing federation/association
petitive plane, surfing has become a sport with
and surfing industry companies. However, recently,
year-round involvement. With the professionalisa- the ASP has made a great effort in assuming a
tion of surfing, there has been an increased interest leading role as the major professional surfing gov-
in the possible contribution of exercise science to erning body, organising among other things a com-
overall surfboard riding performance. Despite the petitive calendar around the world. During 2003,
popularity of surfing, research about all aspects re- >100 contests were held, featuring all disciplines of
lated to surfing performance is incredibly scarce. the sport: shortboard, longboard, juniors and mas-
The aim of this article is to review physiological and ters.
The ASPs first World Championships for
physical characteristics of surfers, thereby present- men was in 1976 and for women in 1977. In 1992,
ing an overview of the sport, and to recommend ASP introduced a two-tiered competition system.
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
Physiology of Surfing Performance 57
The World Championship Tour (WCT) consists of speed to maximise scoring potential. Innovative and
the top 44 surfers competing throughout the season progressive manoeuvres will be taken into account
in the prime world surfing locations worldwide,
when rewarding surfers for committed surfing. The
while the World Qualifying Series (WQS) is the
surfer who executes this criteria with the highest
feeder system for the WCT. At the end of each
degree of difficulty and most control on the best
competitive season, the last 16 surfers in the WCT
wave shall be rewarded with the highest score.
automatically lose their place in the WCT, replaced
The winners of each heat advance to the next round
for the next year by the top 16 WQS surfers. Surfers
until reaching the final. The competitive calendar
competing in the WCT are also allowed to compete
within the different circuits includes several trials
in the WQS.
over the season (see table I). Surfers get a numerical
The individual ratings of the 200203 ASP listed
score based on their final position in each event. At
44 male surfers in the WCT and 600 in the WQS.
the end of the tour, after adding up all the scores
In 2003, the countries/regions with representation in
obtained in each event, the surfer with the highest
the WCT were: Australia (24 surfers), Brazil (9), US
score will be the eventual winner. There are also
(8) and Hawaii (4). The countries/regions represent-
other different competition modalities, including the
ed in the WQS top 100 in 2002 were: Australia (37
World Surfing Games, organised by the Internation-
surfers), Brazil (28), US (12), Hawaii (9), South
al Surfing Federation, each countrys National
Africa (5), Spain (3), France (3) and Portugal, New
Championship and a series of other 2- to 3-day
Zealand and Great Britain with one surfer each. The
specialty events.
womens 2003 WCT lists 17 surfers representing
seven countries:
Australia (9 surfers), US (2), Ha-
waii (2) and Brazil, South Africa, Peru and France
with one surfer each. The 2002 WQS female circuit
ranked 96 women. The countries with representation
in the top 96 were: Australia (33 surfers), US (21),
Hawaii (20), France (6), South Africa (4), Great
Britain (3), Spain (2), Brazil (2) and Portugal, Japan,
Costa Rica and Puerto Rico with one each. Although
surfing is practised in a greater number of countries,
according to these figures, competitive surfing ap-
pears to be particularly well developed in Australia,
Brazil and the US (including Hawaii where surfers
compete under Hawaiian identity).
Surfing contests are based on elimination heats.
The normal contest format consists of 20- to 40-
minute heats, in which two, three or four surfers are
given scores by a group of judges. The role of judges
in a surfing contest is to decide which surfer per-
forms manoeuvres closest to the judging criteria in
any heat. The surfing judging criteria has evolved
over the years parallel to surfing technique and
equipment development. The main judging criteria
that surfers have to accomplish is: the surfer must
perform committed radical manoeuvres in the most
critical sections of a wave with style, power and
Table I. Example of a possible competitive calendar of one World
Championship Tour (WCT) surfer during the 2003 season
Date Circuit/category Location
Mar 416 WCT Australia (East coast)
Apr 713 WQS Australia (West coast)
Apr 1526 WCT Australia (South coast)
May 618 WCT Tahiti
May 25Jun 6 WCT Fiji
Jun 915 WQS Maldives
Jun 1829 WCT Japan
Jul 713 WQS South Africa
Jul 1525 WCT South Africa
Jul 26Aug 3 WQS US (California)
Aug 410 WQS France
Aug 1117 WQS France
Aug 1824 WQS France
Aug 2531 WQS Japan
Sep 413 WCT US (California)
Sep 1928 WCT Portugal
Sep 30Oct 11 WCT France
Oct 1224 WCT Spain
Oct 27Nov 4 WCT Brazil
Nov 49 WQS Brazil
Nov 1123 WQS Hawaii
Nov 24Dec 7 WCT Hawaii
Dec 820 WCT Hawaii
WQS = World Qualifying Series.
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
58 Mendez-Villanueva & Bishop
2. Analysis of the Activity that those percentages reflect variations due to the
influence of the multiple environmental factors that
has described the surfing process as can affect surfing temporal structure (e.g. swell size,
follows: first of all, the surfboard is paddled out with inconsistent surf, currents, wave length or wave
the surfer in the prone position in order to reach the
frequency). Moreover, during competition, tactical
take-off area. Once there and when a suitable wave
decisions due to different factors (e.g. heat oppo-
approaches, some powerful strokes are needed to
nents scores or wave selection) might have also had
give the board enough speed to be gathered up by
an impact on surfers activity patterns. Nonetheless,
the swell. When the wave has been caught, it is
it appears that surfers spend between 45% and 50%
necessary to quickly stand up and to perform ma-
of their time total paddling and between 35% and
noeuvres on the waves wall until the wave breaks
40% of their total time remaining stationary. The
on the beach. At this point, the same process has to
rest of the time is shared among wave riding and
be repeated many times throughout the surfing ses-
various activities such as recovering the board after
sion. Therefore, the physical demands imposed by
falling or duck diving under the broken waves.
surfing practice should be examined from the varie-
ty of specific situations that are essential in this
3. Surfer Characteristics
Time-motion analysis provides useful informa-
Surfing is an activity characterised by intermit-
tion about the physical demands associated with a
tent exercise bouts of varying intensities and dura-
particular sport. Meir et al.
analysed surfing activi-
tions involving different body parts and numerous
ty during 1 hour of recreational surfing practice.
recovery periods. The duration of surfing practice
Surfers movements were classified as: arm pad-
typically ranges from 20 minutes in a competitive
dling (lying in a prone position), stationary, riding
situation to over 45 hours during good wave-condi-
wave and miscellaneous (e.g. other activities such as
tion practice sessions. Moreover, surfing training
ducking under white water and wading). The per-
and competition can be performed in a wide range of
centage of time spent in each activity was deter-
environmental conditions (e.g. different wave size,
mined, with arm paddling being the most time-
type of breaker, line-up situation). These variables
demanding activity, representing 44% of the total
are likely to impact on the underlying physiological
time, remaining stationary represented 35%, while
demands of surfing practice. To cope with the ocean
wave riding and miscellaneous represented 5% and
demands, surfers must respond to extensive periods
16% of the total time, respectively. To extend the
of intermittent exercise, with clearly different upper-
existing data on motion analysis during surfing, we
body (i.e. arm paddling) versus lower-body (i.e.
recently investigated the movement patterns of com-
wave riding) demands. Surfing practice also re-
petitive surfing during an international contest.
quires great mental and cognitive activity in a wide
Forty-two male professional surfers were filmed
range of environmental conditions. Nevertheless,
during 42 elimination heats of 25 minutes duration.
during training on-water, the majority of surfers are
Videotape analysis revealed that surfers were, on
not conscious that they are training and most of them average, paddling and stationary 51% (2570%) and
would consider this time as fun rather than as train- 42% (2372%) of the total time, respectively. Wave
Therefore, little attention has been devoted to riding accounted for 3.8% (27%) of the total time,
the types of physiological adaptations that can be whereas miscellaneous activity accounted for the
attributed to surfing practice. However, it should be remaining 2.5% (0.16%) of the total time. The
understood that surfing is, above all, a sport requir- small differences reported between recreational
ing exceptional whole body physical skills, tech- surfing
and competitive surfing
may simply re-
nique and mental aptitude, and that physical fitness flect the specific demands imposed during either
competitive or recreational surfing. It also possible itself can not compensate the full development of
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
Physiology of Surfing Performance 59
Upper-body Lower-body
Arm padding Wave riding
Fatigue interactions
Anaerobic fitness
Anaerobic capacity
Anaerobic power
External factors
Wave conditions
Current score
Dynamic balance
Reactive balance Proactive balance
Coordination Reaction time Flexibility Force development
Aerobic fitness
Lactate threshold

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the physiological aspects relevant to surfing performance. Competitive success would be dependent on the
interrelationship between surfers psychological, tactical, cognitive, technical/biomechanical and physiological capacity.

VO2max = maximal
oxygen uptake.
these abilities. Figure 1 shows many of the variables petitive surfing itself and/or the required years to
that might influence surfing performance. refine mastery in surfing performance and competi-
tive skills. Moreover, the increasing financial re-
3.1 Physical Characteristics wards might also delay the age of retirement for the
modern competition surfer.
3.1.1 Age
3.1.2 Body Type In March 2003, the average age of the WCT top
44 ASP-ranked men was 27.5 3.6 (22.136.9) Competitive surfers seem to be shorter and light-
which is higher than values obtained by er than the average age-matched sporting popula-
in 1978 for international level surfers (n tion. The average height of the 2003 WCT top 44
= 76) competing on the world professional surfing ASP ranked male surfers was 174.7 6.1cm
circuit (22.2 3.2 years). The average age of the (161188cm).
This is consistent with a previous
female competitors listed in the 2003 WCT top 17 study reporting an average height of 173.6 5.9cm
was 26.7 4.4 years (19.532.1 years). Lower for 76 male international surfers.
These values are
figures for elite female surfers of 21.6 3.4 years less than the heights described for elite swimmers
n = 14) and 23.3 3.3 years (Felder et (183.8 7.1cm; n = 231) and water polo players
n = 10) have also previously been reported. It (186.5 6.5cm; n = 190).
Females show similar
would appear, therefore, that current world-class trends. The average height of the 2003 WCT top 17
professional surfers are consistently older than 25 ASP ranked women surfers was 162.0 4.9cm
years ago, probably reflecting the maturity of com- (152172cm).
Previously, Lowdon
and Felder
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
60 Mendez-Villanueva & Bishop
et al.
found slightly higher figures of 165.7 is supported while paddling and riding, low adiposi-
4.9cm and 166.2 6.7cm for 14 and ten elite female ty appears not to represent a real advantage from a
surfers, respectively. As with the males, female surf- performance perspective.
Moreover, some au-
ers are on average shorter than elite swimmers
have theorised that moderate body fat
(171.5 7.0cm; n = 170) or water polo players
levels may be an advantage and a physiological
(171.3 5.9cm; n = 109).
It has been previously
adaptation providing protection against the con-
reported that stability is inversely related to the
stantly wet and windy surfing environment.
height of the centre of gravity above the base of
Somatotyping is one of several techniques to
A shorter stature may, therefore, be an
evaluate human body morphology. Lowdon
advantage to surfing performance, as a lower centre
formed an anthropometric evaluation of 76 male and
of gravity would allow surfers to obtain better dy-
14 female international competitive surfboard riders
namic balance performance, which seems to be cru-
and reported that world class surfboard riders pos-
cial for surfing.
sessed a distinctive somatotype, showing the follow-
With respect to body mass, Lowdon
ing mean values for men and women, respectively:
an average value of 67.9 7.2kg for 76 male inter-
endomorphy (fatness) 2.6, 3.9; mesomorphy (mus-
national surfers. Again, notable differences exist
cularity) 5.2, 4.1 and ectomorphy (linearity) 2.6, 2.6.
between surfers and elite aquatic athletes. Mazza et
These figures are close to those observed in other
reported body mass values of 78.4 7.1kg and
aquatic sports at an elite standard (see figure 2),
86.1 8.4kg for swimmers (n = 231) and water polo
players (n = 190), respectively. Regarding female
surfers, Lowdon
and Felder et al.
body mass values of 59.3 6.7kg and 57.9 8.3kg,
respectively. As with men, competitive female
swimmers (63.1 5.9kg; n = 170) and water polo
players (64.8 7.2kg; n = 109) are heavier than
surfers. Together with the stature figures, values for
body mass suggest that a relatively short and light
body type may be advantageous for performing spe-
cific movements in surfing.
Anthropometric analyses of surfers have re-
vealed that a surfers body composition appears not
to play a major role in surfing performance.
According to an anthropometric evaluation of both
males and females,
surfers present a wide
range of body fat values, suggesting no ideal body
fat level related to surfing performance. Generally,
estimated percentage body fat in surfers is higher
than that reported in other level-matched endurance
athletes, although lower than the average for col-
lege-age men.
Lowdon and Pateman
average figures of 10.5% for 76 world-class male
surfers. The same authors
reported mean body fat
values of 19.5% for 14 elite female surfers. Higher
values of 22.0 4.0% were reported by Felder et
for ten elite female surfers. As a surfers mass
Endomorphy Ectomorphy
Freestyle swimmers (n = 91)
Divers (n = 43)
Long-distance swimmers (n = 13)
Water-polo players (n = 190)
Surfers (n = 76)
Freestyle swimmers (n = 64)
Divers (n = 39)
Long-distance swimmers (n = 10)
Water-polo players (n = 96)
Surfers (n = 14)
Fig. 2. Somatoplot of male (open symbols) and female (filled sym-
bols) athletes for different aquatic sports at elite standards (repro-
duced from Lowdon,
with permission).
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
Physiology of Surfing Performance 61
most notably male long-distance swimmers (n = 13) more appropriate to detect specific physiological
[2.5, 5.3, 2.3], male water polo players (n = 190) adaptations in those individuals engaged in sports
[2.5, 5.3, 2.4] and female water polo players (n = 96) activities dominated by arm work,
such as surf-
[3.6, 3.9, 2.8].
In summary, the limited data available suggest
Very little published data are available describing
that specific size attributes, particularly lower height
the physiological responses during an upper-body
and body mass compared with other matched-level
exercise using specific testing protocols in surf-
aquatic athletes and a mesomorphic somatotype,
In an early study by Lowdon et al.,
might be an advantage for success in top-interna-
male competitive college surfers were selected to
tional surfing. In particular, lower stature is likely to
carry out three different laboratory tests (tethered
benefit dynamic balance, which seems to be an
board paddling, prone arm cranking and treadmill
important requirement for surfing performance. Fur-
running). With respect to the two tests carried out
ther research is required to evaluate the relationship
with the upper body, the

values were 2.87
between body type and surfing performance.
0.04 L/min (40.4 2.9 mL/kg/min) and 2.95 0.38
L/min (41.6 4.0 mL/kg/min) for tethered board
3.2 Physiological Characteristics
paddling and prone arm cranking, respectively. As
similar maximum physiological values were ob-
As mentioned in section 2, upper-body exercise
tained with prone arm cranking and tethered board
(i.e. arm paddling) represents the most time de-
paddling, this suggests that prone arm cranking is a
manding activity in surfing.
Taking into consid-
valid and easy substitute (easily set up by modifying
eration that professional surfers can spend between
widely available cycle ergometers) for more com-
1 and 5 hours daily training in the water,
the total
plex laboratory requirements (i.e. tethered board
amount of time spent arm paddling can, therefore,
paddling or swim bench) for assessing aerobic fit-
be very high. In addition, Meir et al.
reported that
ness in surfers.
during 1 hour of recreational surfing, the mean heart
rates (HRs) during arm paddling represented 80% of
Meir et al.,
after evaluating six Australian rec-
the laboratory peak heart rate (HR
) attained by
reational surfers, reported higher

the surfers during a progressive swim bench ergom-
than Lowdon et al.;
3.75 0.83 L/min (54.20
eter peak oxygen uptake (

) test. This sug-
10.2 mL/kg/min) using a swim bench prone arm
gests that a good aerobic fitness level might be an
paddling protocol. Mendez-Villanueva et al.
important fitness factor to consider in this sport.
ported values of 3.34 0.31 L/min (50.00 4.67
mL/kg/min) and 3.40 0.37 L/min (47.93 6.28
3.2.1 Peak Oxygen Uptake
mL/kg/min) for a group of European level (n = 7)
Dynamic leg exercise (i.e. cycle ergometer or
and regional level (n = 6) competitive surfers, re-
treadmill) is the most popular and conventional
spectively, during a prone arm paddling exercise on
mode of exercise testing. However, research strong-
a modified kayak ergometer. The differences in
ly supports the specificity of fitness and testing

values reported in these three studies
The physiological and metabolic differ-
seem not to reflect the level of the surfers evaluated
ences between legs and arms during maximal and
since the highest

values were achieved for
submaximal exercise have been previously identi-
recreational surfers.
However, several factors such
For example, comparing exercise of the
as differences in the testing protocols between the
legs and arms,

values during arm work are
three studies and other aspects related to surfing
approximately 70% of the values obtained during
practice and performance may explain these results.
leg exercise.
However, highly upper-body trained
Differences in

values might simply re- subjects can achieve arm-crank values approaching
flect a superior physical endowment of those surfers 90% of their cycle

Therefore, alterna-
with the highest figures. However, the underlying tive methods involving arm exercise appear to be
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
62 Mendez-Villanueva & Bishop
physiological adaptations to surfing practice may age, experience and competence. Lowdon et al.
also be related to the predominant local surfing found that a group of 97 international-level surfers
conditions (e.g. type of waves or swell regularity). spent an average of 3.7 hours of surfing per day for
Lowdon et al.
stated that the local surfing venues >5 days a week (range 47 hours). Thus, the level of
frequented by the surfers used in their study were commitment to the sport, regardless of level, might
shorebreaks with a relatively short paddle out, gen- assure similar global training stimuli and, therefore,
erally requiring <2 minutes to return to the take-off the development of similar physiological adapta-
area after riding each wave. In contrast, we have tions between competitive and the most ardent rec-
recorded arm paddling periods >4 minutes during reational surfers.
competition heats,
while Lowdon
Comparison of

values obtained for surf-
figures up to 10 minutes. These differences in arm
ers to values obtained in studies with other popula-
paddling activity to return to the take-off area reflect
tions has to be done with caution due to the variety
the specific characteristics of each particular surfing
of testing protocols employed. In order to improve
spot. While these characteristics are likely to remain
the specificity of fitness testing, surfers are typically
constant over time, it is possible that different physi-
assessed during prone arm paddling exercise, while
cal attributes might be found when surfers from
the most common mode of upper-body ergometry
different surfing locations are compared. In addi-
for the general population is seated arm-cranking
tion, Lowdon et al.
reported that surf conditions
Regardless of the expected differences
were unusually small in the winter before the testing
in muscle recruitment between these two modes of
of the subjects. Thus, a less demanding training
exercise, body position adopted during exercise has
workload might partially explain the somewhat low
been reported to alter the haemodynamic and per-

values reported by Lowdon et al.
formance parameters during exercise.
As a re-
competitive surfers compared with those found by

values during both arm and leg exer-
Meir et al.
or Mendez-Villanueva et al.
cise have been found to be consistently lower in the
Although Meir et al.
pointed out that the six horizontal posture (prone or supine) than in the erect
subjects examined in their study were recreational (sitting or upright) posture.
However, despite
surfers, they had previously competed at state level. adopting the prone position, absolute

Moreover, in surfing, the difference between com- ues achieved by surfers (3.26 L/min) are ~20%
petitive or recreational surfers often does not reflect higher when compared with an active young male
the amount of hours spent on the water for both population tested with seated arm ergometry (2.57
groups. For example, Lowdon et al.
reported an L/min) [see tables II and III]. Similar differences
average of 4 hours of surfing per day for almost 3 (~20%) have been observed when mean values ob-
days per week in a sample of 346 surfers of varying tained for surfers are compared with average values
Table II. Upper-body peak oxygen uptake (

VO2peak) values for untrained young males

Study No. of subjects Age (y) [mean SD]

VO2peak (L/min)

VO2peak (mL/kg/min)
Sawka et al.
13 24.0 3.6 2.89 37.05
Aminoff et al.
10 26.3 2.3 2.19 26.80
Kang et al.
8 21.0 8.5 2.24 31.32
Schneider et al.
6 28.0 4.9 2.90 36.00
Rotstein and Meckel
14 25.2 2.9 2.60 34.60
Taylor and Batterham
16 24.5 4.5 2.91 37.94
Schneider et al.
10 21.6 5.1 2.08 25.77
Koppo et al.
10 21.3 2.5 2.74 37.10
Mean 2.57 33.32
a All studies utilised arm cranking in the sitting position as the testing mode.
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
Physiology of Surfing Performance 63
Table III. Peak oxygen uptake (

VO2peak) values for upper-body trained athletic young males and surfers (males) during prone position arm
Study No. of Age (y) Sample Testing mode


subjects [mean SD] (body position) (L/min) (mL/kg/min)
Upper-body trained athletes
Bernard et al.
14 21.0 4.0 Swimmers Arm traction bench 2.69 38.00
12 19.8 3.1 College swimmers Swim bench (prone) 3.22 43.69
Morton and Gastin
7 21.0 1.0 Surf lifesavers Swim bench (prone) 2.94 40.38
Swaine and Winter
12 22.0 2.4 College swimmers Swim bench (prone) 2.90 39.19
Swaine and Winter
12 22.0 2.4 College swimmers Arm cranking (prone) 2.40 32.43
Konstantaki and Swaine
9 21.0 4.0 College swimmers Swim bench (prone) 3.10 38.27
Mean 2.87 38.66
Lowdon et al.
12 20.7 1.2 College surfers Tethered board 2.87 40.4
paddling (prone)
Lowdon et al.
12 20.7 1.2 College surfers Arm cranking (prone) 2.95 41.6
Meir et al.
6 21.2 2.8 Recreational surfers Swim bench (prone) 3.75 54.2
Mendez-Villanueva et al.
7 25.6 3.4 Competitive surfers Arm paddling (prone) 3.34 50.0
(European level)
Mendez-Villanueva et al.
6 26.5 3.6 Competitive surfers Arm paddling (prone) 3.40 47.93
(regional level)
Mean 3.26 46.83
(2.56 L/min) obtained from 18 studies conducted time, two studies have assessed

with untrained and trained subjects.
Differences lower extremity exercise in surfers. Lowdon and
are even larger (~30%) when average relative
reported values of 4.73 0.81 L/min

values are compared between surfers
(70.2 10.7 mL/kg/min) and 3.72 0.59 L/min
(46.83 mL/kg/min) and the untrained population
(62.2 8.2 mL/kg/min) for 76 and 12 international
(33.32 mL/kg/min) [see table II]. Values for surfers
level men and women, respectively. These values
are, however, more similar to specifically trained
are close to those of endurance athletes.
upper-body athletes, mainly swimmers, tested under
er, cardiovascular fitness was assessed by prediction
similar conditions (i.e. prone arm paddling exercise)

from submaximal data using the
[see table III]. Once again, differences in

Astrand-Ryhming nomogram, which has been re-
between surfers and upper-body specific trained ath-
ported to have a great variability.
Therefore, the
letes are greater when relative values are considered
poor accuracy of such predictions might result in an
(46.83 mL/kg/min and 38.66 mL/kg/min, respec-
overestimation of the true aerobic power. Moreover,
tively). The results suggest that surfing practice
Lowdon et al.
found lower

values of 4.02
induces a high level of aerobic fitness, since
0.44 L/min (56.3 3.9 mL/kg/min) for 12 compet-
values are close to those reported for other
itive male surfers during a treadmill running exer-
upper-body endurance-based athletes (i.e. swim-
cise to exhaustion. Although these last values are mers) and consistently higher than values reported
greater than mean values for untrained subjects, they for an age-matched untrained population. However,
longitudinal studies are needed to evaluate aerobic are far below those obtained for endurance-trained
fitness adaptations due to surfing training.
athletes (e.g. runners, cyclists or cross-country ski-
ers). Further studies are needed to determinate the
Although, based on time motion analyses (see
limb-specific adaptations underlying surfing prac- section 2), dynamic leg exercise (i.e. wave riding)
represents only a small portion of the actual surfing tice.
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
64 Mendez-Villanueva & Bishop
3.2.2 Lactate Threshold
arm LT may allow surfers to sustain intense periods
Another important determinant of endurance per-
of arm exercise with reduced metabolic disruptions
formance is the lactate threshold (LT). Despite the
and, therefore, reduced negative interferences with
controversies around the different methods used to
leg exercise performance during subsequent wave
interpret the changes in lactate levels during athletic
performance, LT remains an informative measure-
3.2.3 Summary
ment and it has been shown to be a good index of
In summary, data available seem to provide evi-
endurance performance
and intermittent exer-
dence that surfers have a relatively high aerobic
cise performance.
Unfortunately, LT has not been
fitness. In particular,

values obtained dur-
extensively investigated in upper-body exercise.
ing arm exercise in surfers are higher than values
In a recent study conducted in our laboratory,
reported for untrained subjects and comparable to
obtained upper-body LT values for a group of 13
those reported for other upper-body endurance
high-level competitive surfers. Subjects were divid-
sports. Additional research should also examine the
ed into two groups based on their competitive per-
existence of an upper-body aerobic fitness threshold
formance level. We found significantly higher val-
below which a surfer is unlikely to perform success-
ues (~7%; p = 0.01) for greater competitive ability
fully at the competitive level. In addition to more
surfers than for lesser competitive ability surfers.
cross-sectional studies, further research is required
Moreover, LT was correlated (r =

0.58, p = 0.03)
to examine longitudinal changes in aerobic fitness
with surfing performance (final ranking obtained
with surfing practice. Finally, given that environ-
during the competitive season).
mental conditions can greatly impact upon surfing
Although surfing is not an endurance race event,
practice, future research should evaluate whether
our findings suggest that a high upper-body LT may
cross-training can be used to maintain surfing
be associated with surfing performance. Riding a
fitness when quality waves are not available.
wave, standing on a surfboard, performing radical
and controlled manoeuvres with the most speed,
3.3 Neuromuscular Aspects
power and highest degree of difficulty seems to
The neuromuscular systems ability to produce demand a superior level of postural control and
power at the highest exercise intensity, often re- whole body fine motor skills. Moreover, uncon-
ferred as a muscular power is an important deter- trolled wave ride finish (loss of balance and falling
minant of athletic performance.
Although neuro- down) has a negative influence on judges score.
muscular skills, such as agility, balance, muscular Upright wave riding is always preceded by a period
power, flexibility or reaction time are considered of arm paddling exercise of different duration and
important in surfing, controlled studies on these intensity. The neuromuscular responses of one pre-
variables are lacking. Comparing successful surfers viously nonexercised muscle group after intense
with less successful surfers, Mendez-Villanueva et exercise leading to fatigue performed with another
showed that peak aerobic power (W) obtained muscle group have been investigated.
during an incremental arm paddling exercise test to none of these studies assessed any aspects of postur-
exhaustion may be an important general fitness in- al control after an exercise carried out with the upper
dex to assess in surfers. Higher level surfers ob- body, these researchers all showed negative interfer-
tained values greater (~25%; p = 0.04) than lower ence effects on muscular performance when a previ-
level surfers. This is similar to endurance-based ous inactive muscle group was exercised. Therefore,
sports that have reported peak aerobic power to be it is possible that metabolic disruptions induced at a
an important determinant of performance.
site remote from the legs (i.e. during arm paddling)
might be associated with some negative effects on Reaction time, or the speed at which a person
postural control and performance during wave rid- moves in response to a stimulus, is also a critical
ing. Although further research is needed, a greater element in most sports. Surfing is performed in a
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
Physiology of Surfing Performance 65
highly unstable and changing environment. There- of Sports Medicine training intensity criteria (55/
fore, the ability to deal with cognitively challenging 65% to 90% of the maximum HR) for developing
situations during surfing practice appears to be criti- and maintaining cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy
cal. The best surfers might respond quickly to all adults.
those external challenges and a high psychomotor
Due to the different types of muscular work (i.e.
performance could be an important determinant of
upper- vs lower-body, isometric vs dynamic con-
competitive success. Lowdon and Pateman,
tractions), the intermittent nature of surfing activity
studying the physiological attributes of a group of
and the many external factors that might influence
76 male international professional surfers, have sug-
physiological responses to surfing, average HR val-
gested that rapid movement responses to an external
ues are not likely to represent all patterns of physical
stimulus is an important determinant of surfing skill,
activity in surfing. Identification of high physical
due to the significant correlation (p < 0.05) found
demand periods could provide more relevant data to
between placement in a professional contest and
understand the specific requirements of surfing.
movement time response. Agility scores and balance
Therefore, HR were recorded continuously at 5-sec-
have also been reported to be excellent in surfers,
ond intervals during a simulated 20-minute surfing
compared with athletes in other water sports.
competition heat in five male competitive surfers
Unfortunately, this information remains anecdotal
(Mendez-Villanueva et al., unpublished observa-
since these authors did not provide any details about
tions). Prior to the simulated surfing heat, subjects
the testing procedures. Future research should be
performed a laboratory maximal arm paddling test
directed to identifying neuromuscular attributes rel-
on a modified kayak ergometer to determinate
evant to surfing performance.

and HR
. HR was classified based on
percentage time spent in six zones:
4. Physiological Responses On-Water
1. <75% HR
2. 75% < HR < 80% HR
The HR response to exercise has been used as a
3. 80% < HR < 85% HR
measure of exercise intensity in a variety of sports
4. 85% < HR < 90% HR
and activities.
To date, however, only one study
5. 90% < HR < 95% HR
has reported data regarding physiological variables
6. >95% HR
measured during surfing. Meir et al.
HR responses in six recreational surfers during 1 The groups mean ( standard deviation)
hour of recreational surfing. To allow exercise in-

and HR
values for the arm paddling test
tensity assessment, surfers previously carried out a were 3.52 0.38 L/min and 174 9 beats/min,
maximal arm-paddling test on a swim-bench ergom- respectively. Mean HR for the simulated surfing
eter. The mean HR
value attained while surfing heat was 146 20 beats/min, representing 84% of
was 171 7 beats/min, representing 95% (3.6%) of the laboratory HR
. Surfers spent ~25% of the
the peak value attained during a swim-bench test total time above 90% of their previously obtained
(180 6 beats/min). The mean HR value for the total laboratory HR
(see figure 3). In combination
time surfing (1 hour) was 135 6 beats/min, which with the relatively high

values for surfers
represented 75% (4.2%) of the mean HR
mea- previously reported and the time-motion analysis
sured during the laboratory progressive arm pad- indicating relatively long recovery periods, such HR

test. Mean HR values for paddling values suggest that periods of moderate intensity
and stationary were 143 10 and 127 7 beats/min, soliciting mainly the aerobic system are intercalated
which represented 80% (4.8) and 71% (5.5), re- with bouts of high-intensity exercise demanding
spectively, of the laboratory HR
. These results both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Further-
show that, as a recreational activity, the average HR more, these results suggest that the high aerobic
obtained by Meir et al.
met the American College fitness values reported in surfers may be the out-
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
66 Mendez-Villanueva & Bishop
evant fitness areas proposed to be associated with
physical performance in surfing (see figure 1) can be
addressed through supplemental or non-specific
sport training. In addition, alternative physical train-
ing might help surfers maintain or improve optimum
fitness levels during periods of impeded surfing due
to injury, poor surf conditions, etc. Individual physi-
ological weakness might also be addressed through
the implementation of specific off-water workouts.
It should be noted that due to the difficulty in
controlling the physical training load associated
with surfing practice, additional training must be
carefully monitored in order to avoid excessive fa-
tigue and eventually overtraining.
Upper-body aerobic fitness appears to be impor-
tant for surfers (see section 3.2). Fitness training to
improve arm paddling performance should consist
<75% 7580% 8085% 8590% 9095% >95%
Exercise intensity (%HR


Fig. 3. Percentage of time spent in the heart rate (HR) categories of
<75% HRpeak; 75% < HR < 80% HRpeak; 80% < HR < 85% HRpeak;
85% < HR < 90% HRpeak; 90% < HR < 95% HRpeak; and >95%
HRpeak during a simulated competition heat (20 min) in a beach
breaker. Data are for five competitive surfers. Values are means
standard error. HRpeak = peak heart rate.
of a combination of upper-body endurance and
strength training. Workouts might include prone
come of a training effect resulting from surfing
board paddling, freestyle swimming or swimming
practice. However, certain characteristics of surfing
bench interval training using data from the time-
(e.g. isometric contractions during wave riding, high
motion analysis (see section 2) to define the workout
levels of concentration or great emotional stress)
load. However, rather than simply replicating the
may induce an elevation of HR and, therefore, an
time-motion analysis data, the overload principle
overestimation of the actual physical demands dur-
should be applied in order to obtain appropriate
ing surfing.
Studies combining HR, blood lac-
training adaptations. Therefore, the number of
tate, respiratory gas measures and time-motion anal-
bouts, the work/rest duration and exercise intensity
ysis are needed to determine the actual physiological
should be carefully manipulated in order to obtain
load imposed during surfing.
the desired training adaptations.
An optimal level of upper-body strength and
5. Training Guidelines
power is believed to be an important component for
successful performance in surfing. The inclusion of
Technical proficiency of specific surfing skills is
off-water resistance training should be designed to
the most important factor influencing surfing per-
get the athletes stronger and more powerful. Higher
formance and will benefit the most from on-water
levels of upper-body strength and power would as-
training. Repetition of specific movement skills on
sist surfers to generate rapid and explosive arm
waves with different characteristics is critical to
strokes needed to catch the waves or to avoid a set of automate and refine fundamentals and to build a
broken waves. Moreover, strength and power train- repertoire of effective manoeuvres. Even though
ing has been reported to improve endurance per- surfing sessions can last several hours, the practice
Due to the considerable amount of of upright specific surfing skills is time limited (see
upper-body surfing training, specific muscular en- section 2). As surfing technique is highly specific
durance in key muscles (e.g. shoulders, upper-back), and off-water simulation is virtually impossible, a
that are essential to board propulsion, need not to be great amount of time must be spent in the water in
a part of a strength and conditioning programme for order to refine all the technical abilities relevant to
surfing performance. However, enhancement of rel- surfers.
Rather, this would be achieved by the
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
Physiology of Surfing Performance 67
great volume of in-water arm paddling during actual 6. Musculoskeletal Adaptations and
Injury Risk surfing. However, inclusion of such training work-
outs may be important during periods of impeded
In addition to cardiovascular demands, the mus-
culoskeletal system is also subjected to considerable
A crucial aspect of surfing performance is the
demands during surfing. Surfing practice places the
ability to exert muscular force with the right timing
athletes at a high risk of overuse injury as a result of
and coordination to perform upright manoeuvres
the physiological loads on the musculoskeletal sys-
across the waves wall as powerfully as possible.
tem that occur with intense and repetitive surfing
Twisting with power means that surfers must op-
participation. Early research on surfing-injury epi-
timise the actions between the whole body while
demiology only included injuries requiring hospital
still maintaining good control over the board. Excel-
or first-aid station treatment.
However, as in
lent body control (proprioception) and balance is
many other sports, surfers are likely to continue
required to combine both power and control in the
practice despite the presence of less serious injury.
most stepping sections of the waves wall. To refine
Using survey techniques, Lowdon et al.
these extremely difficult and specific skills, some
more recently Nathanson et al.
investigated injury
modes of cross-training with exercises that imitate
patterns in surfers. Lowdon et al.
studied the
the movement patterns of surfing might be used.
incidence of injuries in a sample of 346 surfers of
Skating, snowboarding or different Swiss ball exer-
various levels of competence. All injuries exper-
cises are all activities with skill components similar ienced over the previous years were requested. 337
to surfing, especially dynamic balance and, there- injuries were reported and there was 3.5 injuries per
fore, might have a positive carryover effect and 1000 surfing days. The most common injuries were
lacerations (41%) followed by soft-tissue injuries benefit surfing performance. Lower-body resistance
(35%). Overuse injuries of the lower back, the neck exercises such as squat or plyometric jump training
and the shoulder represented 16% of all surfing
and explosive twisting trunk movements might help
injuries. In another study carried out with world
surfers to develop greater power and move the surf-
class competitive surfers (n = 86), the same au-
board more radically over the waves wall. Flexibili-
reported similar findings. A total of 187
ty in the torso, hips, knees and ankles may allow
injuries were reported, representing 4.0 injuries per
more extreme and radical positions during surfing
1000 surfing days. Lacerations were the single most
manoeuvres, making the tricks more powerful and
frequent injury and accounted for 45% of the total
visually attractive and, therefore, improve the
injuries. Sprain and strains were the next most fre-
chances to obtain better judges scores.
quent injury (37%). The lower back, shoulder, neck
Designing a fitness programme for a sport such
and knee represented 25%, 16%, 10% and 28%,
as surfing is complicated by the specific skills re-
respectively, of the total of sprains and strains re-
quired, the impossibility to plan workouts due to the
unpredictable nature of surfing practice, the difficul-
More recently, Nathanson et al.,
using an In-
ty in controlling the training stress imposed by surf-
ternet-based survey, obtained data from 1348 indi-
ing and the prolonged competitive season. Training
viduals reporting 1237 acute injuries and 477 chron-
programmes that enhance each of skill-related com-
ic injuries. Lacerations were again the most com-
ponents of physical fitness are likely to increase the
mon type of injury (42%). Chronic injuries
probability of success. However, for the moment,
represented 37% of all injuries reported. Most com-
most of the recommendations for improving surfing
mon were overuse injuries to the upper extremity
performance remain anecdotal due to the lack of
and paraspinous muscles. Shoulder (18%), back
specific information about many aspects of surfing (16%), neck (9%) and knee (9%) were the most
performance. frequently cited places. Preventative measures such
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)
68 Mendez-Villanueva & Bishop
as minor alterations in board design and use of 7. Conclusions
protective equipment,
may decrease the number
The results presented here show that very little is
and severity of acute surfing injuries. Further re-
known about the physiological requirements of surf-
search is needed to provide more detailed informa-
ing. With such a paucity of data, it seems important
tion allowing the development of practical preven-
to commence new research paths in all areas of
tive programmes to reduce the incidence of surfing
surfing performance. Surfing popularity is growing
and surfing is reaching an increasing global audi-
Overuse injuries appear to be becoming more
ence. Recommendations for future research include:
common as surfers surf more frequently and for

additional time-motion analyses and investiga-

longer periods, due to technical advances in wetsuit
tion of physiological responses during surfing
design (allowing better body insulation in cold
training and competition in different environ-
water) and the current level of professionalisation.
mental conditions to provide further insights into
The high frequency of shoulder, back and neck
the specific physiological nature of the sport;
overuse injuries has been suggested to be associated

longitudinal studies to determine the physiologi-

with the repetitive arm stroke action and the body
cal responses and adaptations to surfing training
posture during adopted board paddling. The trigger-
and detraining;
ing causes of the aforementioned injuries are be-

more detailed physiological and neuromuscular

lieved to be cervical and lumbar spine hyperexten-
assessment of surfers of various levels;
sion (related to a continuous isometric contraction of

investigations into the effects of travel on surfing

the neck and scapular area muscles) as well as the
internal rotation that accompanies all of the shoulder

further studies establishing the incidence of both

joint movements during the arm-paddling action, acute and overuse injuries, and the effects of
especially in low flotation surfboards.
Moreover, training and technique modifications on injury
incidence. surfing practice does not seem to promote a bal-
The final outcome of many surfing contests is anced muscular development. In a physiological
often decided by only a few tenths of point. There- analysis of 18 surfers carried out by Gillam et al. (in
fore, even very small changes can impact a surfers
), it was observed that the surfers had
ability to succeed or fail. Future findings will help to
powerful shoulder flexion and extension (more than
gain a better understanding of the sport and eventu-
other athletes) but they had less abdominal strength
ally to bring surfing to the next level of perform-
than the majority of athletes. Plag et al.
ance. Moreover, individual athletes might benefit
reported below average abdominal strength values
from better and more consistent performance, fewer
when surfers were compared with an age-matched
injuries, and, as a result, enjoy longer careers.
sporting population reached. A limited flexibility in
shoulders, back and hamstrings has also been report-
Since muscle strength and flexibility imbal-
ances in a concrete joint have been suggested to be a
No sources of funding were used to assist in the prepara-
risk factor predisposing to injury,
controlled stud-
tion of this review. The authors have no conflicts of interest
ies identifying these strength and flexibility deficits
that are directly relevant to the content of this review.
are needed. Results obtained in these studies should
help surf coaches and exercise scientists in the de-
velopment of specific conditioning programmes and
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School of Human Movement and Exercise Science, The
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E-mail: games. Br J Sports Med 1982; 16: 96-100
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (1)

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