2014 Pennwriters Conference Schedule

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8:30 a.m. ~ Registration and Hospitality Suite open

Crystal 1

Crystal 2

Crystal 3



9:00 10:00 a.m.

Pitching to Agents & Editors

with JoN SpruNk
it can be the most terrifying 10
minutes of your life or the best
part of your conference experience. Learn the tips and techniques for pitching your book.

Your Books Business Plan:

How to Prepare Your Book
Idea for Publishing Success
with NiNa amir
Learn to determine if your book
is not only a great creative idea
but also a marketable product
and viable business venture.
This Author Training Process
helps you see whether your
book is ready to go to market
(to be shopped to agents,
publishers or readers) and if
youre ready to become an
author. This session is for
fiction and nonfiction writers.

Finish Your Work

in Three Drafts
with Stuart Horowitz
How many drafts will it
take to finish my work?
You would think such a
question doesnt have an
answer, but it does: three.
in the age-old battle between
the outliners and the
pantsers, we will find the
answer unique to you, the
writer. The goal is the same
for everyone: to complete
something, and in this
workshop we will discuss
different techniques for
getting to that finish line
the most challenging milestone any writer has to face.

Short Story Writing 101

with david deaN
David Dean, a writer with
35+ published stories and
one novel, will discuss the
history of the short story
and its unique place in
literature. Other topics
will include the difference
between writing short
stories and novels, the
technique of short fiction,
famous practitioners and
their art, and a few samples of what makes a good
short story. Bring your
concerns and questions
and join in this discussion.

The Villains Journey:

Writing Compelling
and Believable Villains
with doN HeLiN
villains have to be strong
and unique, not just your
run-of-the-mill bad guys.
And they have to be
motivated to do what
they do. Learn how to
make your villain catch
your readers imagination
and keep it throughout
your novel.

10:10 11:10 a.m.

Advanced Social Media

with doN Lafferty
Learn the nuts and bolts of
running a successful, measurable
online marketing strategy for
authors. Don will show you why
Facebook advertising is so
effective and how to set up ad
campaigns that reach the right
connections; the power of
Linkedin for novelists and nonfiction authors; how an effective
listening post will reveal your
target connections in a variety of
social media communities, and
how to set appropriate, realistic
budgets for achieving the kind
of results that will help you
achieve your business objectives
as a writer.

Intro, Tips & Tricks
with GweN HerNaNdez
Already a Scrivener fan? Want
to get even more out of it? Or
maybe you just want to know
what makes this popular writing
software so great? The author
of ScRiveneR FOR DummieS
offers up some of her favorite
tips and tricks for making the
most of Scrivener.

Translating History
with kB iNGLee
Writing historicals is a
balancing act. You have
to know what really
happened and present it
in such a way the modern
reader will understand
it without losing the
feeling that it happened
in the past.

How to Be Your
Own Best Editor
with LiSa kaStNer

Character Love
with SuSaN meier
How do you create characters so real you miss them
when the book is over?
Why are some character
types hooks for readers?
Learn the importance of
description, body movement, tics and reactions.
Learn why character
inconsistence is the biggest
mistake authors make and
how to craft the right kind
of conflict. You will explore
why connection of character
to story is the key to writing
the best book possible
maybe even a bestseller.


Have you written the next

New york times bestseller
and its been stored under
your bed, waiting for the
light of day? Do you have
an amazing story stuck
amongst your grey matter
and you need to tweak it
out? (please note: Bring
work to edit.)


Crystal 1

Crystal 2

Crystal 3

11:20 a.m. 12:20 p.m.

Social Media for Beginners

with doN Lafferty
in this fast-paced workshop, Don
will cover the essential elements
of an authors internet marketing
strategy and highlight the most
appropriate and effective methods
to connect with readers, colleagues,
booksellers and book reviewers.
Hell tackle time management,
automation tools, and creative
ways to grow your community
and have fun while achieving
your writing goals.

Improve Your Descriptive

Writing with aLiSoN rutH
The world you create in your
fiction invites readers to believe
from the first page. How you
describe this world will compel
them to turn to the next. Whether
your characters live in a different
dimension or just down the street,
your word choices enhance your
characters, plot, and setting. Well
discuss examples of descriptive
passages and how to approach
different styles and genres.
please bring a sample descriptive
paragraph for class discussion.

Using Real Life to Elevate

Your Fiction or Memoir
with HiLary HauCk
Whether you write genre
or mainstream fiction,
memoir or poetry, this
hands-on workshop will
show you how to breathe
life into your characters,
enrich each scene and
resonate with your reader,
drawing on your personal
perspective of the world.

12:301:30 p.m.

1:452:45 p.m.

Networking Lunch with pHiL SextoN - Co u rty a rd

(see description at right)
Published Penns Retreat with JaSoN piNter - S ta te r o o m
Jason will present publishing 2.0: where book publishing
has been, where it is now, and where its going.
Putting New Spins on Classic
Stories & Creating Vivid New
Worlds in Fiction
with CaroLyN turGeoN
in this session well discuss the
art of retelling classic stories,
making them fresh and original
while retaining the essence of
what makes them great. Well
brainstorm ways to do it and
discuss how you might improve
your writing generally by playing
around with classic tropes and
structureseven if you dont do
a formal retelling yourself. Plus
well talk about how to inhabit a
fictional world and make it live
and breathe on the page in a way
that feels brand new. Bring paper
and a pen for a fun writing exercise.

Great Expectations:
The Agent/Client Relationship
with katHryN Craft &
katie SHea BoutiLLier
Agent Katie Shea Boutillier of
the Donald maass Agency and
her client Kathryn craft, author
of THe ART OF FALLing and the
forthcoming WHiLe THe LeAveS
STOOD STiLL, will discuss what
happens once the ink dries on
the offer of representation, and
how to manage expectations
what the agent wants from you
and what you want from the
agentso that the first rush of
excitement can settle into a
business relationship that
will benefit both of your careers.

How to Be Your
Own Best Editor
with LiSa kaStNer

Agent Panel
Jordy aLBert
peter kNapp
marie LamBa
BoB podraNSky
JeSSiCa reGeL
katie SHea BoutiLLier
JeSSiCa SiNSHeimer
BridGet SmitH
roSeaNNe weLLS
aNd paiGe wHeeLer

12:30-1:30 p.m. ~ Networking Lunch with pHiL SextoN - Co u rty a rd

Phil Sexton will present dirty Little Secrets: Learn How the publishing industry really
works to Become a more Successful author. Learn what takes place behind closed doors
at publishing houses, in meetings with bookstore buyers, and on the bookstore sales
floor that will determine the success or failure of your book. Phil will provide advice,
tips, and strategies for ensuring that your book receives the best treatment and
opportunities for success, as well as what questions you should be asking. Learn what
publishers dont want you to know, sometimes forget to do, or purposefully ignore;
what a hybrid author is and why you should be one; and much more.
Finished Manuscript to
First Book: YA DebutAuthor Tell-All
with tHe CLaSS of 2k13:
CaeLa Carter, Geoffrey Girard,
JuStiNa ireLaNd, aLex LideLL,
demitria LuNetta, miNdy
mCGiNNiS & kate karyuS QuiNN
This diverse panel sheds
light on the publishing
process, from querying
your first agent to negotiating a deal with your dream
publishing house, to seeing
your book on the shelves,
and everything in between!
Having survived their first
year as published authors
and now moving on to
sophomore efforts, they
have a wide range of
experiences to share.

Dont neglect your WIP

with miCHeLLe BrowNLow
many aspiring authors
dont sit in the chair and
write until the mood hits
or their muse shows. The
authors who fulfill their
dream of being published
all have one thing in
commonthey didnt stop
until it was done. i have
been in both situations
and am prepared to pass
along some helpful hints,
anecdotes and tricks of the
trade from seasoned authors
to keep you focused and
writing so you finally get to
the finished product. Lets
turn your work-in-progress
into a what i published
the better WiP!

Editor Panel
LeoNore waLdrip
aLLiSoN JaNiCe
aNd JaSoN piNter


Crystal 1

Crystal 2

2:55 3:55 p.m.

Crafting a Bulletproof
Nonfiction Book Proposal
with pHiL SextoN
Theres a method to getting your
nonfiction book traditionally
publishedone that you can
learn in an hour. it all comes down
to crafting an effective proposal.
Here, youll learn what publishers want in a proposal, from the
most important elements, to the
decision-influencing details that
make the difference between
pass and deal. Youll also
learn how the information that
you provide in your proposal
can change the way your book is
perceived by the publisher, how
its positioned on the list, and
how its sold to accounts. if you
are interested in publishing
nonfiction successfully, this is
the information you need to
make it happen.

Playing with Characters: Using

Indirect Characterization to
Develop Characters
with vaL muLLer
Writers will review different
types of indirect characterization
and apply the strategies to their
own characters through a series
of quick-writes. The goal is to use
more indirect characterization
(showing vs. telling) to add
depth to the characters and
increase a readers interest by
providing clues to a characters
personality and motives rather
than stating them outright.
Strategies include considering
a characters own words and
actions, appearance, background,
relative status, relationships
with others, and ways other
characters react.

5:30 p.m.

Pre-Dinner Cocktails - Cry sta l B a llro o m

6:00 p.m.

Keynote Dinner with KamiGarcia - Cry sta l B a llro o m

A booksigning with Kamigarcia will follow the keynote dinner.

8:30 p.m.

Read &CritiqueSessions
See message board in the Hospitality Suite for room assignments.


Crystal 3


How To Organize
Your Writing Life
with JoyCe B. wiLde
Have you ever started to
write something and felt
like your mind was a
jumbled mess? in this
workshop you will learn
how to organize your
writing using 10 strategies
and five simple steps,
including approaching
your writing in a mindful
way, prioritizing your day
and creating a personal
action plan. This information is generic, as it is
designed for general
application in a wide
variety of contexts and
for writers of every skill
level and genre.

World Building
with tim eSaiaS
World-building isnt just
charts, maps, forms, elfclans and tedious courses
in orbital mechanics; and
its not just for SF/F/H,
either. Well discuss when
to do it and how not to let
it bog you down; W-Bing
resources; techniques for
designing/developing your
world; and then selling it
to the reader. exercises
will focus on your project.
emphasis on craft rather
than details, though we
will address the moon
muddle, the Pack Animal
Question, and other
specific pitfalls.

Author Panel
Hear what published
authors have to say
about their journey
through publishing.
Q&A included.



8 a.m. ~ Breakfast &Pennwriters General Meeting - Courtyard

8:30 a.m. ~ Registration and Hospitality Suite open

Crystal 1

Crystal 2

9:00 10:00 a.m.

The Epic Quest

with JaCk HiLLmaN
From Star wars to the wizard
calling all beginning writers!
of oz, epic quests have been a
Do you have an idea? Dont know part of literature since stories
where to start? Then, this twostarted to be told. We will discuss
hour workshop is for you. Youll
how the epic quest is plotted and
roll your sleeves up and work
carried through, from discovery
through some of the basics of
of the hero to the final fight
starting your fiction project:
scene and everything in between.
character, setting, plot, and
work on your own writing plan.
At last, get your first project
started! (fiction focused).

10:10 11:10 a.m.

Your Words On Paper

with CiNdy CaLLaGHaN

Your Words On Paper

with CiNdy CaLLaGHaN



The Latest Trends

in Self-Publishing
with pHiL SextoN
This session examines whats
happening in self-publishing,
including the rise of the hybrid
author, the acceptance of s-p titles
by the reading public, the pursuit
of s-p authors by traditional
publishers, and the recognition
of traditional publisher fallibility.
Well look at how traditional
publishers and agents are
changing their business models
in order to compete with the
lure of self-publishing, how
much money self-published
authors are making, and how
self-publishing is evolving new
models of success.

Crystal 3



Build Your
Author Website
with Stuart Horowitz
What does it mean to be
online? Do you need a
website, or is a Facebook
page enough? What about
social media? This session
will examine websites that
work and dont cost an arm
and a leg (and some that
cost only an arm). Topics
will include domain name,
hosting, number/content
of pages, templates vs. web
designers, and keeping
your site active through
blogging and other means.

Police Procedures
and Fiction Writing
with david deaN
& aNNette daSHofy
How important is accuracy
when writing police procedures in a work of fiction?
Retired nJ Police chief
David Dean and former
e.m.T. Annette Dashofy,
now both crime fiction
writers, will discuss police
procedures and their use
and importance in fiction.
come armed with questions
and join whats sure to be a
lively discussion.

The Motherhood Market

with ramoNa defeLiCe LoNG
From egg to empty nest
so are the stages of motherhood. Some years are
glorious and easy, others
are painful disasters, and
there is an entire genre of
opportunity for both.
Learn to write and market
personal stories for the
mommy market, where
women (and men) can
share their parenting
successes, mistakes,
challenges, and triumphs.

Breaking the Rules

Change the Way You
Think About Writing,
Marketing & Publication
with kami GarCia
nYT #1 bestselling author
Kami garcia shares how a
teacher and mother of two
wrote her way out of the
classroom and onto the
New york times bestseller
listand what she learned
along the way.

Playing With Words!

with BoBBi CarduCCi
come play with us!
exercise your creativity and
apply the lessons learned
during workshops at this
conference. Participants
will write flash fiction
pieces based on writing
prompts and compete for
prizes. For example, Bobbi
will draw words starting
with the letters P and W,
and participants will have
five minutes to write a
short piece using those
words. The group will then
vote on the shared pieces.

Sophomore Slump:
Overcoming the Barriers
to Writing Your Second
Novel with mereditH miLeti
Whether or not your first
book was published, your
second can be even tougher
to write. its a challenge to
find motivation and begin
your next book if your first
one is gathering dust in a
drawer. Or, if you were
lucky enough to get your
first book published, then
promoting it can feel like a
full-time jobone that can
sap the time and creative
energy you need to bring
your second book to life.
Learn how to balance your
efforts and bring focus to
your new work.

11:20 a.m. 12:20 p.m.

11:20 a.m. 12:20 p.m.

Crystal 1

Crystal 2

Crystal 3



How To Apply To Publishers

with aLiSoN rutH
Youve finished writing a wonderful novel. Your next challenge
is getting published. if you
choose to publish without an
agents assistance, this class will
show you how. Well discuss
what to look for in a publisher,
how to create a cover letter, and
how to present your manuscript.
We will also review online
resources that will help refine
and expedite your search.

Instant E-books with Scrivener

with GweN HerNaNdez
The favored writing tool for many
authors, Scrivener can quickly
convert your manuscript to
ePuB, mOBi (Kindle), PDF, or DOc
format with a few clicks. Learn
how to format your book, add
a cover, include searchable
document properties, save your
settings for future use, and check
your final output before you
upload to an online retailer.

Query Workshop
with tHe CLaSS of 2k13:
CaeLa Carter, Geoffrey Girard,
JuStiNa ireLaNd, aLex LideLL,
demitria LuNetta, miNdy
mCGiNNiS & kate karyuS QuiNN
in this working Q&A
session, our panelists will
share their specific tips
and techniques on querying
your work to agents or
editors, whether in person
or electronically. Learn what
worked, what didnt, and
how you can present your
manuscripts effectively.

How to Write a
Three-Novel Series
with SuSaN meier
A three-book series tells a
bigger, broader story and
builds a readership that
has a format all its own.
Join award-winning
author Susan meier as she
discusses the job of each
book in the series as well
as creating an arc that will
bring your story to a fever
pitch that will have readers
talking about your book for
years to come.

Through the Lens:

A Look at POV
witH doN HeLiN
A look at Point of view.
Whos telling the story
and what is he/she saying?
Learn the elements of
Point of view and dialogue,
and how to transform
POv into a powerful asset
in your novel.

How To Break Into

Business Writing
with CaroL SiLviS
There is a huge market
for business writing on a
variety of subjects and in
a number of formats. This
workshop will address
writing for various nonfiction niche markets such
as copywriting, sales and
advertising pieces, articles,
business and self-help
books, and training
manuals. Discussion will
include viable markets,
relevant topics, timely
issues, research, and
writing proposals.

Finding the Story

in True Events:
Creative Nonfiction
with katHryN Craft
in fiction, writers seek the
truth in imagined story; in
creative nonfiction writers
seek the story in true events.
in this session well take
a fresh look at story elements that can make your
nonfiction read like a novel,
and how popular works of
creative nonfiction hook
the reader with the same
kind of entertaining,
important-seeming, and
heart-warming material
that makes all stories
linger in the mind long
after the book is closed.

Ins and Outs of

with Sheryl NaNtuS
With more and more
digital-first publishers
springing up, an author
now has more options
than everbut what are
the pluses and minuses of
going with a digital-first
publishing house? Well
explore the benefits of
going with an e-publisher
and discuss why authors
may want to start considering digital-only publishers.
(Note: this discussion is
not about self-publishing.)

Blind Pitch Panel - P re sid e n tia l

12:302:00 p.m.

Keynote Lunch with Meredith Mileti - Co u rty a rd

2:10 3:10 p.m.

Plot Building
with aLex LideLL & demitria
LuNetta aNd tHe CLaSS of 2k13
A well-developed plot is the
backbone of a successful story.
Learn concrete strategies for
organizing your manuscript and
constructing a solid narrative
framework. Well also have helpful tips for the plotting-disabled.
This is a BYOi (bring your own
ideas) workshop, so come prepared to address your plotting
problems. After a block of
instruction, you will break into
groups and work with published
authors to execute the presented
strategies. (this approach and
workshop are not specific to the

2:10 4:00 p.m.


Pitching by Numbers:
Use Publishing Data
to Win An Agents Heart
with JeSSiCa SiNSHeimer
Do you know that 33% of your
competition disqualifies themselves immediatelyand that
another 32% make preventable
mistakes. ill use pie charts, line
graphs and months of data to
show you how to keep yourself
out of the bottom 65%and
how to make yourself immediately likable to an agent; how to
increase the odds of your work
getting pushed to the top of the
reading pileand how to
increase the chances of an agent
falling in love with your work.

Work in Progress, M.D. - P re sid e n tia l

Those whove registered for an appointment will have 15 minutes to
pick a randomly assigned agents or editors brain. This is not a pitch
session, but feel free to discuss your work, have your query critiqued,
or just chat about the writing industry with the pro on call.



Crystal 1

Crystal 2

3:20 4:20 p.m.

Blog Your Way to a Book Deal

with NiNa aMir
Rather than just blogging and
then repurposing your posts
into a book, or booking your
blog, learn how to write, publish,
and promote a book on the
internet using blog technology.
Blogging a book is the easiest
and quickestand most
efficientway to write a book
and promote it at the same time.
if you can write, you can blog.
That means you can blog your
way to creating a successful
bookone that attracts readers
and publishers.

4:30 5:30 p.m.

Authors Book Signing - H o sp ita lity S u ite

7:40 p.m.

Pennwriters Area Meetings

See message board in the Hospitality Suite for room assignments

8:00 p.m. midnight

Saturday Night Social - Cry sta l B a llro o m


Young Adult,
New Adult...
What's the difference?
with Maria V. SNyder
This workshop will look at
these three marketing
categories in depth. Topics
discussed will be what makes
a story fit into one of these
categories, what are the age
limits, what are the reader
expectations, and what books
are trending in each of these

Crystal 3
Publishing 2.0
with JaSoN piNter
Where book publishing
has been, where it is now,
and where its going.
Learn about how the
industry has changed,
how agents, editors,
publishers and authors
have adjusted, and what
it means for you.

Interviewing Techniques
and Strategies for
Obtaining Expert Help
with Fiction & Nonfiction
with JaNiCe GaBLe BaSHmaN
get expert advice on
doing research, locating
and contacting experts,
interviewing someone
for an article, attaining
specialized information,
fact-checking, writing
to-the-heart interview
questions and much more.
Want to make all of your
writing more compelling?
Heres how.

How to Succeed
for Writers:
Agent Insights & Tips
with marie LamBa &
roSeaNNe weLLS
Two agents share career
tips for writers. Topics
include approaching and
working with agents,
queries, pitching, online
presence, polishing a
manuscript, and overall



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Crystal 3



9:00 10:00 a.m.

How to Write a Synopsis

with aLex LideLL
& tHe CLaSS of 2k13 autHorS
You wrote an 85,000-word
novel, and now your prospective
agent wants a 500-word synopsis. now what? in this synopsis
workshop, we will walk through
the steps of creating a synopsis.
come prepared for practical
exercises. (Note: this is also
relevant to writers currently
plotting novels.)

Being Smart About

Writing For Dummies
with GweN HerNaNdez
ever wanted to write For
Dummies? The author of
ScRiveneR FOR DummieS
talks about the acquisition,
writing and editing process,
and offers tips and insights
for a winning proposal.

The Sprint Approach

to Writing
with ramoNa defeLiCe LoNG
One thousand words in
one uninterrupted hour
of writingthat is the
definition, and goal, of a
writing sprint. Learn how
to plan and join a sprint
community, or form one
of your own.

Poetry for Any Writer

with tim eSaiaS
Dont be intimidated by
poetry! use it to get your
muse working; use it to
deepen your prose; use it
to get free wine and cheese.
This workshop includes
exercises you can use to turn
yourself into a publishable
poet or just a better writer
of prose. Writing is writing,
after all. (For writers on any
stage of the road to wisdom,
and in any genre. And yes,
of course, there will be
chocolates and malt balls.)

Techniques and Habits

of J.R.R. Tolkien
with miCHeLLe markey ButLer
This year marks the
60th anniversary of the
publication of the Lord of
the rings. come find out
what we can learn about
writing excellent fiction
from Tolkiens techniques
and which of his habits
we might be better
off avoiding!

10:10 11:10 a.m.

Novel Outlining:
Organizing Your WIP
with JoN SpruNk
Just like theres not just one
way to skin a cat (yuck), there
isnt a single right way to
write a novel. come learn why
and how one writer builds his
books by outlining.

Hook your Reader!

Crucial First Pages
with tamara Girardi
Hook your reader! Hook your
reader! But how exactly do
you do that? The winner of
the 2013 Pennwriters novel
Beginnings contest will discuss
techniques for hooking your
reader from page one, what
agents, editors and readers
expect, and effective beginnings
from popular novels. The
presenter will provide practical
tips for implementing the
approaches in audience
members own writing projects.

Incidental Weapons
with JaCk HiLLmaN
You dont have to be
macgyver to pick up
a bit of this and a bit of
that to try and defend
yourself. Join Jack Hillman
for a discussion of myriad
everyday objects your
characters can use to
keep bad guys at bay and
defend the home front.
Or even escape from
that locked room.

11:30 p.m.

Closing Ceremonies - H o sp ita lity S u ite

The 7 Deadly
Self-Editing Sins
with katHryN Craft
& JaNiCe GaBLe BaSHmaN
Because writing is a form
of communication, it is
never complete without
an audience. Believing a
writer can edit effectively
on his own is prideand
pride is a self-editing sin.
in this session, based on
their popular writers
digest article by the same
name, Janice and Kathryn
will take a creative look at
the seven deadly sins
pride, gluttony, lust, envy,
wrath, greed, and sloth
and offer insights to writers struggling to improve
their manuscripts.

Fictional Characters
with HaNa HaataiNeN Caye
Hi. my name is Doris, and
im a fictional character.
During this workshop, all
participants will introduce
themselves as one of their
characters and remain in
character throughout the
session. consider this a
support group meeting
for characters to work out
some of their issues. The
results of the meeting are
often surprising, as you
discover character nuances,
vulnerability, and trigger
points. in order to write
enticing fiction, you have
to know your characters
intimately. FcA can help
you do just that!



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