ThesisTopics. 2012. Topik-Topik Skripsi Yang Bisa Dijadikan Skripsinya

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Themes for the Student Thesis and Student Papers: Suggested Topics

1. Accreditation and the role of the academic library in undergraduate, graduate, and other
teaching programs (adult, community, distance)
2. Accreditation and the role of the public library in society (adult, community, distance)
3. Acquisition and deployment of technology in the library environment
4. Adaptive equipment technology for supporting handicapped persons in the library
. Adaptive interfaces! Adapting for culture
". Addressing local issues! #an technology overcome cultural boundaries$
%. Advantages and disadvantages of digital collections! &o' to plan successful and
sustainable pro(ects$
). Analyses and your library*s use of an analysis, e.g., cost+benefit analysis, gap analysis,
customer+satisfaction analysis, needs analysis, root cause analysis, ,-./ analysis,
'hat+if analysis)
9. Analysis of employment opportunities for library professionals: Who employs
whom-what are entry qualifications salary pay-scales promotional a!enues and
opportunities language preferences etc.
10. Analy1ing the arguments, politics 2 motivation behind classification 2 inde3ing
"". Application of #nowledge $rgani%ation
12. Art 'or4 display in the academic library to promote spirituality among students
13. Art 'or4 display in the public library to promote spirituality among users
14. Art 'or4 display in the school library to promote spirituality among users
1. Articulation of an information policy for a campus
"&. 'eha!iour of minority language spea(ers in online en!ironments
1%. 5enchmar4ing and libraries* use of it to achieve outcomes
1). 5enefits and costs of digiti1ation pro(ects
"9. 'ibliotherapy under )ranian situation: A study of use of boo(s and reading to cure
certain chronic diseases and mental disorders. *ibraries in hospitals a!ailability of
trained manpower in this regard
+,. 'oo( inde-es in )ranian te-ts: inde-es and their usefulness comprehensi!eness
correctness arrangement style reader.s !iew etc.
+". 'oo( re!iew as source of boo( selection: Assessment of boo( re!iews-content bias
timeliness criticality ob/ecti!ity comprehensi!eness authority etc.
++. 5usiness 6eference 2 0ompetiti!e )ntelligence 1esources on the Web
23. #ampus community7s perception of the library as a hospitable environment for reading,
study, and research
24. #ataloguing standards! challenges and future directions
2. #hallenge of providing library services 'ith shrin4ing resources
2". #hallenges and opportunities in migrating to 'eb+based information services
2%. #hallenges of implementing technology
2). #hange management in the library environment
28. #hange management on the -eb environment
30. #hanges in the 9ranian :9, research front! /ime+sliced co+citation analyses of :9,
(ournal articles, 1880+200%
31. #hanging nature of library space requirements
32. #hanging nature of 'eb space requirements
33. #hanging role and value of union lists 'ith the availability of electronic full+te3t (ournal
34. #hanging role of the librarian from collection development specialists to specialists 'ho
develop of pathfinder guides (sub(ect, topic) to harness the 9nternet7s unstructured
freeform information
3. #iti1ens* a'areness of emerging electronic government and other online services
3". #lientele e3pectations as e3acerbated by e+business practices! effect on library7s
business practices, business alliances and partnerships, vendor relationships, one+to+one
relationship management 'ith patrons
3%. #lientele e3pectations! 'e librarians see our customers;patrons through the prism of our
collections. -hat are effective strategies for flipping this to see our collections through
our customer7s eyes$
3). #ollaboration opportunities (or reports of such collaborations) 'ith other institutions
such as colleges and universities, historical societies, museums, professional or trade
associations, public schools <+12, social agencies, etc.
38. #ollaborative social net'or4 tools for the
gathering and classification of information! An analysis
40. #ollection development strategies for academic programs
41. #ommon culture created by the academic library on campus
42. #ommon culture created by the public library
43. #ommunications plan as a tool for developing community relations to connect 'ith
faculty and administrators, e.g., ho' to 'rite, ho' to use, ho' to budget for
e3penditures for advertising, etc.
22. 0onferences3seminars-resolutions and their implementation: resolutions adopted
in se!eral national conferences 3 seminars 3 symposia and their implementation.
4. #onflicts in information realities, their recognition and resolution
4". #oping 'ith tight budgets by eliminating the overlap bet'een print and electronic
4%. #ore collections for children7s literature in a higher education library that supports a
teacher education program of instruction
4). #ore collections for children7s literature in a school library that supports a teacher
education program of instruction
48. #ore electronic resources for small and;or medium si1e libraries (academic, public,
0. #ore technology trends in the library environment
1. #ost study (/ime and #ost ,tudy) of library activity or activities, including
methodology and outcome at your library
2. #ost+drivers and the criteria for selecting cost drivers for various library activities, e.g.,
automation, communications, facilities and physical plant, human resources, public
services, public and community relations, technical services
3. #ross+cultural user research! =indings and innovative methods
42. 0ulture and Politics in an )nformation Age
. >ealing 'ith the difficult patron! strategies, concerns
". >elivering effective and cost+effective :9, services
%. >esign and >evelopment of 9ranian 9nstitutional 6epositories
). >etermining the best 'ay to digiti1e collection and ma4e it accessible to the target
8. >eveloping a library business plan that addresses business;technical goals,
platform;storage technology requirements, and infrastructure topology
"0. >eveloping an annual academic agenda for the library 'ith benchmar4s and
performance measures
"1. >eveloping and applying tools for evidence based practice (benchmar4ing, good
practice guidelines, standards, accreditation and audit)
"2. >ifference bet'een serving students as customers and providing students a product
&5. 6igital 6i!ide: 6e!elopment Policies and Action
&2. 6igital 7ducation 6istance *earning and 0reation of )nformation Society
". >igital :ibrary Applications
"". >igital :ibrary Applications in 9ran
"%. >iscussion of information literacy as an educational reform for utili1ing technology in
the curriculum
"). >iscussion of one or more challenges and;or opportunities in some area of librarianship
or information science
"8. >istributed collaboration and 4no'ledge;information sharing
%0. ?+>iversity and libraries! ho' far do'n 9ran
%1. ?ffective allocations strategies for collection development in an academic, public, or
special library
%2. ?ffective budgeting strategies lin4ed to outcomes
%3. ?ffective library support for distance education programs
%4. ?ffectiveness of government grant programs (or any single program)
%. ?ffectiveness of -eb+based .@A#s
%". ?fficiencies achieved through consortia affiliation
%%. ?lectronic reserves, e.g., part of the .@A# or in commercial soft'are such as
%). ?lectronic resources and their impact on the academic library as the social and
intellectual heart of the campus
%8. ?lectronic resources and their impact on the academic library! library visits, reference
service, and circulation
)0. ?thical and legal implications of digital 'orlds
)1. ?thical, political, and legal aspects of information creation, dissemination, and use
)2. ?thics of information
)3. ?thics of the -eb
)4. ?valuating the effectiveness of bibliographic instruction 'ith a focus on the student
and;or teacher
). ?valuation, selection, and purchasing digiti1ation equipment
)". ?volution of evidence! global perspectives on lin4ing research 'ith practice
)%. ?3ploring current and future prospects for evidence+based information practice
(librarianshipA information scienceA informaticsA information literacyA information
)). =acilitating practitioner perspectives on implementing evidence+based practice
)8. =inancing Bechanism and 9nternational #ooperation for 9nformation ,ociety
9,. 8reedom of e-pression9 and credibility and trust on the Web
81. =und raising and development programs for libraries
82. =undamental problems that libraries must solve in the ne3t five years (identification of
those problems and ho' to approach$)
83. =uture information architectures to both build and harness information realities
84. Came theory*s Dprisoner*s dilemmaE applied to academic library problems or situations
8. Cood faith communication as an essential component for strong employee relations
8". Covernment policies to'ard adoption and diffusion of 9#/, including e+government
services and high+speed 9nternet access for household consumers;citi1ens
8%. &arnessing the evidence base for our teaching and learning
9:. ;ouse /ournals as sources of technical information: A loo( into the structure
contents a!ailability bias price and producti!ity can be studied.
88. &o' is fiction described 2 outlined in >e'ey, 5liss or F>#
100. &o' to accelerate the use of information technology for the social and economic benefit
of citi1ens and communities$
101. &o' to ma3imi1e the value and impact of our information services$
102. &o' to Fse research to inform practical decision+ma4ing$
103. &ub library net'or4s
104. 9dentifying the Gsi11leG in the library7s program
10. 9mpact of demographic and cultural changes on library services
10". 9mpact of ?+publishing on the future of librariesA
10%. 9mpact of full+te3t databases on interlibrary loan services
10). 9mpact of full+te3t databases on library users
108. 9mpact of 9nternet 2 #yberinfrastructure on Hobs and 9ncome in 9ran
110. 9mpact of 9nternet 2 #yberinfrastructure on libraries and librarians in 9ran
111. 9mpact of library budget shifts to'ard electronic resource access
112. 9mpact of .pen Access (.A) on the future of librariesA
113. 9mpact of the -eb on library users
114. 9mplementing a ne' integrated information system in the library environment
11. 9mplications for information see4ing behavior and retrieval
11". 9mplications for the library as accreditation shifts from an emphasis on library resources
to information literacy
11%. 9ncorporating electronic resources into the .@A#
11). 9nformation Access! Beasures of performance in conte3t and situation+sensitive
information access
118. 9nformation organi1ation, management, access, and retrieval
120. 9nformation ,cience and /echnology! ,cientific 9nnovation and 9nformation ,ociety
121. 9nformation see4ing and use! the role of information in professional and daily lives, use
of various types of information technology, and social conte3ts of information see4ing.
122. 9nformation see4ing and use! the role of information in professional and daily lives, use
of various types of information technology, and social conte3ts of information see4ing.
123. 9nformation technology, social equity and development! 9/ and governance, 9/ 2 and
the ne' economy, including the future of 'or4 and implications of technological
hard'are and soft'are developmentsA the role of 9#/s in conflict management, etc.
124. 9nformation technology, social equity and development! 9/ and governance, 9/ 2 and
the ne' economy, including the future of 'or4 and implications of technological
hard'are and soft'are developmentsA the role of 9#/s in conflict management, etc.
12. 9nstitutional repository models! 'hat 'or4s and 'hat doesn7tA
12". 9nstitutional repository ob(ect issues++theses, datasets, learning ob(ects, etc.A
"+<.)ntegrating multimedia and the Web into language planning = measuring the
impact of applications on language use
12). 9nternet+based services, products, technologies and their impact on library management,
service, and utili1ation! challenges and;or methodology to meet patron needs as libraries
migrate to a digital;virtual environment
"+9.)ranian dissertations3theses as cited documents: Analysis of the citation of
dissertations3theses in *)S published3unpublished by other researchers3authors in
"5,.)ranian patents and their use: a!ailability of patent literature in libraries. )ts use
inde-ing patterns awareness among user community a!ailability etc
"5".)ssues and the 1ole of >edia3*ibraries in an )nformation Age
132. 9ssues involved 'ith designing, setting goals, and evaluating digiti1ation pro(ects.
@lanning issues including! budgeting, 'or4flo', copyright, storage, delivery, and
"55.)T = #nowledge Processing
134. <no'ledge commerce + <B practices in e+commerce and e+business
"54.#nowledge 7conomy #nowledge >anagement and )nformation Society
"5&.#nowledge )ndustry
13%. <no'ledge management and its application for developing a learning organi1ation
13). <no'ledge management strategies and implementations
"59.#nowledge >apping: 6ata >ining = Audit
140. <no'ledge utili1ation
"2".#nowmatics and #nowledge Technology
142. :ibraries and life+long learning! 'hat this means and steps to ta4e to bring about
143. :ibrary implications of the gro'ing po'er of information technology to transform the
means of research, teaching, and scholarly communication
144. :ibrary in higher education as an economic engine (agricultural stimulation,
company;corporate creation and development, human capital development of hundreds
of thousands of people, stimulation and enhancement of the lives of people 'ithin its
sphere of influence)
14. :ibrary services for disabled persons! facilities, equipment, funding, staffing
14". :ibrary services for virtual high schools, virtual colleges and universities
14%. :ibrary services in a linguistically diverse community
14). :ibrary*s value to society in digitali1ing unique collections
148. :ibrary*s value, strengths, and shortcomings in an electronic society$
10. :ibrary7s changing role in the information economy
11. :ibrary7s effective learning environment and its importance (e.g., research, sociali1ing
in the use of information resources, promotion of a common culture, safe and relatively
quiet study hall, a social sphere for flirting and meeting people and being seen, etc. /oo
many librarians have focused on information technology to the e3clusion of the many
other positive things that ta4e place in an academic library)
12. :iteracy programs in the library environment
13. Banagement and operation of information systems
14. BA6# portability and reuse in the open -eb environment
1. Barginali1ation of the library (academic, public, special)
1". Bar4eting of library services, i.e., Ba4ing the library as a destination for students
1%. Ba3imi1ing the value of (ne') technology in the library environment
1). Beasuring the quality of library services
18. Bethodologies and best practices in international product development beyond
1"0. Bicro factors influencing 9#/ adoption and usage in 9ran
1"1. Bicro factors influencing 9#/ adoption and usage 'ithin the household
1"2. Bobile devices! 9ssues concerning international and local use
1"3. Bodels of library service 'ith the use of computers, net'or4s, and the 9nternet
1"4. Botivational factors to contribute to .pen Access, .pen ,ource and other areas of
public good and open sharing of 4no'ledge
1". Bulti+cultural issues in 4no'ledge management
1"". Iational 6ural :ibrary ,ystem! A plan for 9ran
"&<. ?ational Security Policies and )mplications for )nformation 8low
1"). Iet'or4ed communities! #ulture and #omputer Bediated #ommunication
1"8. Ie' theoretical perspectives on information use and management
"<,.?otational techniques in 6$0 00 and @60.
"<".$ccupational health ha%ards of library personnel: allergic problems from dust
age problems in using chemicals in photocopying boo( preser!ations binding9
problems with user community Aburn out issuesB
"<+.$ntology and (nowledge-based )1 in conte-t
1%3. .pen Access (and source) and its impact on <no'ledge development
1%4. .pen Access and its benefits for >eveloping #ountries and public health
1%. .pen access! /he role of librarians in promoting and managing .pen Access
1%". .pen access! -here are 'e$ 5enefits, dra'bac4s, pro(ects, trends, the future of .A
1%%. .utsourcing of services (cataloging, (anitorial, reference, serial chec4+in, etc.)
1%). @areto7s )0+20 rule applied to library problems and situations (/he @areto principle also
4no'n as the )0+20 rule, the la' of the vital fe' and the principle of factor sparsity)
1%8. @ersian literature on the -eb! a content analysis
1)0. @ersonali1ed and collaborative information access in conte3t
":".Philosophical basis for 1anganathan.s 8i!e 8undamental 0ategories to trace a
common thread bet'een the Buslim philosophers, a) 5iruni7s point of vie' (8%3+104)
A>) and b) =arabi*s ()%0++ 80), five principles and 6anganathan*s =ive :a's
1)2. @osition paper on a controversial topic, e.g., do 'e need academic;public libraries$
1)3. @reserving our cultural records in a digital age
":2.Problems of non-use and misuse of library materials: !andalism theft loss of
boo(s security aspects9 less used and unused boo(s weeding out policy etc.
":4.Professional associations and their role in the de!elopment of the *)S: )*)SA etc.
1ole in training of professionals dissemination of professional information
safeguarding professional interests etc
1)". @rogramming to attract students to the academic library (art e3hibitions, boo4 s'aps,
comfortable furniture, hosting campus meetings and conferences, lectures, poetry
1)%. @rogramming to attract users to the public library (art e3hibitions, boo4 s'aps,
comfortable furniture, hosting campus meetings and conferences, lectures, poetry
1)). @roviding library services in the higher education environment in the face of faculty
'ho are teaching a curriculum that dra's less and less on library resources.
1)8. @rovision of 9#/ in public places for citi1ens from lo'er socio+economic bac4grounds
180. @ublic library as an development engine (culture, economic, etc)
181. @ublisher+library collaboration strategies, no' and in the near futureA
"9+.Cuantitati!e and qualitati!e measurement of online presence and use
"95.1ele!ance feedbac( D implicit = e-plicit D and query modification issues
184. 6eligious perspectives on information ethics issues + 5uddhism, 9slam, #onfucianism,
and others, including relevant contrasts 'ith Hudaism, #hristianity, 9slam, and;or
indigenous traditions and their correlative impacts on information ethics issues
18. 6enovating the library to enrich its atmosphere to attract students
18". 6esearching the needs of our users and communities + by practitioners for practitioners
18%. 6ethin4ing the academic library7s functions! Fniversities are building a ne' library that
is not for print collections but for its media center and computer labs. Jery fe' libraries
have substituted electronic access for their paper collections. Are librarians ready to
accept a digital environment$
18). 6evenue opportunities for libraries
188. 6ole of consortium membership for e3panding access and resources
200. 6ole of e+boo4s in the library collection
+,".1ole of media on library mo!ement and de!elopment: analysis of articles appeared
in newspapers radio tal(s telecasts on library de!elopment their role in public
opinion legislation etc.
202. 6ole of national;regional;local government in the development of information
203. 6ole of .pen Access (ournals in the library collection
204. 6ole of the library as an information resource in globali1ation
20. 6ole of the library as an information resource in promoting human rights
20". 6ole of the library in 62>
20%. 6ole of the library in the ubiquitous computer environment
20). 6ole of the 'eb site ; homepage as a ne' platform for library service
208. 6ural :ibrary >evelopment @lan for 9ran
210. ,cientific underpinnings of ne' information designs and uses
211. ,earch engines! ho' those that charge allo' those that pay to rise to the top
212. ,ignificance and strategic value of 'ritten procedures and standard operating
procedures (,.@)
213. ,ocial, ethical, political, legal, and economic and cultural issues! issues related to the
role of information in society, such as information policy, access, security, privacy, and
intellectual property, as 'ell as the social uses and abuses of information technologies
such as the 9nternet and -orld -ide -eb in bridging or separating diverse
214. ,ocial, ethical, political, legal, and economic and cultural issues! issues related to the
role of information in society, such as information policy, access, security, privacy, and
intellectual property, as 'ell as the social uses and abuses of information technologies
such as the 9nternet and -orld -ide -eb in bridging or separating diverse
21. ,ocio+economic impacts of consumer adoption of 9#/
21". ,trategic planning in the library environment
21%. ,trategic role of the library on the college;university campus
21). ,trategic role of the public library on the society
218. ,trategies and applications for bring bibliographic instruction into the classroom using
'eb+based resources
220. ,trategy for libraries to evolve as a modern technological 'or4places (staff s4ills and
training issues)
221. ,tudent acceptance of print vs. electronic resources
222. ,tudents in the academic library! client, customer, or patron and the difference 'hat 'e
call our community of scholars ma4es
++5.Study of au-iliaries in 6$0 00 and @60
224. ,tudy of the type and character of reference questions
++4.Study of title and content pages of )ranian publications: insufficient data !ariant
data ambiguity authorship price disfigurement etc.
22". ,ub(ect 9nde3ing and #lassification
22%. ,uccessful outsourcing activities
22). ,urvey of consortia across the country! 'hat they do, ho' they are organi1ed, 'ho
++9.Sur!ey of )ranian software pac(ages for library automation: a sur!ey of software
pac(ages brought out by pri!ate companies -hardware3software requirements
compatibility user friendliness etc.
230. ,urvey of libraries for emergency or disaster plans, e.g., fire, 'eather (hurricane, sno',
tornado), flood, etc. (Bodel paper is by <alyan, ,., Kue+Bing 5ao, and Barta B.
>eyrup. GAcademic :ibraries7 ?mergency @lans for 9nclement -eather,G Library
Administration and Management 1(4), 223+228, 2001.)
+5".Sur!ey of map libraries3tape libraries etc.
+5+.Sur!ey of rural libraries etc.
233. ,urvey of students and faculty as part of a quality assessment program
234. ,urvey of 'here students turn 'hen they have a paper to 'rite and 'hat type(s) of
resources they use
23. ,-./ (,trengths, -ea4ness, .pportunities, /hreats) analysis methodology and
interpretation for an academic, health science, public, or special library
23". /a3onomies and ontologies, 4no'ledge mapping
+5<. /he challenges of information literacy in the digital en!ironment
23). /he different economic effects and implications of different forms of scientific
238. /he impact 9#/ use on the daily;social;professional life of consumers;citi1ens
240. /he impact of consumers7 home use of 9#/ on business models in various industries
241. /he 9mpact of 9nternet on the Bass Bedia in 9ran
242. /he influence of culture on user requirements and behaviour
243. /he nature of the information profession in the digital future
+22.The new and changing role of information publishers
24. /he role of document forms in classification and inde3ing
+2&.The 1ole of )0T in 7conomic Erowth and Socio-7conomic 6e!elopment
+2<.The 1ole of )0T in women.s participation in de!elopment
24). /he role of -eb;9nternet in teaching, learning, research and ,cholarly communication
248. /he ,ocial, @olitical, ?conomic and #ultural >imensions of ,earch ?ngines
20. /he ,ocial, @olitical, ?conomic and #ultural >imensions of the 9nternet 2 the -eb
21. /heory, methods, and assessment techniques for international product and system
22. /ransfer of 9nformation /echnology and <no'ledge! >evelopment and
23. /rends (administration, budget, collections, customer service, staffing, staff supervision
and management, technology)
+42.@nderstanding barriers to online minority language use
2. Fniting international evidence 'ith local action
+4&.@ni!erse of (nowledge: the )ranian conception - its treatment in ancient )ranian
2%. Fse of specific electronic resources and databases in support of an academic program
2). Fse of the -orld -ide -eb, hyperlin4s and managing the ne's by criminal (ustice
28. Fser needs and patterns related to digital libraries.
2"0. Fser, organi1ational and cultural analyses of information realities
2"1. Jalue or significance of remote access to the library7s electronic resources (academic,
municipal, public libraries)
2"2. Jalue proposition statement for libraries! 'hat it is and ho' it is best determined and
2"3. Jalues of boo4s in the library collection despite the trend to'ard electronic collections
2"4. Jirtual reference! 'hat it is, ho' to do it, e3amples
+&4.Web and its roles and benefits in health and medicine
2"". -eb and life+long learning! 'hat this means and steps to ta4e to bring about
+&<.Web based #nowledge $rgani%ation tools
+&:.Web blog and its roles and benefits in health and medicine
2"8. -eb+based bibliographic instruction
2%0. -hat are the reasons for later adapters of the 'eb and online (ournals in 9ranian :9,
2%1. -hat 4no'ledge organi1ation does and ho' it does it! #ritical ,tudies in and of
#lassification and 9nde3ing
2%2. -hite paper on a topic
2%3. -hy 9ran (9ranians) does not adapt the 9nternet as an information source, 'hat are the
reasons for not adapting$
2%4. -ireless connectivity! its transformative impact on the academic library
+<4.Women librarians3*)S teachers in )ran: 1ole impact parity contribution etc.
2%". -riting a plan (action plan for some activity, advertising plan, communications plan,
gap analysis and customer service quality plan, mar4eting plan, strategic plan,
technology plan) for an academic library

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