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Examples of Accepted Diplomas for IBA*

International Baccalaureate (incl. Math SL or Math HL)

Germany: Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Mathematik bis zum Abitur)
Belgium: Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs (DSO) and Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire
United Kingdom: GCSE plus 3 GCE A-levels, including Mathematics. One A-level can be substituted by
2 AS-levels.


Albania: Dftes Pjekurie
Australia: High School diploma and at least 1 year academic education
Austria: Reifezeugnis from Allgemeinbildende Hhere Schule / Reife Prfungszeugnis
Bulgaria: Diploma za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazovanie (DZSO) + a class grade point average 5
Canada: High School Diploma + at least 1 year academic education*
Chile: Licencia de Enseanza Media and at least 1 year academic education
China: Gaozhong and at least 1 year academic education / Applicants are advised to contact the
NESO office in Beijing
Croatia: Maturalna Svjedodzba and Diplme dEnseignement Secondaire Superieure and Matura
(Gimnazija diploma)
Czech Republic: Vysvden o Maturitn Zkouce* / Gymnzium, Maturita
Cyprus: Apolytirio Lykeio*
Denmark: Bevis for Studentereksamen and Hjere Forberedelseksamen
Estonia: Gmnaasiumi Lputunnistus
Finland: Studentexamen / Ylioppilastuskinto
France: Diplme du Baccalaurat Gnral / Baccalaurat de lEnseignement du Second Degr
Greece: Apolytirio Lykeio*
Hungary: Gimnziumi rettsgi Bizonytvny*
Iceland: Stdentsprf
Indonesia: SMA and 1 or 2 years academic education*
International diploma: European Baccalaureate
Iran: High School and at least 2 years academic education
Iraq: Baccalaureat and at least 2 years academic education
Ireland: Leaving Certificate in 5 subjects (3 of which higher grade)
Italy: Diploma di Maturit/Superamento dell'esame di Stato Conclusivo
Israel: Te'udat Bagrut
Japan: High School diploma and at least 2 years academic education
Jordan: Certificate of General Secondary Education and at least 1 year academic education
Latvia: Atestts par visprjo vidjo izgltbu
Lithuania: Brandos Atestatas
Luxembourg: Diplme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaire, enseignement Classique ou Moderne
Malta: Matriculation Certificate with at least 3 subjects at Advanced level*
Morocco: Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire + at least 1 year academic education
New Zealand: High School diploma and at least 1 year academic education / University Bursaries
Examination in at least 4 subjects, with sufficient points for university admittance
Norway: Vitnemal Videregende opplaering (studieretning for allmenne fag)
Poland: Swiadectwo Dojrzaoci Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacego*
Portugal: Diploma de Ensino Secondario with certificate of Concurso Nacional
Romania: Diploma de Bacalaureat* / High School diploma + 1 year academic education
Russia: Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii*
Scotland: Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE) with 3 Advanced Higher Grades
Slovakia: Gymnzium Diploma* / Vysvedenie o Maturitnej Skke / Maturitn Vyvsedcenie
South-Korea: High School and at least 1 year relevant academic education
Slovenia: Matura (Maturitetno Spricevalo / Gimnazija*
Spain: A score of apte on the Prueba de Aptitud / Acesso or Ttulo de Bachiller after successfully
passing Prueba General de Bachillerato
Suriname: VWO diploma
Sweden: Slutbetyg frn Gymnasieskolan / Avgangsbetyg or Slutbetug
Switzerland: Maturittszeugnis / Diplme de Maturit
Thailand: Certificate of Secondary Education (Matayom 6) and at least 1 year academic education
Turkey: Lise diplomasi and ss Sonu Belgesi (admission to a programme at a recognised university
in Turkey)
USA: High School Diploma with AP's for mathematics; Algebra (standard course), Geometry
(standard course), Calculus (followed as AP), Trigonometry (followed as AP)
Vietnam: Certificate of secondary school graduation (Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc) and 1
year university studying subjects relevant to the selected programme

*No rights can be derived from this list

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